
Displaying 21 - 30 of 24417
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… and elsewhere, which are exempt from the jurisdiction or power of pope, archbishop or prelate, either by making ordinances or exacting aid. … of Rievaulx, Melsa and Netley have power to receive the attorneys of the abbot of Cteaux in two pleas which are …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… of Simon de Eltesdon, from being put on assizes, juries or recognitions. Jan. 8. Westminster. Grant to Guy de … king's name the keeping of the said castles with the rents or profits arising therefrom and the other things bound to … of William de Bussey from being put on assizes, juries or recognitions and from suits of the king's counties, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Basset of Sapecote, from being put on assizes, juries or recognitions. By K. Exemption of John de Nettewell as … of Arnold de Wicford from being put on assizes, juries or recognitions. Mandate to J. son of Geoffrey, justiciary of … an attorney to defend that plea, on condition that his attorneys answer for the trespass and the earl for the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… of, as is said, but have not yet given judgement or amends to either party; and commanding them to meet where … de Chishull as the king's proctor to lay any propositions or appeals before the bishop of Lincoln on the king's behalf, … as expenses through nonpayment. Alan shall not sell or alienate anything further of his lands, houses, woods or
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… la Penne, clerk, that he be provided in a benefice of 30 or 40 marks when a voidance occurs; as the king cannot accede … by the inquisition which the king shall cause to be made, or by any other means, by judgement of the court he recover … the said parcels, the king will restore them to him, or by his own arbitrament make him a reasonable exchange to …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… for life, of Roger Aliz from being put on assizes, juries or recognitions. 1252. Dec. 29. Chawton. The subprior and … of Walter de Insula from being put on assizes, juries or recognitions. By K. Presentation of Henry de Wengham to … of Roger de Eyncurt from being put on assizes, juries or recognitions. By K. Jan. 8. Merton. Grant, at the instance …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Estraunge of 30 marks a year at the Exchequer, for life, or until the king provide for him to that value yearly in wards or escheats. MEMBRANE 19 d. Oct. 4. Benauge. Charter granting … as by escheat, so that these cannot be conferred upon or alienated to any other: and if anything is given or
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… and Simon de Monteforti, earl of Leicester, in wards or escheats to the amount of their yearly fee, he will provide for him or his heirs in wards or escheats to the amount of 500 marks yearly of land, for …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… that none by reason of this grant can challenge any right or claim in them. And Geoffrey de Langele, attorney of the … permit him to enter therein with his household and lodge or stay therein at his pleasure. Mandate to Nicholas de Haulo … the king prohibits them from giving any sheep, money or anything by way of extortion, but two or three of them are …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… life of John Launcelevee from being put on assizes, juries or recognitions, and from being made sheriff, coroner, escheator, verderer, or other bailiff of the king, against his will. Jan. 3. [Bazas.] The like of William Hose from assizes, juries or recognitions. Jan. 4. Bazas. Simple protection for five …
Displaying 21 - 30 of 24417