Chapter acts: 1505-6

Calendar of the Manuscripts of the Dean and Chapter of Wells: Volume 2. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1914.

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'Chapter acts: 1505-6', in Calendar of the Manuscripts of the Dean and Chapter of Wells: Volume 2, (London, 1914) pp. 183-195. British History Online [accessed 25 April 2024]


1505, Sept. 30.—[A page is missing.] Part of a lease from the bishop to Richard Ruyon, for 61 years, at a rent of 92 of two pastures called Fullewelle and Smaldon, and a right to purchase, at a price to bo fixed by the homage, all strays happening within the said manor, after the year and a day [cum superannuate ƒuerint], he finding pasture for them in the mean time. Dated July 24, 1505. Witnesses: Job" Rodney, knt., John Fitzjames, esq., Edmund Mylle, esq., John Pole and John Cupper.—ƒo. 113.

1505, Sept 30.—Simon Everdon and John Godard, vicars-choral, were deputed to survey all ornaments of the chantries oi the vicars-choral within the cathedral, and to make an inventory within 15 days; also to state the value of the chantries.—ƒo. 113d.

1505, Oct. 4.—Master John Hans admitted a canon and installed in person in the prebend of Holcombe, on the death of Master Robert Wydowe, pursuant to mandate of the bishop.

1505, Oct. 5.—Master John Hans installed as sub-dean, pursuant to mandate of the bishop.

1505, Oct. 20.—Richard Philpot, clerk, admitted a canon, and installed by proxy in the prebend of Whitelakyngton, on the resignation of Master John Hogekyns, pursuant to mandate of the bishop.—ƒo. 114.

1505, Oct. 30.—A letter sent to the priour of Montacu, etc., fro the chapitre of Welles:

Right worshipfull sir, we recommende us unto you. It is so that ye knowe right well howe dyvers compleyntes have been made, and dayly be, ayenst you and us unto my lord of Wynchestre for our myll at Northcory, that our myll and your miller shulde be the occasion of the grete floodes and drownyng of the medews, which in our myndes is not thought possible. Neverthelesse, to have my said lord good lord to you and to us, and to cesse all stryves and clamours, we shalbe contented to loes a quarter rent, and for that tyme to cause the floode yates of our said myll to be pulled up, so that the water shal have his full course, wherby it shall appere herafter whidder that our myll and your said myller bee the occasion of eny suche floodes and drownyng of the medews. My lord priour, we brethern of the chapitre of Wells purpose to send a lettre to my lord of Wynchestre, certifiyng hym that we purpose to pull up the flode yates, as above. Ye bee our tenauntes of the same myll; wherfor we desire you to send us your mynde in the premisses, and ye to be abated a quarter rent; and yet, though that the flood yates be pulled up, we undestand that the myll may goo right well this wynter tyme, and so nether ye nor we to have eny losse for that tyme. And so we truste by the quarter's ende to see the fault and occasion of the said drownyng of the medews, etc. And thus Jhesu preserve you. From Welles, the xxxti day of Octobre, 1505. By the brethern of the chapitre of Wellys.—ƒo. 115.

1505, Nov. 3.—Grant to William Cousyn, the dean (procuring certain business of the chapter with Richard [Fox], bishop of Winchester, touching the mill at Northcory, and also certain business as to his own prebend), of all days until Christmas, absque fructu et cotidianis distribucionibus.—fo. 114.

Agreed that the book of statutes and the book called "Blak Registre" be chained in the great chest in the chapter-house; the bishop of Tine, the precentor and steward undertook to have the chains made and a key for each canon residentiary, at the cost of the church.

1505, Nov. 4.—A lettre missyve sent to my lord of Wynchestre by the brethrin of chapitre, etc.:

Right Reverende fader in god, and to us moste singuler gode lorde, in oure mooste humble wyse we recommende us. Please it the same to understande howe that dyverse of the brethern of oure chapitre were with your officers at our myll of Northcory, and there hard the greves and complayntes which your tenauntes made. And where as it is thought by theym that our said myll shuld be the occasion of the grete floodes and drownyng of the medews, which in our myndes is not thought possible to be. Neverthelesse, to have you good lord unto us, as ye have ever beene, and also to cesse theyr clamours, we shalbe contented to lose a quarter rent, and for that tyme to cause the flood yates of our said myll to be pulled up, so that the water shal have his full course; wherby it shal appere hereafter whether that our myll be the occasion of eny suche flodes and drownyng of the medews. And as for bote passage, your said officers knowe right well that in all the somer season the water is so lowe and so meny shelpes and bayes in the ryver betwene our myll and Taunton, that it is not possible to convey eny bote that way; and in the wynter season the medewes be so filled and replenysshed with water, that the bootes may go over at every place, so that they shal not be lett by the myll. My lord, these thynges considered, we trust that ye wull contynue as good lord nowe unto us as ye have been beforn tyme. (fn. 1) And thus the holy trinite contynue you accordyng to youre noble desires. From Welles, iiijth day of Novembre.

