
Parish Fraternity Register: Fraternity of the Holy Trinity and SS. Fabian and Sebastian (Parish of St. Botolph without Aldersgate). Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1982.

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'Index', in Parish Fraternity Register: Fraternity of the Holy Trinity and SS. Fabian and Sebastian (Parish of St. Botolph without Aldersgate), ed. Patricia Basing (London, 1982), British History Online [accessed 16 February 2025].

'Index', in Parish Fraternity Register: Fraternity of the Holy Trinity and SS. Fabian and Sebastian (Parish of St. Botolph without Aldersgate). Edited by Patricia Basing (London, 1982), British History Online, accessed February 16, 2025,

"Index". Parish Fraternity Register: Fraternity of the Holy Trinity and SS. Fabian and Sebastian (Parish of St. Botolph without Aldersgate). Ed. Patricia Basing (London, 1982), British History Online. Web. 16 February 2025.

Arabic numerals refer to serial numbers in the text and not to pages. Roman numerals refer to the pages of the Introduction.

Various entries have been gathered under the headings 'buildings & parts thereof,' 'legal matters' and 'trades & occupations'.


Abbot, John, sheriff, 11718

Abbotsbury, Dorset, viii

accounts, see Holy Trinity fraternity; St. Botolph Aldersgate

-, Richard, 27
-, William & Isabel his wife, 32

Albone, John & his wife, 24

albs (aubes, awbes), 45, 48, 60

alcamyn (alkamyn), seal of, 103

Aldersgate Street (Aldrichesgatestrete, etc.), xvii-xxi, xxiii, xxv-xxvi, 72-101 passim, 114-23

Aldersgate ward, xxi-xxii; alderman, see Newport, Andrew; alderman's deputy, see Taylour, Roger; beadle, see Leycester, William de; common councilmen, named, xxii; juries, xxi; sergeant, see Enefeld, John; wardmote inquests, xxvi, 43

ale (yele), 126; bowl, 121; see also buildings, joists; colanders; stools; tubs

Aleyn, Thomas, 1089, 116

'alkamyn', see alcamyn

All Hallows Fancherche, see St. Gabriel Fenchurch

All Hallows, London Wall, fraternity in, xvii

alms, v, 63, 69, 82, 113, 125; dowries for poor girls, 62

altars, see cloth; Holy Trinity fraternity; St. Botolph Aldersgate; St. Katherine, fraternity of; SS. Fabian and Sebastian, fraternity of

ambry (halmere), 60

Amy, William, cit. & blacksmith, & Joan his daughter, 113

Andrewe (Drewe), Stephen, 23; master, 312, 143

anniversaries, see obits

annuities, 579, 61

Antony, Agnes, 25

Appulby, John, 22

Appulton (Appylton)
-, John, 80
-, Richard, 36, 116
-, Thomas & Anna his wife, 36
-, William, 133

Archer, John & Alice his wife, 24

Argentyne, Herry, cook, 133

Arndell, see Arundell

arrearage, 50, 525, 579, 61

Arthur's Hall (Arthyris), tenement called, xviii, xx, 59, 10412

Arundell (Arndell), Margaret, 61, 104

Asche, see Asshe

Ascheler, Walter & his wife, 24

Asplond, William, cit. & skinner, 110

Aspull, Thomas, 37

Asshe (Asche)
-, Laurence & Molde his wife, 23
-, William, esq., of Herts., 39

Asshebourne, Henry, leech at Newgate, 39

Asteley, Joan, wife of Thomas, xiv, 102

Astelyne, Henry & his wife, 25

'aubes', 'awbes', see albs

Audelby, Roger, rector of Whitechapel, 36

Ayle (Ayley), Thomas, 43, 46, 512, 55, 117; warden, 128, 143

Aylondon, John & his wife, 26


Bacon, Richard, 133

Baker, William, waterman, 32

Baldok, John, cit., 723

Balsham (Balesham)
-, , spicer, & Joan his wife, 32
-, Andrew de, leatherdresser, 66

Banbery, Thomas, priest, 46

Banham, Geoffrey & Isabel his wife, 28

Banke, Thomas, 38

banner clothes, see cloth

Barbican (Barbycan), xvii, xx-xxi, 1, 42, 723, 75, 77, 104, 12830; tenement called, xxiii-xxiv

-, Adam & Joan his wife, 32
-, Agnes, 30
-, John & his wife, 26
-, William & his wife, 126

Bardenay, John, 35

Barell, Richard, 104

Barentyn, Drew, alderman, 74

Barett, William, sheriff, 83

Barnabe, Pernell, 46

Barnet, Richard, 40

-, Kateryn, 103
-, Richard & Joan his wife, 34
-, Thomas, cit. & fruiterer, 71

Barre, Richard, 23

barrels, 101

Barrow, , wife of, 46

Barry, Thomas, cit., 63

bars, see buildings, windows

-, Henry, mayor, 11618
-, William & his wife, 24

basin, with ewer, 72

Basing, Hugh de, 65

baskets, 128; for malt, 101, 121

Basle, Stephen & Agnes his wife, 32

Bastarde, William & Katherine his wife, 23

Bathe (Bath)
-, John, al. John Love, 97
-, John, cit. & weaver, xix, 1, 45, 48, 96 100, 104, 12630; bailiff of the weavers, 142; common councilman, xxii; Christina his wife, 97, 100; Joan his sister, 98
-, John, junior, & Agnes his wife, 22

Batte, William & Joan his wife, 23

baudkin (bawdekyn), see cloth

Baumborgh, John, clerk, & Agnes his wife, 32

Bawdwyn (Baudewyn, etc.), John, tiler, 54, 56-7

Baxster, John, 133

beads, jet (gette), 136

Bear (Bere), the, tenement called, 111

bearingtrees (beryngtrees), 121

Beaumond al. Pynner, Richard, cit. & pinner, 71, 104

Beauuer, see Bever

Becke, Richard, 120

becks, 144; 'grounte becch', 'growte beche', 101, 129; 'clensyng beche', 121

Bedel (Bedell)
-, Henry, brewer, 29
-, William, plasterer, 134

beds: canopies (celours), 101; hangings & tester, 125

beech, see buildings, lathe

Beek (Beke), Laurence, carpenter, 547, 59

Beer (Bere), Thomas, brewer, 46, 49, 51, 141; master, 104, 121, 143

Bekkingham, John, 61

Bell, the, tenements called, xxiii, 46

Bell (Belle)
-, John, warden, 132, 143
-, William, brewer, 118-20, 122, 124

bells, 63

Belmeis, Richard de, bishop of London, x n

belt, decorated with silver, 125

Bene, John & his wife, 26

Benet(e), John, cit. & tailor, 49, 52, 63, 75, 778, 110; churchwarden, 50, 95

Bere, see Beer

'Bere', the, tenement called, see Bear

'bere', see bier

Berkamstede, William, 23

Berkeley (Berkele), Lady de, 96

Berkyng, Thomas de, abbot of St. Osyth, xxiv, 36

Bernard (Bernerd)
-, John, 24
-, John, clerk, 36
-, Thomas, 57
-, Thomas, cit. & brewer, 70; churchwarden, 63

Bernardecastell, John & Lucy his wife, 24

Bernewell, , 133

Berom, see Byrom

Bert, William le, 67

Bertelot, John & Joan his wife, 98

'beryngtrees', see bearingtrees

Besenby (Besyngby), John, 46, 49

Bete, John, of East Tilbury, 39

Bethlem Hospital, xvii

Bever (Beauuer, Beuer, etc.), William, cit. & merchant, 11417, 124

-, Richard, grocer, 36, 118; his wife, 36
-, Walter, butcher, 25, 93, 141; master, 36, 143; his wife, 25

Bexley, Kent, xv

Bhus, Simon, 66

Bidyk (Bydik)
-, John, cit. & goldsmith, 6970; Agnes his daughter, Alice his wife, Juliana his mother & Thomas his son, 69
-, William de, cit. & pepperer, & Alice his wife, 678

bier (bere), 136

Birt, see Bret

Blakenale (Blakenhale), Thomas, cit. & fishmonger, 62, 70

blankets, 125

Blase, Richard, 104

Blenkensopp, Alexander, 38

Blomvyle, John, exchequer official, 38

Blount, Robert, esq., & Margery his wife, 133

Blund, John le, mayor, 67

board cloths, see cloth

boards, see buildings

boat, hire, 40

Bockynge, see Bokkyng

Bodell, William, warden, 143

Bodley (Bodelee), John de, sheriff, 66

Bogeis, Arnold & Katherine his wife, 68

Bokenhylle, John, weaver, & Isabel his wife, 30

'boket', see buckets

Bockynge (Bokkyng), John, cit. & weaver, 734, 83, 856, 8890, 115; master, 22, 143; master of the weavers, 142; common councilman, xxii

Bole, William & his wife, 30

Boleyn, Geoffrey, sheriff, 75, 112

bolt, iron, 128

Boltoun, William, clerk, 36

-, John, 69
-, John, junior, cit., 70

Bonaventura, St., 72 n. 1

Boner, Alexander, 72

books, 60, 103; binding, leather & silk, 103; missals, xii, 103, 123, 138; on surgery, 72; paper, 72; philomena gratie, 72

Bordeaux, constable of, xxiv

border, see cloth

Borwey, William, carpenter, 32

Boston, John, carpenter, 46, 49, 58, 141

-, Geoffrey, & John his son, 87
-, Isabel, 87
-, James, cit., 87

Bourghcher, Thomas, rector of St. Botolph, 63

bowl, see ale

Bowley, Roger & Agnes his wife, 23

Bown, John & Margery his wife, 35

-, Walter, 114
-, William, 104

Box, Hamo, 67, 69; Alice his daughter, 69

boxes, 103; chests, xvi, xxvi n., 52, 5960, spruce, 103; coffers, 103; coffin for documents, 103; common box, xxvii, 23, 8, 1415, 20, 31, 33, 37, 13940; see also corporal case

Bradmore (Brademore), John, cit. & surgeon, xvi-xvii, xx-xxi, xxv, 1, 22, 45, 48, 724, 789, 8890, 1045, 126, 128 30; master, 37, 143; churchwarden, 100; Agnes his daughter, 72; Joan his niece, 72; Katharine his wife, 1, 72; Margaret his wife, 1, 22, 723; Nicholas his brother, 72

Bradwardyne, William, 38

Bradwell (Bradewell), David, clerk, 116, 124

Brampton, John, sheriff, 889

branch of candles, see candles

Brandon, Thomas de, sheriff, 114

Brasebrygge, Ralph, kt., xxiv, 38

brass, 128

Brassyngton, John, 25

Braybrooke, Robert, bishop of London, xiii

Braye, Roger, 27

bread, 126

Bread Street (Bredstrete), 40

Brechforde, Richard, cit., warden of St. Katherine, 140

Bret (Birt, etc.), Alan, cit., brewer & carpenter, xx-xxi, xxiii, 1, 30, 623, 70, 93, 104, 1158, 120, 124, 1267; master & warden, 37, 72, 143; master of the brewers, xxiii, 142; Isabel his wife, 1, 63; Joan his wife, 1, 63, 93; Sybil his wife, 1, 623, 70; William his son, 70

