William and Mary, 1694: An Act for granting to his Majestie an Aide of Four shillings in the Pound for One Yeare and for applying the yearely summe of [£300,000]... [Chapter III Rot. Parl. pt. 2.]

Statutes of the Realm: Volume 6, 1685-94. Originally published by Great Britain Record Commission, s.l, 1819.

This free content was digitised by double rekeying. Public Domain.


'William and Mary, 1694: An Act for granting to his Majestie an Aide of Four shillings in the Pound for One Yeare and for applying the yearely summe of [£300,000]... [Chapter III Rot. Parl. pt. 2.]', in Statutes of the Realm: Volume 6, 1685-94, ed. John Raithby (s.l, 1819), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/statutes-realm/vol6/pp510-563 [accessed 15 February 2025].

'William and Mary, 1694: An Act for granting to his Majestie an Aide of Four shillings in the Pound for One Yeare and for applying the yearely summe of [£300,000]... [Chapter III Rot. Parl. pt. 2.]', in Statutes of the Realm: Volume 6, 1685-94. Edited by John Raithby (s.l, 1819), British History Online, accessed February 15, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/statutes-realm/vol6/pp510-563.

"William and Mary, 1694: An Act for granting to his Majestie an Aide of Four shillings in the Pound for One Yeare and for applying the yearely summe of [£300,000]... [Chapter III Rot. Parl. pt. 2.]". Statutes of the Realm: Volume 6, 1685-94. Ed. John Raithby (s.l, 1819), British History Online. Web. 15 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/statutes-realm/vol6/pp510-563.

Long title
William and Mary, 1694: An Act for granting to his Majestie an Aide of Four shillings in the Pound for One Yeare and for applying the yearely summe of [£300,000] for Five yeares out of the Dutyes of Tunnage and Poundage and other summes of money payable upon Merchandizes exported and imported for carrying on the Warr against France with vigour [Chapter III Rot. Parl. pt. 2.]

In this section

All Persons for Personal Estate.

(Exception); to pay 4s. in the Pound on the yearly Value, that is to say, 24s. for every £100 worth.

Wee your Majesties most dutifull and loyal Subjects the Co[m]mons in Parliament assembled acknowledging with all humility and thankfullnesse your Majesties abundant care of our preservac[i]on and being deepely sensible of that extraordinary charge and expence with which your Majesties p[re]sent occasions are to be supported for the necessarye defence of your Realmes, and the p[ro]secuc[i]on of the Warr against France with vigour both by Sea and Land have cheerefully and unanimously given and granted and doe hereby give and grant unto your most excellent Majestie the Rates and Assessemente herein after menc[i]oned to be raised and levyed in manner followeing And doe most humbly beseech your Majestie that it may be enacted:- And be it Enacted by the Kings most excellent Majestie by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spirituall and Temporall and of the Co[m]mons in this p[re]sent Parliament assembled and by the authoritye of the same That his Majestie shall have and receive the Rates and Assessements hereafter menc[i]oned of and from every Person Spirituall and Temporall of what estate or degree soever he or they bee which said Rates or Assessements shall be taxed assessed levyed and paid into his Majesties receipt of Exchequer according to the tenour of this Act and in manner and forme followeing (that is to say) That all and every person and persons bodyes politique and corporate guilds and fraternities within this Kingdome of England Dominion of Wales and Towne of Berwicke upon Tweed haveing any Estate in ready moneyes or in any debts whatsoever oweing to them within this Realme or without or haveing any Estate in Goods Wares Merchandizes or other Chattells or Personall Estate whatsoever within this Realme or without belonging to or in Trust for them (excepte and out of the p[re]misses deducted such su[m]mes of money as he or they doe bona fide owe and such debts oweing to them as shall be adjudged desperate by the Co[m]missioners appointed by this Act and alsoe the stocke upon Lands and such Goods as are used for Housholdstuffe) shall yeild and pay unto his Majestie Four shillings in the pound according to the true yearely value thereof for One yeare (that is to say) For every hundred pounds of such ready money and Debts and for every hundred pounds worth of such Goods Wares Merchandizes or other Chattells or other Personall Estate the su[m]me of Four and twenty shillings and soe after that rate for every greater or lesser su[m]me or quantity to be assessed levyed and collected in maner hereafter menc[i]oned.

II. Publick Officers (Exception of Military Officers, &c.) to pay 4s. in the Pound in respect of their Salaries.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That all and every Person and Persons Co[m]missioner or Co[m]missioners haveing useing or exerciseing any publick Office or Employment of Profitt (such Military Officers who are or shall be in muster by the Muster-Master Generall of the Army or in pay in his Majesties Army Navy or Ordnance in respect of such Offices only excepted) and all and every theire Agents Clerkes Secondaryes Substitutes and other inferiour Ministers whatsoever shall yeild and pay unto his Majestie the su[m]me of Foure shillings for every Twenty shillings which he or they doe receive in One yeare by virtue of any Salaries Gratuity Bounty Money Reward Fees or Profitts to him or them accruing, for or by reason or occasion of theire severall Offices or Employments to be assessed imposed levyed and collected in such manner as hereafter is mentioned:-


All Manors, Lands, &c. as well within ancient Demesne as other Liberties, charged with 4s. in the Pound; Bodies Politic, &c. having Manors, &c; to pay 4s. in the Pound; as if let at a Rack Rent, without respect to present Rents or Monies laid out in Improvements or Repairs, Taxes, &c; to be paid Quarterly.

And to the end a further aid and supply for his Majesties occasions may be raised by a charge upon all Lands Tenements and Hereditaments with as much equality and indifference as is possible by a Pound Rate of Four shillings for every Twenty shillings of the true yearely value for one yeare and noe longer Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That all and every Mannors Messuages Lands and Tenements As alsoe all Quarries Mynes of Coal Tyn or Lead Copper Mundick-Iron or other Mynes Iron-Works Salt Springs and Salt Works All Allome Mynes or Works All Parks Chases Warrens Woods Underwoods Coppices and all Fishings Tythes Tolls Annuities and all other yearely Profitts whether the same be issueing out of Lands or Tenements or be otherwise payable and all Hereditaments of what nature or kinde soever they be scituate lying and being happening or ariseing within the Kingdome of England Dominion of Wales or Towne of Berwicke upon Tweede or within any the Countyes Cytyes Boroughs Towns Divisions Rideings Hundreds Lathes Wapentakes Parishes and Places thereof aswell within ancient demesne and other Liberties and Priviledged Places as without shall be and are hereby charged for one yeare only and noe longer with the su[m]me of Four shillings for every Twenty shillings of the full yearely value and soe in p[ro]porc[i]on for any greater or lesser value And all and every person and persons bodies politicke and corporate guilds misteries fraternities and brotherhoods whether corporate or not corporate haveing or holding any Mannors Messuages Lands Tenements Hereditaments or other the p[re]misses shall yeild and pay unto his Majestye the su[m]me of Four shillings for every Twenty shillings by the yeare which the said Mannors Messuages Lands Tenements Hereditaments and other the p[re]misses are now worth to be leased if the same were truly and (bona fide) leased or demised att a Rack Rent and according to the full true yearely value thereof without any respect had to the p[re]sent Rents reserved for the same if such Rents have beene reserved upon such Leases or Estates made for which any fyne or income hath beene paid or secured or have beene lessened or abated upon considerac[i]on of money laid out [or to be laid out (fn. 1) ] in improvements and without any respecte had to any former Rates or Taxes thereupon imposed or makeing any abatement in respect of reparac[i]ons taxes parish dutyes or any other charges whatsoever Which said su[m]me of Four and twenty shillings for the yearely profitt of every hundred pounds value of all personall estates as aforesaid and Four shillings for every Twenty shillings by the yeare of the said true yearely value of all other the p[re]misses shall be assessed levyed and collected in manner hereafter menc[i]oned and shall be paid into the Receipte of his Majesties Exchequer by Four quarterly payments the first payment thereof to be made the Five and twentieth day of March which shall be in the yeare of our Lord One thousand six hundred ninety five:-

IV. Proviso where Lands subject to Rent Charges.

Landlords may deduct 4s. in the Pound; to be allowed by Persons entitled to such Rent Charges, &c.

And whereas many of the Mannors Messuages Lands Tenements Tythes Hereditaments and p[re]misses intended by this Act to be charged with the Pound Rates as aforesaid stand incumbred with or are subject and lyable to the payment of severall Rent Charges or Annuityes issueing out of the same or to the payment of diverse Fee Farme Rents Rents Service or other Rents thereupon reserved or charged by reason whereof the true Owners and Proprietors of such Mannors Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments and p[re]misses doe not in truth receive to theire owne use the true yearely value of the same for which neverthelesse [they are (fn. 1) ] by this Act charged to pay the full Pound Rate of Four shillings for every Twenty shillings of the true yearely value: It is therefore declared and enacted by the authority aforesaid That itt shall and may be lawfull to and for the Landlords Owners and Proprietors of such Mannors Messuages Lands Tenements Hereditaments and p[re]misses as are charged with the Pound Rate as aforesaid to abate and deduct and to retaine and keepe in his or theire Hands Four shillings in the pound for every Fee-Farme Rent or other annuall Rent or Payment charged upon or issueing out of the p[re]misses or any parte thereof or thereupon reserved And all and every person and persons who are or shall be any way intituled to such Rents and Annuall Payments are hereby required to allowe such deducc[i]ons and payments upon the receipte of the residue of such moneys as shall be due and payable to them for such Rents or Annuall Payments reserved or charged as aforesaid:-

V. Commissioners named for the several Counties, &c. herein mentioned.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That for the better assessing ordering levying and collecting of the severall su[m]mes of money soe as aforesaid limitted and appointed to be paid and for the more effectuall putting of this p[re]sent Act in execuc[i]on all and every the Persons hereafter named shall be Co[m]missioners of and for the severall and respective Countyes Cityes Boroughs Townes and Places hereafter menc[i]oned:-

For the County of Bedford.

The Honourable Henry Lord Ruthin Sonne and Heire Apparent to the Earle of Kent The Honourable Edward Lord Russell one of the Sonnes of the Duke of Bedford The Honourable Robert Lord Russell another of the Sonnes of the Duke of Bedford The Honourable Robert Bruce The Honourable Charles Leigh Esquires Sir William Gostwicke Sir John Nappier Sir John Cotton Sir Anthony Chester Sir John Burgoine Sir Rowland Alstone Sir Pynsent Chernocke Sir John Osborne Sir John Mordant Baronetts Sir Thomas Rolt Sir John Franklyn Sir James Astrey Knights William Duncombe Oliver Luke William Boteler Lewis Moneaux Thomas Browne Benjamin Conquest Thomas Hillersdon Samuell Cater John Osborne William Farrer senior William Foster Thomas Cheyne William Palmer Richard Stone Edward Stone John Vaux John Cockayne William Spencer Richard Edwards William Alstone George Edwards Thomas Brownsall Robert Mountague Walter Cary John Harvey of Thurley Henry Ashley junior Samuell Rolt Samuell Bedford Humphrey Fish Charles Gery William Farrer junior Saint John Thompson Robert Audley John Harvey of Ickwell Thomas Christie Matthew Dennis William Livesay Thomas Halfpenny Samuell Rhodes John Wagstaffe William Simcotts Nicholas Granger John Granger William Whittbread Nehemiah Brandrith Richard Wigg Thomas Johnson George Barnardistone Richard Orlebar John Davis William Boteler of Wooton Samuell Ironside John Eston John Huxley John Nappier William Beecher John Bigg William Norcliffe William Miller Esquires George Nodes Francis Brace Thomas Arnold senior Hugh Smith William Burr Thomas Arnold junior Thomas Brownsall of Roxer Gentlemen:-

For the Towne of Bedford:

The Mayor for the time being Thomas Hillersdon Thomas Christie Esquires William Foster Doctor of Lawes John Eston Esquire John Hawes Robert Bell William Manley William Beckett William Faldo John Crawley Gentlemen William Faldo Draper:-

For the County of Berks:-

The Right Honourable Sir John Trevor Knight Speaker of the Honourable House of Co[m]mons Master of the Rolls and one of his Majesties most Honourable Privy Councill Henry Earle of Starling of the Kingdome of Scotland The Lord Francis Pawlett Mountague Lord Norreys Sonne and Heire Apparent of James Earle of Abingdon The Honourable Bernard Greenvill Esquire Sir Humphrey Foster Sir John Stonehouse Sir Thomas Draper Sir William Rich Sir Henry Winchcombe Sir Thomas Clarges Sir Edmond Fettyplace Sir John Hobby Sir Anthony Craven Sir Willoughby Aston Sir William Kendrick Baronetts Sir Henry Fane Knight of the Bath Sir Charles Porter Sir William Trumball Sir Robert Pye Sir Algernoon May Sir Edward Norreys Sir Walter Clarges Sir Christopher Wren Sir William Whitelocke Sir Jonathan Raymond Sir Thomas Doleman Sir Thomas Travaile Sir William Scawen Sir Henry Johnson Knights John Stonehouse John Blandy John Archer Richard Nevill Richard Aldworth Richard Jones William Cheiry Edmond Fettyplace Henry Kingsmaile Thomas Pledwell James Stonehouse Charles Gerrard John Blagrave Loftus Brightewell Paul Colton senior William Paul Tanfeild Vachell Charles Fettyplace Paul Colton junior John Heppesley Edmond Standing Richard Pye Thomas Fettyplace James Perrott Thomas Blickeridge William Wiseman Henry Heyling Simon Harcourt Roger Draper Richard Jennens ( (fn. 2) ) John Whitfeild James Hayes Edward Sherwood Edmond Sawyer Baptist May Richard Southby Thomas Gunter Thomas Turner John Southby Thomas Southby Thomas Lee Francis White John Whitwicke Thomas Doleman Thomas Seymour Thomas Tipping Robert Knight George Harrison John Porter John Plummer Christopher Willoughby Robert Magott John Wallis John Holloway William Angell William Thompson John Verney John Wildman Arthur Onslowe Thomas Garrett Thomas Harwood William Smith Thomas Medlicote Simon Smith Henry Batten Thomas Hoard Walter Knight Bartholomew Tipping John Fincher Robert Lee Felix Calvert George Blagrave John Peacocke John Jennens of Stanford John Due John Dalby Richard Knapp John Looder Thomas Looder John Pottinger of Sudbury Sebastian Leyford Edward Reede Edward Loveden Thomas Reede Richard Palmer Francis Parry Lovelace Hersay John Winder James Winch Henry Stephens John Pottinger of Inkpen Charles Collins David Bigg Scory Barker Carlton Whitelock Samuell Barker Joseph Cowslade Ralph Howland Thomas Herne Esquires Doctor Francis Cashwell of Renmam Charles Holloway George Coles William Yeildall Robert Thompson Moses Brough Doctor in Phisicke William Reeves Robert Jennings John Bigg Moses Slade Richard Skinner James Stone Charles Lush Rice Watkins of Sutton Richard Paine Charles Harrison John Smith Anthony Leaver Nicholas Humphreys Charles Calverly Thomas Stephens Edward Brackstone George Lampard Robert Selwood Richard Pucey John Oliver Robert Blackaller James Corderay Thomas Tesdale Thomas Haynes Francis Grove of Grove Henry Nelson John Blandy of Letcomb Bassett John Bance of Charlow Francis Pickott of West-Charlow Edward Pocock Thomas Strutton Richard Fishborne Henry Peacock Peter Sawyer Robert Mason Richard Cooper Thomas Cowslade Simon Winch John Pocock of Stretly Charles Peacocke Richard Matthewes Richard Leyford John Wilder Silas Sebore Nicholas Pottinger Richard Pottinger of Burvill John Head of Langley John Head of Hodcott William Deale of Newberry Gentlemen William Aldworth Blandy Waterman Esquires Richard Aldworth Doctor of Lawe Francis Hungerford Doctor in Physicke James Brewer Doctor in Physicke The Mayor of Reading The Mayor of Abingdon The Mayor of Wallingford The Mayor of Newbury The Alderman of Ockingham for the time being The Mayor of Maidenhead for the time being Francis Knight Thomas King Ezekiell Clarke Moses Burley Gentlemen:-

For the Borough of New Windsor

The Mayor Aldermen and Steward for the time being Doctor Gregory Haskard Deane Bernard Granvill Baptist May Charles Potts William Aldworth Auditor John Ball Theodore Randu Esquires Richard Plumton Richard Hales Richard Fishbourne Francis Negus John Church George Woodson Richard Heale Robert Hewett Gentlemen Sir Charles Porter Sir William Scawen Knights Richard Topham Simon Smith William Smith Humphrey Graves Esquires Moses Bruch Doctor of Physick

For the County of Bucks:-

The Right Honourable Edward Lord Russell Second Sonne to the Duke of Bedford Charles Lord Cheyne of the Kingdome of Scotland The Honourable Henry Bartie Esquire The Right Honourable Thomas Wharton Esquire Comptroller of his Majesties Houshold and one of his Majesties most Honourable Privy Councill The Right Honourable Richard Hampden Esquire one of his Majesties most Honourable Privy Councill The Honourable Henry Pagett Esquire Sir Richard Temple Sir Anthony Chester Sir Thomas Tyrrell Sir Walter Clarges Sir Ralph Verney Sir Henry Andrewes Sir Thomas Lee Sir Dennis Hampson Sir Peter Tyrrell Sir Richard Atkins Sir John Packington Sir John Thompson Sir Henry Hobart Sir John Whitwrong Sir Joseph Alston Baronets Sir Charles Gerrard Sir Robert Clayton Sir Thomas Clarges Sir William Whitelock Sir Purbeck Temple Sir Marmaduke Dayrell Sir Orlando Gee Sir William Pritchard Sir Cesar Wood al[ia]s Cranmer Knights John Hampden Edmond Waller Richard Beake Penn of Penn Charles Duncombe John Whitwrong Cesar Wood al[ia]s Cranmer William Mountague Serjieant att Lawe William Cheyne Thomas Hackett John Duncombe of Greate Brickhill Alexander Denton Thomas Pygott John Parkhurst Thomas Lewis senior Thomas Lewis junior Thomas Berringer John Backwell Roger Price Richard Greenvill Budd Wase Bazill Brent Charles Stafford Richard Ingoldsby Edmond Waller of Gregories Benjamin Lane William Busby Richard Nicholas Edward Nicholas junior Edmond Dorrell Francis Drake Joseph Neale Harry Tyrrell Henry Stephens Charles Godfrey Arthur Warren Francis Duncombe of Broughton Henry Neale Joseph Haynes John Grubb Johnshall Crosse William Farrar Simon Mayne Robert Dormer of Lee James Herbert George Evelyn Henry Somner Daniell Baker Ralph Lawton Joseph Somner John Proby John Crisp Edward [Bate (fn. 3) ] Maximilian Bard Thomas Ligo of Stoke-Mandevill Robert Hart James Tyrrell William Crooke James Chase Richard Dorrell Stephen Chase senior John Thurburne Serjeant att Lawe Thomas Ligo of Burkett Francis Tyrringham Mountague Drake William Lisle Edward Alstone John Nape Richard Berringer Thomas Eyre John Archdale John Hillesdon Henry Knapp Francis Ligo Hugh Horton Edward Leigh Esquires William Hill of Weston Thomas Smith of Beckonsfeild Richard Whittechurch Henry Harris Robert Gainsford Thomas Gibson Timothy Doyley Henry Gold John Sparkes John Theede John Seare Henry Cane senior Henry Cane junior Richard Cockman Richard Barraby senior Nathaniell Weeden John Tanner Doctor of Physick Thomas Hudson Henry Coley Thomas Daverell of Swanburne Peter Dickenson Henry Fletcher of Marlowe John Gibbons Matthewe Butterfeild Henry Corker of Marlow Richard Style of Turvill Clement Heddington William Hill junior of Wendover William Hyllyar Jonas Taylor Robert Weeden Richard Baldwyn Gentlemen:-

For the Towne of Buckingham:

The Bailiffs for the time being Sir Richard Temple Knight of the Bath and Baronett Sir Ralph Verney Knight and Baronett Alexander Denton Henry Andrewes Edmond Darell Edward Bates William Busby John Rogers Esquires Hugh Ethersey Thomas Ethersey William Hartley Pelham Sandwell, Gentlemen:-

For the Borough of Wycombe:-

The Mayor Recorder Aldermen Bailiffs and Towne-Clerke for the time being the Honourable Thomas Wharton Esquire Sir Orlando Gee Knight Charles Godfrey, and Thomas Lewes Esquires:-

For the County of Cambridge:

The Right Honourable Richard Lord Gorges of the Kingdome of Ireland The Right Honourable Hildebrand Lord Allington of the Kingdome of Ireland The Right Honourable John Lord Cutts of the Kingdome of Ireland The Right Honourable Edward Russell Esquire one of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Councill Sir Thomas Chicheley Knight Sir Christopher Hatton Sir John Cotton Sir Thomas Willis Sir Richard Bennet Sir Henry Pickering Sir Rushout Cullen Sir George Downeing Baronetts Sir Robert Cotton Sir Francis Pemberton Sir Marmaduke Dayrell Knights John Willis John Bennett Granado Pigott Devereux Martyn William Russell Edward Nightingale John Milicent William Fortry Thomas Duckett Thomas Buck John Hagar William Layer senior William Worts Thomas Story Edward Leeds Thomas Archer William Layer junior Gilbert Wigmore Anthony Tompson Charles Baron Tyrrell Dalton Thomas Day Thomas Sclater John Lones Altham Smith James Willymott Thomas Hitch John Pepys Samuel Clerke Esquires William Cooke Doctor of Civill Law Doctor Kirby Theophilus Tyrrell Alington Harrison John Carter Robert Casebourne Robert Flack Thomas Crudd Clinch Guy Chapman [Fuller (fn. 4) ] Robert Drake junior Thomas Bendish Gentlemen Edward Pickering Rant of Swaffam Isaac Dowman Thomas Foulkes Esquires:-

For the University and Towne of Cambridge.

The Vice-Chancellor and the Mayor for the time being The Honourable John Mountague Doctor of Divinity The Honourable Edward Finch The Honourable Henry Boyle Esquire Sir Thomas Chicheley Knight Sir John Cotton Baronett Granado Pigott Esquire Joseph Beaumont Humphrey Gower Thomas Smolt John Balderston John Covell Thomas Bainbridge Doctors of Divinity Charles Roderick George Oxenden William Cooke Doctors of Civill Law Tanfeild Leman Esquire Samuell Newton Thomas Ewen Thomas Fox Thomas Foules Isaac Watlington John Pepys Aldermen James Johnson Isaac Newton William Worts and Samuell Pern Esquires Doctor Greene Gerrade Herringe Robert Drake senior Gentlemen William Baron Gentleman:-

For the Isle of Ely:-

The Right Honourable Richard Lord Gorges of the Kingdome of Ireland Sir Lionell Walden Knight Josiah Colvill Thomas Edwards Lionell Walden Roger Jennings senior Ralph Peirson Simon Burton John Pamplyn Roger Jennings junior Robert Swaine Charles Bartee Thomas Wiseman William Fortry Marlbourn Carell William Bourne John Twelves Thomas Towers Henry Goodrick Sigismond Traford William March James Willimott Thomas Harrison Thomas Swaine Esquires Anthony Hammond Robert Drake senior Robert Drake junior Michaell Beale Richard Russell Gentlemen Sir Sewster Peyton Baronett Doctor Lamb Deane of Ely Doctor Henry Hitch Doctor William Balaam Doctor William Cooke David Rowlands John Pepys Esquires Nicholas Mallabar John Jennings William Tanner Esquire Guy Chapman Fuller Francis Hern Prebendary of Ely Henry Read Thomas Watson Gentlemen:-

For the County of Chester:-

The Right Honourable Sir John Trevor Knight Speaker of the Honourable House of Co[m]mons Master of the Rolls and one of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Councill the Honourable Montague Lord Norris Sonne and Heire Apparent to the Earle of Abingdon The Honourable George Booth The Honourable George Cholmondely Sir Thomas Delves Sir Thomas Grosvenour Sir Willoughby Aston Sir Peter Warburton Sir John Mainwaring Sir Thomas Bellott Sir Richard Brookes Sir Robert Duckenfeild Sir John Warden Sir Arthur Royden Baronetts Sir Robert Cotton Knight and Baronett Sir Jeffery Shakerley Sir John Ardern Sir John Crew Sir Roger Puleston Sir William Glegg Sir Richard Reynolds Sir Richard Leveing Knights Thomas Delves Thomas Cotton Nathaniell Booth John Leigh of Adlington Peter Leigh of Booths Thomas Lee of Darnhall Roger Whitley John Warren William Davenport Thomas Daniell John Allen of Bagnley Richard Leigh Peter Brooke George Booth Peter Shakerley John Brewen Edward Minshull Roger Mainwaring Thomas Brookes Roger Wilbraham Samuell Davenport George Vernon Richard Lister John Davenport Samuell Daniell Thomas Masterson Charles Hurleston John Lawton John Chetwood Thomas Whitley Thomas Swettenham Edmond Jodrell Thomas Warburton Austin Leigh Thomas Aldersey Edmond Swettenham Nathaniell Lee William Minshull Reginald Brettland Robert Warburton Richard Wright John Goldsmith Thomas Ghent John Venables John Pickering Lawrence Wright William Whitmore Randle Wilbraham George Lucye Thomas Glasier Samuell Hardaware Joseph Hockenhull John Baskervile Henry Bradshaw William Jackson Doctor of Physicke Thomas Hollinshead George Dod Thomas Latham William Gamull of Crabwall Charles Mainwaring William Glegg of Grange John Hardaware Edward Thornicrofte Richard Minshull Edward Wright of Stretton Thomas Dodd of Edge Dod of Broxton Dod of Hampton William Oldfeild of Bradwall Esquires John Parker Thomas Hulse Gentlemen The Mayor of Macklesfeild for the time being Thomas Leigh Recorder Thomas Wright William Row John Blagg Peter Wright Aldermen:-

For the City and County of the City of Chester:

The Mayor of the said City for the time being Sir William Williams Knight and Baronett Recorder Sir Thomas Grosvenour Sir John Mainwaring Sir Richard Leving Baronetts Peter Shakerley Roger Whitley Hugh Grosvenour Roger Mostyn of Brumbo John William Deputy Recorder George Booth Esquires Thomas Wainwright Doctor of Lawe William Streete Thomas Wilcocke Henry Lloyd William Ince George Mainwaring Peter Edwards William Wilson Hugh Starkey Francis Skellerne Aldermen The two Sheriffes for the time being William Allen Henry Bennett William Bennett Peter Bennett Aldermen Captaine John Sparke John Hulton Thomas Hand Benjamin Cratchley Thomas Wright William Starkey John Johnson Richard Oulton Puleston Partington Matthew Anderton Edward Starkey Richard Minshull Jonathan Whitby John Golbourne Robert Murry Edward Partington Randle Bathoe John Warrington Thomas Maddocks Michaell Johnson Thomas Ward Joseph Maddocks John Burrowes Thomas Warmingham Samuell Heath John Kinnaston Timothy Doane Ralph Dutton Ralph Blagg John Jones Gentlemen:-

For the County of Cornwall:-

The Right Honourable Hugh Boscawen Esquire one of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Councill Barnard Granvill John Granvill Francis Roberts Russell Roberts Esquires Sir Bourchier Wray Sir Violl Vivian Sir William Godolphin Sir Peter Killigrew Sir William Coriton Sir Andrew Slanen Sir John Saintaubin Sir John Molesworth Sir Peter Prideaux Sir Francis Drake Baronetts Sir Bevill Granvill Sir Joseph Tredenham Sir John Cotton Knights Charles Trevanion of Carthais Charles Trelawney Samuell Roll John Speccott John Tredenham Daniell Elliot Jonathan Rashley John Buller John Tanner Walter Kendall Michaell Hill John Buller junior Joseph Sawle Thomas Darrell Nicholas Glyn Edward Herle Charles Grills Samuell Travers John Vivian Humphrey Nicoll Humphrey Courteney Sidney Godolphin Henry Trelawney Hugh Fortescue Edward Elliott William Mohun John Kendall John Gregor James Kendall Seymour Tredenham Hugh Pyper John Trefrey Francis Calmady Ambrose Manaton Joseph Moyle James Prade George Robinson William Bond John Clobery John Polwheele Nicholas Morrice Emanuell Pyper Alexander Pendarvis John Waddon John Ennis William Ascott Richard Erissey William Harris Thomas Achim Samuell Ennis John Fowell Nathaniell Moyle Alexander Carew Joseph Penhallow Philipp Mayow John Barrett Thomas Penhallow John Murth James Bond Francis Wills Jonathan Trelawney George Spry Henry Jones Henry Vincent Hugh Tonken Henry Manaton Francis Manaton Shadrack Vincent Thomas Killey John Courteney Richard Scobell John Hicks Francis Scobell William Bligh James Kestell Narcissus Lutterell Edmond Philips John Hoblyn John Nicoll Peter Trevisa Thomas Hawkey Esquires Henry Gregor Charles Bonithon Serjeant att Lawe Christopher Baron Sampson Hill William Williams of Probus Jonathan Prideaux John Williams of Trethan John Williams of Carvehan William Hooper Thomas Dodson John Clarke Edmond Spor Richard Moyle Charles Kendall Renall Bawden Jacob Robins Stephen Robins Thomas Waddon Martin Ryder [William Martin (fn. 5) ] William Braddon Reginald Hawkey John Kestell Nicholas Kempe William Hancocke Nicholas Archer Thomas Herle Thomas Worth William Keyquich John Pennick Thomas Johnson James Keygwin Joseph Marke Thomas Glin William Tregey Charles Trevanion of Tregarthen Richard Harris of Rooke William Yoe John Foote of Truro Richard Erisey of Saint Nyott Robert Rowse Francis Achim John Burlace of Pendeene Thomas Vivian Thomas Hoblin Richard Smith of Moorewinstowe Edward Penrose of Penrose William Scawen Richard Remphry Henry Remphry Phillip Hawkins Dennis Glin John Verman Richard Herd John Manley Paul Archer Samuell Gilbert John Trelawney Francis Penrose Charles Orchard Edward Kneebone Samuell Gulley Thomas Hoblyn of Trevaskes Christopher Harris of Carnigee John Nance John Oliver of Sithney John Bassett John Cary Edward Dennis Francis Painter William Veale John Penrose of Manaken Anthony Tanner Richard Williams John Austice of Saint Nyott Nicholas Boson John Harris William Flamanke of Boscarne William Cocke of Holston Thomas Bewes William Brandon Richard Trevanion of Veryan John Robins of Veryan Timothy Gulley John Row of Penant John Foote John Cole John Oben of Gushland Barnard Kendall Gentlemen Richard Weeke of Northweeke Esquire Charles Trubody John Billing Jonathan Tincombe Francis Bassett Esquires Thomas Hawkins Robert Scawen Arthur Vincent Francis Kelly Zacheus Andrew Gentlemen Walter Langford of Langford Hill Renatus Bellott Francis Saintaubin Gaunegan Saintaubin Esquires John Richards William Beale Thomas Horwell Gentlemen Jonathan Toller John Flammocke John Arscott John Fortescue Esquires Daniell Gwyn John Newman Gentlemen Edward Hoblyn of Bodmin Gent:-

For the County of Cumberland

Sir John Lowther Baronett one of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Councill Sir Christopher Musgrave Sir John Dalston Sir George Fletcher Sir John Lowther of Whitehaven Sir Wilfred Lawson Sir William Pennington Sir Richard Musgrave Baronetts Sir John Ballentine Sir Daniell Fleming Sir Orlando Gee Knights Cristopher Musgrave Henry Fletcher James Lowther Edward Stanley [William (fn. 6) ] Lawson Joseph Huddlestone Robert Carleton Christopher Dalston Richard Patrickson John Aglyonby Thomas Lamplugh Richard Lamplugh Anthony Hutton Roger Kirkby William Fleming Edward Hasell John Foster Christopher Richmond William Gilpin Darcy Curwen John Winder junior Ewen Christian Leonard Dykes John Senhouse Andrew Huddlestone Henry Browham Henry Salkeld Thomas Addison Henry Blencow Henry Fletcher of Tallentire John Punsonby Timothy Fetherstonhaugh Esquires Andrew Whelpdale James Nicholson of Carlisle William Tory Gawen Wrenn George Sisson Thomas Webster Edward Appleby Joseph Relfe John Gale James Maxwell Henry Inman Gentlemen The Mayor of Carlisle for the time being Thomas Simpson Edward Lawson Gentlemen:-

For the County of Derby:-

The Right Honourable William Lord Marquesse of Hartington Sonne and Heire Apparent of William Duke of Devonshire The Right Honourable the Lord Rosse Sonne and Heire Apparent of John Earle of Rutland The Right Honourable the Lord Stanhope Sonne and Heire Apparent of Philipp Earle of Chesterfeilde The Honourable Robert Shirley Esq[uire] The Honourable Anchitell Grey Esquire The Honourable Robert Cecill Esquire Sir Thomas Gresley Sir Edward Coke Sir Henry Every Sir Nathaniell Curson Sir Philip Gell Sir Paul Jenkinson Baronetts Sir Simon Degg Sir Gilbert Clarke Sir Edward Abney Sir Richard Loving Knights Willoughby Gray Henry Gilbert Robert Sacheverell Francis Mundy John Low Francis Smith Gilbert Mundy Henry Keys Paul Jodrell John Osborne Thomas Bard Thomas Allestry Esquires Gilbert Heathcote William Horne Samuell Bradshawe John Parker George Gregson Henry Low John Holden Anthony Bradshaw Henry Pilkington William Hunter John Richardson Thomas Wilson Henry Goodyeare John Wilson Robert Newton Nehemiah Pineger Samuell Richardson Gentlemen Henry Heveningham Walter Burdett Thomas Coke George Gresley John Burdett Robert [Wilmore (fn. 7) ] Robert Harding John Every Charles Jennens Henry Kendall Gilbert Thacker John Fitzherbert William Allestry John Allen John Wilkins John Harpur of Calk John Harpur of Little Over Philip Prince Esquires Eusebius Dormer Richard Sales William Shalcrosse Gentlemen Samuell Pole High Sherriffe of the County of Derby George Vernon Henry Every Henry Cavendish Robert Coke Charles Pye Godfrey Meynell Alexander Stanhope Thomas Browne Robert Wilmott of Spondon Nicholas Wilmott Richard Bates John Burrowes Esquires Robert Doxy Richard Stubbins Gentlemen Rowland Oakover Thomas Ruddyard George Parker Thomas Parker Thomas Milward Esquires Josiah Trott John Stuffin Arthur Low Robert Dale Christopher Ley William James John Hayne Sampson Baker William Wingfeild John Slack Lawrence Sleigh William Alsopp Francis Sleigh Robert Mellor John Botham Robert Ferne Joseph Woolhouse Gentlemen William Eyre John Shallcrosse Thomas Wright Henry Gilbert junior John Bullock George Savile Thomas Legh Henry Bradshaw John Stevenson Esquires Thomas Bagshaw Benjamin Ashton John Beresford John Bagshaw Thomas Statham Arthur Dakein James Webster John Calvert John Buxton William Bache James Sherrard John Richardson of Newton Robert Heywood Benjamin Heywood Bateman of Hartington Gentlemen Samuell Peirpoint John Revell George Sitwell Cornelius Clarke John Wigfall Robert Revell Robert Ashton John Morewood Robert Barker Robert Mower Thomas Woolhouse Lionell Fanshaw Thomas Cotchett John Spateman Christopher Pegg Samuell Hallowes Thomas Eyre Samuell Dalton John Adderley Esquires The Mayor of Chesterfeild for the time being Richard Youle Roger Coates John Ash Francis Noore Aldermen Andrew Clayton John Stephenson Thomas Burley John Smithson George Milward John Wingfeild Francis Gregg Richard Hall John Dand Godfrey Watkinson Paul Webster Gentlemen The Mayor of Derby for the time being John Brookhouse Thomas Goodwin Samuell Spateman Solomon Roberts Aldermen George Beardsley Joseph Parker John Bagnold Samuell Goodwin John Gisborne John Aldershaw William Hodgkinson John Taylor Hugh Bateman Edward Large William Turner William Chambers Benjamin Barker William Greave Edward Parker Edmond Parker James Motteram Ralph Brough Francis Strutt John Turner Philipp Prince Gentlemen:-

For the County of Devo[m]n:-

The Honourable Edward [Lord (fn. 8) ] Russell Second Sonne to the Duke of Bedford The Honourable Robert Lord Russell Third Sonne to the Duke of Bedford The Right Honourable the Lord Chiefe Justice Treby John Granvill Esquire Sir Edward Seymour Sir Peter Prideaux Sir Francis Drake Sir Ames Pollard Sir Bouchier Wrey Sir Courtenay Pole Sir Francis Northcott Sir George Chidleigh Sir William Courtenay Sir William Davy Sir Hugh Ackland Sir William Drake Sir Richard Reynell Sir Henry Carew Sir Thomas Lear Sir Walter Yonge Sir Andrew Slanning Sir Arthur Chichester Sir Thomas Putt Baronetts Sir John Rolle Sir Henry Fane Sir Simon Leech Knights of the Bath Sir Thomas Berry Sir George Hutchins Sir Thomas Trevor Sir [John (fn. 9) ] Heron Knights Henry Portman Francis Courtenay Samuell Rolle John Pole Francis Fulford George Parker Richard Duke John Clobery Richard Coffin Jonathan Prideaux John Prideaux Dennis Rolle John Cholwich Henry Stephens Ambrose Manaton Henry Manaton ( (fn. 10) ) Gideon Heydon junior Hugh Vaughan Charles Vaughan Richard Carew John Northcott Bampfeild Rod William Langford William Harris of Haine William Harris of Eastlack John Harris of Radford John Harris of Wortham John Bluett John Coplestone Roger Wollacombe Roger Wollacombe junior John Burrington John Fry Thomas Wood Christopher Savery Philipp Shapcott Rowland Whiddon Gilbert Yard Courtenay Crocker John Garland Henry Chichester Thomas Reynell William Stawell John Quick John Gifford senior John Gifford junior Martyn Ryder Charles Hoare John Ellwill Richard Lee William Coleman Sebastian Isaack Henry Walrond John Chichester William Hayne John Battishall John Sanford William Fowell William Bragg Sampson Heale Thomas Drew William Cary Arthur Champernoone John Arscott Edward Yard senior Edward Yard junior Edmond Walrond Arthur Tremaine Edmond Tremaine Hugh Fortescue Edward Fortescue Richard Shapleigh Hugh Stafford Thomas Stafford Charles Trelawney Henry Trelawney Edmond Prideaux Edward Lovett John Pollexfen George Preswood Peter Fortescue Thomas Bere Josias Calmadie John Sparke James Hollway Charles Parker John Pratt James Hewis Thomas Sampson William Toms Robert Hatch John Rose Nicholas Ashford George Musgrave Richard Duck James Courtenay Nicholas Row John Founds John Martyn Thomas Melhuish Edmond Pollexfen Peter Beavis Richard Osborne Ellis Bartlett Henry Luscom Thomas Southcott of Hedge-End Humphrey Berry George Southcott Henry Fry Thomas Southcot of Offwell William Mercer John Hamberry William Drake of Yarbery George Yoe [Roger (fn. 11) ] Yoe Francis Gwin Thomas Docton John Cooke John Trelawney Cristopher Maine George Fortescue Henry Arscott Henry Carew Thomas Gibbon Edward Hollwell Samuell [Wotton (fn. 12) ] Thomas Wise Thomas Cholwich Nicholas Cove Nicholas Fursdon John Moore Richard Hillersdon William Hackmore Edmond Reynell Richard Langdon Nicholas Martyn William Bastard John Huddy William Dyer Thomas Parker Ames Crymes John Fowell Richard Weeke Jasper Radcliffe Lewis Ingledon John Speccott John Tanner Arthur Champneys Ambrose Roope Christopher Bale Walter Buggins John Spurway Peter Atkins Anthony Salter John Crowis Francis Sheppard John Davy Moses Gould Richard Duke junior Samuell Tanner Edmond Starr Benjamin Oliver Richard Stroode Southcott Lutterell Arthur Kelly Richard Burthogg and Edward Ford Doctors of Physick Narcissus Luttrell Nicholas Roope William Cullen Joseph Drake Henry Gould Philipp Andrewes Francis Ware William Sparke William Dowriche John Northmore John Langford Peter Spour Christopher Lethbridge Lawrence Heyne Richard Nutcombe William Symons Arthur Culme John Harris of Pickwell Henry Moore Robert Burridge John Upcott Barnard Goddard Mathias Jenkins John [Southwell (fn. 13) ] John Doige James Bulteel Chomley Doyley Thomas Stawell James Marwood John Land Richard Parminter Abraham Trowte James Young John Paige John Monion Robert Berry William Oxenham John Countee Doctor of Physick The Mayor of Plymouth for the time being The Mayor of Barnstaple for the time being The Mayor of Biddiford for the time being The Mayor of Totnes for the time being The Mayor of Teverton for the time being The Mayor of Torrington for the time being The Mayor of Dartmouth for the time being The Mayor of Oakhampton for the time being The Mayor of South Molton for the time being The Mayor of Plimpton for the time being Willoughby Matthewes Bartholomew Anthony Esquires:-

