Extracts from the records: 1648

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 2, 1630-1662. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1881.

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'Extracts from the records: 1648', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 2, 1630-1662, (Edinburgh, 1881) pp. 128-157. British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-burgh-records/vol2/pp128-157 [accessed 19 April 2024]

In this section

14 January 1648.


Ordaines the deane of gild, deikin convener and maister of work to put to workmen for casting of ane water syour for drying of the Blak Quarrell, quhairby stones may be had for the kirk.

29 January 1648.

Teithis and signatour.

Appoyntis George Porterfeild and Mr. Johne Spreule to go eist and attend the aggreement with Blantyre and his curatoris about thair teynds, and to labour to draw it to ane clois, and als for passing of the townes signatour; and renews the commissioune formerlie granttit to them conform to the act set downe the seivint of December last.


The magistrats ar appointed to geive the ministers thair denner at Mr. Patrik Gillespies entrie on Thrusday nixt and to receave him ane honorarie burges and gild brother.

5 February 1648.


Anent ane motioune maid of ane bargane the towne micht hawe of the Gorballis, it is thocht expedient that thair be commissionaris chosin to goe eist to buy the same, and for that effect George Porterfeild and Niniane Gilhagie ar chosine, as als James Bell, laite proveist, and Coline Campbell ar to be intreated to joyne with them for that effect, and gives powar to them, in name of the towne, to mak ane finall clois with the said bargane; and for thair better ingetting and advanceing of moneys, it is ordanit that the moneys of Hutchesones Hospitall be takine vpe and imployit for acquyring of that land, and that conforme to the proportionall of the pryce of the land, thair being ane proportionall pairt therof allottit heretablie be the towne to the hospitall; reservand the superioritie to the towne for quhilkis they ar to give consideratioune be itself.

Pulpit, kirk.

Appointis the maister of work to gar buy timber for timber to the pulpit of the new kirk, and the deine of gild, deikin conveaner and Niniane Andersone to fraucht a schip or a pairt thairof for bringing in timber to the said kirk for repairing thairof.

19 February 1648.

Patrick Lone.

Ordaines Niniane Gilhagie, deikine conveaner, and master of wark, to speik the heretouris and occupyeris of these landis on bothe the sydes of Partick Lone and otheris havand entres, and to try quhat they will contribut for casieng of that pairt of Partik Lone as is not yet caseit, and to speik with John Boill for laying therof, and to put men to work with diligence so soone they gett in quhat they can fra the heretouris and vtheris for advanceing the said work.

Commoun wark.

Ordaines ane bank to be sent throw the towne be touk of drume to warne ilk famelie to send out ane persone for ane dayes space, according as they sall be warnit be the officers, for helping and removing of the red fra the cast that is making for the wining of the quarrell, and that they come out with schooles, spaides, mands, and vthers necessar for that effect, and ilk familie quha contravenes to be poindit for xij s.

11 March 1648.

Grammer Scoll.

In all tyme comeing it is inactit and ordainet that the rentall of the Grammer Scoole be givin to the thesaurare to be collectit yeirlie, and they to be chargeit therwith yeirlie in ther compts; and for byganes ordaines William Rid to bring in his comptis the nixt day.

18 March 1648.

Wandscott borrowit.

Memorandum. Thair is borrowit furth of Hutchisones Hospitall, for the vse of the towne, sax wainscott for bigging the pulpeit, quhilkis ar to be repayit the first that comes home.

25 March 1648.

Compt, dewtees, Grammer Scoole.

William Reid, officer, producit the rentis of the Grammer Scoole the yeris 1645 and 1646, quhilk is be yeir xxix li. xij s., quhilk was delyverit to the master of work in the thesaurers absence to be comptit be him for the townes vse. [In future the rents were " to be gatherit with the rest of the townes small deutees."]

1 April 1648.

Hutchesones hospitall.

Anent the overtour maid for ane reidar or scoolemaister of Hutchiesones Hospitall, it is thocht expedient that thair be ane placed ther, and the man to be thocht vpon and the towne to have tryell of the man befor he be setleit thair.

Cochrane, Turkes.

In ansuer to Johne Cochrane, in Ranfrew, his supplicatioune about the money collectit for releife of thes quha was with the Turkes, ordaines to caus luik the money lyes in the townes hous and to give ane ansuer the nixt day.

Muskatts boght.

Ordaines the maister of work to tak fra James Jafrae the haill musketts he hes dressing by directioune of Leivtennent Colonell Dick and to pay him xxx s. for the peice thairof.

8 April 1648.

Cochrane, Turkes.

Ordaines the aleivine pundis ten schilling sterling to be geivine vpe to Johne Cochrane in pairt of payment of these moneys colected for releife of these takine captives be the Turkis in regaird he was forced to pay the lyke sowme for ane pairt of the ransome of James Bogle wha was taken captive be the Turk with the said Johne Cochrane.

15 April 1648.


Ordaines Johne Grahame and Niniane Gilhagie to ryde to the Kirk of Drymen to attend the meitting appoynted ther on Teysday nixt with the heretoris of that paroche.

Deputation, Yair.

Geives ane full warrand to William Yair, as clerk deput, in absence of Mr. Johne Spreule, clerk, to geive seasing to Archibald Howie and his wyfe of these landis the said Archibald his wyfe hes fallin throw deceis of hir vmquhill father.

19 April 1648.


It is thocht expedient anent the companie of men intendit to be quarterit wpone the towne be the committee of the schyre, that befoir they sould be any violence geivine to them the magistratis sall give them some consideratioune according to their discretioune.

24 April 1648.

Commissioun to Hammyltoun and Sprewll.

The proveist, baillees and counsell doe heirby geive warrand and commissioune to James Hammiltoune, younger, merchant, thair comburges, and maister Johne Spreule, thair clark, to goe to Hammiltoune with the generall commissaris lettere direct to the committee of the schyre annent the liberatioune of the towne fra locall quarterings and fra payment of thair mentinance to the shyre, and thair to indevoure the samyne they best can, and in cais that the shyre sall refuis to condiscend to the desyre of the said lettre, as they did the last day not acknowledge the lettre direct to the towne theranent, quherwpone William Lychtbodie, ane of the baillees, and the said James Hammiltoune did obleis themselfis in the townes name to pay till Teysday nixt ane hundrethe and fiftie twa sojouris, at four schillings per diem, quhich is heirby approveit and Johne Grahame ordanit to deburse the samyn; with power to them, in name of the towne, or any ane of them, to inact and obleis themselfis for payment of the proportioune of moneys befalling the towne as ane pairt of the schyre to pay to the generall artailyarees regiment, alsweel officers as sojouris therof, and that vntill sick tyme as new ordouris sall be givine to the contrarie.

29 April 1648.

Wandscott, hospitall, pulpeit.

Ordaines ane vther wanscott and ane half to be taine out of Hutchesones Hospitall for making of the pulpeit in the Hie Kirk and to be repayit be the towne.


Ordaines letteres of lawborrowes to be sent for against the townes haill neichtbouris.

1 May 1648.

Drymen teyndis.

Anent the desyre of the laird of Lauchope about the teyndis of Drymen, it is resolveit that no factorie sall be gevine to him till first they agree the difference betwixt them.

6 May 1648.

Warrand, bridge.

Ordaines the thesaurer to pay to the takismen of the bridge ane hundrethe pundis money in recompence of thair losses susteanit throw the infectioune of the pestilence being in town this last yeir.

13 May 1648.


Ordaines alsmanie stones to be presentlie win as may serve the building of the midwall of the kirk.


Appointis the maister of work to aggree with Johne Neisbit for transporting of Mr. Patrik Gillespees guidis and to satisfie him thairfore.

Maister of Hutchisones Hospitall.

