
Displaying 91 - 100 of 72736
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… as chief masters of all works of castles, manors and houses on this side the Trent and Humber, to view and amend … ambulaciones) to be made over the high road between their houses and the said church, and have them forever without … the king's peace hereof and to make restitution of his houses and goods taken into the king's hands on that account. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… during pleasure, of Ellis Maunsel to keep the king's houses and park of Gudeford, receiving as much as Alan de … la Russe, that if he build upon the said messuage, the houses which he builds shall be quit of livery of the king …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… made a provision to the church of Tuam, to inhabit the houses and till the lands belonging to the said … paid at the appointed terms, the said Walter removed the houses and whole vesture of the said land, whereby she could …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… their judgment touching contentions between them as to the houses late of Reyner de Bungeye and Philippa his wife, in … the right and possession of Geoffrey de Frome in some houses late of John de Monemuthe, deceased, in the city of … city it should appear that he ought to have seisin of the houses to cause this to be done, as is enrolled below. June …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… saving to the said Edward yearly, the issues of his new houses upon the cliff ( faleisam) of that town, which he … of the keeper thereof, for the maintenance of the king's houses and ploughs ( wannagia), as other farmers have been … his wife to Robert le Canceys and his heirs of the houses and lands which Geoffrey le Canceys father of the said …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… of their bailiwicks who ought to build or repair any houses in the castle of Dover to do so by next Midsummer; … permit the bailiffs of the said archbishop to inhabit the houses and cultivate the lands belonging to the archbishopric … Northumberland, receives them into his keeping as well in houses, buildings, walls and dykes, as in armour, munition ( …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… 16. Westminster. Commitment to Peter de Monte Forti of the houses of William de Sancta Ermina in the city of London, to …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… because he was guilty. Because the king has heard that his houses of Southampton and the walls of the king's court of … down, and the timber, roof, doors and windows of the said houses and other things belonging thereto, have been carried … to enquire by oath of the vicinage in whose keeping the houses and walls fell, by whom the timber and roof, doors and …
Displaying 91 - 100 of 72736