By your dayly oratours, the brethern of the chapitre of Welles.—ƒo. 114d.

1505, Nov. 13.—Copy of the lettre sent fro M. William Cousyn, deane of the cathedral churche of Welles, unto the brethern of the chapitre of Welles:

Right honorable brethern, I recommende me unto you, certifiyng you that accordyng to your mynds concluded in the chapitre, I have spoken wit my lord of Wynchestre for our myll, and have moved hym both with reasons and prayers to be good lord unto us for the said myll, but in noo wyse I can not have his lordshipp at no conclusion but that he will have downe the bay of stone made by the priour. And at one season he said he wold be content to remytt his accion, but he wold have a commission sheywers, by the reason whereof he said he was sure to have his mynde. And after my pore mynde, it were better to putt the mater into gentilmen's haundes then to laboryng men of the cuntrey, for thay do speke upon will and make a grete clamour witoute reson, as ye may knowe opynly by the copy of a bille the which I send you by my servaunt, the which my lord of Wynchestre toke me to rede; and I, in the moste haste I cowde make, caused it to be wrytten, and gave xxxd. therfor, to th'entent ye shuld knowe the complayntes, and also the doblenesse of the priour of Mountacu or elles of his tenauntes. Wherfor, after ye have seen this my writyng, with the copy of the complayntes, I pray you send me your mynde, howe ye wold I shuld doo, and whidder I shuld conclude uppon a commission of the sheywers or uppon gentilmen of the cuntrey, to the which I thynk it wilbe hard to be brought. And as towchyng the openyng of the floode yates, as yet I can not bryng his lordshipp to apply therto, for he seith that he will not beleve his trusty counsell in saying nay, and me nor none of us in saying soo. Wherfor, in this matier I pray you send me your myndes, and the beest I can doo possible I shal doo; and if I may, I shal cause hym to bee content to prove the experyence of the plukkyng up of the floode yates, but as yet I can not have hym at no conclusion, nor I thynk shal not tyll the season Mayster Froste be come to London, the which was not come as this day at nyght, at the which season I spake with my lord of Wynchestre, as God knoweth, who preserve you. Wrytten at London, the xiijth day of Novembre, wit the hande of your brothre.
William Cousyn, deane of Welles.

I pray you kepe the copy of thes complayntes as secretely as ye can, for, if it were knowen that I did copy theym, it mygte paraventur turne to my rebuke.—ƒo. 116d.

A Bylle of Compleyntes.—ƒo. 118.

To the discrete counsaill of my lord of Wynchestre.

Shewethe unto your maystershipp the poore tenauntes of my lord of Wynchestre within the tythyng of Ruyssheton, parcell of the lordshipp of Taunton, that where tyme oute of mynde they were never accombered nor troubled in theire copyholdes by grete floodes of water of the ryver that commeth from Taunton towardes Brigewater, unto [until] nowe of late by reason of beldyng of a myll called Hammyll; for so it is, that if theyre fall eny reyne of water there, by stoppyng of the flood yates of the said myll as the floode may not passe, your said peticioners' medewes, common, and wallys of theyre howses, bee overflowen; which is and shal be, if it be not refourmed, to theyre utter undoyng, and also distruccion of theyre landes and tenauntes. And over this, by occasion of the premisses the highe wayes there aboutes be so infoundered that the poore tenauntes and inhabitantes aforesayd may nether go to there ground with horse nor cartt to mayntene there land; For noonmayntenaunce wherof we be not able to lyve and pay oure rent. Please it your maystership to understand that it is not oute of your remembraunce that we have oftymes past complayned unto you of the annoyance aforsaid, and as yet can have no remedye. Wherfore we nowe eftsounes mekely desire your maystership tenderly to considre the premisses, and to provide for a remedye herin. And we shal dayly pray to Almygty god for the noble estate of my lord of Wynchestre and your maystership long to endure.—ƒo. 118d.