Ordanit that tryell be taine of that man that is mentioned to be scoolemaister at Hutchisones Hospital.

16 May 1648.


Anent the lettre direct to the towne be the committee of the shyre about aue leavie, and ane vther lettre fra Duik Hammiltone for that effect, it is thocht expedient that the deane of gild and deikine conveaner convein thair severall bodies and report thair advyses thairof.


George Porterfeild maid report that, conforme to the commissioune formerlie givin to him about the bargane of the teyndis, he hes ingadget himself for tua thousand merkis for better obteaning the said bargane to be put to ane close. They ordane that he be releivit of the said ingadgment and sua soone as the bargane beis closit that that twa thousand merkis be advanceit be the towne for his releif.

20 May 1648.


It is statute and ordanit, forsameikle as the towne hes endit the bargane with the Lord Blantyre and his curatouris for his teynds of the personadge of Glasgow, and for the pryce thairof sould pay twentie thousand poundis money with twa thousand merkis farder at Blantyres majoritie and ratificatioun of thair richt, and becaus for the present they have no money to pay the said sowme of twentie thousand pundis money, thairfor it is condiscendit and aggreit to borrow the samyne fra the persones efter specifeit, and that the provest, baillies, and counsell subscryve bandis to them for repayment thairof, with assignatiounes to ane proportionall pairt of the teyndis effeirand to thair sowmes for thair farder securitie, viz., fra James Stewart of Crystwall and his spous, elleivine thousand merkis, frae James Stewart, tutor of Castelmilk, sax thousand merkis, frae Margaret Inglis, relict of vmquhill Patrik Bell and James Bell, hir sone, fyve thousand merkis, frae James Bell, late proveist, four thousand, and fra the collector of the Merchant Hospitall, four thousand merkis. And als ordaineit to geive band for payment of the said twa thousand merkis provyding the Lord Blantyre ratifie thair richt of the saids teynds at his perfect age, conforme to the tennor of the said band. And in regaird of the money that is to be payit is not to my Lord Blantyre himselfe bot for releif of the sowme of twentie thousand pundis money of debts due be him to his severall creditors, viz., . . . vpone payment quherof it is condiscendit be the said Lord Blantyre and his curatoris that the creditors geive asssignatioune to the towne in and to thair debtis due be the Lord Blantyre, to that end that by the saids assignatiounes they may secuire themselfis of the saidis teyndis ather be comprysing or compelling the said Lord Blantyre to ratifie the richt of the saids teynds at his majorietie; conformequhairto the severall creditors above writtine have assignet to the saidis proveist, baillees and counsell, and thair successoris in office, thair saidis debtis, extending in haill to the said sowme of twentie thousand pundis; thairfore it is lykwayes aggreed and concludeit that the saidis proveist, baillees and counsall sall subscryve ane vther band to the Lord Blantyre that the saidis assignatiounes sall be no farder extendit nor to the secureing [their right of the said teinds]. Item, it is to be remembrit that the towne hes farder payit in hand sax hundrethe merkis, with ane horse and his furnitor, and that thair is odd thrie hundrethe merkis restand in the townes hands of the pryce of the saidis teyndis, for the quhilk sowme it is inactit and ordainet that compt, rekning and payment sall be maide be the towne thairfore to the Lord Blantyr.

Lychtbodie, collectour.

Williame Lichtbodie is appointed collectour for vplifting of the teyndis of the personadge of Glasgow now bocht be the towne fra the Lord Blantyre for the last crop 1647 yeiris.

M'Clay, precentor and teacher.

Ordaines Johne M'Clay to be tryit for raising the psalmes in maister Patrik Gillespees kirk gif he be fit for teaching of young ones in Hutchesounes Hospitall.

23 May 1648.

Common good set.

[Common good set for a year as follows:—Mills, 9300 merks; ladles, 2720 merks; bridge, 900 merks; tron, 700 merks; mealmarket and pecks, 750 merks.]

Supplicatioune to committee of the schyre.

The supplicatioune vnderwritten was red in presens of the proveist, baillees and counsell and considerit be them and was ordanit to be presentit be the dein of gild and deikine conveaner, befoir the noblemen, gentlemen and vthers of the committee of the schyre of Clydisdaill, the morne, and ordaines Niniane Andersone, James Hammiltoune, Peter Johnestoune, and Johne Wallace, elder, to ryde to Hammiltoune and to concurr with them thairintill, and the proveist and clark to subscryve the petitioune in name of the haill rest; off the quhilk petitioune the tennour follows: To the rycht honorabill the noblemen and vthers of the committe of war of the schirrefdome of Clydisdaill, the proveist, baillees and towne counsell of Glasgow, for themselfis and in name of the haill communitie of the said brugh, humblie shewethe that quhairas efter serious and particular diligence vsed to know the mynd of this brugh, we find a generall vnwillingnes to engadge in this warr throw want of satisfactioune in the laufulnes thairof, especiallie amongst these quho have alwayes heirtofore shewed muche readines in obedience to the publict for resolutiounes; and finding our selfis not satisfeid in our consciences concerning the laufulnes and necessitie of this present engadgement, so that we may geive our concurrance thairin without sine against God; being also about to mak our humblie addressis to the parliament for further cleiring of thair lordships proceedings to the satisfactioune of all the weel affectit, quhairby we may be enabled more cheirfully to geive obedience to thair commandis; heirfoire we beseiche yow to tak in good pairt that the postore of warr is not so spedilie advanceit as the ordour issued by yow did requyre, and to doubt nothing of our readines to obey the parliament so farr as we can without offence of God, and to give ws your best assistance and concurrance to supplicat the parliament to enable ws for thair lordships services and obedience, by clering the laufulnes and necessitie of your lordships proceidings toward the intendit warr, and in the meane whiles till we know the parliamentis pleasour heirin that it wald please yow to forbear to preisse ws to concurr in such a course as we conceave cannot be promoved by ws with a saife conscience.

25 May 1648.

Summonds to compeir befoir parliament, leavie.

Anent the summondis and chairge geivine to the towne to compeir befoir the parliament for not outreiking the leavie, it is thocht expedient that twa of thair number be appoynted to goe eist to attend the same. The men ar ane of the baillees and Peter Johnstoune. And they to joyne with George Porterfeild thairin. And ordaines ane supplicatioune to be drawine.

27 May 1648.

Act, Gillespie.

It is inacted and ordainet that thair be payit to Mr. Patrik Gillespie, ane of the ministers, for his stipend aucht hundrethe pundis money yeirlie since his entrie vntill he atteine possessioune of the victuall he is presentid to, he alwayes renunceing and assigneing to the towne his richt to his victuall these yeirs quhairine they sall pay him. (fn. 1)

2 June 1648.

Warrand to the committee anent these of Glasgow imprisoned. (Act of parliament, 1648, c. 168.)

The estates of parliament remittis to the committee of 33 to call befoir thame these of the toune of Glasgow presentlie incarcerate within the tolbuith of Edinburgh, and to examine thame anent thair cariage in relatioune to the obedience of the ordouris of parliament, with power to the said committee to appoynte ane subcommittee of thair owne number for this effect, and als with power to the said committee to inlarge and put the saidis persones to libertie furth of the said tolbuith vpone assureance of thair reddie obedience to the actis of this present parliament anent the levies, and ordaines the said committee to meet presentlie at the dissolveing of the parliament and take the bussines to consideratioune, and ordaines the said committee to reporte thair proceedings heiranent to the parliament.

3 June 1648.

Act of parliament anent the toune of Glasgow (1648, c. 174).