For the City and County of the City of Exon:

The Mayor Aldermen Sheriffe and Co[m]mon Council for the time being The Honourable Doctor Richard Annesley Deane of Exeter The Right Honourable Sir Edward Seymour Baronett Thomas Waterhouse Nicholas Hele John Osmond William Musgrave Doctors of Physick Thomas Gibbon Charles Vaughan William Martin John Pratt Hugh Westlake Thomas Northmore Baristers att Lawe Thomas Ayloffe Doctor of Lawes John Banks John Elwill Christopher Mayne Jasper Radcliffe Nicholas Brooking Thomas Brookeing Richard White William Adams Abraham Troute William [Sealy (fn. 14) ] Edmond Starr Thomas Baron Thomas Ford Thomas Potter Edward Dally William Matthewes Jerom King Tristram Bowdage Thomas Turner Francis Cooke Nicholas Webber Nathaniell Gist Bernard Goddard Gentlemen Francis Lydstone Merchant:-

For the County of Dorset:-

Anthony Lord Ashley Sonne and Heire Apparent to the Earle of Shaftsbury Sir John Trenchard Knight one of His Majesties Principall Secretaries of State Sir John Morton Sir Nathaniell Nappier Sir Robert Nappier Baronetts Sir John Nicholas Knight of the Bath Sir George Strode Sir Henry Butler Sir Matthew Andrewes Sir Stephen Evance Knights Thomas Strangways Thomas Freke Thomas Erle Edward Miller Samuell Roll Richard Fownes Robert Freke senior William Okeden Robert Coker senior ( (fn. 15) ) Coker junior George Strangways Edward Nicholas William Whitaker John Still Robert Seymer William Freke Thomas Greene John Poole Sebastian Isaack Robert Freke junior Robert Culliford Henry Portman Edward Seymour William Strode Robert Williams Thomas Hardy John Williams Hugh Chudleigh Thomas Freke junior George Churchill Michaell Harvey Francis Mohun Henry Seymer Thomas Chafe Hugh Hodges John Eastmont John Fisher Edward Saint Loe Henry Devenish George Parry Harry Constantine William Etterick Robert Browne of Frampton Robert Browne Thomas Trenchard Richard Brodripp Nathaniell Bond His Majesties Serjeant att Lawe Henry Henning John Gould John Harding William Floyer William Bennett the younger of Hartgrove John Lawrence of Grange William Bowles senior Simon Whetcombe Ralph Ironside John Bowles John Hardy Thomas Turberville Bullen Reymes Robert Oxenbridge Seymer Bowman Nathaniell Napier William Churchill Richard Swaine Robert Erle George Dawbeny John Michell Thomas Skinner Charles Brewin William Sidenham Richard Bingham William Lawrence William Weston Robert Hussey of Stowre-Paine William Filliol James Gould John Burridge Anthony Floyer Nicholas Hardy William Bennet Richard Rose Robert Pope Andrew Tucker William Wake Gerrard Wood Robert Stevens William Romaine Nicholas Browne Robert Browne Andrew Loder junior George Lester Thomas Seward Richard Churchill William Hull Richard Churchill George Barber Thomas Bower John Flint William Culliford Thomas Cockram William Collins of Linch John Pike John Abbington Lewis Cockram Roger Mompesson Robert Burridge John Edwards John Strode of Chantery Solomon Andrewes John Fitts Thomas Chettle Thomas Gundry Daniell Dugdale Robert Swaine of Corfe Richard Swaine Robert Butler Thomas Hawles Richard Newman John Richards Henry Henley junior Thomas Williams Philip Taylor Merchant The Mayors of Dorchester Shaftsbury Weymouth and Melcombe Regis Corfe Wareham and Lime Regis The Bailiffs of Blandford and [Bridport (fn. 16) ] for the time being George Keate George Gigger Robert Russell Thomas Rose John Oldis George Mullins Christopher Collyer Simon Orchard William Bennett of Shafton Gentlemen Richard Henvell Thomas Ledoze Thomas Cooper of Shirborne Peter Fookes Christopher Twinehoe of Turnewood Anthony Larder George Strode Sidenham Baker Robert Fry Philipp Coldecott Thomas Windham Anthony Ettericke John Banks Esquires Edward Clavell William Collier Thomas Chapman James Hall William Rose Edward Kennell William Shepheard John Whetcombe senior of Shirborne Thomas Cooper of Dorchester Nicholas Cary [Esquires (fn. 17) ]:-

For the Towne and County of Poole:-

The Mayor for the time being William White Esquire Recorder Moses Durrell Henry Jubber James Hallybred The Sheriffe for the time being George Lewin Captaine Robert Bennet John Carter Moses Durrell junior William Bowles William Phillipps Thomas Smith Thomas Hyde John Pyke William Street William Minty John Gigger Shadrack Beale Richmond Henley:-

For the County Palatine of Durham:

Charles Montagu Esquire High Sheriffe Robert Dormer Esquire Temporall Chancellor Sir Christopher Musgrave Knight and Baronett Sir Ralph Cole Sir Thomas Williamson Sir James Clavering Sir Robert Eden Sir William Blackett Baronetts Sir Ralph Carr Sir William Bowes Sir Francis Blake Knights Doctor Comber Deane of Durham Doctor Morton Christopher Vane William Lambton John Tempest [Henry Liddell William Tempest (fn. 18) ] George Morland Mark Shafto James Darcy Lionell Vane Francis Bowes Robert Jenison John Clavering James Clavering Thomas Liddell John Hilton Cuthbert Carr Robert Ellison William Carr William Strother junior William Blackett John Sedgwick Ralph Carr Charles Howard Thomas Foster Rowland Place Frevill Lambton Thomas Conyers Ralph Bates Francis Carr Alexander Davison John Morland Anthony Salvin John Carr Richard Middleton John Elstob Ralph Hutton John Jenkins The Mayor of Durham The Mayor of Stockton for the time being John Hall John Hutchinson Walter Etterick John Ayton Thomas Brass Esquires Edward Shepardson George Crosier Arthur Prescott John Spearman Michaell Mickleton Abraham Hilton Robert Jackson James Cooke William Atkinson William Johnson John Coalsworth Thomas Watson Ralph Holmes Robert Dixon Robert Chilton Thomas Blackett William Hutchinson Bernard Dowthwaite Robert Smith Christopher Fawcett John Gorden William Greenwell Gentlemen Samuell Ogle Edward Delavall Ralph Ord Esquires William Talour William Selby of Beale William Ord Mr Grey of Felkington Gilbert Ord Bryan Grey John Sleigh Ralph Ord of Tweesell Gentlemen Ralph Shaw Master Pickering Master Arden George Cox Gentlemen Edward Slaney Ralph Gowland Thomas Turnbull Gentlemen William Christian Esquire William Forster Esquire:-

For the West-Riding of the County of Yorke:-

Charles Lord Marquess of Winchester Sonne and Heire Apparent to the Duke of Bolton William Lord Elland Sonne and Heire Apparent to the Marquess of Hallyfax William Lord Pawlett Second Sonne to the Duke of Bolton Arthur Lord Viscount Irwin of the Kingdome of Scotland George Lord Viscount Castleton of the Kingdome of Ireland John Lord Viscount Downe of the same Kingdome Thomas Lord Fairfax of the Kingdome of Scotland The Honourable Sir Henry Goodrick Knight and Baronett one of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Councill The Honourable Sidney Wortley Mountague Henry Boyle Henry Dawney and Henry Fairfax Esquires Sir George Fletcher Sir John Armitage Sir John Kay Sir William Reresby Sir John Inglesby Sir John Bland Sir Watkinson Payler Sir Bryan Stapylton Sir Henry Marwood Sir William Frankland Sir George Cooke Sir Godfrey Copley Sir Edward Blackett Sir George Tempest Sir William Ramsden Sir John Wentworth Sir Thomas Slingsby Sir Lyon Pilkington Baronetts Sir John Hewley Sir Jonathan Jennings Sir Michaell Wentworth Sir Patience Ward Sir William Lowther Sir John Coghill Sir Abstrupus Danby Knights Thomas Frankland Christopher Tankred William Palmes Robert Byerley Jonathan Jennings John Goodrick Francis Nevile Thomas Harrison Walter Calverly Cerill Arthington Christopher Lister Thomas Fawks Welbury Norton Christopher Stockdale Bryan Fairfax Charles Osburne Isaac Knight Denzill Onslow Arthur Ingram William Wombwell Francis Foulgham John Ramsden Thomas Yorke John Bradshaw Thomas Yarburgh Thomas Vincent William Ellis William Vavasour Henry Stapylton Henry Thompson Inglebert Leeds Barnard Granvill John Lister Ralph Lowther Henry Hitch Bryan Sunderland Ambrose Pudsey Thomas Lister Thomas Horton Godfrey Bosvile John Ashton William Wickham William Jessopp John Lambert Tankred Robinson Henry Edmonds Richard Redman Thomas Fountaine Jasper Blythman Robert Munckton Gervas Nevill John Farrar Thomas Parker Thomas Dodson John Gill Benjamin Wade Henry Bouch Henry Cooke Miles Staveley John Aislabie Hugh Smithson Robert Mitford Christopher Adams Gervas Eyre John Bright Edward Parker John Tucker Tobias Harvey Anthony Fletcher Robert Fairfax John Weddell Richard Sterne William Jennings Matthew Boynton Robert Baynes Thomas Bendlowes Henry Slingsby John Townely John Hatfeild of Laughton Cuthbert Wade Richard Staynes Bennett Sherrard John Stanhope of Ecclesall Thomas Hasletine John Rooks Rowland Norton Thomas Kirke Robert Farrand Thomas Lea Richard Taylor John Warner Symon Stern Henry Currer Reginald Heber George Towlson Richard Shuttleworth John Auby Robert Frank Thomas Wakefeild William Bethell Francis Lindley Gilbert Rigby Nonas Parker John Moore Charles Newby Thomas Westby William Beckwith Andrew Wilkinson William Norton William Rookby Richard Nettleton William Ingram Esquires Dr Wyvell Deane of Rippon Richard Richardson Doctor of Physick Francis Wheately Physician Marke Shaftoe Esquire Thomas Robinson Robert Burdett John Hatfeild of Hatfeild Thomas Ramsden William Horton Richard Hutton of Pudsey Thomas Edmonds senior Thomas Edmonds junior John Batty Robert Parker Eyre of Bromley Godfrey Copley John Copley James Greenewood Richard Hewitt John [Southerton (fn. 19) ] Thomas Squire Bartin Allott John Jackman Benjamin Watts Edward Thompson William Tatham [John Tatham (fn. 20) ] Michaell Wharton John Spencer of Cannon hall Henry Wood John Preston Stephen Wilks Thomas Hooke Robert Squire John Carvile George Westby of Gilfitt Henry Eyre of Bramley John Dineley John Neale Doctor of Physick Hugh Taylor John Milner of Pudsey Richard Tomlinson Matthew Wilkinson Christopher Grandorge Richard Trotter William Greene of Ecclesfeild Thomas Barlow Robert Sowersby William Hardcastle Thomas Willson of Berecroft-Hall William Marshall James Otes of Warley John Mitchell Thomas Craven Andrew Holden Roger Cotes Francis Elwick Lawrence Knightley Thomas Carlton Cuthbert Chambers Gregory Fish Abraham Hunt Josias Midgley Robert Inman Robert Bell Christopher Dawson Thomas Thompson William Banks Gervas Gill James Knowles William Appleyard Thomas Tomlinson Francis Barlow John Kiffin of Wellinley Gentlemen John Mauleverer John Coates Christopher Weatherhead Esquires The Mayor Aldermen and Recorder of Pontefract for the time being The Mayor Aldermen and Recorder of Doncaster for the time being The Mayor Aldermen and Recorder of Rippon for the time being The Mayor Aldermen and Recorder of Leeds for the time being Edmond Barker:-

For the North-Rideing of the County of York:-

Charles Lord Marquesse of Winchester Sonne and Heire Apparent to the Duke of Bolton Arthur Lord Viscount Irwin of the Kingdome of Scotland John Lord Viscount Downe of the Kingdome of Ireland Thomas Lord Fairfax of the Kingdome of Scotland The Right Honourable Sir John Lowther Baronett one of His Majesties most Honourable Privy [Councellill (fn. 21) ] Henry Dawney Goodwin Wharton Henry Fairfax Esquires Sir Marmaduke Wyvell Sir Francis Boynton Sir John Levison Gower Sir David Fowlis Sir William Strickland Sir John Bolles Sir John Napier Sir Charles Hotham Sir Watkinson Payler Sir Bryan Stapylton Sir William Frankland Sir Henry Marwood Sir William Caley Sir Christopher Wandesford Sir Thomas Pennyman Sir Edward Blackett Sir William Chater Sir James Brooke Sir Gilbert Gerrard Sir Marke Milbank Sir William Robinson Sir John Wentworth Baronetts Sir Richard Osbaldeston Sir William Hustler Sir Barrington Bouchier Sir John Hewley Sir Henry Bellasis Sir William Ascough Sir William Bowes Sir Samuell Gerrard Sir Abstrupus Danby Knights Thomas Frankland George Marwood William Palmes Thomas York Henry Metcalfe Francis Wyvell George Smithson Robert Waters Roger Croft John Wastell John Hutton James Darcy Roger Talbutt Edward Trotter Cornelius Caley Thomas Strangways William Moore Anthony Wharton Charles Tankred [John How Thomas Croft Edward Hutchinson William Tankred (fn. 20) ] Bernard Granvill John Trotter Leonard Smelt Charles Duncomb Thomas Harrison Anthony Lowther Timothy Mauleverer Thomas Worsley William Metcalfe John Gibson Thomas Lassells Richard Staynes Daniel Lassells Thomas Wakefeild William Challoner Theodore Bathurst Edward Thompson William Osbaldeston John Aislabie John Smelt John Hill junior Thomas Gower John Hopton James Montague Luke Robinson Richard Peirce Thomas Pullen Thomas Metcalfe John Beverley John Beilby Rowland Norton Thomas Craddock Thomas Wyvell Humphrey Wharton Constable Bradshaw Thomas Binloes William Dawson Matthew Anlaby Richard Darley Thomas Hasletyne Roger Covell Thomas Langley senior Robert Buck Henry Place Henry Frankland William Norton George Norton Robert Waller Allen Chambre Christopher Peircy [Hay (fn. 20) ] Thomas Robinson Esquires Henry Squire Doctor of Lawe Leonard Hartley John Talbutt Benjamin Purchas Edward Place William Danby George Wright William Kitchinman William Davill Phillipp Prince James Conyers Robert Bell Stephen Driffeild Robert Bushell Timothy Ford Robert Squire Ralph Porter John Robinson Roger Lee Thomas Langley junior John Harland Thomas Lassells of Sowrby John Pearson Daniell Smith Henry Wilkinson Timothy Portington Thomas Tomlinson Thomas Holmes Tristram Fish Matthew Smalls Richard Allotson John Robinson of Easby Thomas Craven Francis Wilks John Danby Thomas Dalton William Rewley Thomas Guise Robert Crosfeild John Kettlewell James Cockerell William Turbutt Francis Hickson Nathaniell Harrison William Sudell Christopher Wilkinson Henry Pinkney John Robinson senior Robert Norrison William Ford James Hebden Thomas Sedman John Saunders Paul Batty William Burdett Ralph Porter Peregrine Lassells Timothy Bagwith Gentlemen Thomas Hayes Esquire The Mayor Aldermen and Recorder of Richmond for the time being The Bailiffs and Recorder of Scarborough for the time being John Metcalfe of Bellerby Esquire:-

For the East Rydeing of the County of Yorke:-

Arthur Lord Viscount Irwin of the Kingdome of Scotland Thomas Lord Fairfax of the same Kingdome Sir Thomas Rookeby Knight one of His Majesties Justices of the Courte of Co[m]mon Pleas Henry Boyle Henry Dawney Esquires Sir Francis Boynton Sir Charles Hotham Sir William Strickland Sir Henry Saint Quintin Sir Watkinson Payler Sir Robert Hylyard Sir Thomas Rudston Sir John Legard Baronetts Sir Michaell Warton Sir Ralph Warton Sir William Cobbe Sir Matthew Peirson Sir James Bradshaw Sir Jonathan Atkins Sir Richard Osbaldeston Sir John Hewley Sir John Napier Knights Griffith Boynton Fairfax Norteiffe William Osbaldeston Ingleby Daniell High Sheriffe of the County William Grimston William Gee Henry Thompson Henry Guy Matthew Appleyard Charles Osburn John Ramsden James Heblethwaite Ralph Warton Charles Warton Edward Barnard Hugh Bethell Walter Strickland Robert Muncton Thomas Langley William Bethell John Stapylton Thomas Hesketh Robert Prickett John Lister of Beverley Richard Remington Richard Gee John Buck Ralph Creyke Thomas Alured Charles Duncombe Edward Hutchinson Tobias Jenkins senior Tobias Jenkins junior Humphrey Robinson of Thickett Walter Crompton William Saint-Quintin Christopher Lister John Taylor Francis Annesley Thomas Southaby Edward Thompson James Moyser John Moyser William Moore Robert Hollis William Headlam Thomas Cundon Thomas Wakefeild Esquires Hodgson Johnson Doctor of Physick Robert Carlin James Mountaine Richard Darley William Wickham Robert Crompton Henry Portington Benjamin Overton Robert Squire Bernard Lister John Peirson John Gee Captaine Barry Thomas Langley senior Charles Best Richard Moore William Dickenson Robert Jeggon Thomas Langley junior Edward Bower William Bower William Wilberfosse Philipp Wilkinson Henry Masters Thomas Ricaby Henry Barnard Christopher Peircey Hay Esquires Leonard Robinson Francis Blunt Richard Creyke William Saint-Quintin Merchant John Ricaby Henry Carlin Francis Knowsley John Temperton Robert Cream Robert Constable of Carfosse Esquires Michaell Portington Nathaniell Arlash Francis Elwicke Robert Idle Thomas Johnson William Lister George Dickinson Robert Mason The Mayor Aldermen and Recorder of Beverley for the time being The Mayor Aldermen and Recorder of Heddon for the time being:-

For the City of York and County of the same City:-

The Lord Mayor Aldermen and Sheriffe for the time being Charles [Lord (fn. 22) ] Marquesse of Winchester Eldest Sonne to the Duke of Bolton Arthur Lord Viscount Irwin of the Kingdome of Scotland Thomas Lord Fairfax Baron Cameron of the Kingdome of Scotland The Right Honourable Sir Henry Goodrick Knight and Baronett one of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Councill Sir William Robinson Sir James Brooke Sir Richard Sandys Baronetts Sir John Hewley Knight George Prickett Serjeant att lawe Recorder Toby Wickham Doctor of Divinity Deane of Yorke Henry Watkinson Doctor of lawe Henry Thompson Thomas Hutton Henry Stapylton Toby Jenkins the younger Bennett Sherard Edward Thompson of Marston Thomas Hesletine John Baynes John Taylor Henry Squire Richard Blanshard Thomas Langley William Wickham Thomas Moseley Esquires Roger Shackleton William Tomlinson Christopher Breary Philipp Prince Thomas Benson Richard Reynolds Francis Duckworth Christopher Hutton Peter Dawson Thomas Tomlinson Thomas Harrison William Thompson William Hesletine Robert Squire Thomas Holmes Thomas Langley junior Ambrose Beckwith Leonard Wilson Richard Hewitt Richard Sowray Thomas Thompson Nicholas Sugar Samuell Walker Leonard Thompson John Bean John Buxton William Mortimer Gentlemen:-

For the Towne and County of Kingston upon Hull:-

The Mayor Aldermen Sheriffe Recorder and Chamberlains for the time being The Wardens of the Trinity House for the time being Sir James Bradshaw Sir Michaell Warton John Ramsden Charles Osborne William Gee Richard Gee John Legard John Lister of Beverley Matthew Appleyard Ingolby Daniell William Dawson Ralph Warton Charles Warton William Saint-Quintin Esquires William Carlton Marke Kerby William Crowle George Dickinson junior Captaine Barry William Mould William Catlyn Thomas Harrison Thomas Tomlins and Edmond Duncalfe Tower Wallis William Idelle James Mould Gentlemen:-

For the County of Essex:

The Right Honourable Henry Lord Walden Sonne and Heire Apparent to the Earle of Suffolk The Right Honourable Charles Lord Cheyne of the Kingdome of Scotland The Right Honourable John Lord Cutts of the Kingdome of Ireland The Right Honourable Charles Mountague Esquire Chancellor of the Exchequer and one of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Councill The Honourable Robert Bertie Bannister Maynard Benjamin Mildmay Richard Barrett Ralph Grey William Maynard Esquires Sir Charles Barrington Sir John Bendish Sir William Appleton Sir Samuell Grimston Sir William Hicks Sir Samuell Tryon Sir Francis Masham Sir Maynard Jenour Sir Thomas Nightingale Sir Hugh Everard Sir William Luckin Sir Robert Jocelin Sir Thomas Littleton Sir Martin Lumley Sir Anthony Abdy Sir Thomas Draper Sir Gervase Elwes Sir Edward Smith Sir James Rushout Sir Thomas Bernardiston Sir Charles Tyrrell Sir William Barker Sir Nicholas Garrett Sir Robert Smith Sir Josiah Child Sir Peter Soame Sir John Dyer Sir Cave James Baronetts Sir John Brampston Knight of the Bath Sir Edward Farmer Sir Anthony Browne Sir John Sparrowe Sir Richard Pigott Sir Thomas Fanshaw Sir Eliab Harvey Sir Gobert Barrington Sir Humphrey Gore Sir Edward Turner Sir Thomas Middleton Sir Thomas Davall Sir John Marshall Sir John Rotheram Sir Samuell Husbands Sir Thomas Cooke Sir Henry Johnson Sir James Houblon Sir Josiah Child Sir William Russell Sir Isaac Rebow Knights John Conyers John [Wroth John Bendish (fn. 23) ] Francis Harvey alias Mildmay Carew Harvey alias Mildmay Thomas Luther John Archer William Coward Edward Clarke Thomas Dawtry Robert Bateman William Palmer Michaell Biddulp Anthony Biddulph William Pett William Atwood Francis Saint-John Henry Saint-John Strange Jocelin Henry Gore Robert Honywood John Greene Ralph Freman Richard Hutchinson Thomas Argoll James Butler William Campion Evan Lloyd William Wright Benjamin Desbrow Richard Andrews Francis Barrington James Altham Thomas Gardner Christopher Fowler Anthony Brampston Robert Boothby Nathaniell Tench Richard Vaughan George Ford John Rotheram Robert Ashton Thomas Burgh William Beaumont Robert Cole John Wale Martin Lumley William Clopton William Lingwood John Tyndall Thomas Barrington John Eldred William Eldred John Fowle Samuell Westerne John Cox John Cooke of Chissell Owen Wynn Samuell Hare Francis Maidston Edward Bullock John Bullock John Lockey John Neale Thomas Harlackenden Bowes John Plummer Thomas Gray John Goodyer William Walker Thomas Weeley Foot Onslow John Eldred Thomas Lynge Gyles Dent William Kendall Andrewe Searle William Frith Alexander Prescott Cuthbert Martyn William Martyn William Harvey William Scott William Nutt John Pennington Thomas Turner John Sparrowe John Cressener Henry Glascock Walgrave Pelham Samuell Wiseman John Mead Thomas Abdy Henry Ayloffe Richard Hyde William Mott Nathaniell Rich of Stondon John Little John Edwards Nathan Wright John Fanshaw John Luther Edward Luther of Miles Francis Bradbury Hains Barlee Charles Barlee Nicholas Cursellis Ralph Creffeild senior Nathaniell Lawrence senior Nathaniell Lawrence junior George Gent Henry Pascall Edward Thorowgood John Hopwood John Godbold John Allen John Larkin Sigismond Trafford James Smith of Westham Robert Bragg Christopher Grange Nicholas Martin Samuell Rawstorn Daniell Tanfeild Samuell Clarke Robert Dawgs William Fitch Henry Wright John Mortimer William Minshull John Pepys Esquires George Brampston Doctor of Civill Lawe William Payne Doctor of Divinity Daniell Horsmanden Charles Tyrrell Edmond Hickeringill Clerks Isaac Lutman Samuell Warner Robert Barwell junior Edmond Godwyn Ralph Hawkins Dowcet Taylor John Bennett William Herris Thomas Greene John Jocelyn Jeremiah Richardson John Savill William Boyce John Potter Henry Lamb Thomas Scarlett Nichol John Stileman John Rayner Hope Gifford Charles Wale of Walden Joseph Sparrow John Harrison of Braintree Richard Cowper John Elliott Richard Greene of Tolesbury Nicholas Jekill George Wale of Radwynter Nathaniell Rich of Woodham Waters Thomas Coe John Wiggoner John Rebow Abraham Hedgthorne Benjamin Henshaw Heritage Lenton John Clarke of Tilbury by Clare George Coldham John Nevill John Thoroughood of High Eastern William Raymond Daniell Skretton Joseph Fishpool senior Henry Abbutt junior Nehemiah Lloyd John Hurlock John Witham Thomas Hickeringill Michell Godfrey James Sparrow Samuell Mott senior William Mott junior George Asser Richard Williams Urban Hall James Cocker William Taylor of Southweal William Thompson Thomas Elton junior Gentlemen Robert Williamson Thomas Chambers Cheyne Row John Cummins Ralph Creffeild junior Samuell Reynolds Godfrey Woodward William Moore Edward Husbands John Borrett Daniell Smith of Harwich Erasmus Smith Godfrey Thacker Giles Browne Jasper Kingsman Esquires John Ballett Thomas Velley Roger Woodcock Robert Bate Gentlemen John Harrison Doctor of Physick Philip Betts Robert May Robert Hulson John Reeve Luke Talcott Richard Taylor of Berking John Austen Edward Nurse Thomas Jackson Thomas Edlin Thomas Langley junior John Davis Gentlemen Francis Dashwood Esquire Thomas Cracherode of Cassehall Thomas Littell of Ilford William Walford of Bocking Gentlemen Thomas Bowdler Samuell Killingworth Esquires Jermingham Chaplin Robert Wangford John Wale of Saffron Walden William Holdgate Edward Stubbins Richard Turner of Thaxted William Luckin of Good-Eastern Abraham Willmore Thomas Brereton Richard Berriffe Gentlemen Silvester Chilcott Charles Downing Charles Nowes Esquires John Lethieulier Esquire Samuell Thresher Gentleman John Berisford Francis Cummins Richard Clarke Gentlemen:-

For the Towne of Malden:

The Bayliffs for the time being The Right Honourable Charles Mountague Esquire Chancellor of His Majesties Court of Exchequer and one of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Councill Sir John Brampston Knight of the Bath Steward Sir Eliab Harvey Knight Anthony Brampston Esquire William Kendall Esquire John Pond Samuell Pond John Matthews John Cockerell Thomas Horsnaile William Hickford Thomas Sizer Hugh Browne William Carr Towne-Clerke; [Captaine (fn. 24) ] Peter Robjent Thomas Hutt John Stevens John Brickwood Abell Hawkes James Denshire Ezekiell Finch Thomas Stace Henry May John Strait Thomas Stevens William Coe Thomas Coe junior John Hutt William Foulgier.

For the Towne of Colchester:-

The Mayor and Aldermen for the time being William Mott senior Recorder Sir Isaac Rebow Sir Thomas Cooke Knights William Moore Ralph Creffeild senior John Rayner Nathaniell Lawrence senior Alexander Hindmarsh William Boys John Stillman John Seabrooke John Potter Benjamin Cock John Beacon Nathaniell Lawrence junior John Eldred Isaac Selfe Samuell Reynolds Francis Wheeler Esquires John Harrison Doctor of Physick John Rebow Samuell Mott senior Abraham Hedgthorne John Savill Robert Moore Ralph Creffeild junior Thomas Ruse Charles Richardson Matthew Scrivener Hope Gifford John Freeman Luke Talcott Gentlemen William Shelton Edmond Hickeringill Joseph Powell Clerks Samuell Great Joseph Thurston Henry Lamb Stephen Naggs Thomas Loveny William Mott junior Matthew Ive John Tatem William Francis William Bloise Samuell Anger Gentlemen:-

For the Towne of Harwich:

The Mayor for the time being The Right Honōble Charles Lord [Cheyne (fn. 25) ] of the Kingdome of Scotland Sir Thomas Davall Knight and Recorder Sir Philipp Parker Baronett Sir Thomas Middleton Knight Thomas Langley the elder Mr Robert Seaman Mr Richard Tye. Mr Daniell Smith Mr Simon Sandford Mr Charles Smith Mr Robert Lane Mr Thomas Langley junior Aldermen Mr Philip Deane Mr Henry Cole Mr William Rutland Capitall Burgesses of the said Borough Mr Robert Stephens:-

For the County of Gloucester:

William Lord Viscount Tracy of the Kingdome of Ireland Charles Lord Marquesse of Worcester Sonne and Heire Apparent to the Duke of Beaufort Sir Robert Atkins Knight of the Bath Sir John Powell Knight one of the Barons of His Majesties Court of Exchequer Sir James Rushout Sir Francis Russell Sir William Kyte Sir Richard Onslow Sir John Guise Sir Ralph Dutton Sir Robert Jenkinson Sir John Newton Sir Thomas Littleton Sir Robert Southwell Sir William Forrester Sir Richard Cocks Sir Thomas Stephens Sir Thomas Cann Sir Michaell Hicks Sir Richard Hart [Knights (fn. 26) ] James Thynne Richard Dowdeswell Thymas Foley George Pitt Richard Freeman Barister att Law Charles Dowdeswell John De la-Beer William Lane Esquires John Parsons junior John Carter Thomas Hales William Dewy Thomas Hodges William Hall Gentlemen William Baygott Henry Coxwell David Warren Danvers Hodges Barrister att Law Henry Creswick Nathaniell Stephens Thomas Rawlins Serjeant att Lawe Walter Escourt John Browning Samuell Trotman William Kingscott William Dennis John How George Hanger Thomas Hicks Robert Pleydall Esquires Robert Oatridge John Rogers John Meredith John Dowse William Clutterbooke Gentlemen Thomas Masters Richard Howe Samuell Sheppard Thomas Smith Philip Sheppard Nathaniell Ridler Henry Chivers Thomas Stephens Joshua Aylworth George Bond Maynard Colchester Thomas Pirke John Maddox Walter Yate Reginald Pindar Wainman Wyniatt Walter Nurse George Lloyd James Michell Richard Yate William Trye Thomas Chester Edward Smith Richard Jones William Pancefoot William Wall Thomas Browne John Parkhurst William Winter Samuell Dobbins Miles Beale Samuell Skinner William Cooke Edward Cooke William Guise William Selwin Rowland Wood John Cocks William Hodges Stephen Baldwin Robert Cotherington Edmond Chamberlaine senior Samuell Barker Richard Holford Master in Chancery Richard Haines John Stafford Samuell Codrington John Nelm Thomas Trigg Nathaniell Pirke William Blathwaite Richard Deighton Samuell Halings Henry Collet Barister att Lawe Edward Fust William Dodwell John Marriott Edward Foyle John Browne Thomas Stephens of Sodbury Edward Stephens of the same Henry Cope Esquires John Smith Christopher Cole Charles Wind William Wilson Richard Hawkesworth Edward Webb Thomas Dawes Edward Stephens junior Thomas Freke Henry Greeneway Philip Sheppard junior Nicholas Veal Francis Woodward William Player Charles Hart William Browne Doctor Kimberly Charles Handcock William Taylor Mayor of Gloucester Thomas Wall George Hurdman William Tranckcombe Thomas Walter Henry Weare William Browne Thomas Edwards George Webb John Jacob John Bromwick William Whittington William Lawrence Thomas Bubb Thomas Rounge John Jefferyes William Probin Edward Machin Gentlemen Robert Dormer of Lincolnes Inn John Bridgman John Langley Pawlett Barrow Eustace Hardwick Henry Poole John Selwin John Guise William Sandys Edmond Brey of Barrington Charles Cocks Barrister att Law William Rogers Barister at Lawe Kennard De-la-Bere Thomas Warner William Brigstocke Esquires William James Thomas Stephens junior John Bromwich John Jones of South Corny Thomas Davis of the Bourne John Mayhoe John Arundell Giles Nash senior William Bradley Giles Venveild William Kyte Thomas Snell John Hyett Gentlemen Henry Collett Lawrence Mace and George Townesend:-

For the City of Gloucester:

William Taylor Mayor Sir John Guise William Cooke Esquire Aldermen William Trye Esquire Alderman Hodges Alderman Browne Alderman Paine Alderman Evings Alderman Scudamore Alderman Hyett Alderman Longden Alderman Wilcox Alderman Rodway Doctor Richard Wintle John Cocks William Guise Esquires Thomas Snell Captaine Lloyd Nicholas Webb Thomas Webb Mercer Thomas Powell Henry Futter William Brigstock [Esquires (fn. 27) ]:-

For the County of Hereford

The Right Honourable Thomas Lord Coningsby of the Kingdome of Ireland John Lord Viscount Scudamore of Sligo of the same Kingdome The Honourable Chambre Brabazon Esquire Sir William Gregory Knight one of the Justices of his Majesties Court of Kings Bench Sir William Williams Sir Herbert Croft Sir John Hoskins Baronetts Sir Edward Harley Knight of the Bath Sir Francis Winnington Sir John Williams Knights William Fiennes Paul Foley Robert Harley John Dutton-Colt Robert Price James Morgan John Arnold John Scudamore of Kentchurch Thomas Cornwall of Stepleton Esquires Thomas Geers Serjeant att Law Richard Reed senior Richard Reed junior Herbert Westfaling Thomas Cocks Edward Cornwall Thomas Foley of Whitley senior Thomas Foley of Stoak John How Henry Cornwall Samuell Pitt John Booth of Letton Ferdinando Gorges Edward Littleton Charles Baldwin Robert Dobbins William Lamb Marshall Bridges William Dantsey senior William Dantsey junior Herbert Aubrey Robert Chaplin Ambrose Scudamore Younger Cooke Robert Minors Thomas Penoyer of the Moore William Wintour Robert Unett John Nurse Richard Barnaby Thomas Howarth Robert Payne Thomas Delahay Richard Skipp William Guillim of Langston senior, William Guillim of Langston junior Francis Baskervile Thomas Wigmore John Kyrle Samuell Birch John Salwey John Goodyer Thomas Harley Henry Gorges James Woodhouse John Walsham Edward Harley Thomas Duppa James Wellington Giles Bridges Henry Wigmore William Wall John Abrahall of Ingeston Robert Cutler Anthony Biddolph Thomas Rawlins Thomas Guillim of Whitchurch John Birch Bridstock Hartford junior William Plydall Thomas Tompkins Humphrey Mayo Edward Rodd John Hereford of Suffon John Holmes Henry Bull of Dunfeild Esquires. Silvanus Vaughan John Scudamore of Langarcan Roger Scudamore of Trecella John Carver of Upton Rowland Baugh John Long John Trist Francis Geers Thomas Alderne of Monington John Hoskins of Ponithon William Bridges of Collwall James Westfalling Thomas Marret John Wellington John Whittington Henry Jones Thomas Owen of Little Brampton Thomas Carpenter of Tillington Essex Sherbourne Francis Woodhouse John Fletcher John Kidley of Fownhope junior John Hereford of Homlacy James Clarke James Wallwin Daniell Kerry Thomas Leigh of Hill John Smith of Holmer Alban Thomas Francis Fosbrooke Humphrey Thomas Thomas Berington of Brickhouse John Shepherd James Collins of Eaton-hill Gentlemen Edmond Lechmore Esquire John Noble:-

For the City of Hereford:-

The Mayor for the time being The Right Honourable John Lord Viscount Scudamore of the Kingdome of Ireland Sir William Gregory Knight one of the Justices of the Court of Kings-Bench Paul Foley Henry Cornwall Herbert Westfaling James Wellington Esquires Robert Symonds Thomas Paynard Abraham Seward Thomas Matthewes Richard Wadely Aldermen John Morse Thomas Church Richard Poole Thomas Clarke senior Thomas Clarke junior Henry Smith Edward Rodd John Williams senior John Williams junior James Price John Abrahall Richard Gower Edmond Weaver Theophilus Alye John Smith Thomas Alderne William Greene Benjamin Hill John Hill Thomas Rodd James Westfaling Richard Philpotts Abel Isham Gentlemen:-

For the Borough of Lemster:

The Bayliff Justices and Recorder for the time being The Right Honourable Thomas Lord Coningsby of the Kingdome of Ireland John Dutton Colt Esquire John Thompkins John Jay [John Walton Thomas Harris John Williams James (fn. 28) ] Caswald senior Thomas Manings Thomas Price Towne-Clerke Richard Powell John Powell Richard Jones John Jennings Henry Browne Jonathan Davis Isaac Tompkins Richard Hodges Gentlemen

For the County of Hertford:

