
Displaying 3041 - 3050 of 3210
William and Mary, 1688: An Act to Regulate the Administrac[i]on of the Oathes required to be taken by Commission or Warrant Officers imployed in their Majestyes Service by Land by Vertue of an Act made this present Session of Parliament Entituled An Act for the Abrogating of the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance and appointing other Oaths. [Chapter XXV. Rot. Parl. pt. 4. nu. 5.]
Statutes of the Realm
William and Mary, 1688: An Additionall Act for the Appointing Commissioners for the Executing an Act of this present Parliament Entituled An Act for a Grant to their Majestyes of an Ayde of Twelve Pence in the Pound for One Yeare for the necessary Defence of their Realmes. [Chapter XXXI. Rot. Parl. pt. 4. nu. 11.]
Statutes of the Realm
William and Mary, 1689: An Act for Recognizing King William and Queene Mary and for avoiding all Questions touching the Acts made in the Parliament assembled at Westminster the thirteenth day of February one thousand six hundred eighty eight. [Chapter I. Rot. Parl. pt. 1. nu. 1.]
Statutes of the Realm
Displaying 3041 - 3050 of 3210