Index: N

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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'Index: N', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Index: N', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024,

"Index: N". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024.



Naas barony (co. Kildare), 156, 433, 1156.

Nagle, John, Irish revenue, Dublin, 159.
-, -, Richard, Commissioner for the Four and a Half per cent. duty at Nevis, 1349; at Reads Bay, Barbados, 1360, 1373.

Nan, servant to the Duke of Norfolk, 367.

Nangle, Frank (Francis), lands, Ireland, 1355, 1356.
-, -, Robert, lands, Ireland, 123.
-, -, -, lands, Ireland, temp. James I, 123.
-, -, Walter, lands, Ireland, 1041.

Nangle (co. Pembroke), 446.

Nantes (France), 569.

Nantwich (Cheshire), 894.
-, -, salt houses called Church Land, lease of, 1145–6, 1280, 1372, 1414–5, 1549.
-, -, vicar, 1145.

Nantwrog (co. Merioneth), 510; Sychnant tenement, 550, 1537.

Napier, Sir Tho., baronet fee, 419.

Naples (Italy), 748.

Napleton, John, searcher, Milton, Kent, 1140.

Napper, Robert, Receiver General of the Duchy of Cornwall, 1569, 1592, 1613; Receiver of the [tin] coinage duty, 1594.

Narborough, Sir John, a Navy Commissioner, 31, 610, 631, 665; fleet of, 1087, 1127, 1131, 1136, 1152, 1169, 1182, 1202, 1215, 1322, 1333, 1334, 1336.

Nartes (Nartos) Diego, a Frenchman in Tangier, 1405, 1437.

Nary, Nicholas, tidesman, London, 414, 1343.

Nash, Hen., Customs smack at Gravesend, 875.
-, -, John, forfeitures of seditious persons in Newcastle, Northumberland and Durham, 1290, 1307.
-, -, Mr., arresting clippers, 991.
-, -, Mr., Widcombe farm, 1562.
-, -, Richard, riding suveyor of Customs, Tenby and Milford, 506, 714.

Nasse (tithing, co. Gloucester), 651.

Naston, William, collector of militia money, co. Hereford, 830.

Naturalization of individuals see Denizations.
-, - of ships, 409, 717, 939, 1371–2.

Navenham (co. Gloucester), 183.

NAVIGATION ACTS and Acts of Trade (and see Trade, Plantations), 1455; (12 Car. II. c. 18, and 22 and 23 Car. II. c. 11), 67, 1326, 1458; expiry of the second of these Acts, 52; (14 Car. II. c. 11, Act of Frauds see Customs); (15 Car. II. c. 7, Act of Trade), 67, 104, 260; (25 Car. II. c. 7, for Greenland Trade and regulating Plantation Trade), 20, 22, 42, 53, 67, 260, 1338, 1373, 1459.
-, - -, aliens duties under see Customs (aliens).
-, - -, application to New England, 131.
-, - -, - to Ireland see Ireland.
-, - -, - to Scotland see Scotland.
-, - -, - to Tobago, 1034.
-, -, - enumerated com modities, 983, 1459.
-, - -, one per cent , duty or Mediterranean duty (by the Act of Frauds, 14 Car. II, c. 11), 305, 349, 353, 356, 360, 364, 375, 533, 645.
-, - -, sea passes see Passes.
-, - -, seizures and relaxations of seizures of ships and lading for not being manned with three-fourths English and other transgressions of the Acts, 280, 345, 349, 657, 662, 747, 748, 792, 797, 866, 955, 1017, 1245, 1411–2, 1455, 1465, 1525; King's ships to assist in, 710, 716.
-, - -, - in Holland and Hamburg for direct trading from the Plantations, 965, 1049, 1078, 1086, 1119, 1130, 1135, 1180, 1342.
-, - -, - in Ireland see Ireland (Navigation).
-, - -, - in Jamaica, 1478.
-, - -, - in Plantations and Colonies, 718, and see Plantations.
-, - -, surveyor of in London port, 452, 500, 718, see Shaw, Sir J.
-, - -, suspensions of for gum seneca, 94; for spices, 94.

