
Displaying 91 - 100 of 60141
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… earl of Warwick, in consideration of his expenses and various anxieties of body in the king's service in … he ought shortly to pay for all his fees the aid due for making the king's first-born son a knight, which aid they are … not leap to a destroying flame, prohibits anyone from making any loan, whether under the seal of the chapter or …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… de Fortibus, earl of Albemarle, to Bertram de Palacio and Arnald de Unde, merchants of Toulouse, that they may … 100 tuns of their own wine quit of prise save the ancient and accustomed prise; with mandate to the takers of wines at … years from Easter to John son of William de Verdun from making himself a knight. Dec. 28. Winchester. Appointment, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… 7. June 24. Woodstock. Grant to Matthias Hanybal, citizen and proconsul of Rome, of 100 marks a year at the exchequer … for him in land to that yearly value in wards or escheats, and in case the king dies he wills that Edward his son and his heirs be bound herein. Notification that the king is …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… the king lately ordered to be sent to London, to Hugh Mace and James Devansati, merchants of Florence, fellows of … at present in hand, he is to hand over as much as he has and levy the residue without delay, and as the business … done. If Walter die within thirteen years from the time of making this writing, his heirs or assigns shall hold this …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… the realm without the king's warrant of pardon of outlawry and grant of peace; and to keep him safe until further order. … his will. Respite, for a fine, to Ralph de Littelbiry from making himself a knight for three years from Easter next. And … to Pontigny. Respite to Adam son of Adam de Hagebech from making himself a knight for three years from Easter next. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… his will. Mandate to John de Grey to deliver the castle and manor of Ellesmere, which the king had committed to him at farm for a term not expired and recovered against him for forfeiture by judgment of the … to the sheriff of Salop to keep during pleasure, and to answer for the issues at the Exchequer. Writ de …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Danvers from being put on assizes, juries or recognitions, and from being made sheriff, &c. The like of Guy Pipard. … to the king of France to treat and take a day in the making of amends for the breaches of the truce. Jan. 14. … Ellis de Trie, merchant of Gisorz, to come to the realm to trade, doing and receiving justice according to law and the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… to all persons of the whole forest on this side Trent and others in favour of Jchn Walerand, brother of Robert … of the wardship which pertains to the king of the lands and heir of Richard de Meleford, with the bailiwick which the … and John le Strange, appointed for this, touching the making of peace with the said Llewelin. By K. & C. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Moyne, with others, the sheriffs of Nottingham, Stafford and Lancaster, to enquire touching damages in the forests and parks late of William de Ferrariis, sometime earl of … who is staying in the king's service at Canterbury in making some works, is bound to render at the court of …
Displaying 91 - 100 of 60141