Elizabeth: July 1573

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 10, 1572-1574. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1876.

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'Elizabeth: July 1573', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 10, 1572-1574, ed. Allan James Crosby (London, 1876), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol10/pp380-396 [accessed 16 February 2025].

'Elizabeth: July 1573', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 10, 1572-1574. Edited by Allan James Crosby (London, 1876), British History Online, accessed February 16, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol10/pp380-396.

"Elizabeth: July 1573". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 10, 1572-1574. Ed. Allan James Crosby (London, 1876), British History Online. Web. 16 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol10/pp380-396.


July 1573

July 2. 1075. Sir Valentine Browne to Lord Burghley.
Has fully paid and cleared all the charges of the Queen's forces late in Scotland. Has received the 1,000l. assigned him from Mr. Hodgson, William Selby, and others of Newcastle. Has paid all the money he borrowed in Newcastle and Durham. Prays him to write to the customers and officers of the port of Hull to suffer his provisions to pass to Berwick notwithstanding the late restraint, the stay whereof is both to his hindrance and charges, some evil payers taking occasion thereby to drive him off the delivery of the things he has long since paid for. The time of the year draws on fast that may be dangerous for shipping, and the provisions must serve the winter.—Berwick, 2 July 1573. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
July. 1076. Expugnation of the Rebels in Edinburgh Castle.
A brief estimate of the Queen's charges in the aid of the same under the conduction of Sir William Drury, Marshal of Berwick, from the first preparation therefor to the end of the same. Charges grown before the entrance of the aid into Scotland, 1,182l. 6s. The charges of the aids in Scotland for 56 days, to end the 12th June, 5,195l. 1s. 8d. Further charges of the General and soldiers in Scotland, conduct money ships, &c., make the whole amount of the charge 7,422l. 7s. 8d.
Endd. by Burghley. Pp. 3.
July 3. 1077. Sir W. Drury to Lord Burghley.
Is emboldened the rather to put him in mind of his word, whereby, the service ended, he had some hope of his present repair up, for that he gathers the Regent intends to discover the continuance of misliking him, as to remove him from further having to do in these parts, and not without the knowledge of some one English person. But to the end that the cause might not be hidden from the world, what his late or former dealings have been in any cause wherein he has been employed, beseeches that he may have the Queen's licence for his repair up, where he may answer to no less than may be objected against him. Should he be the first that has advertised of the Regent's intention, prays that the same may be kept in secret till further show thereof by others. —Berwick, 3 July 1573. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1⅓.
July 4. 1078. Dr. Valentine Dale to Lord Burghley.
The Ambassador of Spain sent his secretary to him to make his moan that the Queen did either send or permit Montgomery and divers soldiers to go to the succour of the Prince of Orange, being very sorry there should be any occasion of misliking between the Queen and them, and was desirous to know how many ships there might be that went. He answered that some that had been with Montgomery might seek their adventure abroad to find themselves occupied, but the Queen did not countenance them, and that he did not know the number of vessels, but they could not be either of any number or men of any account, and it might be they were either of the Low Countries or French. There died a Savoyard within the liberties of the Scottish Queen, by reason whereof his goods are due to her by right of "aubaine"; the wife of the "Grand Esquier" of Savoy is a suitor to have a grant of this confiscation, and has procured the Duchess of Nemours to be a suitor to the Scottish Queen. The news of the peace is confirmed by divers messages from the Queen Mother, but can hear no more of the capitulation. They are inquisitive to know whether the Queen sent Mr. Horsey for a delay, or else to shift off the matter clean; he is appointed to have an audience to-morrow.—Paris, 4 July 1573. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¾.
June 25. 1079. Anne d'Este, Duchesse de Nemours, to Mary Queen of Scots.
Desires that Madame la "Grande" of Savoy may have 12,000 francs from the goods of the late Master Lawrence du Bois.—June 25. Signed.
Endd. Fr. P. 1. Enclosure.
July 4. 1080. Proclamation in Brittany.
The King and M. de Montpensier, his lieutenant-general in Brittany, command the inhabitants of the town of Vitre, formerly of the new opinion, but who have now made abjuration therefrom, and profession of the Roman Catholic religion, that they hear mass all Sundays and feasts, and receive the sacraments of confession and holy communion, especially at Easter. The curés, rectors, and others shall register the names of those who have not satisfied, and give copies to the Governor and Judge Royal of the city. Curés and other of the clergy are forbidden to inter the corpses of those that die in the new opinion in holy places, under a fine of a hundred livres for the poor. Persons who have formerly made profession of the new opinion are not to keep schools under pain of death, and no inhabitant is to send his children elsewhere than to the public schools; those who have children in England and elsewhere being especially enjoined to cause them to return within a month, under pain of 500 livres. They are forbidden to show joy by word or sign at the news of the successes of those in arms against the King. They are to keep their houses when the body of Christ is borne in procession. They are forbidden to visit or preach to the sick, nor to sing publicly or privately the psalms put in rhyme by Marot. Those who have not made profession of their belief are enjoined to do so within 10 days.—Vitre, 4 July 1573.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 22/3.