The Honourable Robert Cecill Esquire Sir Samuell Grimston Sir John Garrard Sir Richard Franklyn Sir John Austen Sir William Cowper Sir Robert Jocelin Sir William Leman Sir Thomas Pope Blount Sir Thomas Brograve Sir Jonathan Keate Sir Richard Anderson Sir Edmond Anderson Sir James Read Sir Benjamin Mattox Sir Edwin Sadler Sir Peter Soame Baronetts Sir Humphrey Gore Sir Ralph Ratcliffe Sir Thomas Bide Sir William Lytton Sir John Bucknall Sir Francis Leigh Sir Robert Masham Sir Thomas Rolt Sir Henry Chauncy Sir Edward Turner Knights George Churchill Silas Titus Charles Cesar Henry Guy Robert Austen Thomas Pope Blount William Gore Henry Gore Ralph Freeman senior Ralph Freeman junior William Cowper Thomas Halsey Robert Elwes John Plummer Edward Chester William Harvey George Munson Jeremiah Hales Francis Flyer Thomas Preistly Thomas Drax Henry Killigrew Seymour Tredenham Israell Mayo Edward Brisco senior Edward Brisco junior William Brisco Gilbert Hoo-Keat Thomas Aram George Hadley James Witteronge James Stedman John Charleton William Emmerton Thomas Emmerton Ralph Skinner-Bide William Bacon Robert Chester John Cockayne John Harrison Mountague Drake William Mounson James Willmott Robert Markham William Preistley James Forrester James Goulston William Allen Thomas Pask John Weatherhead Samuell Robbinson Thomas Stone Roger Conesby Marmaduke Rawden Thomas Arris Robert Robotham John Gape senior John Gape junior Henry Child Richard Helder John Spencer Goodwyn Barrington Joseph Marsh George Nodes Ralph Wingate Thomas Bird of Mattocks John Duncombe Daniell Sheldon Edward Saires Strange Jocelin Edward Seymour Thomas Bownest Thomas Newland Alexander Weld Thomas Winford Anthony Farrington Serjeant att Law Philip Mitchell William Calvert Felix Calvert junior Humphrey Hall John Yardly Doctor in Physick Edward Ratcliffe Charles Ferrars Peire Williams John Roberts Marmaduke Allington William Martyn of Watford James. Bennett William Lake of Wilston John Leman George White Francis King William Jarman George Nodes junior Joshua Lomax [Thomas Lomax (fn. 28) ] Richard Wooleston Leonard Hancock Matthew Bluck Thomas Nicholls of Bushy Thomas How Eignon Bynon John Poyner Newdigate Poyner John Coppyn William Cotton Anthony Biddulph Nicholas Turner John Richardson John Woodhouse Batchelor in Physick Edmond Smith William Greenhill Godman Jenkins John Naseby Thomas Halfepenny John Nicholls of Pricklers-hill John Nichols of Aldenham Henry Kingsly Richard Hasell Esquires William Wright Robert Bird Daniell Nicholls John Dimsdell Francis Cole Edward Heines Thomas Fish Charles Rayner Richard Rayner John Horne senior Thomas Crouch Gentlemen The Mayors of Hertford and Saint Albans for the time being:-

For the Borough of St. Albans:-

The Mayor Recorder and Aldermen for the time being Sir Samuell Grimston Baronett George Churchill Henry Killegrew Thomas Arris John Gape junior Robert Robotham James Bennett Esquires

For the County of Huntingdon:-

The Right Honourable Charles Mountague Esquire Chancellor of the Exchequer and one of his Majesties most Honourable Privy Councill The Honourable Sidney Wortley alias Mountague Esquire The Honourable Richard Mountague Esquire Arthur Jocelin Esquire High Sheriffe of the said County Sir John Cotton Sir John Conyers Sir Robert Bernard Sir Robert Jenkinson Baronetts Sir Lionell Walden Knight John Proby John Dryden Silas Titus Robert Appreece William Pierpoint Charles Duncombe Arthur Turner Charles Cesar senior John Bigg Anthony Hamond William Naylor James Tockington John Ferrar John Pocklington Robert Pulleyn Philip Storey Charles Cesar junior Robert Throckmorton Edward Pickering John Pedley Henry Ashley Smith of Hammerton Robert Williams Cornwallis Francis Harby Richard Dyer Charles Shepherd Esquires John Ferrar John Browneing William Drury John Hanger Richard Wind Robert Clarke John Ashcrofts Richard Hatley James Wright Thomas Wright Edward Mason Marke Newman Thomas Gilbert John Bellamy Edward Checkly William Love Lawrence Blott John Pulter William Sparrowe Roger Peck Jonathan Read Gilbert Tann William Wye Robert Sewster John Mason Simon Mason Thomas Mayle Robert Vinter Lawrence Thompson Robert Thompson Richard Carter Edward Hanger Thomas Burge Thomas Beet Simon Elliott John Johnson Edward Mason John Howell Gentlemen:-

For the Towne of Huntingdon:

The Mayor for the time being The Honourable Sidney Wortley alias Mountague Esquire The Honourable Richard Mountague Esquire Sir Lionell Walden Knight John Bigg John Pocklington Esquires Richard Astrey Thomas Sawyer Joseph Darlow George Merritt William Dowse Thomas Harris Edward Audley Phillip Soper Gentlemen:-

For the County of Kent:-

Thomas Lord Fairfax Baron of Cameroon of the Kingdome of Scotland The Honourable Peregrine Bertie Esquire Sir William Twisden Sir Charles Sidley of Southfleete Sir Thomas Roberts Sir Charles Sidley of Saint Cleare Sir Henry Palmer Sir George Rivers Sir Thomas Culpeper Sir John Knatchbull Sir Phillip Boteler Sir Thomas Stiles Sir Stephen Leonard Sir Bazill Dixwell Sir John Rayny Sir William Honywood Sir Thomas Hales Sir Humphrey Miller Sir George Peirce Sir John Banks Sir Nathaniell Powell Sir John Austen Sir Thomas Taylor Sir Thomas Selyard Sir James Oxenden Knight and Baronett Sir John Fagg Sir Robert Filmore Sir John Shaw Sir Roger Twisden Sir Francis Lawley Sir George Choute Sir John Mordant Sir John Lethieulier Sir Jacob Astley Sir Francis Head Sir William Cooper Sir Edward Bettison Sir Michaell Biddolph Sir William Thomas Baronetts Sir Francis Leigh Sir William Pritchard Sir George Curtis Sir Charles Bickerstaffe Sir Henry Bosvill Sir Nicholas Crispe Sir Robert Faunce Sir Nicholas Tooke Sir Thomas Culpeper Sir Robert Marsham Sir Joseph Williamson Sir William Langhorne Sir William Hooker Sir Purbecke Temple Sir Algernoon May Sir Edwin Steed Sir George Rooke Sir Edward Gregory Knights Colonell Smith Lieutenant of Dover Castle Christopher Vane Edward Roper Edward Hales Thomas Knatchbull William [Watton (fn. 29) ] Charles Amherst Thomas Rider William Campion Caleb Banks John Leech Robert Lewkner Gideon De-Laune George Harlackenden Richard Bowwater William Bockenham William Boys of Hawkhurst William Henden Christopher Waters John Bennett John Mottle Robert Austen Robert Crawford James Masters of Langden John Tayler Herbert Randolph John Boys John Crump William Hammond James Chadwick William Kingsley Christopher Mills William Turner Samuell Short William Brockman of Bitchborough William Brockman of Cheriton Thomas Moyle Thomas Papillon Francis Bathurst William De-Laune James Bunce George Petty William Selby George Polhill John Hyde John Michell Peter De-Lanoy William Aldworth Edward Wyvell John Perry Major Gibbon John Cooke Robert Gibbon Thomas Osborne James Herbert Ralph Buffkin Bowyer Hendley John Brewer William Broadnax Ralph Sanderson John Packer Thomas Dallison Edward Gulston William Cage William Sanderson Reynold Parkham William Honywood of Elham John Wilkinson Richard Godden Andrew Brewer Bartholomew Beal William Ash Thomas Lake Thomas Manley John Adye William Fleetewood William Simmonds William Allin John Cony Edward Cary Heneage Deereing John Chaplin Edward Crayford Walter Hooper of Stockbury John Kenard Edmond Fowler Mountague Drake George Sawyers William Huggessen Leonard Diggs Thomas Gomeldon Gerrard Gore Nicholas Cooke George Elcock Henry Oxenden Napleton of Thanett Henry Hawley Richard Oxenden Herbert Palmer Wortley Whorwood Henry Lee James Codd Robert Heath John Evelyn Edward Austen William Lambard William Wilkinson Thomas Lambard Philipp Bartholomew George Gifford William Bathurst Francis Farnaby Ralph Petley John Buggens John Brett-Fisher Robert Austen junior Alexander Culpeper Thomas Kerrill Percivall Hart Robert Honywood Richard Trevor Robert Britton John Linch Edward Brent Edward King Edward Grace Francis Barrill Thomas Gifford John Cason Robert Beake George Curteis James Fortry John Thurbarne Serjeant att Law Doctor Thomas Taylor Captaine Pettet of Thanett John Courthope Thomas Blisse Nordish Ran Christopher Sherman Abraham Harrison Arnold King Ellis Cunliffe Robert Plott Philipp Papillon William Henman Francis Waterman George Scott( (fn. 30) ) Charles Bargrave William Courthope Samuell Plummer William White John Crispe Roger Paine Thomas Napleton Edward Nutt Henry Marsh Thomas Brewer Thomas Washer Robert Michell Jeffery Boys Samuell Shaw Thomas Selyard Christopher Allison Edward [Manwarings (fn. 31) ] Edward Bettison Edward Tooke William Randolph John Culpeper Charles Kendrick Thomas Marsh Thomas Meredith Humphrey Stiles Richard Hulse Edward Manley Benjamin Godfrey John Bond William Turner Barnham Powell William James John Tomlin Christopher Mason Esquires Doctor William Deeds Thomas Nower of Ashford William Buggen Edward Boys of Wilborough Captaine Waters Henry Deeds Thomas Turner John Knowler of Ospringe The Mayor of Rochester and Maidstone for the time being Doctor Hatley Benjamin Hatley John Bloome Charles Fagg Robert Saunders Thomas Fagg George Withwick Thomas Brett William Brett John Aldersey Gentlemen The Jurates of Maidstone being Justices of the Peace Thomas Morris John Coppin of Deal William Dixon John Smith John Barron James Masters William Spencer Captaine Courthope George Etkins Thomas Cooke of Bobbin William Tindall Richard Symonds Francis Wheeler Brooke Bridges Charles Cesar Henry Parker Esquires The Mayor of Gravesend for the time being Christopher Waters William Culpeper John Christmas Thomas Chiffinch Francis Brookes Francis Skegg George [Cater (fn. 32) ] Gentlemen John Chapman Barnard Ellis Robert Cony Fettebrace Nott John Ball of Queeks in Thanett Robert Lee Baldwin Duppa Jeremy Gregory Sampson Bourne Esquires William Watson John Watson John Smith of Lee John Skinner Thomas Weller William Bosyill Garrett Gallant Francis Finch William Weaver Richard Elay George Peirce Robert Salmond Samuell Wood William Reader John Bryan George Charleton William Woodyer Robert Holden of Hawkridge Luke Spencer Thomas Plummer Thomas Laniere Felix Cadwell Peter Short Abraham Spooner Gentlemen The Bailiffe of Romney Marsh for the time being The Mayor of Queenborough and Justices of the Peace for the time being Jeffery Amhurst of Riverhead William Draper William Emerton Esquires Nicholas Smith junior Gilbert Knowler of Herne William Yates of Gravesend Gentlemen:-

For the City and County of the City of Canterbury:-

John Brickenden Esquire Mayor Herbert Randolph Esquire Recorder Sir William Honywood Baronett Henry Lee John Cason Edward Nutt Jeffery Boys William Turner William Courthope Esquires Thomas [Taylor (fn. 33) ] Doctor of Lawe Robert Cony John Clarke Doctors [in (fn. 34) ] Phisick William Watson Gentleman Thomas Fidge Thomas Knowler Nicholas Nicholson Thomas Dunkin William Gilbert John Guarling Squire Beverton Henry Gibbs Francis Jeffery Henry Waddell John Brane Matthias Grey Aldermen Captaine Samuell Brane Captaine John Browning

For the Towne and Port of Dover:

The Mayor and Jurates for the time being Thomas Papillon James Chadwick Esquires Sir Abraham Jacob Fredericke de Vinck John Matson Philipp Yorke Robert Jacob Abraham Stock Thomas Raworth Nathaniell Denew Gentlemen Thomas Bedingfeild Towne-Clerke:-

For the Towne and Port of Sandwich:-

The Mayor and Jurates for the time being John Thurbarne Serjeant att Lawe Edward Brent Esquire Richard Hawker Towne-Clerke:-

For the Towne and Port of New Romney:

The Mayor for the time being John Maschall the Elder Peter Marten Richard Baker John Chaulker John Norman William Finch Jurates

For the Towne and Port of: Hythe:

The Mayor for the time being Sir Phillipp Boteler Baronett William Brockman Esquire Captaine Robinson Bean William Browne Henry Deeds Elias Bassett William Chitenden William Stoaks Thomas Tournay:-

For the Towne of Lydd:

The Bailiff for the time being Mr Humphry Lee the Elder Captaine William Batchelour [Mr Nicholas Dyne Mr William Edmunds (fn. 35) ] Mr William Wyng Mr Henry Deeds:

For the Towne of Feversham:

The Mayor for the time being Charles Kendrick Thomas Napleton Esquires Thomas Knowles Richard Marsh Francis Waterman Joseph Edwards Gentlemen

For the Towne of Tenterden:

The Mayor for the time being Sir George Choute Baronett Robert Austen Robert Austen junior Esquires Robert Withwick James Skeats William Blackamore William Curteis John Mantle Thomas Sharpe John Whitfeild William Fynch of New Romney Doctor John Clarke Peter Shorte Edward Short Thomas Short James Whitfield Gentlemen:-

For the Towne of Fordwich:-

The Mayor for the time being Samuell Short Esquire:-

For the Towne of Folkeston:-

The Mayor for the time being Sir Bazill Dixwell Baronett William Brockman Esquire William Brockman Gentleman William Jenkin Thomas Fagg Thomas Jenkin Robert Hamon Gibbon Ladd Benjamin Masters John Jordan Thomas Nicholls Ruck Jurates:-

For the County Palatine of Lancaster:-

The Honourable James Standley The Honourable Fitton Gerrard The Honourable George Cholmondley Sir Charles Houghton Sir Edmond Ashton Sir Thomas Standley Sir Ralph Ashton Sir Robert Duckenfeild Sir Henry Ashhurst Sir William Penington Baronetts Sir Edward Chisnall Sir Daniell Fleming Sir Edward Mosely Sir Christopher Greenfield Knights Thomas Norris James Holt Roger Kirkby Thomas Preston Edward Fleetewood William Farrington Alexander Rigby Lawrence Rawstorn Henry Hilton Thomas Braddill James Lightbonne John Entwisle Christopher Parker Thomas Dodd Thomas Ashhurst James Duckenfeild John Hopwood Joshua Horton Joseph Yates Edward Rigby Thomas Rigby Peter Shakerley Roger Kenyon Francis Lynley Peter Egerton William Hulme John Braddill William Kirkby John Hayes Roger Moore Edward Wilson Miles Sandys John Fenwick Thomas Sherson Benjamin Houghton John Hodshon Robert Mowdsley Ralph Livesey Thomas Brotherton Samuell Legay Richard Percivall Nicholas Starkey Thomas Lever Richard Entwisle [Bertie Entwisle (fn. 36) ] Richard Fleetewood Robert Hyde of Denton John Ashton John Byrome Thomas Patten Thomas Serjieant of Pilkington Richard Longworth Jonathan Blackbourne Alexander Rigby Henry Greenhalgh John Crispe Nicholas Rigby Esquires Thomas Winckley Richard Percivall of Manchester Gentlemen Edward Herle Roger Fleming William Fleming Barnaby Hesketh Thomas Rigby Oswald Moseley John Veale Henry Rigley Joseph Gregg William Magull William Patton Ralph Egerton Alexander Ratcliffe Edward Bootle Peter Ormerod Thomas Ruston Ambrose Barecrofte Nicholas Cunliffe Thomas Bradshaw Samuell Crooke of Copwell John Starkey Thomas Willis Thomas Roughley Thomas Crofts Edward Parker Samuell Hilton, Edmond Hornby Thomas Foster Thomas Smith Thomas Fife William Slater William Lawde John Latus William Leigh John Johnson Thomas Goulbourne William Molyneux Matthew Abraham Jeremiah [Smeshurst (fn. 37) ] George Darbisheire George Goulbourne Thomas Patton of Warrington William Johnson George Cheatham of Cheatham Samuell Finney of Cheatham Thomas Cooke William Jones Samuell Hamer Matthew Hallowes James Ashton Andrew Dandy Thomas Abraham Doctor in Physick John Clayton Thomas Clayton William Ashton John Sorocold Thomas Launders George Sorocold Robert Molyneux Robert Carter Robert Roper John Nuttall Thomas Grantham William Hutton Josiah Herd John Widdows John Wilme Thomas Catterall John Goulbourne Thomas Haywood Robert Hatiwell Richard Holland Richard Dickinson John Palson Thomas Walley James Norcrofte Miles Whitaker Thomas Sudell William Crofts Edward Parr of Eccleston Edward Ball William Simpson Thomas Simpson Thomas Goulbourne senior James Foulds Alexander Hesketh Charles Davenport John Case Thomas Johnson junior Gentlemen Dr Charles Leigh William Hayhurst Nicholas Rigby Edward Holt junior Richard Percivall of Royden Samuell Hallowes Edm: Ogden Benjamin Fletcher Gent: The Mayor Aldermen and Bailiffs of Lancaster for the time being Charles Rigby Esquires John Tarleton Tho. Medcalfe Gent. Nathan Abraham John Leech John Croxton George Goulbourne Thomas Mather Gent: The Mayor Aldermen and Bailiffs of the Borough of Preston for the time being Sir Christopher Greenefield Knight John Ferrers Esquire Daniell Chaddock Tho: Greenfeild Roger Sudell senior William Brennand Will: Shaw John Franks Gent. The Mayor Recorder Aldermen and Bailiffs for the Borough of Wiggan for the time being Edward Herle Esquire The Stewards of the Borough of Newton for the time being George Leigh Leigh Bowden The Bailiffs and Recorder for the Borough of Clitheroe for the time being Arthur Ashton Robert Sclater Edmond Robinson John Webster William Oddy Jasper Maudit Esquires William Williamson Alderman Thomas Johnson senior John Pemberton senior Peter Atherton John Molineux William Preeson John Sandiford Gent. John Ashton Esquire:

For the County of Leicester:

The Marquess of Hartington Sonne and Heire Apparent to the Duke of Devonsheire John Lord Rosse Sonne and Heire Apparent to the Earle of Rutland Thomas Lord Beaumont of the Kingdome of Ireland Bennett Lord Sherrard of the Kingdome of Ireland The Right Honourable Lord William Pawlett Second Sonne to the Duke of Bolton The Honourable John Noell Esquire The Honourable Robert Shirley Esquire The Honourable Heneage Finch Esquire Sir Will. Villers Sir Thomas Mackworth Sir Thomas Heselrig Sir Justinian Isham Sir George Beaumont Sir Will Halford Sir Wolston Dixy Sir Edward Hudson Sir Edward Smith Sir John Noell Sir William Ellis Sir Richard Newdigate Sir Robert Dashwood Sir Scroope How Baronetts Sir William Rawlinson Sir Edward Abney Sir Edward Wigley Sir Ambrose Phillips Sir William Yorke Knights John Verney Thomas Boothby Richard Lister senior John D' la Fountaine George Hewit Robert Heselrig senior Saint John Bennett Charles Morris George Pochin Thomas Pochin Joseph Pochin William Streete Roger Row Roger Smith William Cole William Bird of Cleybrooke Matthew Johnson Clerke of the [Parliaments (fn. 38) ] George Ashby John Wilson Henry Gilbert Robert Heselrig junior William Jesson Thomas Babbington William Hartop Edward Hudson Henry Turner Gilbert Pickering James Winstanley Edward Smith Samuell Shallcrosse Richard Brudenell Charles Duncombe Rowland Browne Edward Conyers Archdale Palmer John Mitton Edward Needham Thomas Lewis Stanhope Whaley Nathan Wright William Boothby John Bennett James Halsall Thomas Hayes Charles Jennings Richard Lister junior Henry Heningham Thomas Hartop William Ashby Thomas Skefington-Brome Jeffery Palmer John Thornhagh Thomas Coldecoate Thomas Wilson Dounall Dove Henry Hastings Christopher Pack William Faunt John Wilkins Henry Kendall William Woolaston William Whaley John Major John Oneby James Armeston Thomas Charnalls Michaell Wrightson Gentlemen Francis Mundy Thomas Abney Gent. William Rawkins John Steel Samuell Cotton William Frank Thomas Noble Gentlemen Richard Broadgate Lawrence Carter Stephen Hervey William Benbridge William Herricke William Belgrave senior William Jervis Matthew Symonds Esquires Richard Walker Leonard Vow Thomas Truman Everard Goodman Tirringham Stephens Gentlemen William Atkins Esquire John Coles Robert Freeman Thomas Andrews William Billers William Clarke of Gilmorton Thomas Woodcock of Keyham John Watts John Hood Richard Watts Gentlemen Richard Cheslyn Ambrose Philipps Esq[uire] Charles Farnham William Busby William Marshall Thomas Sanderson Jervas Bradgate William Ruding George Chisledine William Rice Thomas Leving of Sheepie John Pochin Andrew Hull Gentlemen Danvers Hodges John Hurst of Hollwell:-

For the Borough of Leicester:

Thomas Palmer Esquire Mayor of the Borough of Leycester Nathan Wright Serjeant att Law William Frank John Major and Matthew Symonds Esquires William Southwell Phillipp Abney John Goodhall Thomas Ludlam John Roberts George Bent William Bentley Joseph Cradock John Cracroft Samuell Woodland William Billers Thomas Palmer junior John Watts John Wilkins John Bent William Sheeres Edmond Johnson John Norrice Edmond Cradock Thomas Lawrence William Orton and John Abney Gentlemen Sir Edward Abney Knight and Lawrence Carter Esquire:-

For the County of Lincolne and City of Lincolne and for the County of the said City:

The Right Honourable William Lord Pawlett Second Sonne to the Duke of Bolton The Right Honourable George Lord Viscount Castleton of the Kingdome of Ireland Lord Fitz. Williams of the Kingdome of Ireland Bennett Lord Sherrard of the Kingdome of Ireland The Honourable Peregrine Bertie the Elder The Honourable Charles Bertie senior The Honourable Peregrine Bertie junior The Honourable Phillipp Bertie The Honourable James Bertie The Honourable Thomas Sanderson The Honourable James Sanderson Craven Howard The Honourable William Montague Sir Henry Munson Sir Thomas Hussey Sir John Brownlow Sir John Moreton Sir Charles Orby Sir John Tirwhitt Sir John Bolles Sir George Markham Sir John Thorold Sir John Newton Sir Willoughby Hickman Sir Richard Earle Sir William Massingbird Sir Thomas Trollopp Sir William Ellis Sir Richard Cust Sir Edward Hussey Sir William Buck Sir John Olfeild Sir Walter Clarges Sir Thomas Barnardiston Sir John Sherrard Sir Thomas Skipwith Baronetts Sir Edward Farmer Sir Robert Barkham Sir Thomas Meers Sir Edward Aiscough Sir William Yorke Sir Edmond Turner Sir Thomas Rolt Sir Michaell Wharton Sir John Thompson Sir Thomas Travell Sir Pury Cust High Sheriffe Knights Charles [Dymock (fn. 39) ] Dimmock Champion Lewis Dimmock William Marwood Thomas Broughton Thomas Lister Robert Riley Noah Neal Esquires Edward Paine William Welby William Hide Anthony Palmer Christopher Hales The Mayor Recorder Aldermen and Sheriffes of the City of Lincolne: For the Corporac[i]on of Grimsby the Mayor Aldermen and Recorder: For the Corporac[i]on of Boston the Mayor Aldermen and Recorder: For the Corporac[i]on of Stamford the Mayor Aldermen and Recorder: For the Corporac[i]on of Grantham the Alderman of Grantham William Haskard John Robinson Edward Coddington Simon Grant Robert Cole Thomas Cole William Clarke Thomas Crichloe Nathaniell Garthwaite Edward Levesley Joseph Fiddle Edward Hawood of Gosberton John Newton Charles Newcomen Nicholas Newcomen Thomas [Johnson (fn. 40) ] John Thorney Richard White Henry Moutray Ralph Rugeley Anthoney Wingfeild Charles Halford Peregrine Bertie of Gedney Esquire The Warden of Louth William Yorke Montague Cholmly William Brownlow Richard Winch Stephen Rothwell William Trollopp John Goodrick Samuell Ludington Esquires John Micklethwaite senior John Micklethwaite junior John Bolt John Wood Samuell Hutchinson Thomas Tress Peter Bird Benjamin King Gilbert Bury Thomas Bury Cypryan Thornton Edward Tourney senior Edward Tourney junior David Feild Esquires William Chapman John Chaplin Christopher Berisford Thomas Hall Vincent Grantham [Francis Grantham (fn. 40) ] George Witchcott Bryan Nevill Robert Cawderon Thomas Cowley John Harvey Esquires Matthew Lister The Deane and Chapter of Lincolne George Fairfax Thomas Young William Thompson of Rexholm John Hussey Robert Rider senior Dimmock Walpoole John Fisher John Bishopp Richard Torkley John Pindar George Knight Christopher Palmer Sigismond Trafford Francis Purley Serjeant att Law Benjamin Smith Peter Short Robert Archer Esquires Richard Cuthbert George Newcomen Gentlemen Charles Fox Rawston Hart Charles Bates John Tollar George Langton senior George Langton junior Charles Hutton Robert Fisher Francis Anderson Edmond Anderson Esquires Thomas Aiscough Gent. William Wilson Thomas Markwell Samuell Barker Richard Rodes Thomas Abbott Gentlemen John Ely Edwin Anderson John How James Ashton John Towne George Smith Johnson of Witham Henry Jenkinson Thomas Pownall Reuben Parke Esquires William Ambler Richard Borneford Richard Nelthorpe William Wallett Martin Johnson Robert Tirwhitt Esquires Peter Mapletoft John Emmerson Thomas Harness John Butler Gentlemen Daniell Delyne Robert Sanders Adam Bland John Thorold Thomas Collison Isaac Newton Thomas Tigh Thomas Williamson John Burton William Bonner Gentlemen William Cotton John Appleyard Francis Aiscough of Home Castle Thomas Weberly John Key William Taylor of Heckington Lewis Hurst William Tomlins of Riby Anthony Burton Humphrey Hide Anthony Thompson of Coleby Henry Lamb Henry Thorold John Lylly Benjamin Cuthbert William Stafford John Quincey John Garland Gentlemen Charles Fitz-Williams Siracke Wealehead Robert Jenkinson Thomas Billcliffe junior Charles Beaty Thomas Hardy William Osgoodby Thomas Moore Esquires Edmond Inkersall Edmond Dickinson William Greene of Long Sutton John Aiscough Martin Browne Henry Newstead William Marshall John Nieve Charles Newcomen Gentlemen Doctor Fullwood of Stamford John Evans William Long of Barton Gent. William Thornton Esquire Francis Fane Ralph Maddinson Esquires Patricke Shore Thomas Pooles Robert Harris Francis Hervey of Lincolne Edward Browne of Quadring Henry Caywood Maurice Johnson Edward Austin Eusebius Morton Edward Wilby Christopher Spooner John Bryan Thory Todd William Duncomb Jonathan Gaule John Thornley Gentlemen Henry Pell Beanell Wimberly Esquires Alan Knipe Christopher Hilliard Dimmock of Markett Rason John Burslem William Jay [William (fn. 40) ] Dillimeare Henry Andrews of Osgarby George Jollands Humphrey Walcott of Walcott Gentlemen John Browne Esquire William Willby Robert Jenkinson junior Henry Bolton Robert Hodson Robert Caldecutt William [Stevenson (fn. 41) ] Peter Hancocke Nelthorpe of Little Grimsby Doctor Richier Anthony Lucas Charles Dimmock of Sosthorpe William Monson George Monson Edward Monson Richard Winne Esquires William Kirke Francis Manby Sibthorpe senior Sibthorpe junior Isaac Tully William Stanford [Phillipp Stanford (fn. 42) ] Edward Wallis George Clayton William Fortrey John Weyman Samuell Cooper Stephen Bridge Gentlemen William Abell Esquire William Stow senior Richard Milnes Henry Thorold Gentlemen.

For the City of London:

The Lord Mayor and Aldermen for the time being Sir Salathiell Lovell Knight Recorder Sir John Sweeteaple Sir William Cole Sheriffs Sir Edward Ward Knight His Majesties Attorney Generall Sir Thomas Trevor Knight His Majesties Solicitor Generall The Honourable Charles Mountague The ( (fn. 43) ) Honourable Edward Russell Esquires Sir Samuell Barnardiston Sir John Mordent Sir Benjamin Ayloffe Sir Henry Ashhurst Sir Nicholas Crispe Sir Thomas Pope Blount Sir Robert Rich Sir Scroope How Sir William Lemmon Sir William Williams Sir William Cooper Baronetts Sir Thomas Clarges Sir Thomas Vernon Sir James Smith Sir Benjamin Newl and Sir Matthew Andrews Sir William Russell Sir John Lethieulier Sir Robert Adams Sir Jeremiah Sambrooke Sir Thomas Rawlinson Sir Thomas Littleton Sir Robert Southwell Sir Thomas Saint George Sir Richard Raynes Sir Charles Hedges Sir Bazill Firebrace Sir Gabriell Roberts Sir Joseph Herne Sir Richard Haddock Sir Stephen Evance Sir John Foche Sir Peter Paravacine Sir John Cope Sir Thomas Davall Sir William Wogan Sir Rowland Aynsworth Knights Sir Leonard Robinson Chamberlaine Sir John Iles Sir Henry Furnace Sir William Scawen Knights Robert. Harley Thomas Papillon John Morris Thomas Frederick Esquires Doctor Henry Newton Chancellor of London John Perry Thomas Western John Conyers William Stronge Esquires William Champion Nathaniell Hawes Nicholas C[h (fn. 42) ]arleton William Hooker Jeoffery Jefferyes John Jefferyes Charles Chamberlaine Richard Alie John Nicholls Arthur Baron Charles Duncomb Daniell Sheldon Anthony Sturt Thomas Hall Edward Clarke Foot Onslow Francis Perry Charles Sergison Daniell Liddall John Hill Samuell Pett Thomas Goddard William Ivatt Nathaniell Horneby Robert Boddington Francis Gosfright Thomas Ryder Esquires Henry Hunter William Fazakerle'y John West Godfrey Woodward Thomas Crane William Carpenter William Lewen William Gunn Humphrey [Stroud (fn. 42) ] Robert Braburne George Cole James Clement Edmond Prideaux Lieutenant Collonell Pearce Thomas Phelpe Henry Crispe Richard Bristowe Samuell Trotman William Robinson Thomas Firmin Thomas Colson Gregory King Henry Dethicke Doctor George Oxenden Samuell Shepard George Bearcrofte John Blake William Edwards John Chancy John Mould Joseph Martin George Boone Wadham Windham Samuell Sommerford Peter Floyer Thomas Gardner George Gooday Peter Joy William Pellett William Withers Thomas Blackmore Percivall Gilbourne Nicholas Chaplin John Knapp William Faulkner John Genew Francis Chamberlaine William Woodroffe John Midgeley James Oades George Newland Thomas Langham Daniell Allen William Jarrett Francis Dashwood John Freeman Arthur Staveley Richard Cradock Gerard Conyers Samuell Clarke John Morrice Isaac Houblon Richard Acton Herbert Aylwyn Thomas Jeme Richard Yerbery Thomas Tokefeild Thomas Samford John Johnson Peter Pickering Richard Hoare Nicholas Alexander Robert Beddingfeild James Smith Rupert Browne James Woods James Fowles James Eaton Joseph Horneby Richard Nickolls Robert Raworth Francis Brerewood Richard Goodall Thomas Salter Samuell Ongleby Nicholas Collett Richard Edmondson George Peck Charles Ball Richard Wynne Peter Reneu Felix Calvert Richard Hold Arthur Shallott Richard Gwynne Gilbert Heathcott Michaell Godfrey John Cary Charles Godolphin George Nicholas Edward Jenkinson John Harvey William Walker John Knight Henry Cornish Richard Hutchinson John [Sasnom (fn. 44) ] Thomas Martin Joseph Wright Marke Stratton Anthony Turny William Fownes William Johnson Thomas Spencer John Little John Ward Samuell Roystorne Philipp [Papillon (fn. 45) ] Edward Etricke Richard Yerbury Thomas Emes John Travill Alexander Jacob Matthew Humberstone Nathaniell Greeves Samuell Lock Robert Hookes Nathaniell Herne Samuell Garrett John Bland John Hungerford James Mundye Duncus Dee Charles Thorold Thomas Eyres James Collett Francis Thursfeild John Morgan Samuell Staneir Edward Rudge John Eure William Steedwick Nathaniell Stourton Colonell Willett Arthur Moore John Hargrave John Oldbury John Deacle Thomas Westerne junior Thomas Cuddon Francis Teison senior Ralph Lane John Freeman Gabriell Roberts Richard Blackham William Sedgewick Austen Ballow Alexander Rigby Roger Drake John Upton Paris Slaughter James Denew Thomas Aungier Thomas Bludworth Edward Grace Edmond Phillipps Leonard Wesell Thomas Scawen Samuell Mayne Henry Spelman Captaine John Nickolson John Smith John Page Sir Cloudesley Shovell Knight Edmond Drummer Thomas Wiltsheire Geore Saint Loe Esquires Richard Bowater James Hallett Henry Hatley Edward Brewster William Broughton Thomas Evance Nicholas Baker Peter Houblon John Sherbrooke Thomas Gardner Chyrurgeon William Baker Peter Ducane Joseph Thompson Robert Bullock Sir Walter Young James Chadwick Samuell Clarke Esquires Sir Bazill Dixwell Edward Lassell Edward Noell Thomas Browne John Thompson Sir Richard Haddock Knight Edward Dumer Charles Sargason Dennis Liddell Samuell Pett Esquire John Horne Gabriell Glover Thomas Fryer John Stacy William Richardson Edward Bull Peter Godfrey John Munford Deputy John Hardrett Deputy Daniell Dorvill Justus [Orgar (fn. 46) ] Robert White Anthony Burren Andrew Franklyn William Conny Richard Glover Augustin Ballow Henry Tate Thomas Blackmore junior Thomas Phipps Gent Samuell Lock Merchant:-

For Serjeants Inn in Fleetestreete:

Sir George Treby Lord Cheife Justice of the ( (fn. 47) ) Co[m]mon Pleas Master Baron Lechmere Master Justice Rokeby Master Baron Turton Master Serjeant Blencowe Master Serjeant Powis:-

For Serjeants Inn in Chancery Lane:

Sir John Holt Lord Cheife Justice Master Justice Nevill Master Justice Gregory Master Justice Giles Eyres Master Baron Powell Master Justice Samuell Eyres Master Serjeant Wogan Master Serjeant Gould Master Serjeant George Strode Master Serjeant Thomas Strode Master Serjeant Byrch Master Serjeant Lovell Master Serjieant Thurbarne:

For the Inner Temple and the Inns of Chancery thereto belonging:

The Right Honourable Sir John Trevor Knight Speaker of the Honourable House of Co[m]mons Master of the Rolls and one of His Majesties most Honorable Privy Councell Sir Edward Ward Knight His Majesties Attorney Generall Sir Thomas Trevor Knight His Majesties Solicitor Generall William Farrar Esquire Sir Nathaniell Powell Baronett two of His Majesties Learned Councill in the Lawe The Honourable Heneage Finch Esquire Thomas Farrar John Mosyer and the rest of the Benchers for the time being:-

For the Middle Temple and the Inns of Chancery thereto belonging:

The Right Honourable Sir John Sommers Lord Keeper of the Greate Seale of England Sir William Whitlock Knight Sir Francis Winnington Knight Richard Wallop Esquire Roger Gillingham Esquire now Treasurer of the said Middle Temple and the rest of the Benchers of the said Society:

For the County of Middlesex:

The Right Honourable Sir John Trevor Knight Speaker of the Honourable House of Co[m]mons Master of the Rolls and one of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Councill The Right Hono[ura]able Sir Stephen Fox Knight Charles Mountague and John Smith Esquires Lords Co[m]missioners of His Majesties Treasury Charles Lord Herbert Marquesse of Worcester Sonne and Heire apparent of His Grace the Duke of Beaufort The Right Honourable Edward Lord Russell and James Lord Russell Sonns to His Grace the Duke of Bedford Charles Lord Cheney of the Kingdome of Scotland The Right Honourable Henry Lord Colraine of the Kingdome of Ireland The Right Honourable George Lord Viscount Castleton of the Kingdome of Ireland The Right Honourable Sir John Holt Knight Lord Cheife Justice of His Majesties Courte of Kings Bench The Right Honourable Sir George Treby Knight Lord Cheife Justice of His Majesties Court of Co[m]mon Pleas The Co[m]missioners of His Majesties Excise for the time being The Co[m]missioners of His Majesties Green-Cloth for the time being The Honourable Sir Robert Howard The Honourable Henry Pagett Esquire The Honourable Craven Howard The Honourable Edward Mountague The Honourable Henry Preistman The Honourable Thomas Newport The Honourable Peregrine Bertie The Hono[ura]ble James Bertie The Honourable Robert Shirley The Honourable Robert Bertie The Hono[ura]ble Charles Bennett Esquires The Right Honourable Sir John Trenchard Knight one of His Majesties Principall Secretaries of State The Right Honourable Thomas Wharton Esquire Comptroller of His Majesties Household The Honourable Philipp Howard and Goodwin Wharton Esquires Sir Charles Gerrard Sir Edward Seymour Sir William Cooper Sir William Smith Sir William Roberts Sir Anthony Craven Sir Richard Fisher Sir Cave James Sir William Barkham Sir Thomas Pope Blount Sir Thomas Littleton Sir John Banks Sir William Williams Sir Richard Onslow Sir Roger Langley Sir Samuell Barnardiston Sir John Wolstenholme Sir Walter Clarges Sir John Hoskins Sir James Rushout Sir John Cope Sir Walter Plummer Sir Philipp Boteler Sir Robert Davers Sir Thomas Mompesson Sir Nicholas Crispe Sir John Smith Sir Richard Middleton Sir Henry Ashhurst Sir Thomas Grosvenor Sir William Leman Sir Thomas Halton Baronetts Sir Robert Rich Knight and Baronett Sir Richard Newdigate Sir Thomas Skipwith Baronetts Sir Edward Ward Knight His Majesties Attorney Generall Sir Thomas Trevor Knight His Majesties Solicitor Generall Sir William Wogan Knight Sir George Hutchins Knight His Majesties Serjeants att Lawe Sir Thomas Clarges Sir Thomas Byde Sir John Elwes Sir James Butler Sir Thomas Row Sir Richard Dounton Sir Jonathan Raymond Sir Francis Pemberton Sir Henry Johnson Sir Orlando Gee Sir Thomas Kinsey Sir Anthony Keck Sir Bazill Firebrace Sir William Hedges Sir Matthew Andrewes Sir Jeremiah Sambrooke Sir Charles Cotterell Sir Edward Waldo Sir Thomas Grantham Sir Purbeck Temple Sir Lacon William Child Sir Miles Cooke Sir John Franklyn Sir Robert Legard Sir Goddard Nelthorpe Sir Edward Abney Sir Cornwall Bradshaw Sir Michaell Henneage Sir William Ashhurst Sir William Pritchard Sir Charles Umfreville Sir Charles Lee Sir James Smith Sir John Bucknall Sir William Rawlinson Serjieant att Lawe Sir Thomas Rawlinson Sir Edward Warcup Sir Francis Child Sir James Etheridge Sir Francis Lee Sir Bartholomew Shore Sir Thomas Cooke Sir William Whitelock Sir Thomas Powis Sir Michaell Wharton Sir Edward Wood Sir Robert Dacres Sir Thomas Middleton Sir Joseph Herne Sir Thomas Lane Sir John Houblon Sir John Parsons Sir Benjamin Bathurst Sir James Tilly Sir William Cranmer Sir Robert Marsham Sir Thomas Rolt Sir Francis Blake Knights Nicholas Raynton James Mundye Joshua Galliard William Avery John Smith Adam [Andrewes (fn. 48) ] Edward Harris Thomas Austen of Durhams John Walker John Walton and John Bluck of Hadley Thomas Jackson William Austen James Chadwick John Lacey William Draper Hugh Smithson Robert Frampton Robert Bullock Samuell Royston Esquires Warwick Lake Cheeke Gerard Edward Waldo Richard Page Thomas Franklyn John Baggs John Nicoll of Hendon Place Thomas Napier Esquires William Fenn Tanner Arnold John Powell Richard Bowater Edward Norwood Daniell Nicoll Gentlemen William Martyn Esquire Anthony Duncombe Gentleman Ralph Hawtrey Richard Shoreditch John Walker of Hillingdon Robert Newdigate John Jennings of Heese Francis Merrick Henry Hawley Christopher Clitherow Thomas Webb of the Middle Temple Edward Jennings Esquires Charles Hawtrey John Stanyon Robert Beale Henry Cane junior Richard Lugg Richard Perkins Samuell Reynardson Gentlemen Gideon Harvey Doctor of Phisick John Phelipps one of His Majesties Auditors Nicholas Grice Edward Parker Matthew Johnson Clerke of the [Parliaments (fn. 49) ] Paul Jodrell Clerke of the House of Co[m]mons John Fonteleroy Doctor Nicholas Barbon John Davenport Esquires John Fuller Edward Fuller Robert Heddin John Woodford Gentlemen Francis Thacker Gent Burcher of Isleworth Gent Charles Duncombe Leonard Hammon John Slater Henry Reynell Thomas Wood Reginald Marriott Jonathan Andrewes Daniell Proctor Edward Progers Jasper English Thomas Chambers Esquires Henry Barker Robert Sheffeild Foot Onslow Thomas Henshaw Doctor Edward Chamberlaine Francis Brend Thomas Methwald Richard Taylor Richard Woodward Anthony Nourse Robert Clerkson Henry Lambe Francis Barry John Loving William Underwood Timothy Lenoy George Tredway Doctor Thomas Hobbs Thomas Plucknett Robert Hardisty Captaine Nicholas Goodwin Daniell Sheldon William Baber William Coles Robert Payne Reginald Brettland Serjieant att Law [Streynham (fn. 50) ] Masters William Sherrington Robert Butler Martin Foulkes Samuell Buck Richard Butler Thomas Mulso Robert Moore John Wilson Esquires Thomas Colby Gent. Thomas Dove and Brooke Bridges Esquires Auditors of His Majesties Imprest Accompts Robert Harley Richard Beake Richard Robinson Henry Turner Charles [Hoxton (fn. 51) ] John Herbert Ralph Bucknall Narcissus Luttrell Peter Le. Neve Peter Knight Henry Hassard Samuell Twynn Thomas Owen John Milner Richard Milner George Dixon Henry Portman William Emmerton George Edwards Carew Guydott Edward Goldsborough Richard Price Doctor John Edisbury Roger Meredith Samuell Keck Richard Holford Thomas Pitt Shem Bridges Richard Garth Bazill Herne Littleton Powell Clutterbuck William Thursby John Cooke Thomas Winford William Tempest John Hungerford John Plummer William Freeman John Southby Humphrey Etherington Jerman Ireton Richard Aston Francis Browne William Etherick William Gulston Edward Bide Henry Spillman Aaron Pingrey John Lloyd Richard Cooling Richard Dyott John Daling James Tisard Daniell Baker Bartholomew Fillingham John Woodroffe Charles Twitty Thomas Goodwin and Charles Bonython Serjeants att Lawe Richard Haley Edward Noell Craven Peyton Samuell Trotman Theophilus Eyton Peter Lugg Symon Smyth Esquires Symon Smith Merchant Joseph Offley Thomas Offley John Rawlinson John Milbourne William Hastings John Hastings John Temple Esquires John Coggs John East John Smith Tobias Eden Gentlemen Thomas Brotherton William Whitaker Robert Pew Isaac Foxcroft Thomas Christie Robert Dormer Esquires Symon Harcourt Councellor att Lawe Symon Harcourt Clerke of the Crowne Office James Allen Thomas Maurice John Maurice Nathaniell Hudson Joseph Sherwood Roger Wood Esquires Captaine James Pateridge Captaine John Pateridge Isaac Honeywood Thomas Dyos Anthony Sturt Symon Musgrave John Herbert John Robins Timothy Thornbury Martyn Ryder Bastwick Johnson Esquires Richard Oakely Daniell Coston Nicholas Skinner Merchant John Perry Thomas Hall Thomas Smith William Withers John Crosse James Carderow Francis Staunton William Dyn William Underhill Hercules Horsey John Raymond Richard Craddock Richard Cheslyn Joseph Short Samuell Blackerby Thomas Barrow Thomas Bedford Maurice Kay William Duncombe Benjamin Hilton David Rowlands Gregory King John Stone Richard Knightely Philipp Mussard Thomas Sutton Abraham Spooner John Greene Esquires John Smith Gentleman of Beaufort Buildings Thomas Gill Thomas Browne Thomas Fitch Charles Downeing William Johnson George Ford William Northey William Bird Francis Tyssen Abraham Bailey Arthur Bailey Hopefor Bendall George Bohun William Thompson John Webber Robert Constable Esquires Major John Feild Robert Kingston Richard Oakley John Blundell John Kent Edward Alsopp Matthew Bateman Esquires Joseph Blissett William Wakelyn Henry Russell Gentlemen Richard Saville Henry Dethick Esquires Doctor John Bourne Gabriell Sparkes Thomas Grimble Captaine Joseph Stevens Gentlemen Paul Dockmenique Captaine Batson William Benson John Wilcox Thomas Freeman Peter Lekeux Charles Osborne Thomas Glover Thomas Casse Esquires Joseph Rolfe Richard Wildy Richard Awbry Edward Ambrose William Willis Gentlemen Robert Hastings Edward Trotman William Lightfoote Thomas Neale Nicholas Cary Colonell Joseph Jorye Edmond Phillipps Symon Mayne James How John Little Joseph Shepeard Alexander Pitfeild Henry Risby John Rye Richard Warre Thomas Blackmore William Nelson Esquires Captaine William Heath Thomas Elton senior Thomas Elton junior Captaine John Broomewell Major Edmond Noble Master John Elwick John Gosfright Robert Yard Michaell Pearce John Duvall Edmond Lidgold John Waxham Benjamin Greene Robert Burdett William Bamfeild Thomas Harris Anthony Guydott John Cannon John Bailey John Merydale Thomas Barnes Anthony Wells Gentlemen John Smith Clerke of the Peace for Westminster Simon Fuller Barnard Turner Nathaniell Herne Samuell Harwar John Reynolds Silvester Chilcott Jonathan Netheway Thomas Cooper Gentlemen William Calvert Felix Feast Roger Thompson Edmond Farthing Edward Leigh John Thompson Fettyplace Nott John Rampayne Charles Nowis Esquires Francis Brerewood John Brockett John Hookes Gentlemen Benjamin Brame Marchant Thomas Gunston Marchant Thomas Jaggard James King Edward Harris Richard Pierce Jaques Wiseman Giles Clarke William Stroud Gentlemen Captaine Edmond Say Michaell Terry Joseph Tilley George Carter Robert Thompson Esquires John Sykes Samuell Phillipps Benjamin Mould Samuell Burch George Hudson William Alworth John Smith of Hackney John Cooke Christopher Fowler John Duboyce Thomas Tench George Snell Samuell Keckwick Constance Vernatty Godfrey Woodward Robert Brabourne William Hawtrey Gentlemen Captaine Hazlewood Robert Barker George Nicholas John Verney Thomas Cooper Jeoffery Jefferyes Henry Turner Francis Edwards Thomas Coleby senior Dalby Thomas Edward Gould Gregory Page Barton Holliday Nicholas Donning Esquires Robert Squibb John Peters Arnold Squibb Gentlemen Doctor Salisbury Cade Christopher Cratford John Knight John Wilson Gentlemen John Metcalfe Benjamin Dethick Esquires Allen Read Nehemiah Lyde Edward Godfrey William East Thomas Marriott Nicholas Skinner Captaine John Gorum:-

For the City of Westminster and Libertyes thereof:

The Right Honourable Richard Earle of Ranelagh of the Kingdome of Ireland and one of His Majesty's most Honourable Privy Councill The Right Honourable Richard Hampden Esquire one of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Councill The Right Honourable Sir Edward Seymour Baronett one of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Councill The Right Honourable Sir John Lowther of Lowther Baronett one of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Councill The Right Honourable Sir Robert Howard Knight one of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Councill The Right Honourable Edward Russell Esquire one of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Councill The Right Honourable Charles Mountague Esquire Chancellour and Under-Treasurer of the Exchequer one of the Lords Co[m]missioners of the Treasury and one of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Councill The Right Honourable Sir John Trenchard one of His Majesties Principall Secretaryes of State and one of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Councill The Right Honourable Sir Henry Goodrick one of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Councill The Right Honourable Sir Stephen Fox Knight one of the Lords Co[m]missioners of His Majesty's Treasury The Right Honourable Sir William Trumball one of the Lords Co[m]missioners of His Majesties Treasury and the Honourable John Smith Esquire another of the Lords Comissioners of His Majesties Treasury William Lord Elland Sonne and Heire Apparent to the Marquesse of Hallifax Edward Lord Cornbury Sonne and Heire Apparent to the Earle of Clarendon Henry Lord Hyde Sonne and Heire Apparent to the Earle of Rochester The Right Honourable Hugh Boscawen Esquire one of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Councill The Honourable Craven Howard Phillipp Howard Thomas Howard Peregrine Bertie Charles Bertie Bernard Granvill John Granvill Thomas Newport Henry Frederick Thynn and William Cheyney Esquires Sir John Lowther of Whitehaven Sir Samuell Grimston Sir Charles Carteret Sir Roger Langley Sir Thomas Littleton Sir Robert Cotton Sir John Cotton Sir Robert Pye Sir Christopher Musgrave Sir William Honeywood Sir Walter Clarges Sir Henry Marwood Sir William Orpe Sir Thomas Grosvenor Sir Thomas Pope-Blount Baronetts Sir William Wogan one of His Majesties Serjeants att Law Sir Edward Ward His Majesties Attorney Generall Sir Thomas Trevor His Majesties Solicitor Generall Sir Richard Temple Knight of the Bath Sir Richard Onslow Baronett Sir Henry Colt Baronett Sir Thomas Clarges Sir Joseph Seymour Sir Thomas Mompesson Sir John Elwes Sir Philipp Meadowes Sir John Nicholas Sir Joseph Williamson Sir Charles Cotterell junior Sir Christopher Wrenn Sir James Hayes Sir Humphrey Winch Sir John Bucknall Sir Thomas Chambers Sir Thomas Saint-George Sir Michaell Cole Sir William Cowper Sir Thomas Travell Sir Robert Rich Sir Francis Child, Sir Benjamin Bathurst Sir Peter Vandeputt Sir Orlando Gee Knights All the Officers of the Board of Greene-Cloth for the Pallaces of Whitehall Saint James's Somersett-house and Kenisington and the Three Prothonotories of the Court of Co[m]mon Pleas for the time being Charles Fox Henry Guy George Nicholas Brooke Bridges William Aldworth John Phelips Hugh Squire James Lowther Edmond Phelips Thomas Walker Goodwin Wharton Martyn Ryder Thomas Mulso Colonell John Beaumont Edward Le-Neve, William Glanvill Thomas Thoroton of ArundellStreete [Thomas (fn. 52) ] Vernon Charles Bonython Serjeant att Law Thomas Watkins John Parkhurst Francis Gwynn James Sheffeild Benjamin Coling Simon Smith Doctor Owen Wynn Richard Pagett John Pottenger John Woodhouse Nehemiah Arnold Thomas Railton William Lownds John Packer John Nedham Samuell Heron Edward Richbell William Bridgman George Nicholas John Smith of Covent Garden Foot Onslow Thomas Cotton Robert Austen Edward Progers Morgan Randyll Colonell John Baynes William Ball John Pultenay David Nearne Andrew Lawrence Thomas Dolman Nicholas Baxter Edmond Prideaux Robert Harley Robert Hewett James Craggs Doctor, Gideon Harvey junior Walter Brydall Thomas Neale Christopher Vane Matthew Lock John Currance Edmond Ogar David Crawford William Shaw John Tullye William Blathwayte Edmond Waller Francis Negus Ralph Marshall Charles Mompesson Robert Feilding John Knight John Baber Nicholas Fenn James Tissard Roger Gillingham Nicholas Martin William Seabrooke Edward Salisbury John Willson Thomas Payne Richard Dalton Philips Farwell Guicciardino Wentworth Peter Hume Rowland Holt John Fox Robert Fox Charles Whitaker William Baber Matthew Johnson Clerke of the Parliaments John Walker Paul Jodrell Clerke of the House of Co[m]mons Samuell Powell Serjieant att Armes attending the House of Co[m]mons Colonell Edward Rowse Colonell John Fitzpatrick William Pultenay John Hastings William Gulston Henry Preistman James Sutherne Nicholas Barbon John Devaile William Monson Robert Yard Giles Clarke John Squibb Eldred Lancelott Lee Thomas Hall Humphrey Hetherington Philipp Ryley William Cooke William Duncombe William Thursby Esquires Sir Robert Marsham Sir James Smith Major Thomas Taylor Lawrence Saint Loe Charles Chetwind Thomas Owen Ralph Bucknall Edmond Webb Henry Ludlow Richard Garth Esquires Martin Lister John Ratcliffe John Plukenett William Stockham James Wellwood Doctors of Physick John Touchett Bartholomew Fillingham Charles Twitty Thomas Wymondesold Humphrey Maston John Spicer John Lowe Bartholomew Burton Charles Rampaigne Erasmus Dryden Robert Moore John Pearson senior Joseph Tillye Benjamin Drake John Outing Simon Smith Merchant Henry Ballow John Hinder Richard Fisher senior William Jacob John Vigures Peter Rudge Thomas Jones Samuell Burch Tanner Arnold Thomas Crosse Francis Thacker John Brockett John Powell Henry Harris Samuell Brewster William Stone of Petty France John Peters Robert Knott John Creede John Milner Richard Milner John Roydhouse Edmond Woodruffe John Cleare John Smalbone Richard Ryder Captaine John Taylder Captaine Richard Crispe Captaine John Partridge Richard Adams William Greene John Angier Samuell Peacocke Thomas Templeman of Saint Martins in the Feilds Morrice Hunt James Chace Joshua Drayner George Cowper John Haynes John Lugg Richard Wheeler Ralph Hutchinson Marke Lawne Richard Fitzgerald Charles Knott John Clayton John Worley Christopher Smith Gent Edmond Yeomans Richard Cowper Matthias Cowper Richard Petty John Martin Richard Heybourne Thomas Browne Richard Owen John England John Bolt Richard Stephens Austin Bere Peter Le-Vigne Francis Chapman William Greenway Anthony Cratchrode Michaell Miles James Supple John Blundall John Thomson John Stone Robert Stone Richard Miller Thomas Morgan Richard Hutton Rowland Greenwood Jaques Wiseman Thomas Thoroton Henry Robins George Meggott Esquires John Bancroft Cock of Long-Acre James Buttersby Thomas Mansell Thomas Rider William Blackeller Moses Porter Phineas Andrewes Richard Topham James Frontine Thomas Tuckey Robert Butler Gilbert Herring Nicholas Pickering Nicholas Collins Nicholas Freeman Mordett Creherode James Cunningham Thomas Harrison Crispe Grange John De Shere Thomas Browne Nathaniell Hilton Joseph Biscoe John Bradford William Whitaker Esq[uire]s Anthony Withers Christopher Deane Henry Jones Edmond Godwin Edmond Fuller Alexander Mann Benjamin Bayles Thomas Sutton Charles Peters Richard Barrow John Tissard John Smith of Beaufort Buildings John Tredenham Richard Coleing John Penhallo Cheeke Gerrard Hugh Chudleigh Robert Yard Thomas Dyose John Hungerford Philipp Mustard Richard Warr Robert Crawford Esquires Sir George Rooke Anthony Brummige Samuell Pryor Abraham Skinner John Reynolds Michaell Terry Reynold Marriott James Gibbon Henry Cornwall William Hooker John Fitz, Peter Hall Isaac Terrett William Wardour Esquires Robert Breedon Joseph Sherwood William Churchill John Price Edward Johns Charles Ballett Thomas Morton Thomas Moody Gentlemen German Ireton Esquire John Aynsworth Gentleman Richard Morley Hugh Chudley Richard Newman Esquires Master Francis Dandridge Francis Parry Esquires Jasper English John Bayly Gentlemen Captaine John Shales John Paskall William Mounson [Esquires (fn. 53) ] Henry Harris Merchant William Fish John Lacy Thomas Percy James Dewey William Stewkley William East Thomas Marriott John Higden Edwin Griffin Esquires:-

For the Society of Grays Inn and the Inns of Chancery thereto belonging:

Sir William Williams Knight and Baronett George Gifford John Brewer Daniell Bedingfeild Richard Vaughan Roger Fenwick Christopher Musgrave Narcissus Lutterell William Clarke and the rest of the Benchers for the time being John Hastings Esquire:-

For Lincolns Inn and the Inns of Chancery thereto belonging:

Sir William York Knight Sir James Boteler Knight Sir Thomas Powis Knight Luke Astry Thomas Jones Edward Byde John Hawles William Dobbins James Whitrong Granado Piggott Theodore Bathurst Robert Price Thomas Windham John Hungerford Henry Fleming Roger Mompesson and John Hill Esquires and all the Benchers of the said Society:-

For the County of Monmouth:

Charles Lord Marquesse of Worcester Sonne and Heire Apparent to the Duke of Beaufort Edward Perkins High Sheriff Sir Charles Kemeys Baronett Sir John Williams Baronett Sir Rowland Gwynn Knight Sir Humphrey Mackworth Knight Thomas Morgan Henry Probert John Arnold John How Charles Vann Thomas Morgan of Llanrumney Lewis Morgan of Machen George Kemeys of Llanvayer Charles Price of Llanfoist Edmond Morgan of Bendlon Richard Lister Henry Morgan of Bedwelly Roger Otes Edward Jones of Buckland Thomas Jones of Usk George Lewis of Penhow Charles Hughes John Hoyre Charles Morgan of Tredegar John Morgan of Machen Nicholas Arnold James Morgan of Llandilo John Walter of Piersfeild Capell Hambury George Kemeys of Kemeys Henry Tomkins John Hambury Christopher Price Hopton Williams Roderick Gwynn John Jefferyes David Morgan William Gore of Langstowne John Scudamore of Kent Church Edward Kemeys Richard Roberts Esquires The Mayor of Monmouth for the time being The Mayor of Newport for the time being The Portreeve of Uske for the time being The Bailiffe of Abergavenny for the time being Nicholas Parker George Kemeys of Kevenmably William Blethin of Dinham Esquires Walter Baker John Morgan of Llanthewy Thomas Williams Morgan Chambers John Lewis of Ifton-hill Charles Williams of Newport Nehemiah Williams of Newport John Morgan of Newport Charles Morgan of Lansore Matthias Bird Walter Aldy Robert Jones John Morgan of Winisto John Morgan of Berllandegue William Blethin of Llanmellin John Cragg of Usk Theophilus Rynalds Roger Williams John Harris of Abergavenny Roger Williams of Waina Barra William Powell of Poothall Morgan Thomas Trevor Myrick William Morgan of Tredunnogue William Price John Gwillim [Thomas Gwillim (fn. 54) ] Francis Pritchard John Pritchard of Campson Sheldon Powell Ezra Waters Hugh Harris William Says of Newport Charles Jones of Magor Henry Occold William Pritchard of [Langaddock (fn. 55) ] William George James Springett Michaell Bohune Charles Griffith Thomas Pritchard John Scudamore of Tredaghan Walter Fortune Roger Kemeys of Pantege John Walters of Saint Brides David Thomas of Abergavenny John Lewis of Llandilo Richard Scudamore John Gabb James Morgan of Abergavenny Henry Rumsey Christopher Price junior Gentlemen Charles Hutchins Clerke Edward Nicholas George Ketchmay Thomas Edwards George Morgan Peregrine Lewis Adam Adams William Bellamy Francis Lewis Gentlemen:-

For the County of Norfolk:

The Right Honourable Henry Lord Colraine of the Kingdome of Ireland Sir Robert Bacon Sir Henry Hobart Sir John Wodehouse Sir Richard Berney Sir John Mordant Sir Robert Drury Sir John Holland Sir Augustine Palgrave Sir John Pettus Sir Robert Kempe Sir Roger Potts Sir Jacob Astley Sir Charles Adams Sir Edward Ward Sir Nicholas Garrard Sir William Cooke Sir Edmond Doyley Sir Peter Gleane Sir Edmond Bacon Sir John Castleton Baronetts Sir Nevill Catlyn Sir Francis Guybon Sir William Rant Sir John Turner Sir Cirill Wych Sir Edward Chisenhall Sir Robert Clayton Sir Thomas Rawlinson Knights Robert Walpoole John Harbourd Edmond Wodehouse John Wodehouse Ash Windham Philipp Astley John Holland Robert Kempe James Host John Herne Charles Le Grosse John Knyvett Denzill Onslow Robert Suckling Philipp Bedingfeild Erasmus Earle John Harvey Robert Coney John Norris Daniell Bedingfeild George England Isaac Preston Robert Davy John Mingay Arthur Branthwaite Joachim Matthews Robert Brittiff Ralph Hare Robert Gooch Maurice Kendall Leonard Mapes John Repps John Houghton Anthony Freeston Oliver Neve Thornagh Gurdon Christopher Bedingfeild Samuell Fuller Thomas Blowfeild John Thurston Roger Castle Basingbourne Gaudy Edward Leigh John Birken Augustine Briggs Glover Denny William Branthwaite Doctor Pepper James Host senior Gabriell Armiger Christopher Crow Riches Browne Henry Negus John Warkhouse Robert Wilson Edward Wilson Edmond Brittiffe Hatton Berners Robert Day John Ayde Clement Herne William Oldfeild John Jermy Thomas Towneshend Mundeford Spelman Thomas Browne John Page James Ward Francis Long Thomas Pierson Nathaniell Symonds Martin Calthorpe Edmond Soame John Jay Edmond Lambe Thomas Wright Robert Wardall Henry Oxburgh Piercy Freake Francis Gardiner Brig Fountaine Benjamin England Thomas Barney Smith Fleetewood John Lovell John Herne Gascoigne Weld Francis Thorisby Gardiner Hewet Israell Long George Vernon Thomas Sanders Thomas Rant Richard Ferrier William Sidley Sigismond Trafford Clement Repps John Marriott Gregory Davis Charles Shaw Esquires Robert [Jermy (fn. 56) ] Jonathan Symonds John Fowle Charles Turner junior Robert Herne Edward Lestrange Clement Gooch Francis Negus Richard Carter John Brewster Robert Doughty Thomas Talbott Robert Stileman Francis Dusgate Roger Jennings John Castle Edward Bulwer Thomas Bayspoole Thomas Crick Edmond Anguish Humphrey Rant John Blenner Hassett [Waller (fn. 57) ] Bacon Nicholas Helwise Cleere Garnise Horatio Walpole John Ward James Tenant Edward Earle Robert Fisk Francis Neve Charles Barnwell William Stafford Leonard Mapes Robert Snell Thomas Browne Robert Horner William Hunt Peter Wilson Edward Lombe Thomas Cropley Roger Crow Edmond Themilthorpe William Bulwer of Gestwick Roger Jennings Thomas Buxton James Betts Robert Doughty William Burton Henry Bell William Holly Charles Turner senior Thomas Okeover Edmond Rolfe Henry Toures Thurgood Upwood John Harris George Daniell William Rudens Lawrence Neve Gentlemen Henry Spelman Esquire James Coldham William Coney Gentlemen:-

For the City and County of the City of Norwich:

John Ward Esquire Mayor Robert Davy Esquire Recorder Sir Henry Hobart Baronett Arthur Branthwaite Esquire Steward Thomas Blofeild Esquire The Two Sheriffs for the time being Thomas Wisse Robert Freeman John Low Nicholas Helwys Francis Gardiner William Salter Philipp Stebbing John Wrench Thomas Cooke Jeremy Vim Michaell Beverley Robert Cooke and George South Esquires Augustine Briggs Nicholas Brickerdike William Guybon Samuell Warkhouse Thomas Postle Lawrence Goodwyn Thomas Turner John Freeman Edward Clarke Thomas Atkinson Aldermen Doctor Fairfax Deane of Norwich Doctor Prideaux Doctor Pepper Thomas Townesend Esquire Thomas Bacon John Mingay Esquires John Barnham John Dersley John Mackerell Roger Salter Gentlemen Peter Thacker Richard Carter Gentlemen:-

For the Borough of Greate Yarmouth:

The Bailiffs for the time being George England Esquire Recorder Samuell Fuller Esquire Peter Caulier Benjamin England John Robins Nathaniell Symonds Thomas Bradford Thomas Godfrey John Gayford Gabriell Ward John Andrewes Anthony Ellis Richard Ferrier Robert Bernard Thomas Lovell Benjamin Engell Joseph Cotman John Carlow Henry Thompson Anthony Ellis junior John Gunnell Robert Baker George Spilman junior Richard Ferrier junior Aldermen John Burton senior Thomas Ellis:-

For the Borough of Kings-Lynn:

The Mayor of the Towne for the time being Daniell Bedingfield Esquire Recorder Sir John Turner Knight Benjamin Holly Giles Bridgman John Kid Edmond Hooke Benjamin Keene Robert Sparrow Cyprian Anderson Henry Framingham Henry Bell William Holly Charles Turner senior Aldermen Charles Peast Gent[lemen] Thomas Selfe:-

For the Borough of Thetford:

The Mayor for the time being Sir John Holland Baronett Sir Joseph Williamson Sir Francis Guybon Baptist May John Thurston William Cropley Charles Wright Thomas Wright Wormeley Hethersett Maurice Kendall John Draper Robert Caudle Edmond Winwood Thomas Smith Esquires:-

For the County of Northampton:-

The Right Honourable Lyonell Lord Huntingtower of the Kingdome of Scotland The Right Honourable Thomas Wharton Esquire Comptroller of His Majesties Houshold and one of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Councill Sir Justinian Isham Baronett Sir Saint Andrew Saint John Baronett Sir William Langham Knight John Parkhurst Esquire John Blencowe Serjieant att Lawe The Honourable Henry Mordant Thomas Andrew Esquires Gilbert Dolben Esquire William Brownlow Esquire Arthur Brookes Esquire Thomas Maidwell of Geddington Gent Charles Kirkham Esquire Sir James Robinson Baronett Francis Arundell Francis Crane Henry Benson Esquires The Honourable William Mountague Esquire Sir Erasmus Norwich Baronett Sir John Holman Baronett Sir Benjamin Bathurst Knight Christopher Jefferyes Esquire Horatio More Richard Botelar senior John Combs Thomas Cartwright of Anoe Devereux Knightly of Fausly William [Adams (fn. 58) ] of Charwelton John Winston Esquires Edmond Bromwich Thomas Brytton Gentlemen Sir Roger [Cave (fn. 59) ] Baronett Sir William Craven Knight Edward Ladkins Thomas Woodward Gentlemen John Bridges Esquire John Weaver William Fleetewood Thomas Mulso Thomas Catesby William Wilmore Esquires Sir Salathiell Lovell Recorder of the City of London The Mayor of Higham Ferrars for the time being Sir Rice Rudd Baronett Thomas Ekins William Boteler Esquires Collins of Irchester Gent Francis Harby William Elmes Esquires Richard Shuckburgh Gent Thomas Trist Hatton Compton Esquires Jacob Dancer Gent Richard Rainsford Esquire Henry Rushton Gerrard Gore Robert Bretton Robert Haslerigg John Botry Esquires Henry Bacon Gent Daniell Danvers Doctor [of (fn. 60) ] Physick Sir John Pickering Baronett Sir Matthew Dudley Baronett Gilbert Pickering Esquire Anthony Pallmer Esquire Sir Edward Nicholls Baronett The Honourable Sidney Wortley alias Mountague Esquire The Right Honourable William Lord Fitz-Williams of the Kingdome of Ireland The Honourable Charles Bertie Esquire Noah Neale Henry Neale John Royley William Clarke John Pemberton John Dickenson John Andrew Esquires John Carrier Thomas Deacon. Robert Newcomb Roger Pemberton Thomas Lowry Charles Parker John Ash Edward Saunders Gentlemen John Clendon Thomas Colethurst Esquires Elmes Steward Matthew Orlibear William Cutbert Gentlemen John Creede Francis Lane Andrew Lant Charles Middleton Robert Mansell John Alicock Esquires Matthew Skinner Doctor in Physick Robert Skinner Esquire William L' Isle Charles How Robert Dormer John Bagshaw John Creswell Charles Fox Gentlemen Francis Saint John John Wodhall Esquires Ambrose Holbeech Gentleman Richard Lockwood Esquire The Mayor of Brackly for the time being Robert Frewin Gent Joseph Haynes Francis Morgan George Kendrick Edward Stratford William Thursby Harvy Ekins Christopher Mountague Henry Farmer Henry Edmonds William Tate Tobias Chauncy Francis Wodhall Esquires Samuel Tryon Esquire John Hodges of Songrave Gent Thornton of Brockhall John Langham Esq[uire] Richard Kinsman John Knight Thomas Pemberton Robert Andrew Thomas Jennings Joseph Aris of Adston Francis Jackson William Martin Richard Fisher Gentlemen:-

For the Towne of Northampton:-

The Mayor of Northampton for the time being Sir Justinian Isham Baronett Sir William Langham Knight Thomas Andrew Esquire Sir John Holman Baronett William Thursby Esquire Robert Haslerigg Gerrard Gore Robert Bretton Richard Willoughby Esquires John Knight Gentleman [Francis (fn. 61) ] Arundell Richard Rainsford Francis Morgan Esquires Harvy Ekins Edward Stratford Esquires Samuell Clifford Gentleman John Selby Robert Ives William Ellce Thomas Chadwick John Clarke senior Robert Stiles Theophilus Whishton William Wallis Daniell Herbert Thomas Withorn James Greene:-

For the County of Northumberland:

The Honourable Charles Mountague The Honourable Ralph Grey Sir Ralph Delavall Sir Charles Heron Sir Thomas Lorraine Sir Robert Eden Sir Edward Blackett Sir Francis Lyddell Baronetts Sir Ralph Jennison Sir Francis Blake Sir Orlando Gee Knights William Forster Philipp Bickerstaffe Roger Fenwick Samuell Ogle George Nicholas Thomas Forster John Shafto Robert Mitford of Sighill Thomas Forster of Cornhill Thomas Collingwood Thomas Beach John Blackiston Robert Bewick John Carnaby William Strother of Foberry William Ogle Ralph Ogle William Carr Michaell Weldon Henry Holmes Charles Howard Robert Mitford of Mitford Syrtus Swinburne William Taylor Joseph Carr Patricius Crow William Reavely Edward Delavall Thomas Blenkishipp Robert Hebburne John Bacon John Blackett John Addison Robert Lawson Thomas Algood Robert Shafto John Rogers Ralph Williamson William Cole Henry Forster Esquires: Robert Lisle John Procter Richard Forster John Coulson Samuell Salkeild William Ramsey of Brinckburne William Strother of Grindon Rigg Francis Forster Henry Collingwood John Gray The Bailliffs of Morpeth for the time being Robert Fenwick Ralph Gray of Backworth George Lawson John Fenwick Ralph Brandling Gilbert Parke George Wilson Ralph Anderson William Pierson Thomas Gray John Story William Lock of Alnewick Thomas Burrell Robert Lisle of Hasell Robert Fenwick of Morpeth Lancelott Algood John Armstrong Anthony Sharp John Carr William. Pierson John Coatesworth of the Hermitage Roger Wilson of Wallick Robert Coatesworth William Charleton of Lee-Hall John Rowland of Polland Robert Watson Thomas Reavely Gentlemen John Forster of Styford Thomas Turnbull Gentlemen Edward Delavall Esquire Thomas Owen Rupert Billingsley Esquires:-

For the Towne and County of Newcastle upon Tyne:

The Mayor Recorder Aldermen and Sheriffe for the time being Tymothy Davison John Blakiston Joseph Carr John Rogers Henry Holmes Marke Shafto Samuell Ogle Suertis Swinburne Thomas Bewick Benjamin Davison George Winfield Esquires Robert Fenwick Jonathan Hargraves Thomas Hutchinson John Cuthbertson William Morton Gentlemen William Christian John Romney Esquires:-

For the Towne of Berwick: upon Tweed:

Edward Nelson Esquire Mayor Sir Francis Blake Samuell Ogle William Carr Rupert Billingsley Esquires John Luck John Pratt Ephraim Nealson Stephen Jackson John Forster Aldermen Adam Wilson John Pigg Robert Simson Joseph Ord Bailiffs Joseph Dickenson Towne-Clerke William Scott Anthony Countone Robert Watson Edward Ord Arthur Admeston Cuthbert Brady John Stanton:

For the County of Nottingham:

The Right Honourable William Lord Elland Sonne and Heire Apparent to the Marquesse of Hallifax The Honourable Anchitel Gray Esquire The Honourable William Byron Esquire Sir Francis Molineux Baronett Sir Thomas Parkins Baronett Sir Scroope How Sir William Stanhope Knights William Pierrepont Robert Sacheverell Richard Mansfeild Thomas Lewis William Williams Charles Hutchinson Philipp Sherard Arthur Warren Gervas Pigott Richard Slater Patricius Chaworth James Farwell Thomas Charleton Thomas Manley George Gregory Beaumont Parkyns Christopher Rolleston Gilbert Millington Robert Sherbroke William Burnell Charles Stanhope Darcy Molineux John Digby William Pinkney William Brownlow Thomas Newdigate Cecill Cooper Jerman Ireton Francis Sandys Isaac Knight John Thornhagh John White Gervas Eyre Francis Stringer Thomas Hewett Richard Taylor Edward Mellish John Clerkson John Rayner Peter Broughton Richard Lloyd William Simpson Thomas Thoroton Esquires Samuell Cromwell Doctor of Physick Thomas Mansfield John Kerchevile Jeffery Brooke senior John Storey William Wollhouse Robert Porter John Scrimshire Richard Janes Henry Bambridge Thomas Sharpe Robert Hacker John Brough George Brough Thomas Bristow John Strey Henry Sherbrooke Richard Neale John Neal John Chappell Hugh Baskervile Richard Burbridge Edward Southworth Thomas Sherbrooke John Grundy Jeremy Halfehyde George Wharton Gentlemen The two Bailiffs of East Retford and [the (fn. 62) ] Aldermen of the same for the time being The Mayor of Newark for the time being The six senior Aldermen for the time being Doctor Yarborough Samuell Ellys Timothy Ellys. Snell William Clay Gentlemen:-

For the Towne and County of the Towne of Nottingham:

The Mayor and Aldermen for the time being William Pierrepont Alexander Stanhope James Farewell Richard Mansfeild George Gregory Samuell Hallowes Esquires George Langford Charles Harvey John Hawkins Thomas Collins John Crisp Joseph Turpin John Hydes John Sherwin Robert Porter Abraham Metcalfe John Richards Lawrence Athorpe Gentlemen:

For the County of Oxford:

The Right Honourable Edward Lord Viscount Cornbury Sonne and Heire Apparent of Henry Earle of Clarendon Mountague Lord Norreys Sonne and Heire Apparent of James Earle of Abingdon The Right Honourable Richard Hampden Esquire one of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Councill The Honourable Henry Bertie Esquire Sir John Cope Sir Robert Jenkinson Sir John Doyly Sir Fairmedon Penniston Sir John Walter Sir Henry Ashurst Sir William Glynn Sir Edward Fettiplace Sir Lacy Osbaldeston Sir Robert Dashwood Sir Robert Barkham Sir John Holman Sir Thomas Littleton Sir Thomas Cobb Sir William Rich Baronetts Sir Edward Hungerford Knight of the Bath Sir Edward Norreys Sir Tymothy Tyrrell Sir Thomas Row Sir Henry Johnson Sir Edmond Warcupp Sir William Whitlock Sir Sebastian Smith Sir Robert Sheppard Knights Anthony Hungerford Richard Libb John Stone Charleton Stone Edward Barry John Hampden George Alnutt Henry Alnutt Francis Clarke William Lenthall John Dormer George Chamberlaine William Gannock Thomas Hord William Bayly John Croke Harry Cole Henry Heylin Robert Barber Robert Perrott James Perrott Simon Harcourt Richard Bowell William Pudsey Henry Hall John Wallis James Herbert William Tipping of Ewelme Arthur Warren Robert Jennings James Jennings Thomas Wheate Alexander Denton Robert Mayott Humphrey Wickham Simon Whorwood a Deane John Danvers. Ralph Holt Samuell Trotman Tho. Crisp Thomas Carter Thomas Napper Francis Norreys Charles Holloway Esquires Henry Alworth Henry Beeston Doctors in Law Cartwright of Ayno William Oakley John Gunn Thomas Pudsey Roger Price Thomas Woodhall William Jennings William Blake Richard Brideoake John Scroope of Wormely Thomas Rowney William Aldworth Auditor John Pollard John West Esquires Justinian Sheppard Lenthall Trotman John Bray Joseph [Rawlinson (fn. 63) ] William Walker Sunnybank Veysey William Sacheverell Thomas Osbaldeston Henry Peacock Thomas Jordan George Tipping of Dracott Bartholomew Harris William Parsons Edmond Woodward. Gregory of Horley John Cary Richard Taylor of Wilscott Francis Knapp Robert Parsons Martin May Henry Streete Smith of Kidlington Hind of Hampton Gay John Higford Gilbert Jackson Gentlemen Phillipp Wenman Esquire Henry Stevens Adam Springall Thomas Brightham Francis Greenway Richard Eyans Anthony Eyans George Cave Richard Thompson John Coghill Sutton Coghill John Wheeler John Crisp John Croker Lawrence Lord John Dodwell John Wise of Draton John Smith Gyles Diston Thomas Rolls Richard Croke Richard Blackhall George Gooding of Latchford Whorwood of Tackly Robert Standard John Coker Bezaliel Knight John Winlow Edward Whistler of Gatehampton Gentlemen John Machell Esquire The Mayor Aldermen and Towne-Clerke of the Towne of Woodstock for the time being The Mayor [Aldermen Recorder (fn. 64) ] and Towne-Clerke of Banbury for the time being The Warden of Henly for the time being The Bailiffs of Burford Chipping-Norton and Witney for the time being John Langston Gentleman John Hawkins Esquire

For the University of Oxford:

