
Displaying 4181 - 4190 of 70925
An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in London
… destroyed or secularised in the 16th century. St. Alphege, London Wall. St. Ewin. St. Mary Axe. St. … church first built in the 17th century. St. James, Duke's Place. Mediaeval and later churches which escaped the Great … Sherehog. St. Botolph, Billingsgate. St. Faith under St. Paul's. St. Gabriel, Fenchurch. St. Gregory by St. Paul's. …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… THE TREASURY DURING THE LAST TWO YEARS OF LORD GODOLPHIN'S TREASURERSHIP. 1709 and 1710. William Ashurst: Comptroller … Apprentices was approved by Treasurer Godolphin on the 21 st April 1710. Treasury Minute Book XVII, p. 123. Warrants … petition about her husband's disbursements for the fowl in St. James's Park. [No minute entered.] Isabella Randall …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… no vacancy. Oct. 20. [My Lords read the] Bishop of London's letters dated 28 Sept. 1710 [desiring the passage money … his petition]. My Lords say that Sir Solomon [ de Medina]' s accounts are to be first made up and a certificate produced … Lords read the petition of] Captains Parry, Harpur [and] St. Lo. Ref[ erred to the] Secretary at War. Pemburge vide …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… rel[ating] to two ships of war to convey her Majesty's tin to Hamburg. [ My Lords order] Mr. Anstys to attend the … taxes [assessments on the servants of the Household in St. James's and Whitehall is] read to the Queen [who ordered] … Master of the Hawks and Falconers. See what the D[ uke] of St. Albans is entitled to by his patent [ as Master of the …
Memorials of the Guild of Merchant Taylors
… CXXVII MEMORIAL CXXVII. Appendix O. The Building Of Crosby School In The 17th Century. At a period when a new School is … the old School in the 17th Century. Shortly after Harrison's death, which has been already referred to (p. 19, note), … approved of by this Court and so ratified allowed."[21 st January 1623.] "It is at the same Court ordered that …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… Entire Year From Michaelmas 1703 To Michaelmas 1704. l. s. d. l. s. d. Customs : granted 6 Wm. and Mary [6-7 Wm. and … from 23 June 1703 to 23 June 1704 by the Act 1 Anne st. 2 c. 3. To balance on the account for the year ended at … (Chief Office ; Westminster Office ; Temple Office ; St. Paul's Office ; Southwark Office ; Hermitage Office ; and the …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… to 25 December, 1703. Declared 12 April, 1705. Charge. l. s. d. l. s. d. Remains. Bonds. [being in Surplus 548 l. 7 s. … l., Rye ; 1,450 l., Yorks. ; 1,550 l., Bucks. ; 200 l., St. Neots ; 350 l., Thetford ; 400 l., Havering ; 332 l. 10 … 6 Charges of public paving 307 9 10 Making a throne in St. Paul's Cathedral for her Majesty's procession on Thanksgiving …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… Wm. and Mary c. 1] for 5 years ended 25 December 1699. l. s. d. l. s. d. l. s. d. Cash remaining in the Exchequer 28 … abated on bonds cancelled upon Compositions or otherwise : St. Sebastian Wine bonds 2,821 10 4 Arthur Shalat's Wine … Composition money for French Wines imported from St. Sebastian : being paid as Customs before the seizure 918 …
Records relating to the Barony of Kendale
… DOCUMENTS. I, page 1. Grant by Ivo Taillebois to St. Mary's York, of half his demesne of Kirkby Stephen and half of the … VIII, page 3. Confirmation by Gilbert Fitz-Reinfred to St. Mary's, York, of various churches given to them within …
An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in London
… mentioned in the Introduction are: Altars: In Henry VII's chapel are remains of the marble work of the former altar … canopy by Torrigiani. There is a mediaeval altar-slab in St. Michael's chapel and in the chapel of the pyx the altar … poor detail to the chapels of St. John the Evangelist, St. Paul, and St. Nicholas, and under the S. W. tower, and an oak …
Displaying 4181 - 4190 of 70925