Sheweth unto your maysterships the marchauntes and othre occupiours, tenauntes and inhabitantes unto our lord bisshopp of Wynchestre of his towne of Taunton, that where we, the said tenauntes, occupiours and inhabitantes and all othre marchauntes, tenauntes and inhabitantes of the same towne, owte of tyme of mynde, in the right of our said lord, have peasably used and hadd course, recourse and free passage upon the water of Toon, Bathepolemyll and Brigewater, for all maner of marchaundyses, corne, cole, stones, and all othre stuff by us bought and sold, unto [until] the tyme a mylle called Hammyll, which of tyme paste was arresed and newe made by the priour of Mountacu and the deane and chapitre of Wellys, by reason wherof your said peticioners bee stopped and letted of there said cariages, soo that in defaute therof in the wynter season we can have no cariage, the wayes be soo foundred by overflowyng of the water. Wher[as] if the said mylles hadde not be made, we shuld have hadde our cariages by water, and that in every ton better chepe by ijs. then the cariage is to cary it by land, to our grete charge, losse and hyndrances for lakk of conveying of oure marchandyse and stuff, and meny tymes of our premysses to suche persons as we bye and sell with, for lakk of cariage, by occasion aforsaid. Wherfore it will please your maysterships, in the way of charitie, to provide for the refourmacion of the premisses, and we shal pray for the prosperitee aswell of our said lord as of your said maysterships, long to endure.—ƒo. 119.

Pytuously complayneth unto your maysterships the poore men duellyng nygh adjoynaunt to Hammyll, that where we be sore greved by reson of the same mylle, that is to say, our medewes, called Newe Medewes and Nate Medewes, and diverse othre our pastures, certayn grene corne, our hay, ofttymes drowned, our highwayes foundered, wherby we have been grevously amerced in the shire and soore troubled; the fordes depe worne, wherthoroughe we be sore charged to make a brigge for weynes and horses, every twoo or thre yere to be newe mended and made; oure bestes standyng in water, withoute mete; our corne and hay to stand long afeld, till it be almoste lost by cause we can have no good cariage home. And we have paied the moste parte of oure goodes for oure places, and nowe we can take but litil profite therof. And oftentymes we have spoken therof in our courte, and can have no remedy. And we understand your maystership have auctorite to enquere of all maner hurtes and greves done by occasion of the same mylle. Wherfor we beseche your maistership, in the wey of charite, to have pite upon us, and to be our socour for reformacion herof, orelles we must nedes forsake our places, to our uttre undoynge. And we shal pray to god to send you long life after his pleasure.—ƒo. 119d.

Robert Hare, John Ball, Walter Chede, John Hamlyn, John Hessord, William Richard, Nicholas Wyndesore, and all the tenauntes of Creche and Ham to the priour of Montacu, will testifie the mylle doth grete hurte to the cuntrey, and specially to theym; and this bill was made and delyvered by these persons before named unto Maister Frost, for theire remedy, if it cowde be helpe.—ƒo. 120.

Please it your good lordship to understand that; accordyng to your commaundement, Maistre Thesaurer, Maister Mylle and I, at our late beyng at Tau[n]ton, met with my lord Tinens, Maister Symoundes and Doctor Tomyowe, of the churche of Wellys, and the stuard of the priour of Mountacu, at Hammylle; and ther was with us of your towne of Taunton Sir Thomas Greynefeld, Maister Newton, and meny of the moost honest merchauntes and tenauntes of your towne and lordship of Taunton, and also diverse of the abbot of Glastonbury tenauntes of the forsaid priour of Mountacu tenauntes, which be sore greved and annoyed by occasion of the said mylle, as your lordship may perceyve by the copyes of the billes of complaynte abovesaid, which were putt unto us before we mette at the said mylle; all which parties complaynauntes were there with us, and shewed unto theym of Welles there greves, as appereth in there said billes, and offered theymself to be sworne upon a boke, that there complayntes were true, etc. Wherupon we viewede the grounde, the water and the floode yates and bay of stone rered by the said priour, which be the cause of the said nusanz. And the forsaid personnes of Wellys cowde not denye but that your tenauntes of Taunton can have no passage wit botes by that mylle to Brigewater, as they ought to have, nor in maner denye but by the makyng of the said bay of stone and floode yates the water, when floodes bee, overflowen the grounde adjoynyng. And after long communicacion betwene us of the premisses hadd, they of the churche of Welles appoynted wit us to common wit me of their company and before Alhalowetyde to send writyng unto your lordshipp what direction they will take for refourmacion of the nusanses forsaid, which wilbe as in your myndes full hard to doo, oonlesse the said baye and floode yates be utterly take awaye and amoved from the growne of the water. And if by the meanes of your good lordship it may be soo doen, ye shal not oonly doo grete good to your owne tenauntes, but also unto meny othre, and have their prayers for ever. For undoubtedly, and this be not refourmed, ye shal have grete losse in Ruysshton, for their bee nowe dyverse tenementes liyng in your handes, and no man will fyne for theym, etc. And also, ever sithe their Hammyll was made, ye have lost ijs. rent of a were that ye hadde there, etc.—ƒos. 120d., 121.