NAVY accounts see Navy (Treasurer).
-, -, anchorsmith to, 424–5, 455, 1258, see Beverley, Mr., Loder, I.
-, - bills (for material, work, wages, &c.), 202, 207, 219, 264, 273, 298, 335, 348, 362, 414, 438, 439, 455–6, 483, 509, 583, 627, 643, 658, 666, 668, 680, 683, 691, 695, 697, 750, 759, 769, 775, 778, 785, 804, 808, 845, 846, 850, 876, 948, 988, 1028, 1030, 1043, 1049, 1051, 1052, 1072, 1078, 1079, 1100, 1113, 1114, 1184, 1207, 1240, 1241, 1245, 1250, 1258, 1279, 1287, 1305, 1336, 1388, 1389, 1390, 1396, 1410.
-, -, bills of exchange (from abroad for services, stores, victualling, etc., and see Mediterranean), 250, 520, 628, 907, 913, 923, 929, 933, 950, 959, 998, 1041, 1065, 1091, 1105, 1314, 1322, 1323, 1333, 1334, 1507.
-, - building, new ships, 129, 131, 176, 189, 201, 207, 335, 452, 455, 572, 604, 796, 834, 888, 890, 891, 894, 914, 933, 939, 1036, 1064, 1111, 1141, 1290–1, 1660.
-, -, - the thirty new ships under the Act for the Seventeen Months' tax (29 Car. II. c. 1), 2, 46, 53, 56, 207, 238, 247, 360, 368, 373, 430, 431.
-, -, Cashier to Navy Treasurer see Stephens, A.; accounts, 773.
-, -, certificates see Navy (weekly certificates).
-, -, Chatham Chest, 425, 431, 438, 779, 785, 1115, 1121.
-, Governors of, 1067, 1269, 1482.
-, payments and allowances out of, 1067; method of, 1482. pensions out of, 1269.
-, -, chirurgeons, 81, 117, 845, 1256, 1512.
-, -, clothes for see Navy (slops).
-, -, Commissioners, 631 and passim; attending the Treasury, 699.
-, -, Comptroller, 1451, see Haddock, Sir R.
-, -, credit, state of, 207.
-, -, creditors, Eastland merchants (under the Poll Act for war with the French king), 40, 189; accounts, 275, 844; interest, 168, 189, 317, 376, 477, 754–5, 772, 1654, 1659, 1660; debt settled on the Hearthmoney, 40.
-, -, Customs officers to search the King's ships, 637.
-, - debt (and see Navy Creditors) (at 1660) 1641; (at 1679) 1660; general account, 720, 1095; of the first book, 443; weekly certificate of, 1279.
-, - docks, repairs, 131, 189; dry dock, 1322, 1334, 1569.
-, - establishment, 1379.
-, - estimates, 129, 416, 435, 660, 888, 891, 1489; (in 1660), 1635–6; (in 1667), 1647; (in 1668), 1651; (in 1679), 1653.
-, -, Excise money devoted to at the Restoration, 1630.
-, -, extraordinary necessary money, 220, 1023, 1184, 1257, 1388.
-, -, few ships fitted out to sea, 1284.
-, -, fleets see Jamaica, Leeward, Lisbon, Mediterranean, Tangier, Lord Dartmouth, Narborough, Sir J., Herbert, A.
-, -, freight for, 149, 205, 210, 268, 298, 331, 348, 349, 367, 800, 1279, 1311, 1322, 1333, 1336, 1374, 1402.
-, -, goods for see Navy stores.
-, -, hemp for see Navy stores.
-, -, imprest money repaid, 1506.
-, -, Irish Guard see Ireland (Navy ships).
-, -, laying up ships, 958.
-, -, Marshal of the Fleet under Admiral Herbert, 1451.
-, -, necessary money see Navy (extraordinary).
-, - Office, 207, 261, 394, 626, 1482. books, 102.
-, building, 570, 581, 628–9, 631–2, 643, 659, 929, 983, 994, 1026, 1039, 1065.
-, -, officers' pay, 89, 328, 751, 841, 850, 868, 870, 879, 888, 890, 894, 902, 907, 913, 914, 922, 986, 1018, 1022, 1056, 1076, 1082, 1085, 1091, 1098, 1105, 1112, 1114, 1127, 1131, 1136, 1169, 1182, 1184, 1202, 1215, 1219, 1221, 1226, 1287, 1322, 1333, 1334, 1336, 1382, 1408, 1413, 1444, 1507, 1520, 1526.
-, -, advance for the King's ships in the Mediterranean, 56–7.
-, -, paying off ships, 12, 102, 129, 131, 159, 191, 192, 220, 271, 272, 280, 283, 284, 312, 334, 373, 387, 392, 393–4, 398, 425, 430, 459, 460, 466, 489, 503, 504, 542, 547, 560, 568, 587, 616, 632, 636, 639, 694, 838, 841, 845, 848, 870, 875–6, 879, 914, 929, 933, 954, 958, 959, 968, 975, 978, 986, 994, 996, 1087, 1104, 1107, 1121, 1130, 1132, 1136, 1143, 1168, 1169, 1215, 1285, 1317, 1322, 1323, 1339, 1342, 1350, 1359, 1394, 1442, 1494.
-, keeping ships in the Downs or at sea, to avoid paying them off, 110, 703, 875–6, 958.
-, -, pensions and payments for wounds, 1486; method of see Navy (Chest).
-, -, poor widows and names of, 129, 131, 135, 1241, 1257.
-, -, pressing labourers, etc. for the victualling, 957.
-, -, - seamen, 666, 822, 825, 997, 1213.
-, -, pursers, delinquent, 1453.
-, -, purveyor, 297, 501, 681, 729, 731, 733.
-, -, repairs and fitting out ships (and see Navy building), 2, 189, 416, 460, 494, 513, 547, 587, 607, 719, 775, 866, 888, 890, 891, 894, 902, 1141, 1152, 1305, 1404, 1413.
-, -, seamen sailing on a fresh voyage unpaid, 875.
-, -, seamen's wives, petitions and bills of, 848, 876, and see Navy (bills).
-, -, ships (and see Navy fleets), account of all ships at sea, 1442.
-, -, - to assist Customs seizures see Navigation (Act, seizures).
-, -, slops or clothes, issues for, 14, 159.
-, -, slopseller see Beckford, Sir T., Gore, J., Noone, L.
-, -, stores (hemp, pitch, tar, masts, sailcloth, etc.), 71, 129, 189, 202, 207, 210, 279, 283, 314, 360, 549, 752, 772, 888, 914, 933, 950, 959, 965, 977, 999, 1021, 1049–50, 1063, 1079, 1080, 1098, 1101, 1112, 1127, 1132, 1136, 1141, 1152, 1169, 1285, 1303, 1313, 1334, 1401, 1439, 1442, 1483, 1505.
-, for Ireland, 280.
-, for the Mediterranean see Mediterranean, Lisbon.
-, for the Plantations and West Indies, 218, 281, 431, 1399, 1433.
-, bills of, 89.
-, dear rates for stores for the French war, 1037, 1099.
-, estimates of at the Restoration, 1635.
-, items of, 772; pitch, 283; tar, 59, 283, 752, 772; hemp, 13, 22, 59, 202, 283, 453, 457, 460, 465, 513, 518, 560, 568, 607, 694, 752, 772, 965, 1049–50, 1063, 1101, 1241, 1440, 1497.
-, sales of decayed stores, 261, 977, 957.
-, shipped abroad, Customs on, 1430, 1433, 1489.
-, Woolwich, 457.
-, -, surgeons' widows, 331.
-, -, tickets, 58, 88, 117, 189, 494, 609–10, 628, 850, 859, 870, 879, 1226.
-, office for, 631.
-, -, timber for (and see Forests), 139, 221, 297, 370, 464, 501, 604, 643–4, 658, 665, 681, 720, 729, 731, 739, 741, 744–5, 759, 772, 887, 939, 983, 1015, 1025, 1026, 1039, 1113, 1126, 1289, 1442, 1461.
-, -, towing engine for, 549, 959.
-, -, Treasurer, 610, 769, 957, 1569, see Hutchinson, R., Carteret, Sir G., Anglesea, Earl of, Littleton, Sir T., Danby, Earl of, Seymour, E., Falkland, Visct.
-, -, -, accounts, 81, 247, 394, 420, 531, 653, 689, 729, 1051, 1392.
-, -, -, arrangement of cash on transfer from Seymour to Falkland, 179–80, 189, 198, 203, 1398.
