Acts and Proceedings: 1583, April

Acts and Proceedings of the General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland, 1560-1618. Originally published by [s.n.], Edinburgh, 1839.

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Maitland Club, 'Acts and Proceedings: 1583, April', in Acts and Proceedings of the General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland, 1560-1618(Edinburgh, 1839), British History Online [accessed 16 February 2025].

Maitland Club, 'Acts and Proceedings: 1583, April', in Acts and Proceedings of the General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland, 1560-1618(Edinburgh, 1839), British History Online, accessed February 16, 2025,

Maitland Club. "Acts and Proceedings: 1583, April". Acts and Proceedings of the General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland, 1560-1618. (Edinburgh, 1839), British History Online. Web. 16 February 2025.

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The Generall Assemblie conveinit at Edinburgh in the New Kirk, the 24 day of Apryle 1583: Where there were present the Commissioners, &c.

Exhortatioun made be Johne Brand, in place of Mr David Lindesay, last Moderatour, be reason of the same Mr David Lindesays departing [in companie] with the Kings Majesties Ambassdour: Leits, Mrs Thomas Smeitoun, David Fergusone, and Johne Brand: [Be pluralitie of votis,] the said Mr Thomas was electit hac vice.

[Mr James Lowsone, Mr Robert Pont, Mr David Lindsey, Mr Andrew Hay, Mr Andrew Melvil, Mr Andrew Polwart, Mr Peeter Bleckburne, David Ferguson, and Mr Alexander Arbuthnot, were ordeaned to advise with the Moderator, upon such heids as were to come in reasoning before the Assemblie, everie day, as they shall think expedient, before they enter to the Assemblie, not prejudging the libertie of the brethren in any thing. C. & B.]

Sessio 1a.

[Anent the departing of Mr David Lindsey, Minister at Leith, in companie with the Kings Ambassadour: The Assemblie understanding the same to be his Hienes will, and of his Counsell, think it resonable his Majesties command be obeyed, praying God to give good success to their good proceedings whatsomever; alwise desires the said Mr David, after their return, to conveen with the Moderator and his Assessors before the Assemblie, to conferr hereanent with them, where if any matter or particular results, necessary to be opened up, that the whole Assemblie sall be hearers thereof; and, for supplement of his place in his absence, ordeans Mr John Craige, or John Duncanson, upon the Sunday, to occupy his roome while his returning. C.]

Sessio 2a.

The Assemblie ordaines [their brethren,] Mrs Johne Craig, Johne Durie, and Alexander Hoome, to passe [down] to the Kings Majestie, and humblie desyre his Grace to send Commissioners in his name, to assist this Assemblie in treating and concluding in matters [therein] proponit; and farther to desyre his Hienes, seeing his Ambassadour is departing to Ingland, to give a charge to him to travel, that ane vnion and band may be made betuixt his Grace, and her Majestie, and vther Christian Princes and realmes prosessing the true religioun, for defence and protectioun of the Word of God and professours therof, against the persecutioun of Papists and consederats joynit and vnited togither be the bloody league of Trent; and also, that her Majestie wald disburdein their brether of Ingland, of the yocke of ceremonies imposed upon them against the libertie of the Word; and vpon thir thrie heids to report her ansuer againe.

[Anent the commissione given in the last Assemblie, concerning the constitutione of Presbytries, where they were not yet erected: The said commissione being read, and the particular executione therof being required, it was sound, for sundrie reasonable impediments alledged be Mr George Hay, that Ross, Cathness and Sutherland were not established as yett; for performance whereof, the Assemblie continued the commission given of before, desiring the said Mr George, and his brethren, Commissioners with him, to travel diligentlie betwixt and the nixt Assemblie.

As to Murrey: A platt was made of the erectione thereof, which was given in write, and committed to the sight of Mr Robert Pont, to be presented again with his judgment to the Assemblie.

Anent Aberdeen: Because of the Principalls absence, who is shortly looked for, the brethren continued the trial thereof while his coming.

Anent the ordinance given out in the last Assemblie, concerning Bishops, and their trial, &c.: The particular Commissioners orderly being called upon the account of the executione of their commissione, none compeired for the Presbytrie of Perth.

As to the Bishop of Brechin: The process led against him was produced.