The aught severall paperis produced be the Duke of Hamiltoune, lord general, subscryved be ane great number of handis of the 8 seuerall wardis of the toune of Glasgow, testifieing thair reddines and willingnes to obey the ordouris of this present parliament, off the whilkis thair wes twa red in parliament and the rest were all of the tennour of these two red, and thairefter were instantlie given vp to the lord Duke of Hamiltoune, and the estates of parliament does approve the said Duke of Hamiltoune, lord generall, his quartering of forces vpone the toune of Glasgow, conforme to the ordouris given to him, and ordaines him to returne thankis to the subscryveris of the foirsaidis 8 papers and to ease them of their quarteringes, provyding alwayes they, vpone his ordouris, put furth their dew proportione of men in this present levie conforme to the act of levie.

Warrand to enlarge the 3 persones efterspecifeit. (Act of parliament, 1648, c. 175.)

The estates of parliament, having heard and considdered the reporte of the subcommittee of 33 concerning these of the toune of Glasgow incarcerat within the tolbuith of Edinburgh, they ordaine James Stewart, provest of Glasgow, Robert Finlay, merchand, thair, and Johne Fleming, merchand, thair, thrie of the saidis persones incarcerat, to be inlarged furth of the said tolbuith whair they remane incarcerat as said is, and confynes thame to thair ludginges or chalmeris in Edinburgh, to remaine thair during the pleasour of parliament or thair committee, and for this effect grantis warrand to the magistrattis of Edinburgh to inlarge and put to libertie furth of thair said tolbuith and wairdhouse the saidis James Stewart, Robert Finlay and Johne Fleming, to the effect they may remane confyned as afoirsaid, whairanent thir presentis sall be ane sufficient warrand.

6 June 1648.

Anent these of the toune of Glasgow imprisoned the tolbuith of Edinburgh. (Act of parliament, 1648, c. 181.)

The estates of parliament, haveing tane to thair consideratioun the reporte of the committee of 24 concerneing these magistrattis, counsellouris and vtheris of the burgh of Glasgow, incarcerate in the tolbuith of Edinburgh, and heirwith also considdering that they be thair ordour of the thrid of this instant did inlarge James Stewart, Robert Finlay and Johne Fleming, thrie of the saides persones, out of the said tolbuith, and confyned thame in their ludginges and chalmeris in Edinburgh, the saidis estates ordaines the haill remanent magistrattis, counsellouris, and vtheris of the toune of Glasgow wha yit remanes imprisoned in the tolbuith of Edinburgh, viz., Robert Mak, Johne Grahame and Williame Lightbodie, baillies, William Dunlope, deane of gild, Robert Hamiltoune, James Hamiltoune, Niniane Andersone, Peter Johnestoune, Thomas Allane, James Armour, Robert Hoggisyaird, Robert Wilsone, Walter Bryce, all counsellouris of the said toune of Glasgow, and Mr. Johne Spreull, thair clerk, to be inlarged and put to libertie furthe of the said tolbuith of Edinburgh whair they remaine incarcerat, and confynes thame and everie ane of thame with the other thrie persones abonespecifeit, viz., James Stewart, provest of Glasgow, Robert Finlay and John Fleming (wha were formerlie confyned within their chalmeris and ludginges in Edinburgh) within the toune of Edinburgh and portis thairof, and ordaines thame and everie ane of thame to remaine confyned within the said burgh of Edinburgh and portis of the samyne during the pleasour of parliament or committee of parliament; and for this effect the estates of parliament gives heirby power and warrand to the magistratis of Edinburgh to put the foirsaidis persones abonenamed to libertie furth of thair said tolbuith and waird, to the effect they may remane confyned within their said toune and portis thairof as is afoirsaid; and in the meane tyme the estates remittis to the foirsaid committee for consideratioun of the government of the toune of Glasgow and of the toune of Lanerk, and all vtheris who are of the lyk conditioune with these, and what farder is to be done in relatioune to the persones abonenamed, ordained to be inlarged as said is; and ordaines the said committee to reporte to the parliament thair thoughtis and opinion heiranent that the parliament may tak sick farder course thairefter concerning the samyne as they sall think fitt, just, and reasonable; and the parliament liberatis the saids James Stewart, Robert Finlay, and John Fleming, fra thair former restraint and confynement within thair chalmeris and ludginges in Edinburgh and confynes them within the said toune of Edinburgh and portis thereof.

13 June 1648.

Counsell in 1645.

Conveineit in the counsellhous of Glasgow, James Bell, lait proveist; Johne Andersoune, Williame Neilsoune, lait baillees; Johne Bornis, James Hammiltowne, Walter Stirling, James Tran, Robert Doroche, Thomas Pollock, Johne Andersoune, youngest, James Colquhoune, Thomas Scott, Ritchard Allane, Thomas Morsoune, John Herbertsoune, Johne Auldcorne, Robert Horner, Williame Hindshaw, Walter Neilsone, James Bornis, Hendrie Merschell; as being ane number of these wha buire office as proveist, baillees and counsell of this brugh in anno 1645.

Letter and act of parliament as to elections.; Act of parliament, 10 June, Elections.; Incarcerated magistrates and others liberated.

The quhilk day, thair was produceit in presence of the forsaidis haill persounes above nameit ane letter direct to the magistrats and counsell of the said towne of Glasgow quha buire office thairine in anno 1645, haveing inclosit within the same ane act of parliament for making of ane new electioune of the proveist, baillees and counsell of the said brugh, and vther office bearers thairine, conforme to the tennor of the said act, quhilk act being red in presence of the saidis haill persounes abovespecifeit they ordainet the samyne to be inacted and insert in the towne counsell buik of the said brughe, as also to be publisched and procleameit this day at the mercat crose, and ordaines the haill persounes wha ar on lyfe and did beir office as proveist, baillees and counsell of the said brugh in the forsaid yeir of God 1645, as also Gabriell and Androw Conynghames, David Sheirer, and James Duncane, wha ar of the lait counsell and war haldine and reput as condiscenderis to the ordinances of the parliament anent the present levie, to be warnit to meit the morne in the tolboothe of the said brugh, at thrie houris efternoone, for electing of the magistratis, counsell, and vther office beireris of the said brugh, conforme to the tennor of the said act, of the quhilk act the tennor followes:—At Edinbrughe, the tent day of Junii the yeir of God jm vjc fourtie aught yeiris, the estaites of parliament haveing hard and considerit the report of the committee of 33 concerning the supplicatioune of the merchantis, tredismen, and burgessis of the towne of Glasgow, representing the bodie of that towne, givine in for them to the parliament, desyreing that they may enjoy thair freedome and priviledge of electioune of thair magistratis, and that these thair magistrats wha sould have had the electioune at Michelmes 1645 and war put from it may be presentlie put in and continowit magistratis till Michelmes nixt and then have the electioune at Michelmes nixt for the nixt ensewing yeir, as the supplicatioune beares. Quhilk report also beris that the proveist and baillees of Glasgow, and sundrie vthers who ar cited to the forsaid supplicatioune, being callit befoir the said committee and compeiring, declairit they had nothing to say why the desyre of the said bill sould not be granted, bot that they war put in thair offices be the parliament and that it concernit the parliament to luike to it. The saids estaitis, efter consideratioune of the foirsaid supplicatioune and desyre thairof and haill mater, baithe anent the present magistratis and counsell of Glasgow and vther office bearers thairintill and thair disobedience to the commands of the parliament anent the present levie, and these magistratis and councellouris of Glasgow wha war put from thair offices in anno 1645 yeiris, and anent baithe thair cariages respectiue, and efter full debeat and voyceing thairanent dischairges all suche of the present magistratis and towne counsell of Glasgow and vther office beareris thairintill wha did refuis to geive obedience to the actis of parliament off thair places in beireing office as magistrats and councellouris of the towne of Glasgow or any vther office thairine, and declaires the places of these wha did refuis as said is voyd, and ordaines the old magistrats and counsall of the towne of Glasgow wha war in chairge in anno 1645, with suche of the present magistratis and counsell of that towne who gawe or war willing to geive obedience to the actis of parliament, to mak ane new frie electioune of magistratis, councellouris, and vther office beareris for that towne, and for that effect ordaines them to meit thair wpone Wadnesday nixt the fourteine of this instant for making choyse of the magistrats and counsell and vther office bearers of the said towne of Glasgow, but prejudice to the Duike of Lennox of his richt of electioune of the proveist of the said brugh, and also but prejudice to the towne of Glasgow of thair fredomes and libertees vnprejudgeit heirby. (fn. 2) And als the estates of parliament be thir presents releases and dismisses all these magistrattis and councellouris of the toune of Glasgow, with Mr. John Spreull, toune clerk, wha wer incarcerate in the tolbuith of Edinburgh and thaireftir confyned in the toune of Edinburgh and portis thairof, by warrand of the parliament and their committees respective, frome thair imprisonment and confynement foresaid, and doe heirby liberate and declaire them frie thairof to repaire home to their own houses and dwellingis for doeing of their lawfull effaires and bussines; and anent the quhilkis premisses the estates declaires thir presentis sall be ane sufficient warrand.

