America and West Indies: January 1673

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1889.

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'America and West Indies: January 1673', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674, ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online [accessed 16 February 2025].

'America and West Indies: January 1673', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online, accessed February 16, 2025,

"America and West Indies: January 1673". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online. Web. 16 February 2025.

January 1673

Jan. 1.
Villars House.
1015. Dr. Benjamin Worsley to Sir Thos. Lynch, Lieut.-Governor of Jamaica. His letter of 9th October to Sir Joseph Williamson has been communicated to the Lord President, the Lord Chancellor, and the Earl of Arlington, with all papers therein mentioned, which were very acceptable. Their Lordships have adjourned till the 12 days of this festival time be over, but on their next meeting will present his letter, and makes no doubt but he will by the first conveniency receive orders concerning the unkindnesses of the Spaniard and French suitable to the importance of the affair. Was not a little gratified to discern that they had near three times the trade this year that they had last; and that as yet they had had no disturbance from the Dutch; for fear of which an advice boat was sent with their Lordships' letters, by which he wrote several letters, and acquainted him with their Lordships' pleasures concerning the cutting of logwood, that they altogether allowed of his connivance at it, provided those rules which they had formerly directed, and which were agreeable to what himself mentioned. The Lord Chancellor on perusal of his letter and papers from the inhabitants of New Providence, commanded him to give him thanks in his Lordship's name and those of the Lords Proprietors of Carolina for his great humanity to the Governor and poor inhabitants, and to inform him that a vessel was ready to set sail with all manner of provision for them and a sufficient Commission for the Governor. 1 1/2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXX., No. 1.]
Jan. 1. 1016. Extract of preceding concerning logwood cutting. 1/2 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXX., No. 2.]
Jan. 2. 1017. The King to the Governor of Virginia. To examine into the petition of John Tailoe in behalf of himself and others, creditors of the late Robert Walton or Wauton, who to avoid payment withdrew to Virginia with a good part of his estate, with which he purchased a plantation there, and it is now pretended that said debts were not contracted after he inhabited in Virginia, and therefore his estate not liable to their demands. 1 1/2 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XCIII., p. 75.]
Jan. 4–8. 1018. Minutes of the Council of Barbadoes; Present, his Excellency, Sir Peter Colleton, Dan. Searle, Henry Drax, John Knights, Henry Hawley, Thomas Wardall, Sam. Farmer, and Sam. Barwicke. Ordered that the Assembly be summoned to meet on Tuesday morning next at 8 o'clock for some special affair.
Jan. 7.—Ordered that Lieut.-Colonel Wm. Bate, Treasurer, take care for provision of victuals and other necessaries as his Excellency and Council shall think fit for the expedition to Tobago, not exceeding 30,000 lb. sugar; that the Speaker return his Excellency the thanks of the Assembly for his bountiful promise to bestow the island of Tobago upon Barbadoes, not doubting it will be for his Majesty's service and the benefit of this island; and that any of his Majesty's soldiers now at Tobago that are willing may remain there, taking care for their own support.
Jan. 8.—Ordered that Lieut.-Colonel Wm. Bate compute and provide 14 days' provision for 1,000 men, to be forthwith put aboard the sloop Speedwell, to supply the people to be brought from Tobago, and maintain those that must stay there till they can be fetched away, provided the same exceed not 30,000 lb. sugar given by the island for that purpose. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XI., 208–210.]
Jan. 7. 1019. The King to Wm. Lord Willoughby, Governor of Barbadoes. Directing him without further delay to admit Sir Tobias Bridge into the Council there, according to his Majesty's order of 22nd March 1672, from which he had been suspended till his Majesty's further pleasure, on the ground of his not being a freeholder in the island, a necessary qualification in his Majesty's instructions of the 10th June last. 1 p. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XCIII., fo. 77.]
Jan. 8.
St. Jago.