And as touchyng the manour of Stanelynche, the lordship of Dounton which was Henry Higons, my lord, at our beyng there ther was Elisabeth that was the said Higons' wyfe, and shewed unto us a dede entended [? indented], beryng date the vth yere of King Edward the iiijth, by the which Richard [Beauchamp], bisshop of Sarum, John Suyfariore [?], clerk, and othre, lett the said manor and othre landes unto Sir Roger Tocotes for terme of vij yeres, the remaindre therof, after the said terme, unto Henry Higons and to Elisabeth his wyfe and to the heyres of the body of the said Henry, etc. She shewed no dede of feoffment by the which the forsaid bisshop of Sarum and othre were enfeoffed in the said manor, nor she shewed no lettre of attourney that the said bisshop and his coofeoffees shuld make to delyver season of the said manor to the said Sir Roger Tocotes, etc.; but she shewed a lettre of attourney that Sir Roger Tocotes made to oon Gregory Thornton and Thomas Thornton, to receyve for hym season of the said manor, etc. I have the copy of the said dede and lettre of attourney; and also I have in writyng the sayng of suche witnesses as she brought before Maystre Tresourer and me to testifie of the lyverey and season of the said manour, which prove not directly the lyverey and season therof, as your lordship shal more playnly see at my commyng to your good lordship, which I truste shalbe sone after Alholewetyde. I have apoynted wit Maistres Hugons that, if she have eny othre writyng concernyng the premisses, she to send it to London to hir counsayll, and they to awayte upon your lordshipp, to shewe it. And as [to] the occupacion of the said manour, I have taken a direction betwene Maister Wodshawe and the fermour therin, as your lordship writte unto me to doo.—ƒos. 121, 121d.

And as for eny othre grete mattiers we hadde not yet hidderto, as knoweth our lord gqd, who preserve your good lordship in body and helth, long to endure. Scribeled, the xiiijth day of Octobre, with the hande of your servaunt,
William Frost.

1505, Nov. 17.—Confirmation by the chapter of a deed by the bishop, dated May 2, 1505, manumitting John Buryman otherwise Gardyner, son of William Buryman otherwise Gardyner, a native belonging to his manor of Cranmer, with all his sequela.—ƒo. 115d.

The bishop's deed of manumission.—ƒo. 116.

Ordered that henceforward no stranger shall have any grant under the common seal unless he pay 4 marks, according to the ancient statues and ordinances.

1505, Nov. 18.—The copy of the lettre sent from the chapitre to the deane.

Right worshipfull sir, we commende us unto you, lattyng you have knowlage that we have receyved your lettre, with the bill of compleyntes. And then there was a chapitre assigned. And there we communed and caste our myndes togeder to wryte to you, ye to common [? commune] ferther wit my lord of Wynchestre, and if it myght be brought to the conclusion that the floode yates myght be pulled up, as it was written in the lettre sent to my said lord, and by that way to see which shuld bee the cause and occasion of the grete floodes and drownyng of the medews, thoughe it were a loosse [loss], as it shuld be, to us, yet we wold hold us content. And in case my lord wil not conclude to take that way, then we wull and our myndes bee and fully concluded, that my said lord shal at his owne will and pleasur, chese [choose] whidder that this matier shalbe determyned by sheywyers or by certen gentilmen of the cuntrey; and so on our parte there shal nothyng be done which shal displease my said lord. Ferthermore we desire you to shewe unto his lordshipp that here hath been grete waters and floodes, and as yet, blissed bee god, none hurte, neythre drownyng of the cuntrey, but as it is and hath been tymes past oute of mynde. And thus Jhesu preserve you. From Welles, xviij day of Novembre.