Brewer, John, 104

'brewern', see buildings, brewhouses

brewers' company, xv, 113; masters & wardens, xv, xxiii, 142; clerk, see Porland, William

brewhouses, see buildings

brewing equipment, xix-xx, 43, 91, 101, 113, 121, 129

bridle, 82

Brockehyrste, Robert & his wife, 27

-, , tiler, 42
-, John, 59
-, John, cit. & brewer, 120, 122, 125
-, William, armourer, & his wife, 25

Broket(te), Thomas, 38; ? another, 46

Brokle(y), John, alderman, 11718, 120; mayor, 70

bronze, 1

Broughton, Richard, cit., 70

Brown (Broun, Brun)
-, Gilbert le, 64
-, John, cit. & cooper, 46, 49, 519, 63, 75, 778, 112, 118, 1202, 1289; churchwarden, 104, 121; common councilman, xxii; master of the coopers, 142
-, John, goldsmith, 33
-, Ralph le, 64
-, Stephen, sheriff, 120
-, William, 65

Bruges, Richard, Lancaster king of arms, xxiv, 36; Katherine his wife, 36

Brumley, John, 28

Brun, see Brown

Brychford, Philip, 72

Bryden, Ralph & Agnes his wife, 34

Brydham, John & Joan his wife, 23

Brys, William & Christine his wife, 23

buckets (corve, boket), 42, 101, 126, 128

buildings & parts thereof
-, boards & planks, xx, 41, 43, 103, 128; dressing, 101, 121; eaves (evese), 42; 'elmynborde', 129; 'estericheborde', 101, 144; floor, xx; oak (okyn), 101, 129; pentice (pentyse), 41
-, brewhouses (brewern), xvii, xxiii, 1, 80, 82, 104, 113, 11622; inventories of, 101, 121; furnace (forneys), 101, 121
-, butteries, xviii, 97
-, cellars (seler), xviii, 74, 103, 121
-, chambers, xii, 97, 103, 128
-, chimneys, xii, 128
-, courtyard, 64
-, 'crepullis', 41, 144
-, curtilages, 68
-, door, 80, 128
-, draught, 129
-, floors, 128
-, gallery, xviii
-, gate, 1267
-, gravel, 41
-, gutters (goter), 127; lead, 126, 12930; stone, 126
-, halls, xvii-xix, 97, 101
-, hearth, xx, 128
-, iron work, 412
-, joists (gystes), 43, 121, 128; ale 'gystes', 101, 121; leaded, 121
-, keys, 41, 126
-, kitchens (kechyn), xviii-xix, 97, 101
-, lath(e), xx; beech, 42; 'hert', 'hort', 42, 1289
-, lattice, 103
-, lime, xx, 423, 1289
-, loam (lome), xx, 42, 1289
-, locks, 41
-, mangers, xx, 43, 101
-, nails, xx, 413, 129; lead, 43; penny, 42 3, 128-9; roof (roffes), 41-3, 129; sprigg, 42, 1289; transom (trannson), 129
-, pantry, 97
-, parlour, 121
-, paving, 41, 121
-, plaster of 'parys', 103
-, 'plomer houce', 43
-, privies (house), xx, 43, 126, 129; 'towell' of, 43
-, puncheons, timber, 103
-, roofs, 41
-, sand, xx, 413, 1289
-, shelves, 121
-, sherds, 128
-, shops, 68, 734, 80, 912
-, sign (seigne), xx, 128; shaft for, 128
-, solars, 74, 912
-, solder (soudir), 42
-, stables, xix, 101, 103; racks (rakkys) in, 101
-, stairs (steyre), xxi, 41; timber for, 41; stair ropes, 121
-, stone, 41, 126, 128
-, storehouse, 103
-, tavern, 40
-, tiles, xxxxi, 413, 103, 126, 128; 'Donwyche', 42; 'Newnton', 42; paving, 43, 130; roof, 129; tile pins, 412, 129
-, timber, xx, 42, 129
-, wainscot (wanescote), 41
-, walls, 103; earth, 87; stone, 74
-, wells, 42; buckets (corve) for, 42, 101; rope for, 129
-, windows, xii, xvii-xviii, xxi, 41, 43, 128; bars (legges), 41; glass, 101; glass, stained, xvii-xix
-, see also repairs

Bukbynder, Stephen, 114

Burdeyn, Walter, 81

burdons, silver, 103

Burgeys, John & Lucy his wife, 22

Burgh, John, exchequer official, 36

Burgham, Isabel, 34

Burgoyne, Thomas, lawyer, 40

burials, (terment, terement), 103, 1267; see also St. Botolph Aldersgate; funerals

Burton, Roger & Vynet his wife, 32

-, John & his wife, 26
-, Walter & his wife, 26

Bushel, 121, 128

Bussh, John, 67

Bussheye, Robert, 73

butteries, see buildings

Bygge, John, 29

Byllynge, Oliver & Isabel his wife, 28

Bynle (Bynley), John, 22; master of SS. Fabian & Sebastian, 912; Alice his wife, 22

Byrcham, Robert, brewer, 134

Byrom (Berom, Byrnum, etc.), John, 46, 49, 50, 56, 75, 78, 112; master, 52, 57 9, 71, 104, 143; churchwarden, 99

Byron (Biron), John, kt., 46, 49

Byrst, Robert & Anne his wife, 36

Bys, William & Eleanor his wife, 87

Bysschoppe, John, clerk, 45


calendar, see Holy Trinity fraternity

Calowe, William, 46

Cambridge: guild of thanes of, viii; parliament, ix-x

Cambridgeshire, x

Camell, Henry & Margaret his wife, 32

Camme, Thomas & his wife, 25

candles, 48, 138; branch of, 45, 48; cotton, 58; tallow, 45; see also tapers

candlesticks, 45, 48; with two noses, 121

-, John & his wife, 27
-, William, 27

canopies, see beds

Canterbury, St. Augustine's, abbot, see Hunden, Thomas

Canynges (Canyng, Canygg)
-, John, cit. & stonecutter, 22, 734, 856, 8890, 141; Alice his wife, 22
-, William & Cecily his wife, 26

Capelle, John & his wife, 24

cappers' fraternity, master, 142

Carewareyne, see Carwaryn

-, Alice, 32
-, Michael, 46, 49

Carslowe, Thomas, goldsmith, & Joan his wife, 32

Carswell (Cressewell, etc.), John, limner, 93, 116-17, 122, 141

cartulary, see Holy Trinity fraternity

Carwaryn (Carewareyne), Richard, 46, 51

Castr, John & Margaret his wife, 32

Catesby, Richard, chaplain, 32

Caudray (Cawdray), Richard, dean of St. Martin le Grand, xxiv, 46, 49, 99, 104; rector of St. Botolph, 95, 121

Caumpeden, Roger, 23

Causwey al. Causby, William, priest, 133

Cauwode, see Cawode

Cavel, Richard, 64

Cavendish, Suffolk, xviii

Cavendish (Cavendyssh), Thomas, exchequer official, warden, xviii-xix, xxvii, 133, 143; arms of, xviii; churchwarden, xviii; Alice his wife, xviii; Katheryn his mother, xviii-xix

Cawdray, see Caudray

Cawode (Cauwode, Kawode)
-, John, & Margaret his wife, 34
-, Robert, clerk of the pipe, xiv-xv, xxi, xxiii, 1, 40, 456, 49, 579, 63, 70, 758, 102, 110, 118, 120, 122; his wife, 46

cellars, see buildings

'celours', see beds

chair, long settle (cetyll), 101

chalices, see Holy Trinity fraternity; St. Katherine, fraternity of; SS. Fabian & Sebastian, fraternity of

-, Henry, 64
-, John & Gunhild his wife, 645
-, Nicholas, 64
-, Richard, 64
-, Tony, 64
-, Walter, 64
-, Walter le, 66, 68; William his son, 66
-, William, 64

Chalton, Thomas, sheriff, 70

chambers, see buildings

Chambre (Chaumbre)
-, Henry, cit. & fishmonger, 116, 124
-, Roger at, 26

chancery rolls, keeper of, see Gawnstede, Simon

chantries, viii, xiii, xv-xvi, xix, 62, 100, 113, 125; chantry certificates, xv n., xxv; dissolution, xxv; priests, xii-xiii, xix, xxv; see also Holy Trinity fraternity; St. Botolph Aldersgate; St. Paul's cathedral

chapel, see Holy Trinity fraternity

Chapman, Alexander, exchequer official, master, 134, 143

Charles, Nicholas, Lancaster herald, xix

Charleton, Robert, chief justice of common pleas, 87

Charterhouse, 113

Chaumbre, see Chambre

Chaundeller, Rauff, see Rauf, John, chandler

Chaung, John & his wife, 25

Chertesey, John, 87

Chester, chamberlain of, see Troutebek, John

Chesthount, William & his wife, 24

chests, see boxes

Chevyngton, John & Agnes his wife, 34

Chevyrs, Richard, warden, 143

chimneys, see buildings

Chinnore, Thomas, 63

Chirche, Richard, 27

choir (qwer), 18

Chok, Richard, 79

Christofer, John, cook, & Joan his wife, 30

churchwardens, see St. Botolph Aldersgate

churchyard, 82, 87

Chyddesle, Roger, 22

Chylterne, Roger & his wife, 24

clasps, silver, 103, 123

Claypole, John, 36

cleansing (clensyng), see becks; sieves; tubs; vats

-, Christian the, 64
-, John, cooper, 135
-, Nicholas & Margery his wife, 34
-, Ralph, 67
-, Roger, 68
-, Thomas, cit. & tailor, 63, 70
-, Walter, carpenter, 36

clerk of king's works, see Rollestoun, Robert

Clerkenwell, priory of St. John of Jerusalem, x-xiv; priory of St. Mary, xxiv; prioress, see Vian, Joan

Cleuer, William, 23

Clophill (Clophull)
-, John, cit., 72, 105; ? another, 75
-, William, al. William Kelleseye, brewer, 22, 73-5, 85-6, 88-90, 104, 141; churchwarden, 96; common councilman, xxii; Lucy his wife, 22

cloth, clothes, 103; altar, 131, 136; banner, 45; baudkin (bawdekyn), 72; black, 125; board, 56, 103; border, black, 136; diaper (dyaper), 103; gold, for use at funerals, 1; green, for surcoat, 65; for hoods, 44; linen, 72; 'sanapam', 131; 'sanap dyaper', 103; table, 72, 1367; table, diaper, 1367; see also napkins; sheets; towels

Cluny, abbey, xvii n.