Twiching the Bishops of Aberdeen and Orkney: The brethren declared they proceed in both, and should produce their process the morne.

Concerning Dumblane and the Isles: The process deduced against them being exhibite, the sight thereof was committed to Mr Peeter Bleckburne and Mr Adam Johnstone till the morne.

As to Sanct Androws: Mr Andrew Melvill declared he had received summons and writings from the Presbytrie of Glasgow, to summon him diverse time; but he was sick, and therefore could not addere affictionem afflicto.

Anent visitatione of Universities conforme to the directione of the late Assemblie: And first of Aberdeen, it was found travels had been taken therein, and ane order set doune which is in the Principalls hands.

As to Sanct Androws and Glasgow: Excuse was made be reason of the troubles, and want of the Kings Commissioners to concurr. The Assemblie referred the farther order to be taken herein till another time.

Sessio 3a.

The brethren directed to the Kings Majestie yesternight, reported his Graces answer, Three Commissioners should be directed in his name to the Assemblie: As to the second article, It wes most reasonable, and in hand before their coming: As to the third, He should give in command to his Ambassador, to treat the samine as opportunitie served best for the advancement of the cause.

Anent the travels taken be Mr Craige in collecting and disposing the acts of the Assemblie: The Assemblie hath ordeaned their brethren, Mr Robert Pont, Mr Alexander Arbuthnet, Mr James Lowson, Mr George Hay, and John Duncansone, to consider and oversee the samine; and, to that effect, to meet at afternoon, and appoint such hours as they fall think most commodious to attend thereupon; and to return their opinion back to the Assemblie.

Anent the process concerning the Bischope of Dumblane: The Assemblie continues the farther proceiding in that matter, while the morn that he be present. C.]

Anent the sumounds direct be the Synodall Assemblie of [the west part of] Fyfe aganis Mr David Russell, Bailȝie of Sanct Androes, to heir ane sentence definitive pronouncit vpon ane process deduceit befor the Presbyterie heirof, against him, for ane slanderous letter publischit the 17 day of Marche last, in presence of the congregatioun: The said Mr David being present, protesting first, before God, he nevir meinit nor means to doubt of the authoritie of the Kirk, made a discourse of the vakeing of the pulpit of Sanct Androes, and of the receipt of the wryting from my Lord Marche, quhilk was put in forme be him, and red in the kirk; quherin he grants that ther were thir words, calumnious pretendit maner, &c.; [yet] being discreitly considderit, sould not be found offensive: always he hes appealit from this Presbitrie to this Assemblie, for the causes conteinit in his appellatioun, quhilk he exhibite, desyreing the Wisdomes of the Assemblie that he might have a sight of the proces layit against him, to be advysit with his just defence; and that rather or the matter come in opin reasoning, that privat conference were had amongst the discreitest therupon: With the quhilk desyre the Kirk being advysit, vottit to the reiding therof first opinlie; lyke as the samein being publicklie red and heard, together with the copie of the wryting givin out be said Synodall Assemblie, red in the paroch kirk, the farther consideratioun of the cause was left till afternoone, and he warned to be present.

Sessio 4a.

[At afternoone, the said] Mr David Russell being inquyrit if he had the principall wryting alledgit, red vpon the said 17 day of Marche, denyit the same, and exhibit ane double therof, as he termed it, received be him, as he alledgit, from ane servant of the Erle of Marches, nothing different from the originall, quhilk he pennit, and was red in the said kirk, as he himselfe testified.

As to the appellatioun interponit be him from the said Presbitrie, [and given in before noon,] the haill Assemblie, [after long reasoning in the matter,] vottit uniformlie, that he had evil appealit [from the said Presbytrie,] with whose sentence the said Mr David declarit he stood content. As to the sentence to be pronouncit in the said matter, as also aganis William Leirmonth, ane vther of the saids Bailȝies, the Kirk continuit the same to the morne, warning them both presentlie therto.

Sessio 5a.

Ordeans [the bretheren following, to wit,] Mrs Alexander Arbuthnot, David Fergusone, and Johne Durie, with the Kings Ministers, to passe to his Grace and Counsell, and in name of the Kirk crave earnestly, that the French Ambassadour, whose travells heir are suspectit to tend aganis both religioun and commoun weill, may be dispatchit: That Mr Hault, the Jesuite, may be accusit and tryit, and according to his offence, if he be found guiltie, may be punischit: Sicklyke, my Lord Seatouns sonne may be send for, and accusit of the wrytings sent to the Jesuites, and ordour put to him therfor.

