
Displaying 371 - 380 of 538
Calendar of Close Rolls, Richard II
… Tydeman Rode the elder master. The mayor and bailiffs of Wynchelse, concerning the ' Marie knyght' of Campe, Richard …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Richard II
… Exeter. Plymmuth. Dertemuth. Bristol. Dovorre. Sandewich. Wynchelse. Rye. …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Richard II
… that the writ addressed to the collectors in the port of Wynchelse was delivered to them on 4 October in the third …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Richard II
… or subsidy to bring the same to the city of London, Lewes, Wynchelse, Seford or Shorham; as William Wyntryngham and …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Richard II
… 10. Westminster. To the mayor, bailiffs and burgesses of Wynchelse. Order to suffer William de Echyngham knight and …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Richard II
… port of Cicestre and from thence along the sea coast to Wynchelse and Portesmouth. Peter Reede and John atte Halle collectors in the port of Dovorre, from thence to Wynchelse and at Wynchelse. John Ropere and Thomas Elys collectors in the port …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Richard II
… in the port of London, Dovorre, Sandewiche, Orwelle and Wynchelse of the subsidy of 12 d. in the pound and 3 s. upon …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Richard II
… mayor and bailiffs of Romeney. The mayor and bailiffs of Wynchelse. The mayor and bailiffs of Rye. The mayor and …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward IV, Edward V, Richard III
… and draper of London, to Thomas Fysshe, 'marchaunt' of Wynchelse co. Sussex, Walter Bank, grocer of London, and John …
A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds
… de Say, knight, to Robert Alard son of John Alard of Wynchelse, of licence to grant to the abbot and convent of …
Displaying 371 - 380 of 538