Doctor Henry Aldrich Deane of Christchurch and Vice-Chancellor The Honourable Heneage Finch Esquire William Leopald Finch Warden of All-Souls Colledge Sir Thomas Clarges Knight Doctor Henry Beeston Warden of New Colledge Doctor William Levintz President of Saint Johns Colledge Doctor Tymothy Halton Provost of Queenes Colledge Doctor William Jane the Divinity Professor Doctor Ralph Bathurst President of Trinity Colledge Doctor Thomas Turner President of Corpus Christi Colledge Doctor Richard Lydall Warden of Merton Colledge Doctor Jonathan Edwards Principall of Jesus Colledge Doctor [Robert (fn. 65) ] Mander Master of Baliol Colledge Doctor Fitz-herbert Adams Rector of Lincolne Colledge Doctor Arthur Charlett Master of University Colledge Doctor Thomas Bayly Principall of New Inn Hall Doctor Richard Adams Principall of Magdalen Hall Doctor John Hamond The Proctors for the time being Benjamin Cooper Thomas Rowney senior Thomas Rowney junior John Fulks Theophilus Poynter William Taylor George Thomson Jacob Robart Gentlemen:-

For the City of Oxford:

The Mayor and Bailiffs for the time being The Right Honourable Mountague Lord Norreys Sonne and Heire Apparent to the Earle of Abingdon The Honourable Henry Bertie Esquire Sir Edward Norreys Knight Sir John Cope Sir Robert Jenkinson Sir John Doily Sir Robert Dashwood Sir Henry Ashhurst Baronetts Sir William Walker Sir Edmond Warcupp Sir Sebastian Smith Sir Robert Harrison Knights John Townesend Thomas Eustace Richard Hawkins Aldermen William Wright Recorder Henry Ashhurst Esquire Tobias Browne Thomas Hunsdon Alexander Wright Thomas Carter Taylor White Assistants Charles Holloway Esquire John Bateman Colonell Henry Cope Anthony Eyans Gentlemen Samuell Thurston Towne-Clerke Daniell Porter:-

For the County of Rutland:

The Right Honourable Bennett Lord Sherard of the Kingdome of Ireland The Honourable John Noell Esquire The Honourable Philipp Sherard Esquire Sir Thomas Mackworth Baronett Sir Thomas Barker Baronett William Palmes Esquire Bennett Sherard Esquire John Verney. Esquire Eusebius Boswell Charles Halford John Browne Robert Mackworth Edward Browne Cornelius Burton Anthony Palmer Clement Breton Armine Bullingham John Weever Richard Halford Charles Tyrrell Anthony Wingfeild Wellesborne Sill Thomas Marsh Richard Snow Christopher Clitheroe Richard Peache Thomas Hayes Esquires Richard Matthew Andrew Burton John Baker William Rice William Roberts Gentlemen:-

For the County of Salop:-

The Right Honourable Sir John Trevor Knight Speaker of the House of Co[m]mons Master of the Rolls and one of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Councill The Right Honourable Richard Lord Newport Sonne and Heire Apparent to the Earle of Bradford Andrew Newport Esquire Sir Charles Littleton Sir John Leveson Gower Sir William Whitmore Sir John Corbett Sir Humphry Briggs Sir Francis Lawley Sir Uvedale Corbett Sir Edward Acton Sir Richard Middleton Sir Thomas Littleton Sir Job Charleton Sir Thomas Wolrich Sir Francis Edwards Sir William Williams Sir Edward Leighton Baronetts Sir Thomas Travell Sir Lacon Child Sir Robert Owen Sir Henry Gough Sir William Forrester Sir Littleton Powys Sir Thomas Powys Knights Jervas Pierrepont William Fowler Francis Charleton and John Charleton of Apley Arthur Mainwaring Richard Lister Edward Kinaston of Ottley John Kinaston of Hordley Francis Prince Francis Herbert Roger Owen and Edward Owen of Candover George Weld William Oakely Thomas Spratt Richard Corbett Robert Corbett Thomas Rock John Coates Charles Coates Richard Moore Walter Waring Charles Baldwyn Robert Cresset Robert Owen Roger Pope senior Roger Pope junior Richard Creswell John Lacon Thomas Oatley Henry Newton Francis Charleton of Whitton John Bridgman John Soley Joseph Soley Thomas Cornwall Bartholomew Luttly Phillipp Luttley Thomas Hanmer Henry Davenport Eldred Lancellott Lee Thomas Lister senior Thomas Lister junior Thomas Langley Robert Harley Thomas Child William Williams Gough of the Marsh John Thomas John Huxley senior John Huxley junior John Chetwind Edward Kerry Orlando Niccolls Richard Mitton Edward Vaughan Edward Cludd Edward Kinnersley Rowland Hunt Thomas Corbett Jonathan Langley Thomas Edwards Robert Clowes William Gower John Taileure Thomas Burton Thomas Smalman Soudley Eyton Robert Pigott [Thomas Pigott (fn. 66) ] William Young Thomas Wingfeild Thomas Mackworth John Edwards of Rorington John Powell Thomas Powell of Parke John Warter Francis Berkley Arthur Weaver James Grove Thomas Jobber Robert Lloyd Henry Mitton William Haward Edward Barrett Edward Jennings Edward Whitchcott Edward Owen of Pulley Thomas Jones of Sandford Thomas Barnes Thomas Jones Barrister, att Law Ralph Browne Thomas Sandford Stephen Downes Richard Leighton Rowland Cotton of Belleport Andrew Charleton Esquires [John (fn. 67) ] Gardiner Job Walker Edward Donne Thomas Severne Roger Trevor William Adams senior William Adams junior Edward Kinnaston of Hordley Doctor Hollings Richard Alkin John Grove Samuell Davison The Mayor of Salop for the time being The Bayliffs of Bridgnorth for the time being The Bayliffs of Bishops-Castle for the time being The Bayliffs of Wenlock for the time being The Mayor and Coroner of Oswestry for the time being Samuell Adderton John Hill Richard Hosier Buckley Mackworth Richard Salter Edward Gosnell Jonathan Scott Collins Wolrich Robert Wood Thomas Owen Charles Kinaston Simon Hanmer Gentlemen John Cole of Salop Roger Griffiths John Kinaston Richard Higgons Richard Presland George Hosier John Williams and Gabriell Wood Esquires Rowland Baugh John Edwards of Nesse William Leeke Thomas Acton Richard Betton Arthur Devereux Adam Waring John Walcott junior George Walcott senior William Grosvenor Richard Jenkins Richard Stanier of Aston John Stanier Philipp Cotton Samuell Bowdler of Arlscott John Langley of the Amies Thomas Crompton Lancelott Stephens John Mason of Muchwenlock Doctor Atkinson Doctor Pigott Timothy Hassall William Hammond of Bridgnorth Samuell Sandford George Chambre Jonathan Wingfeild George Walker William Kinaston Edward Kettleby junior Shepherd of Bitterly William Boycott Richard Ridley Robert Smith John Fowler Thomas Mason Charles Mason William Farnolls John Owsley of Bridgnorth William Bridgen Richard Walker Richard Deaves Thomas Wicksted of Bridgnorth Richard Bradley Alexander Middleton Edward Matthews John Fleming Humphrey Owen Samuell Hunt Arthur Tongue John Clarke Richard Jenks of Drayton Thomas Howell junior John Tranter Jeremiah Browne Thomas Rogers John Morris Medlicott of Medlicott George Hudson Thomas Jones of Preese William Jordan:-

For the Towne of Ludlow:

The Bailiffs and Aldermen for the time being Sir Job Charleton Baronett Sir Littleton Powys Knight Silas Titus Francis Herbert Francis Lloyd Recorder Matthew Price Richard Stedman Edward Littleton William Gower Richard Higgens Esquires John Atkinson Francis Bailey Doctors of Physick Valentine Dawes Thomas Lea John Stead Samuell Bowdler Thomas Sabury John Acton William Price John Beeston Job Walker Gentlemen:-

For the County of Somersett:

John Lord Viscount Fitzharding of the Kingdom of Ireland Francis Lord Hawley of the Kingdome of Ireland Sir Edward Seymour Sir John Sydenham Sir John Smith Sir Thomas Wroth Sir Edward Windham Sir John Trivilian Sir Francis Warr Sir John Moreton Sir John Saint-Barb Sir William Cann Baronetts Sir Edward Phillipps Sir Thomas Bridges Sir Stephen Fox Sir William Wogan Sir George Norton Sir Thomas Travill Sir Charles Carterett Sir Richard Hart Sir John Knight Sir Henry Gould Knights Henry Portman Thomas Strangwayes George Horner Alexander Popham Edward Berkley Nathaniell Palmer Hopton Wyndham John Wyndham John Speke John Sandford John Hunt Alexander Lutterell Joseph Langton William Blathwaite Edward Clarke Edward Gorges William Hellier senior William Hellier junior Carew Mildmay John Pigott Edward Baber William Gore George Long William Lacy Edmond Wyndham Baldwyn Mallett Richard Townes Thomas Bere of Huntsome William Strode Anthony Ettericke ( (fn. 68) ) John Harrington Richard Morgan Thomas Moore Charles Steynings James Prouse John Champneys Henry Henley senior Henry Henley junior Harry Roynon William Coward William Philips William Player George Musgrave William Hilliard of [Sea (fn. 69) ] Anthony Stocker John How Henry Lite Henry Mompesson Thomas Strode Robert Sydertin William Harbin John Bluett of Knole Andrew Crosse George Clarke George [Dodington (fn. 70) ] of [Dodington (fn. 70) ] George [Dodington (fn. 70) ] of Wells James Cadie Robert Long Francis Vaughan Richard Lansdowne Thomas Dyke Thomas Carew William Catford John Worth Gustavus Venner Edward Dyke William Hughes William Westly John Hody senior John Hody junior John Webb Gerrard Newcourt Thomas Langton Nicholas Ashford William Codrington William Blackford Richard Cox James Twyford William Speke of White-Lackinton Gentlemen Robert Yates Thomas Edwards Edward Strode of Deane Samuell Cabell Charles Buckland Thomas Gale Roger Leversage John Creswick William Whitchurch John Buckland John Everard Edmond Bowyer Samuell Horner John Strachey George Prater Nicholas Francis William Francis Henry Winter Thomas Samborne Philipp Bennett John Acourt Edward Thurston William Lucy Thomas Ledgingham Samuell Raymond Henry Brett Robert Blake Thomas Sumner Marshall Bridges Smart Goodenough Robert Pierce of Bath Matthias Hanvile Cornelius Lyde William Lyde William Bolton Thomas Compton John Brice John Blinman John Merefield John Williams Thomas Napper John Hobbs Thomas Langdon David Yea John Browne Edward Ryder Thomas Bacon John Keene Henry Proctor Henry Bonner William Mann Thomas Hawker Esquires Francis Hobart senior William Bisgood Richard Snow Barnard Smith Thomas Baker John Frind Samuell Bindon Thomas Groves Thomas Towells Nicholas Marshall John Berrisford William Webber Robert Smith junior William How Thomas Rodbart Thomas Jennings John Cousins John Bond Theodore Gulston William Speke of Jordans Philibert Cogan Gentlemen John Peryam Doctor Hall George Vaughan Esquires William Okeden Edward Gathampton. Wellman of Bishopps-[Hall (fn. 71) ] Thomas Bonner Anthony Poole John Gold Nathaniell Pitt Gentlemen:-

For the City and County of the City of Bristoll:

Sir Thomas Day Mayor Sir William Cann Baronett Sir Richard Hart Sir Richard Crump Sir Thomas Earle Sir John Knight Sir William Clutterbuck Sir William Hayman Sir John Duddlestone Serjeant Powlett Recorder John Hicks William Crabb Joseph Creswicks William Swymmer Richard Lane William Jackson Arthur Hart Robert Yate the Sheriffs for the time being John Dutton Colt John [Ramsey (fn. 72) ] Joseph Knight Nathaniell Haggett Giles Merricke George Morgan Edward Tocknell John Sanford Samuell Wallis John Hyde Thomas Cole John Bubb John Blackwell Robert Dowting John Bradway William Opie James Pope Henry Combs Marmaduke Boudler John Batchelor Joseph Tiley Thomas Edwards John Cary Nathaniell Wade Esquires:-

For the City of Bath:

Sir Edward Nevill William Blathwaite Joseph Langton Esquires The Mayor and Aldermen for the time being Doctor Robert Pierce:-

For the City of Wells:

The Mayor for the time being William Coward John Davis George Dodington William Westley William Hughs:-

For the Borough of Bridgewater:-

The Mayor for the time being Sir Francis Warr Baronett Francis Tuthill Roger Hoar Aldermen Robert Balch John Harvey of the Castle George Cran Alexander Popham John Gilbert Thomas Bere Gentlemen:-

For the County of Stafford:

The Right Honourable John Lord Viscount Massareene of the Kingdome of Ireland The Honourable John Gray The Honourable Henry Pagett The Honourable Robert Shirley The Honourable William Ward The Honourable Clotworthy Skeffington Esquires Sir Thomas Peshall Sir John Leveson Gower Sir Walter Wrotesly Sir Walter Bagott Sir Edward Littleton Sir Charles Worsley Sir Francis Lawley Sir Thomas Bellott Sir Michaell Biddulph Baronetts Sir Charles Littleton Knight and Baronett Sir Brian Broughton Knight and Baronett Sir Edward Hungerford Knight of the Bath Sir Gilbert Clarke Sir Henry Gough Sir Charles Skyrmsher Knights Thomas Broughton Edward Littleton Robert Burdett Robert Wolsley John Chetwynd Edward Byrch Serjeant att Lawe Richard Dyott Thomas Foley senior Thomas Foley junior Thomas Turton Richard Wilkes Thomas Leigh Philipp Foley William Sneyd Ralph Sneyd senior Ralph Sneyd junior Thomas Lane John Lane Humphrey Wirley Robert Leveson Rowland Oakcover John Lawton George Rodney Bridges, Thomas Kynnersley George Vernon Henry Vernon Thomas Crompton John Every Thomas Rudyard John Hoo William Parker George Parker Thomas Parker William Inge Philipp Hollins Matthew Floyer Philipp Pargiter Jonas Grosvenor William Cotton Thomas Orme John Bagnall James Whitehall Edward Foden Copwood Hollins Michaell Noble Charles Coates John Bulkley of Stanloe Francis Elde William Nabbs Francis Wolverston Richard Pyott Benjamin Jolliffe William Jolliffe Rowland Frith Thomas Lacey William Millward John Shilton Lambert Bagott John Newton Henry Leigh John Chetwood John Wedgwood Nicholas Noble Thomas Whitby James Wood John Beresford Francis Whitwick John Whitwick Daniell Watson William Bendy William Anson John Huntbach Peter Warburton William Trafford senior William Trafford junior Thomas Scott Thomas Jevon Christopher Lea Samuell Pipe Thomas Foley of Stokewart Thomas Bagnall Michaell Brandrith Edward Short Walter Fowler Jonas Astley John Browne John Amplet Thomas Browne Walter Moseley John Baddiley Richard Whitworth Edward Barbour John Young James Rudyard Gabriell Wood Henry Bracegirdle John Wheeler of Wollaston John Jervis John Dolphin junior Samuell Hunt Isaak Hawkins Esquires The Mayor of Stafford for the time being Edward Foden Recorder Thomas Pigott William Oldfeild William Nabbs Esquires John Taylor William Feake John Williamson Thomas Abnett Nehemiah Farmer Humphrey Perry William Murrall John Wilson Sampson Birch Walter Collins William Abnett Edward Bird Joseph Doedy Thomas Lewis Gentlemen The Bailiffs of Tamworth for the time being Michaell Biddulph Esquire Nicholas Parker Charles Baynton George Alsopp Samuell Beardesly Gentlemen The Mayor of Newcastle for the time being William Burslem William Baddiley William Boghay William Lawton Thomas Forden William Middleton John Burgis Gentlemen The Mayor of Warshall for the time being:-

For the City and County of the City of Litchfield:

The Bailiffs and Sheriffs for the time being William Marshall William Bailey Gentlemen Sir Michaell Biddulph Baronett Sir John Floyer Knight Robert Burdett Richard Dyott Philipp Pargiter Richard Pyott Esquires Thomas Hammond Richard Johnson John Rawlins Richard Barnes Richard Wakefield William Jesson William Walmesley Robert Lloyd Gentlemen:-

For the County of Southampton:

The Right Honourable Sir John Trevor Knight Speaker of the Honourable House of Com[m]ons Master of the Rolls and one of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Councill The Right Honourable Charles Lord Marquesse of Winchester Sonne and Heire Apparent of Charles Duke of Bolton and one of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Councill The Right Honourable William Lord Pawlett Second Sonne to the Duke of Bolton Richard Earle of Ranelagh of the Kingdome of Ireland The Right Honourable James Lord Russell Sonne to the Duke of Bedford The Right Honourable Edward Russell Esquire The Right Honourable John Lord Cutts of the Kingdome of Ireland Governour of the Isle of Wight The Honourable Francis Pawlett Esquire Sir Robert Worsley Sir John Mills Sir John Button Sir Hugh Stewkley Sir John Dillington Sir Nicholas Stuart Sir John Hobby Sir Andrew Henly Sir Richard Onslow Sir Heele Hooke Sir John Saint Barbe—Sir Robert Smith Baronetts Sir Charles Windham Sir James Worsley Sir Benjamin Newland Sir William Kingsmill Sir William Stephens Sir Richard Harris Sir Thomas Miller Knights Thomas Earle Governour of Portsmouth Thomas Hopson Richard Norton John Wallupp Thomas Jervoise George Putt Thomas Hobby Gabriell Whistler Ralph Hasting Henry Dawley Frederick Tilney Richard Holt John Leigh Richard Cobb Richard Knight Esquires Sir Francis Massham Baronett Sir Charles ( (fn. 73) ) Cole The Honourable John Smith one of the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury White Titchburne John [Pulten (fn. 74) ] Richard Bishopp Richard Chandeler William Bishopp Samuell Gawden Charles Morley George Bridges Charles Wither George Abbott Richard Leveson John Fawkenner Thomas Brocas John Coniers the Kings Councill Anthony Henley Richard Norton of Alsford Richard Willoughby Edward Goddard Reynolds Calthrop Walter Stephens James Hunt of Popham Oliver Cromwell Edward Chute Henry Bromfeild John Burrard Henry Compton Henry Hooke Edward Fleming Robert Knollis Lewis Buckle Arthur Hide Francis Dickens Esquires Sir Charles Shuckburrow Baronett Henry Perrin Doctor of Physick Nicholas Hedger Richard Stanley Thomas Tutt Benjamin Timewell Robert Shales William Coleman Henry Tulse Edward Hooper Charles Duncombe Benjamin Ruddiard Thomas Wither William Norton Robert Michell Thomas Bulkley William Batten Roger Barten George Duke George Nicholas Thomas Edmunds Thomas Dowse of Wallup Thomas Dowse of Brooke John [Rives (fn. 75) ] of Drayton John [Rives (fn. 75) ] of Bransbury Ralph Bucknall Edward Pile Thomas Cobb Ralph Hastings junior Christopher Stokes Edward Pollen William Stephens Richard Pile Thomas Fitz-James John Lisle Cornelius Cornwallis William Knapton Edward Lisle Thomas Dore William Guydott John Gibson Samuell Pittman George Brampston Doctor of Law Roger Mompesson [William (fn. 76) ] Stroude James Dewy William Hearst Dutton Gifford Charles How William Coker Doctor of Physick Henry Hunt Henry Holmes Charles Stuart Thomas Scott Lawrence Jackson Goddard of Woodhay Captaine Hedges Captaine Lane Doctor Thomas Clutterbuck William Cage Roger Gollop John Worsley James Worsley Henry Mewx Thomas Urry of Fresh Water David Urry of Easton Thomas Urry of Gatcombe David Urry of Gatcombe Doctor Morley of Bishopps Waltham Major Henry Worsley William Fielder John Priaulx James Hooper John Bowerman John Lewknor Christopher Knight Francis Ashley Doctor Thomas Hobbs Doctor Barlow Maurice Hunt Richard Kent Adam de-Cardonnell John Speede Doctor of Physick Ellis Mew Thomas Coward Robert Love Esquires Doctor William Over Bennett of Farum Francis Mills George Burrard John Acton Anthony Bathurst Joseph Harwood James Feild Charles Dingley Richard Beele Giles Liford Allen Garway John Miller Anthony Sturt Edward Goodier Esquires Anthony Guydott John Kaiger Thomas Broomefeild Walter Thomas Thomas Benham Edward Hooker junior William Walden John Hawkesworth Gentlemen Henry Flem[m]ing George Morley Esquires Charles Trafles Thomas Cranely William Dale of Christchurch Cornelius Macham Alexander Alcorne The Mayor of Winton for the time being Thomas Coward Recorder Richard Good Thomas Weavell Godson Penton John Warner James Earle Ellis Mews John Purdue James Barfoote Henry Sharpe Thomas Pink Aldermen Paul Burrard Doctor William Over Henry Ghost Thomas Cropp Thomas Henslow Lewis Bilson Richard Jervois Esquires William Goldwyer The Bayliffe of Andover for the time being George Vernon Esquire John Kyle Edward Warum Nicholas Flower John Bray Gentlemen The Mayor of Portsmouth for the time being George Everenden Lewis Barten John Blakely John White Edward Batten Henry Player Robert Lee of Newport Henry Grace. The Mayor of Petersfeild for the time being William Day John Palmer Richard Marks John Clements Edward Rooks John Feather Gentlemen The Mayor of Newport for the time being Robert Leigh Eustace Man Henry Worsley Esquires John Bowler John Stephens David Urry of Afton William Stephens of West Cowes Edward Stephens Timothy Lucas John Uneham Francis Deacon William Kiblewhite Edward Hales of Newport William Loveing Peter Gards William Legg Thomas Newmam Gentlemen:-

For the Towne and County of the Towne of Southampton:-

The Mayor for the time being John Windham Esquire Recorder John Speede Doctor of Physick William Bulkley Esquire Thomas Cornelius James Crosse Adam de Cardonell Richard White Cornelius Macham John Smith Christopher Smith William Line Elias de Gruchye Robert Culliford Thomas Bracebridge John Leigh James Mellish Alexander Alcorne John Thornbury Goldsmith Peter Bunkley Roger Clutterbuck John Winter Leonard Cropp Peter Bulkley Gentlemen:-

For the County of Suffolk:

Lionell Lord Huntingtowre of the Kingdome of Scotland Hildebrand Lord Allington of the Kingdome of Ireland The Honourable Charles Cornwallis Esquire Sonne and Heire Apparent to the Lord Cornwallis Sir Robert Bacon Sir Adam Felton Sir John Barker Sir John Playter Sir Robert Kempe Sir Simon Dewes Sir John Castleton Sir Dudley Cullum Sir Henry North Sir Jarvase Elwes Sir John Rowse Sir Thomas Allen Sir Thomas Barnardiston Sir John Duke Sir Philipp Parker Sir Samuell Barnardiston Sir Francis Masham Sir Robert Davers Sir Thomas Spring Sir Charles Blose Sir William Cooke Sir John Cotton Baronetts Sir Robert Rich Knight and Baronett Sir John Poley Sir George Weneyve Sir Nevill Catelyn Sir Henry Johnson Sir Joseph Brand Sir Richard Gipps Sir Cesar Wood alias Cranmer Sir Charles Umphreville Sir Francis Blundell The Right Honourable Sir Stephen Fox Knight one of the Lords Co[m]missioners of the Treasury Sir Isaac Rebow Knight William Maynard Nicholas Bacon Thomas Holland Thomas Felton Compton Felton Thomas Glemham Thomas Knyvett Lyonell Playters Henry Heveningham William Bridgman Henry Parker Will. Barker Francis Barker William Johnson Thomas Tyrrell Charles Bloss Charles Knipe John Hunt Edmond Warren John Robinson John Thurston Rich Norton Robert Maddox Henry Warner Thomas Aldham Edward Hubbard Henry Poley John Brayme Thomas Salter Phillipp Beddingfeild Robert King Richard Buckingham Hammond L'Estrange John Scrivener Charles Smith Edward North William Ryvatt James Calthorpe John Cornwallis Francis Smith of Thrandiston Thomas Smith of Barton William Crofts ( (fn. 77) ) John Wright Edmond Bence Robert Barker Robert Naunton John Currance Thomas Wright Henry Edgar Samuell Ward Arthur Barnardiston Lawrence Rowse junior Thomas Golding John Bence George Fleetewood Robert Warryn Aubry Porter John Hervey Christopher Calthorpe John Jermy of Sutton Anthony Wrath senior Anthony Wrath junior Allen Cotton Edward Alpe Edmond Shephard John Smith of Parkefeild William Cullum Thomas Rivett Charles Killigrew Charles Pigeon John Beaumont Thomas Smith of Baughton Nicholas Bragg Charles Whitacre John Hooke Doctor Thomas Carver William Betts Captaine Finn William Poley Robert Cuddon John Catesby John Browne Charles Wood alias Cranmer Roger Kerrington Thomas Neale Thomas Dye Thomas Else Nicholas Freeman John Pells Edward Alston John Felton Peter Alderman John Spink Renaldo Pittfeild John Gerling Gregory Clarke William Randall Thomas Dade Thomas Wright senior Thomas Barnardiston Samuell Barnardiston Richard Wareing Thomas Brand John Barker of Wickham Edward Jenny. Thomas Bright William Hammond Samuell Clarke William Cooke Andrews Warner John Hill Samuell Blackerby Richard Porter John Brand John Eldred of Saxam John Wild senior Philipp French William Hammond of Whitton John Bass Samuell Baker Thomas Owen Thomas Aldridge William Lucas Samuell Pacy Thomas Bendish Bartholomew Soame William Bright Robert Russell Edward Gale Thomas Folkes John Nicholls senior Francis Haylocke Henry Ward Henry North Lawrence Stisted Richard Phillipps Robert Clarke William Tye Richard Marriot William Fowles Joseph Weld Nathaniell Simonds Richard Fryer John Inwood Charles Downeing Esquires Thomas Palmer Massingbourne Gawdy ( (fn. 78) ) William Neve William Glascock Thomas Barnardiston of Ketton Robert Kempe Thomas Cullum Robert Brooke John Gurdon Francis Smith of the Lee William Brand Jacob Brand Gilbert Dolben Esquires Thomas Ashby William Russell William Coe John Russell Robert Darkin John Canham Joseph Browne Richard Vesey John Fryer of Finningham Gentlemen Anthony Fisher [John (fn. 79) ] Craske junior Robert Chaplyn Robert Snelling William Beaumont John Brandling Esquires Edmond [Arris (fn. 80) ] Richard Freestone Bartholomew Young Thomas Scarlett Andrew Brownesmith Thomas Fothergill John Pinchback John Buxton Thomas Mitchell Nicholas Edgar George Watts Richard Jenkinson Edmond Plume Thomas Bright junior. Devereux Edgar John Spencer Edmond Jenny John Rabbett of Bramfeild Samuell Grove Thomas Macroe junior Gentlemen Richard Ferrier Thomas Hayward of Clare Simon Dove of Hadleigh William Flack John Fowle George Gooday Esquires William Turner Jeffery Maltiward James Harvey of Cockfeild Richard Pupplett Robert May Edward Goate John Goodwin of Martlesham George Gale Gentlemen George Dashwood John Simpson Robert Keddington John Barrett of Stradbrooke Philipp Bacon John Morden Wicksted Well Joseph Weld John Pamphlyn Robert Judd Thomas Wright junior Edmond Coleman Thomas King Thomas Taylor Edmond Warner Esquires John Sparham Charles Downeing Thomas Palmer Gentlemen Sir Francis Bickley Thomas Cropley John Folkes Thomas Hastings Thomas Ewen Joseph Hastings William Byatt William Nelson Stephen Alcocke John Haughsen Esquires Thomas Coleman senior John Perry Joshua Artis Henry Wood alias Webb Thomas Knights Edmond Foster Richard Gardener Gentlemen Daniell Procter John Brewster George Coldham Esquires.

For the Borough of Ipswich:

The Bailiffs for the time being Sir John Barker Sir Charles Blois Baronetts Charles Whitacre Esquire Recorder Charles Wright Lawrence Stisted Richard Phillipps John Burrough William Neave William Browne. John Wade Miles Wallis Henry Sparrow William Tye Thomas Day Samuell Reynolds Richard Puplett Robert Smith Thomas Bright Thomas Bowle Robert Clarke Towne-Clerke Gentlemen Devereux Edgar Henry North Philipp Bacon Esquires Doctor John Dade Doctor John Wallace Thomas Wright senior Henry Stebbing Robert Hamby Edward Gaell Robert Snelling John Pemberton John Gulston Henry Skinner Edward Veron Gentlemen John Wright Esquire:-

For the Borough of Eye:

The Bayliffs for the time being Henry Poley Thomas D'Avenant Thomas Deye senior Henry Edgar Thomas Browne Nathaniell Deye Thomas Deye junior Gentlemen Thomas Flowerdy John Smith Thomas Chenery Thomas Buxton Robert Bach junior Richard Harding James Harvey:-

For the Borough of Sudbury:

The Mayor for the time being Sir Thomas Barnardiston Sir Jervas Elwes Sir Samuell Barnardiston Baronetts John Robinson Edmond Coleman Recorder John Gibbon Esquires John Catesby John Parish Bernard Carter Richard Hobard William Cock Samuell Abbott William Hasell William Fothergill Robert Chaplin Martin Harris Clement Ray Henry Crossman William Halls Robert Gurling Benjamin Carter Thomas Carter Thomas Halls senior Samuell Hasell James Cole Gentlemen:-

For the Borough of Dunwich:

The Bayliffs and Aldermen for the time being Sir Robert Kempe Baronett Sir Robert Rich Knight and Baronett John Bence Thomas Neale Esquires William Betts William Hammond John Postle:-

For the Borough of St. Edmonds-Bury:

The Aldermen for the time being The Recorder for the time being James Burrough Henry Guybon Samuell Grove Richard Pryme Thomas Macro senior ( (fn. 81) ) Martin Spenceley Samuell Battley Gentlemen Sir Robert Davers Baronett John Harvey Thomas Holland Esquires:-

For the Towne of Orford:

The Mayor for the time being Sir John Duke Baronett Thomas Glemham Thomas Felton ( (fn. 82) ) Thomas Hastings Joseph Hastings John Sanders Richard Porter Thomas Palmer John Morgan John Sired Daniell Whidby William Robinson John Stephens Thomas Thurston John Brady John Hooke Richard Gooding Nathaniell Gooding William Benington:-

For the Borough of Aldborough:

The Bayliffs for the time being Sir Henry Johnson William Johnson John Bence Esquires Thomas Neal Recorder John Browne Thomas Wall Richard Covell Edward Wall John Borwood James Peck Richard Borwood Alexander Osborne Gentlemen:-

For the County of Surrey:

The Right Honourable Sir Robert Howard one of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Councill The Honourable Heneage Finch Esquire The Honourable Francis Coventry Esquire The Honourable Sir Francis Compton The Honourable Hugh Hare Esquire Sir Walter Saint-John Sir Francis Vincent Sir Marmaduke Gresham Sir Richard Onslow Sir John Thompson Sir Walter Clarges Sir Edward Bromfeild Sir William Temple Sir Robert Nappier Sir Richard Atkins Sir William Glynn Sir Joseph Alston Baronetts Sir John Nicholas Knight of the Bath Sir William Morley Knight of the Bath Sir Thomas Clarges Sir William Hoskins Sir Matthew Andrewes Sir Robert Clayton Sir Saint-John Broderick Sir Purbeck Temple Sir James Clarke Sir Christopher Buckle Sir William Elliott Sir Cornwall Bradshaw Sir James Butler Sir Robert Knightly Sir Peter Daniell Sir Samuell Dashwood Sir Edward Frewin Sir John Parsons Sir Thomas Vernon Sir Peter Vandeputt Sir Charles Hedges Sir John Temple Sir John Fleete Sir John Buckworth Sir Henry Furnace Sir George Meggott Sir William Scawen Sir William Gore Knights George Evelyn of Wotton Thomas Howard Henry Saint-John Francis Fuller Serjeant att Lawe Roger James Thomas Turgis Morrice Tompson Anthony Bowyer Denzill Onslow White Titchbourne Morgan Randyll Foot Onslow Thomas Vincent John Weston Edward Nicholas George Evelyn of Nutfield John Evelyn George Rodeny Bridges John Arnold Edward Harvey William Brownlow James Zouch Baptist May Frederick Tilney George Woodroffe Nicholas Carew Ambrose Browne John Lewkner Richard Garth Henry Hene William Fenwick Thomas Cotton Edward Smith Anthony Thomas Haestreete James Sigismond Stydolph George Duncombe Edward Bray John Sands William Hooker Richard Nicolls Shem Bridges Ambrose Muschamp Peter Hussey Stephen Harvey William Harvey Richard Onslow Christopher Buckle Saint-John Broderick Francis Brend Thomas Lant John Gore William Hatton Charleton Whitelocke Robert Gavill William Nuthall John Mitchell John Wight Nicholas Waite Henry Ludlow Jeffery Amherst Henry Lloyd Samuell Lewin John Pettiward John Parsons John Thynne James Chadwick George Vernon Samuell Atkinson Thomas Wimondesold John Riches William Leake John Burchett John Mitchell James Clarke William Elliott Edward Thurland Jefferie Jefferyes John Jefferyes James Titchburne George Duncombe junior George Meggott Stephen Glynne William Perry John Burgoyne John Love [John (fn. 83) ] Lugg John Seyliard John Highlord Richard Norton George Smith William Hayward Robert, Hatton Thomas Trapps John Heather Martin Fowlkes John Turner Thomas Molineux Henry Vincent Nicholas Fenn Eldred Lancelott Lee Captaine Salmon Benjamin Le Cane Ralph Lane Ralph Snow William Genew Samuell Somerford Robert Sanders Samuell Pett George Goreing Robert Dowglas William Gulston Chidiock Pawlett John Oldbury Captaine John Clements Captaine Anthony Clifford Ralph Hough William Brockman William Norris William Clarke Julius Glanville Charles Bludworth Cesar Bradshaw Robert Wilson Christopher Gettry senior John Hoskins Francis Gosfright. Francis Hatton Captaine John Austen Captaine William Boothby Samuell Crispe senior John Milner Thomas Phipps Captaine Joseph Wandall Edward Woodward Spencer Cooper Captaine John Lampart George Attwood Richard Morgan John De-Leau Leonard Wessell Henry Griffith Thomas Lofield John Dawling Thomas Ures Bowyer of Richmond Henry Wilkinson Thomas Burrowes Lawrence Marsh Doctor John Budgen Urban Hall Thomas Jordan of Gatwick Leonard Hammond George Perry Captaine Richard Bonsey Major Benjamin Bonwick Bryan Fairfax John Cowper Henry Wheately Michaell Edwards Esquires The Mayor of Guildford for the time being The Bailiffs of Kingstone for the time being The Bailiffs of Farnham for the time being Edward Ford John Child senior John [Martyr (fn. 84) ] Henry Flutter John Hill Henry Sanders Thomas Agar John Bull John Kenrick Christopher Creswell Maximilian Emely Timothy Wilson John Terry Joseph Lee Josiah Dewy John Hoskins Richard Kelsey William Jordan Richard White Thomas Jordan John Spencer Richard Jewell Edward Tilby Robert Bignold Thomas. Harris Captaine Bartholomew Richard Guynne Thomas Bartholomew Robert Moore Thomas Moore Thomas Wincupp Thomas Costen Christopher Smith Thomas Symms John Lavender Edmond Lee Henry Strode Philipp Foster John Angell Carter Henry Foreman Barton Hollyday Henry Bartlett Henry Johnson William Somers Peter Norborough Robert Bowyer Thomas Cudsden Gerrard Andrewes Henry Wyatt William Dorison John Eversed Ulisses Blount John Symball Peter Kesterman William Hambly Isaac Cox Thomas Hammond Richard Hammond Abraham Devishee William Sherlock Jonas Sish Daniell Wight Joseph Wood Charles Shorter Thomas Juxon William Allwood Edward Smith George Heath Robert Bristow William Berblock Thomas Mallen Nicholas Hookes John Cox Nehemiah Bourne Abraham Harrison John Pigeon William Yolden John Sermon John Boys Richard Devon Francis Tyrringham John Hadson John Child junior William Gray John Nicholls Edward Dimbleby William Attwood John Allwood John Wood Charles Dubois Daniell Wright senior William Rutter John Gerrard Samuell Peirson John Smith Edward Burrish Henry Herringham John Allen John Mittford Richard Bridger John Ledford Benjamin Craker Peter Delanoy John Cholmny Daniell Duthees Jacob Harvey Thomas Maylyn Thomas Allen Francis Wilkinson William Gibbs Samuell Hall Charles Cox Benjamin Tarrant John Shepherd John Gerrard John Chitty Ferdinando Holland John Coleman John Blake Crow Verren Christopher Cope William Puryour Robert Ford Samuell Lupton Robert Greene Henry Bishopp Thomas Roffey John Cole James Isaacson Thomas Fox Thomas Godden William Steere Edward Starford John Jacob Daniell Allen Marke Houghton Godfrey Woodward Richard Steere Humphrey Abell Edward Tennison Robert Hookes John Lucas Robert Roane Thomas Cooper John Hunter William Waterman senior William Waterman junior Charles Dubois William Balpin Edmond Hunt William Rumbold Matthew Crover John Holland Leonard Child Richard Hutchinson William Perkins Esquires Edward Hubbald Thomas Cooke of St. Saviours William Rutter Edmond Lidgold John Nash John Butcher Robert Hooke Doctor Sawyer Gentlemen:-

For the County of Sussex:

Arthur Lord Viscount Irwin of the Kingdome of Scotland John Lord Cutts of the Kingdome of Ireland Sir John Pelham Sir William Thomas Sir John Fagg Sir Denny Ashburnham Sir William Wilson Sir Thomas Dyke Sir William Culpeper Sir Richard Onslow Sir Thomas Taylor Sir John Stapeley Sir Philip Gell Sir George Parker Baronetts Sir William Morley Knight of the Bath Sir John Briscoe Sir Nicholas Pelham Sir Edward Selwyn Sir James Morton Sir Edward Hungerford Sir James Smith Sir Thomas Miller Sir George Chute Knights Thomas Pelham John Lukener Nisell Rivers Henry Pelham Richard Bridger Thomas Newdigate Thomas Briggs Doctor [of (fn. 85) ] Law George Nevill William Board James Butler George Goring Thomas Beard John Spence James Graves John Fuller John Baker Alexander Stapeley John Miller Simon Smith John Parker Thomas Bromfield Thomas May William Markwick John Machell Thomas Bickley George Gunter John. Braman Richard Farrington Nathaniell Palmer William Williams Peter Gott Thomas Frewen Edward Dyne George Courthop John Marlott Randolph Tutty Francis Page Thomas Woodyer Walter Roberts Thomas Bettesworth Thomas Grey John Apsley William Garroway William Westbrooke Thomas White junior John Cooke of Pettworth Francis Mose senior John Cheale of Findon Richard Stiles John Cooke of Goring John Lee of Playstow Richard Cooper Henry Barnard Thomas Nash Humphrey Jewkes Thomas Peckham of Allingbourne Thomas Knowles Richard Banks Anthony Cruttenden Robert Hall John Niccolls Paul Burrard The Mayor of Chichester and Arundell for the time being Barnham Powell Charles Goring junior Charles Fagg Robert Orme Henry Cooper Richard Payne John Brewer Robert Austin Apsley Newton Robert Fagg Thomas Burrell John Munike William Newton Esquires John Gratwake of Eaton William Anderson Edward Morley William Cobden John Hayes John Wicker John Shelley William Blaker John Werkes Thomas Fagg John Peckham Gentlemen John Pechy Barrister att Law Robert Thomden Richard Butcher George Oglander Stephen Fuller Gentlemen William Pechy of Pettworth Peter Courthop Richard Shelley John Newnham Henry Yates John Board John Groome John Weller. John Baker Esquires Walsingham Michell John Yalden Thomas Bettesworth junior John Stonestreete Thomas Charman William Jewer Samuell Blunt Thomas Westome junior Samuell Westome George Elfred John Pellatt Richard Vokes Richard Parker Hugh Reason Thomas Grathwicke of Ham Robert Baker John Minshaw of Faring John Haseller Thomas Brewton George Osbourne Stephen Jermin Lewis Buckle Thomas Poole of NewShoreham Richard Hay Arthur Turner Samuell Legay of Stoake Lawrence Alcocke Edward Madgwick Christopher Nevill Thomas Dennatt John Double Richard Bridger junior Gent Christopher Knight Richard Peckham John Busbridge John Farrington Charles Serguson Dennis Lydall Thomas Garroway Henry Peachey of Pettworth John Morton Timothy Burrell Esquires Ogle Riggs George Payne Thomas Baker William Hardham William Board Elliott Moore Joseph Studley Gentlemen John Connyers John Taylor William Elson Esquires Thomas Woodyer of Chichester Samuell White Doctor John Pankurst of Horsham Doctor Thomas Aylwyn of Chichester Saint-John Ivy Captaine Woodman Captaine William Fletcher Walter Bartlett senior Thomas Churchir Philipp Cheate of Findon Gentlemen Sir Edward Frewen Thomas Shepherd Matthew White William Leeves Andrew Wilmer William Bury Gentlemen:-

For the Port of Hastings:-

The Mayor [for (fn. 86) ] the time being Colonell John Beaumont Peter Gott Esquires Thomas Lovell John Hyde Captaine Edward Millard Philipp Lovell John Medhurst Jurates:-

For the Towne and Port of Winchelsea

The Mayor for the time being Robert Austen Samuell Westerne Esquires Edward Martyn Harris John Richardson Thomas Symons Richard Samson Thomas Jenkins Francis Jenkins Gentlemen:-

For the Ancient Towne of Rye:

The Mayor and Jurates for the time being Sir John Austen Baronett Thomas Frewen Esquire Michaell Cademan Thomas Tournay Nicholas Mannouch Samuell Jeake John Young Joseph Tucker Thomas Thompson Edward Wilinshurst Gentlemen:-

For Seaford and Pevensey:

The Bailiffs and Jurates for the time being:-

For the County of Warwick:

The Right Honourable the Lord Digby of the Kingdome of Ireland The Honourable Robert Shirley Esquire The Honourable Francis Grevile Esquire The Honourable Thomas Coventry Esquire Sir John Mordaunt Sir Charles Holt Sir Symon Clarke Sir Richard Temple Sir Clement Fisher Sir William Boughton Sir Jacob Astley Sir John Bridgman Sir Charles Shuckburgh Sir William Wheeler Sir John Huband Sir Reginald Forster Sir Bazill Price Sir Richard Newdigate Baronetts Sir William Underhill Sir John Clopton Sir William Craven Sir Andrew Hackett Sir William Bishopp Sir Richard Verney Sir Thomas Rawlinson Sir Thomas Wagstaffe Sir William Wilson Knights William Bromley Andrew Archer Robert Burdett Thomas Rawlins Serjeant att Lawe William Peytoe John Verney George Lucye Robert Somervile Bazill Fielding Richard Newdigate Arden Adderly Seabright Repington Edward Clopton Arden Bagott William Palmer Richard Hopkins Charles Knottesford Humphrey Wyrley Henry Parker Charles Newsham Thomas Keate Thomas Fetherstone Thomas Andrewes John Stratford Edward Bently Aston Ingram Charles Jennens William Colemore Ward Dilke William Dugdale John Chetwynd William Bolton Robert Harvey Symon Biddulph Francis Fisher Henry Greene Humphrey Boughton Francis Boughton Edward Boughton John Shuckburgh Michaell Biddulph James Ludford John Combs John Farmer George Sacheverell Thomas Peers Fisher Wentworth alias Dilke Price Devereux Bernard Whalley Thomas Newsham George Boun Henry Neale John Clarke Hercules Underhill Esquires John Astly Thomas Archer John Marriott John Jennens Humphrey Holden Francis Bagshaw Theodore Stratford William Loggin Thomas Leving John Newsham William Hollbeech Timothy Stoughton John Appletree John Stanton John Andrewes George Alsopp Gentlemen The Mayor of Warwick for the time being The Mayor of Stratford for the time being The Bailiffs of Tamworth for the time being:-

For the City and County of the City of Coventry:

The Mayor for the time being Nathaniell Harryman Francis Harryman Edward Owen Thomas Lawrence William Snell Aldermen Sir John Dugdale Knight Sir Christopher Hales Baronett Richard Hopkins John Stratford Bazill Fielding William Norton Henry Greene Edward Taylor George Bowne John Bowater Robert Beake Thomas Burgh Thomas Hopkins Thomas Gery Esquires Edward Hill Thomas Bayly Henry Smith Robert Smith Francis Cater Thomas King Humphrey Burton Gentlemen:-

For the County of Westmerland.