Attour, That ane brother of the Laird of Camboes, refuseing to abyde the judgement of the Kirk, and allowes the breaking of the [Kings] lawes concerning his religioun, may be summoned to a particular dyatt, to vnderly the law.

Item, To remember his Grace concerning the Abbot of Haliewood, that no licence be given to him to depart out of the countrey; and sicklyke to remember concerning Mr David Chalmer.

[The said day] Mr David Russell Submittit him absolutely to the judgement of the Assemblie, concerning the proces laid against him, [which was yet ordeaned to be sighted again be Mr Andrew Hay, Mr Alexander Arbuthnet, Mr George Hay, and David Fergusone again afternoon. C.]

Anent the citatioun direct from the Synodall of Fyffe aganis Mr David Russell, Bailȝie of Sanct Androes, to compeir in this Assemblie, to heir sentence definitive pronouncit vpon ane proces led and deduceit befor the Presbyterie of the said citie, for publisching of a slanderous letter, vpon the 17 day of March last, in presence of the Congregatioun of Sanct Androes; as the action at lenth beares: The said actioun and haill proces being publicklie red, and at lenth considderit be the haill Assemblie, and the samein, with the deductioun therof in all points, together with the letter and intimatioun of the said Synodall Assemblie publiched in the paroch kirk of Sanct Androes opinlie, being [lawfully, formalie and] ordourlie proceidit, lykeas the said brethren in ane voyce justifies and allowis the proceidings therof, and of the said Presbyterie in the said cause; and after good deliberatioun and resolutioun takin vpon the sight and diligent tryall of the said proces and probatioun led therin, Hes found, and finds, that the said Mr David [not only] hes givin heavie slander, and offendit aganis the Presbytrie of Sanct Androes, but farther hes slanderit [so] heavilie aganis the haill Kirk of this realme, as that, sen the reformatioun of religioun within the same, the lyke therof hath not been offerit in any person; and especially in the particulars following, evidently provin and evictit per testes omni exceptione majores; quherof a part also is confest be himselfe, granting he had done amisse, and submitting him to the determinatioun and arbitrement of the haill brether absolutelie:

To wit, In calling the ordinance of the Presbitrie, a rable, saying it sould not passe but ane ansuer; it sould be worse then the faire of Glasgow, and that, foure dayes before the famous lybell was publischit.

2. In giving command with threatening to publish the letter, in face of the Kirk.

3. In penning and formeing the said blasphemous letter.

4. In denying first, with attestatioun, the penning therof, and therafter granting the same.

5. In opponing him, in all heids of the said letter, to the [ordinance of the] Presbyterie.

6. In wryting thir outragious words therin, pretendit Presbitrie, vsurpit authoritie of the said Presbyterie, without any good ground of Gods Word, or lawes of the realme; that the said Presbyterie did agains their awin consciences, and christian charitie; that some of them were promise breakers, howbeit the contrair were verified; in accusatioun of the letter of the Presbyterie of calumnious [objections; and in contemning not only the jurisdictioun of the Presbiterie, bot also of the Synodall Assemblie: And therfor hes decernit and ordanit in ane voyce, That the said Mr David, vpon Thuresday come eight dayes, immediatlie after returneing from this Assemblie, fall appeare in presence of the Presbitrie of Sanct Androes, and with humiliatioun of heart, and earnest and true repentance, confess and acknowledge befor them, that in the particulars above wrytin, and every ane of them, he hes heavilie offendit his God, and Slanderit the said Presbytrie, and the haill Kirk of God within this realme; craving Gods goodnes to pardon him, and the said brethren to forgive him, with promise in tyme comeing, to avoyde all such slanderous behaviour or dealing: whose humiliatioun and repentance being found vnsained and earnest, be the sight of the said Presbyterie, and they satisfied therwith, that, upon Sonday immediatlie therafter, he appeare befor the pulpit in the paroch kirk of Sanct Androes, befor noone, after the sermoun, and immediatlie befor the prayer, in presence of the congregatioun, and ther make the said confessioun, acknowledging his offences in particular, and in maner as is above deduceit; exhorting all the brethren and congregatioun to the obedience of the Kirk and ordinances therof, that as they have bein slanderit be his fall, so be his rysing they may receive confort and good example: Wherein if the said Mr David failȝies, and gives not absolute obedience according to the tenour of this sentence, in all poynts, that the said Presbitrie of Sanct Androes proceid aganis him in all points with the sentence of the Kirk.