-, -, -, issues to, 2, 12, 13, 14, 21, 53, 56, 67, 70–1, 71–2, 75, 76, 82, 88, 89, 95, 99, 110, 116, 122, 131, 151, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162–3, 176, 200, 205, 207, 210, 217, 220, 235, 241, 251, 254, 261, 262, 264, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 279, 280, 283, 284, 293, 302, 308, 312, 314, 333, 334, 338, 340, 347, 352–3, 355, 360, 366, 368, 369, 374, 376, 383, 387, 392, 398, 424, 430, 431, 438, 443, 453, 454, 457, 459, 460, 466, 476, 485, 486, 489, 493, 494, 501, 504, 513, 529, 542, 547, 548, 560, 568, 576, 587, 593, 598, 602, 604, 607, 610, 612, 614, 618, 621, 627, 628, 632, 636, 639, 642, 647, 657, 663, 678, 683, 689, 694, 699, 708, 715, 719, 728, 734, 739, 740, 746, 754, 755, 759, 770, 772, 775, 779, 785, 791, 796, 800, 803, 806, 833, 841, 850, 853, 857, 860, 865, 866, 870, 879, 888, 890, 894, 902, 907, 909, 911, 913, 914, 917, 923, 927, 928, 933, 938, 941, 948, 952, 953, 954, 959, 971, 977, 978, 986, 987, 994, 998, 999, 1023, 1036, 1043, 1048, 1050, 1056, 1072, 1076, 1082, 1085, 1091, 1096, 1098, 1104, 1105, 1111, 1112, 1121, 1127, 1128, 1130, 1131, 1132, 1136, 1141, 1143, 1152, 1168, 1169, 1182, 1202, 1215, 1222, 1227, 1241, 1258, 1270, 1285, 1290, 1303, 1313, 1322, 1323, 1333, 1334–5, 1336, 1341, 1342, 1359, 1375, 1382, 1394, 1396, 1401, 1402, 1413, 1431, 1439, 1442, 1464, 1475, 1483, 1494, 1497, 1507, 1512, 1516, 1644, 1653–5, 1656, 1657, 1658.
-, issues to out of French money, 199.
-, weekly money arrangement, 443, 565.
-, - -, loans to, 167, 423.
-, - -, payments by, 22, 31, 71, 71–2, 76, 80, 81, 88, 89, 131, 135, 158–9, 159, 176, 189, 191, 192, 210, 224, 250, 254, 315, 362, 367, 425, 452, 455, 459, 489, 509, 520, 561, 572, 581, 583, 607, 609, 627, 658, 778, 785, 794, 902, 932, 948, 986, 988, 1022, 1023, 1043, 1108, 1113, 1114, 1125, 1157, 1336, 1520.
-, and see Navy (bills), Navy (paying), Navy (victualling).
-, - Victuallers (Jan. 1669–70, to Dec. 1670, Gauden, Sir J., Gauden, B.), 244, 1239.
-, - - (1671–2, Jan., to 1673, Dec., under contract dated 1671, Nov., Sir T. Littleton, Child, J., Gauden, B., Papillon, T.).
-, accounts, 81, 244, 298, 299, 793–4, 1163, 1520.
-, contract, 25–6, 43.
-, establishment, 57.
-, interest accounts, 25–6, 53.
-, - - (1673, Dec., to 1674, Dec., Gauden, Sir D., Ashburnham, Sir D., Sturt, A., Jaggard, A., Gauden, B.)
-, accounts, 59, 244, 777, 796, 977, 997–8, 998, 1520.
-, - - (1674–5, Jan., to 1677, Dec., Gauden, Sir D. Gauden, B., Gauden, J., Ashburnham, Sir D., Jaggard, A.)
-, accounts, 777, 977, 997, 998, 1120, 1239, 1520.
-, notice to terminate contract, 608.
-, - - (1677–8, Jan., to 1683, Dec., Parsons, J., Brett, R., Vincent, S., or Parsons, J., Wivell, E., Brett, R.), 29, 219, 608, 925, 927.
-, accounts, 244, 421, 425, 518, 844, 1125.
-, bills, 14, 72.
-, declaration, 72, 344, 662, 964, 968.
-, estimates, 364.
-, issues to, 14, 71–2, 76, 99, 131, 200, 201, 210, 235, 284, 293, 333, 340, 345, 347, 353, 355, 366, 383, 411, 430, 431, 438, 453, 454, 459, 460, 465, 466, 476, 486, 493, 494, 501, 504, 513, 529, 547, 548, 560, 568, 576, 587, 593, 598, 602, 604, 607, 610, 612, 614, 621, 627, 632, 639, 642, 647, 657, 663, 678, 683, 689, 694, 699, 708, 715, 728, 734, 739, 740, 746, 755, 759, 770, 775, 779, 785, 791, 800, 806, 833, 841, 850, 853, 857, 866, 870, 879, 888, 890, 894, 907, 909, 911, 913, 914, 917, 923, 927, 928, 933, 938, 948, 952, 953, 959, 971, 977, 978, 987, 998, 1023, 1082, 1112, 1114, 1131, 1136, 1141, 1152, 1153, 1169, 1182, 1215, 1216, 1305, 1313, 1314, 1322, 1333, 1334, 1336, 1380, 1516, 1520.
-, loans for, 1209.
-, Office at the Tower, 219, 929, 957.
-, paying Customs on victuals, 178.
-, remains of stores and cask at the termination of their contract, 925–6, 929, 986, 1021, 1036, 1079, 1137, 1169, 1183, 1334–5, 1336, 1337, 1380.
-, storehouses, 926.
-, victuals shipped out for the Mediterranean, 14–15, 40; for Ireland, 623.
-, - - (from 1683, Dec., Commissioners in lieu of the Farmers, Haddock, Sir R., Sturt, A., Parsons, J., Fenn, N.), 941, 948, 949, 956–7, 1079, 1137, 1180.
-, accounts, 1362.
-, arrangement for pay of, 1442.
-, Cashier or Treasurer, 957.
-, constant supply of store, wheat, malt, etc., 968, 1096.
-, instructions, 1018, 1032.
-, issues to, 988, 1056, 1098, 1105, 1112, 1121, 1131, 1136, 1141, 1152, 1153, 1169, 1182, 1202, 1215, 1216, 1227, 1241, 1258, 1270, 1303, 1313, 1322, 1333, 1334, 1336, 1350, 1359, 1375, 1382, 1394, 1401, 1431, 1439, 1475, 1494, 1516.
-, office, 1207, 1503.
-, officers, list of, and salary bill, 968, 1104, 1297, 1370–1.
-, providing victuals, 949.
-, sale of decayed stores, 957.
-, taking over remains of preceding Navy victuallers see Navy (Victuallers, 1678).
-, taking over remains of Tangier victuals, 968.
-, victuals for foreign parts, 995, and see Jamaica, Nevis, Kinsale.
-, weekly payments, 1489.
-, - victualling, debt under Charles I, Crown lands mortgaged for to Sir A. Apsley, 1532.
-, -, voyage of the Duke of Grafton, 808.
-, -, volunteers, 59, 264, 348, 362, 609–10, 627, 680, 683, 697, 759, 775, 845, 859, 932, 986, 1022, 1043, 1052, 1072, 1114, 1141, 1202, 1240, 1241, 1245, 1250, 1257, 1279, 1367, 1371.
-, -, weekly certificates of receipts, payments and debt, 254, 1262, 1279.
-, -, widows, 513, 769, 846.
-, - yards, 71, 191, 369, 435, 891, 1101, 1121, 1240.
-, estimate for at the Restoration, 1635.
-, stores and materials for, 88.
-, workmen in, 71, 88, 89, 888, 891; dismissal of, 1240; quarterly payments, 1489; weekly certificates of, 1279, 1390.
-, Chatham, 176, 261, 501, 598, 607, 683, 841, 914, 977, 1056, 1127, 1227, 1270, 1475, 1507; ropeyard, 254; shipbuilding at, 129, 131, 254, 373, 430, 431; wet dock at, contract for, 425–7, 434; workmen of, 12, 14, 129, 131, 241, 1241.
-, Deptford, 70, 261, 353, 443, 581, 593, 607, 642, 850, 870, 879, 977, 987, 1048, 1050, 1121, 1202, 1258, 1439, 1444; shipbuilding, 207; stores for, 431; wet dock, 1442.
-, Harwich, 261.
-, Portsmouth, 261, 455, 501, 707, 977, 983, 1270, 1279; dock, 520; issues for, 2, 159, 360, 740, 917, 1072, 1131, 1241, 1285, 1497; King's builder at see Betts, J.; shipbuilding, 207, 297, 425, 430, 604, 888, 1015, 1111, 1404; stores, 1063.
-, Ropeyard, 2, 518, and see Navy (yards, Chatham, Woolwich).
-, Sheerness, 501, 598, 683, 841, 914, 977, 1056, 1127, 1227, 1270, 1475.
-, Woolwich, 261, 353, 443, 581, 593, 642, 850, 870, 879, 977, 987, 1048, 1050, 1056, 1121, 1215, 1227, 1258, 1439; ropeyard, 254, 1023; shipbuilding, 207; stores, 1063.