14 June 1648.

Members of former councils convened.

Conveinet in the counsallhous of the said brughe James Bell, laite proveist; Johne Andersoune, Mathow Hammiltoune, Williame Neilsoune, late baillees; Hendrie Glen, Johne Barnis, James Tran, Walter Douglas, Ritchard Allane, Johne Andersoune, younger, Thomas Pollock, Robert Doroch, Thomas Morsoune, Johne Herbertson, James Barnis, Johne Andersoune, youngest, Johne Auldcorne, Johne Wilsoune, Thomas Scott, James Colquhoune, Walter Stirling, Walter Neilsoune, James Hammiltoune, Robert Horner; quha did beare office as proveist, baillees, and counsell of this brugh of Glasgow in anno 1645; and with them Gabriell and Androw Conynghames, Ninian Gilhagie, James Duncane and David Sheirer, quha war of the lait counsell and haldine and reput as they wha gave or war willing to geive obedience to the actis of parliament.


The said day, the foirsaids haill persounes befoire and above nameit did nominat, elect, and choyse Williame Yair, notar, to be clerk of this brughe of Glasgow during the will and pleasour of the magistratis and counsell therof, quha being present accepttit the said office in and vpone him and gave his aith of fidelitie theranent.

Provost and bailies elected.

The same day, the foirsaids haill persounes befoire and abovenameit, being conveanit as said is, and the said act of parliament of the dait the tent day of this instant and inactit in this buik on the threttein day therof being red in presence of them all, they for obedience therof went on to the electioune of the magistratis of the samyne, and, first, conforme to the old ordor of electioune observit heirtofor in the lyke, the saids James Bell, laite proveist, Johne Andersoune, Mathow Hammiltoune and Williame Neilsoune, laite baillees, did sett downe the lytes of the haill merchant rank in sax severall lytes, quhilk being removeit and voyceit thair was sax persounes electit and chosine of the saids haill lytes, viz., Coline Campbell, Johne Andersoune, elder, James Hammiltoune, James Trane, Thomas Pollok and Robert Doroche; quhilk sax persounes being put on ane lyte that ane of them micht be electit to beir office as proveist of this brughe till Michelmes nixttocome, and they of them being present all removeit, be pluralitie of vottis the said Coline Campbell was nominat and electit to beire office as proveist of this brughe the space foirsaid; and he being absent, the saids James Bell, Johne Andersoune, Mathow Hammiltoune, and Williame Neilsoune did sett downe the lytes of the haill persounes on counsell of the merchand rank, being in number thretteine, wha war on counsell in anno 1645 yeiris, and devydit them in sax severall lytes, quhilkis lytes being removit vicissim thair was electit out therof sax persounes, viz., Johne Andersoune, James Hammiltoune, Robert Doroche, James Tran, Johne Barnis, Thomas Pollok, to the effect that out of them micht be electit twa persounes to beir office as baillees for the merchant rank during the space above wrytten, quhilk lyte of sax persounes being devydit in twa lytes, ilk lyte conteaning thrie persounes, be pluralitie of vottis thair was electit out of the saids twa lytes the saids Johne Andersoune, elder, and James Trane to beir office as baillees of this brugh dureing the space above contenit. And then the haill craftismen on counsall, being aleivine in number, war devydit be the saids James Bell, Johne Andersoune, Mathow Hammiltoune and William Neilsoune in thrie severall lytes, and out of ilk lyte thair was ane persoune chosine, quhilkis maid vpe the number of thrie persounes, to the effect that ane of them micht be electit and chosine to beire office as ane of the baillees of this brughe for the craftis rank dureing the space above written, viz., Manasses Lyill, Williame and Walter Neilsounes, quhilkis thrie persounes being removeit, the said Williame Neilsoune was nominat and chosine to beire office as ane of the baillees of this burghe dureing the said space. Quhilks Johne Andersoune, elder, James Trane and Williame Neilsoune, new elect baillees, being all present, accepttit the said office in and vpon them and gavet thair aithes de fideli administratione thairintill.

16 June 1648.

Town council elected.

Conveinet in the counsallhous Coline Campbell, present proveist, Johne Andersoune, James Tran, Williame Neilsoune, baillees, James Bell, Johne Barnis, Mathow Hammiltoun, quha buire office as proveist and baillees the twa immediat yeirs preceiding Michelmes 1645, and that for electing and making choyse of the towne counsell of this brugh till Michelmes nixttocome, and for performance and obedience of the former act sett downe anent the number of twelfe persounes to be present at election of the said towne counsell they maid choyse and sent for James Hammiltoune, elder, Walter Stirling, Hendrie Glen, Johne Andersone, tanner, and Walter Neilsoune; and they being all conveaneit did elect and chuise the persounes fallowing to be on the towne counsell quhill Michelmes nixt. [Follow the names of thirteen merchants and twelve craftsmen.]

17 June 1648.

Capitaine, leivetennent and anseinyie.

Be pluralitie of vottis Capitane Johne Lymburner, sone lauchfull to vmquhill Patrik Lymburner, merchant, burges of this brughe, is electit and chosine to be ane capitane of ane of the townes companees, and ordaines ane lettre to be sent to him that he may repair hither with all diligence to that effect; as als James Moresoune, litster, is electit to be the said capitaines leivtennent of the said companie, and Johne Bell, sone lauchcull to umquhill Mr. Johne Bell, elder, minister, to be his ancient. Quhilk last twa being present accepttit thair severall charges respectiue and gave thair aithes for thair dew obedience to the magistrats so long as they are to remaine within the towne.

Bank, inhabitants to assemble.

Ordaines ane bank to be baitine throw the town, be touk of drume, commanding all men inhabitantes within the towne to repaire to the Greene on Teysday nixt, at twa hourses efternoone, with fixit airmes, ilk persone under the payne of crying downe of thair fredome, and that they sall be diligentile searchit and apprehendit for goeing out in this present expeditioune.

Election of office bearers contintinued.

Continowes the electioune of the deane of gild, deikine conveaner, thesaurer, maister of work, water bailyie, and visitor of maltmen, till Teysday nixt, at ten houris, and ordaines the visitor of maltmen quha boore office immediatlie preceding Michelmes 1645 to conveane thair calling and to mak ane new lyte to be presenttit the said day.

21 June 1648.

Office-bearers elected.

[James Hammiltoune, dean of guild; Manasses Lyill, deacon-convener; Johne Miller, treasurer; Walter Stirling, water bailie; John Louk, master of work; Archibald Sempill, vistor of maltmen.]