Anent the ordour and iniunctiouns to be vsed aganis Gawin Grahame and his Collegues already excommunicat: The Assemblie present hes ordainit, that they fall satisfie the iniunctiouns vsit against murtherers, incestuous persons, &c. before they be absolvit from the said sentence, the forme quherof is conteinit in ane act made in December 1565, Sessio 4; and the same being dewlie satisfied, and earnest repentance being sein in them, ordaines the said Presbytrie of Glasgow to absolve them from the said sentence.

[As to the remanent persons yet under process, who were guiltie of the violence done to Mr John Howeson: The whole Assemblie hath granted the forme of the discipline to be used against them, to the judgment and good discretione of the Presbytrie of Glasgow, with advice and counsel of one of the brethren of the Presbytrie of Edinburgh, to be directed unto them, together with James Andersone and the Minister of Air; the forme of discipline alwise, and injunctiones, to be given to the said persons as yett not excommunicate, to be less, and not so severe as of these that have bidden the sentence of excommunicatione; and ordeans the said brethren of Stirline, Air and Edinburgh, to conveen with the said Presbytrie, the last Wednsday of May nixt to come, to the effect forsaid.

The said day, the Provest of Dundee and the Laird of Colluthie presented certaine instructiones given to them be the Kings Majestie and his Counsel, with a letter written in favours of the Bischope of Murrey, which were red, and lest to be considered while the morne. C.]

Sessio 7a.

Anent the heids proponit [yesterday] be the Provest of Dundie and the Laird of Culluthie, his Majesties Commissioners: The Kirk, be the Moderatour, gave answer, That, for expeditioun of the first heid, the Assemblie sould appoint thair nixt conventioun the sooner, that ane absolute ansuer may be givin therto. Touching the second: They have sound be experience, that commissiouns givin to brether, with power to conclude, have done great hurt to the Kirk. As to novelties: They sould middle with nane.

Anent the lamentabill supplicatioun given in be the Erle of Arrane, bearing, That quher, vpon his diverse supplicatiouns presentit to the Generall Assemblies at Dundie and Edinburgh, they have [diligently] travellit with the Kings Majestie and [Lords of] Secreit Counsell, for his delyverance from his long [and lamentable] captivitie, and restitutioun to him of his heritage, most wrangouslie withhaldin from him, be the wickit and fraudulent meanes of the present possessour therof; nottheles, that vngodlie man, abusing the ȝouth and favour of his Soveraine, hes not sufferit ȝour sute to be hard, tryed, and allowed be his Majestie, as he is sure it wilbe quhensoevir his Grace is duelie informit of his innocencie, and the miseries, grieves, and wrangis be him susteinit, in spirit, bodie, and worldlie goods, be the crueltie of his enemies: beseiking the Assemblie therfor, as the only meane in this world quhervnto he may have esperance, to present his regraits and dolents to his Majestie, that they will ȝit continue thair former sute in his favour, and pretermitt not the present opportunitie of his Majesties good dispositioun, not able to be abused be the crast and subtiltie of that his vniust enemie being presentlie removit from his Majesties presence; praying them also to labour that his bodie and living may be committit to the custodie of his verie vndoubtit friends, quho will have vnfained care for the [amendment and] preservatioun of the ane and the vther, according to conscience, equitie, and righteous lawis of all civill countreyes; remembring presentlie that he is so destitute of all vther meanes of intercessioun, saving them only, for feare of his enemies crueltie, that, among so many natural friends of all degrees, he can hardly find ane that will declare himselfe the presenter of this his supplicatioun [made] to the Assemblie; the quhilk necessitie he doubtes not thair Wisdomes will worthilie supplie.