Clyderowe, Richard & Alice his wife, 36

Clyfton, Thomas, 33

Clynton, John, chaplain, 32

Cock on the Hoop (Cok on the Hope), tenement called, xxiii, 113

-, John, drover, 46
-, William, 46

Codenham, Henry, gent., xxvi

coffers (cofre), see boxes

coffins (cofyn), see boxes

Cok(e), see Cook

colanders (colendyr), 129; ale, 43, 101, 121; wort, 43, 121

Coley (Collee), Berks., 109

-, John, cit. & goldsmith, & Joan his wife, 72
-, William, 104

Colyer, William & Isabel his wife, 26, 28

Comforte, , wife of, 46

common councilmen, xxii

common pleas, 87

Conduit (Conduyt), Reginald atte, mayor, 81

Cook (Cok, etc.)
-, John, 126-30
-, John, tailor, 548; warden, 59, 61, 99, 143
-, Walter, cit. & fishmonger, 117, 124

Cooks' Hall, xxviii

coopers' company, master, 142

Copersmyth, Symond, 104

Corbet, W., 136

Corby, John & Margery his wife, 22, 26

Cordewaner, Andrew le, 66

Corn, John, 33

'cornedyssh', see dishes

Corner, Peter atte, 81

Cornewaylle, Henry & Margaret his wife, 26

corporal case ('corporas casse'), 136

Corser, John, 104

'corve', see buckets

'coryour', see trades, curriers

Cosin, William, sheriff, 67

Cotes, Robert, 30

cotton, see candles

'couletre', 103, 144

-, Roger & Juliana his wife, 32
-, Thomas & Joan his wife, 34

Courte, Walter & his wife, 25

courtyard, see buildings

-, John, sheriff, 116
-, William, canon of St. Bartholomew, 36

Coventry, Warwicks., vii

'crepullis', see buildings

Cressewell, see Carswell

Cressewyk, William, 73

Croffte, Nicholas, goldbeater, & Alice his wife, 32

Cromer (Crowmer), John, mayor 109

Crooke, Robert, 112

cross, see Holy Trinity fraternity

Crowe, Richard & Joan his wife, 29

Crowley, Elyas, 24

Crulle, Peter & Joan his wife, 36

Cryppes, Robert, brewer, 134

Crystiane, Richard & his wife, 24

Cu, Richard le, 68

cups, 'asshen', 103; see also pots

Curteys (Curtays)
-, Hugh, 37
-, Joan, widow, 131
-, Margery, 35
-, Nicholas & Joan his wife, 35
-, Thomas & his wife, 24

curtilages, see buildings


daggers, 72, 125

Dancastre (Dankastre), John, limner, master, xiii, 25, 143; master of SS. Fabian & Sebastian, xiii, 139

-, John, 36
-, William, clerk, 36

Daukyn, Harry, 46, 52

Davy(e) (David)
-, John, cit. & brewer, 1056, 141; master, 23, 26, 35, 143; warden of the brewers, 142
-, Peter & his wife, 26
-, Philip & Isabel his wife, 22
-, Richard, brewer, 101

Dayron, Thomas & Isabel his wife, 22, 24

Delamare, John, canon of St. Bartholomew, 36

-, John, spurrier, & Joan his wife, 28
-, Peter & Emmota his wife, 30
-, Robert, 27

Denton, Thomas, of Sandford, Oxon., 117, 124

De Profundis, xii, 17

Derbyngeton, John, clerk, 32

Derham, Richard, dean of St. Martin le Grand, xxiv, 39; parson, 912

Derynge, John, grocer, 27

Deyne, see Theyne

diaper (dyaper), see cloth; napkins; towels

Dilkes (Dylkes), Thomas, cit. & vintner, 1056, 108

Dirige, xii, 16, 91, 140

dishes, 'cornedyssh', 121; pewter, 5

Dobbeson, John, 23

Dobyns, Christine, 27

'dogge', see iron

Dokett, Richard, 46

'Donwyche' tiles, see buildings, tiles

doors, see buildings

Dorkyngge, John de, cit. & woolmonger, 66

Dounton, Margaret, widow, 70

Downe, Richard, master & warden, xxvii, 132, 143

dowries, 72, 80, 125; see also alms

draf, 121, 144

draught, see buildings

dressingboards, see buildings, boards

Drewe, Stephen, see Andrewe

drink, see potations

Druell, John, commissary general, 125

Dudle, Matthew, clerk, 36

Duff, Thomas, 133

Dufhous, Thomas, sheriff, 11718

Dyer, John & his wife, 26

dyers' company, master, 142

Dyke, John de, 69

Dyttelynge, John, 23


earth walls, see buildings, walls

eaves board, see buildings, boards

Ederyche, John, 46

-, Henry, limner, 23, 74, 141; master, 33, 143; Joan his wife, 23
-, Nicholas & Alice his wife, 24

Eland, Thomas, 133

Elis, priest of St. Bartholomew, 46

Elmesley, see Emmesley

'elmynborde', see buildings, boards

Elys (Elyce)
-, John, saddler, 46
-, Robert, 46, 49, 51, 535, 57, 104
-, Roger, cit. & waxchandler, 723; alderman, 83, 889

Eme, John & Joan his wife, 22

Emelyne, of Long Lane, 104

Emery(e), William, mason, 46, 49

Emmesley (Elmesley etc.), Richard, cit. & saddler, xvi, 44, 535, 5860, 79, 111, 122, 12830; master & warden, xvi, 40, 46-52, 56, 94-5, 99, 143; common councilman, xxii

enamel work, 103

Endirby, William, 37

Enefeld (Enyfeld)
-, John & his wife, 24
-, William de, sergeant of Langbourn ward, 66

Enfield (Enyfelde), Mddx., 32

Eppinge, Walter de, 64

Erdeburgh, see Harborough

Essex (Esex)
-, John & Isabel his wife, 23
-, Thomas, cit. & goldsmith, 6970
-, William, master, 143

Est, John, 23

Estemore, Richard, 104

'estericheborde', see buildings, boards

-, John, 22
-, John, 1089; rector of Kettering, 37

Estylbery, see Tilbury, East

Eton, Richard, carpenter, 134

Everyngham, Richard, cooper, 134

'evese' board, see buildings, boards

Ewen, Manut, 46

ewer, see basin

exchequer, xxv, 40; baron of, see Malton, Robert; Beauchamp chamberlain of, see Owdeby, John; clerk of the pipe, see Cawode, Robert and Lathell, Nicholas; controller of the subsidy, see Pollard, John; marshall of, see Kyrkeby, John; other officials, see Blomvyle, John; Burgh, John; Cavendish, Thomas; Chapman, Alexander; Iwardby, John; Pette, John; Wardon, John

executors, xvii, 3, 623, 6970, 723, 80, 823, 91, 978, 11314, 11718, 120, 1235, 127

Exeter, Devon, guild of, viii

Exton, Thomas, cit. & goldsmith, 723

Eyre, John, churchwarden, 99


Fabel, Giles & Katherine his wife, 23

Fabian, St., pope, xii

Fabyan and Bastyan's Alley, see Lamb Alley

Fachel, see Vachell

Falcon (Faucon, etc.) on the Hoop, afterw. Trinity Hall, xvii-xx, xxiii, xxv-xxvi, 43, 478, 57 n., 58, 11425, 12830

Fancherchestrete, see Fenchurch Street

fans, 101, 121, 129

Farlton (Farleton)
-, John, goldfiner, 133
-, John, goldsmith, 32
-, William, clerk, & Joan his wife, 30

Farnesfeld, John & Agnes his wife, 26

farriers' company, xxv

Faryngdon, William, kt., xxiv, 36

'fatte', see vats

Faucon (Fawcon) on the Hoop, see Falcon

Fayreford, Hugh & his wife, 26

-, John, fishmonger, & Joan his wife, 132
-, Matthew, 41, 447, 79, 104

Felmesham, Thomas, priest, 46, 49

Fenchurch Street (Fancherchestrete), xx, xxvi, 6271, 1034

Fenkenham, John, 33

'ferdekyns', see firkins

-, Richard, 29
-, Robert & Christine his wife, 32

Festham, Michael, warden, 99, 143

Filoll, Reynold, warden, xxvii, 143

fire hooks, 121; iron, 101, 128

firkins (ferdekyns), 101

Fissher (Fyscher)
-, Alice, 30
-, Richard, 23, 90; master, 2831, 143; Agnes his wife, 23

fitz Alan, Roger, mayor, 65 n. 1

fitz Alice, Robert, alderman, ? Langbourn ward, 65 n. 1 & 2

fitz Fulk, Henry, 64

fitz Geoffrey of Winchester, Nicholas, alderman, 66

fitz Simond, John, kt., 69

Flete, William, gent., 46

floors, see buildings

Flynt, William, mason, 23

Foke, Richard, maltman, 46

'fonell', see funnels

Forbes, John, warden, 143

Ford(e) (Foord, Fourde)
-, Richard, 46, 49
-, Richard, waxchandler, 134
-, W., chantry priest, 133

Fordam, Robert & Thomasine his wife, 32

Forest, Walter, sheriff, 114

form, long joined, xvi, 103

'forneys', see buildings, brewhouses

Forster (Forsteer, Foster)
-, Margaret, 23
-, Richard & his wife, 26
-, Stephen, sheriff, 122
-, William, cit. & tailor, 46; churchwarden, 104, 121

Forth, John at, 26

Fourde, see Ford

Fox, Lewis, armourer, & Joan his wife, 32

Foxhoohys, John, chaplain, 38

France, war against, xxv

Franceys (Fraunceys)
-, John & Joan his wife, 245
-, Simon, mayor, 114

Francton, Richard, 33

Frankeleyn (Fraunklean), Harry, 46, 49

fraternities, vii-x; guild certificates, ix-xiii, xvii, xxvii n.; see also Holy Trinity; St. Katherine; SS. Fabian & Sebastian

Frende, John, goldsmith, 141; warden, 143

Frenssh (Fraynch)
-, Robert & his wife, 25
-, Symkyn, 103

Fressh, John, mayor, 879

frith guild, viii

Frowyk, Henry, mayor, 122

Fry(e), Richard, 42, 467

Fuller, Elizabeth, 133

Ful of Love, Juliana, 26

funerals, viii, 13, 623, 72, 80, 82, 113, 125, 139, 140; see also burials

funnels (fonell), 101, 121

furnace, see buildings, brewhouses

Fyffete, John & his wife, 24

Fynch, John, 33

Fynyngham, John de, abbot of Walden, 87

Fynyngley, John & Margaret his wife, 32

Fyst, William & Alice his wife, 26


gallery, see buildings

Gambon, John, 41, 130

gardens, xvii, 63, 724, 80, 87, 90, 1059, 112, 11417, 122

Garflowe, Thomas & his wife, 25

Garnere, Richard, master of the mint, 36

Garter, William, surgeon, 134

Gate, William atte, cit. & hatter, 24, 723; master of the hatters, 142; his wife, 24

gate, see buildings

Gawnstede, Simon, keeper of the chancery rolls, xxiv, 36

Gaynesburgh (Geynesburgh etc.), Richard, cit. & brewer, 22, 80, 90, 115; master, xiii, xxiii, 24, 2831, 143; master of SS. Fabian & Sebastian, xiii, xxiii, 912; churchwarden, 100; Christine his wife, 22

Gedyngton, John & Joan his wife, 34

George, the, tenement called, xix

-, Benet, cit. & brewer, xxiii, 1, 80, 902, 95; master, xiii, 25, 35, 143; Joan his daughter, 913; Juliana his wife, 901, 95
-, Roger, 46
-, William, see Roper, William