Nawton (co. Yorks), 1198.

Neale (and see Neiles), John, lease, Fordington, 1407.
-, -, Mr., sale of the Artillery Ground, 345.
-, -, Sir Paul, a Commissioner for Appeals in Excise, 394.
-, -, Thomas, Groom of the Bedchamber, 90, 598, 908.
-, -, -, Groom Porter, issues to in lieu of bills for supplying the King's houses, 56, 62, 161, 313, 480, 684, 715, 783, 1126, 1280, 1508; Commissioner for the Mint, 1268, 1497.
-, -, Walton, surveyor, Cowes, 444, 876.
-, -, Sir William, lease of encroachments at Rhuddlan, 1484.

Neatby, Capt. Charles, Tangier, 1403, 1472.

Neath (co. Glamorgan), 666.

Needham, Isaac, tidesman, Bristol, 93.
-, -, Thomas, coastwaiter, London, 1169, 1380.

Needle, Christopher, landcarriageman, London, 935, 1190, 1360.

Needler, John, Comptroller of Great and Petty Customs, London, 346, 517, 717, 880.

Needwood Forest (co. Stafford) Lieut. of see Ormonde, Duke of; deputy to see Vernon, E.

Negroes, imported to West Indies, 111, 263, 574, 857, 1477, 1510; proposal for encouraging Spaniards to buy negroes in Jamaica, 1401; trade, 1305.

Negus, Mr., for the Duke of Norfolk, 1061.

Neiles (and see Neale) George, boatman, Topsham, 629.

Nele see Hele, Neale.

Nelles, George, tidesman, Exeter, 500.

Nelmes, John, warehouseman, Yarmouth port, 566; tidesurveyor ibid, 909, 935.

Nelson, George, tidesman, London, 1140.

Nelthorpe, Richard, traitor, estate, 1130, 1166–7, 1274, 1410.

Nephtee broad cloth, 1262.

Nepvis, William, Customs officer, Dover, 23.

Nerie (Queen's County), 710.

Nesscliff (near Baschurch, co. Salop), 977, 989, 1069, 1080, 1523.

Neston (Cheshire), 73, 441, 448, 1415.

Nethercombe alias Eastcombe (Greenwich, Kent), 1097, 1147.

Nethercross (barony, co. Dublin), 1355.

Nether Hilton (co. Yorks), 1199.

Nether Trelabe (Climsland Prior, Cornwall), 809, 904, 1597.

