
Displaying 121 - 130 of 30920
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… until Michaelmas, for Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Hereford and Essex, going to Santiago. Letters for, him nominating Hugh de Castello and Henry de Enefeud his attorneys until Michaelmas. Jan. 4. … the abbot and convent of Chester to take timber and brush-wood for their hearth, and to make charcoal, out of a …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… Grant to Geoffrey de Caunvill of the custody of the land and heirs of Henry de la Pomereye, tenant in chief, for 200 … 25 l. Nov. 22. Westminster. Grant to Richard de Mundevill and Matilda his wife, for their lives, of a weekly market on … to whom Richard son of John sold the vesture of his wood called Cherte, in the town of Shyre, co. Surrey, for …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 MEMBRANE 13. July 7. Westminster. The dean and chapter of Lismore, sending news ( nunciantes) of the … Grey, appointed to enquire in the counties of Buckingham and Bedford, Cambridge and Huntingdon, what ministers of … de Aston, to whom the king lately granted three acres of wood within the wood of Eyleshou in fee simple, of free …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… 25 d. Jan. 3. Windsor. The like to John de Cobeham, and Roger de Northwode, to hear and determine, in the presence of the mayor and sheriffs of … in removing the accustomed metes and baulks between the wood of Richard de Fuleham and the wood of the said Alan in …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… for Edmund, the king's brother, nominating Richard Fukeram and Hugh de Vienna his attorneys until a fortnight after Michaelmas. Jan. 3. Windsor. Richard de Wenlok and Richard de Lodelawe, monks of Shrewsbury, bringing news … [is] to the custody, during pleasure, of the castle and wood of Arundell, so that he answer for the issues from the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… de Lillingestan, staying in England on his own affairs, and those of the master and brethren of the Knights Templars in England. … of Rue, and the other moiety from the sales of the king's wood of the Gart. The like of an assignment made by the said …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… clause volumus, until Christmas, for Matthew son of John and Henry, parson of the church of Chalvedon, going to … for Baroncinus Walteri, Richard Gwydicionis, Orlandinus and Henry de Podio and their fellows, merchants of Lucca, … granting to the church of St. Mary, Romsey, all their wood of ' Northwod' as king Edward gave it to them and
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… 25 d. Jan. 7. Winchester. Commission to Hugh Saunzavor and Luke Devienne to deliver the gaol of Arundel of William … of Sussex that he had killed one Richard de Garinges, and that on being put in exigent, he gave himself up and is … of Albemarle, and Edmund, earl of Cornwall, touching the wood of Suyndon, which the said countess asserted to pertain …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… 6d, 5d, 4d, 3d, 2d MEMBRANE 22 d. 1281. Commission of oyer and terminer to Thomas de Weyland and Robert de Bosco, touching the persons who carried away … multitude, felled and carried away trees from her several wood in Beleton, co. Leicester, impounded her beasts found in …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… deceased, tenant in chief, extended at 40 l. 2 s. 8 d., and Chalketon, co. Southampton, late of Robert le Estraunge, … l., during the minority of the heirs of the said Margaret and Robert. By K. on the information of Otto de Grandisono. … to the king of France for 633 journaux ( jornatis) of wood in the forest of Crecy, bought to the use of the former …
Displaying 121 - 130 of 30920