24 June 1648.


Memorandum of the amonitioune that was in the tolboothe of Glasgow, conforme to the inventar taine vp thairof:—Off picks new and old, 136; bandilers, 53; off new drest musketis, 101; off old musketis, 60; are half barrell and firikin of peuder; ane [peck] full of ball; of new swords, 53; off old swords, 21; of cullouris, 4.

10 July 1648.


James Bell, late proveist, produceit ane tack sett to him [on behalf of the town] be the fermoreris of the excyse off the haill excyse of all excyseable guids and commoditees within the boundis of this brugh, pendicles and libertees thairof, and within so muche of the prisbetrie of Glasgow, alsweell to brugh as landwart, as lyes withine the schirrefdome of Lanerk (except the excyse of wyne and tobacco) and that fra the first day of Maij last was inclusive to the nixt 1 day of Maij nixtocome exclusive, for payment monethlie of the sowme of ane thousand pundis money.

Tak, excyse.

Ordaines ane bank to be sent throw the towne be touk of drume to warne all persones wha desyres to tak the landwart excyse that they come to the tolboothe on Fuirsday nixt at eleivine houris.

13 July 1648.


The excyse of all malt brewine or to be brewine within the boundis of the presbitrie of Glasgow as lyes within the schirrefdome of Lanark (this brugh and pendicles thairof being exceptit) is sett to George Lyoun, couper, [from 1st July to 1st May next, for payment of 250 merks monthly].

15 July 1648.

Bank, runawayes.

Ordaines ane bank to be sent throw the towne be touk of drume to warne all the inhabitantis thairine, and vthers wha has any straingers in thair houses or sall come therto quha ar suspected to be runawayes from the airmie, that they come and delaite them to the magistratis, to the effect they may be apprehendit and send bak to the airmie, certifeeing all wha does in the contrair sall be punischit at all rigour, conforme to the actis of the committee sett down thairanent.

Committee of shyre.

Ordaines Johne Muir to ryde to Hammiltoune on Manonday nixt to keepe the meiting of the committee of the shyre.

Act, victuall.

Forsameikill as the proveist, baillees and counsell, knowing that sundrie persones caries thair victuall by this towne and sellis the same in Partik and vther places, in vnfrie pairtis, quhilk sould be brocht to this mercat and sellerit and sold in this towne as ane frie mercat towne and ane of his Majestees frie royall burrowes, to the grit hurt and infringing of the libertees therof, quhilk hes beine oft inhibited and discharged and sundrie meanes vsit for restraint of the same bot litle obedience givin therto, tharfore they doe heirby geive full warrand and commissioune to Walter Neilsoune, Thomas Pollok, Robert Horner, Johne Young, four of thair number, to goe about alse activelee as they can be all means lauchfull to stoppe and impead any victuall to be careed by the towne, bot that the samyne be brocht in to the towne and sellerit as it wont to be of befoire, to the effect that the Kings leiges may be better furneisit therwith and the victuall more easilie hinderit to be transported.

Warrand, sojouris.

Ordaines the thesaurer to pay to James Kinkaid threttie pundis xii s. for ribbens furneist be him, at command of the magistratis, to the sojouris that went out for the towne wnder Capitane Lymburner.


Ordaines the deikine of couperis to produce thair lettre of deikinrie, with thair buik conteining the actis they hawe sett downe, this day aucht dayes.

21 July 1648.

Bankis, foull muir.

Forsameikle as the saidis proveist, baillees and counsall, ar informed that sundry persones, without warrand or ordouris, repaires to the foull muir, quhilk may prove bothe dangerous to themselfis and vtheris amongs whom they returne to, tharfore they ordaine ane bank to be sent throw the towne be touk of drume to discharge all manner of persone to repair thither without speciall warrand had and obteanit of the magistratis, and to certifie all wha does in the contrair sall be maid to remaine on the foull muir as foull and suspect persounes of the pestilence.

22 July 1648.

Bank, pestilence.

The saidis proveist, baillees and counsell, heiring of the increase of the plague, they have ordanit that quartermasters be chosine weiklie to goe throw the towne for the space of ane weik as they sall be warnit to that effect, and ordained them to tak vpe the names of bothe young and old within thair severall divisiones, and that they see them presented befoir them ilk morning, and quhair they find any seik or deid persoune that they report the same to the magistratis with all diligence; and als ordanis ane proclamatioune to be sent throw the towne be touk of drume dischairgeing all persones to repaire to any wyne or aill houssis bot to command all to keepe thair awin familees and to absteine from idle wandering throw the streits and visitatioune of all seik persones or drinking publictlie with any persoune inclosit, quhairby scaithe hes heirtofoire come and may fallow, and that wnder the paine of punisching of the contraveaneris bothe in thair persone and guids.

Barnis and Govane collectors for the teyndis.

Appointis James Barnis and Mr. Robert Govane colectoris of the parsonadge teyndis of Glasgow for the croppe 1647, and that intimatione to be maid thairof the morne at the Baronie Kirk doir, and ordaines them to tak the dait and dewtie of everie mans tack and quhat yeris is yett to rin, and to mak ane exact compt thairof.

29 July 1648.

Quarter maisteris.

Ordaines the severall quartermaisteris wha are elected to visie the towne the weick fallowing, according to thair severall divisiounes, to tak the names of the haill persones in thair quarter frae the former quartermaisteris, and to visie thair quarteris everie morneing and to sie ilk persoune old and young of everie familie presented befoir thame, and to mak report of thair diligence everie morning at the clerks chalmber.


Ordaines James Bell, John Anderson, bailyee, James Barnis, Johne Andersoun, younger, and Thomas Pollok, to meitt togither and to tak the mater of the teynds bought frae my Lord Blantyre to thair consideratioun and to informe themselfis be all the best meanis they can thairanent, and thairefter to report to the counsell.

5 August 1648.

Sub bailleis anent the pestilence.

Forsameikle as the pestilence, at the pleasour of God, is growne hotter heir nor hes beine seene heirtofoire, and the saidis proveist, baillees and counsell, fearing the increase therof and knowing that the magistratis be themselfis ar not able to goe about and geive ordouris and oversee all things may incurr therby for the good of the towne, they have therfoir maid choyse of the persounis fallowing to have the oversicht of the towne in this straite tyme of the pestilence, viz., [ten persons] to whome the saidis magistratis and counsell gives als full and ample power to doe and exercise thair auctoritie, in swa farr as concernis the good of the towne twitching the pestilence, as the present magistratis hes themselfis.

12 August 1648.

Bank, pestilence.

Ordaines ane proclamatioune to be sent throw the towne, be touk of drume, to inhibit all maner of persones to repaire to Edinburgh without ane laufull testimoniall, conforme to the desyris of the proveist and baillees therof, and to inhibit all maner of persounes to bring sybous or ingons to the crose to be sold in this dangerous tyme of pestilence, nor to dry any lint or lint bollis on the Hiegait, and to command all persones to remove thair fullyee aff the casie, wnder the payne of twentie pundis ilk persoune wha contraveins and farder punischit in thair persones at the will of the magistratis.

Warrand, meill distribut.

Ordaines the thesaurer to have ane warrand for the sowme of seivine scoir twa pundis vj s. vj d. debursit for fyfteine bollis ane firlot meill bocht to be distribut to the poore folkis on the muire now in the tyme of the visitatioune of the pestilence.

Act anent the intaking of 2000 markis for the vse of the poore.

