Queen Juana: 1525

Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1868.

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'Queen Juana: 1525', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana, ed. G A Bergenroth (London, 1868), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/spain/supp/vols1-2/pp422-424 [accessed 7 February 2025].

'Queen Juana: 1525', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana. Edited by G A Bergenroth (London, 1868), British History Online, accessed February 7, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/spain/supp/vols1-2/pp422-424.

"Queen Juana: 1525". Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana. Ed. G A Bergenroth (London, 1868), British History Online. Web. 7 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/spain/supp/vols1-2/pp422-424.


1525 (?) 15th January. 99. Don Fadrique Henriquez, Admiral of Castile, to the Emperor Charles.
[Archivo General de Simancas. Estado. Castilla. Legajo 13. ff. 14, 15. Holograph.]
A Su Magd. del Almirante. a xv. de Enero.
S. C. C. Mt.
aquy man escryto que v[uest]ra mayesta va mejorando y porque los desordenes en la convalesencya son mas pelygrosos quen la dolencya soplyco a v[uest]ra majesta que se guarde.
cuando por mandado de v[uest]ra mayesta fue a tordesillas able algunas vezes a la reyna nuestra Señora y en verda Señor que con todo su trabayo se le conocya el descontentamyento que tyene del marques y de la marquesa ques tanto que siente mayor travaxo de oyllos que syntio de la yda de la reyna y por parecerme obra muy piadosa la escrybo a v[uest]ra mayesta, que para ablar en esto parece que tyene todo el ser que qualquyera puede tener y en salyendo dello esta tan desconcertada como v[uest]ra Alteza a bysto. parecyome que lo devya azer saber a v[uest]ra mayesta. no lo terna por yero pues v[uest]ra Alteza conoce la voluntad la que me aze por servycio de v[uest]ra Alteza olvydarlos de (fn. 1) ... guarde dyos la muy real persona de v[uest]ra majesta. de medina a xv denero.
servydor y vasallo que los Reales pyes y manos de V. C. C. Mt. vesa. el almirante. [Rubrica.]
[Sobre :] A la S. C. C. Mt. dell enperado ... rey nu ... o Señor.
99. To his Majesty. From the Admiral. 15th of January.
Sacred, imperial, and catholic Majesty,
I have been informed by letters that your Majesty is recovering, and as indiscretions during the recovery are much more dangerous than during the illness, I beseech your Majesty to be careful.
When by the command of your Majesty I went to Tordesillas, I spoke several times with the Queen our lady, and in truth, Sir, her dissatisfaction with the marquis and the marchioness is discernible in spite of all her great troubles. It is so great that she suffers more from hearing them [speak], than from the departure of the Queen. (fn. 2) As that seems to me a most lamentable thing, I write it to your Majesty. Speaking on this matter, she seems to have the same judgment (fn. 3) as any other person might have, but as soon as other subjects are started she is as confused as your Majesty has seen her. I thought it my duty to inform your Majesty of this. You will not impute it to me as an error, because your Majesty knows the goodwill towards the service of your Highness which makes me forget ... (fn. 4) May God preserve the life of your Majesty.
From Medina [de Rioseco], 15th of January.
Your servant and vassal kisses the feet and hands of your Majesty.
The Admiral. [Sign manual.]
[Addressed :] To the sacred, imperial, and catholic Majesty of the Emperor ... King ... lord.
23rd May. 100. The Marquis of Denia to the Emperor Charles.
[Archivo General de Simancas. Legajo de autografas y originales. f. 16. Holograph.]
S. S. C. Mt.
la Reyna nuestro Señora esta como suele y abra un mes que salyo a un corredor y començo a dar vozes y porque no oyesen a Su Alt. yo mande a las mugeres que le suplycasen que se entrase en su camara y syno lo yzyese la metyesen y vyendo que lo queryan azer entrose. a quedado tan ordenada que no haze syno lo que le suplicamos, y asy come cada dya y de xv dyas aca se a acostado desnuda en su cama tres vezes y se a vestydo. yo syenpre crey que estando Su Alteza en la yndyspusycion que esta por nuestros pecados no podya aprovechar ninguna cosa tanto como alguna premia aunque es muy grave cosa pensar el vasallo en hazella a Su Señor. pareceme que estando Su Alt. en esta dyspusycion que serya de provar a que ablase a Su Alt. algun buen Religioso y antes que fray juan vrtado vinyese yo estava para llamalle para esto porque demas de ser tan buen Religioso era verdadero servydor de V. Mt. y esta calydad querria que tuvyesen todos los que syrven y an de ablar a Su Al. asy que S. Mt. estando Su. Al. en esta dyspusycion parece que es Razon de ayudalla para ver sy podra yr adelante en lo que V. Mt. desea. vealo V. Mt. y sy le parecyere mande venyr aqui vn buen rreligioso y sy V. Mt. acordare este sea domynyco porque con los franciscos esta mal por averse hallado aquy el general quando la Reyna my Señora se partyo. ruego a nuestro Señor guarde [vuest]ra C. C. Mt. bienaventuradamente con acrecentamyento de su Real corona. de tordesyllas a xxiij de mayo.
umill syervo de V. Mt. que sus Reales manos veso. el marques. [Rubrica.]
[Sobre :] A la S. C. C. Mt. del enperador y Rey Nuestro Señor.
Sacred, imperial, and catholic Majesty,
The Queen our lady is as usual. About a month ago she went to the corridor, and began to scream. In order that her Highness should not be heard I ordered the women to beg her to return to her room, and if she would not go, to conduct her there by force. When she saw that they were ready to do so she entered [her room], and remained so orderly that she does all we ask her. She dines every day. During the last fortnight she has undressed three times, gone to bed, and dressed again. I have always thought that her Highness, being in this disposed as she is, in punishment for our sins, nothing could do her more good than some torture, (fn. 5) although it is a very serious thing for a vassal to think of employing it against his sovereign. Her Highness being in this disposition I think it would be well that some good priest should speak to her, and before Fray Juan Hurtado was to come, I had already thought of inviting him for this purpose. For he is not only a good priest, but also a loyal servant of your Majesty, and I wish that as much could be said of all who speak with her Highness. Thus, Sacred Majesty, whilst she is in her present disposition, it is necessary to help her, and to see whether she will not make some progress in those things which your Majesty desires. Your Majesty has to decide, and if [my proposal] is approved, your Majesty may order a good priest to come here. It would be well if he were a Dominican friar, for the Franciscans she does not like, because the general [of the Franciscan friars] was here when the Queen my lady (fn. 6) left. I pray our Lord to guard your Majesty, and to bless you with more kingdoms.
From Tordesillas, 23rd of May.
Your Majesty's servant kisses your royal hands.
The Marquis. [Sign manual.]
[Addressed :] To his sacred, imperial, and catholic Majesty, the Emperor and King our lord.


  • 1. Roto.
  • 2. The Infanta Catalina having married the King of Portugal had left for that kingdom.
  • 3. Ser is essence, or nature, evidently used here with respect to her judgment.
  • 4. Paper gone.
  • 5. See note (1), added to the document No. 96, p. 405.
  • 6. The Infanta Catalina, married to the King of Portugal in the year 1524.