
Displaying 61 - 70 of 52800
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… breve. Teste ut supra. Vicecomes Eboraci, Willelmus le Constable, Philippus filius Johannis et Hugo de Magneby …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… ut supra. Robertus de Percy, Jordanus Heyrun, Willelmus le Constable et Ricardus de Riparia constituti sunt justiciarii … de la Rivere, Johannes de Romundeby et Willelmus le Constable constituti sunt justiciarii ad assisam nove …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… die Julii. Gilebertus de Aton, Simon de Hale, Willelmus le Constable et Marmeducus de Tuenge constituti sunt justiciarii …
The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640
… 123 Constable v Constable 123 CONSTABLE V CONSTABLE Christopher Constable of Hatfield in Holderness, co. York, esq v John Constable of … name of [damaged] deed anno 12 Hen: 6.' By a record in the Tower, Thomas Constable of Catfosse bore the title esq. By a …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… 1232, membranes 9,8,7 CALENDAR OF THE PATENT ROLLS. 17 HENRY III. MEMBRANE 9. 1232. Oct. 29. … of the said town in conjunction with them, the king's constable Richard de Burun and William de Sancto Johanne and … with Philip de Albiniaco excepted. The like to the said constable Richard de Burun. Presentation of Peter de Wakering …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… people that the king, having lately received a mandate of the pope touching the correction of trespasses against the … him and brought him to London and delivered him to the constable of the Tower. The king, being in doubt whether he came out of his …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Oct. 28. Winchecombe. Grant to the mayor and good men of Dublin of murage for three years from Christmas next. … and service due to the said castle, to Baldwin de Ver, constable thereof, to do the said guard at his summons … Suffolk to be carried to Northampton and delivered to the constable of Northampton by one of their clerks and under …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Mandate to Peter de Rivallis to cause them to have seisin of the wood. Appointment, during pleasure, of Peter de … as the king is informed, which Richard is strengthening a tower in Bordeaux out of the King's stone taken from a tower … shall endure till then. By P. de Rivallis. Mandate to the constable of the Tower of London to deliver the king's …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… 9, 8 MEMBRANE 16. Jan. 7. Gloucester. Grant to the abbot of Messenden of 50 s. a year in perpetuity out of the farm of … their letters, in England. Mandate to William Perepoill, constable of the castle of Rocheford, as soon as Hugh de … of the justices of the Bench, the constable of the Tower of London, Andrew Bukerel, mayor of London, and Richard …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… III. MEMBRANE 19. Nov. 3. Woodstock. Exemption for life of Adam Tartcurteys from suits of counties and hundreds and from being put upon assizes, … the king's order has delivered to J. earl of Lincoln and constable of Chester and William de Cantilupo the younger a …
Displaying 61 - 70 of 52800