'gette'. see beads

Geynesburgh, see Gaynesburgh

Gibbonson, see Gybbons

Gilles, see Kylles

Gillyng (Gyllynge)
-, John & his wife, 26
-, Richard, 80

gilt, see silver

Gladewyne, Richard, 33

glass, see buildings, windows

Globb, John & his wife, 27

Gloucester (Gloucestre, etc.), John, 46, 49, 76

Godespede, Robert & his wife, 25

Godeyer, John & Juliana his wife, 34

Godlok, Robert, 68

gold, 1, 4, 72; 'goldeskyn', 103; paint, 103; see also cloth

goldsmiths' fraternity of St. Dunstan, ix

Gorney, see Gurney

'goter', see buildings, gutters

Goter lane, see Gutter Lane

gowns, 113

Gracechurch (Grascherche), rector of, see Newport, John

Graunt, Richard, cit., 63

Graveby, John & Alice his wife, 22

gravel, see buildings

Gregorye, Richard, priest, xxv

Grene, John, 26-7; Juliana his wife, 26

Greylynge, John & Katherine his wife, 30

Greystoke, Joan de, Baroness Greystoke, xxiv, 34

'grounte becch', 'growte beche', see becks

'groute lede', see lead

Grymmesby, John & Margaret his wife, 30

Guerden, John, 22

guilds, see fraternities

Gurney (Gorney), John, esq., xxiii, 44, 46, 49

Gutter (Goter) Lane, 40

gutters, see buildings

Gybbons (Gibbonson), William, brewer, warden, xxvii, 133, 143

Gylbert, Richard & Molde his wife, 32

Gyse, Herman, 23

'gystes', see buildings, joists


Hainault, steward of, xxiv

Hakeney (Hakenay), Richard de, 81, 114

Hakette, John, 38

Hale, Thomas, cit., 63

hall, see buildings

-, Henry at, 24
-, John & Joan his wife, 22
-, John, goldsmith, 30; master, 33, 143; Amy his wife, 30
-, Robert, cit. & brewer, 104, 121

halmere, see ambry

Halstede, Alice, widow, 71, 104

Halyday, William, 34

Halynge, William & Amy his wife, 32

Hamptoun, Katherine, 36

hangings (penselles), silk, 136; see also beds

Harborough (Erdeburgh), Leics., 70

Harbourgh, Henry, clerk, 36

Harde, Nicholas, dyer, & Alice his wife, 32

Haringay, see Hornsey

Harres, Richard, conduct, xxv

Harslopp, Thomas, girdler, 134

Hart, see Hert

Harvey, William, Somerset herald, xxv

Haryson, Robert, goldfiner, 134

Hastings (Hastynges), Richard, Lord Willoughby, & Joan his wife, 133

Hatherley, John, sheriff, 120

-, John & his wife, 24
-, Luke & Sibil his wife, 23

hatters' company, master, 142

Haueryng, John & Alice his wife, 22

Haxay, John & Agnes his wife, 30

Haye, Richard, esq, & Joan his wife, 36

Haywe, Roger, 27

hearth, see buildings

-, John & his wife, 24
-, John & Avice his wife, 34
-, Richard, smith, & Emmota his wife, 34

Hegge, Laurence, warden, 143

Helperby, John, cit. & brewer, 22, 80, 91; Emmota his wife, 22

Henarche, William, 132

Henry IV, xxiv

Henry, William & Agnes his wife, 22

heraldry, stained glass shields, xviii-xix

Hert (Hart), Thomas, 567

Herteshorne (Hertishorn, etc.)
-, John, senior, cit., king's sergeant at arms, xxiii, 22, 72, 745, 90, 93, 96, 104; Agnes his wife, 22, 74
-, John, esq., 116

Hertford, co., 39

Hertilpowll, Richard, 49

'hert' lathe, see buildings, lathe

Hervey (Hervi)
-, Simon, cook, 82
-, Walter, mayor, 66

Heston, Geoffrey de, 81

-, John, 104
-, William & his wife, 36

Hewette, Robert, grocer, 36, 140; his wife, 36

Heystead, William, 49

Hilton, Lady Maud, 38

Hincmar, bishop of Rheims, viii

Hingeston, John de, sheriff, 81

Hobarde, John, goldsmith, & Agnes his wife, 30

Hogon, Edmund, maltman, 46

Hole, Roger & Isabel his wife, 30

Holman, William, priest, 59, 79

Holmaye, Richard, 75, 112

Holme, John, barber, & Alice his wife, 32

Holy Trinity fraternity, in St. Botolph Aldersgate, i-xxviii passim, 161, 712, 789, 94104 passim, 113, 121138 passim; account rolls, 37, 5861, 127; accounts, xi-xiii, xv-xvi, xviii, xx, xxvi, xxviii, 8, 11, 31, 37, 4050, 5261, 104, 12630; accounts, audit of, xi-xii, xxviii, 1314; altar, xv, 48, 102, 12830; arbitration, xi, 9, 78; archives, xvi, xviii, xxvi, 103; calendar, xii-xiii, xxvi-xxvii, 1; cartulary, xxviii, 62125; chalices, xii, xxvii, 103, 123, 138; chantry, perpetual, xv, 102; chapel, xviii, 60, 103; charter, foundation, xivxv, 60, 102; clerk, xi, 5, 589; common box, xxvii, 23, 8, 1415, 20, 31, 33, 37; common paper, 11, 14; cross, silver & gilt, xii, 103, 123; entry fee, xxiv, 20, 2230, 338; hoods, xii, 18, 445; inventory, xvi, xxvi, 56, 103; mass, annual, xi, 138; mass, daily or early morning, xixii, xvii, 18, 48, 589, 12630, 138; mass, requiem, xii, 16; masters & wardens, xi-xvi, xxiii, xxv-xxvi, 12, 1015, 1920, 71, 78, 94, 1023, 121, 143; membership, xiii, xvi, xxi-xxvi; memorials, 18; missal, xii, 103, 123, 138; pageant roll, 103; patens, xii, 103; priests (chaplains), xi-xii, xv, xvii, xxv, 1718, 45, 50, 578, 72, 80, 102, 12830, 138; priests, see also Gregorye, Richard; Harres, Richard; Lingard, Oliver; Nicholas; Russell, William; Smyth, John; Thomas; Waynflete, Symond; Whetenale, Harry; priest's chamber, xii, 128; property of, xviixxi, xxv-xxvi; quarterage, xiii, xvi-xviii, 14, 31, 456, 49, 579, 61, 103, 1268; quarterage roll or book, xxvi, 58, 103, 127; registers, vii, xi-xii, xv, xxvi-xxviii, 103-4; rental, xiii, xix-xx, 58-9, 61, 104; rental roll, xxvi, 103; rent gatherers, 53; rules, etc., xixii, xv, xxviii, 220, 103, 138; seals, xv, xxvi, 14, 945, 99, 1023; 'table' of, written, 45; Trinity Hall, see Falcon on the Hoop; Trinity Sunday expenses, xi n., 50, 579, 126

Hone, William, xxvii

Honore, Stephen, 46

-, John, spicer, 33
-, Richard atte, maltman, 36
-, Thomas, clerk, 116, 124

hoods, see cloth; Holy Trinity fraternity

hook, see fire hooks

Hopeham, John & his wife, 25

Hoper, Walter, smith, 24, 141; common councilman, xxii; his wife, 24

Hopkyn, Thomas, 46

Horewode, Ralph & Isabel his wife, 35

Horn, Robert, sheriff, 75, 112

Hornsey (Haringay), Middx., church, 113

Horre, William & Agnes his wife, 23

Horscrofte, William & Matilda his wife, 24

horse mill, see mill

'hort' lathe, see buildings, lathe

Hosbarne (Hosbern), Thomas, 223; Isabel his wife, 22

hoses, 43, 101, 121

hospital patients, alms for, 82

Hotofte, John, controller of the household of the Prince of Wales, xxiv, 36

Hougham, Elias, churchwarden, 93

Houndsditch (Houndesdiche, etc.), 72, 74 5, 80

Hounslow, prior, tenement of, xix, 96

'house', see buildings, privies

Hoveden, John of, 72 n.1

Howyngham, Richard, 22

Huberd, Robert, 114

Humberstoun, Peter & Alice his wife, 36

Hunden(e), Thomas, abbot of St. Augustine's, Canterbury, xxiv, 36

Hungreye (Hungry)
-, Mary de, 114
-, Peter, 81

Hunte, William, 36

Huntingdon, co., 36

hurdles (hyrdellys), 103

hurers' fraternity, master, 142

husting, enrolments in, 69, 724, 80, 823, 86, 87 n., 98, 116

-, John, butcher, 36
-, William, sheriff, 74

Hynche, John at, 26

'hyrdellys', see hurdles

Hyrdeman, Henry & his wife, 27


inventories, xix, xxvi, 56, 101, 103, 136

iron (iren, yrin), bolt, 128; 'dogge', 129; see also buildings, iron work; fire hook

Iver, John, 70

Iwardby, John, exchequer official, 39


Jacob, John, brewer, 141; warden, 143

Jerime, Adam & Etheldreda his wife, 29

jet, see beads

Jews' Garden (Jewys gardyn, Juwesgardyn, etc.), xx, xxvi, 81, 87, 90, 95

Joan, 'great', 127

John, Robert, 104

Johns (Johnes)
-, Edward, warden, 143
-, John, merchant tailor, 134
-, Robert & Agnes his wife, 34

Johnson, Alan, warden, 143

joists, see buildings

Jolyffe, John & Alice his wife, 30

joust, at Smithfield, xxiv

Joy(e) (Joie)
-, John, cit. & brewer, xviii, 44, 46, 4950, 52, 54, 5760, 63, 75, 778, 110, 112, 1223, 127; master, 51, 556, 945, 103, 143; warden or churchwarden, 12830; common councilman, xxii; Joan his wife, 123
-, Richard, 129

Juwesgardyn, see Jews' Garden


Kawardyn, David, valet of the crown, 39

Kawode, see Cawode

Kebyll, Richard, dyer, & Margery his wife, 32

'kechyn', see buildings, kitchens

Keleburne, see Kilburn

Kelleseye al. Clophill, William, see Clophill

Kelseye, Margery, 69

'kemelyns', see kimnels

Kent, co., 63

-, John & his wife, 26
-, Walter de, 66

Kenyngthorp, William, master, 101, 103, 1234, 143

Kesteven (Keysteyne), Ralph de, rector of St. Boptolph, 22, 8490, 96, 98, 104

Kettering (Keteryng), Northants., rector of, see Eston, John

keyband, 103

keys, xvi, 41, 103, 126

Keysteyne, see Kesteven

Kilburn (Keleburne) priory, nuns of, 66

kilderkins (kylderkyns), 101, 121, 129

kimnels (kemelyns, kymlyns), 101, 121, 144

kitchens, see buildings

Knolles (Knollis)
-, Thomas, mayor, 74; sheriff, 889
-, Walter, 22

'koke', see trades, cooks

Kuttynge, John, 33

Kylles (Gilles), Nicholas, priest, 46, 49

'kymlyns', see kimnels

-, John & his wife, 24
-, Piers, 579, 104

Kyngton, John, 37

-, Felice, 32
-, John, marshall of the exchequer, 39
-, Robert & Maud his wife, 35


ladder, 121

Lamb Alley (Fabyan and Bastyan's Alley), xx, 935, 1034

Lamberhithe, John, clerk, 6970

Lanarius, John, 65

Lancaster king of arms, xxiv, 36

-, Henry at & his wife, 25
-, Hugh in the, 67
-, John, ironmonger, 57, 60, 95 n. 1
-, Richard & his wife, 26