Sir John Lowther of Lowther one of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Councill Sir Christopher Musgrave Sir George Fletcher Sir John Lowther of Whitehaven Baronetts Sir Daniell Fleming Knight Richard Lowther Christopher Dalston John Dalston William Fleming Edward Wilson senior Edward Wilson junior Henry Wilson Richard Brathwaite Edward Musgrave Roger Mor James Bird John Fisher John Philipson John Nevyson Hugh Maichell Ephraim Sandford Thomas Godsale Richard Crackenthorpe Allen Chambers Esquires Anthony Saul Lancelott Forth John Brougham Daniell Fleming Miles Philipson George Wilson Reginald Dobinson John Hall Thomas Wilson William Birkehead Thomas Cock John Atkinson John Thwaits John Carleton The Mayors of Appleby and Kendall for the time being:-

For the County of Wilts:

Charles Lord Marquesse of Winchester Sonne and Heire Apparent to the Duke of Bolton Edward Lord Viscount Cornbury Sonne and Heire Apparent to the Earle of Clarendon Anthony Lord Ashly Sonne and Heire Apparent to the Earle of Shaftsbury Mountague Lord Norreis Sonne and Heire Apparent to the Earle of Abbingdon Henry Lord Colraine of the Kingdome of Ireland The Honourable Peregrine Bertie The Honourable Francis Grevill Esquires Sir Edward Seymour Sir Walter Saint-John Sir John Button Sir Edward Windham Sir Richard Grubham How Sir Edward Ernle Sir Walter Long Sir William Pincent Sir John Moreton Sir James How Baronetts Sir Edward Hungerford and Sir John Nicholas Knights of the Bath Sir Gyles Eyre and Sir Samuell Eyre two of the Justices of His Majesties Courte of Kings Bench Sir John Ernle Sir John Talbott Sir Thomas Mompesson Sir Gilbert Talbott Sir George Hungerford Sir Stephen Fox Sir Thomas Escourt Sir Matthew Andrewes Sir Charles Rawleigh Sir Edmond Warnford Sir Richard Hart Sir Jonathan Raymond Sir Charles Hedges Sir Thomas Earle Sir William Scroggs Sir John Eyles Knights The Honourable Goodwin Wharton The Honourable John Smith Francis Pawlett George Pitt Richard Lewis Alexander Popham senior Alexander Popham junior Robert Hyde Francis Wroughton senior John Hall' Richard How Thomas Hobby John Windham Robert Eyre and John Eyre Baristers att Lawe Thomas Freake of Shrewton Thomas Jervois Thomas Bennett Edward Nicholas of Manninford Morris Bockland Thomas Pitt William Ash Alexander Thistlethwaite Charles Morley Henry Saint-John Charles Fox Edward Nicholas of Winterbourne Walter Ernle Edward Nicholas of Cannings Francis Goddard Francis Stonehouse Charles Mompesson William Trenchard William Daniell John Glanvill Thomas Baskervill 'Edward Nott Thomas Chamberlayne George Wroughton Thomas Goddard Thomas Freake of Hannington John Bowles of Burcomb John Hawles William Harvey Thomas Penruddock William Windham ( (fn. 87) ) Wadham Wyndham Walter Grubb Henry Chivers Nicholas Baynton Richard Chandler Richard Jones of Ramsbury ( (fn. 88) ) Thomas Gunter James Linch of White Parish Edward Young [John Ash of Haywood John Young (fn. 89) ] of the same John Wildman Edmund Lambert John Methuen Samuell Ash Carew Rawleigh William Willoughby William Norborne Edward Seymour Richard Nevill William George Charles Raymond. Charles Tucker Benj: Gifford Edward Seymour of White Parish Edmond Hungerford John Bennett William Hearst Gabriell Ashley William Wallis Richard Aldworth Christopher Maine John Dewe Jacob Selfe Isaac Selfe Robert Nicholas of the Devizes William Wastfeild Herbert Saladine John Read William Brewer Gifford Yerbury Michaell Ernle Richard Jervoice Richard Long Edward Lisle Nevill Mascaline William Player William Yorke Walter Greene Charles Duncombe John Ash of Grovely Benjamin Giles Edmond Webb John Flower [junior (fn. 90) ] John Bond James Clarke George Hungerford John Trenchard Edward Ash Mountague of Lackham George Speke Petty Walter White Thomas Goddard of Rudlow Henry Poole of Oakesey-Parke Edward Topp William Oakeden Thomas Chaffin of Zeales Thomas Edwards of Wanborough Thomas Pleydall Edward Baynton Thomas Baynton Oliver Caley Poor of Durrington John Jacob Edward Duke John Hill of Sarum Thomas Lambert of the same Anthony Hungerford Thomas Polden Charles Danvers Walter Parker Henry Coker Francis Wroughton junior Robert Duke of Lake Thomas Chaffin Markes John Gantlett John Bigg Richard Holford Master in Chancery Robert Lee of Bingfeild Francis Swanton [Ab-John (fn. 91) ] Stokes Charles Mitchell John Webb William Hitchcock Henry Pinnell John Curle Charles Pleydall Charles Bolles William White Edward Foyle Stephen Blatch Bennett Swaine Henry Nourse Robert Grove senior John Grove of Chisenbury Robert Grove junior John Long of Baynton Francis Thistlethwaite William Beach of Fiddleton Andrew Duke Charles Stuart Walter Long of Wraxhall John Long of the same Edward [Wadham (fn. 92) ] Edward Hearst Nathaniell Trottman William Hancock Councellor att Lawe Thomas Stringer of Ivy-Church Thomas Beach John Kent of Boscomb Edward Ryder Robert Smith Henry Dennis Oliver Bingley William Fisher John Bowles Councellor att Lawe Edward Pleydall of Mudghall Esquires Edward Spencer John Knighton Charles Brinsdon Thomas Tainter William Coles Thomas Fuller Richard Nevill Brereton Boucher Henry Blake Thomas Grove George Hill John Mompesson William Hewes senior Thomas Powell Thomas Hayward Nicholas Elliott. Christopher Gardner Richard Minifie Thomas Haskett John Brooke Nicholas Daniell William Clare John Smith of Alten Matthew Smith Jonathan Hill John Togood Walter Sharpe John Flower Henry Watman Edward Metlicott Thomas Hunt of Enford Henry Eyre of Woodhampton Edmond Hemings Francis Goddard of Pirton Henry Southby Jasper Chapman John Fisher of Chute Francis Coles Thomas Franklyn Robert Biss Robert Mandrell Thomas Long of Rowden Thomas Stump Christopher Lippiett Christopher Willoughby George Davies of Woodford Thomas Clarke John Mitchell Thomas Keyliway Edward Goddard of Ogborne John Violett Richard Cocks Richard Smith of Kennett George Duke of Sarson Richard Hillyard of the Devizes John Waters Peter Temple Joseph Houlton Barjew of Mere John Townesend Anthony Trottman Lovelace Bigg Thomas Phipps John Hawkins Tobias Richmond Zachariah Bayly Richard Barnaby Thomas Jacob of Norten Edmond Estcourt of Burton-Hill Thomas Gore The Mayor of Salisbury for the time being The Mayor of Wilton The Mayor of the Devizes The Mayor of Marlborough and the Bailiffes of Chippenham for the time being John Child James Harris of New Sarum Richard Erle of Chute John Ballard Doctor of Physick William Thomas George South Richard Maddocks of Teffont Robert Gore Francis Kemble junior Robert Lawrence Roger Bodenham Thomas Hunt of Lavington James Harris of the Devizes John Clarke of Burcombe John Goddard Robert Burleton Samuell Gibbs Peter Anderton Joseph Ady of Easton-Grey Richard Poole ( (fn. 93) ) of Newnton Robert Lee Anthony Methwen Jonathan Rogers Richard Barnaby Gentlemen Thomas Webb Esquire:-

For the City of New-Sarum and Close of the same:

The Mayor and Aldermen for the time being The Honourable Giles Eyre one of His Majesties Justices of the Kings-Bench [Recorder (fn. 94) ] Sir Thomas Mompesson Knight Thomas Hobby Thomas Pitt John Windham William Hearst William Windham Wadham Windham Thomas Windham Edmond Pittman Francis Swanton Gabriell Ashley Edward Hearst Herbert Saladine John Hill William Hughes Thomas Chaffin Markes Esquires William Barnes Thomas Stockwell Thomas Baskett Gentlemen Edward Spencer Charles Mompesson Edward Gerrard Thomas Lambert George Stanley Esquires:-

For the County of Worcester:

The Right Honourable Richard Earle of Bellamont of the Kingdome of Ireland The Honourable John Gray Thomas Coventry Robert Tracy Thomas Watson Henry Folliott Esquires Sir Robert Atkins Knight of the Bath Sir Nicholas Lechmere Knight one of the Barons of His Majesties Courte of Exchequer Sir Charles Littleton Sir John Packington Sir Francis Russell Sir Thomas Rouse Sir Edward Seabright Sir William Keyte Sir Ralph Dutton Sir Christopher Musgrave Sir James Rushout Baronetts Sir Rowland Berkley Sir Henry Connisby Sir Francis Winnington Sir Thomas Streete Sir Thomas Haslewood Knights Samuell Sandyes William Bromley Thomas Foley senior Richard Dowdeswell Thomas Savage Henry Jefferyes Thomas Foley junior William Walsh Edwin Sandyes William Lygon Edmond Lechmere Benjamin Jolliffe Bridges Nanfan Charles Baldwin Francis Clare Samuell Pitt John Machill Henry Parker John Charlton Walter Savage senior Walter Savage junior Thomas Vernon of Astwood Thomas Cornwall Robert Dormer Robert Foley Francis Sheldon William Hancock Higgon James George Dowdeswell Thomas Winford John Soley John Bearcroft John Clutton Robert Wild Edward Bull Chambers Slaughter Gerrard Dannet Richard Nash Allen Clift senior Allen Clift junior Francis Bromly Edward Rudge Salwey Winnington Richard Barnaby John Sheldon Richard Freeman Charles Cocks George Harris Goddard Carter Phillipp Foley Thomas Foley of Stoke-Courte Richard Bornford Thomas Cheatle John Newport John Appletree Jonathan Andrewes Timothy Brickinshaw Ferdinando Georges Thomas Savage of Durmiston Thomas Lowe of Bromsgrove William Moore of Barngreen Richard Amphlett John Amphlett John Mariott William Degg Daniell Sheldon Esquires Edmond Taylor Higham Cooke Thomas Bushell William Savage of Broadway Philipp Bearcrofte of St. Swithens Henry Toy Thomas Hunt of Ribbenhall Edward Walker William Bird Gyles Parsons Captaine Jenks Simon Barker Martin Ballard Richard Avenant George Gardiner Samuell Hunt John Wheeler of Woollaston Edward Millward Nicholas Baker Edward Wheeler Richard Smallbrooke Henry Hodges Humphrey Soley James Nash Nicholas Wheeler Edward Davies Edward Lench Richard Norbury John Fones senior Walter Bell William Rudge John Rudge Edward Rastell John Bourne Samuell Slade Thomas Burlton senior Thomas Burlton junior Adam Littleton Francis Viccaris Andrew Fentzall Arthur Lowen Thomas Lench Thomas Watson of Bengworth Gentlemen The Mayor of Evesham for the time being The Bayliffs of Droitwich for the time being The Bayliff of Bewdley for the time being:-

For the City and County of the City of Worcester:

The Mayor Aldermen and Sheriffs for the time being William Bromley Charles Cocks Esquires Sir Rowland Berkley Sir Thomas Streete. Knights Walter Savage Robert Wild Philipp Bearcroft of St. Swithens John Handy John Burton Thomas Smith Nicholas Baker Nicholas Fayting Thomas Bearcroft Apothecary Andrew Fentzall:-

For the County of Anglesey:

Richard Lord Bulkley Viscount Cashell in the Kingdome of Ireland Mark Lord Viscount Dunganon in the Kingdome of Ireland The Honourable Thomas Bulkley The Honourable Robert Bulkeley Esquires Sir John Wynne Sir William Williams of Vaynol Sir Roger Mostyn Sir Hugh Owen Baronetts Sir William Williams Knight and Baronett Thomas Burton John Hooke Nicholas Bagnol William Robinson Peirce Lloyd Arthur Owen Esquires Francis Bulkeley John Griffith of Careg-Lloyd John Owen Penrhose Owen Bold John Williams Henry White of the Fryers Esquires William Meyrick Cunisby Williams Owen Hughes John Jones Doctor of Divinity William Morgan Chancellor of Barigor William Griffith Llanwaithley Robert Owen of Holyhead John Wynne Bodewrid, Simon Foulkes William Bulkeley David Lloyd Lloydiart Owen Williams of Carrog Hugh Wynne of Tryerworth Henry Sparrow Roger Hughes Rowland Wynne John Owen Crymlyn Thomas Williams Mawrice Lewis David Williams Owen Davis of Llanfrydog Henry Wynne Penhiskyn William Jones John Owen Bodier Pierce Lewis John Williams Bodavon John Lloyd of Maes-y-Borth Richard Hughes William Griffith Thomas Roberts of Castellor John Price Owen Roberts John Hill William Griffith Richard Bulkeley Robert Hampton Griffith Hughes The Mayor of Beaumaris for the time. being:-

For the County of Brec[i]on:

Charles Lord Marquesse of Worcester Sonne and Heire Apparent to the Duke of Beaufort Sir Thomas Williams Baronett Sir Edward Williams Sir Rowland Gwynne Knights Bushy Mansell William Winter High Sheriffe Thomas Morgan John Lewis of Coedmaure Sackvill Gwynne Thomas Williams of Cabalva Thomas Mansell Jeffrey Jeffreys John Jeffreyes Charles Morgan Edward Jones Daniell Williams Thomas Walker Walter Vaughan Marmaduke Lloyd Francis Lloyd John Morgan Marmaduke Gwynne Charles Powell Thomas Flower John Williams Robert Lucy John Gunter John Waters Edward Lewis Walter Williams Richard Jeffrey John Walbeof John Gwynne Lodowick Lewis Philipp Parry Samuell Williams James Donne Thomas Bowen Robert Rumsey Walter Vaughan William Williams of Velinnewith Esquires Richard Watkins Francis Lloyd of Llangamarch Lewis Powell Edward Games David Games Gentlemen Henry Vaughan Doctor of Physick Richard Williams of Aberbrane John Lewis Thomas Williams Edward Games of Kuy James Parry Charles Lloyd William Watkins Bartholomew Games John Stedman of Dole-y-gate Marmaduke Gwynne junior Morgan Watkins Howell Morgan William Phelips Christopher Portrey Henry Jones Howell Gwynne Esquires Thomas Lloyd of Roseverick Thomas Williams of Bayly-[Birth (fn. 95) ] Rees Perry of Llangamarch Thomas Gwynne Lewis Lloyd John Davis of Porth-y-Cruise William Williams of Botle Edward Price of Aberknython John Maddocks Lewis Havard Edward Jeffreys of Lluell James Watkins Edward Morgan of Llandiloarvane Thomas Jones Henry Williams William Lloyd Morgan Price Francis Lewis John Rumsey Edward Williams Howell Jones William Awbrey William Williams of Aberanalt John Philips Roger Price of Llangamarch Thomas Price of Glyn Richard Hughes John Lloyd senior John Lloyd junior Thomas Havard of Dovynog Paul Williams Richard Games Alexander Griffiths Jacob James of Maesmunis Rees Lloyd of Llanguaten Thomas Williams of Llanavan-vawr John Prees of Llysdynam John Evans of Llanurshull Gentlemen:-

For the Towne of Brec[i]on:

The Bailiffe Recorder and Aldermen for the time being Sir Edward Williams Sir Rowland Gwynne Knights Thomas Morgan William Winter High Sheriffe Jeffrey Jeffreyes John Jeffreyes Edward Jones Charles Morgan Daniell Williams John Walters William Philips Robert Lucy Lodowick Lewis Esquires Henry Jones Saunder Saunders John Pryce John Jeffreyes Henry Thomas William Herbert Edward Hughes John Davyes William Williams Meredith James Samuell Woolsley Roger Jeffreyes Daniell Price Alexander Griffiths Gentlemen:-

For the County of Cardigan:

Sir William Wogan Knight His Majesties Serjeant att Law Sir Thomas Powell Knight Serjeant att Law Sir Charles Lloyd Knight John Vaughan John Lewis Thomas Lloyd of Castle-Howell John Tredenham Daniell Evans John Herbert William Herbert William Brigstock David Parry Richard Stedman Richard Lloyd of Mabus David Lloyd of Crwnfryn Francis Vaughan Vaughan Price John Phillips of Dolehaydd David Lloyd of Werne John Lewis of Pant-David John Williams of Abernant Bychan David Pryse Edward Jones of Llanyna Hugh Lloyd of Foes-Helig John Williams of Bronwydd William Jenkins Cornelius Lebrune William Powell Samuell Hughes of Crigmore Samuell Hughes of Alltgoch John Lloyd of Kilgwyn Esquires Evan Lloyd John Jones of Abermayde Hugh Lloyd of Clwyd Jack Thomas Lloyd of Olmarch John Knowles Jenkin Lloyd Hugh Lloyd of Doleclectwr David Lewis of Kysnewydd Richard Pryse David Griffith of Lanarth John Evans of Pantcoy Roderick Richards John Pryse John Morris Richard Phillips William Hughes Hector Morgan David Howells Daniell Jones James Lewis Henry Davyes David Lloyd of Llaborth John Parry of Pantyrodyn Owen. Evans Evan Pryse and Edward Philips Gentlemen:-

For the County of Carmarthen.

Sir Thomas Stepney Sir Richard Mansell Sir Sackvill Crow Sir Rice Rudd Sir William Russell Baronetts Sir John Powell Knight one of His Majesties Justices of the Court of Co[m]mon Pleas Sir William Wogan Knight His Majesties First Serjeant att Law Sir Orlando Gee Knight Richard Vaughan of Terracoed Griffith Rice John Tredenham Thomas Cornwallis Rowland Gwynne Thomas Powell Christopher Middleton Thomas Llwyd Richard Vaughan of Derwith Richard Jones Marmaduke Williams John Williams of Abercothy Daniell Evans Thomas Lloyd of Allt-y-Cadnoe Richard Gwynne of Gwempa Griffith Lloyd Rawleigh Mansell Edward Mansell Sackvill Gwynne Roger Manwaring Henry Owens William Brigstock Thomas Lloyd of Dan-yr Allt Arthur Gwynne John Williams of Talley Thomas Gwynne the Elder Edward Jones of Llethernoyath Henry Lloyd of Llanstephan Francis Lloyd William Bevan of Pen y Coed John Philips of Dolehaydd John Williams of Carmarthen Samuell Hughes John Vaughan John Edwards Walter Thomas Francis Browne Nathan Griffith Esquires Edward Vaughan of Terracoed George Gwynne Anthony Rudd David Gwynne William Gwynne Thomas Manwaring Owen Bowen Thomas Philips of Kilsant Henry Lewis Griffith Elliott John Laugharne William Beynon David Lewis of Llysnewith Henry Vaughan of Place Gwynne John Jones of Colebrooke William Brigstocke James Philips Zacharias Bevans Daniell Linegar Thomas Thomas James Jones of Dole-Cothy Morgan Lloyd of Llansevin Lewis Price Walter Morgan Hugh Jones David Williams of Mothvey Anthony Williams Benjamin Lewis. William Davis of Drusloin Charles Dalton Thomas Philips of Llantharogg Matthew Harbottell Jenkin Rice Griffith Williams Richard Philips Evan Harries Anthony Jones of Abergwilly John Evans of Kilsane Samuell Lloyd of Forrest John Jones of Llanvunyth David Evans Evan Price Thomas Lloyd Richard Philips of Lanibothur Captaine Thomas Jones of Llanvyhangell Rose-y-Corne Oliver Howell Gentlemen:-

For the Borough of Carmarthen

The Mayor Co[m]mon Councill and Sherriffes for the time being Sir Sackvill Crow Sir Rice Rudd Sir Hugh Owen Baronetts Richard Vaughan of Terracoed Rowland Gwynne Thomas [Llwyd (fn. 96) ] Griffith Lloyd William Brigstock Henry Lloyd Marmaduke Williams John Edwards Esquires Thomas Mainwaring George Lewis Theophilus Bevans John Williams John Scurlock and Anthony Jones Gentlemen:-

For the County of [Carnavan (fn. 97) ]:-

The Right Honourable Edward Lord Russell Sonne to the Duke of Bedford The Right Honourable Richard Lord Bulkeley Viscount Cashells in the Kingdome of Ireland The Honourable Thomas Bulkeley Sir William Williams Sir John Wynne Sir Roger Mostyn Baronetts Sir Robert Owen Sir Robert Cotton Knights Thomas Burton John Hooke Nicholas Bagnall Arthur Owen Roger Price Griffith Vaughan William Williams of Place y Ward John Vaughan of Pant Glasse George Twisleton Richard Maddrine John Jones Doctor of Divinity Owen Wynne of Glascoed William Maddrine George Coitmore Owen Hughes Edward Williams John Thomas Robert Hookes Maurice Jones David Parry William Glyme John Rowlands Rowland Wynne [of (fn. 98) ] Llanvnda William Morgan William Wynne of Glan yr Afon James Brunkire Love Parry William Wynne of Werne Griffith Wynne of Stymllin Hugh Lewis Owen Wynne of Pen-y-brin Thomas Fletcher Richard Edwards John Wynne Esquires Lloyd Bodvell Griffith Carreg Lancelott Bulkeley Lewis Lloyd William Williams Griffith of Pen yr Allt Edward Pierce of Llyswaine Gentlemen:-

For the County of Denbigh:-

The Right Honourable Sir John Trevor Master of the Rolls Speaker of the Honourable House of Commons and one of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Council The Honourable Sir John Trenchard Chiefe Justice of Chester and one of His Majesties Principall Secretaries of State David Parry Esquire High Sheriffe of the County of Denbigh Sir John Wynne Sir Richard Middleton Sir Thomas Grosvenor Sir Roger Mostyn Sir Evan Lloyd Sir Walter Baggott Sir Robert Cotton Sir John Conway Sir William Williams Baronetts Sir Francis Compton Sir Jeffery Shakerley Sir Robert Owen Sir Roger Puleston Knights William Williams Edward Vaughan Edward Brereton Robert Davies Thomas Carter Kenrick Eyton Cadwalader Wynne Eubule Thellwall senior Eubule Thellwall junior Robert Price of Giller William Robinson Joshua Edisbury Roger Price of Rhiwlas Roger Mostyn of Brimbo Thomas Middleton Hedd Lloyd Esquires John Middleton of Gwanynog Peter Ellis Richard Middleton of Llansilin John Vaughan of Pant Glass Sidney Godolphin Ellis Lloyd of Pen-y-Llan John Roberts of Havod-y-Bwch Thomas Jones of Carregovah Owen Wynne of Llwyne Thomas Wynne of Dyfrynaled David Maurice of Llorraine Ambrose Thellwall John Masemore Robert Griffiths of Brimbo William Rutter Owen Thellwall John Ashpoole Simon Thellwall Thomas Whitley John Williams David Williams John Puleston of Havod y-wern Edward Chambers Robert Wynn of Maes Mochnant John Dolben Edward Wynn of Llanyfydd John Lloyd of Gwrich Esquires Robert Salusbury of Place Issa Robert Wynn Chancellor of Saint Asaph Robert Wynn of Cartmeilio Francis Lloyd Rector of Llandurnog Edward Griffiths of Gran David Lloyd of Bodnant John Wynn of Farm Roger Middleton Robert Lloyd of Place-Maddock Richard Eyton Booth Basnet David Lloyd of Llangollen Vechan John Pulleston of Pickhill Robert Edwards of Place-Yollin Edward Lloyd of Dwyfaine Evan Wynn of Llangwm Peter Foulkes of Erriviat John Foulkes of the same Robert Lloyd of Hendrewailoe Hugh Edwards of Eglwsvach Edward Lloyd of Llanarion Thomas Moreton of Christoneth Andrew Thellwall Roger Trevor Charles Middleton of Llandurnog Gentlemen Charles Bradshaw Esquire Richard Lloyd of Moelvry Thomas Price of Glyn John Wynn of Halton Maurice Wynn of Llanganhavall Thomas Price of Bwlch Hugh Huges of Bryntangor John Lloyd of Bryn Lluarth Evan Lloyd of Croise yockin John Morris of Llyss Watkin Owens John Powell of Llandurnog Meredith Wynn of Nantglyn Tymothy Middleton of Pentre r Llech John Hayman of Halton Evan Wynn Gent Roger Price Esquire Richard Wynn of Aberkynleth Humphry Yale of Place yn-Yale Theodorus Maurice Edward Maurice of Seashire Gentlemen John Vaughan of Tybrith Thomas Holland of Llanelian Henry Vaughan of Dynerth William Davies of Towyn Owen Williams of Kynnant Thomas Shaw Edward Griffiths Robert Knowles Richard Matthewes John Salusbury Robert Price Robert Roberts Edward Hughes of Dymawr Pierce Foulkes Thomas Twiston John Lloyd of Berth Gentlemen The Aldermen and Bailiffs for the Towne of Denbigh for the time being The Mayor of Holt for the time being The Aldermen of Ruthin for the time being Maurice Wynne Roger Gethyn Gentlemen:-

For the County of Flint:-

[The Right Honourable (fn. 98) ] Sir John Trevor [Knight (fn. 98) ] Speaker of the Honourable House of Co[m]mons Master of the Rolls and one of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Councill Sir John Hanmer Sir Robert Cotton Sir William Williams Knights and Baronetts Sir Evan Lloyd Sir John Conway Sir Roger Mostyn Sir William Glyn Sir Richard Middleton Sir Thomas Grosvenor Baronetts Sir John Trenchard Sir Roger Puleston Knights Colonell Roger Whitley Colonell Thomas Salisbury Colonell Thomas Whitley of Allrey William Hanmer Thomas Carter Thomas Mostyn of Read Roger Price Thomas Hanmer Robert Davis William Lloyd John Broughton. Richard Mostyn Thomas Eaton Thomas Ravenscrofte Edward Lloyd of Tuthyn Edward Dymock senior John Wynne of Coperleny Thomas Evans Peirce Pennant George Hope Hugh Griffith Edward Morgan Thomas Whitley Ellis Younge Owen Barton Kenrick Eyton Edward Lloyd of Pentrehobin Edward Kynaston Richard Parry William Rutter Thomas Williams Edward Brereton Josiah Jones Esquires Roger Pennant of Baggilt Twisleton Thomas Lloyd of Gwernhailud Luke Lloyd junior of the Bryn Peter Wynne of Towers William Griffies Thomas Jones Roger Jones senior Roger Mostyn John Pennant Thomas Foulkes Francis Edwards John Price of Brynapeice Thomas Salisbury of Leadbroock Joseph Ellis John Wynne John Puleston of Pickhill Roger Davis of the Dongrey Henry Lloyd William Butler Hugh Pierce Thomas Edwards George Wynne Robert Foulkes Deputy Baron of Chester Thomas Moreton Richard Deaves William Cratchley Edward Bittell Edward Lewis Beaumont Percivall Humphrey Thomas Evan Lloyd John Facknald Thomas Lewis Eubule Wynne of Mace-yn-y-coid John Brooke Gentlemen:-

For the County of Glamorgan:-

Charles Lord Marquesse of Worcester Eldest Sonne to the Right Honourable the Duke of Beaufort Sir Edward Mansell Sir Edward Stradling Sir Charles Kemmys Sir John Awbrey Sir John Thomas Baronetts Sir Rowland Gwynne Sir Humphrey Edwin Sir Humphrey Mackworth Knights John Bennett Esquire High Sheriffe John Windham Serjeant att Lawe Thomas Mansell Thomas Morgan Richard Lewis David Jenkins Colonell Edward Mathewes Francis Gwynne Marmaduke Gibbs William Harbert 'Richard Seys' Richard Jenkins Thomas Lewis William Windham William Mathewes Bussey Mansell Martin Button Richard Lougher Edward Mansell Richard Harbert Thomas Button Samuell Edwin Oliver Saint John Thomas Thomas Thomas Mansell Evan Evans William Awbrey William Seys Thomas Gibbon Reynold Deere George Bowen William Philips Esquires John Franklyn Edward Bassett Rowland Hughes John Price Jeremiah Dawkins Robert Bidder Alexander Trotter Thomas Rice of Ogmore Thomas Price Richard Thomas Thomas Popkins John Llewellin Philip Williams Richard Williams Lyson Llewelin Godwyn Harbert Anthony Thomas Hopkin Thomas Thomas Powell Anthony Powell Edward Turbervill Richard Jenkins Thomas Rice junior Richard Crane junior James Gwynne Anthony Gwynne Illtid Nicholl John Illtid Nicholl of the Ham Andrew Mathews David Lewis Roger Williams Roger Powell Daniell Morris Griffith Thomas:-

For the County of Merioneth:-

Sir John Wynne Knight and Baronett Sir Richard Middleton Sir Hugh Owens Baronetts Sir William Williams Knight and Baronett Sir Robert Owens Knight William Williams Edward Vaughan Griffith Vaughan Roger Salusbury Richard Mitton Hugh Nanney William Lewis Anwill Roger Price John Lloyd Vincent Corbett Richard Owens Owen Anwill Maurice Jones Owen Wynne John Nanney Charles Hughes Edmond Meirick John Vaughan of Caer-Cay John Vaughan of Glan y-lyn Simon Lloyd Hugh Tudir Esquires Owen Eyton Thomas Lloyd Meredith Lloyd William Wynn David Lloyd Robert Nanney Robert Owen Doleysere John Humphreyes Robert Owen-dy-Gwynn Oliver Thomas Hugh Owen Caerberllan John Lloyd Llwyn Crwn Edward Owen Gwastadfryn John Evans Maurice Jones John Vaughan of Caethley Griffith Roberts Jeremiah Edwards:-

For the County of Mountgomery:

The Honourable Andrew Newport Esquire Sir Charles Lloyd Sir John Price Sir Edward Leighton Baronetts Sir William Williams Knight and Baronett Price Deveraux William Pugh of Mathaverne [William (fn. 99) ] Lloyd of [Beth (fn. 100) ] Lloyd Edward Vaughan Francis Herbert John Matthewes Matthew Morgan John Kyffin Richard Owens Walter Clopton John Edwards of Rorington Edward Barrett Arthur Vaughan Thomas Rock Walter Price Arthur Deveraux Richard Mitton Evan Glynne Gabriell Wynne Richard Lee Philip Eyton Daniell Whittingham Richard Herbert Richard Stedman Thomas Mason Nathaniell Maurice Humphrey Kynaston Thomas Lloyd Arthur Weaver Matthew Price Pierce Lloyd Edward Price William Williams Robert Lloyd Meredith Morgan Vincent Pierce Rowland Owen of Lunloeth Lumley Williams junior John Thomas of Penegos Edmond Lloyd Richard Ingram John Williams Humphrey Lloyd Humphrey Jones Esquires Adam Price Richard Mason Edward Jones Thomas Jucks Gilbert Jones John Griffiths of Glanhavren Richard Rock Roger Trevor Richard Matthewes Robert Ingram Brochwell Griffiths Brochwell Wynne William Lloyd of Fynnant Richard Price of Gunly Vaughan Deveraux Thomas Griffiths Thomas Hodson Solomon Bowen Samuell Lloyd John Vaughan of Myvod John Read Hugh Derwas Robert Kynaston Theophilus Porter Hugh Davies of Collfryn John Davies of the same Thomas Garbett William Evance of Llandrinio Evan Jones of Llanllothian Morgan Edwards John Herbert Richard Price of Bettus David Meredith of Llanwothelan Richard Wilson Edward Evance Richard Glynn Rees Lloyd of Clochvan Edward Bowen of Penyralt John Wilson Edward Price of Steetvaylog Edmond Price Randle Owen Richard Whittingham of the Farme William Pierce Captaine John Lloyd of Domgay John Middleton of Churchstocke Evan Jones John Pugh of Kerry Charles Mason Lewis Williams of Llwynyruddith Robert Davies of Maesmawr James Price William Corbett Matthew Matthews of Wern-ddu John Vaughan of Keele Thomas Severne George Higgins William Farnolls Gentlemen John Mostyn Griffith Lloyd Thomas Parry Clerks Price Clun Gentleman:

For the County of Pembroke:-

The Sheriffe for the time being The Right Honourable Richard Lord Bulkeley Viscount Cassells in the Kingdome of Ireland Sir William Wogan Knight His Majesties Serjeant att Lawe Marmaduke Gibbs Esquire Sir Erasmus Philips Sir Thomas Stepney Sir Hugh Owen Sir Gilbert Lord Baronetts John Phillips Essex Meyrick Arthur Owen senior John Barlow senior Arthur Owen junior William Scourfield Walter Middleton John Lewis of Coed-More Lewis Wogan of Hencastle William Wogan John Owen of Trecoon John Barlow junior William Skyrme Charles Phillips George Lort Maurice Bowen Thomas Lloyd of Grove George Le Hunt John Lewis of Mannernawen Henry Walter George Meare William Allen Griffith Hawkwell George Bowen [of (fn. 101) ] Llangwaire William Warren Thomas Corbett Lewis John John Phillips of Trelewhelling John Edwards Arthur Laugharne William Davies of Lanpeter Griffith Elliott Esquires Robert Williams Owen Ford Gwynne Vaughan William Ford John Child Theophilus Jones Thomas Jones John Owen of Berllan John Owen of Preskelly George Lloyd Rice Powell Rice Adams William Ford junior Roger Adams Nicholas Holland John Jordan George Bowen Matthew Bowen George Jones of Braudy Thomas Lloyd of Penpedwist Maurice Morgan Stephen Maurice George Lewis John Wolly Barrett Owen John Fowler Gentlemen The Mayor of Pembroke for the time being Francis Rogers Francis Daws John Courcy Alexander Ford John Rickson Aldermen The Mayor of Tenby for the time being Henry Williams James Lloyd Devereux Hammond Aldermen:-

For the Towne and County of Haverford West:-

The Mayor and Aldermen for the time being Sir Hugh Owen Baronett Sir William Wogan Knight His Majesties Serjeant att Lawe Marmaduke Gibbs George Le-Hunt Esquires Doctor Flayerton Thomas Bowen Towne Clerke Charles Davyes Gentlemen:-

For the County of Radnor:-

Sir Standish Harston Baronett Sir Edward Harley Knight of the Bath Sir Rowland Gwynne Sir Edward Williams Sir Lacon Child Knights Robert Harley William Fowler Thomas Williams John Walcott John Jeffreys Thomas Lewis Edward Lewis of Manoughty Marmaduke Gwynne Thomas Harley Samuell Powell Littleton Powell Henry Probert Edward Price Thomas Vaughan Edward Howarth William Probert Robert Cutler John Fowler Robert Lucy Edward Harley Charles Lloyd John Walsham William Brewster Jeremiah Powell Evan Bowen John Duvall Thomas Howarth Lewis Lloyd Thomas Lewis of Nangwilte Nicholas Meredith Thomas Davyes of Cumtyter John Davis of Coedglaescon William Lloyd Esquires Thomas Holl Lemuell Lloyd Andrew Davis Walter Vaughan Nehemiah Kettleby William Taylor Herbert Weston Lloyd Weston Peter Richards Jonas Stephens Henry Bull Thomas Powell Edward Phillips Griffith Payne Walter Price John Whitney Gentlemen The [Bayliff (fn. 102) ] and Aldermen of New Radnor for the time being Robert Price Esquire Recorder John Davies of Vron Lace Hugh Stephens Esquires Hugh Lewis of Hendwall Samuell Tonman Herbert Weston Lloyd Weston John Walsham Henry Bull Joseph Holl Griffith Payne David Powell John Stephens Jonas Stephens Phillip Taylor Thomas Owen James Donne Hugh Matthewes Roger Russell John Clarke John Watkins of Aberedow Thomas Probert Stephen Probert Walter Griffith Thomas Griffith David Davies Henry Winter Hugh Evans Thomas Price Robert Williams Henry Vaughan John Davis Adam Price Marmaduke Gwynne junior Gentlemen:-

VI. Commissioners to meet upon the 28th of February, and to divide themselves for the Execution of the Act;

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That the said Co[m]missioners soe as aforesaid nominated and appointed shall (in the respective Countyes Rideings Cityes Boroughs Divisions Townes and Places for which they are appointed Co[m]missioners respectively) meete together att the most usuall and co[m]mon place of meeteing within each of the said Countyes Cityes Boroughs Divisions Townes and Places respectively upon the eight and twentieth day of February which shall be in the yeare of our Lord One thousand six hundred ninety four And the said Comissioners or soe many of them as shall be p[re]sent att the said first generall meeteing or the major parte of them are hereby authorised and required to put this p[re]sent Act in execuc[i]on according to the best of theire judgments and discrec[i]ons and shall then if they [shall (fn. 103) ] see cause subdivide and distribute aswell themselves as other Co[m]missioners then not p[re]sent for the execuc[i]on of this Act into lesser numbers soe as three or more of the said Co[m]missioners may be appointed for the service of each Hundred or other Division and soe as may best conduce to the carrying on of His Majesties service hereby required:-

VII. and to agree what Number shall act in each Hundred, &c.; such Division not to restrain them from acting in any other Part of the County.

