
Displaying 21 - 30 of 72839
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… TUESDAY, 11 MAY 1624 TUESDAY, 11 MAY 1624 I. JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS, PA, HC/CL/JO/1/14 [CJ 702; f. 35] Martis, … Resolved, the party that gave the warning to attend the House tomorrow morning to inform the House. [f. 35v] SIR EDWARD COKE reports from the committee …
The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640
… brother, also deposed that a few months earlier, at the house of Henry Robinson in Beverley, Carlyle had encouraged … petitioner is heire, in present possession of the ancient house and familie of the Constables of Catfosse in the East …
The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640
… that, by local repute, John belonged to 'the best house of the Constables' and 'the Constables of the house of Catfosse were accounted a more worthie familie then … Barugh, John Constable had said 'that John was of the best house of Constables in England, and that Christofer ought to …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… of Furneis, and the monks there, to send a brother of the house to Ireland whenever this is necessary, who with others … the king's Berton at Bristol, called 'Paniwell,' to their house. Mandate to the constable of Bristol to permit them. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… the sub-sacristan, and Leticia, the sub-cellarer of the house, with letters close of the chapter. Jan. 11. Woodstock. … le Bald ( Calrum) and Geoffrey de Plimtun, monks of their house, who came to court to ask for such licence. Protection, … Roger de Keten and Henry de Norhampton, monks of the same house. Grant to Stephen de Acra, clerk, son of Bernard de …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Protection for the hospital of Suthampton called God's House. Presentation of Luke Besilles to the church of … their great sapphire, which King John had from their house in his lifetime, and the king mainprises for him that … sometime chamberlain of Persore, to be abbot of that house. May 2. Reading. Appointment, during pleasure, of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… election of Robert, canon of Newstead, to be prior of that house. Licence for the prior and convent of Faversham to …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… or goods in Ireland to England for the maintenance of his house of Lentonay, or to dispose of them otherwise at his … his brethren and his own household and to take it to his house of Neth in Wales ; until a year after Michaelmas. … the Jews to the said John Maunsel for safe custody in the house of the said Hugh. Grant to Bozo de Mastac, count of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… land to the 900 l. which he is sending by brethren of his house on the king's behalf beyond seas, resulting in the loss … part, no damage shall accrue thereby or danger to the said house of the Hospital, as the king has appointed the said … Ralph de Covintre, cellarer of Battle, to be abbot of that house, with writ de intendendo to the tenants. Mandate to the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Jerusalem in England to pay on behalf of the king at the house of the said Hospital in Paris, at All Saints yearly, …
Displaying 21 - 30 of 72839