Langbourn ward, 63; ? alderman of, 65 n.2

Langeborn, John & Clarice his wife, 27

Langlegh, John, 33

Langton, Richard, warden, 143

Lasyngby (Lasyngeby)
-, Alexander & Alice his wife, 32
-, William, esq., 36

lathe, see buildings

Lathell, Nicholas, clerk of the pipe, 124, 133; master, 131, 143

lattice, see buildings

Laurence, Thomas & Joan his wife, 30

Lawdor, , 46

lead (lede), xx, 43, 101, 12830; 'groute lede', 121; see also buildings, gutters, joists, nails and tabards

leather (leder): cheverel, 103; deers, 103

Lee (Legh)
-, John, 69
-, John de, valet of the crown, 39

Leekes, John, 23

legal matters: amortization, licenses for, xv, xix-xx, 83 n.2, 84, 87 n.5, 100, 102; arbitration, 9, 789, 124; bonds, 789, 96, 124; charters, xiii-xv, 40, 60, 102, 110, 116, 124; confirmation, 85; counsel, 40; detinue, 124; distraint, 43, 87, 91, 11112; feoffees, 73, 83 n.2, 11113; feoffment, 43; gersum, 64, 66; gift, deeds of, 64, 66, 6970, 735, 81, 83, 86, 1058, 112, 11618, 120, 122; grants, 88, 110; indentures, 60, 87, 8996, 101, 1034, 11112, 115, 121, 124; leases, xviii-xix, xxv, 71, 90, 926, 99, 104, 11213, 115, 1212, 124; leases, assignment of, 91; letters of attorney, 76; letters patent, 40, 102; pleas, 40, 57 61; procuration, 40; receipt, for legacy, 97; quitclaims, 65, 678, 77, 98, 109, 11920, 124; reversions, 6970; vacations, 579, 61, 129; wardmote inquests, xxvi, 43; writs, 40, 57

-, Alice, 30
-, John, of 'Piryton', 112

'legges', see buildings, windows

Legh, see Lee

Lenne, see Lynne

Leonerd, Peter, carpenter, 134

lepers, alms for, 82

Lesenes (Lesen, Lesyn), John, mason, 23, 856, 96, 141; common councilman, xxii; Margery his wife, 23

Leuysham (Levesam), Thomas, priest, 46, 49

Leycester (Leycestre, etc.)
-, John, xvi, 40, 46, 49, 528, 60, 78, 123
-, William de, beadle of Aldersgate ward, 114

Liesnes, John de, 114

lights, x-xi, 445, 478, 579, 61, 83 n.2, 12630; see also candles; tapers; torches

lime, see buildings

Lincoln (Lyncoll, Lyncoln)
-, Isabella, 131
-, John, 46, 49, 51
-, Margaret & William her son, 36
-, Richard, cit. & hatter, 22, 80, 83, 90; master, 24, 143; common councilman, xxii; master of the hatters, 142; Joan his wife, 22

Lincolnshire, x

linen, see cloth; sheets

Lingard, Oliver, priest, xxv

Lisieux (Lyseux), Thomas, dean of St. Paul's, 79

Little Britain, xvii, xix

loam, see buildings

loan of money, 57

Locke (Lokke)
-, Robert & Margaret his wife, 22
-, William, 28

locks (lokkis), 41, 103

'Lome', see buildings, loam

London: bishops of, see Belmeis, Richard de and Braybrooke, Robert; commissary general, see Druell, John; official of the archdeacon, 113

London, Thomas, cit. & tailor, 46, 49, 51, 534, 75, 778, 12630; churchwarden, 50, 95

Long(e) (Loong)
-, John, 72
-, John & Alice his wife, 34
-, John, salter, 134
-, William, 117

Long Lane (le Longe lane), xx, xxvi, 1049, 11112, 134

Lothewyk, see Ludwyk

Love al. Bathe, John, see Bathe

Loveye, John, sheriff, 69

-, John, 46
-, Richard, al. Lucas Pulter, 1267

Lucy, Thomas, warden, 135, 143

Ludwyk (Lothewyk), William de, kt., 812

Luton, William, priest, 46

Lydyngton, Henry, clerk, 32

Lyllyngston, Thomas (de), 80, 114

Lynde, Peter, 27

Lyndesey, Roger & his wife, 26

Lynge, John, sheriff, 70

Lynne (Lenne, Lyne), Thomas de, cit. & plasterer, 856, 88, 11416, 124; Joan his wife, 115, 124; Maude his wife, 114, 124

Lynton, John, 22; clerk, 73

-, Adam at & Alice his wife, 22
-, John & his wife, 25

Lyttan, , 133

Lyttelmore, John, 33

Lytton, William, chaplain, 63, 70


Macero, John, 64

Maghfeld, Gilbert, sheriff, 115

Maire (Mayre), John, smith, 105, 1089, 112, 141; master, 23, 143

-, John & Idonia his wife, 69
-, William, cit. & broderer, & Katherine his wife, 74

Malpas, Richard & Joan his wife, 23

malt, 101, 121

-, Robert, baron of the exchequer, xxiii, 1, 22
-, Thomas, clerk, 36

mangers, see buildings

Marcus, John, tiler, 42

Marke, Roger, bladesmith, 32; common councilman, xxii; Christine his wife, 32

Markham (Marcam, Markam), Harry, priest, xxiii, 46, 49, 512, 55; master, 79, 143

Marlowe, John, parish clerk, & Agnes his wife, 133

-, John, 104
-, William, clerk, 124

Marys, John, 22

mash, see shovels; tubs; vats

Mason, John, cit. & brewer, xvii, xxi, xxiii, 1, 29, 45, 48, 104, 117, 120, 125, 128 30; master of the brewers, 142; Felise his wife, 1, 120, 122, 125; Nicholas his son, 125

mass, 82, 89, 113, 13940: daily, 100; early, for labourers, xvii; requiem, viii, 63, 91; see also Holy Trinity fraternity

Massett, William, 133

Matene, Jone, 58

Mateshale, Richard, clerk, & Margaret his wife, 32

-, Adam, 11720
-, Richard, 538
-, William, 66

Maydenhith, William, brewer, 32

Maydestone, Richard, esq., 36

Maystr, John & his wife, 25

Maywe, , & his wife, 27

mazer, 125

Mazerer (Mazelyner)
-, Isabel le, see Botiller
-, John le, cit. & pepperer, 81, 87; Walter le, his son, 81

measures, see quarter measures

Mechell, see Michell

Mede, Hugh at, 33

Melbourne, John, 6970

Melsham, John, stationer, 134

memorials, see Holy Trinity fraternity

Mercer, Adam, 65

Michell (Mechel, Mychell), John, king's sergeant at arms, 1, 23, 90, 93; master & warden, xxiii, 367, 72, 143; his wife, 23

Mill pecker, John the, 43

mills: horse mill, xx, 101, 121, 129; plate for, 43; spindle (spyndyll) for, 43; stone, xx, 43, 129; traces, pair of (trayse) for, 101

minstrels, 50

mint, master of, see Garnere, Richard

Mirable, Thomas & Agnes his wife, 25

missals, see books

Mockyng (Mokkyng), Thomas, clerk, 116 18

Moile, William, king's sergeant, 40

Mordon (Moordon, Murdon, etc.), John, attorney, 40, 46, 49, 51, 758, 11720, 124, 141; warden or churchwarden, 12830, 143

More (Moor)
-, Cristian, 128
-, John, ? brewer, 23, 1089, 116, 141; churchwarden, 912; ? warden of the brewers, 142
-, Robert, saddler, 59, 124
-, William, smith, 412, 46, 49, 512, 112

Moreworth, Simon de, sheriff, 68

Moryse, Thomas & his wife, 24

Mose, Thomas & Margaret his wife, 32

Mosley (Mosele, etc.)
-, , wife of, 126
-, John, 116; warden, 39, 143
-, William, smith, 23, 141; master, 312, 143; his wife, 23

Moubray, Richard, 33

Mounsews, William, esq., 36

Multon(e), William, 46, 49

Murdon, see Mordon

Myddelton, Thomas & Rose his wife, 29

Myldelane, John & his wife, 24

Mylle, Thomas, 46

Mynne, John, warden, 137

Mynot, Geoffrey, cook, & Joan his wife, 30


nails, see buildings

napkins: diaper, 136, 137; see also cloth

-, John, 22
-, William, salter, & Clarice his wife, 25

Nasyng, William, cit., 46, 63

Nele (Neell), Philip, 46, 49

Neville, Ralph de, 1st earl of Westmorland, xxiii, 36, 38

Neweman, Richard, 32

-, Agnes, huckster, 39
-, Robert, dean of Lord Scrope's chapel, 38
-, Thomas, sheriff, 115

Newgate: alms for prisoners, 82; leech at, 39

'Newnton' tile, see buildings, tiles

Newport (Neuport)
-, Andrew, esq., cit., M.P., xxii, 22, 36, 889, 1056; alderman, 73; Margaret his wife, 36; Margery his wife, 22
-, John, rector of St. Benet Gracechurch, 36
-, Thomas, 46

Neylond, Thomas, 37

Nichol (Nicol)
-, John, sheriff, 109
-, Robert, x n.

-, kin of Matthew, 64
-, priest, 579, 61
-, Reynold, 46

Norfolk, x

North, John, 33

Northefolk, John, 23

Northumberland, earl of, see Percy

-, Henry & Joan his wife, 28
-, Thomas & Joan his wife, 34

Norwich, vii

Notkyng, see Nuttkyn

Notyngham, Richard, master, 27, 143

Nutteley, William, 26

Nuttkyn (Notkyng), William, 46, 49


oak, see buildings, boards

obits (anniversaries), viii, xii-xiv, xix, xxiv n., xxvii, 1, 17, 45, 48, 579, 61, 63, 72, 91, 95, 103, 113, 12530

oil, for lamps, xviii n.

'okyn', see buildings, boards

Olney, John, mayor, 75, 112

Olyff, John, 46

Ord, Craven, antiquary, xxvi

Osbarne (Osbern, etc.)
-, John & Isabel his wife, 32
-, Nicholas, 36
-, Thomas, 90, 93; master, 27, 143

oven, mouth for, 103

Owdeby, John, chamberlain of the exchequer, xxiv, 36

Owndale, Henry, 24

Oxenford, John, carpenter, 105, 1078


Page, Edmund, goldsmith, 32

pageant roll, 103

Pakkewode, Henry & Margaret his wife, 22

Pakyngton, Ralph, 28

pall, black damask, 136

Palle, John & his wife, 25

-, , 130
-, Thomas, 46

Panniero, William, 64

pantry, see buildings

paper (pauper), 58, 72

Par, see Parre

parchment (parchemyn) & vellum, 103

Paris, Richard de, sheriff, 66

-, , 43
-, John, 48
-, William, sheriff, 73
-, William, taverner, & Joan his wife, 35

parlour, see buildings

Parre (Par)
-, Gilbert, esq., 46, 49
-, Miles, 49

Passemore, Robert & his wife, 36

Patens (pateyn), see Holy Trinity fraternity

pauper, see paper

paving, see buildings

Payne, John, goldsmith, & Alice his wife, 32

Paynell, Geoffrey, esq., xxiv, 36

Paynette, Emmota, 23

Payntour, John, 114

Peckham, John, archbishop of Canterbury, 72 n.1

Pecok, Richard, cit. & armourer, & Margaret his wife, 70

Peke, John, esq., master, 133, 143

Pekerynge, John & Margaret his wife, 32

'pelowe', see pillows

Penale, John, 33

Penbroke, Lawrence, 35

Pendred, William, founder, xxvi

Penifader, William, 68

-, Alice, 29
-, William, 29

'penselles', see hangings

pentice (pentyse) board, see buildings, boards

pepper (piperis), 133

Percevalle, Joan, 32

Percy, Henry de, earl of Northumberland, 11718, 124

-, John, doctor of physic, 134
-, Margaret, 26
-, William, 46

Pery, William & Juliana his wife, 28

Peryns, Symon, warden, 143

Perys, Margarete, 104

Pette, John, exchequer official, warden, 143

pewter (pewdre), see dishes; pots

pewterers' company, xiii n.

