
Displaying 111 - 120 of 50254
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… of Matthias Bezil to keep the county of Gloucester, the manor of Winchecumbe with the hundred, and the castle of … council. Mandate to John le Brun to cause the said county, manor and hundred to be delivered to him. Simple protection … deliver the county with &c. Robert Walerand, Kent with the manor and hundred of Middilton, and the castles of Canterbury …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Simon Herlewine and Roger de Dilewik, free tenants of the manor of Dilewik, which services William de Weyland, … of the death of the said William, are appurtenant to the manor of Dilewik (which by fine made in court before the … whether the services aforesaid are appurtenant to the said manor or not, but the said Adam cannot attend to the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Grant to John de Greyly of the wardship of the manor of Hetton late of John de Gatesden, of the fee of … his fee of the king's special grace, but if the said manor exceed the value of 27 l. the surplus is to remain to the king; also if the said manor ought by law to be restored to another, his former …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… to the king in that town. Commitment to him of the manor of Esschere, to hold without deterioration in the … be void. Mandate to the bailiff and provost of the said manor to give him seisin thereof with the stock, after taking … Bezill to whom the king lately committed the county, the manor and hundred of Wynchecumb, with the castle of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… crop of the bishop and his men within the liberty of his manor of Prestebury. MEMBRANE 15 d. [March 29. Westminster.] … of Buckingham whether Nicholaa Benet held a moiety of the manor of Lithinlad in frank marriage of the gift of William …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… in Wales, to deliver to M. countess of Gloucester, the manor of Uske with the castle, the manor of Trillec with the fortalice ( forteletto) assigned to … keepers of the honour of Clare, to deliver to her the manor of Clare with the castle. Appointment of John de …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… assign to Maud late the wife of Henry Hose of Fikelden the manor of Stapelford except 46 l. 8 d. therein in the name of … there that he may make an enclosure to his bailey at his manor of Hocham. ( Schedule 2.) Oct. 17. Windsor. Summons to …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Dec. 16. Windsor. Commitment to Hamo Lestrange of the manor of Ellesmere with the castle, hundred and other … said Roger has quit-claimed to the king all right in the manor of Lecchelade, on condition that if the said manor come to the king by escheat or otherwise, the king will …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… to enquire by the vicinage of Litleham who came to the manor of the abbot of Shireburn in Littleham and carried away …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… it to him. Commitment as above to the same Philip of the manor of Rades, the town of Devizes, and the forests of … granted out of the said wardship to Ralph Basset in the manor of Maddeleg, and except knights' fees, and advowsons of … Henry III by Hugh de Cressy to Geoffrey de Chesewyk of his manor of Heriotesham, except the park and the advowsons of …
Displaying 111 - 120 of 50254