By your brethern of the chapitre of Wells.—ƒo. 117d.

1505–6, Jan. 2.—Master Church, the steward this year, to sell the fallen wood [silvam ceduam] at Wynscombe and — oaks [?] at Whitechurche.—ƒo. 122.

Master Thomas Austell, canon, etc., having received 8 marks for his part of the 100 marks paid by Master J. Bekham for his caution, repaid the same in the chapter house, since he [Austell] was not a residentiary and resident this year.

1505–6, Jan. 16.—Master Thomas Goldwege, as proctor for Master Robert Dykar, the chancellor, protested that if it be ascertained that the presentation of the master of the schools or his deputy belongs by ancient custom to the chancellor, he wished to exercise that right, without prejudice to the bishop or the dean and chapter, and therefore he presented Roger Wynwode to the dean and chapter, to be admitted as master of the schools. Master Roger Churche, as vicar-general in spirituals, confirmed the presentation in the name of the bishop. The dean, with the consent of the chapter, admitted Wynwode, and assigned him a vicarial habit and a stall in the choir and other emoluments belonging to the office.

Wynwode took the oath of canonical obedience to the dean and chapter.—ƒo. 122d.

1505–6, Jan. 29.—Ordered that every canon residentiary or the year ending Michaelmas last shall out of his portion of reat commons pay to Master Thomas Harryes 20s., in part payment of what is due to him for the rebuilding of the chancel of the parish church of Northcory.

The chapter consented to an exchange between Sir Robert Browne, chaplain of the chantry of St. Saviour, founded for the soul of Master John Stortwayte, and Sir William God, chaplain of the chantry at the altar of St. Edmund.—ƒo. 123.

1505–6, Feb. 6.—Sir William Capron, the communar, is to pay 20s. out of the great commons of each canon residentiary for last year, to Master Thomas Harryes, in respect of Northcory chancel. He is also to pay the arrears due to Masters Thomas Harryes and Hugh Yng.

1505–6, Feb. 9.—Frendes both, we recommennd us. So it is, we be enfourmed that a certeyn tenaunt of ours withyn oure lordship of Gregory Stoke is departed unto god by a mysfortune of his ploughe; by reson wherof the enquyre of his dethe apperteyneth unto us, accordyng to our libertees and fraunchesez which we have withyn the said lordshyp. These thynges considered we exhorte you and also pray you not to medle nor interrup us in oure jurisdiccion nor libertees forsaid, wheryn ye shal deserve oure right hertie thankes. And if ye ordre yourself othrewyse, we must and shal approve our libertees and fraunchesez to the beste we can or may, whiche we truste ye will not move us unto. And thus Jhesu preserve you. At Welles, ix day of Februarye.
By the chapitre of Welles.

To oure welbeloved frends, Cuthberte Clawsy and John Birt of Sowthpederton.—ƒo. 123d.

1505–6, Feb. 24.—Ordered that Master Roger Churche, the steward this year, shall sell great trees, as well as fallen wood [silva cedua], in all the chapter's manors.

1505–6, March 6.—License to Sir John Draper, annuellarius of the college and chaplain of the chantry of Corpus Christi in the cathedral, to be absent for one whole year from the Annunciation of Blessed Mary, and to celebrate where he will.

1505–6, March 10.—Confirmation of a lease for 60 years to Laurence Hampton of two cottages and 21 acres of land and pasture of Overland in the parish of Wynsham near Cherde belonging to the provost of the cathedral—ƒo. 124.

The lease is set out in full, from Master William Cousyn, the dean, as proctor of Master William Rawlyns, the provost.

Agreed that the mass founded and celebrated in the cathedral for the soul of John Gunthorp, late dean, shall cease from Saturday March 14, 1505[-6]; and if anyone shall afterwards celebrate that mass, he shall receive nothing for his labour.—ƒo. 125d.

1505–6, March 14.—Grant to the dean and Master T. Beaumont,—appointed to negociate certain business of the chapter with the bishop of Winchester as to the mill at Northcory, and other business,—of all days of grace from March 23 to Easter, cum fructu et cotidianis distribucionibus, and with expenses to one of them, viz. to Master Beaumont.

1505–6, March 18.—Confirmation of a grant made by the communar to the cursor or messenger [nuncio] of the church.