July 5. 1081. Dr. Valentine Dale to the Earl of Leicester.
The assault at Rochelle is given, and in vain. The mine was made three sundry ways to the intent it might have the more force when it should be blown up. Strozzi and Gohas [Giazzo] were appointed to give the assault, and were flanked with 400 harquebussiers and 1,200 Swiss. The mine was blown up and the assault attempted, but they had so well flanked the breach within, and were so ready to receive them that gave the assault, that the first rank of M. Strozzi found it so hot that there were none that would follow, and so the assault took no place. The report goes that there should be five or six hundred slain. They say at the court that this happened because they that gave the first onset found the breach not reasonable. Some say they were so well provided for within that no man could come but to his death. It is said also that when the mine was blown up the rampart fell outward towards the breach, and the ruins filled it up in such sort that the rampart was more inaccessible than before. Strozzi finds fault with them that should have seconded him. They that were on the ramparts saw them within in squadron ready to have tried it with blows if the assault had not been repulsed. They let not to say they look to have the town shortly, but it must be by composition for the soldiers will come no more at it. The Queen Mother is at Paris to prepare money for the setting forth of the Kingelect of Poland, howsoever the King's debts be paid and his service done. Mauvisiere comes over to be resident Ambassador upon that color the better to treat for other things. There is talk that the treaty of marriage between the King elect and the Duke of Saxony's daughter is reversed. Villeroy one of the Secretaries of State, is gone to Rochelle with full determination of accord if they can be trusted; this is the third secretary sent for the purpose. Has written to the Privy Council of the merchants' matters, and the incredible dearth there is here.—Paris, 5 July 1573. Signed.
Add., with seal. Pp. 2.
June 5. 1082. Election of the King of Poland.
The Assembly was in the "champion" of Warsaw with a concourse of people occupying 15 miles compass, to the number of 200,000 horsemen, besides a troop of borderers to the number of 14,000. The Cardinal of Comenduno was the first to recite his oration exhorting the subjects to elect a Catholic. Seigneur Rosenberg, the Emperor's ambassador, in the Bohemian tongue, to the great liking of all, most eloquently showed that in the Prince Ernest were all those good parts that were required in a good and true prince; by his voisinage he was so fit a person that on him should depend the perfect observation of privilege; and by the pacifying of Prussia and Livonia they would be united to that crown, promising to adjoin there to the Duchies of Bar and Rostock, and to maintain a hundred gentlemen in good "studies" by means of the Emperor and the King of Spain, with the rest of his kindred. He promised all their forces to the defence of the kingdom, advising them that if they chose a stranger whose forces were far off, neither should he be able to supply or defend them. There was no trust to be placed in Turkish promises, and the Emperor has taken truce with the Turk for three years, it resting in his hands to prolong it at his pleasure. He offered to the Senate regions of the Turk, and touching religion the Prince could so accommodate himself that all things should pass without bloodshed. The King of Spain's ambassador being very desirous to follow was put back by the French, willing him to observe the order that those should first speak that first entered into the kingdom, and he was not permitted to speak but what he had already given in writing, which was to make the same offers that the Emperor had made. By this means the French ambassadors, of whom two were apparelled like prelates and the third soldier-like, had audience. Beginning in praise of the noble house of Valois, how they had always been defenders of the Holy Church and Catholic religion, and that none of their blood was ever spotted with heresy, they descended to high commendation of the Duke of Anjou, being so valiant and adorned with such virtues as might become a prince of his descent, and so made offers of him to be their king. The Admiral was worthily punished, as one that manifestly conspired against the King's blood. All the revenue Anjou had in France should be employed in Poland, and spent at the discretion of the Senate for the benefit of the kingdom. The King offered that in the service of the lords of Poland to spend the benefit of his crown, and in occasion of wars to give them strong succour; he promised likewise to recover from the Muscovite all those territories he holds of theirs, and that with very small difficulty they should have certain aid of the Princes of Germany further to add states to their dominions, meaning Wallachia. He offered perpetual peace with the Turks, to bring a good number of readers in all the services at his charge, and to maintain a number of the nobility in the study of good letters. There was also a letter sent to the Bashaw, by way of Wallachia, which commanded them either to elect a Pole or the Duke of Anjou. The ambassadors of Sweden made their oration in behalf of their King as fitted to be chosen for his nearness of blood, declaring him to be a great creditor for sums lent their late King to defend his country against the Muscovite, saying that his forces adjoined to the power of their kingdom were able to bridle him, if they chose him not King then to restore him his own money and the dowry promised him, whereas if they did elect him he would remit it. Hitherto the Muscovite Ambassador came not forth, considering perchance that it was not for his honour, but a letter was presented which comprehended many fair proffers, concluding that if they would bestow the kingdom upon him he would not call himself King of Poland but Emperor, with great hope of winning new countries and to correct the enemies of Christ.