Peytevyne, William & Joan his wife, 30

Philippe (Phelipp, Phylip)
-, John, brewer, 32; master of the brewers, 142; Molde his wife, 32
-, Richard, 104
-, Thomas, cit. & ironmonger, xv, 61, 124; Joan his wife, xv, 124

Philippot, John, mayor, 83

Phillipps, Thomas, bart., xxvii

'philomena gratie', see books

Phipphard, John & Sarah his wife, 23

pillows (pelowe), 125; silk, 103, 136

pins, tile, see buildings, tiles

Piplori, John & Astelnia his daughter, 67

'Piryton', see Legat, John

placebo, 91

planks, see buildings, boards

plaster, see buildings

plate, for a mill, see mills

plate, household, xv

'plomer houce', see buildings

Pollard, John, controller of the subsidy, 38

Pontefract, John de, clerk, 114

Porland (Purlang), William, clerk of the brewers, 11820, 1245

Porter (Portour)
-, John & his wife, 24
-, William & Lucy his wife, 34

potations, 579

Poter, Michael le, 66, 68

pots: pewter, 56, 103; pottle (potell), 56; see also cups

Pottenham, Robert & Margery his wife, 26

Powcher, William, abbot of Walden, 87

Power, Nicholas, 59

-, John, son of William, 66, 68
-, Ralph, apothecary, son of John, 68
-, William, 66

Prestewyk, William, clerk, 39

-, Adam & Rosa his wife, 22
-, Richard, maltman, 46

Priour, John & his wife, 27

privies, see buildings

Psalms, viii, 17

Pulham, Stephen, dyer, 30; master of the dyers, 142; Christine his wife, 30

pulpit, 17

-, Alexander & Emmota his wife, 25
-, Lucas, see Lucas, Richard

puncheons, see buildings

Puplowe, Robert, 37

Purchase, William, mayor, xix

Purlang, see Porland

Pykarde, John & Christine his wife, 33

Pylkyngton's place, xix

Pynchebecke (Pynchebek)
-, John, 24; common councilman, xxii
-, William, fishmonger, 22, 734, 90, 115, 141; Katherine his wife, 22

Pyngge, William, butcher, & Alice his wife, 32

Pynkney, Arnold, 87

Pynner al. Beaumond, Richard, see Beaumond

Pysyssone, John & his wife, 25


quarter measures, 101, 121

quit rents, xvii, xx, 41, 445, 48, 589, 61, 66, 78, 87, 94, 12630

'qwer', see choir


racks (rakkys), see buildings, stables

Ramsey (Rameseye, de Rames)
-, family, xxi
-, Agnes, 22
-, Felice, 22
-, John, 81
-, Margery, 34
-, Ralph, chaplain, 72
-, Ralph, fishmonger, 22, 73, 856, 889, 11517, 122; Isabel his wife, 22
-, William, 22
-, William de, 80, ? another, 81

Randolfe, Richard, 29

Rauf, John, chandler, 111-12

Rawlyns, Richard, 133

Ray, Bernard & Joan his wife, 32

Raygate, Walter & Alice his wife, 32

-, & Alice his wife, 32
-, Thomas, 37

Red Lion, tenement called, xix

Refham, Richer de, mayor, 68

rents, xx-xxii, 403, 47, 559, 61, 64, 66, 71, 78, 83 n.2, 88, 90, 924, 96, 104, 111 12, 115, 121, 1234, 12630; assignment of, 89; see also arrearage; quit rents

repairs, to buildings, xvi-xvii, xx-xxi, 413, 48, 50, 569, 61, 71, 78, 90, 94, 96, 104, 121, 123, 127

Reve, William, 23

Reynewell, John, alderman, 116

Richard (Richerd, Rychard)
-, 'with Matthew Feld', 104
-, Stephen, 46, 49, 56; warden, 525, 79, 104, 143
-, William, 1089, 113

Riche, Hugh, 46, 49

rings, 136; with unicorn's horn, 72

Robert, Nicholas, 22

Rokesle, Walter de, alderman, 68

Rollestoun, Robert, clerk of the king's works, 36

rood loft, see St. Botolph Aldersgate

roofs, see buildings, roofs and nails

-, John, esq. of William de, 36
-, William de, 6th baron Roos of Helmsley, xxiii-xxiv, 36; Margaret his wife, 36

Roper, William, 912

ropes, see buildings, stairs and wells

'rother', 'rothir', see rudders

Rouncevall, Our Lady of, see Westminster

Rowe, Richard & Joan his wife, 23

rudders (rother, rothir), 43, 101, 121, 144

-, Roger, ? waxchandler, churchwarden, & Anne his wife, xviii
-, William, fraternity priest of St. Botolph, 1267

Rydam, Richard, 46

Ryder, John, 22

? Ryge, John, 24

Ryggewyke, Thomas, 33

Ryngston, Thomas, 46, 49

Rypon, Thomas, 34


sacks (sakkes), 1289

saddle, 82

saddlers' fraternity, ix

Sadeler, Richard, 127

St. Albans abbey, Herts., tenements of, 95

St. Andrew Eastcheap, par., xv

St. Augustine by Paul's gate, fraternity in, xvii

St. Bartholomew hospital, xx, 63, 75; master, see Wakeryng, John

St. Bartholomew priory, xxiv, 80, 105, 1079, 11113; canons, xxiv, see also Coventre, William and Delamare, John; prior, xiv, xxiv, 46, see also Watford, John; sub-prior, xxiv, see also Yonge, John; see also Banbery, Thomas; Brasebrygge, Ralph; Elis, priest; Yrby, William

St. Benet Gracechurch, rector, see Newport, John

St. Botolph Aldersgate (Alderichegate, etc.)
-, church, x, xvii-xviii, xxvi, 21, 31, 40, 50 2, 54-6, 61-3, 72, 78-80, 82, 84, 88-9, 94-5, 100-4, 113, 116-17, 122, 124-5, 12732, 138; aisle, new, 125; altars, 36, 48, 72, 80, 82, 89, 102, 113, 125, 128 30; burials in, xv, xviii, xxi, 72, 80, 113, 125; chantries in, xix, xxv, 11617, 122; choir (qwer), 18; door, south, 80; fraternities in, see Holy Trinity, St. Katherine, SS. Fabian & Sebastian; missal used in, xii; pulpit, 17; rood loft, xviii, 60; St. Katherine's light, x; sepulchre, xi, 5, 21, 445, 478, 579, 61, 12630, 138; vestry, 60
-, churchwardens, xvi, xix-xxi, 63, 88, 91, 98; see also Benet, John; Bernard, Thomas; Bradmore, John; Brown, John; Byrom, John; Cavendish, Thomas; Clophill, William; Eyre, John; Forster, William; Gaynesburgh, Richard; Hougham, Elias; Joye, John; London, Thomas; Mordon, John; More, John; Russell, Roger; Salter, John; Smith, Thomas; Triggelowe, John; Vyne, Philip atte; Walcote, John
-, churchwardens' accounts, x, xvi, xviii n., xxv
-, churchyard, 82
-, clerks, 63, 113, 127; parish clerk, see Marlowe, John; master or senior clerk, 80, 82; under-clerk, 48, 80, 82; chaplains, xii n., xxiv n., 63, 80, 113
-, parish, x, xxv-xxvi
-, parishioners, xi, 87, 93
-, rector or parson, x, xix-xx, xxiv, 63, 80, 901; see also Bourghcher, Thomas; Caudray, Richard; Causwey, William; Derham, Richard; Kesteven, Ralph de; Stanley, Thomas de
-, seals, 95, 99

St. Dunstan in the East, fraternity in, xvii

St. Dunstan in the West, fraternity in, xiv n.

St. Gabriel Fenchurch (All Hallows Fancherche), 623; nave, 62; par., xx, 6270

St. Giles Cripplegate, fraternity in, xiv n.; hall of, xviii n.; par., xxi

St. John of Jerusalem, see Clerkenwell

St. Katherine, fraternity of, in St. Botolph Aldersgate, x, 140; altar, x; chalice, xii; common box, 140; funerals of brethren, 140; mass, 140; missal, xii, quarterage, 140; rules, xi, 140; vestments, xii; wardens, x, 140

St. Magnus the Martyr, fraternity in, xiv

St. Margaret, Westminster, see Westminster

St. Martin le Grand, x, xxiv, 30; dean, x, xvi, xxiv, xxiv n.; see also Caudray, Richard; Derham, Richard; Stanley, Thomas de; fraternity of saddlers in, ix

St. Mary Colechurch, fraternity in, xiv n.

St. Mary Fenchurch, see St. Gabriel Fenchurch

St. Mary Rouncevall, fraternity of the Assumption, vii n.

St. Michael Wood Street, par., xxi

St. Nicholas Shambles, par., xxi

St. Osyth, Essex, abbot, see Berkyng, Thomas de

St. Paul's cathedral, 45, 48, 126; canon, see Wysebech, Thomas; chantries in, xiii, xxi; dean, x n. 44, see also Lisieux, Thomas and Stowe, Thomas; dean & chapter, xvii, 789

St. Peter Cornhill, fraternity in, vii n.

SS. Fabian & Sebastian, fraternity of, in St. Botolph Aldersgate, vii, x, xii-xiii, xvi, xxiii, xxvii n., 72, 80, 83 n. 2, 93, 113; altar, xii, 89, 113; book of, xxvi, 103; chalice, xii, 103; chaplain, xii, xx, 63, 80, 89, 91; common box, 139; mass, 89, 139; master & wardens, xiii, 80, 91, 139, see also Bynle, John; Gaynesburgh, Richard; Lancastre, John; Scot, William; Spayne, Richard; Wodeland, John; membership, xiii; missal, xii; properties of, xiii, xix-xx; quarterage, 139; rules, xi, 139; tablet of, 89; vestments, xii, 83 n. 2

SS. Fabian & Sebastian's Alley, see Lamb Alley

St. Stephen Coleman Street, fraternity in, xvii

'sakkes', see sacks

-, Agnes, 28
-, Walter, spicer, 30

Salter, John, cit. & brewer, 46, 4950, 63, 70, 756, 78, 111, 11720, 122, 124; warden, 127; warden or churchwarden, 12830; master of the brewers, 142

Samborn, John, cordwainer, 130

Sampson (Sanson)
-, Jelyan, 41, 47
-, John, 23

'sanap', see cloth

sand, see buildings

Sandford, Oxon., 117, 124

Sandwelle (Sandewell), Richard, of Wycombe, Bucks., 109; John his son, 1067, 109

Sanson, see Sampson

Santon (Santton)
-, John, 46, 4950, 78, 122
-, John, 116; warden, 39, 143

Saracen's Head (le Sarasyneshed, Sarsin hede on the Hoop, etc.), tenement called, xvi, xix, xxiii, xxvi, 1, 40, 50, 96101, 104, 12830