1020. Minutes of the Council of Jamaica. On reading the clause in the Act for negro slaves, allowing that such as do not stir above 4 miles from their master's plantation shall not be whipped or taken up, though they do not produce a ticket, and on consideration how much the safety of all planters consists in restraining communication of the negroes one with another; Ordered, that all masters and overseers under penalty of 5l. take care to keep their negroes within their own plantations, and permit none to go thence without a ticket mentioning their number and names, and what merchandizes they carry with them, and what allowances are granted them to trade; and that it shall be lawful for any person to take up and whip any negroes found after 1st February next out of their masters' plantations without a ticket, and return them to their masters without respect to their distance from home; and all marshalls, constables, and other officers are strictly required to use their utmost diligence in the execution of this order, and shall be paid for such negroes according as is appointed for runaways in the Act. 2 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XXXV., 334–336; also No. XXXVII., fo. 138 d.]
Jan. 9.
1021. Governor Lord Willoughby to Col. Sir Tobias Bridge and Capt. Poole at Tobago. Has after great consideration with his Council and Assembly, who much applaud their action, procured 30,000 lb. sugar more towards their transportation. Leaves the way of bringing off the soldiers and people wholly to their contrivance, and supposing the St. David must have two trips, has by this sloop sent provisions for those that stay behind. Thinks the slaves and prisoners should be first brought off, and such soldiers as Sir T. Bridge shall desire, and that such vessel remain as they agree upon. May possibly come in person to bring off those that are left. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXX., No. 3.]
Jan. 11. 1022. Order of the Council for Trade and Plantations. That the Secretary out of the letter lately sent from Sir Thos. Lynch, and other papers before the Council, draw out an extract of the complaints made from him or any other about the losses and injuries lately sustained from the Spaniards in the West Indies since the last Articles of Peace, and that same be delivered to Lord Arlington to be communicated to Sir William Godolphin. Annexed,
1022. I. The 7th and 8th Articles of the Treaty concluded at Madrid the 8/18th July 1670. Providing that all injuries which the people of Great Britain and Spain have suffered by each other in America be buried in oblivion, &c.
1022. II. "Extracts of several letters concerning the usage of the English by the Spaniards in the West Indies since the Peace," viz. :—
28 Nov. 1671.—Sir Thos. Lynch to Mr. Slingesby. A catch from New York robbed by a Spaniard, taken into St. Jago, and dismissed without satisfaction.
1671, Dec.—An address by merchants to the Council for Plantations, received 19 April 1672. In December 1671 one Capt. Yellows, late a privateer of Jamaica, by commission from the Government of Campeachy carried five English vessels off the coast of Yucatan to Campeachy, where they are detained as prizes.
N.B.—This entry has been crossed through
1672, Jan. 13,
Jamaica. } Nathaniel Radely to William Williams, of London. On 5th August the Loyal James of London, was cast away on the Jordans by Cuba, where two English ships took in what was saved; one was the pink Peter which was taken by Capt. Candelero and carried to Campeachy, where the men were led through the town barefooted, without shirts or hats, called dogs and rogues, spit on, scorned and reviled, cast into prison and made to carry cables and logwood.
Jan. 24,
Jamaica. } Hender Molesworth to Thomas Duck, of London. The same about Yellows as in preceding address [see ante, No. 888].
1672, April 8.
Bristol. } Charles Swan to— The Governor (of Jamaica) sent the Assistance to Campeachy to confirm the Peace and take Capt. Yellows a pirate, but Capt. Willgress found Yellows at dinner with the Governor, who would not permit him to be surprised; but afterwards gave him commission to take all English ships at anchor or cutting logwood on the coasts, who took and carried into Campeachy two ships of London, one of New England, and two of Jamaica.
1672, May 22. Petition of Peter Brent about the pink Peter (see No. 820.) Evidenced by a letter from Charles Cogan of 14 January 1672 to Peter Brent and Co., and by depositions before Sir Thos. Lynch, 12th January 1672.
1671, Dec. 26. By reason of which James Barclay, Deputy Secretary of Jamaica protests against the Spaniards for a breach of the Peace.
1672, Mar. 10. Sir Thos. Lynch to the Council for Plantations. Two copies. Together, 4 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXX., Nos. 4. 4. I., II.]
Jan. 11.
St. Kitts.
1023. Minutes of the Council of St. Kitts. On a motion by Lieut.-Col. John Estridge about overtures lately made to him by several French gentlemen that the late capitulations made in this island for the continuance of unity here betwixt said French and English, though a rupture should happen between the Kings of both nations in Europe, it was desired that the Governor would advise the General that his pleasure might be known with expedition and privacy. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVIII., No. 69.]
Jan. (15).