Endd. Pp. 3. Enclosure.
July 7. 1083. Dr. Valentine Dale to [Lord Burghley].
The King has much ado to please the Pope and them of Spain and Lorraine, and others that desire persecution of religion. He has despatched a post to satisfy the King of Spain therein; whether they do discover anything of their intention to entrap them of the religion, as they have done at the making of other peaces, he knows not. They of Spain do enter into jealousy of renewing their former practices in the Low Countries now upon this peace, the more because De Lumbres is here and keeps himself secret. Franciotto and Cavalcanti are doers here in the matters of the Duke. Although it be true the King has signed the agreement for the peace, yet it is not known whether they in Bearn, Languedoc, and Dauphiny have accepted it, or whether they have laid down their arms. The little help of munitions that came from England maintained Rochelle till the time of the peace, without which they could not have held out so long.— Paris, 7 July 1573. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 7. 1084. Dr. Valentine Dale to the Queen.
After Mr. Horsey's first audience the King and Queen Mother assembled the Council to advise for the conclusion of the peace, and after two days deliberation the King signed the capitulations against the will of such as have always advised to root out them of the religion by sword. As divers think it much against the King's honor to condescend so favourably to his subjects in cause of religion, they do not as yet publish the peace with any solemnity. On Sunday they had access to the Queen Mother, who hoped that now peace was concluded the Queen of England would speak "franchement" touching her son's suit, and trusted there would remain none other excuse. Mr. Horsey said she had cause to take great advice in so weighty a matter, and entered roundly into the miscontentment of her subjects by reason of the massacre, so that the Queen Mother was constrained to use long speech for their excuse, and to deny many of those things which have been reported, both of the manner and for the number, very desirous as it seemed to be purged in her opinion. Mr. Horsey wished it might be published that the intercession of the Duke had been the cause of the conclusion of peace, that always he might be noted to be a favorer of them of the religion, with other particular talk of the conformity he should need to use in religion for the contentment of her subjects. The Queen Mother said the Duke had been a great persuader of the peace indeed, and that he, she, the King, and the King of Poland had bound themselves in honor for its performance, so that it stood them all upon to see it kept, and for matters of religion the Queen of England might rule him at her pleasure. Afterwards the King came forth and uttered that he concluded the peace rather in contemplation of her, and how many ways he perceived her goodwill towards him, and then recommended the suit of his brother. Mr. Horsey was in hand with him again touching the massacre, but the King said the most part that was reported was untrue, that he was sorry for that that was done, and wished he had lost his arm rather than it had happened. Her "ambassade" in the opinion of many has been a great declaration of her care for the re[pose] of them of the religion, and has procured them p[eace] with more speed and more favourable conditions; for it plainly appears that there were many adversaries to it, both in respect of religion and also in point of honor; it was concluded without delay upon Mr. Horsey's coming, and there is further hope that it will be much better performed. Touching their suit they hold themselves contented with her answer for the present, the causes of the misliking of her subjects being at large deduced by Mr. Horsey, cannot but give them to understand that it was given on good grounds.—Paris, July 1573. Slightly injured by damp.
Copy. Pp. 5¾. Enclosure.
July 7. 1085. Pietro Bizarri to Lord Burghley.
1. The Ambassador who was sent to the Emperor by those of the Polish nobility who favoured the election of his son, and who adduced reasons why the late election should be set aside, has left the Imperial court with some presents.
2. The Emperor will go to Prague about St. Bartholomew's day to procure that his son may be declared King of Bohemia. Count "Scheredinus" [Schærding] has collected 4,000 cavalry to impede the passage of the new King. The Moscovite and the King of Sweden have formed a league against him, to which the King of Denmark is not averse, and many of the German Princes think that his passage is by all means to be prevented. Poland is in a wretched condition through the dissensions of the nobility, and the new King will not be able to govern without great bloodshed. Among the pasquils against the election is one that the Polish nobility have been troubled quite enough already with the "Gallico morbo," and there is no necessity why they should perish utterly with a new one. The Duke of Alva obtained leave to raise 10 regiments, but in six weeks could only levy 600 men, and those mostly raw countrymen and very few gentlemen.
