
Displaying 41 - 50 of 18856
1337-1338, membranes 37d, 36d, 35d, 34d, 33d, 32d, 30d, 29d, 28d, 26d, 25d, 24d, 23d, 22d, 21d, 19d, 18d, 17d, 16d, 13d, 7d, 6d, 2d, 1d
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward III
… de Hakeneye, lately appointed to buy wools for the king's use in the city and suburbs of London, to take an … bishop, whose wool is protected from seizure for the king's use by his grant, but has been lodged there as his wool by … le Smyth of Benyngworth, Thomas his brother, Osbert le Wright, Peter 'Reynaldespynder de Donyngton,' Henry son of …
1338-1339, membranes 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward III
… Elias de Asshebourne, going to Ireland on the king's service, has letters nominating John de Kent and Geoffrey … of Piryton in the diocese of Bath and Wells, in the king's gift by reason of the priory of Goldclyve being in his … said John is often engaged in war in repelling the king's enemies in those parts, and in other business laid upon him …
1338, membranes 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward III
… marks received by the hands of Robert de Wodehous, king's clerk, archdeacon of Richmond, the treasurer, being his second year's contingent of the three-yearly tenth granted by the clergy, which at the king's request he has paid in advance for the setting forth of …
1338, membranes 39d, 38d, 37d, 36d, 35d, 34d, 33d, 32d, 30d, 29d, 28d, 27d, 25d, 24d, 23d, 21d, 20d, 19d, 18d, 17d, 16d, 15d, 14d, 13d, 12d, 11d, 10d, 9d, 8d, 7d, 6d, 4d, 3d, 2d
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward III
… him at Crukerne and carried away his goods. By fine of 10 s. Somerset. Feb. 6. Westminster. Appointment of the king's serjeants-at-arms, Stephen de Buterle and John de Mounce, … Parker, Ralph le Wodeward, John Cok of Reylegh, Roger le Wright, John Wyote, Martin le Taillour, Michael Stacy, John …
1339-1340, membranes [29], [28], [27], [26], [25], 24, 23, [22], 21, 20, 19, [17], [16], [15], 14, [13], [12], 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward III
… 1 Membrane [29]. 1339. Jan. 21. Ghent. Promise to the king's merchant, Robert de, who [in return for] 87 l. [paid to the … he be prevented from exporting the wool by any of the king's officers or others the king will refund his loss and … received from the king, to Reginald de Cobham of the king's mills beneath the castle of Oxford, and his meadow there …
1339-1340, membranes 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward III
… and services due from the tenements so being in the earl's hands as a wardship; and (2) an indenture of lease (in … Murs and William Roculf of Worcester. By C. Nov. 2. King's Langley. Grant in like terms to the bailiffs and good men … the park of Roleston. By p.s. Thomas son of Roger le Wright of Gretford, for forging false money. By p.s. John …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward III
… St. John of Perth, and Stryvelyn, for sale to the king's lieges there, notwithstanding any prohibition of the export … Kennington. Acquittance to Master Bernard de Cistre, king's clerk, nuncio of the Pope and the apostolic see in England, … for the death of Robert Snellart. Thomas son of William Wright of Burton Anneys, for the death of John Boy of Burton …
Tenants' copies of court rolls before 1400
… ED/SJ/18 (Exeter city archives, Exeter deeds, St John’s Hospital) [ 20 Jan. 1343] 270 x 140 mm. Seal tag through … C/3/10/2/3/4/27 (Ipswich town charities, title, Tooley’s foundation, Tooley Estate in Whitton, Akenham, Great … feast of the Decollation of St John the Baptist in the 23 rd year of Edward III. William de Dalby and Alexander his son …
1342-1343, membranes 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward III
… the king lately presented Richard de Wombewell, king's clerk, to a mediety of the church of Roderham in the … church of Walton in the diocese of Lincoln, in the king's gift by reason of the voidance of the abbey of Rameseye. … p.s. Nov. 5. Kennington. Pardon to John son of Richard le Wright of Wylyngham of his outlawry in the county of …
1342, membranes 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward III
… royal household, with yearly robes of the suit of the king's yeomen and 20 l a year at the exchequer. [ Fdera.] By p.s. Aug. 5. Tower of London. Exemplification, at the request … that Simon Herward of Charwelton, chaplain, and Robert le Wright of Everdon of the said county are mainpernors for his …
Displaying 41 - 50 of 18856