The Kirk having considderit the said supplicatioun, ordainis thair brether that presentlie are direct to the Kings Majestie, to shew his Hienes this pitiefull complaint, craveing his gracious and good ansuer therin: and farther, as the Assemblie sall find opportunitie, be thair Commissioners travells, to be done for the weill and confort of the Nobleman.

Mr Robert Pont declairit, that, with lose of his heritage and worldlie commoditie, he had proponit to sitt down in Sanct Androes, and had served on his awin charges a whole ȝeir, and could not have any equall conditiouns of living, no, not the least provisioun that any had that past befor, and now altogither his heart is abstractit from them; praying the Kirk not to lay the charge vpon him against his will.

Sessio 8a.

[The said day, Captane Montgomerie being directed from the Kings Majestie to the whole Assemblie, required them in his Hienes name, seing his Majestie is patron and erecter of the Colledge of Glasgow, wherethrough he hath a care of the interteanment and standing of the same, that the Assemblie meddle not with the removing of any of the members thereof, and especially of the Principall.

Anent the directione given to certane brethren to pass to the Kings Majestie with some speciall heids to be craved of his Grace: The said brethren having returned from his Majestie, reported, That concerning the French Ambassadour, he is presentlie in his jurney to depart, and this day takes his leave. As to the examining of Mr Holt, and summunding of my Lord Setons sone: His Grace sould see that he were summoned, and both conferred together, and tried; as also he should cause Cambois brethren be summoned. As to the Abbot of Halywood; He remembered not of any licence past be him. Concerning the Erle of Arran: He sould send and see how he is intreated; and if he were evil handled, sould remeid it. Twiching Mr David Chamber: Order sould be put to him.

Sessio 9a.

For reading and answering the Bills: Appoints Mr James Balfour, David Fergusone, Mr James Carmichael, Mr Adam Johnstoune, and John Johnstoun his brother, to conveen the morne at 6 hours in the morning, and so to continue while they be answered. C.]

Anent the citatioun direct aganis William Leirmonth, bailȝie of Sanct Androes: The Assemblie, in respect of the said William his simple consessioun, that he gave command to Niniane Rule, to reid publicklie the slanderous letter aganis the Presbitrie of Sanct Androes, in the paroch kirk therof, and his humble submissioun to the whole Kirk, Ordaines him, vpon Sonday come aught dayes, to compeir before the congregatioun of Sanct Androes, after sermoun and befor prayer, and ther confesse his ofsence forsaid, asking God and his Kirk pardon therfor, vnder the paine of the censures of the Kirk, to be execute be the said Presbytrie aganis him.

Sessio 10a.

[Anent the report to be made to the Assemblie, be the brethren appointed to the sight of the constitutione of the Presbytries of Aberdeene, &c. Answer was given, That they had considered the estate of the matter, and found three of the sex Presbytries, whereof they have best knowledge, reasonablie weale constitute; the sarder is not so weal knawin to them; alwise they found them all, be the advice of the Synodal Assemblie, who sould best know the estate of the countrie, established. The whole Assemblie approved the constitutione hereof, while hereafter that better resolutione be taken, in case a better partial may be considered. C.]

Anent baptisme ministrat be laick persons, and such as hes no ordinary function in the Ministrie of the Kirk: The Generall Kirk, in ane voyce, hes concludit the same to be no baptism; and that these that are in the pretendit manner baptised, sould be baptized according to Gods Words.

Anent Ministers that make not residence at their awin Kirks: The Assemblie ordains the Presbyteries vniversallie within thair awin bounds, to take ordour therwith, as they will ansuer to the Kirk.