3. The Venetians have ordered all Jews to quit their territory within 15 days; but some of the richest of that people have promised to give the senate annually 60,000 gold crowns, and not to receive more than 5 per cent. interest instead of 12 and more, as they have been doing. Desires to be informed through Windebank whether this history has been presented to the Queen.—Augsburg, 7 July 1573. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Lat. Pp. 2.
July 9. 1086. M. de la Mothe Fenelon to Lord Burghley.
Recommends the bearer, an inhabitant of Rouen, to his favorable consideration, and desires his letters for him to the officers of Rye to enable him to recover his goods. Expresses his willingness to perform the same offices for any subject of England.—London, 9 July 1573. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
July 10. 1087. Ivan Basilowitz to the Queen.
Whereas the King of Denmark lays claim to certain towns on his coast, and has commanded the English merchants to take letters of privileges for those places for him; he declares that the said places have belonged to him of inheritance, and desires her to command her merchants to go to sea with ships of war, that they may resist the King of Denmark's pirates, and he will also send his men-of-war to assist them.—Moscow, A.M. 7090 (sic), 10 July and of his birth the 48.
Copy. Endd. 1582. Pp. 1⅓.
July 11. 1088. Advices.
1. Rome, 11 July 1573. Rumour of the death of the Grand Turk. Great preparations of men, munitions, ships, and provisions against the Turks. Rendezvous of the Turkish fleet at Modon to the number of 265 sail. Unsuccessful assault on Rochelle.
2. Vienna, 2 July 1573. Presents given by the Emperor to the Ambassador of Poland. Invasion of Lithuania by the Muscovites. Ravages by the Turks in different places.
Ital. Pp. 3¼.
July 11. 1089. Occurrents in France.
The King of Poland has withdrawn . . . some say to Niort, some say to . . . . leagues from Rochelle. The French soldiers, which are not thought [above] 900, lie about the King of Poland. The Swiss lie near the town to keep it. The Prince of Condé is come to his house in Gastinois. The articles of pacification were not sent to the camp till the 6th. The soldiers do come ordinarily out of Rochelle to view the town, and repair there. They of the town keep themselves without offending them that are without. The port is kept strait as during the siege. The King and Queen Mother have sent to the [King of] Poland to come from the camp. The King and both the Queens are . . . the time to Charleval in Normandy. It is said the King and Queen Mother . . back to Paris in time to meet . . . . Poland on his return. There is very great and speedy . . . for the receiving of the ambass[adors] and for the entry of the King of . . . Paris. Captains La Fleur and La Croix were taken as they issued out of Sancerre to seek succour, and La Fleur is executed. Although Sancerre be not in the pacification, yet it is thought they shall be received into mercy, and that they will lay down their arms.
Endd. Injured by damp. P. 1⅓.
July 11. 1090. Edict of Pacification.
The memory of all things happened since the 24th of August last shall be extinguished. They shall not reproach each other, dispute, or use offensive words, but live peaceably together. The Catholic religion is to be established throughout the country, except at Rochelle and a few other places, where those of the new religion shall have liberty of worship. Bailiffs and judges ordinary are to see to the decent interment of those who die in the pretended reformed religion. Those who give security to change their religion shall be admitted indifferently to the universities, schools, hospitals, &c. All of that religion can sell or alienate their goods, and retire whither they please, provided it be not to the territory of any princes with whom they are at war. Various other articles relating to the discharge of prisoners for religion, &c.
Fr. Endd. Pp. 8½.
July 12. 1091. M. de la Mothe Fenelon to Lord Burghley.
Sends some of the articles of the pacification, and will send the rest when he receives them. Has prayed the Queen to give answer to the requests of the King for an interview for his brother, to which she replied that his demand was reasonable, and she would confer with him [Burghley] upon his return to court to-day, and give answer before next Monday. Asks his influence with her to obtain an answer, and for a letter to the Duke of Alencon.—London, 12 July 1573. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Burghley P. 1.
July 12. 1092. Sir W. Drury to Lord Burghley.
