
Displaying 1791 - 1800 of 60860
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth
… Wm. Cardinal, and Ra. Rokeby, to Ralph Rokeby, Master of Requests. We are earnestly entreated by the enclosed … to you his inability to travel, having great charge of children, and neither wife nor friend to look to them; and … Bedingfield, who is dead. I arrived from Madrid in time to see him, two hours before his death. He died well. Mr. Giles …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth
… 1589 Sept. 1/11. Brussels. 43. Chas. Paget to the Cardinal of England [Card. Allen], Rome. I wrote for your opinion … but it is time enough, so as * * * Consider that the time of the year goes apace, and therefore * * * * * I wonder your … us. The King looks for me back again; but I mean to see you first. The way by land is too dangerous for me, and I …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth
… Lord Scrope to Lord Burghley. I send you the examination of James Clayton, apprehended last Thursday, as he was coming … before Richard Lowther and John Middleton, justices of peace. Was born at Townley, but has not resided there these … time, he stayed two days, and then went back to Townley to see Mr. Townley's children; thence to Haworth, Repton, Bowes, …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth
… 32 August 1593 August 1593 Aug. 29. York. 83. Henry Earl of Huntingdon to the Council. After my coming into these … last, I went to Newcastle, whither I required the wardens of all the Marches against Scotland, or their deputies, with … imperfections I find, not being fully answerable to the articles given to them in charge. Meantime I send you a brief …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth
… - Volume 32 December 1591 December 1591 Dec. 2 26. Bundle of papers attached, containing as follows: Statement by John … [2 pages.] Answer of the Clerk of the Wards to the several articles of Mr. Churchill, 4 Nov. 1591, arguing the legal … traffic with all nations, as well in times of war as of peace, and the inhabitants have also traded freely in the …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth
… Westminster. 60. Grant to Edw. Stone, footman, for life, of the office of master of the tennis plays at Westminster and elsewhere in … the artificers in the town are ruined, as will appear by articles under the seal of the town, ready to be shown. The …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth
… December 1593 Dec. [10 ?] 97. The Queen to the Governors of Guernsey and Jersey. Hearing from Sir John Norris, general of our forces in Brittany, of the great preparation made by … other thereon. You are, with Sir John Norris' advice, to see the soldiers quartered in the islands without trouble to …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth
… Volume 32 February 1593 February 1593 Feb. 7. 66. Petition of John [Mey] Bishop of Carlisle, and 11 others, the sheriff and justices of the peace in the West Wardenry of England against Scotland, to …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth
… 1591 January 1591 Jan. 9. A relief for Nicholas Carteret, of Jersey, directed to the captains, jurats, and bailiffs of Jersey. [ Docquet.] Jan. 9. Grant of pardon to Thos. … seconded by Paget. On the Pope's establishment in his see, he caused Cardinal Madruchi to write to the King of
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth
… to make mutual redress for the Burne's bill, and the bill of Titlington, according to the King's command, which was the … two bills, and all others filed according to the treaty of peace and laws of the Marches; and the Laird of Cessford … more obedience to your higher place. We are ashamed to see a course taken so repugnant to Her Majesty's pleasure.[1 …
Displaying 1791 - 1800 of 60860