Netherlands, Spanish, 747.
-, citadel soldiers, begging condition of, 1316.
-, Court, 407–8.
-, English soldiers in see Flanders.
-, Governor of see Grana, Marquis de.
-, Resident with and from Governor of see Ambassadors.

Netherton (co. Cornwall), Prinn's tenement and Easter tenement, 1302, 1611.

Netterville, Nicholas, 3rd Visct. Netterville, Irish pension, 1011.

Nevett (Nevet), Richard, Navy bill, 335.

Neville (Nevill, Nevell), Alice (alias Paine, Alice) witness concerning Sir T. Preston, 339, 387.
-, -, Charles, 6th Earl of Westmorland, 1198.
-, -, -, harnessmaker to the Royal Mews, 1179, 1180.
-, -, Edward, Receiver of Assessments for Suffolk (1649), 525–6.
-, -, Sir Edward, kt. and bart., Commissioner to seize R. Nelthorpe's estate, 1410.
-, -, Elizabeth, widow of John, 10th Lord Bergavenny, discovery of concealed lands, 1236.
-, -, Henry, Commissioner for concealments of prizes, 47.
-, -, -, Roman Catholic, Jesuits' money, 339, 349, 615, 786–7, 834, 975, 982, 1062; Holt manor, 702.
-, -, Capt. John, late Consul at Algiers, 1159, 1327, 1402, 1404.
-, -, Mary, pension, 197, 221, 363, 409, 588, 591, 735, 897, 915, 1117, 1128, 1449, 1456.
-, -, Mr., Receiver of Recusants' forfeitures, co. _, 743.
-, -, Mris., witness in the case of Henry Neville, 787.
-, -, Richard, Knight Harbinger, 393, 473, 1112.
-, -, -, ship's purser, 1028.
-, -, Sophia, pension, 197, 221, 363, 409, 588, 591, 735, 897, 915, 1117, 1128, 1449, 1456.

Nevilles (? co. Yorks), 1200.

Nevis Isle, 64, 293, 1017, 1306.
-, - Acts passed in, 1335.
-, -, Admiralty Court, 857.
-, -, currency, Act for raising the value of money, 1361.
-, -, Four and a Half per cent. duty, officers of, 1349, 1373, 1375, and see Four.
-, -, Governor of, 218, 1373.
-, -, Naval stores and victuals for King's ships at, 218, 273, 974, 1399.

NEW ENGLAND, 454, 930, 1035, 1371.
-, - -, abuses by people of Boston, 16, 113, 217.
-, - -, and the Massachusetts charter, 131, 893, and see Massachusetts.
-, - -, boat and two men for under E. Randolph, 249.
-, - -, Courts of Record, 261.
-, - -, Customs troubles and affairs, 665.
-, - -, - collector see Randolph, E.
-, - -, Deputy Auditor see Randolph, E.
-, - -, erection of office of collector, etc. of Customs, 260–1.
-, - -, Governor of, 113, 665.
-, - -, Mint at Boston, 1410.
-, - -, papers concerning, 861.
-, - -, proposals for trade regulation, 112–3, 131.
-, - -, question of appeals to England from trials in, 131.
-, - -, ship of war to help trade regulation, 113.
-, - -, ships from, 1517; ships seized in the West Indies, 574.
-, -, - trade routes, 422.
-, - FOREST, accounts, 30.
-, - -, browsewood, 62, 722, 1193, 1240.
-, - -, deer in, 199.
-, - -, Denny Walk, 1193.
-, - -, ducoy, 550, 722.
-, - -, estovers, 1240, 1300.
-, - -, fuel wood, 61, 253, 1240, 1300.
-, - -, justice seats, 1240.
-, - -, keepers' wages, 62, 1162, 1193.
-, - -, Lady Crosse Walk, 1193
-, - -, Lindhurst, 731; house and stables, case of, 252–3; fuel wood for, 61.
-, - -, Lord Warden of, 253, 1193, see Noel, Lord E., Winchester, Marquess of.
-, - -, Navy timber, 139, 297.
-, - -, New Park, 199.
-, - -, North Bailiwick, 755.
-, - -, planting in, 986.
-, - -, repairer of bridges in, 1664.
-, - -, Salisbury Trench, 755.
-, - -, spoils and abuses and wastes in, 664, 1205, 1240.
-, - -, steward of see May, Sir R.
-, - -, Swain Mote Court, 722.
-, - -, Whitley Lodge, 1193.
-, - -, wood sales, 126, 274, 722; felling timber in, 367, 377, 380, 703, 707, 722, 727, 729, 731, 741, 747, 755, 772, 775, 777, 983, 1015, 1019, 1021, 1025, 1039, 1107, 1162, 1193, 1291, 1404, 1511.
-, - -, woodward see Dickens, F.
-, - HAMPSHIRE, Acts of Assembly, 518.
-, - -, Assembly, 390.
-, - -, auditor of revenue, office of, 518.
-, - -, Commander-in-Chief see Cranfield, E.
-, - -, Council, 390.
-, - -, deputy auditor see Chamberlain, R.
-, - -, part thereof detained by Massachusetts Bay Company, 390.
-, - -, Proprietor of see Mason, R.; proposal by, 390–1, 454.
-, - -, revenue, fines and forfeitures, 390.
-, - -, silver seal for, 975.
-, - Inn see Streets.
-, - JERSEY, Governor of, 67.
-, - -, Plantation duties, 67, 650.
-, - -, trade routes, 422.
-, - Lodge and New Lodge Walk see Waltham Forest.
-, - Malton (Yorks), 1534.
-, - Park see Richmond.
-, - - (co. Monmouth), 495.
-, - year's gifts, ambassadorial extras, 1663.
-, - - to the King payable in the Jewel Office by the nobility, 1308; cessation of after 1679 [when creation money stopped], 1308.
-, estimate for (1667), 1646.
-, - YORK, given to England for Surinam at Peace of Breda, 1423.
-, - -, Governor of, 67.
-, - -, Plantation duty, 67, 737; officers of see Sanson, L., Smith, Peter.
-, - -, ships from trading direct to Holland, 1119.
-, - -, trade, account of exports and imports, 578.
-, regulation, 67.
-, routes, 422.