If his stay at Berwick but depends upon Lord Hunsdon's coming, he can but wish he would hasten him, as he has been absent for twelve months. Assures him that though he has received something against him from the Regent, that not only in this last journey against the Castle, but in former at all times has he deserved to be well thought of by him, but how the same has been answered others can witness. Where Burghley writes that he wishes it were in his power to reconcile the difference, his lordship has such power and interest in him and to command him, that his will shall be but the instrument to execute his lordship's will. His sick wife wishes and calls for him there, and his creditors look for him, were it but for a time, to content them. His state of body is fitter to be in the physician's hands to cure that which else may be uncurable.—Berwick, 12 July. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 13. 1093. Maisonfleur to Lord Burghley.
1. Cannot send any news of the Duke of Alençon as Mr. Horsey has brought no answer to his letters to the Duke, which probably, as he is at Rochelle, he has not received soon enough to answer. Yesterday about four in the afternoon there arrived at "La vielle Poste d' Anvers," where he is lodged, five German gentlemen, each accompanied by two servants, who said they had been five weeks in the service of the Prince of Orange, but some say that they were seen a year ago with the Duke of Holstein when he was going to join the Duke of Alva. Had determined to raise two companies of foot soldiers to serve in Holland if the Duke of Alençon had not forbidden him to leave the kingdom. As he has not heard from him intends to depart in five or six days for the Brille where he has an equal number of soldiers with the sixty or eighty he has in this city. Expects besides a strong troop from Hampton and Rye. Will attend on him before he goes to receive any commandments for the Queen's service or his own. He would bestow a great favour on him if he would impart any news he has of the Duke of Alençon, or of what Mr. Horsey has learnt in France. Will bring a copy of the letter he has sent to the Duke of Alençon to persuade him from remaining before Rochelle.—London the 13th. Signed.
2. P.S.—Has just heard that the "Primrose" has taken some small French ships, with 200 or 300 French soldiers who have been stripped of their arms and accoutrements. The soldiers are very necessary to him to complete the troops he will take into Holland, and prays therefore for letters from the Queen to the captain of the Primrose, and others it may concern, that their arms and accoutrements may be returned. The Earl of Oxford has at the house of a merchant of this city thirty gilt morions, which the merchant is willing to sell if he can have licence from the Earl, which he prays him to obtain for him.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
July 15. 1094. M. de la Mothe Fenelon to Lord Burghley.
As upon the Queen's answer depends one of the most honourable and necessary alliances of Christianity, and the great and useful effects that are looked for between the two kingdoms, prays him to be a mean that it be written in such good fashion that the King and Queen Mother may see that he has not deceived them when he said that there was always sincerity intended. Will send one of his servants into France to take the Queen's letter and bring back answer, and prays him not to forget the letter to the Duke of Alençon that has been promised, and to send a form of security and safe conduct that he may see if they in France require anything more. London, 15 July 1573. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ½.
July 16. 1095. Dr. Valentine Dale to Lord Burghley.
Stays for the delivery of the Queen's letters to the King elect until he come near the town. They of Dauphiny and Languedoc think themselves not sufficiently provided for by those of Rochelle, and therefore remain in arms. The King elect leaves such matters to them that list. It is well he comes from Rochelle without dishonour. There has been slender order in the camp, and those advantages that they of the town have had have been as well by their own vigilance as through the negligence of the "assiegants." They blame M. Biron for planting his ordnance in place of least advantage. Some say the fault in the first assault was in the company of M. Strozzi. The gentlemen went always to the trenches and to the very walls unarmed and laid far otherwise than the Duke of Alva did before Mons, which gave them of the town leisure to entrench themselves, to discover their mines, and make divers sallies at their pleasure. The ships and fortifications in the haven were so slenderly looked unto at Montgomery's first coming that a small attempt would have brought in divers of his vessels. The vessel that came in escaped by them all before it was known whether she was friend or enemy. They had left store of wine, muscatels, and sack for three years, fish for a year, and biscuits for two months, and in these latter days did change with the soldiers without wine for flesh. There could be nothing done or intended by Monsieur but they knew of it in the town, and they had so entrenched themselves that they feared not any assault. It is bruited that the Duke will needs over, but the wiser and closer sort make no such brag. His wife requires to be with him so earnestly that he cannot but be moved, and indeed the charges of housekeeping in London are wanton and are more felt than when he has doing there himself. Prays the Queen may be made privy thereunto, and his wife present herself to know the Queen's pleasure.—Paris, 16 July 1573. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
July 17. 1096. Occurrents in France.
The camp is broken up from Rochelle. The Swiss and the rest of the soldiers that remain shall be sent to Dauphiny and Languedoc to the succour of M. Danville. There are 4,000 Swiss and Almains coming, some affirm to join the Protestants of Dauphiny, some that they were levied for the Prince of Orange. The King of Poland takes his voyage from Rochelle to Nantes and so up part of the Loire, either to avoid the pitiful clamour of the poor of the country, who are ruined by these wars, or else to try how he can brook the seas. The King has been troubled with voiding of blood, both above and beneath. The Swiss have gone to besiege a little castle not far from Rochelle that held out during the siege of that place.