Forsameikle as it hes pleased God to have visite this citie with the pestilence these (blank) weikis bygane, and that in ane more hote maner then hes beine seene and knowne heirtofor to any now leiveing, quhairby manie familees ar removeit out to the muir, so that at this present thair ar above (blank) scoir persounes of poore people quha hes beine and yett ar susteanit be the proveist, baillees and counsell, vpone the townes rentis, and that by and besyde manie mae poore persounes wha ar inclosit in thair houssis, and that the maist pairt of people wha is able to beire burdeine in the towne hes now left the samyne, and fearing the saidis poore people wha are now lying or may happen to fall wnder the visitatioune heirefter may be drawine to some grit straite for want of necessar intertinement, quhairvpone manie and grit evillis may aryse, and seeing the townes rent (altho it aucht to be vtherwayes imployit) naither is or will be able to susteine so grit and necessar ane burdeine, and that thair was collected some yeirs agoe within this citie the sowme of twa thousand merkis money for helpe and supplie of some poore distressit people, quhilk hes beine reservit hitherto and is lent out for the use of the poore to the Earle of Wigtoune, and the magistratis and counsall finding that the samyne can be nae better way employit then now at this tyme for helping and suppleeing of the grit straitis of the poore of this citie, they have therefore with (blank) be this thair act ordainet thair thesaurer to vplift frae the said Earle of Wigtowne the forsaid sowme, with the annualrents therof restand awand vnpayit, to the effect the samyne may be imployeit for helpe and supplie of the forsaid poore, bothe anent quhat hes beine spent vpone them alreadie as sall happen to be spent vpon them that way heirefter quhill it please God to remove his heavie hand of the pestilence; and now becaus the strait is exceiding grit they therfore ordaine thair said thesaurer to borrow alsmuche money with all diligence as the said sowme will extend to, to the effect the samyne may be imployit as said is.

19 August 1648.

Proclamatioune, commoune land.

Ordaines ane bank to be sent throw the towne upon Wadinesday nixt to intimat to all maner of persounes quha desyres to tak any pairt of the commoune land that they come to the magistrats and counsell and offer thairfor.

Money in thesaurers hands.

The maister of work gave in the sowme of sax scoir auchteine punds quhilk he gatt for twentie thrie swordis sold at sax pund the peice quhilk is givin to the thesaurer, and ordaines him to be chairgit therwith at the making of his compt.

Warrand, Capitane Hammiltoune, Subdeanes mylnes.

Ordaines the thesaurer to pay to Capitane Hammiltoune four hundrethe merkis money, conforme to the desyre of the Earle of Laneriks lettre, quhilk his lordschip hes promist to be allowit in the townes publict dewis. As also ordaines the thesaurer to pay out thrie scoir pundis money for the townes part of the hors to be outreikit for the Subdeanes mylnes.

26 August 1648.

Warrand, chirurgeoune.

Ordaines the thesaurer to have ane warrand for the sowme of ane hundrethe merkis money debursit be him at thair command to Johne Hall, chirurgeoune, for his service in attending the magistratis at all tymes anent the pestilence since it brak vpe last and to Michelmes nixt, at quhilk tyme he is to be considerit farder.

5 September 1648.

Teyndis sett.

The proveist and bailees being convenit within the tolboothe of this burgh for the setting of the drawine teynds, conforme to the proclamatioune maid thairanent, efter lauchfull roppeing thairof the samyne drawne teyndis for this present croppe 1648 was sett, conforme to old vse and wont, to Robert Somerwell and Johne Gairdner, for the sowme of ane thowsand aucht hundrethe and fourtie merkis money, the thousand merkis to be payit presentlie to the thesaurer and they to give thair awin band for the rest thairof to be payit at Mertimes nixtt.

11 September 1648.

Fermarouris of the mylnis.

The forsaids proveist, baillees and counsell, haveing hard the petitioune geivin in be the present fermourers of the mylnes to them anent thair los throw the visitatioune of the pestilence, they think it verie expedient that they be considerit for thair losses, bot they considering the present pressing burdings of the towne they continow that mater till efterwards.

Half troup to be outreikit.

Wpone occasioune of sundrie lettres direct to the magistratis and counsell anent supplie of the present levies, they hawe inacted with all convenient diligence to outreik halfe ane troupe of horse, and for better and more readie performance therof and supple of the present necessitie, in respect that the maist pairt of the considerabill persounes ar not yett returned thairto, in regard of the pestilence, moneys cannot be gotten for effectuating therof be laying on of ane stent wpon the inhabitants of the same, they therfor be the tennour heirof ordaines James Barnis and William Hindschaw to pay out alse muche out of the first and reddiest money of the excyise and of the money they hawe receavit fra Robert Mak and John Graham, laite baillees, for advancement of the saidis halfe troup of horss.

16 September 1648.

Outreikis 30 horssis.

The foirsaidis proveist, baillees and counsell, haveing considerit that they had inacted and ordanit to send out halfe ane troupe of hors for supplie of the present service, conforme to the act sett downe theranent wpon the xi of this instant, they hawe all vnanimouslie condiscendit and agreit to outreik and deliver to Leivetennent Collonel Meinzies threttie horsses with troupers weel mounted for the cause forsaid, conforme to the aggreement and conditioune past betwixt the magistrats and the said Leivetennent Collonel at the counsellis desyre.

23 September 1648.

Bank, sojours to be enrolled.

Ordaines ane bank to be sent throw the town be touk of drume, wpon occasioun of ane act sent heir be the committee of Lanerk, vnsubscrywed, to wairne all gentlemen, sojouris, and vthers, as they tender the good of religioune, king and kingdoumes, to come to the magistratis and enroll themselfis to that effect quhair they sall [have] good and honourable conditiounes.

Warrand, Blakfreir Kirk.

Ordaines the thesaurer to pay to Mr. Gilbert Wilsoune tuentie merkis for his service in taking vpe of the psalmes in the Blakfreir Kirk fra Mertimes 1647 to Witsounday last.

2 October 1648.

Warrand, chirurgeoune, pestilence.

Ordaines the thesaurer to pay to Johne Hall, chirurgeoune, fourtie pundis money quhilk with ane hundreth merks he receavit befor is in compleit payment of his haill paynes takine be him in sichting all these wha war wnder suspicioune of the pestilence, in respect he tuik nothing frae nae maner of persoune, naither frae poore nor rich, for his paynes, according to the injunctiounes geivine to him be the magistratis and counsell.

Fermarouris, pestilence.

The proveist, baillees and counsell, haweing takine to thair consideratioune the former supplicatiouns geivin to tham be the fermourers, thoucht it expedient that they sould hawe doune ane thousand merks money for thair losses by reasoune of the pestilence for the tyme bygane.


The foirsaids proveist, baillees and counsell, haweing takine to thair consideratioune the complaints of severall of thair comburgesses anent the rigorous exacting of the excyis, did vnanimuslie condiscend that no farder excyis sould be exacted from the burgesses then according to the actis of parliament, and that to be exactit from the brousters and not at the mylnes.

3 October 1648.

Act of committee of estates as to elections.

Thair was producit the act of the committee of estaites vnderwrittine, daitit the 27 of September last, givine out anent the magistratis and towne counsell of this brugh and vther office bearers within the same, quhilk was lauchfullie and publictlie intimat at the mercat crose on Setterday last and was ordanit be the forsaidis proveist, baillees and counsell, to be registrat heirine, quhairof the tennor fallowes:—Edinburghe 27 September 1648. The committee of estaites, takeing to thair consideratioune how the laite magistratis and towne counsell of the brugh of Glasgow, and vther office bearers within the samyne, war dischairgit thair offices, and haveing seene and considerit the act of thair deposition, quhairby contrair to the constant custome of burrowes and all equitie and reasoune they war put frae thair places for refuising to joyne in the late engadgment, doe find and declair that they hawe beine most injustlie ejectit furthe of their saidis places and severall respectiue offices, and therfore doe heirby requyre and command the present magistratis and counsell, clerk, and vther office bearers within the said brugh, to desist and cease frae all further exerceing of thair respective offices, declareing heirby the samyne to be from hencefurthe voyd in thair persounes; and notwithstanding any former act dischairging them of thair places and ordaineing ane new electioune of other magistrats and office bearers, wills and requires the laite magistratis, counsell, clerk, and vther office beareres formerlie rejected, to be presentlie reponit to thair places and enter to the exercise of thair severall respective offices, and to bruik and enjoy the samyne with all power and priviledgis thairto belonging, as frelie and fullie as gif they had not beine removeit and rejected, and as any vthers thair predicessors in office heirtofore hes done; but prejudice to the Duke of Lennox of his rycht of electioune of the proveist of the said brugh, as also but prejudice to the said towne counsell of thair friedomes and libertees vnprejudgit heirby. And the committee doe further ordaine that in the new electioun quhich they sall mak of thair magistratis and counsell for the yeir ensewing they observe the act maid anent the magistratis and counsell within brugh daittit September 22. And that publict intimatioune be maid heirof at the mercat cros of Glasgow. Sic subscribitur: Loudoun, Comcellarius. I. P. D. Concillii.