Grant of 10 days of grace to the dean, being on the business of the church, in complement of his great residence [magne residencie sue], without fruit or cotidians.—ƒo. 126.

1506, April 3.—Copy of the lettre myssyve sent fro Master Beamount, archidiacon of Welles, to the brethern of the chapitre:

After due recommendacion, so it is that upon Monday, the last day of Aprile [sic], Mr. deane and I spake wit my lord of Wynchestre. The cause why we spake wit hym no soner was for his beyng at his manier of Assher, wher he gave ordres on Passion Sonday eve. When we hadde moved hym in suche matiers as we come for, we found hym somwhate roughe, sayng that he was dyvers tymes mysenformed by us, and that the king on the oon partie suffired wrong by reason of the stoppyng of his commyn streme, and also that his tenauntes were grevously hurt by the reson of our myll; wit as soft maner and wordes as we cowde, [we] pacified his mynde for the tyme. The morne after we were wit hym ayen, and then he shewed us howe it was reason for hym aswell to yeve credence unto his counsell as to us, and that he wolde speke wit theym in the cause. Neverthelesse he yave us gentil and kynde wordes, lyke a nobleman, but as yet we have not our fynall answere. Ye wolde wondre what causes he hathe to do, and therfore we muste abyde hys leysere.

As to Mr. Hatton, we have not as yete spoken wit hym, but have dyverse tymes sought hym and also made messyngers unto hym, which have spoken wit hym; and as we can understand, he purposeth to couple us wit the kinge's counsell in this matier, whiche we wolle avoyde, and if we can, to the best of our powers. We have moved my lord of Wynchestre in this cause, and he will not moche melle [meddle] theryn, because it toucheth the king. Hys mynde is, we shulde not be hasty upon the said Doctor Hatton, but to take hym at tymes convenyent, and to handle hym as wysely as we can.—ƒo. 126d.

We have in lykwyse made serche in the chancery for the ammortysement of Alverton, and as yet we can not fynd it. The vj clerkes of the said chauncerye be so besyed in the kinge's causes that they can attend to no pore men; yet I assure you, by there licence Humfrey, my servaunt, hadd a sight of oon boke ab anno vjto Henrici sexti usque annum xviij ejusdem. Ye must pardon us, thoughe we can make no parfite answere to you at this tyme. And thus our lord spede both you and us Written at London, this Friday, third of Aprile.
Your brothre, Thomas Beamount.

1506, April 11.—Alan Wyse appointed clerk of the chequer (fn. 2) under the steward; he shall not take more than 8d. for a copy of a whole plea, 6d. for half a plea, and 4d. for others. If the steward shall find hereafter that he is not able or faithful, he shall deliver all books, rolls and other muniments belonging to his office to the steward and the chapter. He was sworn.

1506, April 19.—Gundissalve [Gundissalve Ferdinandi, in margin], clerk, admitted as canon, and installed by proxy in the prebend of Bukland Dynham, vacant by the death of Master Nicholas Goldwell, pursuant to mandate of the bishop.—ƒo. 127.

1506, May 2.—The lord of Tine, the precentor, and Master T. Beamont, archdeacon [of Wells], appointed to examine all ancient vestments, copes and other ornaments in the sacristy [vestibilum], which are not used, so that they may be converted to other uses.

1506, May 4.—A copy of a lettre myssyve, sent to the deane by the chapitre.

Right worshipfull Mr. deane, we, brethern of the chapitre of Wells, commende us unto you, thankyng the same for your lettre and labours that ye have hadde aboute out maters. So it is ye have sent us the copy of the privey seel that ye must appere by, etc. If it so bee that it be for eny mater of your awne, we knawe ye can answere for your self. And in case it be belongyng and touchyng us of the chapitre, then our myndes bee that ye shuld desire copyes of suche matiers and thynges as been layde ayenst us, and that ye may have reseonable space and leysere to com and common wit your brethern here at Welles and to have there myndes, and at a certen day reseonable, by you assigned, thay shal have answere in suche matiers as they lay and purpose ayenst us, by gode's grace, who ever preserve you. From Welles, iiijth day of Maye.
By the brethern of the chapitre of Welles.—ƒo. 127d.

1506, May 13.—John Ustwayte to ride to London, to solicit the executors of John Gunthorp, late dean, for Alverton.

The precentor to inspect a broken mitre in the sacristy, and to have it mended.

1506, May 25.—Robert Merk admitted a perpetual vicar.—ƒo. 128.