P. 1.
July 18. 1097. Occurrents from Frankfort.
Great dissatisfaction in Poland on account of the election of the Duke of Anjou. Lithuania has separated from Poland and elected a Duke and entered into a perpetual alliance with the Muscovite. The Duke of Prussia has also taken up arms to oppose the election, to which Dantzic and some say Cracow have not agreed. Levy of troops in Germany. A new Diet spoken of. Troops raised for the service of the Duke of Alva. The Duke of Savoy has sent "Madame L'Admirale" to the Inquisition.
Endd. Fr. P. ½.
July 19. 1098. Advices from Delft.
1. M. de Batembouch failed on 9th July in his attempt to revictual Haarlem, and together with some other gentlemen was slain by the enemy. Two to three hundred of his men were killed, most of whom were townsmen of Delft. On the same day two galleys were taken from the enemy, who lost between 700 and 800 men. On the 15th or 16th Haarlem was surrendered on composition, which, however, was not observed, but every kind of cruelty committed. On the morrow the Spaniards wishing to sound the courage of the garrison of Alkmaar were chased back to Haarlem with the loss of 200 men. There is not a town in Holland which has heard of the treachery and cruelty of the Spaniards but is resolved to hold out more than ever, and have offered to send hostages to the Prince, who has refused to receive them, saying that their earnestness was the best hostage that he could have. His Excellency has been from town to town for the purpose of putting them in order.
2. M. de Lorges is in garrison at Leyden with the French companies, and is joined with M. de Noailles in the government of the town; he has also eight ensigns of Walloons and others near at hand. The English are in garrison at Delft. The whole country is in good courage to resist. The Count de la Mark is at Rotterdam less strictly guarded, who has promised to behave better for the future. All the ships of Brille and those which were in Haarlem Meer to the number of 80 have gone to Flushing to prevent the revictualling of Middleburg. Reported arrival of 500 Scots.
Endd.: 19 July 1573. Pp. 12/3.
23 July. 1099. Valentine Dale to Lord Burghley.
The Queen Mother is returned to this town. The King appoints to be at Madrid to give audience to the ambassadors come to congratulate the King elect, who does his pilgrimage on foot from Blois to Notre Dame de Clery. The Queen Mother has been very desirous to hear from the Queen, and Mauvisiere is commanded to make himself ready towards England. They of Dauphiny and Languedoc are waxen very strong, and M. Danville is had in some jealousy, therefore the Count of Retz is appointed to conduct such an army as they can make into that country; but until they have despatched the King elect they have no leisure to attend [to] their things at home. The publishing of the peace was referred to the Rochellois. The townsmen came to the King elect at his departure, desiring him to be a mean that such articles that were accorded them might be performed; he answered that he never before had made promise to the Protestants, but since he had he would see it performed. At his departure there entered certain ships, English and "Bretysh," with victual. The ships laid to stop the entry of the haven are withdrawn, and the carrick with other forts built by the King elect burned. Neither they of Languedoc, Dauphiny, or the town of Nismes accept the peace. The Protestants are possessed of a very strong town called Lodeve, where the most part of the riches of the country was bestowed, because by the situation it was taken to be inaccessible; they have gotten the harvest of the country as far as Toulouse, and had devised to surprise Toulouse, but were discovered. They are bent to be earnest in their suit now, at the return of the Duke, and there are some that get some credit to bring to the Queen Mother any word of hope therein. The Cardinal of Lorraine in an oration touching the grant from the clergy, to the King, declared that the massacre should be a matter deeply dissembled and much allowed of among themselves, applauding him for the manner in which using "d'une saincte simulation, et d'une dissimulation plaine de pieté," he has purged his kingdom of heretics, and brought his people back to the Holy Roman Church, comparing his conduct to that of King Josiah. The Queen Mother went to Dieppe for the preparation of the transporting of such as are to go to Poland by sea, and to inform himself perfectly of the commodities of the voyage for the King himself, for they cannot assure themselves which way they may take. Young Lansac comes by sea from Poland to try the passage that way. Paris, 23 July 1573. Signed.
Add. Endd. Partly Fr. P. 2½.
July 23. 1100. Occurrents in France.