Newall (co. Yorks), 1198.

Newark manor (co. Notts), 115, 1548.

Newberry, Thomas, surety for Chudleigh, H., 1264.
-, - -, coastwaiter, London, 444, 667, 1368; surveyor, Bideford, 1361, 1368, 1509.
-, -, William, tidesman, London, 1039; surveyor ibid, 1147.

Newbey (Newby), Charles, Greenwax grant, 361.
-, -, George, Tangier trooper, 1155.

Newbolt (Newbold), Alice, lands, Winchester, 972, 1070.

Newborough (co. Anglesea), 1223.

Newburgh, Countess, see Livingston, A.; Earl of, see Livingston, C.

Newby see Newbey.

Newcastle (co. Dublin) 1354; barony (co. Dublin), 433, 1355.
-, - barony (co. Wicklow), 1156–7.
-, -, Duke of, see Cavendish, H.
-, - port (co. Northumberland), 6, 13, 18, 48, 74, 104, 137, 177, 181, 186, 295, 371, 441, 442, 448, 449, 488, 500, 517, 553, 555, 563, 620, 650, 689, 690, 737, 793, 810, 811, 866, 874, 876, 931, 936, 1021, 1039, 1052, 1078, 1123, 1128, 1189, 1302, 1361, 1368, 1376, 1379, 1445, 1466.
-, Castle Garth Close, 1495, 1614.
-, Copyholders of, composition with Long Parliament for confirmation of their Customs, 1533.
-, corn imported to and frauds in, 343, 369, 383, 847, 1400.
-, erecting Custom House on the quay, 1462, 1468.
-, foreign coast trade, 1424.
-, Fraternity of Hoast men petitioning concerning the town charter, 1388.
-, manor of, 1583.
-, Mayor of, 1614.
-, militia money, 822.
-, newcharter for, 1388, 1444, 1468.
-, Receiver of Assessments for, 337, 662, see Basire, J., Dawson, G., Brabant, H.
-, Recusants, 1172.
-, seditious persons, 1307.
-, trade of, 354–5.

Newcomb, Tho., of the Stationers' Company, 311.

Newcomin, Sir Thomas, Major General of Foot, Ireland, 944; Governor of Charles II's Hospital, Dublin, 944.

Newfoundland, 345, 1207, 1250.

Newgate (London), gaol deliveries, 487, 577, 1211, 1599.

Newham, West and North Fens (Lincoln), 1626.

Newhaven (Sussex), 445, 1149.
-, -, Visct., see Cheyne, C.

Newington (London), 1129.

Newland, Benjamin, rent of storehouse, Portsmouth, 587.

Newland (co. Kildare), 738.

Newlyn (Penzance port), 1212, 1481.

Newman, Robert, suppressing tobacco planting, 1165.

Newmarket (co. Cambridge), All Saints, 733.
-, fire at, 1179.
-, gamekeeper at, 1650.
-, King Charles II at, 25, 264, 288, 313, 416, 428, 437, 440, 451, 926, 1074, 1083, 1110, 1308, 1368, 1386, 1387.
-, King's haybarn at, 1020.
-, King's house and garden at, 733; housekeeper of see Elliot, Eliz., Ford, R.
-, King's huntsmen at, 171, 468.
-, King's musicians at, 473.
-, King's stables at, 1096–7.
-, old Tennis Court, 733.
-, purchase of Sword in Hand Inn or sward ground at see Alington, Lord.
-, Queen's bedchamber at, 839.
-, stage coach journeys, 1178–9.
-, Treasury Lords at, 739.

Newminster (co. Northumberland), 1625.

Newnham (co. Gloucester), 1310.

Newport, Andrew, Comptroller of the Great Wardrobe, 199, 211, 217, 313, 317, 403; a Commissioner of Customs, 290, 373, 864, 1081, 1170, 1221, 1250, 1310, 1464; Trustee of the Earl of St. Albans' pension, 1178, 1312, 1376.
-, -, Edward, Calstock weir, 1564.
-, -, Francis, 2nd Visct. Newport of High Ercall, Lord Lieutenant of Salop, 828, 993, 1018; lease, co. Salop, 977, 989–90, 1044, 1069, 1180; his laundry in Scotland Yard, 1317.

Newport (hundred, Bucks), 1062.
-, - (co. Essex), 146.
-, - (co. Monmouth), 292, 371, 445, 446.
-, - (Isle of Wight), 1452.

Newsham, John, Receiver of the Seventeen Months' tax, Poll and Eighteen Months' tax in Warwickshire and Coventry, 744.

Newstead Abbey (co. Notts), 742, 913, 1554.

Newth Clement, fifeplayer in ordinary to the King, 1451.

Newton, John, landwaiter's place, London, 1440.
-, -, Mathew, Receiver of Assessments, Northumberland (1649), 521.
-, -, Mr., farm of impost of smelted lead, co. Derby, 1626.
-, -, Thomas, woodward of Whittlewood and Salcey Forests, 366, 464, 681, 682, 720, 745, 795, 985, 1019, 1021, 1208, 1508.

Newton (co. Carmarthen), 361, 488–9; (co. Pembroke), 446.
-, - (co. Lincoln), 1523.

Newton Abbot (co. Devon), 28.
-, - St. Petrock (co. Devon), 635.

Newtown (co. Dublin), 1156.
-, - (co. Kildare), near Newland, 738; near Blackhill, 738.
-, - demesnes (co. Northumberland), 1385.

Newtownlennan (co. Tipperary), 123.

Nibley (co. Gloucester), 769.

Niblot, Robert, shipmaster, 602.

Niccol see Nichol.

Nichils, clerk of see Loup, J.

Nichol (Niccol, Nicholl), Andrew, collector of assessments, co. Midd. (1649), 1540.
-, -, Henry, seizure of guineas, 1386, 1415–6.