Thomas Ferre, vicar-choral, has license not to attend matins in the night-time, except on principal feasts and greater doubles; he may receive commons as the other vicars-choral do.

The dean, the precentor and canon John Edmundes appointed proctors and solicitors for certain business at London, viz. the bishop of Winchester for the mill and other matters at Northcory, and the executors of dean Gunthorpe for Alverton, with full powers.—ƒo. 128d.

1506, May 30.—Copy of the lettre myssyve sent to Mr. Richard Hatton by the chapitre.

After due recommendacion, so it is that John Ustwayte, coexecutour wit you unto the right honorable Maister John Gunthorp, whose sowle god pardon, sheweth unto us howe that the kinge's grace demaundeth of you and hym CC markes for the benyvolence, accordyng as ye have written unto us afore tyme, and that neythre ye nor he can fynd remedye or discharge for the same. Wherupon he thynketh that the kinge's grace will have this money contented unto hym, or elles that by your meanes ye may fall to some compromysse wit the commissioners for the same. And by cause, as ye bothe afferme that ye have disposed [of] the goodes of the same Maister Gunthorpe, and have not to content or to paye any suche sommes of money of his goodes left or remaynyng in your handes, the said John Ustwayte with good mynde hath instantly moved us that we wold be contributorie unto the payement of the same by parte of suche lyvelode as the said Maister Gunthorpe gave and amortesyed unto our churche. Maister doctor, this it is. We knowe well and considre the good and feithfull mynde of this honorable man departed, howe he purchased this lyvelode, and therupon for the helth of his soule, at his grete labour and coste, and, by reason of a certeyn graunte made unto us by the kinge's grace, sufficiently amortesied the same, as we have to shewe by our writynges. Neverthelesse, as the said John Ustwayte hathe amoved us, seyng that ye have not of his goodes to content the kinge's grace, but that ye must levy hit of suche londes as he left to his kynfolkes and yave unto us, we must for a season surcesse of suche suffrage as we dayly doo for hym, and so to take a porcion yerly of his said lyvelode towardes the payment of the same somme, and the remanent to remayne for his masse and obite. Sir, we trust, consideryng the grete mynde and favour he hadde unto you, remembryng also ye bee oon of the brethern of our churche, that ye will take of the same lyvelode for the tyme as litle as ye may; and thus orderyng yourselfe, we shalbe as gladde to folowe your mynde as ye shal desire us. Prayng you that ye will yeve credence to our brethern, berers herof, in that they shal move unto you in our behalf, to whome we yeve full auctorite to conclude with you for this matier and other we have to do. And thus Jhesu have you in his blissed kepyng. At Welles, the xxxti day of May.
By your lovyng brotneres, deane and chapitre of Welles.

To our welbeloved brother Maistre Richard Hatton, chapelayn to our sovereigne lord the king.—ƒos. 128d., 129, 129d.

1506, July 18.—Grant of 40 days of grace without cotidians, to Canon Peter Carslegh, he having promised to build the battlement of the chancel of Northcory at his own expense.

1506, July 31.—Bernard Boerius, clerk, installed by proxy in the prebend of Yatton, vacant by the death of Jerome Boerius, pursuant to mandate of the bishop.

1506, Aug. 3.—John Thomson, clerk, installed by proxy in the prebend of Combe XV, vacant by the resignation of William Hichman, abbat of Stretford Langthorn, pursuant to the like mandate.

1506, Sept. 12.—Confirmation of a grant by the bishop to Master John Hans, the sub-dean, for life, of the garden or eastern close called "the Cameray," with the little close of pasture near it, as the stone wall from the eastern part of the palace touches and incloses it, which Master John Pykman and Edmund Mille lately held; he must not demise it except to a canon residentiary. The bishop's deed is set out in full; it reserves a rent of one mark; dated March 23, 1505, 21 Henry VII.—ƒo. 130.


  • 1. Richard Fox was bishop of Bath and Wells, from 1492 to 1494.
  • 2. Translation doubtful. The word following clericus, apparently cacii, looks like an abbreviation for caccarii, genitive of caccarium. No such word, however, can be traced. The suggestion is hazarded that the word was formed from scaccarium by omitting the initial s., to denote a difference between exchequer and chequer or check. An officer of the royal household was known as clerk of the check or chequer, and the dean and chapter of Wells may have adopted this name just as they adopted the royal "exchequer" with its "baron."