The King elect of Poland, to avoid the murmuring and mutiny of the soldiers, for that they were unpaid, took galley at Rochelle, feigning to go for his pastime on the sea, and took his voyage to Nantes, and thence the 20th of the month is appointed to arrive at Tours, where the Duke of Alençon, the King of Navarre, and the Duke of Guise come to meet him. It is said Marshal Tavannes died "ex morbo pediculari," which is much noted, as he was one of the greatest persecutors at the massacre. There is a great bruit spread that neither the Emperor or the Princes of Germany will assure any passage to the King elect. It is said that the Muscovite makes preparation against Poland. It is reported that the navy of the Turk is consumed with fire from heaven, but the Ambassador that is come to congratulate from Venice reports that there is not above the number of 20 ships consumed. It is further reported that the rest of the Turks navy is withdrawn for this year.
Pp. 1¼.
[July 23.] 1101. Huguenots of Languedoc, &c.
List of towns and fortified places in possession of the Protestants of Languedoc under the government of M. de Boulliargues and M. de Gremeau. Names of such as have charge in Dauphiny among the Protestants.
P. 1.
July 25. 1102. Occurrents in France.
M. Danville sent his secretary to the King for arms and succour, but he attends at the Court without despatch, as does the secretary of the Lieutenant of the Government of Limoisin, whose is sent to have order to levy money, otherwise the forces of the Protestants cannot be withstood. The Emperor and the Princes of Allemagne intend to procure the election of a King of the Romans, for fear lest the King elect of Poland should work some practice for the Empire, if the Emperor should die. The Emperor understanding that there would come ambassadors out of Poland to the number of 1,500 horses, was content to give passage to certain that were already on their way, so that they passed not above the number of 200 horses, and has removed the posts from where they did lie, and laid them at Vienna, that no passage should come but by that way. The Muscovite makes war against the Poles, and has promised the Emperor aid to invade Poland. The King elect looks to 6,000 horses of the Turk, and to be invested of Wallachia.
P. 1.
26 July. 1103. Dr. Valentine Dale to [Lord Burghley].
Captain Thomaso came to him with a sorrowful complaint that he was advertised by Battista Gondy, a notable merchant of Florence, in chief credit with the Queen Mother, that she should ask him if he did know a Captain Thomaso, for the King was advertised by M. de la Mothe that he had intelligence with the Queen's Ambassador, and his letters were shewed in her Privy Council. The poor man was much dismayed, and doubts how it may be taken against him, and more lest he have "a shrewd turn unawares." Writes that he may have consideration of his case, and weigh whether any such thing might be revealed to the Ambassador out of such a place. Paris, 26 July 1573. Signed.
Add., with seal. P. 1.
July [26]. 1104. Audience with the King and Queen Mother.
The King being returned to St. Germains, Dale signified both to him and the Queen Mother that the Queen had written letters of gratulation to the King elect, and desired to know their pleasure when he should do Her Majesty's message, they answered that the King elect would be very shortly at Paris. The King had no great joy of the honor of his brother, but entered into talk of his other brother and of the peace, to which he answered he could say nothing. The Queen Mother had some discourse of the amity between the subjects of the Queen and of the King of Poland; she had written to the Queen for his favour for the passage of his soldiers; at Dieppe she did see a ship that had been coming from Dantzic but 15 days, whereupon he told her how ancient the amity had been between the Queen's progenitors and the subjects of Poland, what large privilege they had in England, and how necessary the amity of the Queen was for furthering or letting the passage of the King at all times, and for his wars with the Muscovite or with Sweden, or any other accident that might happen, how much her ships and mariners were in estimation with the Muscovite, and the Kings of Denmark and Sweden, and what riches did come of the staple that was at Dantzic for cloth. The Queen Mother said there should be as much amity on her son's part as ever had been, and if the third link of amity might be withal, what a force it would be when all should be knit together. She desired that the Queen might be advertised that when she was at Dieppe there came in certain Frenchmen that were spoiled by one Paiot, against whom they of the town made request that they might set forth six ships, which she would not do for avoiding of inconvenience, and therefore prayed her to travail for the quieting of the seas. Dale said that he did not know what Paiot was, or if there were any Englishmen in his governance, but when there was any great disorder the Queen set forth to apprehend such as were offenders, and he would advertise her of the request. Bienvenu, who goes to his country for a time, has told him that what countenance soever they do make to desire passage through Germany, it has been concluded that the King of Poland shall embark at Calais, which he had learned from so good a place that he had advertised the Duke of Savoy thereof. The Venetian Ambassadors both assure him that they have not made any motion to the King of Spain or the Venetians to have passage by Italy. The King of Spain has not sent any gratulation at all, which is much marked.
P. 2¼. Enclosure.
July 26. 1105. Dr. Valentine Dale to Lord Burghley.