Nicholas, Edward, Receiver General, Alienation Office, 489.
-, -, Sir Edward, Secretary of State, 1577; herbage of Windsor Park, 1546.
-, -, Sir John, a clerk of the Privy Council, 205, 266, 470, 474, 638, 652, 1189, 1281, 1286, 1320, 1338; stable yard, 1165.
-, -, Oliver, New Forest timber, 380.
-, -, Richard, Receiver of Assessments, London (1649), 528.
-, -, Thomas, draper, London, 1465, lease, Looe, 1541.

Nicholls, Bartholomew, landwaiter's place, London, 1405.
-, -, Edward, landwaiter's place, London, 1405.
-, -, John, surveyor, Norwich port, 614.
-, -, Mr., Ampthill Park, 1577.
-, -, Ralph, waiter, Whitby, 555.

Nicholson, Arthur, tidesman, London, 935.
-, -, Francis, Lieut. of Capt. Strode's Company, Tangier, 845.
-, -, Sir George, of Kemnay, Scotland, 635.
-, -, James, waiter, Ribble Water, Chester, 448; surveyor, Carlisle, 1075.
-, -, Mr., Tangier, bill at Cadiz, 783. versus Sir S. Morland, 149.
-, -, William, Bishop of Gloucester, 65, 79, 165, 505.

Nightingale (Nitinghall), Leonard, Receiver of Assessments, co. Huntingdon (1649), 524.
-, -, Richard, Marshal of the Marshalsea, 31.

Nihill, James, money due to by assignment from Legouch, 912–3; loans into the Exchequer and repayments and interest, 913, 915, 1068, 1091, 1098, 1104, 1106, 1286, 1313, 1322, 1332, 1382, 1395, 1456, 1467, 1473, 1504–5.

Nisbet, Philip, searcher's place, Hull, 548, 1448.
-, -, -, junr., 1448.
-, -, Thomas, searcher's place, Hull, 548.

Nixon, Richard, employed on the mole, Tangier, 1248.

Noades, Geo., keeper of Walthamstow Walk, Waltham Forest, 571.

Noakes, Mr., Excise Office, 1360.

Nobbs, Samuel, landwaiter, London, 1310.

Noble, James, doorkeeper, House of Lords, 177.
-, -, John, watchman, London, 1106, 1379.
-, -, Mr., purchase of Well Close, 409.
-, -, William, Bradridge, Cornwall, 864.

Noden, Hugh, merchant tailor of London, lands, Bermudas, 1074, 1151; Customs bonds, 794.

Noel, Edward, loans on Hearthmoney, 1084, 1086, 1089, 1096, 1104, 1107–8, 1127, 1128, 1130, 1141, 1151, 1168, 1322, 1323, 1339, 1346, 1393–4, 1417, 1508; Register of Excise, 637, 1164, 1167, 1360; for the Excise Farmers, 310, 1063, 1065; ?for Irish Revenue Farmers, 1305; Old Artillery Ground, 371–2, 411.
-, -, Edward, Lord Noel, Visct. Campden and Earl of Gainsborough, Lord Warden of New Forest, 170, 380, 707, 727, 731, 755, 983, 1021, 1404; New Forest spoils, 664; Lord Lieutenant of co. Rutland, 820; ditto of co. Southampton, 826, 927; Hampstead manor water supply, 1188, 1263, 1278, 1510.
-, -, Pashley, boatman, Bristol, 1024.

Noke (co. Oxford), 1551.

Nolden, Barbara, widow of Ernestus, 1452.
-, -, Ernestus, master carpenter, Tangier, 1452, 1512.

Nomys, John, tenant, Taunton, 61.

Nonconformists see Dissenters, and see each county separately.

Nonsuch Palace, assessments on, 1544.
-, - -, keeper of see Berkeley, Lord G.

Noone, Luke, slopseller to the Navy, 1382, 1383.

Norden, John, fine for riot in the Verge of the King's Household, 776, 1250.
-, -, Mr., survey of Crown Lands, 1547, 1555, 1593, 1594, 1598, 1612, 1625.

Norfolk, Duke of, see Howard, H.
-, -, Richard, weighing porter, London, 444.

Norfolk County, 12, 33, 343, 614, 1170, 1267, 1549, 1588, 1598, 1599, 1606.
-, - -, disaffected persons in, 1539.
-, - -, Dissenters in, 7, 58.
-, - -, Excise, 1123, see Starling, Sir S.
-, - -, Justices of Peace, 1405.
-, - -, militia money, 820, 993, 1022.
-, - -, Receiver of Crown Lands see Smith, John, Coke, Rob.
-, - -, Receiver of Recusants' Forfeitures see Clark, Major H., Clark, E.
-, - -, sheriffs, 58, 1529.

Norham (co. Northumberland), 449.

Norman, Mr., King's coffer bearer, 1304.

Norrington, William, Receiver for co. Essex of the Seventeen Months' tax, Poll, Eighteen Months' tax and Six Months' tax, 145, 1399, 1472.

Norris, Edward, of co. Oxford, 329.
-, -, Henry, King's joiner of the Privy Chamber, 142, 171, 384, 388, 540, 543, 725, 727, 1422.
-, -, John, tidesman, Exmouth, 445; boatman, Starcross, 1324.
-, -, Walter, tin coinage farm, 573.
-, -, Widow, payment to, 1419.
-, -, William, watchman, London, 13.

Norroy, King of Arms see Dugdale, Sir W., Saint George, Sir H., Saint George, Sir T.

North (and see Worth), Dudley, Suffolk militia money, 829; Sir Dudley, conventicle money in the hands of, 1032; a Commissioner of Customs, 1081, 1250; a Treasury Lord, 1352, 1382, 1506.
-, -, Sir Francis, Lord Guilford, Chief Justice of Common Pleas, 11, 17, 33, 52, 109, 178, 274, 492, 605, 628, 638, 1253; Keeper of the Great Seal, 1147, 1253; a Commissioner for Tangier, 1253.
-, -, Mr., of the Great Seal Office, 1021.
-, -, Robert, lease, co. Dorset, 1147.

North Bailwick see New Forest.
-, - Cave (co. Yorks), 1194.
-, - Fen (Ely), 1585 (Lincoln), 1626.
-, - Helewood (Calstock manor, Cornwall), 1578, 1586, 1591.
-, - Sea fishery Excise see Yarmouth.

