
Displaying 32201 - 32210 of 32790
Statutes of the Realm
… Coale Tin or Lead Copper Mundick Iron or other Mines Iron Works Salt Springs and Salt Works All Allom Mines or Works All Parks Chaces Warrens Woods Underwoods Copices and …
Statutes of the Realm
… Coale Tin or Lead Copper Mundick-Iron or other Mines Iron Works Salt Springs and Salt Works all Allom Mines or Works all Parks Chases Warrens Woods Underwoods Coppices and …
William and Mary, 1693: An Act for granting to their Majesties certain Rates and Duties upon Salt and upon Beer Ale and other Liquors for secureing certaine Recompences and Advantages in the said Act menc[i]oed to such Persons as shall voluntarily advance the su[m]m of Ten hundred thousand Pounds towards carrying on the Warr against France. [Chapter VII. Rot. Parl. pt. 2. nu. 6.]
Statutes of the Realm
… for every Gallon of Salt and Rock Salt made att the Salt-works or taken out of any Pitts within the said Kingdom of … shall be removed or carried from the respective Salt-works or pitts under the several penalties and forfeitures … it enacted That no Salt shall be delivered from any Salt-works or pitts without notice first given to the Officer …
William and Mary, 1694: An Act for granting to his Majestie an Aide of Four shillings in the Pound for One Yeare and for applying the yearely summe of [£300,000] for Five yeares out of the Dutyes of Tunnage and Poundage and other summes of money payable upon Merchandizes exported and imported for carrying on the Warr against France with vigour [Chapter III Rot. Parl. pt. 2.]
Statutes of the Realm
… Coal Tyn or Lead Copper Mundick-Iron or other Mynes Iron-Works Salt Springs and Salt Works All Allome Mynes or Works All Parks Chases Warrens Woods Underwoods Coppices and …
Statutes of the Realm
… other kind of glasse whatsoever and for all glasse Bottle works whatsoever co[m]monly called or reputed quarts whether … or any other kind of glasse bottles or bottle-works whatsoever And for all stone and earthen bottles and bottle-works of what kind soever commonly called or taken for quarts …
Displaying 32201 - 32210 of 32790