Whereas the Ambassador hitherto has been alone to work, he shall now have help of the Duke himself, and all other means that can be devised, it is a matter so earnestly minded. The Queen Mother now begins to commend his stature, and says he is much grown during his being at Rochelle, and they say his beard has grown, which helps much his imperfections. Is of opinion he would become Protestant, and there is hope conceived throughout the realm, by the departure of the King elect, if the King might rid himself of that godly prelate of whose ungodly oration he did last write, of whom they say the King is weary, for he is ever in hand for persecution. Will be as moderate in extraordinaries as he can, wherein if ever there might be favor shewed now there do arise charges daily which were never used; every passport a French crown, and twenty such like. Now that Bienvenu is gone and Thomaso discouraged, no man will come at him but he must have something either in money or presents. Pays for oats at the rate of five nobles the quarter of English measure, wheat twenty nobles, and yet it is very little better; wine better than sixpence the English quart; and now at these entries and triumphs there will arise divers occasions of great necessary charge. Knows he does not lack his furtherance, neither for the Deanery of Wells, nor in anything that occasion shall present.—Paris, 26 July. Signed.
P.S.—Has received a letter from Mr. Horsey saying that the Earl of Leicester stands his good lord touching that little deanery.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
July 26. 1106. Anonymous Letter from Scotland.
The calamity of that good country (Flanders) is not only lamented by them, but goodwill borne to relieve part of their burden. Some number of men of war are already repaired thither, others upon the coming of his servant Captain Ormiston are in preparation, but the third sort are desirous to hazard themselves if they were certain of his pleasure, and what assured entreatment they might look for. They are not such as have been levied by wages in former wars, but rather some in the rank of nobility, who have done valiant service in the cause of religion and repressing civil sedition here. For that purpose is Captain Montgomery, a gentleman of approved truth and good credit, directed towards him to understand the condition of their affairs, and to return speedily with resolution of his pleasure.—Stirling, 26 July 1573.
P. 2/3.
July 31. 1107. Thomas Wilks to Walsingham.
Since the conclusion of the peace at Rochelle there has been nothing else talked of, and all other occurrents have yielded to that as the candle to the sun. The 26th, the King and Queen Mother went to meet the King elect at Estampes, but he making more haste than they were aware of met them at Chanteloup, seven leagues from Paris, and the next day they came to Paris, but very covertly. Since his departure from Rochelle the gentlemen of Poitou, and such as were neighbours to the Rochellois, have put themselves in arms, which is not a little wondered at, as they have remained quiet hitherto. It is most probable they mean to join with certain Swiss lately come out of Berne, and Switzerland, under the conduction of the Prince of Geneva, son of Madame de Rohan. The Rochellois are already in hand with their battered walls, and have 2,000 men daily working on them. The villages near to Rochelle where the camp is lodged were set on fire by certain stragglers; some say it was done by the King-elect's commandment, to prevent the plague, which began to be hot in those villages; they of Rochelle went out to save them, and being resisted by the boutefeux, set upon them and slew them every man, which seemed strange to the King at first, but since he seems to digest it well enough. The Count Gayazzo was sent with the Swiss to the Castle of Aubeterre with four cannons to besiege it, but finding it to be inaccessible, marches forth to meet M. Danville. The Protestants are possessed of a notable town within this eight days called Aiguesmortes. The Protestants of Languedoc refuse utterly the composition of Rochelle; the wisest judge this peace to be the beginning of greater wars. Fregoso is returned from Rochelle to the Duke of Saxe to continue the treaty of marriage between the King elect and the Duke's daughter. It is reported that the King of France endeavours to win the princes Protestant of Germany to make the King elect King of the Romans, and so give a push at the Empire; it is thought he can do it easier by the envy the princes bear to the house of Austria. The means he uses to win them is the intelligence he has with the Prince of Orange, whom he has aided within three months with the sum of 300,000 crowns. Mauvisiere is a great resorter and very secret conferrer with the Cardinal of Lorraine; surmises they have some exploit in hand which Mauvisiere shall execute at his coming into England.—Paris, last of July 1573. Signed.
Endd. Pp. 2⅓.
July & Aug. 1108. — to Giacomo Spinola.
1. Venice, 18 July '73. The report of the Turk's death is false, being merely a trick in order to see what the Seignory would have done if it had really happened.
2. Antwerp, 3 August. After the capture of Haarlem there was great hope that all the other towns in Holland would have surrendered, but they have replied to the Duke that they would rather die than yield. The Duke has divided his camp into three parts. Naval preparations at Antwerp.
Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 1½.