Northallerton (co. Yorks), 1200.

Northam (and see Northan) John, poor Tangier soldier, 1476.

Northam (co. Devon), 416, 635, 1264.

Northampton, Earl of, see Compton, J.
-, - town, grant of Hearthmoney because of fire, 1433.
-, - County, 169, 203, 366, 382, 681, 702, 1471, 1498, 1539, 1553, 1569, 1577, 1580, 1583, 1628.
-, - -, Excise, 1123, see Willoughby, J.
-, - -, Hearthmoney, 1212.
-, - -, militia money, 823.
-, - -, parliamentary elections, 1525.
-, - -, Receiver of Crown Lands, 136, 1570, see Benion, G.
-, - -, Receiver of Assessments see Wyatt, J.
-, - -, sheriffs, 1529, 1592.

Northan (and see Northam), Robert, landwaiter, Hull, 448, 553.

Northcote (Northcott) Arth., Exeter, 165.
-, -, John, Receiver of the Six Months' Assessment, co. Devon, 23.

Northern Association (1645) Committee for, 1609; ordinance for, 1609; Treasurer for (Rymer, R.), 1609.
-, - Counties (four, Northumberland Durham, Cumberland, Westmorland), Excise sub-farm (Turner, B. et. al.), 72, 116, 167, 703, 709, 882, 917, 1655.
-, - -, Recusants, 1172.

Northivalle, Christopher, lands, Cornwall, 1549.

Northumberland, Earl and Duke of, see Fitz-Roy, G.
-, - County, 18, 93, 134, 231, 439, 793, 1150, 1193, 1305, 1334, 1385, 1468, 1495, 1581, 1612, 1625.
-, - -, coast of, 499.
-, - -, coalpit in the East Field, 1150.
-, - -, Excise, 1123.
-, - -, militia money, 822.
-, - -, Receiver of Assessments, 337, 662, 1568, see Basire, J., Newton, M., Brabant, H.
-, - -, Receiver of Crown Revenues, 1625.
-, - -, Recusants in, 138, 155, 573–4; Receiver of Recusants' Forfeitures see Christian, W.
-, - -, salt pans, 231.
-, - -, seditious persons, 1307.
-, - -, sheriffs, 138, 154, 158, 161, 573, 1499.

Northwich (Cheshire), 1233.

Northwood (wood, Glastonbury), 1550.

Norton, Edward, outlawed for conspiracy, 1163, 1378.
-, -, Sir George, militia money, co. Somerset, 829.
-, -, John, poor Tangier soldier, 749, 1155, 1205.
-, -, Major, temp. Commonwealth, 1617.
-, -, Neville, Customs place, 18.
-, -, Richard, New Forest timber, 380, 707, 727, 731, 755, 983, 1021.

Norton (co. Suffolk), 82.
-, - (co. Yorks), 1199.

Norton's farm (Nicholas Love's lands), 1553.

Norway, 657, 792, 1017, 1465.

Norwerd, Mris., lands, Bermudas, 1150.

Norwich, Sir Roger, bart., Northamptonshire elections, 1525.

Norwich (co. Norfolk), 129, 181, 187, 191, 447, 614, 753, 821, 1143.
-, -, Bishop of see Reynolds, Edw.
-, -, -, First Fruits, 1536.
-, -, -, Tenths, 590, 626.
-, -, city augmentation rent, 1044.
-, -, Mayor, 1536.
-, -, militia money, 821, 1022, 1536.
-, -, victuallers' licences, 271, 289.

Norwood, Col. Henry, Receiver of quit rents of Virginia, Treasurer and Escheator of Virginia, 63, 272, 304–5, 479; Governor of Tangier, houses account, 680.
-, -, Major [? Mauger] (woods and forests, 1661), 1603.

Nosewarthy, Edward, proposal for victualling Tangier, 149.

Nott, John, waiter, Liverpool port, 442, 614.
-, -, Robert, deputy to R. Montague, Master of the Great Wardrobe, 481, 803, 805, 1315, 1389.
-, -, -, yeoman tailor to the Great Wardrobe, 839.
-, -, -, Hearthmoney collector or Farmer (1679–84), 66, 435, 1067, 1517.
-, -, -, Serjeant Farrier, 909.
-, -, Roger, bailiff of priory rents, Yorks, 1560.

Nottingham, Earl of see Finch, H.
-, - town, bridge, 1178, 1206.
-, Charter, 1206.
-, rioters, 1164, 1177–8, 1184, 1206, 1207.
-, - County, 115, 242, 497, 845, 913, 1016, 1197, 1198, 1273, 1274, 1410, 1461, 1548, 1554, 1570, 1618.
-, - -, beacons and beacon houses, 823.
-, - -, Excise Farmer see Eyre, A., Stanhope, W.
-, - -, King's woods in, 1628.
-, - -, militia money, 823.
-, - -, Receiver of Assessments see Jenison, M., Richards, E., Hall, R., Doyly, E.
-, - -, Receiver of Recusants' Forfeitures see Powell, R.
-, - -, sheriffs, 697, 966, 1529, 1599.

Nowell, Robert, of Read, Lancs, surety of J. Starkey, 1233.
-, -, Thomas, deputy searcher, Dover, 1377.

Nowers, Edward, waiter, Greenwich, 444; surveyor ibid, 1075.

Noy, Edward, waiter, Gunnell (Padstow), 1415.

Nugent, Mary, widow of Christopher, Lord Delvin, son of 2nd Earl of Westmeath, Irish pension to, 655, 1011.
-, -, Sir Thomas, lands, Ireland, 347.

Numan, near Plymouth, seat of the Strodes, 356.

Nunn, Mris., payment in the Treasury of the Chamber, 320.

Nuthall, William, tidesman and boatman, Lynn Regis, 230, 344.

Nutt, William, conveying lands to the Duke of Monmouth, 1503.
-, shipowner, 361, 397, 415.

Nutting, John, sub-collector of the Royal and Additional Aid, co. Worcester, 1328.

Nÿmeguen, 273–4; Peace Plenipotentiaries at see Ambassadors (to Holland).