1024. The King to Sir Thos. Lynch, Lieut.-Governor. Whereas his Majesty has been informed of certain proceedings of his against one Johnson a pirate, and reflecting upon the manner and circumstances of his condemnation contrary to law, his Majesty has thought fit to signify his dislike of the same, which, though his severe orders about privateers might in some degree seem to mitigate, yet in a case so extraordinary and where the offender, though never so guilty, was by course of law cleared, his Majesty did expect that the cognizance of the whole matter should have been remitted to him and his determination. And therefore for the future his Majesty strictly commands him to follow the strict rule of law in all cases, especially concerning the life and property of any of his subjects; and that his Majesty's service may not in future suffer by any artifice or collusion as seems to have been practised in the first trial of Johnson, his Majesty strictly commands him hereafter to try all pirates by the maritime law or law of nations, according to his commission from his Majesty or the Duke of York. And he is likewise to continue to endeavour by all prudent and just means the preservation of the peace and good correspondence between his Majesty and neighbouring Crowns, yet so as not to suffer anything to be done to the manifest prejudice of his Majesty's service or of his subjects, without speedily informing one of his Majesty's Secretaries of State. And because his Majesty is satisfied of the justice of the sentence against Johnson, though wholly disapproving his manner of proceeding therein, and is desirous that his Catholic Majesty may see how sincere his Majesty is in discountenancing privateering, and using all means for maintaining good correspondence, his Majesty requires him forthwith to suspend and put out of the commission of the peace, and out of all other employments in the government of the island, whether military or civil, both Col. Modyford and all those persons who were designedly or wilfully guilty of acquitting said Johnson, and also all others who shall hereafter, out of favour to any pirates, misdemean themselves in like manner in conempt of his Majesty's authority. 1 1/2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXX., No. 5 and 35. See also Col. Entry Bk., No. XCIII., fo. 76.]
Jan. 22.
St. Jago.
1025. Minutes of the Council of Jamaica. Whereas on the representation that Ann Gage, late of Port Royal, died possessed of a very valuable estate real and personal in this island, and that she owes considerable sums of money, and it appearing that her husband is not on the island; ordered, that all the estate be put into the hands of Capt. Rich. Brayne as chief creditor, who is required to return a true inventory thereof to the Governor on oath within four months, and is authorized to sue and recover all debts, &c. due to the deceased, and give acquittances for same, and to pay all debts lawfully due on proof made before Rob. Freeman, Sam. Bache and Reginald Wilson, Esquires, or any of them, whose certificate, shall be sufficient warrant to pay; and that Capt. Brayne give bond in 2,000 l. for punctual performance hereof, and dispose of the overplus to the Governor's order. 2 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XXXV., 336–338.]
Jan. 23.
1026. Grant to Edward Cranfield of the office of Escheator of Barbades during life, with power to levy and receive to his own use without account, fines and forfeitures due to his Majesty within said island. Endorsed, "23 Januarii 1672." [Dom., Chas. II., Docquets.]
Jan. 23–29. 1027. Minutes of the Council of Barbadoes. Desire of the Governor to know in writing the resolutions of the Assembly upon his Majesty's instructions of the 12th June empowering his Excellency to treat with the country and upon reasonable terms to part with the 4 1/2 per cent., copy whereof was given them at their last meeting. Six Acts and votes brought by the Assmbly, vizt., an Act repealing an Act prohibiting importing of brandy, an Act to enable the Jews to give testimony in courts of judicature, an Act for raising a duty on brandy imported, and an Act for paying Mr. Knights 250l.; a vote about purchasing the 4 1/2; per cent., an Act about negroes, and afterwards an Act prohibiting people going on board ships, &c. Ordered by the Assembly, that Mr. Farmer manage conference about the Jews Act, and Col. Hawley and Col. Walrond the business of accounts. Ordered by the Assembly, with the assent of the Governor and Council, that the Treasury pay out of the excise on liquors to John Knights, merchant, 250l., or the value at 12 s. 6 d. per 100 lb. sugar, in full for the freight of paving stones laden on board the Norwich by J. Bawden for the use of the forts, deducting what rests in Bawden's hands on account of sales of sugars received from the country.
Jan. 29.— Ordered that the Council, or any four of them, view the forts of the island, calling to their assistance the field officers near each place, and make report to his Excellency the next council day what they find necessary to be done; and that they meet at Austin's Bay on 4th February next at 9 in the morning. 1 p. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XL., 210–212.]