[From a leet named by the old magistrates, and in the absence of the Duke of Lennox, or his commissioner, the provost, bailies and council elected George Porterfield to be provost for the ensuing year.


Niniane Andersoune, Thomas Allane, and Peter Johnestoune elected bailies.]

6 October 1648.


[Thirteen merchants and twelve craftsmen elected councillors.]

11 October 1648.

office-bearers elected.

[Williame Dunlop, dean of guild; William Lichtbodie, deacon-convener; James Kinkaid, treasurer; John Wallace, visitor of maltmen; Peter Cumyng, water bailie; Edward Robisoune, master of work.]

14 October 1648.

Commoun lands.

Anent the motioune maid of the setting of the townes commoune lands, in regaird it is thought most conduceable to the publict good that it be sett furthe in poffilis, appoyntis therfore ane bank to be beattine to intimat the setting therof, and ordaines Thomas Allane, balyee, deane of gild, deikine conveaner, to meit with suche as desyres to tak the land and to mak offer of ane nynteine yeir tack, and to report thair offers befoir the land be sett.


Anent the setting of foirmaill tackis of the teyndis, appoints the baillees, [and seven others] or any fyve of them, to meit with all diligence and conveane befoir them the heritors and possessoris of the lands, and to commoun with them about the conditiounes of the tack to be sett be them and the quantitees of the foirmaill and yeirlie dewtie, and to report against the nixt meitting.

Commissioune, Grahame.

Anent Sir Charles Erskines lettres from the publict and the act of the committee desyreing victuall and vther provisioune for the towne for provydeing the castles of Dumbartane and Dunglas, becaus that any excyse or mentinance gottine vpe is vplifted be the last magistrates and that thair is nothing for the present can be had, thairfore the proveist is desyret to schow how impossible it is to advance any provisioune, and in the meane tyme ordaines Johne Grahame to goe eist to supplicat the committee for liberatioune frae the act and to supplicat for ease to the towne of thair burdeings in respect of the seiknes and oppressiounes in thair quarterings.

Procuratour fiscall.

William Yair is continowed procuratour fiscall for the yeir to come.

21 October 1648.

Quarrell, Kirk.

Efter the deane of gild and maister of wark had sichttit the quarrell and maid thair report to the counsall, it is ordainet that the maister of work enter presentlie men to the quarrell to red the samyne, to the end alse manie staines may be wind furthe therof as to serve the Kirk allanerlie.

Teyndis and commoun landis.

It is ordanit that a commissioune be granted to the proveist, [and eight others,] or any fyve of them, to aggree with the heretouris and lyferentars of the burrow aikers of ane tack to be sett to them of thair teynds for nynteine yeirs of formaill, and als to agree to any that craives to tak the townes outfeild land, and to keep thair first meitting on Manounday nixt at twa efternoone, and therefter to meit as they think expedient, and to report.


["Anent the setting downe of the pryces, . . . continowit to this tyme in respect of the late harvest," ordained no higher prices than the following to be charged:—Ale, 2s. the pint; beer, 2s. 4d.; bread, 8 ounces for 1s.; tallow, £3 the tron stone; the troy stone of candle, 5 merks.]

Tempill, chirurgeoune.

Becaus of the neid that the towne stands in of some qualifeit chirurgeoune, and that thair is ane large commendatioune geivine to Arthour Tempill, ane of that professioune, tharfor ordaines the deine of gild and his brethrein to receave him burges and gild brother in hope of his good service.

25 October 1648.

Pryces, teynds.

Anent the commissioune geivin to these wha war appointed for setting of the teithes of the burrow and Borrowfeild aikers acquyrit fra Blantyre, efter that they had mett severall tymes with the heretouris of the landis anent the saidis teyndis and compositioune to be geivine be them to the towne in name of foir maill for the setting to them ane nyneteine yeir tack of the saids teithes, and had maid report therof to the counsell, quha efter long debait maid be them theranent it is inacted and ordanit that the leist pryce to be takine for the tack of the teynds, eache aiker, for nynteine yeirs tyme, beginnand the first yeir the crop 1649, sall be twentie pundis; and this to be takine for all except the old Gallowmuir land, the lands of Burrowfeild on this syde of the Stokbridge, and the persones lands, quhich is appointed to be twentie four punds eache aiker; and all these entressis to be payit over and above the old tack dewtie whiche was ten s. the aicker, and that thrie or four dayes befoir Mertimes nixt; quhairin if they failyie, for ilk aiker that sould pay xxiiij li. that they sall pay xxx li., and each aiker that sould pay xx li. to pay to xxiiij li. money.

28 October 1648.

Hie kirk, outter kirk.

Efter voyceing, ordaines the midwall to be sett vpe for the Outter Church be of stone.

Teyndis and act for Lord Blantyres 300 merk.

It is inacted and ordanit that in regaird the proveist hes givin his personal band to the Lord Cochrane for ane thousand threttie twa pundis, as ane pairt of the pryce of the teyndis bocht fra Blantyre, that thairfor he be fred and releivit thairof, being the townes awin debtt; and als becaus thair is od thrie hundrethe merks restand of the pryce of the saids teynds in the townes hand, for quhilk they ar to abyde compt and rekning, tharfore it is inacted and ordanit that the present proveist, baillees and counsell, and thair successours in office, sall mak compt and rekning to the Lord Blantyre for the said thrie hundrethe merkis, and that quhich is restand due to pay the samyne to him.

Dekine condoneris.

Anent the complaint givin in be Johne Wallace, late deikine of the cordoners, and the late maisters of craft of the said calling, against Johne Wilsone, present pretendit deacone of the said calling, befoir the deikine conveaner and his counsell, and anent the deikine conveaners report maid to the counsall thairof, it is fund and declarit that the said Johne Wilsone is incapable of the office of deaconrie and that thairfor the deacone conveaner absolutelie dischairge him thairof and goe on with the first conveniencie and cause the tred mak ane new electioune of ane deacon for ane yeir to come.

Scoolle in Hutchesones Hospital.

Johne M'Clay is nominat, admited, and presented to be maister of the scoolle quhich is to be estableischt in Hutchesones Hospitall for ane yeir to come, and thairfor appoyntis and ordaines him presentlie to goe and tak vpe ane scoole thair for the further advancement of the ends designet in the said mortificatioune, and recommends to the maister of the hospitall to provyde him ane scoole within the said hous, and als allowis him twentie merkis for his bygane service to be payit to him be the thesaurer.

4 November 1648.

Hie Kirk.

Ordaines a commissioune be givin to the deine of gild, deikine conveaner, Piter Cumyng and Robert Horner, to settle and aggree with the maissones for bigging the midwall of the Hie Kirk in task.


Ordaines summondis to be raisit against the baronie and townes people and Drimen parisch that enteris not with the towne, and that befor the commissar, and procuratouris to be imployit for that end.