And for the more effectuall performance hereof be it enacted and declared by the Authority aforesaid That the Co[m]missioners att theire first Generall Meeteing or the major parte of them shall agree and sett downe in writeing who and what number of the said Comissioners shall act in each of the said Divisions or Hundreds Neverthelesse not thereby to restraine the said Co[m]missioners from acting as Co[m]missioners in any other parte of the County or Place for which they are nominated; And deliver a true Copy of such writeing to the Receiver Generall to the end that there be noe Failure in any parte of the due Execuc[i]on of the Service by this Act required:-

VIII. Precepts to be directed to Inhabitants, &c. requiring them to appear at a Place and Time not exceeding Ten Days; then to read the Rates, and charge them how to make Certificates:

Such Persons absenting without excuse or refusing to serve; Penalty; At and after such General Meeting, Commissioners to direct Warrants for Assessors; and to prefix the Assessors a Day and Place to bring in Certificate in Writing of the Names of Persons in Limits; and of Personal Estate, Offices, &c; Assessors to inform themselves, by all lawful ways, of the full yearly Value of Manors and Hereditaments; and then to assess 4s. per Pound of full yearly Value; and to bring, at time prefixed, a Certificate of Assessment; and to return Collectors; for whose Payment to the Head Collectors Parish shall be answerable. Assessors neglecting or refusing to serve, or making Default; Penalty; Distress; charged upon Receiver General; Every Assessor, before he acts, to take the Oaths of 1 W. & M. Sess. 1. c. 8. and the following Oath.

And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the said Co[m]missioners shall directe theire severall or joynt Precepts or Precepts to such Inhabitants High Constables Petty Constables Bailiffs and other like Officers and Ministers and such number of them as they in theire discrec[i]on shall thinke most convenient requireing them to appeare before the said Co[m]missioners att such place and time (not exceedeing Tenne Dayes) as they shall appointe: And att such theire Appearance the said Co[m]missioners shall openly read or cause to be read unto them the Rates and Assessments in this Act menc[i]oned; And alsoe openly declare the effecte of theire Charge to them and how and in what manner they ought and should make theire Certificates and how they ought to proceede in the Execuc[i]on of this Act according to the Rates aforesaid; And if any High Constable Petty Constable Bailiffs Inhabitants or other Officers or Ministers to whome any Precepte shall be directed shall absent themselves without lawfull excuse to be made out by the Oaths of Two credible Witnesses (which Oaths the Co[m]missioners or any Two of them are hereby impowered to administer) or if any person appeareing shall refuse to serve then every such person soe makeing defaulte or refusing to serve shall for every time of such defaulte or refusall forfeite and lose unto His Majestie such su[m]mes as the Co[m]missioners or soe many as shall be p[re]sent or the major parte of them [being p[re]sent (fn. 103) ] shall think fitt not exceedeing the su[m]me of Five pounds nor lesse then Forty shillings; And att and after such generall Meeteing and Charge given as aforesaid the said Co[m]missioners shall take care that Warrants be issued forth and directed to Two att the least of the most able & sufficient Inhabitants of each Parish Towneshipp or Place within the respective Divisions thereby appointeing and requireing them to be Assessors of all and every the Rates and Dutyes by this Act imposed And shall [alsoe therein (fn. 104) ] appointe and p[re]fix a certaine Day and Place for the said Assessors to appeare before them and to bring in theire Certificates in writeing of the Names and Sirnames of every Person dwelling and resideing within the Limitts of those Places with which they shall be charged and of the Substance and Values of every of them in ready Money Debts Goods Chattlls or other personall Estate whatsoever (excepte as before excepted) or in Publick Offices or Imployments of Profitt; And the said Assessors are therein alsoe to be required and are hereby injoyned to ascertaine and informe themselves by all lawfull wayes and meanes they canne of the true and full yearely Value of all Mannors Messuages Lands and Tenements as alsoe of all Quarries Mines of Coale Tin or Lead Copper Mundick or other Mines Iron-Works Salt-Springs and Salt-Works Allom Mines and Works Parks Chases Warrens Woods Underwoods and Coppices and all Fishings Tyths Tolls Annuities and other yearely Profitts and of all Hereditaments of what nature or kinde soever scituate lyeing and being happening or ariseing within the Limitts of those Places with which they shall be charged And being soe thereof ascertained they are to assesse all and every the said Mannors Messuages Lands Tenements and p[re]misses before appointed to be charged after the Rate of Four shillings for every Twenty shillings of the full yearely value as the same are lett for or worth to be lett att the time of assessing thereof as aforesaid And to bring with them att the time and place soe as aforesaid p[re]fixed for theire Appearance a Certificate in writeing of the said Assessement and shall then alsoe return the Names of Two or more able and sufficient persons liveing within the limitts and bounds of those Parishes Towneshipps Constablewicks or Places where [the (fn. 105) ] shall be chargeable respectively to be Collectors of the moneyes to be paid to His Majestie by this Act For whose paying in to the Head Collector in manner hereafter menc[i]oned such moneyes as they shall be charged withall the Parish or Place wherein they are soe imployed shall be answereable; And if any Assessor soe as aforesaid appointed or to be appointed shall neglect or refuse to serve or shall make defaulte att the time appointed for his appearance (not haveing a lawfull excuse to be witnessed by the Oaths of Two credible Witnesses which Oath the said Co[m]missioners or any Two or more of them have power to administer) or shall not performe his Dutye every such Assessor shall for every such neglect refusall or defaulte forfeite and lose unto His Majestie such su[m]me as the Co[m]missioners or soe many of them as shall be p[re]sent or the major parte of them shall thinke fitt not exceedeing the su[m]me of Twenty pounds nor under the su[m]me of Tenne pounds to be levyed by distresse and sale of the Offenders Goods and Chattells in like manner as by this Act is appointed for levying the severall Rates and Assessments herein menc[i]oned in case of neglect or refusall of payment and to be charged upon the respective Receivers Generall together with the said Rates and Assessments; And every Assessor soe as aforesaid appointed or to be appointed shall before he take upon him the execuc[i]on of the said Imployment take the Oaths menc[i]oned and required to be taken by an Act made in the Parliament held the First yeare of the Raigne of King William and Queene Mary intituled An Act for the abrogateing the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance and appointing other Oaths; And alsoe take an Oath to be administered in these words following:

You shall sweare well and truly to execute the duty of an Assessor and to cause the Rates and Dutyes imposed by an Act intituled An Act for granting to His Majestie an Aid of Four shillings in the pound for One Yeare and for applying the yearely su[m]me of Three hundred thousand pounds for Five Yeares out of the Dutyes of Tunnage and Poundage and other su[m]mes of money payable upon Merchandizes exported and imported for carrying on the Warr against France with vigour to be duly and impartially assessed according to the best of your Skill and Knowledge And therein you shall spare noe person for favour or affecc[i]on nor any person grieve for hatred or ill-will:
Soe helpe you God Which Oaths any Two or more of the Comissioners in the County City or Place where the said Assessm'. is to be made have hereby power and are hereby required to administer:-

IX. Certificates of Assessments to be returned to the Commissioners before the 5th of March, unless they give further Time.

On Return of Certificates. Commissioners or any Three may examine Presenters; If Commissioners suspect that Persons, &c. which ought to be charged, are omitted, or an under Value of Lands, they may. summon Party to be examined; Persons summoned not appearing; Penalty; Commissioners may examine into Value of Premises, and set Rates accordingly. Assessors to give One Copy of Assessments to Commissioners; Commissioners to cause same to be written, and sign and seal Duplicates. One delivered to Sub-collectors; others to Head Collectors and Receivers General; Commissioners to cause an Extract of Sums charged, &c. to be certified into Exchequer before 20th of March, or within 30 Days after; King's Remembrancer within Three Months to transcribe Duplicates, &c; and within Three Months after, to transmit the same to the Auditor of the Receipt.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That the Rates and Assessements upon all ready moneyes debts goods chattells personall estates and publick offices and imployments of profitt charged by this Act shall be ascertained and the certificates thereof returned to the Co[m]missioners upon or before the Fifth day of March One thousand six hundred ninety four unlesse the Co[m]missioners shall thinke fitt to give a further time; and alsoe the taxac[i]ons and assessements of the Pound Rate of Four shillings in the pound of the yearely value of all mannors messuages lands tenements hereditaments and p[re]misses charged by this Act: shall be made and ascertained and the severall and respective certificates thereof returned into the Co[m]missioners upon or before the Fifth day of March aforesaid unlesse the Co[m]missioners shall thinke fitt to give further time; and upon returne of any such certificate the Co[m]missioners or any Three or more of them shall and may (if they see cause) examine the p[re]senters thereof; and if the said Co[m]missioners or any Three or more of them within theire severall limits att the time of the returne of the certificates as aforesaid or within Twenty dayes after shall know or have good cause to suspect that any person or persons or any the mannors messuages lands or other the p[re]misses which ought to be menc[i]oned and charged in the said certificates is or are omitted or that any person or persons in the said certificates menc[i]oned is or are of a greater estate or that any the said mannors or other premisses are of a greater yearely value then in the said certificate is menc[i]oned the said Co[m]missioners or any Three or more of them shall have power to su[m]mon such person or persons and the Owners and Possessors of such mannors or other p[re]misses to appeare before them att a day and place p[re]fixed to be examined touching the matters aforesaid; and if the person or persons su[m]moned to be soe examined shall neglect to appeare (not haveing a reasonable excuse for such his default) every person soe makeing default shall pay to his Majestie double the su[m]me he should or ought to have beene sett att or rated, and moreover the Co[m]missioners or the major parte of soe many of them as shall be p[re]sent shall have power by all lawfull waies and meanes to examine into the estate of such person and the value of such p[re]misses chargeable by this Act and to sett such Rate or Rates upon the same as shall be according to the true intent of this Act; and the said Assessors are hereby required to give one copy of theire certificates or assessements fairely written and subscribed by them unto the said Comissioners by whome they were appointed and the said Comissioners or any Two or more of them are hereby ordered and required to cause the said severall and respective Assessements to them delivered (when by them approved of or altered according to the true intent of this Act) to be fairely written and to signe and seale severall duplicates or copyes of the said Assessements and one of them soe signed and sealed forth-with to deliver or cause to be delivered unto the Subcollectors and shall likewise deliver or cause to be delivered other copies thereof soe signed and sealed unto the Head-Collectors and Receivers Generall according to theire severall and respective collecc[i]ons and receipts; and moreover, the said Co[m]missioners shall cause a true copy or extract of the whole su[m]mes assessed and charged within every Hundred Lathe Wapentake Parish Ward or Place rated or assessed in pursuance of this Act and of the whole su[m]mes rated or assessed upon personall estates offices or imployments to be certified and transmitted into His Majesties Courte of Exchequer under the hands and seales of any Two or more of the Co[m]missioners but without nameing the persons in such certificates; and this the said Co[m]missioners shall cause to be done upon or before the Twentieth day of March then next ensueing or within Thirty dayes after (all appeales to them made being first determined) and the Kings Remembrancer in the Exchequer for the time being shall and is hereby required within Three moneths after the duplicates of the last payment shall be transmitted to him to transcribe all the schedules and duplicates of the su[m]mes returned to him from and for every respective County Rydeing City and Towne and every Hundred Wapentake Parish Division Towne and Place therein in a booke of parchemt in alphabetticall order. and in a faire legible hand-writeing; and within Three moneths after the same shall be soe by him received to transmitt all and every the same schedules and duplicates to the Office of Writer of the Tallyes co[m]monly called The Auditor of the Receipte of the Exchequer, who is hereby likewise authorized and required to enter the same in the like alphabeticall order in another booke of parchement fairely written to be provided for that purpose:-

X. Commissioners to issue Warrants to the Sub-collectors for levying, &c.

Sub-collectors to levy and collect according to their Duplicates; and make Demand of Rates of Parties, or at last Place of Abode; Head Collectors to hasten Sub-collectors. In case of Neglect of Sub-collectors; Levy by Distress; Head Collectors to pay in to Receiver General on or before 20th of March; Receiver to pay into Exchequer on or before 25th of March; Times for the Second quarterly Payment; Head Collectors to pay to Receiver General, who is to pay into the Exchequer on or before 24th June; Times for the Third quarterly Payment; Head Collectors to hasten Sub-collectors, and may proceed by Distress. Head Collector to pay to Receiver General; Receiver General to hasten Head Collectors, and pay into Exchequer on or before 30th September; Times for the last quarterly Payment; Head Collectors to pay to Receiver General, who is to pay into Exchequer on or before 25 Dec; All Persons concerned in the Execution of this Act to use Diligence, &c.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That the Co[m]missioners or any Two or more of them shall issue out theire warrants or estreates to the Sub-collectors under theire hands and seales thereby requireing them to levy and collect one Fourth parte of the Rates and Assessments in respecte of theire personall estates offices and imployments as alsoe one Fourth parte of the Pound Rate charged upon all Mannors Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments and p[re]misses as aforesaid; and the said Sub-collectors are hereby required and enjoyed to levy and collect the same according to the duplicates thereof by them received and according to the intent and direcc[i]ons of this Act; and to make demand of the said Rates and Assessments upon personall estates offices and imployments of the parties themselves if they cann be found or otherwise att the place of theire last abode and to pay the same unto theire respective Head-Collectors on or before the Fifteenth day of March One thousand six hundred ninety four or within twenty dayes after And the said Head Collectors are to hasten the said Sub-collectors and in case the same shall not be collected by reason of neglecte or failure of duty of the said Sub-collectors the said HeadCollectors are to levy by warrant under the hands and [seales (fn. 106) ] of any Two or more of the said Co[m]missioners by distresse upon the Sub-collectors respectively such su[m]me and su[m]mes of money as by him and them ought to have beene paid and is or are not paid by reason of his failure in doeing his duty according the direccons of this Act; and every Head-collector is hereby required to make payment of what shall be soe levyed or received unto the Receiver Generall of the said County City or place upon or before the Twentieth day of March aforesaid or within Twenty dayes after; And the Receiver Generall is likewise required to call upon and hasten the said Head-collectors and to pay what he shall receive from the said Head-collectors into His Majesties receipte of Exchequer upon or before the Five and twentieth day of March One thousand six hundred ninty five or within twenty dayes after to the end the first payment of the said rates and assessements may by that time be fully answered and paid into His Majestie; and the said Sub-collectors shall also levy the second quarterly payment of the said rates and assessements charged as aforesaid upon or before the Third day of June next ensueing or within Twenty dayes after and shall alsoe pay the same in to the Head-collectors upon or before the Tenth day of June aforesaid or within Twenty dayes after, And the said Head-Collectors shall make payment thereof to the Receivers Generall of the said County City or Place upon or before the Scaventeenth day of June aforesaid or within twenty dayes after: And the said Receiver Generall is alsoe required to make payment of all which he shall soe receive into His Majesties receipte of Exchequer upon or before the Four and twentieth day of June aforesaid or within twenty dayes after to the end that the second payment of the rates and assessements soe charged as aforesaid may by that time be fully answered and paid in to His Majestie; and the said Sub-collectors are alsoe required and enjoyned to levy one other quarterly payment of the rates and assessements charged as aforesaid upon or before the Fourth day of September then next ensueing and shall alsoe pay the same unto the said respective HeadCollectors on or before the Twelvth day of September aforesaid or within twenty dayes after And the said HeadCollectors are to hasten the said Sub-collectors; and in case the same shall not be collected by reason of neglect or failure of duty in the said Sub-collectors the Head-Collectors are to proceede against them by distresse in like manner and by like warrant as aforesaid; and every Head-collector is hereby required to make payment of what shall be soe levyed or received unto the Receiver-Generall of the said County City or Place upon or before the Twentieth day of September aforesaid or within twenty dayes after; And the Receiver Generall is likewise required to call upon and hasten the said Head-collectors and to pay what he shall receive from the said Head-collectors into his Majesties Receipte of Exchequer upon or before the Thirtieth Day of September aforesaid or within [Twenty (fn. 107) ] dayes after to the end that the third Payment of the said Rates and Assessements may by that time be fully answered and paid in to his Majestie; And the Sub-collectors shall also levy one other quarterly payment of the said rates and assessements charged as aforesaid upon or before the Third day of December then next ensueing or within Twenty dayes after and shall alsoe pay the same in to the said Head-collectors upon or before the tenth day of December aforesaid or within twenty dayes after; And the said Head-collectors shall make payment thereof to the Receiver Generall of the said County City or Place upon or before the seaventeenth day of December aforesaid or within twenty dayes after, And the said Receiver Generall is likewise required to make payment of all which he shall soe receive into his Majesties Receipt of Exchequer upon or before the Five and twentieth day of December aforesaid or within Twenty dayes after to the end that the Fourth and last quarterly payment of the said rates and assessements soe charged as aforesaid may by that time be fully answered and paid in to his Majestie: And all Co[m]missioners Collectors and Receivers are hereby required and enjoyned to apply themselves with all diligence to the most speedy and effectuall execuc[i]on of theire severall and respective dutyes and to use theire utmost endeavours that all estates herein charged may equally pay the rates and assessements according to the direcc[i]on of this Act; that soe his Majesties Service herein may not be delayed or hindred through any of theire willfull neglect or default:-

XI. Head Collector's Receipt a Discharge to Sub-collector. Sub-collector to have Three-pence in the Pound. Head Collector to pay to and be appointed by Receiver.

Sub-collector travelling; Receiver General's Acquittance a Discharge, who is to pay into Exchequer; Allowance to Receiver General.

And it is further enacted and declared by the authority aforesaid that the moneyes received by the Sub-collectors within theire respective Divisions or Hundreds shall from time to time be duly paid to the Head-collectors whose Receipte shall be a sufficient discharge unto every such Sub-collector Which Sub-collector for gathering the said particular su[m]mes shall retaine in his hands for every twenty shillings by him soe paid three pence as a reward for his paines and service; and the said Head-collectors shall accordingly pay over the said moneys unto the Receiver Generall of each County City or Place respectively in manner aforesaid which Head-collector or Collectors shall be nominated and appointed by the Receiver Generall of the respective Countyes which said Receiver Generall shall be answereable for all such su[m]mes of money as shall [be (fn. 107) ] by him or them collected or received; And that noe Sub-collector shall be forced to travell above the space of tenn miles for the payment of the said moneys that shall be by him collected or received; And the said Receiver Generalls acquittance shall be a sufficient discharge unto every such Head-collector; And the Receiver Generall shall pay the wholl su[m]me by him received into the receipt of His Majesties Exchequer in such manner and att and before such dayes and times as are herein before limitted and shall have an allowance of two pence in the pound for all moneys which shall be by him paid into the receipte of the Exchequer upon or before the times p[re]fixt in this Act:-

XII. Commissioners Clerks to have One Penny per Pound for writing the Warrants, &c.

And for the carefull writeing and transcribeing the said warrants certificates estreates and duplicates in due time Itt is further enacted that the Co[m]missioners Clerks who shall respectively performe the same shall by warrant under two or more of the Co[m]missioners hands have and receive from the respective Receivers Generall one peny in the pound of all such moneys as he or they shall have received by virtue of such warrants and estreats who are hereby appointed and allowed to pay the same accordingly:-

XIII. Persons neglecting, &c. to pay Rate,

Collectors to distrain; and to keep the Distress Four Days at Owner's Charge; then to be appraised and sold, and Over-plus restored; Officer may break open Houses, Chests, &c. in the Day-time; calling to Assistance the Constables, &c; Tenants to pay Rates, and to deduct out of Rent; Landlords to allow such Deductions.

And be it further enacted and declared That if any person or persons shall refuse or neglect to pay any su[m]me or su[m]mes of money whereat he or they shall be rated and assessed that then it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Collectors or any of them and he and they is and are hereby authorized and required for non-payment thereof to levy the su[m]me and su[m]mes soe rated and assessed by distresse and sale of the Goods and Chattles of such person soe refuseing or neglecting to pay by his or theire Goods or Chattells or to distraine upon the Messuages Lands Tenements and p[re]misses soe charged with any such su[m]me or su[m]mes and the Goods and Chattells then and there found and the Distresse soe taken to keepe by the space of four dayes att the Costs and Charges of the Owners thereof and if the said Owner doe not pay the su[m]me or su[m]mes of money soe rated and assessed within the space of the said four dayes then the said distresse to be appraised by Two or more Inhabitants where the same shall be taken or other sufficient persons and to be sold by the Collectors for the payment of the said money and the overplus comeing by such Sale (if any be over and above the charges of takeing and keepeing of the distresse) to be imediately returned to the wner thereof; And moreover it shall be lawfull to breake open (in the day time) any House, and (upon Warrant under the hands and seales of Two or more of the said Co[m]missioners) any Chest Trunk Box or other things where any such Goods[are (fn. 107) ] calling to theire assistance the Constable Tythingman and Headboroughs within the Countyes Cityes Townes and Places where any refusall neglect or resistance shall be made which said Officers are hereby required to be aideing and assisting in the p[re]misses as they will answere the contrary att therein perill; And the severall and respective Tennant or Tenants of all Houses Lands Tenements and Hereditaments which shall be rated by virtue of this Act, are hereby required and authorized to pay such su[m]me or su[m]mes of money as shall be rated upon such Houses Lands Tenements or Hereditaments and to deduct out of the Rents soe much of the said rates as in respect of the said Rents of every such House Lands Tenements or Hereditaments the Landlord should or ought to pay and beare And the said Landlords both mediate and imediate according to theire respective Interests are hereby required to allowe such deduc[i]ons in payments upon the receipte of the residue of theire Rents:-

XIV. Tenants paying, acquitted.

Persons assessed aggrieved may complain to Commissioners within Ten Days; The major part of the Commissioners who figned the Rate, to examine upon Oath, and abate or increase the Assessment; Commissioners to meet for determining Appeals.

And it is enacted & declared That every Tenant paying the said Assessments shall be acquitted and discharged for soe much money as the assessments shall amount unto as if the same had beene actually paid unto such person and persons unto whome his Rents should have beene due and payable: And if any person or persons soe rated or charged doe finde him or themselves agreived with such assesseing or rateing and doe within tenne dayes after demand made of the su[m]me or su[m]mes of money assessed on him or them complaine to the Co[m]missioners who signed or allowed his or theire rates or to any Members of the House of Co[m]mons, Co[m]missioners for that place the said Co[m]missioners only or any three or more of them shall have and have hereby power (and are required within tenne dayes next after such Complaint particularly at theire publick place of meeteing and not otherwise) to examine the Owner or Owners or any other person or persons upon his or theire oath touching the value of such reall or personall estate and other the matters aforesaid and upon due examinac[i]on and knowledge thereof, allowe abate defaulke encrease or enlarge the said assessement and the same soe allowed abated encreased or enlarged shall be levyed and shall be certified or estreated into the Exchequer in manner aforesaid: And to that end the said Co[m]missioners are hereby required to meete together for the determining of such complaints and appeals accordingly; and for this end to expresse in theire warrants to the Collectors the times and places for determining appeals and to summon the respective Assessors concerneing whose assessement any complaint shall be made to attende at the time and place to be appointed for the determining such complaint who are hereby required to attend accordingly; and appeals once heard and determined to be fynall without any further appeal upon any pretence whatsoever:-

XV. Assessor, Collector, Receiver, wilfully neglecting or refusing to do their Duty;

Commissioners to fine, not exceeding £20 nor under £10; Fines paid to Receiver General, and by him into the Exchequer.

And be it further enacted and declared by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Assessor Collector Receiver or other person appointed by the said Co[m]missioners shall wilfully neglect or refuse to performe his or theire duty in the due and speedy Execuc[i]on of this p[re]sent Act or if any Assessor shall wittingly or willingly under-rate or assesse at an under-value any person or thing chargeable by this Act the said respective Co[m]missioners or any Three or more of them have hereby power to impose on such person or persons soe [neglecting refuseing (fn. 108) ] or not performeing theire dutyes such fine or fines as [to (fn. 109) ] them shall be thought fitt soe as the same exceede not the su[m]me of Twenty pounds nor to be under the su[m]me of Tenne pounds which said Fines shall not be taken off or discharged but by the consent of the majority of the Co[m]missioners who imposed the same but shall be levyed by Warrant under the Hands and Seals of the said Co[m]missioners or any Two of them by distresse and sale of the Goods and Chattells of the Offenders and in default of Goods and Chattells the Offenders to be co[m]mitted (by Warrant under the Hands and Seals of the said Co[m]missioners or any Two or more of them) to prison there to remaine till payment of the said Fines And that all Fines that shall be imposed by virtue of this Act shall be paid to the respective Receivers Generall and by them into the Receipte of His Majesties Exchequer:-

XVI. Collector not paying Sums collected,

Commissioners may imprison, and proceed against Real and Personal Estate; and may appoint a General Meeting of Commissioners, of which Notice to be given; Proceedings thereon.

And it is further enacted and declared That if any Collector that shall (by virtue of this Act be appointed for the Receipte of any su[m]mes of money thereby to be assessed) neglect or refuse to pay any su[m]me or su[m]mes of money which shall be by him received as aforesaid and to pay the same as in and by this Act is directed and shall detaine in his or theire hands any money received by them or any of them and not pay the same att such time as by this Act is directed, the Co[m]missioners of each County Rideing City or Towne respectively or any Two or more of them in theire respective Divisions are hereby authorized and impowered to imprison the person and [to (fn. 110) ] seize and secure the Estate both reall and personall of such Collectors to him belonging or which shall descend or come into the Hands or Possession of [his (fn. 111) ] Heires Executors or Administrators wheresoever the same canne be discovered and found; And the said Co[m]missioners who shall soe seize and secure the estate of any Collector or Collectors shall be and are hereby impowered to appointe a time for the generall meeteing of the Co[m]missioners for such County Rideing City Towne or Place and there to cause public Notice to be given att the Place where such meeteing shall be appointed six dayes att the least before such generall meeteing; And the Co[m]missioners p[re]sent at such generall meeteing or the major parte of them, in case the moneys detained by any such Collector or Collectors be not paid or satisfied as it ought to be according to the direcc[i]ons of this Act shall and are hereby impowered and required to sell and dispose of all such Estates which shall be for the cause aforesaid seized and secured or any parte of them and to satisfie and pay into the hands of the Receiver Generall the su[m]me that shall be soe detained in the Hands of such Collector or Collectors theire Heires Executors or Administrators respectively:-

XVII. Any Two Commissioners may require Account from Collectors and Receivers General; and may levy.

And it is hereby further enacted and declared; That att the expirac[i]on of the respective times in this Act p[re]scribed for the full payment of the said four quarterly payments the severall and respective Co[m]missioners or any Two or more of them within theire Division and Hundred shall and are hereby required to call before them the Collectors within each respective Division Hundred Parish & Place to examine and assure themselves of the full and whole payment of the particular su[m]me and su[m]mes of money. charged within and upon the same Division Hundred and every parish and place therein and of the due returne of the same into the Hands of the Receivers Generall theire Deputy or Deputyes of the said County Rideing City Towne and Place respectively and by such Receiver Generall into the Receipte of His Majesties Exchequer to the end there may be noe failure in the payment of any parte of the Assessement by virtue of this Act to be assessed and paid and in case of any failure in the p[re]misses the said Co[m]missioners or any Two or more of them are hereby to cause the same to be forthwith levyed and paid according to the true intent and meaneing of this Act:-

XVIII. If Controversy concerning assessing Commissioners, Commissioners concerned to withdraw; in default, Commissioners present may fine, not exceeding £20. All Questions determined by Commissioners.

And it is hereby enacted & declared That in case any controversy arise concerneing the said Assessements or the dividing apporc[i]oning or payment thereof which concernes any the Co[m]missioners by this Act appointed, that the Co[m]missioners soe concerned in the said controversie shall have noe voice but shall withdrawe att the time of the debate of any such controversie untill it be determined by the rest of the Co[m]missioners and in default thereof that the Co[m]missioners then p[re]sent shall have power and are hereby required to impose such Fine and Fines as to them shall be thought fitt upon such Co[m]missioner soe refuseing to withdrawe not exceedeing the su[m]me of twenty pounds and to cause the same to be levyed and paid as other fines to be imposed by this Act are to be levyed and paid And all questions and differences that shall arise touching any the said Rates Assessements and Levyes or the collecting thereof shall be heard and finally determined by the Co[m]missioners in such manner as by this Act is directed upon complaint thereof made to them by any person or persons thereby agreived without further trouble or suite in Lawe.

XIX. Proviso for Colleges, &c. in the Universities, the Colleges of Windsor, Eaton, Winchester, and Westminster, and for Hospitals, in respect of Scites of Colleges, &c. and for Tobias Rustat's Charity. and for Christ's Hospital, &c.

Provided that nothing contained in this Act shall extend to charge any Colledge or Hall in either of the Two Universities or the [Colledges (fn. 112) ] of Windsor Eaton Winchester or Westminster or the Corporac[i]on of the Governours of the Charity for releife of poore Widdowes and Children of Clergymen or the Colledge of Bromley or the Charity settled by Tobias Rustat lately deceased upon the Master Fellowes and Schollars of Jesus Colledge in Cambridge in trust for six poore Clergymens Widdowes or any Hospitall for or in respect of the scites of the said Colledges Halls or Hospitalls or any Master Fellowe or Schollar of any such Colledge or Hall or any Reader Officer or Minister of the said Universities Colledges or Halls or any Masters or Ushers of any Schoole for or in respect of any Stipend Wages or Profitts whatsoever ariseing or groweing due to them in respecte of the said severall Places and Employments in the said Universities Colledges or Schooles or to charge any of the Houses or Lands belonging to Christs Hospitall Bridewell St. Thomas and Bethelem Hospitall in the City of London and Borough of Southwarke or any of them or the said Corporac[i]on of the Governours of the Charitye for Releife of Poore Widdowes and Children of Clergymen or the Colledge of. Bromley or the Charity settled by Tobias Rustat lately deceased upon the Master Fellowes and Scholars of Jesus Colledge in Cambridge in trust for Six poore Clergymens Widdowes nor to extend to charge any the Almesmen or Almeswomen or other poore persons inhabiting within any other Hospitall or Almeshouse for or in respect of any Rents or Revenues payable to them or any such of them for theire imediate use and releife whose annuall maintenance and profitts shall not exceede in the wholl the su[m]me of Twenty pounds:-

XX. Tenants of Hospitals rated for what the Lands are worth above Rents reserved.

Provided that noe Tennants of any Lands or Houses by lease or grant from the said Corporac[i]on or any of the said Hospitalls or Almeshouses doe claime or enjoy any freedome or exempc[i]on by this Act: But that all the Houses and Lands which they soe hold shall be rated and assessed for soe much as they are yearely worth over and above the Rents reserved and payable to the said Corporac[i]on or to the said Hospitalls or Almeshouses to be received and disbursed for the imediate releife and support of the poore in the said Hospitalls [and (fn. 113) ] Almeshouses:-

XXI. Persons dwelling in one Parish, &c. and having Goods in another, to be assessed where they dwell.

Provided alsoe That where any person inhabiting within the City of London or any other Cityes or Townes Corporate hath his dwelling house in one of the Parishes or Wards therein and hath any Goods Wares or Merchandizes chargeable by this Act in one or more of the other Parishes or Wards in the same City, that then such person shall be charged taxed and assessed for such his Goods and Merchandizes in the Parish or Ward where he dwelleth and not elsewhere in the said City:-

XXII. Places assessed in the County, &c. where usually assessed.

Provided and be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That for the avoideing all obstrucc[i]ons and delayes in assesseing and collecting the su[m]mes which by this Act are to be rated and assessed; all Places Constablewicks Divisions and Allotments which have used to be rated and assessed shall pay and be assessed in such County Hundred Rape Wapentake Constablewick Division Place and Allotement as the same hath heretofore usually beene assessed in and not elsewhere:

XXIII. Proviso respecting Hundred of West Barnefield.

Provided neverthelesse That the Hundred of West-Barnefeild formerly rated and assessed in the Lath of Aylesford in the County of Kent shall upon this Act only be rated and assessed in the Lath of Scray in the County aforesaid:-

XXIV. Proviso for Contracts between Landlord and Tenant as to Payment of Taxes.

Provided alwaies That nothing in this Act conteined shall be construed to alter change determine or make voide any Contracts Covenants or Agreements whatsoever betweene Landlord and Tennant or any others touching the Payment of Taxes or Assessements Any thing herein before menc[i]oned to the contrary notwithstanding:-

XXV. If Action for executing Act, General Issue.

Treble Costs; Receivers General to give Head Collectors Receipts gratis; Head Collectors to give Receipts gratis to Sub-collectors. Sub-collectors to deliver a Schedule to Head Collectors, of Defaulters where there is no Distress; which Schedule is to be delivered to Receiver General and returned into the Exchequer.

And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Acc[i]on Plaint Suite or Informac[i]on shall be co[m]menced or prosecuted against any person or persons for what he or they shall doe in pursuance or in execuc[i]on of this Act such person or persons (soe sued in any Court whatsoever) shall and may plead the Generall Issue (Not guilty) and upon any issue joyned may give this Act and the Speciall Matter in Evidence; and if the Plaintiffe or Prosecutor shall become Non-suite or forbeare further Prosecu[i]on or suffer a discontinuance or if a Verdict passe against him the Defendants shall recover theire Treble Costs for which they shall have the like Remedy as in any case where Costs by the Lawe are given to Defendants: And the said Receivers Generall shall give Acquittances (gratis) to the said Head-Collectors for all moneys of them received; And the said Head-Collectors shall alsoe give acquittances (gratis) to the Sub-collectors for all such moneys as shall be paid them in pursuance of this Act, And the said Sub-collectors shall make and deliver to the said Head-Collectors a perfect schedule fairely written in parchment under theire hands and seales signed and allowed by any Two or more of the respective Comissioners containeing the names sirnames and places of abode of every person within theire respective collecc[i]ons that shall make defaulte of payment of any of the su[m]mes that shall be rated or assessed on such person by virtue of this Act where noe sufficient distresse is to be found nor other satisfacc[i]on made and not otherwise and the su[m]me and su[m]mes charged on every such person the same schedule to be delivered by the Head-collector to the Receiver Generall of the County City or Place respectively to be by him returned into his Majesties Court of Exchequer Whereupon every person soe makeing default of payment may be charged by processe of the said Court according to the course of the Court of Exchequer in such cases:-

XXVI. Where Lands, &c. unoccupied, and no Distress nor Person of Owner found, the Name of Owner certified into Exchequer; which Certificate is to be a Charge, and Process to issue.

Provided alwaies and be it further enacted, That in case any lands or houses in any Parish or Constablewick shall lye unoccupied and noe distresse canne be found on the same nor the person of the true Owner or Proprietor canne be found within the County wherein such house or land lyeth by reason whereof the rate and assessement upon such unoccupied house and lands cannot be levyed, that then upon complaint made thereof to the Co[m]missioners for the County where such case shall happen to be the said Co[m]missioners or any Two or more of them shall certifie into His Majesties Court of Exchequer the name of the person whose lands or house soe lyeth unoccupied together with the su[m]me thereupon assessed and the parish and place where such land or houses lyeth which certificate is hereby declared to be a sufficient charge upon the person and land or house therein named and shall make the person debtor to His Majestie for the su[m]me soe assessed and the Court of Exchequer shall issue out processe thereupon against the body goods and all other the lands of such debtor untill the su[m]me soe assessed be fully and actually levyed and paid to His Majestie

XXVII. Where Woodlands assessed and no Distress,

Commissioners may enter and cut and sell. Purchaser may cut and carry away.

Provided alwaies and be it enacted; That where any Wood-Lands shall be assessed and noe distresse canne be had, that in such case it shall and may be lawfull to and for any Collector Constable Headborough or Tythingman by warrant under the hands and seales of two or more of the Co[m]missioners of that Hundred or Division att seasonable times of the yeare to cutt and sell to any person or persons soe much of the wood groweing on the Wood-Lands (Timber-Trees excepted) soe assessed as will pay the assessement or assessements to be behinde and unpaid and the charge incident thereunto And that it shall and may be lawfull for the person and persons and his and theire assignes to whome such woods shall be sold to fell cutt downe and dispose and carry away the same to his owne use rendering the overplus (if any be) to the owner any lawe to the contrary notwithstanding:-

XXVIII. Where Assessment on Tithes, &c. not paid, Collector may take and sell by Warrant under Hands and Seals of Two Commissioners.