Sauller, William le, 67

Saunder (Saundris, Sawndris), William, attorney, 40, 46, 49

Sawsy, William, grocer, & Alice his wife, 36

Say, Robert, 22

Scalby, William, 33

Scargyll, Adam & Emmota his wife, 34

Scate, William, 134

Schawe, Richard, 22

'schouyll', see shovel

Schraweley (Schraueley, Shrauelee), Richard, brewer, 23, 90, 141; master, 26, 334, 143; Joan his wife, 23

scoops (schopes, scopes), 43, 121

'scorer', see trades

Scot (Scotte), William, cit. & barber, 32, 62, 70, 126; warden, SS. Fabian & Sebastian, 93; Alice his wife, 32

Scotland, war against, xxv

-, Geoffrey, kt., brother of Lord Henry le, 38
-, Henry le, 3rd baron Scrope of Masham, xxiii, 38

seals, 87, 95, 99, 101, 111, 124; see also Holy Trinity fraternity

Sebastian, St., martyr, xii

sedge (sege), see stools

Segerstane, Thomas, 32

'seigne', see buildings, sign

Selam (Sellam), William, maltman, 46, 49

'seler', see buildings, cellars

Selman, William & Cristian his wife, 128

Selson, Ellen, 136

Seman, Benedict, 36

Senerte, Molde, 26

sepulchre, see St. Botolph Aldersgate

sergeant, see Aldersgate Ward

sergeant at arms, king's, see Herteshorne, John; Michell, John

sergeant at law, king's, see Moile, William

Settheford, Henry de, alderman, 81

settle (cetyll), see chair

Sewalle, Roger, dyer, & Agnes his wife, 32

Sextan, John & Joan his wife, 32

Seymour, Edward, duke of Somerset, xxv

shaft, for a sign, see buildings, sign

sheets, linen, 125

Sheldon, Richard, master, 143

shelves, see buildings

sherds, see buildings

Shirborn, William & Isobel his wife, 87 n. 3

shops, see buildings

Shorne, Kent, 39

shovels (schouyll): malt, 101; mash, 43; 'medelyng', 101, 121

sieves (clansyng syve, clensyngsyf), 48, 121, 129

sign, see buildings

silk, see hangings; pillows

Silkston, Ralph, cit., 70

silver, 4, 72, 97, 125; silver & gilt, 103, 123; see also burdons; clasps

singers, 50

Skeltoun, John, clerk, 36

Skyrye, John & his wife, 24

slings (slynges), pair of, 101, 121, 129

Slough, John, 104

Slyngesby, William, gent., 124; warden, 131, 143

Smith (Smyth, Smythe)
-, family, of Cavendish, Suff., arms, xviii
-, Alice, wife of Thomas Cavendish, see Cavendish
-, John, husbandman of Shorne, Kent, 39
-, John, priest, 133
-, Peter, currier, warden, 134, 143
-, Robert, cit. & brewer, 11820, 124
-, Thomas, cit., 105, 107
-, Thomas, cit. & brewer, xv-xvi, xxi, 40, 436, 526, 60, 70, 79, 102, 110, 122, 124; master & warden, xv, 50, 1267, 143; churchwarden, xv, 63; warden or churchwarden, 12830; master, brewers' company, xv, 142; Joan his wife, xv, 124
-, William, butcher, & Molde his wife, 32
-, William, of Enfield, & Agnes his wife, 32
-, William, warden, 143

Smithfield, 105, 111; joust at, xxiv

solars, see buildings

solder, see buildings

Solio, Gilbert de, clerk, 64

Somer, , draper, & Katherine his wife, 30

Somercotes, William & Joan his wife, 29

Somerset herald, xxv

'sorgyon', see trades, surgeon

Sotheray, John, of Winchester, 69

'soudir', see buildings, solder

South, John, chaplain, 39

Southcote (Southecote), William, 50, 78

Southeryn, John & Katherine his wife, 36

Southwell (Sowthwell, Suthwell, etc.)
-, Adam & his wife, 24
-, Harry or Henry, 46, 49, 51, 63, 122; warden, 128, 143
-, Richard, kt., xxvi, 134

Soyle (Soylle), Richard, 46, 49

Spaigne, see Spayne

Spakman, John & his wife, 25

-, Agnes, 35
-, William, 33

-, Ralph, cit., 70
-, Richard, skinner, 23; master of SS. Fabian & Sebastian, 139; Joan his wife, 23

Spencer (Spenser)
-, John & his wife, 24
-, Thomas & his wife, 26
-, William, 46

Spereman, Thomas & Joan his wife, 24

spindle, see mills

spoons, 72, 125

Spray, John, junior, 81

Sprotburgh (Sprottisburgh, Sprottesbroke, etc.), Geoffrey, cit. & parchment maker, 51, 112; master, 40, 4650, 104, 121, 143

spruce, see boxes

Sprynggalde, Thomas & Rose his wife, 32

stables, see buildings

stairs, see buildings

Stanes, Thomas & Molde his wife, 29

Stanfeld, Robert, armourer, 134

Stanley, Thomas de, dean of St. Martin le Grand, 30, 100

Staundon, William, mayor, 115

Staunton, John, brewer, 29, 141; Molde his wife, 29

staves, for a tub, 135

Stebbenhuth (Stibenheth, etc.)
-, Hugh de, 68
-, Robert de, 67
-, Walter de, 678

Stere, William, 23

Stewchappeman, , & his wife, 27

Steylarde (Steyllarde), William, 223; Parnel his wife, 22

'steyre', see buildings, stairs

Stibenheth, see Stebbenhuth

Stoke, Roger, cit. & waxchandler, 723

Stokton, John, of Harborough, Leics., 70

Stoneham, William & Margaret his wife, 23

stones, see buildings; mills

stools: 'alestole', 121; sedge (segestoles), 101

storehouse, see buildings

Stotyngham, Richard & Isabel his wife, 22

Stow, John, antiquary, xxvi

Stowe, Thomas, dean of St. Paul's, xxi, 22, 36

Strangweys, Robert, esq., 36

Straunge, , & his wife, 27

Stronge, Richard & his wife, 26

Stryplonde, Agnes, 46

Stukelee, John, of Hunts., 36

Sturmyn, Isabel, 104

subsidies, xxi-xxii; controller of, see Pollard, John

Suffolk, x

Sunday, John & his wife, 27

surcoat, see cloth

surgery, see books

Suthwell, see Southwell

-, Andrew, clerk, 46
-, John, alderman, 75, 112, 122
-, Thomas & Marion his wife, 30
-, William, armourer, & Alice his wife, 30

Swetebon, Reginald, cit., warden of St. Katherine, 140

swords, 72, 125

Swynbourne, Geoffrey, 37

'syf', 'syve', see sieves

Sylvester, John, haberdasher, 134

Symond, John, warden, 143


tabards, of lead, 101, 121

table, without trestles (trestellys), xvi, xviii, 103; table cloth, 1367

Tadcestr, see Taucestr

tallow, see candles

Tanner, Richard, priest, 46, 49

tapers, viii, xv, 5, 21, 45, 48, 103, 12830, 13940

'tappetrowe', 'tap trogh', see trough

tapstaffe, 101, 121, 129, 144

Taucestr (Tadcestr), Richard & Margaret his wife, 32

tavern, see buildings

Taylour (Tayllour)
-, Robert, goldsmith, 134
-, Roger, goldsmith, xxvi; alderman's deputy, 134; warden, xxvi, 135, 137, 143

Tebbe, Richard, tailor, & John his son, 30

Tela, John de, 46

Telynge, John, 23

Tempilman, Robert & his wife, 127

Tendall, William, Chester herald, 49

'terment', 'terement', see burials

tester, see beds

Tewkesbury, Guy & his wife, 25

Thame, John de, cit. & capper or hatter, xix, 813; Crisp na his wife, 82; Henry his son, 82; Joan his wife, afterw. wife of John de Thornton, xix-xx, 82-3; Margaret his daughter, 823; Robert & William his brothers, 82; Adam his brewer, 82; Agnes his servant, 82; John his chaplain, 82; Thomas his brewer, 82

Theyne (Deyne, Teyne), Thomas, 46, 49, 512, 548; warden, 59, 61, 143

Thomas, priest, 126

Thomas, John, cit., 63

Thornton, John de, cit., xix-xx, 83-5, 88; Joan his wife, see Thame

Thorpe, Thomas, bookseller, xxvii

Thorpp, Thomas, 40

Thunderle, Reginald de, sheriff, 67

Thursby, Nicholas, 61

Tilbury, East (Estylbery), Essex, 39

tilers' company, master, 142

tiles, see buildings

timber, see buildings

Tirold, see Torold

Titeshale, Richard, 87

tithes, forgotten, 72, 80, 82, 113

Toller, John, brown baker, 134

tongs (tonges), pair of, 121

tons (tonnes), see tubs

torches (torchys), viii, 1, 445, 103, 113, 127, 132, 13940

Torold (Tirold, etc.)
-, Peter & Emma his wife, 28
-, Thomas, 46, 49

'towell' of a privy, see buildings, privies

towels (towellys), 72; diaper (dyaper), 103, 1367; plain, 56, 103, 136

traces, see mills

trades & occupations
-, apothecary, 68
-, armourers, 25, 30, 32, 70, 134
-, attorney, 143; king's, 40
-, baker, brown, 134
-, barbers, 32, 62, 70, 93
-, bladesmith, 32
-, bookbinder, 83
-, brewers, xv, xxii-xxiii, xxv, 29-30, 32, 38, 63, 75, 7980, 82, 101, 104, 1089, 11113, 116, 11825, 1334, 1413
-, broderer, 74
-, butchers, xxii, 32, 36, 141, 143
-, cappers, xxii-xxiii, 80-1, 83, 86, 104, 126, 142
-, carpenters, xx-xxiii, 30, 32, 36, 413, 55, 62, 70, 104-5, 107, 115, 124, 128-9, 134, 1412
-, chandler, 112
-, chaplains, xii, xv, xx, 32, 389, 623, 70, 72, 80, 82, 89, 91, 100, 108-10, 113; royal, xxiv
-, clerks, 30, 32, 36, 39-40, 45-6, 64, 66&-8, 70, 73, 79, 91, 108, 114, 116-17, 124
-, cooks (koke), 30, 34, 133
-, coopers (cowper), xxii-xxiii, 46, 51-6, 75, 112, 120-1, 128, 134-5
-, cordwainer, 130
-, curriers (coryour), xxv, 134, 143
-, daubers, xx, 128-9
-, doctor of physic, 134
-, draper, 30
-, drover, 46
-, dyers, xxii-xxiii, 30, 32
-, fishmongers, 62-3, 70, 116-17, 124, 132, 141
-, founder, xxvi
-, fruiterer, 71
-, girdler, 134
-, glazier, 34
-, goldbeater, 32
-, goldfiners, 133
-, goldsmiths, xxii-xxiii, xxv-xxvi, 30, 32-3, 70, 72-3, 134, 141, 143
-, grocers, xxii-xxiii, 27, 36
-, haberdasher, 134
-, hatters, xxiii, 73, 80, 82-3, 143
-, heralds, xviii, xxiv-xxv, 36, 49
-, huckster, 39
-, hurer, 104, 143
-, ironmonger (yermonger), 60, 124
-, labourers, xx, 41-3, 128-9
-, leatherdresser, 66
-, leech, 39
-, limners, 93, 139, 141, 143
-, maltmen, xxii, 36, 46
-, masons, xx, xxii, 23, 46, 128, 141
-, merchant, 114, 124
-, mill pecker, 43
-, parchment maker, 112, 143
-, pepperers, 68, 87
-, pinner, 71
-, plasterers, 114-15, 124, 134
-, plumber, 42
-, porter, 32
-, poulter, 143
-, priests, viii, xii-xiii, xv, xxv; see also chaplains and clerks above, and Holy Trinity fraternity; St. Botolph Aldersgate
-, saddlers, xxii, 46, 79, 124, 143
-, salters (saulter), 25, 134
-, 'scorer', 127, 144
-, servant, 82
-, skinner, 110, 139, 141
-, smiths, xxii, 34, 112, 141, 143; blacksmith, 113
-, spicers, xxii-xxiii, 30, 32-3
-, stationer, 134
-, stonecutter, 141
-, surgeon (sorgyon), 72, 74, 78, 104, 134, 143
-, tailors, merchant tailors, xxii, 30, 32, 55, 63, 70, 75, 110, 134
-, taverner, 35
-, textwriter, 143
-, tilers, xx-xxi, xxiii, 32, 41-3, 54, 129
-, timbermonger, 42
-, vintners (wynter), xxi, 105-6, 108, 141
-, waterman, 32
-, waxchandlers, xviii n., xxi, xxiii, 72-3, 127, 134, 141, 143
-, weavers, xxii-xxiii, 30, 83, 96, 104, 143
-, woolmonger, 66