Anent the proces deduceit befor the Presbyterie aganis Henrie Adamsone, burges of Perth, and approvin be the Synodall Assemblie of the province: The haill Kirk at lenth having considderit the proces and probatioun led in the matter, being weill resolvit and advysit therewith, in ane voyce declares and finds the said Henrie, be his familiar and suspect behaviour with Jeanie Thornton, spous of Oliver Peibles, resorting with her in privat and suspect places, drinking and conversing with her, and vtherwayes behaving himselfe not to chastlie as becomes ane honest maried person, as be sundrie circumstances in the said process appears to have given suspicioun that he hes committit adulterie with her, and therby to have givin occasion of slander in his person: Therfor ordaines him, immediatelie after his returning from the Assemblie, to compeir befor the Presbyterie of Perth, and ther, with humilitie, vnfainedly to consesse and acknowledge that he hes given occasion of slander, asking God and his Kirk forgivenes [therfor;] and therafter, vpon ane Sonday to be appointit be the said Presbyterie, he sall compeir in the paroch kirk of Perth, in tyme of sermoun befor noone, sitt in the place of repentance in his commoun apparrell quhill the sermoun be enditt, and immediatelie after the end therof, and befor the prayer, stand vp in the said place of repentance, and consesse and acknowledge the slander given be him, and ask God and [his] Kirk pardon therfor, with promise in tyme coming to avoyde all slanderous behaviour and suspitioun of any such cryme, vnder the paine of the censures of the Kirk to be execute aganis him be the said Presbyterie.

Sessio 11a.

Anent the difficultie movit be certaine brether, If it be lawfull to a Pastour alreadie appointit and serving a flock, to receive admissioun of a benefice appertaining to another Kirk nor quher he serves, and remove [him] from his awin flock without licence of the Presbitrie quher he serves, Synodall [Assemblie of the countrie,] or Generall Assemblie [of the Kirk:] The hail Assemblie, after many reasons had on either syde concerning this doubt, resolvit and concludit, That a Pastour provydit and serving a flock, [as said is in this case,] lawfully may not remove from his awin flock quher he first serves, without speciall licence obtainit be him of his Presbyterie, Provinciall [Assembly of the province,] or Generall Assemblie [of the whole Kirk], and inhibiteand and dischargeand all Presbytries, in tyme comeing, to admitt and person els quher serving, as said is, to benefices, without testimonialls and licence shawin be them, of the consent of the Presbyterie, Synodall, or Generall [Assemblie, as said is:] And if any person beis found against the tenour heirof, to transferre himselfe without consent forsaid, the Kirk hes concludit and decernit him to be deposit from his functioun and calling of the Ministrie in tyme coming.

[Anent Bishops, and commissions given in the last Assemblie concerning the order to be taken with them: In respect that ane oversight is found in executione of the said commissione vpon sundrie occasiones, yett least that Estate so long slanderous to the Kirk be not overpast, as it hath been negligently, the whole Assemblie hath continued the commissione given to the brethren of before, concerning Sanct Androes, the Bischope of the Isles, and Dunkeld, ordeaning them to proceed in all points, according to the said commissione, as they will answer to the Kirk: And cheestlie, the Presbytrie of Stirline to proceed against the Bishop of the Isles, according to the process deduced before them, with full power to them to that effect. As concerning the Bishop of Aberdeene: In respect some process hath been had before the Presbytrie of Edinburgh against him, where his answer hath been given in negativé, and no probatione led against him, the Assemblie ordeaned the officer of the Assemblie to warn him to compear before the brethren, Mr James Lowson, Mr Andrew Melvil, Mr Walter Blanequall, John Durie, Mr John Craige, David Fergusone, Mr John Davidson, and John Brand, to hear witnes received against him in that matter, the morne at 6 hours; to whom the Assemblie gives power to examine and trie the saids witnesses, everie one of them, vpon the points denied be the said Mr David, and to report the probation againe to the Assemblie.

Sessio 12a.

Anent the article proponed be the Kings Majesties Commissioners to the Generall Assemblie, remembring them of the acts made in the last Parliament, specialy anent provisione for Ministers and stipends for them at all parish kirks, and appointing Commissioners for ordering thereof; for the executione of the which, it should be required, that they sould nominat three Commissioners, with power to them to conveen with as many to be directed be his Grace, for consideratione and appointing of the order and estate of the Kirk; and stipends to begin and take effect at the first day of November next to come; and that the same Commissioners sould have power to treat, confer and conclude, that their travells might be effectual in all matters, concerning the said act or depending thereupon, to the full executione thereof: The Generall Assemblie having advised with the said article, nominats, and gives power to their loved brethren, the Laird of Dun, Mr Andrew Hay, Mr Thomas Buchanan, Mr John Craige, Mr David Lindsey, Mr Robert Pont, John Duncanson, John Brand, or to the said Mr Andrew Hay, Mr Robert Pont or Mr Thomas Buchanan conjunctlie, to conveen with the Kings Majesties Commissioners, at such time as sall be assigned, to treat, conferr and reason, for a solid order and forme of provisione of Ministers stipends and estate of the Kirk; and to lay the ground thereof, and to reduce the samine to a certane perfectione, to be advised upon in the next Assemblie, there to be concluded, if it sall be thought expedient be the universal votes of the whole Assemblie: and, for their better informatione to that effect, ordeans every Presbytrie, as they sall be required be the said brethren, to send some of the most qualisied and meetest men of the Presbytrie, to informe the sex Commissioners upon the estate of their countries, for advancing of the said work, and informing them in the premises.