Committee, Hammiltoun.

Appoynts Williame Lichtbodie and the clerk to goe to Hammiltoune on Teysday for the committee.


Recommendis to these who go to Hammiltoune to declaire the townes willingnes to joyne in the associatioune.


Item, it is inacted that none get stones out of the quarell till the Kirk be first serveit.

Dekine cordoneris.

Item, anent the cordoners deacone to be elected, it is appoynted that none of these thrie quartermasters wha joynit in the electioune of Johne Wilsoune to be deacone sall naither have power nor any voyce in the leitting of the new deacone nor yet be on leite themselfis.

9 November 1648.


Appointis Niniane Andersone, [and seven others,] to meit and conveane for preparing the way for outputtin the levie and to report.

Commissionar, Grahame.

Johne Grahame is electit commissionar to go to Edinbrugh to deal for exemptioun of the horse to be outreiket imposit be the committee of the shyre.

11 November 1648.


Anent the report made be these who war appoynted for the way of the outreik, it is condiscendit, inacted and agreit, that it sall be castine be the persones fallowing, wpon suche as they sall think most expedient, according to the act of levie, viz., William Dunlop [and nine others,] and these wha war present of the counsell gave thair aithes. The deine of gild to conveine and the maist halfe to be a quorum, and to report.

Allane, Commissionar.

Thomas Allane, bailyie, is to goe to Hammiltoune on Teysday and Fryday nixt and to shaw the committee the townes dissenting fra the outreik of the horse.

Supplicatioune fra burdingis.

Item, it is inacted and aggreit that thair be ane supplicatioune made to the committee of estatis for releif of the townes burdings of viij d. eache pynt of Frensche wyne and xvj d. of eache pynt of seck and hote waters, and ordaines Johne Grahame to have a commissioune for that end, and the compt subscrivit be the commissionaris of excyse to be sent eist to him.


Appoyntis Gabriell Conynghame [and five others] to speik with the ministers about thair stipendis.


Appoyntis a commissioune to the proveist and Johne Grahame to attend the supplicatioune about the protestatioune.

18 November 1648.


Niniane Andersone and William Hoom ar appoynted to go to Aire for the associatioun and thair to meit with the commissionars for that end, and a commissioune to be given to them.

30 horss.

Recommends to the baillees to vse dilligence for getting in the 30 horse and they to report.

25 November 1648.

Ministers stipends.

Anent the report made be Gabriell Conynghame about the ministers stipends it is thocht expedient that it be continowit till the proveist returne.


Anent the outreik of the foott, Edward Robisone, for the baillees, produceit ane dischairge.

27 November 1648.


Appoyntis Niniane Andersone and Maister John Spreule to go to Hammiltone to the committee of the shyre.

Report Andersone and Hoome.

Niniane Andersone and William Hoome maid thair report of thair goeing to Aire about the associatioune and gave in thair charges for themselfis and thair horses, extending to xxxv li., quhich was allowit.

Commissioun, proveist and wtheris.

Appoyntis a commissioun to George Porterfeild and Johne Grahame to treat, vote, and conclud in the associatioune, and instructiounes to be sent with the paper.

2 December 1648.

Coill heuche.

It is condiscendit and aggreit that thair be some thing wairit vpon the putting downe ane shank in the commoune for ane coall heuche, and to be thocht on farder the nixt day.


Anent the sessiounes recommendatioune for the ministers buriall place in Fergous Ile, it is continowit till the proveist come home.

9 December 1648.


Appoynts Friday nixt as the last meitting for intaking of foir maillis for takis of teynds of the towne land and Burrowfeild.

Coill heuche.

Item, anent the setting downe of ane shank in the commoune and the aggreement maid be the baillees with Johne Craigie thairvpon about the geiving to him of ane hundrethe merkis for downe putting of seivine faddomes thairof, and the wairing of vther chairges therintill, it is condiscendit and agreit vnto.


Item, it is inacted and concludit be all in ane voyce that eache of the ministers sould have of yeirlie stipend in all tyme comeing the sowme of one thousand punds money, and that the way therof be advysit heirefter.


Item, the recommendatioune anent the ministers buriall place for themselfis, thair wyfes and childreene, was receavit, and the counsell did allow thairof, provyding the towne keep the entree of the samyne in thair awine handis.


It is appoynted that the thesaurers sould report ane dischairge termlie of the ministers stipends within fourteine dayes efter each terme.

19 December 1648.

Memorandum, poore.

In regaird of this extraordinar tyme of dearthe, and the supplicatiounes maid be the ministers anent the poore, appoyntis the maister of Hutchesounes Hospitall to lend to the session for the saids poore vse the sowme of sax hundrethe merkis money.

Band, teyndis.

The baillees reportit that that band granted be the proveist to the Lord Cochrane of 1000 li. as ane pairt of the pryce of thair teithes was payit out of the moneys gottine in of the formale tackis sett.


Appoynts Johne Grahame and William Lychtbodie to close and compt with the Paislay cleinsars, and quhat money William Lichtbodie hes in his hands of the mentinance that he sould pay out the samyne to them efter they have convenit the cleinsers creditoris and hawe hard quhat they have to say to these who ar to be payit, and to report thair diligence to the counsell.

Warrand, cheritie.

Appoynts the thesaurer to geive to Agnes Miller, of chiritie, for hir lost drink on the muir, aucht pundis money.

Warrand, pestilence, tron, laidillis.

Appoints the thesaurer to geive bak to Michaell Gilmour fourtie pundis in consideratioune of his losses throw the tron be the pestilence; item, to pay to the customers of the laidillis aucht scoir punds in consideratioune of thair losses for that same caus.

23 December 1648.

Grammer Scooll sett.

Appoyntis the scollers in the Grammer Scoole to sitt ilk Sabboth day in the Colledge seatt in the Blakfreir Kirk.

Warrand for pickis.

Anent Robert Hammiltones fyfteine picks he furneist to the towne, appoyntis that he sall aither have thrie pund for each of them that was maid vse of be the towne, and the rest given bak, or then threttie punds for all, and the thesaurer to ansuer him accordinglie.

30 December 1648.

Warrand, Grammer Scoole.

In ansuer to the doctors of the Grammer Scoole thair petitioune, it is inacted that the thesaurer geive to eache of them fourtie merkis money for the present, and that thairefter they will tak thair bill to farder consideratioune.


Appoynts Johne Johnestoune to speir out men fitting to be employet for the manufactorie and to commoune with them anent quhat conditiounes they wald be at, and to report.

Commissioun, Gorballis and wtheris.

Appoynts a commissioune to the proveist and William Lichtbodie to treat with Sir Robert Douglas anent the Gorballs buying, and to report; and to compleine to the burrowes of the customes at Hammiltoune brige, and to recent the mercats of Kirkintulloche and the mercats of Kilsythe and Burnsyd, and for craveing of the Chancelars Argyles and Lawries annual rentis, Turnouris losses, David Leslees money, and the silver plack; item, ane blank commissioune to the proveist for the associatioune; and to get instructiounes anent the baronie teyndis and the mentenance discharges.

Salmoundis cobillis.

In ansuer to the petitioune geivin in be these wha takes the salmound within the townes libertie, it is appoynted that, befoir thair be ane cobill put in the water, ilk persoune pay to the thesaurer for each cobill ten merks money, in satisfactioune of the salmont wont to be payit to the magistratis quhilk they quitt to the townes vse for its good, and appoyntis the water bailyie to advert that no cobill be put in the water till the thesaurer be satisfeit.


  • 1. There are no entries in the Council Record between 27th May and 13th June, the end of one volume and beginning of another.
  • 2. The quotation in the Council Record stops here. The remainder of the act is taken from the printed Acts of Parliament, vol. vi., part 2, p. 105.