Tratte, William & Juliana his wife, 23

Travers, John & Joan his wife, 26

tray (treye), for yeast, 121

'trayse', see mills

Tregillowe, see Triggelowe

trestles, see table

Trevenek (Trineak, Tryneak), Ralph, chaplain, 108-10, 113

'treye', see tray

Triggelowe (Tregillowe, etc.), John, cit. & brewer, xx-xxi, xxiii, 1, 23, 104, 107-9, 112-13, 116; churchwarden, 91; Joan his wife, afterw. wife of John atte Wode, 23, 108, 111-13

Trineak, see Trevenek

Trinity Alley, xviii

Trinity Court, xvii

Trinity Hall, see Falcon on the Hoop trough, with tap (tappe trowe, taptrogh), xx, 43, 121

Troutebek (Turbek, etc.), John, esq., chamberlain of Chester, 46, 49, 94, 104

Tryneak, see Travenek

tubs (tons, tyndes): 'clensyng tonne', 101; 'masheton', 'mesheton', 101, 121, 135; staves for, 135; water 'tynde', 103, 121; 'worte tynde', 101, 121; 'yele tonne', 101, 121; see also vats

Tudenham, William de, alderman, 114

Turbek, see Troutebek

Turk, Walter, sheriff, 81

Turnell, William, waxchandler, xxi, 32, 141; Cecily his wife, 32

Turnour, John, cook, & Joan his wife, 34

Turtille, William & Margaret his wife, 32

Tykell, John & his wife, 25

-, James, 41
-, John, 42

tyndes, see tubs


Underhyll, John, brewer, warden, 134, 143

unicorn's horn, see rings

Upton, John, 22


Vachell (Fachel), William, of Coley, Berks., 106-7, 109

-, Robert, clerk, 40
-, William, priest, 46

Valenciennes, guild at, ix n.

valets of the crown, 39

Vampage, John, king's attorney, 40

Vant, Stephen, cit. & bookbinder, 83

vats (fatte): 'clensyng', 129; 'massche', 43, 12930; water, 43, 101, 121, 129; see also tubs

vellum (velom), roll, 103

Venour, William, mayor, 69

vessels: 1 (ollam), 72, 125; see also basin; becks; mazer; pots; tubs; vats

vestments, xii, 45, 83 n. 2; see also albs; corporal case

vestry, see St. Botolph Aldersgate

Vian, Joan, prioress of Clerkenwell, xxiv, 34

Vyant, John & Agnes his wife, 29

Vyncent, John & his wife, 26

Vyne, Philip atte, cit. & capper or hurer, xx-xxi, xxiii, xxvi, 1, 80, 834, 86. 89 90, 104, 115; churchwarden, 96; common councilman, xxii; master, 22, 138, 143; master of the hurers, 142; Agnes his wife, 22, 80; Joan his wife, 80; Margaret his daughter, 80


Wacke, see Wake

Wade, see Wode

wainscot, see buildings

Wake (Wacke, etc.), Thomas, poulter, 46, 49, 51, 60; warden, xvi, 529, 71, 79, 104, 143; Margaret his wife, 56

Wakeryng, John, master of St. Bartholomew hospital, 63

Walby, Robert, 133

-, John, limner, churchwarden, 93
-, John, sheriff, 69; alderman, 87

Walden, John, 33

Walden abbey, xx, 87, 90, 95; abbots, see Fynyngham, John de and Powcher, William; abbot's inn, xx

Walderne, William, sheriff, 74

Walker, Thomas, 41

walls, see buildings

Walmesforth, Thomas, 87

Walpole (Walpowle)
-, John, cit. & brewer, 46, 49, 79, 104, 111, 121; warden, 503, 945, 143
-, Robert, brewer, 141; warden, 103, 143; common councilman, xxii

-, Henry, 30
-, William, chaplain, 32

Walter, Thomas, carpenter, 423

Waltham (Waltam)
-, Geoffrey de, 64
-, John, 27
-, Maurice de, 66
-, Richard, textwriter, 30, 70, 91, 93, 108 9, 11618, 120, 141; master, 126, 130, 143; Isabel his wife, 30

-, Nicholas, 46, 49
-, William, 75, 112

Walworth, William de, 105

Wangford, William, 40, 79

wardmote quest, see Aldersgate ward

-, John & Christine his wife, 22
-, John, exchequer official, 36

-, Hugh, warden, 101, 103, 1234, 143
-, William, of Kent, 63

Warter, William, 104

Wasingg, William de, 68

Water, Ralph at & Agnes his wife, 23

watermark, fish, xxvii

Watford, John, prior of St. Bartholomew, xxiv, 36

Watters, Richard, xxvi

Wawton, William, 27

wax, 16, 48, 5761, 103, 113, 128

waxchandlers' company, warden, 142

Waynflete, Symond, priest, 127, 129

weavers' company, bailiff, master, 142

-, Henry, 22
-, Peter, of Westminster, & Alice his wife, 32

Webste, John, warden, 132, 143

Wedyngton, Robert, sheriff, 116

Welbourne, William & Alice his wife, 35

-, John, 37
-, William at, brewer, & Eva his wife, 30

Welleford, Richard, sheriff, 68

Welles (Wellys)
-, John, alderman, 70; mayor, 120
-, John & Eleanor his wife, 87
-, John, of St. Martin le Grand, 30
-, Roger, waxchandler, 55, 141; warden, xvi, 5660, 71, 104, 141, 143; warden of the waxchandlers, 142

Welling, Kent, xv

wells, see buildings

Wellys, see Welles

Wendlyngburgh, John, 98

Wenham, Robert, ironmonger, 134

Werk, John, 112

Werkeman, John, 26

West, Thomas, esq., 46, 49

Westminster: St. Margaret, fraternity of the Assumption in, vii n.
-, Westminster Hall, 40, 58

Westmorland, earl of, see Neville

-, Thomas & Isabel his wife, 23
-, William & Katherine his wife, 22

Westyerd, John, vintner, xxi, 36, 141

Wetenale, see Whetenale

Wetyng, John, 1067

wheelbarrow (whelebarogh), 103

Wheler, John, 46, 49

Whetenale (Wetenale, etc.), Harry, priest, 456, 489, 60

Whitbarowe, William, 104

Whitbyry, Roger & Isabel his wife, 28

White (Whitt, Whyte)
-, John, timbermonger, 42; ? another, 46
-, Patrick, 46
-, Richard, tailor, 32
-, Robert, hurer, 94, 104; ? another, 46, 49
-, Thomas, brewer, 141; warden, 103, 143
-, Thomas, tiler, 32; master of the tilers, 142; Margaret his wife, 32
-, William, carpenter, & Rose his wife, 30

Whitechapel, rector of, see Audelby, Roger

Whityngton, Richard, mayor, 73

Wickham, East, Kent, xv

Wilby, John, glazier, 34

Wilford, Thomas, sheriff, 73

Wilkyn (Wylkyns, etc.), William, 40, 467, 49, 523, 559

Willebram, John, junior, & his wife, 26

Willesdon (Wyllesdon, etc.)
-, Bartholomew, 46, 49, 59
-, John, 46, 4951, 75, 78, 11112
-, Jonet, 46
-, Thomas, 889, 93, 1089

Willoughby, William de, 5th baron Willoughby d'Eresby, xxiii-xxiv, 36, 73; Joan his wife, xxiii, 36

wills, x n., xiii-xv, xvii, xix-xxi, 623, 6970, 72, 80, 823, 87, 912, 97, 99, 113, 117, 125

Winchester (Wynchestre), Hants., 66, 69

windows, see buildings

Wode (Wade)
-, John, 87, 90
-, John atte, brewer, xx, 46, 512, 59, 111; Joan his wife, see Triggelowe

Wodehay, William, 30

Wodeland (Wodland), John, brewer, 38; warden, SS. Fabian & Sebastian, 93

Wodestrete, see Wood Street

Wolf (Wolff, etc.)
-, Hugh, kt., 105-8
-, Hugh le, 66

Woodbastwick, Norfolk, xii n.

Woodbury, Devon, guild of, viii n.

Wood Street (Wodestrete), 36

wool, legacy paid, in, 97

Woolsack, tenement called, xix

Worcestr, Geoffrey & Matilda his wife, 24

wort, see colanders; tubs

-, John, merchant tailor, 134
-, Nicholas, sheriff, 109

Wrytte, John, 56

Wyche, Hugh, sheriff, 122

Wycombe, Bucks., 109

Wycombe, John & Agnes his wife, 26

Wyghtmore, John, brewer, 29, 141; master, 334, 143; warden of the brewers, 142; Joan his wife, 29

Wylberham, Isabel, 26

Wylde, John, porter, of Westminster, 32

Wylkenson, John, currier, 134

Wylly, William & Margaret his wife, 26

Wymark, Thomas, brewer, 141; warden, 101, 103, 1234, 131, 143; common councilman, xxii

? Wynchecombe, & Christine his wife, 32

? Wynepote, John & Margaret his wife, 32

'wynter', see trades, vintner

-, Robert, 33
-, William, 22

Wyot, John & Agnes his wife, 30

Wyram (Wyrom), John, clerk at St. Botolph, 46, 48

Wysebech(e), Thomas, canon of St. Paul's, 36, 38

Wytelessey, John & Parnel his wife, 28

Wythemay, Roger & Agnes his wife, 35

Wytteney, John, 22


Yarborgh, John, 24

yeast (yest), 121

'yele', see ale

'yele tonne', see tubs

'yermonger', see trades, ironmonger

Yonge, John, sub-prior of St. Bartholomew, xxiv, 36

Yoo, Isabel, wife of Nicholas, 46

-, William, esq. of the prior of St. Bartholomew, xxiv, 36
-, William, of Wood street, & Katherine his wife, 36

'yrin', see iron