Anent the labours taken be Mr John Craige in collecting of the Acts of the Assemblie: Seing the great travels tane be him for the weale of the same, not without the singular fruit and profite of the whole brethren, to the effect the same may be absolved and brought to persection, it is thought good, that Mr James Lowson, Mr David Lindsay, Mr Robert Pont, Mr Walter Blancquall, Mr Nicol Dagleish, Mr John Davidsone, and John Duncanson, Commissioners for Edinburgh, travel in perusing the whole work; albeit of the difficulties as they occurr, consider and weigh what things are requisite to the full compleiting thereof, and to put the same in mundo, betwixt and the next Generall Assemblie, that judgement of the whole Assemblie may be had thereupon.

Anent the supplicatione given be George Erle of Marshel, Robert Commendator of Deir, and certane brethren, who had charge by the Kings Majesties commissione and the Assemblie, to visit the Colledge of Aberdeen, desiring the Assemblie to consider of the travels taken be them in the said matter; as also to deput some persons to take trial of the members thereof, that they be sufficient and qualified, conforme to the new erectione: The said whole Assemblie ordeans their brethren, Mr James Lowson, Mr Andrew Melvil and Mr Niccol Dagleish, and failing of him, Mr Robert Pont, to consider the proceidings of the said Commissioners, twiching the said erectione; and if they find the same allowable and weel done, to give their testimony and approbation thereof, to be presented to the Erle Marshel, that his Lordship may travel for the Kings Majesties consirmatione thereof: and that the same persons take trial and informatione of the principall compts; and if they find the samine to be allowed, to authorize and allow the samine be their subscriptione: And sicklike, ordeans Mr Thomas Smetone, Mr Andrew Melvil, Mr Niccol Dagleish, and failing of him, Mr Robert Pont, to conveen in Sanct Androws the 5 day of September nixt to come, to trie and examine the members of the said Colledge of Aberdeen, if they be correspondent to the order and provisione of the said erectione, and to interpoue likewise their judgement and testimonie thereunto.

Sessio 13a.

The Assemblie gives commission and full power to their loved brethren, Mr Andrew Hay, Mr Alexander Arbuthnet, and Mr George Hay, to present to the Kings Majestie and his honourable Counsel such heids, articles, and complaints, as are given to them in write; conserr, treat and reason thereupon; and to crave his Hienes and their Honours answers thereto, to be reported again to the next Assemblie.

Ordeans Mr Andrew Melvil, Mr James Lowson, and David Ferguson, to visit the books set out be George Scot; and to report to the Assemblie their judgement thereupon.

Anent the visitatione of the Universitie of Sanct Androes: The Assemblie hath given commissione, as in the last Assemblie, to their brethren underwriten, Mr Robert Pont, Mr Nicol Dagleish, Mr Alexander Arbuthnet, Mr Andrew Polwart, Mr Thomas Smetone, Mr Thomas Buchanan, Mr David Lindsey, or any four of them, to conveen themselves the 5 day of September nixt to come there, and to consider how the rents and livings of the saids Colledge are bestowed; how the doctrine is used be the Masters and Regents, if the samine be correspondent to the Act of Parliament; how order is keeped among the schooles and Students; and herein, as order and desectione sall be found, to take order, and to report to the nixt Generall Assemblie.

Anent the divisione of the Kirks of Stratherne among the Presbytries of Perth, Stirline, and Dunkeld: The Assemblie hath unite to the Presbytries, as follows, to wit, to Perth, Achterardour; to Stirline, Strogeith, Strowan, &c.; to Dunkeld, Auchtergowan, Kinclewin, Logybridge. C.]