Provided alwaies and be it further enacted That where any tax or assessement shall be charged or laid upon any tythes tolls profitts of marketts faires or fishery or other annuall profitts not distraineable, in case the same shall not be paid within fifteene dayes after such assessements soe charged or laid and demanded then it shall and may be lawfull to and for the Collector Constable or other Officer thereunto appointed by warrant under the hands and seales of two or more Co[m]missioners, authorized by this Act to seize take and sell soe much of the said tythes tolls and other profitts soe charged as shall be sufficient for the levying of the said tax and assessement and all charges occasioned by such non-payment thereof rendering the overplus to the owner (if any be):-

XXIX. Receiver General setting Insuper, &c. on Persons who have paid;

Penalty to Party; how recovered; Penalty to the King; 1 W. & M. Sess. 2. c. 2.

And for the better p[re]venting of such unjust vexac[i]ons as might be occasioned by such persons as shall be appointed Receivers Generall of any of the su[m]mes of money granted by this Act; And to the intent that the said Receivers Generall may returne a true account into his Majesties Court of Exchequer of such su[m]mes of money as shall be received by them and every of them theire and every of theire Deputy and Deputyes Bee it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That if any such Receiver Generall returne or certifie into the said Court any su[m]me or su[m]mes of money to be in arreare or unpaid after the same have beene received either by such Receiver Generall or by his Deputye or Deputyes or any of them or shall cause any person or persons to be sett insuper in the said Courte for any su[m]me or su[m]mes of money that hath beene soe received, That then every such Receiver Generall shall be lyable to pay to every such person and persons that shall be molested vexed or damaged by reason of such unjust certificate returne or setting insuper treble [the (fn. 114) ] damages that shall be thereby occasioned the said damages to be recovered by acc[i]on of debt bill plaint or informac[i]on in which noe essoigne protecc[i]on or wager of lawe shall be allowed nor any more then one imparlance and shall alsoe forfeite to his Majestie his heires and successors to the Crowne of England according to the limittac[i]on and succession thereof specified and contained in an Act passed in the First yeare of King William and Queene Mary intituled An Act declareing the rights and liberties of the subject and settleing the succession of the Crowne double the su[m]me that shall be soe unjustly certified or returned or caused to be set insuper:-

XXX. Parents and Guardians to pay Rates imposed on Infants; and upon Neglect, &c. to be proceeded against as other Defaulters

Sums paid allowed upon their Accounts.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that where any person or persons chargeable with any rates or assessements by this Act imposed shall be under the age of one and twenty yeares in every such case the Parents Guardians and Tutors of such Infants respectively upon default of payment by such Infants shall be and are hereby made lyable to and charged with the payments which such Infants ought to have made; And if such Parents Guardians or Tutors shall neglect or refuse to pay as aforesaid, it shall and may be lawfull to proceede against them in like manner as against any other person or persons makeing defaulte of payment as herein is menc[i]oned: And all Parents Guardians and Tutors makeing payment as aforesaid shall be allowed all and every the su[m]mes paid for such Infants upon his or theire accompts:-

XXXI. Persons to be rated for Offices at Places where executed, and for Personal Estates where resident.

Persons not Householders rated where resident at Execution of Act; Person out of the Realm rated for Personal Estate where last resident within the Realm.

And be it further enacted that every person rated or assessed for his Office or Employment shall be rated and pay for his said Office or Employment in the County City or Place where such Office or Employment is executed; And every person who is or shall be rated for or in respect of any personall estate to him any way belonging shall be rated att such place where he or shee shall be resident att the time of the execuc[i]on of this Act; And all persons not being housholders nor haveing a certaine place of residence shall be taxed att the place where they shall be resident att the time of the execuc[i]on of this Act And if any person who ought to be taxed by virtue of this Act for or in respecte of his personall estate shall att the time of his assessement be out of the Realme such person shall be rated therefore in such County City or Place where he was last abideing within the Realme:-

XXXII. Person having Goods, &c. in any County other than County wherein he lives, rated in the County where Goods are.

Persons to be rated for Lands, &c. in the Place where such Lands lie.

Provided That where any person shall have any Goods Wares or Merchandizes in any County or Countyes other then the County where he shall be resident or had his last residence itt shall be lawfull to rate or assesse such person for such goods wares and merchandizes in the County or Countyes where the same shall be; And every person who shall be rated or assessed as aforesaid for or in respecte of any Mannors Messuage/?/s Lands Tenements or Hereditaments shall be rated and assessed in the place where such Messuages Mannors Lands Tenements and Premisses respectively doe lye and not elsewhere:-

XXXIII. Any Person in respect of several Places of Residence being doubly charged for his Personal Estate, upon Certificate and Oath thereof, to be discharged for so much.

Any Person who by changing his Place of Residence or other Fraud shall escape being taxed, upon Proof thereof, to be doubly charged.

Provided alwaies That if any person or persons by reason of his or theire haveing severall Manc[i]on Houses or places of residence or otherwise shall be doubly charged by occasion of this Act for or in respecte of his or theire personall estate then upon certificate made by any two or more of the Co[m]missioners for the County Rideing City or Place of his or theire last personall residence under theire hands and seales of the su[m]me or su[m]mes charged upon him or them and in what capacity or respecte he or they were soe charged (which Certificate the said Co[m]missioners are required to give without delay fee or reward) and upon oath made of such certificate before any one Justice of the peace of the County or place where the said certificate shall be made (which oath the said Justice of peace is hereby authorized and required to administer) then the person and persons soe doubly charged shall for soe much as shall be soe certified be discharged in every other County City or Place And if any person that ought to be taxed by virtue of this Act for or in respect of his personall estate shall by changeing his place of residence or by any other fraud or covin escape from the taxac[i]on and not be taxed and the same be proved before the Co[m]missioners or any Two of them or before any Justice of the Peace in the County Rideing City or Place where such person dwelleth or resideth att any time within one yeare next ensueing after such tax made every person that shall soe escape from the taxac[i]on and payment shall be charged upon proofe thereof att the double value of soe much as he should or ought to have beene taxed att by this Act; the said double value upon Certificate thereof made into the Exchequer by the Co[m]missioners or Justices (before whome such proofe shall be made) to be levyed of the Goods Lands and Tenements of such person:-

XXXIV. Householders to give Account of Lodgers to Assessors;

Penalty £20.

And for the better discovery of personall estates be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid; That every Housholder shall upon demand of the assessors of the respective parishes or places give an account of the names and qualities of such persons as shall sojorne or lodge in theire respective houses under the penalty of forfeiteing to his Majesty the sume of Twenty pounds to be levyed and recovered in such manner as other penaltyes in this Act menc[i]oned are to be levyed and recovered:-

XXXV. Commissioners within their Division to rate each other for their Personal Estates and Offices.

Commissioners to assess the Assessors.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid; That the Co[m]missioners that shall be within any County City or Place within the respective limitts; or the major parte of them shall rate tax and assesse every other Co[m]missioner joyned with them for or in respecte of the ready money debts Goods Chattells and personall Estate of such Co[m]missioners and alsoe for and in respecte of the Offices and Employments of Profitt which att the time of such examinac[i]on shall be held and enjoyed by such Co[m]missioners soe as the residence and usuall Dwelling-place of such Co[m]missioner soe to be taxed be within the division of such Co[m]missioners by whome he is taxed and soe as the Office and Employment held and enjoyed by such Co[m]missioner soe to be taxed be likewise to be exercised within the division or limitts of such Co[m]missioners by whome he is to be taxed and the Co[m]missioners within theire Division shall alsoe assesse every assessor within theire division for all and singuler the p[re]misses for which by this Act he ought to be rated and assessed And aswell all su[m]mes assessed upon every the said Co[m]missioners and assessors as the assessements made and sett by the assessors aforesaid shall be written estreated levyed and gathered as the same should and ought to have beene if such Co[m]missioners had not beene named Co[m]missioners:-

XXXVI. Shares in New River, Thames, Hyde Park, or Marybone Waters;

Interest in the King's Printing House, and all Companies of Merchants in London; assessed by Commissioners appointed for London; and the Sums paid by the Treasurers, &c.

And be it further enacted and ordained by the authority aforesaid That all and every person and persons haveing any share or shares or interest in any fresh streame or runing water brought to the north parts of London comonly called The New River or in the Thames Water-workes or in the Hide-Parke or Mary-bone Waters or any Rents or Profitts ariseing thereby; And all person and persons haveing any share or interest in the stock or stocks of printing of books in or belonging to the house co[m]monly called The Kings Printing House shall pay for the same the su[m]me of Four shillings for every Twenty shillings of the full yearely value thereof; And they and all Companyes of Merchants in London charged by this Act shall be assessed by the Co[m]missioners nominated and appointed for the said City or any Three of them for theire respective shares and interests aforesaid and the aforesaid joynt stock and stocks and the same shall be paid by the Governours and respective Treasurers of the said respective Companyes and by the Treasurers or Receivers of the said River Waters and Water-works and stock for printing and to be deducted [att & (fn. 115) ] out of theire next Dividend:-

XXXVII. Proviso for Scotland, Ireland, Jersey, or Guernsey.

Provided alsoe that this Act shall not extend to the inhabitants of Scotland Ireland Jersey or Guernesey for and concerneing any such personall estate which they or any to theire use have within the places aforesaid:-

XXXVIII. Any Two Commissioners may require Account from Receiver General, and may levy.

And it is further enacted by the authority aforesaid That the said Co[m]missioners or any two or more of them may and shall from time to time call for and require an account from the respective Receivers Generall of all the moneyes received by them of the said Collectors and of the payments thereof into his Majesties receipte of Exchequer according to the [direcc[i]ons (fn. 116) ] of this Act; And in case of any failure in the premisses the said Co[m]missioners or any two or more of them are hereby required to cause the same to be forthwith levyed and paid according to the true intent and meaneing of this Act:-

XXXIX. No Privilege of Exemption from Subsidies, &c. shall extend to Rates granted by this Act.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That noe letters patents granted by his Majestic or any of his Royall Progenitors to any person or persons Cityes Boroughs or Townes Corporate within this Realme of any manner of Libertyes Priviledges or Exempc[i]ons from Subsidies Tolls Taxes Assessments or Aids shall be construed or taken to exempt any person or [person (fn. 117) ] City Borough or Towne Corporate or any of the Inhabitants of the same or in the Tower of London from the burthen and charge of any su[m]me or su[m]mes of money granted by this Act but that all and every such person and persons City Borough and Towne-Corporate shall pay theire proporc[i]ons of all rates and assessements by this ( (fn. 118) ) Act imposed any such Letters-Patents Grants or Charters or any Clause of Non-Obstante Matter or thing therein conteined or any Lawe Statute Custome or p[re]scripc[i]on to the contrary notwithstanding:-

XL. Inhabitants in Cities, &c. not compellable to be Assessors, &c. out of Limits.

Provided alsoe That noe person inhabiting in any City Borough or Towne Corporate shall be compelled to be any Assessor or Collector of or for any parte of the rates and assessements hereby granted in any place or places out of the limitts of the said City Borough or Towne Corporate:-

XLI. Proviso respecting Assessments on Houses where Foreign Ministers reside.

Provided alwaies and be it enacted That every rate tax or assessement which shall be made or imposed by virtue of this Act in respecte of any House or Tenement which an Ambassador Resident Agent or other publick Minister of any Forreigne Prince or State now doth or hereafter shall inhabitt or occupy shall be paid by the Landlord or Owner of the said house or [tenement (fn. 119) ] respectively:-

XLII. Proviso respecting Nomination of Assessors and Collectors in Extra-parochial and privileged Places.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That in all priviledged and other places being extraparochiall or not within the constable-wicks or precincts of the respective Assessors to be appointed by virtue of this Act (although in any monthly or other tax they have not beene assessed or rated heretofore) the said Co[m]missioners or any two or more of them shall and are hereby required to nominate and appointe two fitt persons liveing in or neare the said priviledged or other places as aforesaid to be Assessors for the said places and to make and returne theire said assessements in like manner as by this Act is appointed in any Parish Tything or Place and alsoe to appoint one or more Collector or Collectors who are hereby required to collect and pay the same according to the rates appointed by this Act for collecting and paying all su[m]mes of money payable by this Act:-

XLIII. Commissioners not liable to Penalties of 25 Car. II. c. 2.

Provided alwaies and be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That noe Co[m]missioner or Co[m]missioners who shall be imployed in the execuc[i]on of this Act shall be lyable for or by reason of such execuc[i]on to any of the penaltyes menc[i]oned in an Act made in the Five and twentieth yeare of the reigne of King Charles the Second for the p[re]venting of dangers which may happen from Popish recusants:-

XLIV. Commissioners to take the Oaths of 1 W. & M. Sess. 1. c. 8. which Commissioners may administer.

Provided alwaies and be it enacted That noe person shall be capable of acting as a Co[m]missioner in the execuc[i]on of this Act before he shall have taken the oaths appointed by an Act of Parliament made in the First yeare of the raigne of King William and Queene Mary intituled (An Act for the abrogateing the oaths of supremacy and allegiance and appointing other oaths (which oaths it shall be lawfull for any two or more Co[m]missioners to administer and are hereby required to administer to any other Co[m]missioners:-

XLV. Papist of 16 and upwards not having taken the Oaths to pay double.

Proviso where within Ten Days after Meeting of Commissioners he shall take the Oaths.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That every Papist or reputed Papist being of the age of sixteene yeares and upwards who shall not have taken the oaths menc[i]oned and required to be taken by the said last menc[i]oned Act shall yeild and pay unto his Majestie double the su[m]mes and rates which by force or virtue of any clause in this Act before menc[i]oned or conteined he or shee should or [ought (fn. 120) ] to pay or be charged with to be assessed levyed and collected answered recovered and paid in such manner and by such wayes and meanes and according to such rules and direcc[i]ons and under such penaltyes and forfeitures as are before in this Act expressed or appointed for and concerneing the above menc[i]oned rates and su[m]mes which are hereby intended to be doubled as aforesaid:- Provided neverthelesse that if any such Papist or reputed Papist within tenne days after the first meeteing of the said Co[m]missioners in the respective Countyes or Places where he or shee ought to be taxed or assessed according to the intent of this p[re]sent Act; shall take the said oaths before two or more of the said Co[m]missioners (which oaths the said two or more Co[m]missioners are hereby impowered to administer) that in such case he or shee shall not be lyable to be doubly assessed as aforesaid:-

XLVI. Persons of 16 and upwards who shall not have taken the Oaths before Execution of Act, and being summoned shall refuse to take them, or neglect to appear before Commissioners, to pay double.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That every person being of the age of sixteene yeares or upwards and being within this realme at the time of the execuc[i]on of this Act who shall not before that time have taken the oaths menc[i]oned and required to be taken by the said Act intituled (An Act for the abrogateing of the oaths of supremacy and allegiance and appointing other oaths) And upon su[m]mons by warrant under the hand and seale of any two or more of the Co[m]missioners appointed by this Act shall refuse to take the said oaths att the time appointed in the said warrant or shall neglect to appeare att such time before the Co[m]missioners in order to take the said oaths (which said oaths the said Co[m]missioners or any two or more of them are hereby impowered and required to administer) shall yeild and pay unto his Majestie double the su[m]mes and rates which by force or virtue of any clause in this Act before menc[i]oned or [cotained (fn. 121) ] he or shee should or ought to pay or be charged with in manner as is before in this p[re]sent Act appointed touching Papists or reputed Papists:-

XLVII. Gentlemen, who by 3 W. & M. c.6. paid double, or have been returned into Exchequer for Non-payment, not appearing before the Commissioners to take the Oaths, to pay double.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That every Gentleman or soe reputed or owneing or writeing himselfe such or being above that quality who by virtue of an Act made in the third yeare of the raigne of King William and Queene Mary entituled (An Act for raiseing money by a poll payable quarterly for one yeare for carrying on a vigorous Warr against France did pay or ought to have paid double the su[m]mes charged by the said Act or were or ought to have beene returned into the Exchequer for nonpayment thereof who shall not voluntarily appeare before the said Co[m]missioners or any two or more of them within tenne dayes after the first meeteing of the said Co[m]missioners in the respective place or places where he ought to be taxed or assessed and take the said oaths appointed by the said Act made in the first yeare of the raigne of King William and Queene Mary (which Oaths the said Co[m]missioners or any two or more of them are hereby impowered and required to administer and to make an entry or memorandum thereof in some Booke to be kept for that purpose) such person shall be charged with and pay double the su[m]mes which by force or virtue of this Act he should or ought to have paid; to be assessed levyed collected answered recovered and paid in such manner by such wayes and meanes and according to such rules and Direcc[i]ons and under such penalties and forfeitures as are before in this Act expressed or appointed for or concerneing the above menc[i]oned rates and su[m]mes which are hereby intended to be doubled as aforesaid:-

XLVIII. Commissioners to summon Persons suspected to appear and take the Oaths.

And be it further enacted That any one or more of the Co[m]missioners appointed by this Act upon informac[i]on given or upon any cause of suspic[i]on in that behalfe shall and are hereby required and enjoyned to cause every person suspected or against whome such informac[i]on shall be given to be su[m]moned to appeare to take the said Oaths as aforesaid:-

XLIX. Proviso for Quakers subscribing the Declaration of Fidelity 1 W. & M. Sess.1. c. 18.

Provided neverthelesse That whereas certaine persons Dissenters from the Church of England co[m]monly called Quakers and now knowne to be such doe scruple the takeing of any Oath it shall be sufficient for any such person to make and subscribe the declarac[i]on of fidelity conteined in an Act made in the Parliament held in the first yeare of the raigne of King William and Queene Mary intituled An Act for exempting theire Majesties Protestant Subjects dissenting from the Church of England from the penalties of certaine Lawes which declarac[i]on any two or more of the Co[m]missioners appointed for the execuc[i]on of this Act are hereby impowered and required to take and every such person soe doeing shall not be lyable to or chargeable with any of the double rates aforesaid

L. No Person liable to Pound Rate whose Lands are under 20s.

Provided that noe poore person shall be charged with or lyable unto the pound rate imposed by this Act upon Lands Tenements or Hereditaments whose Lands Tenements or Hereditaments are not of the yearely value of Twenty shillings in the wholl:-

LI. Chancery Officers within the Liberty of the Rolls to be there assessed.

Provided alwaies That the Right Honourable the Master of the Rolls the Masters of Chancery Six Clerks Clerks of the Petty-Bag Examiners Registers Clerks of the Inrollment Clerks of the Affidavits and Subpena Office and all others the Officers of the Court of Chancery that execute theire Offices within the liberty of the Rolls shall be theire assessed for theire respective Offices and not elsewhere:-

LII. Collectors keeping Monies collected in their Hands, or paying other than to Head-collectors or Receivers General; Penalty £10

Head Collector so offending; Penalty £40; Receiver General paying to any Person other than the Exchequer or paying upon Tally of Pro, &c; Penalty £1,000.

And be it further enacted That if any Collector of any Parish or Place shall keepe in his hands any parte of the money by him collected for any longer time then is by this Act directed (other then the Allowance made unto him by this Act) or shall pay any parte thereof to any person or persons other then to the Head Collector or Receiver Generall of such County or Place or his respective Deputy that every such Collector shall forfeite for every such Offence the su[m]me of Tenne pounds, And in case any Head Collector shall keepe in his hands any parte of the money paid to him by any Collector by virtue of this Act for any longer time then is by virtue of this Act directed or shall pay any parte thereof to any person or persons other then the Receiver-Generall of such County or Place or his Deputy every such Head-Collector shall forfeite for every such Offence the su[m]me of Forty pounds; And in case any Receiver-Generall or his Deputy shall pay any parte of the moneyes paid to him or them by any Collector by virtue of this Act to any person or persons whatsoever (other then the receipte of his Majesties Exchequer and att or within the respective times limited by this Act) or in case any such ReceiverGenerall or his Deputy shall pay any parte of the said moneyes by any Warrant of the Co[m]missioners of the Treasury or the Lord Treasurer Under Treasurer or Co[m]missioners of the Treasury for the time being or upon any Tally of Pro or Tally of Anticipac[i]on or other way or device whatsoever whereby to divert or hinder the actuall payment thereof into the receipte of the Exchequer as aforesaid that then such Receivor-Generall shall for every such Offence of himselfe or his Deputy forfeite the su[m]me of One thousand pounds to him or them that shall sue for the same in any Courte of Record by Bill Plaint or other Informac[i]on wherein noe Essoigne Protecc[i]on or Wager of Lawe is to be allowed:-

LIII. Treasury not to direct Warrant for Payment of Monies otherwise than into the Exchequer, nor to the Officers of Exchequer for striking Tally of Pro, &c. nor Officers of Exchequer to strike any such Tally, &c.

And it is hereby further enacted That the Co[m]missioners of the Treasury or the Lord Treasurer Under-Treasurer or Co[m]missioners of the Treasury for the time being or any of them doe not direct any Warrant to any of the said Head-Collectors or Receivers-Generall or theire Deputy for the payment of any parte of the moneyes hereby given to any person or persons other then into the Receipte of the Exchequer as aforesaid nor shall they nor any of them direct any warrant to the Officers of the Exchequer for the strikeing of any tally of Pro or tally of anticipac[i]on nor doe any other matter or thing whereby to divert the actuall payment of the said moneyes into the Receipte of the Exchequer, Nor shall the Officers of the Exchequer strike or direct or record the strikeing of any tally of Pro or tally of anticipac[i]on upon any the said moneyes upon any accompt [or warrant (fn. 122) ] whatsoever Nor shall any Teller throw downe any bill whereby to charge himselfe with any of the said moneyes untill he shall actually have received the same:-

LIV. No Noli prosequi or other Stay of Prosecution in any Suit for Penalties.

Provided alsoe and be it enacted That noe stay of prosecuc[i]on upon any comand warrant moc[i]on or order or direcc[i]on by Non vult ulterius prosequi shall be had made admitted received or allowed by any Court whatsoever in any suite or proceedeing by acc[i]on of debt bill plaint or informac[i]on or otherwise for the recovery of all or any the paines penalties or forfeitures upon any person or persons by this Act inflicted or therein menc[i]oned for or in order to the convicc[i]on or disability of any person offending against this Act:-

LV. No Person to be Commissioner in any County, or in London or Westminster, who did not pay under 3 W.& M. c.6; or 4 W. & M. c. 14. nor in any other Place, unless he so paid, or paid 10s. quarterly as a Tradesman worth £300.

Provided alsoe and be it enacted That noe person shall be capable of acting as a Co[m]missioner in the execuc[i]on of this Act for any County or Rydeing or the Cityes of London and Westminster unlesse he was assessed and did pay to His Majestie the su[m]me of Twenty shillings quarterly towards the rates and assessments granted by an Act made in the Third yeare of the raigne of King William and Queene Mary intituled An Act for raiseing money by a poll payable quarterly for One yeare for the carrying on a vigorous warr against France or the su[m]me of Four pounds to the Act made in the Fourth yeare of the raigne of King William and Queene Mary intituled An Act for reveiw of the quarterly poll granted to theire Majesties in the last session of this p[re]sent Parliament; and alsoe that noe person shall be capable of acting as a Co[m]missioner in the execuc[i]on of this Act for any other City or in any Borough Towne or Cinque-Port or the Countyes thereof respectively unlesse he was assessed and did pay the su[m]me of Twenty shillings quarterly as aforesaid or was assessed and did pay the su[m]me of Tenne shillings quarterly (as a Trades-man worth Three hundred pounds) towards the said quarterly poll or the su[m]me of Forty shillings to the said Act for reviewe of the said quarterly poll:-

LVI. Tradesmen worth £300. having paid to the said Poll, may be Commissioners. Exception.

Provided alwaies That every person who did pay the su[m]me of Tenne shillings quarterly (as a Trades-man worth Three hundred pounds) towards the said quarterly poll may be capable of acting as a Co[m]missioner for and within any City Borough or Towne Corporate whereof he is an Inhabitant although he be nominated a Co[m]missioner for the County att large in which such City Borough or Towne Corporate is scituate unlesse Co[m]missioners be particularly appointed by this Act for such City Borough or Towne Corporate:-

LVII. When not Commissioners enough for any City, &c. Commissioners for any County may act.

Provided neverthelesse That in case there shall not be a sufficient number of Co[m]missioners for any City Towne and County of the same Borough Towne or Cinque-Port (for which by this Act Co[m]missioners are particularly appointed) capable of acting according to the qualificac[i]ons hereby for putting this Act in execuc[i]on, that in every such case any of the Co[m]missioners appointed for the County att large within which such Cityes Townes and Countyes of the same Borough Towne or Cinque-Port doth stand or which is next adjoyneing thereto, may act as Co[m]missioners in the execuc[i]on of this Act within such City Towne and County of the same Borough Towne or Cinque-Port:-

LVIII. In case there be not a sufficient Number of Commissioners capable of acting for any County, His Majesty may constitute under the Great Seal so many Persons, being resident, as have Real Estates of £100 per Annum in the Counties, to be Commissioners.

Provided alsoe and be it further enacted That in case there shall not be a sufficient number of the persons nominated to be Co[m]missioners for any County who shall be capable of acting as Co[m]missioners according to the qualificac[i]ons in this Act That in every such case it shall be lawfull for His Majestie to issue or cause to be issued one or more co[m]mission or co[m]missions under the Greate Seale of England and thereby to nominate constitute and appointe such and soe many persons being resident and haveing reall estates of the value of One hundred pounds a yeare in the said respective Countyes for which they shall be respectively nominated to be Co[m]missioners for putting this p[re]sent Act in execuc[i]on in the said Countyes respectively which said Co[m]missioners soe to be nominated and appointed for the said Countyes respectively shall have such and the same powers for putting this Act in execuc[i]on in the said respective Countyes and under the same rules and direcc[i]ons as any other Co[m]missioners nominated or appointed by this Act any thing herein conteined to the contrary notwithstanding:-

LIX. Persons after Assessment removing to a Place where he was not rated for Personal Estate, Commissioners to summon and rate, unless Certificate that he was assessed and had paid.

And for the more effectuall chargeing all personal estates be it enacted by the authority aforesaid; That if after the assessements on personall estates directed by this Act shall be made, any person shall come to inhabitt or reside in any Division or Place where such person was not rated or taxed for personall estate the Comissioners acting within such Division or Place are hereby required and impowered to su[m]mon such person before them and unlesse he or shee shall produce a certificate made according to the direcc[i]ons of this Act whereby it shall appeare that he or shee was assessed and had actually paid all the precedent quarterly payments in some other place for his or her personall estate the said Co[m]missioners shall and are hereby required to cause such person to be assessed for his or her personall estate, and cause the same by such quarterly payments thereof as shall be unassessed and unpaid to be assessed levyed and paid according to the true intent and meaneing of this Act:-

LX. King's Bench Prison, &c. and the Marshalsea, to be charged in the Parish of Saint George Southwark.

Provided alwaies That the prison of the Kings Bench the Prison-House lands gardens and Co[m]mon-Side; and all the rents profitts and pquisites of the office of the Marshall of the said Kinges Bench prison lyeing and being in the Parish of St. George the Martyr in the Borough of Southwarke and County of Surrey; and alsoe the Prison-House lands and gardens of the prison of the Marshall of the Marshalsea Prison and all offices perquisites and profitts of the Marshalsea Court and Prison lyeing and being alsoe in the said Parish of St. George in the Borough of Southwarke and County of Surrey shall be charged and assessed to this assessement in the said Parish of S[ain]t. George and Borough of Southwarke and not else where any thing to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding:-

LXI. Commissioners acting before taking the Oaths, Penalty £500.

Provided alwaies and be it enacted That if any person hereby named a Co[m]missioner shall presume to act as a Co[m]missioner in the execuc[i]on of this Act, before he shall have taken the oaths which by this Act he is required to take and in the manner hereby p[re]scribed he shall forfeite to His Majestie the su[m]me of Five hundred pounds:-

LXII. Where Owners of Lands are liable to be doubly charged, as Papists or otherwise, for not taking the Oaths, Owners only charged, and Tenant discharged.

Provided alwaies and be it enacted That where the Owners of any lands tenements and hereditaments are lyable to be doubly charged as Papists Reputed Papists or otherwise by reason of theire not haveing taken the oaths according to the intent of this Act; in every such case such Owners only shall be charged with, and shall pay the said double rates; and the respective Tennants of such lands tenements and hereditaments are hereby discharged of and from the same any covenant for payment of taxes or other agreement to the contrary notwithstanding:-

LXIII. Southwark Water-works by whom rated and assessed.

Provided alwaies and be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all the Waterworks in the Burrough of Southwarke shall be rated and assessed by the Co[m]missioners and Assessors of the County of Surrey and not by the Co[m]missioners or Assessors of the City of London any thing herein before conteined to the contrary thereof notwithstanding:-

LXIV. The like as to Westminster Water-works

Provided alwaies and be it enacted; That all the Waterworks in the City and Liberty of Westminster shall be rated and assessed by the Co[m]missioners [and Assessors (fn. 123) ] for the said City and Liberty and not by the Co[m]missioners or Assessors of the City of London any thing herein conteined to the contrary notwithstanding:-

LXV. Recital that Receivers General, and the King's Remembrancer and the Auditor of the Exchequer, are required to make certain Returns.

Receiver General not making such Return; Penalty £50 and Incapacity; King's Remembrancer offending; and the Auditor offending; Penalty £100 and Incapacity.

And whereas, the Receivers-Generall are by this Act appointed by a time limitted as aforesaid to returne a true coppy or extract of the wholl su[m]me assessed and charged within every Hundred Rydeing Lathe Wapentake Parish Ward or Place rated or assessed in pursuance of this Act together with the sumes assessed upon personall estates offices or employments and to transmitt the same into His Majesties Court of Exchequer; and the Kings Remembrancer is alsoe required to transcribe the schedules and duplicates of the said su[m]mes to him returned in a parchment booke in alphabetycall order to be by him transmitted to the office of the Writer of the Tallyes co[m]monly called The Auditor of the Receipte of the Exchequer who is thereupon likewise required to enter the same in a parchment booke in the like alphabeticall order be it further enacted That if any Receiver Generall by this Act appointed shall neglect or refuse to returne duplicates of the su[m]mes assessed and charged in the County Rydeing Hundred Lathe Wapentake Parish Ward or Places whereof he is Receiver-Generall within the time hereby limitted into His Majesties Exchequer to the office of the Kings Remembrancer then every such Receiver-Generall shall forfeite the su[m]me of Fifty pounds to any that will sue for the same and be thenceforth incapable of any office or place of trust in His Majesties service; and if the Kings Remembrancer for the time being shall neglect or refuse within the times hereby appointed to transcribe the schedules and duplicates of the sumes to him returned in a booke of parchment in alphabeticall order as hereby required and transmitt the same to the office of the said Writer of the Tallyes; and if the said Writer of the Tallyes co[m]monly called Auditor of the Receipte shall not enter the same in alphabeticall order in another parchment booke as hereby directed they and every of them respectively offending shall forfeite the sume of One hundred pounds to any that will sue for the same and be thenceforth incapable of any office or place of trust in His Majesties service; which said forfeitures by any Receiver-Generall, Kings Remembrancer or Auditor of the Receipte shall be recovered by acc[i]on of debt plaint or informac[i]on in any of His Majesties Courts of Record att Westminster wherein noe essoigne protecc[i]on or wager of law shall be allowed nor more then one imparlance:-

LXVI. Auditor, &c. to allow to Parties paying Rents due to the Crown, &c. not making such Allowance.


Provided alsoe and be it enacted, That all and every Auditor Reeve Receiver and theire Deputyes who receive any fee-farme rents or other cheife rents due to His Majestie or the Queene Dowager, or to any other person or persons claimeing by any grant or purchase from or under the Crowne shall allow Four shillings in the pound according to the true intent and meaneing of this Act to the party and partyes so payeing the same without any fee for such allowance upon penaltye of forfeiteing the su[m]me of Tenne pounds and loseing theire respective places and offices if they faile therein:-

LXVII. Proviso for Rectory, &c. not exceeding £30.

Provided neverthelesse and it is hereby further enacted, That nothing in this Act conteined shall extend to charge or tax any Rector or Vicar who has the cure of souls and actually resides upon his rectory or vicaridge (upon the account of such his rectory or vicaridge only) unlesse his rectory or vicaridge does really and truely exceede the value of Thirty pounds by the yeare and unlesse that he has more then One rectory or vicaridge:-

LXVIII. Certain Tenants of Lands, &c. belonging to Colleges, &c. not discharged.

Provided alwaies, That nothing conteined in this Act shall be construed or taken to discharge any tennant of any the houses or lands belonging to the said Colledges Halls Hospitals Almshouses or Schooles or any of them, who by theire leases or other contracts are and doe stand oblidged to pay and discharge all rates taxes and imposic[i]ons whatsoever; but that they and every of them thall be rated and pay all such rates taxes and imposic[i]ons, any thing in this Act conteined to the contrary notwithstanding:-

LXIX. Allowance to Commissioners' Clerks not paid till Certificate from King's Remembrancer's Office.

Provided alwaies and it is hereby further enacted by the authority aforesaid That the allowance of one penny in the pound to the Co[m]missioners Clerks herein before appointed shall not be paid by the respective Receivers Generall untill the said Clerks for the respective Countyes doe procure a certificate from the office of the Kings Remembrancer in the Exchequer (which certificate shall be made without delay or reward) that such Clerks have perfected the duplicates and transmitted the same into the said office as is herein before directed, any thing herein before conteined to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding:-

LXX. Out of Monies levied £1,000,000 to the Navy and Ordnance.

All other Monies to the Army and other War Incidents.

And it is hereby further enacted by the authority aforesaid That out of the money that shall be levyed or paid by virtue of this Act into the Receipte of the Exchequer aswell upon loans as otherwise; the su[m]me of Tenne hundred thousand pounds shall be and is hereby appropriated for the services of the Navy and Ordnance for Sea service performed and to be performed; and that all other money which shall be levyed and paid by virtue of this Act into the Receipte of the Exchequer aswell upon Loans as otherwise shall be applyed and appropriated and is hereby appropriated to and for the payment of His Majesties Land Forces and Armies and the paying for Armes Ammunic[i]on and other Charges incident to the Warr and not otherwise:-

LXXI. Rules, Penalties, &c. of 1 W. & M. Sess. 2. c. 1. in force, and applied in Execution of this Act.

And for the more effectuall doeing thereof, and that the su[m]mes by this Act appropriated may not be diverted or applyed to any other purpose then is hereby declared and intended be it enacted by the Authoritye aforesaid That the rules and direcc[i]ons appointed and enacted in one Act made in the First Yeare of His Majesties Raigne entituled An Act for [granting (fn. 124) ] to theire Majesties an Aide of Two shillings in the pound for One yeare for the speedy payment of money thereby granted into the Receipte of the Exchequer by the Collectors and Receivers and for distribuc[i]on and applicac[i]on thereof and keepeing distinct accompts of the same and all other Provisions Paines Penalties and Forfeitures thereby enacted, in case of diversion of any money thereby appropriated, are hereby revived and enacted to be in force and shall be practised applyed executed and put in ure for and concerneing the distribuc[i]on and applicac[i]on of the [said (fn. 125) ] su[m]mes hereby appropriated as fully amply and effectually, as if the same were here particularly repeated and re-enacted:-

LXXII. Cruisers to be appointed for Protection of Export and Import Trade.

And for the better secureing the Trade of this Kingdome be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That over and above the Shipps of Warr for the Lyne of Battle, and for Convoys to remote parts, att the least four shipps of the third rate sixteene shipps of the fourth rate, thirteene shipps of the fifth rate, and tenne shipps of the sixth rate, shall be from time to time directed and appointed by the Lord High Admirall of England or the Co[m]missioners for executeing the [said (fn. 125) ] Office for the time being to such proper Stations as they shall deeme meete to cruise for secureing the Merchants shipps in theire goeing out and returneing home:-

LXXIII. Proviso for Jurisdiction of Admiralty in employing Cruisers.

Provided alwaies and be it enacted, That nothing in this Act conteined shall restraine or be construed to restraine the Lord High Admirall of England or the Co[m]missioners for executeing the Office of the Lord High Admirall of England for the time being from directing any of the shipps appointed by this Act to be Cruisers to be imployed in the Lyne of Battle in cases of greate necessity:-

LXXIV. Recital that several Contributors under 5 & 6 W.& M. c.20. have not named Lives.

Power to do so before March 20, 1694.

And whereas severall persons who did contribute advance or pay severall of the su[m]mes of money which have beene contributed advanced or paid upon an Act for granting to theire Majesties severall Rates and Dutyes upon Tunnage of Shipps and Vessells and upon Beere Ale and other Liquors for secureing certaine Recompences and Advantages in the said Act menc[i]oned to such persons as shall voluntarily advance the su[m]me of Fifteene Hundred thousand pounds towards carrying on the Warr against France for Annuities Shares or Dividends upon the severall yearely Annuityes of Tenne Twelve and Fourteene pounds per Centum in the said Act menc[i]oned did not name to the Auditor of the Receipte or Clerke of the Pells in the Receipte of the Exchequer by or within the respective times by the said Act appointed, the respective lives dureing which such Dividends Shares or Annuityes respectively were to continue It is hereby further enacted and provided by the Authority aforesaid That if such persons or any of them shall att any time or times before the Twentieth day of March One thousand six hundred ninety four nominate to the Auditor of the Receipte or Clerke of the Pells in the said Exchequer the respective lives (theire owne or others) dureing which such Dividends Shares or Annuityes should continue respectively; that then and in every such case his her or theire Nominees shall be entered in the Bookes kept in the said Receipte for the Nominees And every such Contributor or Contributors his her and theire Executors Administrators or Assignes respectively, shall have receive and enjoy such and the like Dividends Shares or Annuities for and in respect of the moneyes soe contributed advanced or paid as he shee or they might should or ought to have had received or enjoyed in case the respective lives for the same had beene named within the respective times by the said Act p[re]scribed Any thing in this or the said former Act conteined to the contrary notwithstanding:-

LXXV. Recital of 2 W. & M. Sess. 1. c.4.

Receivers General to pay a yearly Sum of £300,000, Part of the Monies of the said Act, into the Exchequer distinct; Times of Payment; Deficiency of such Weekly Payments made good out of the whole Customs; How the said £300,000 to be applied.

And whereas by an Act of this p[re]sent Session of Parliament intituled An Act for granting to theire Majesties a Subsidy of Tunnage and Poundage and other su[m]mes of money payable upon Merchandizes exported and imported the Subsidy of Tunnage and Poundage and other dutyes payable upon Merchandizes exported and imported are granted to His Majestie for the terme of Five yeares to co[m]mence upon the Six and twentieth day of December One thousand six hundred ninety and four Be it enacted by the Kings most excellent Majestie, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spirituall and Temporall and Co[m]mons in this p[re]sent Parliament assembled and by the authority of the same That from and after the Five and twentieth day of December One thousand six hundred ninety and four the yearly su[m]me of Three hundred thousand pounds of lawfull English money parte of the moneyes ariseing by the said Act shall by the Receiver or Receivers-Generall now and for the time being of the Customes Subsidies and other Dutyes upon Goods and Merchandizes imported and exported [or to be imported and exported (fn. 126) ] be brought and paid into the Receipte of the Exchequer distinctly and separately from all other moneyes whatsoever that are or shall be payable into the said Receipte, and that the payments of the said yearely su[m]me of Three hundred thousand pounds shall be made into the said Receipte in manner followeing that is say On the Thirteenth day of February One thousand six hundred ninety and four soe much as the weekely su[m]me of Five thousand six hundred pounds to be computed from the said Five and twentieth day of December untill the said Thirteenth day of February shall amount unto and afterwards upon Wednesday in every weeke (if it be not a Holyday) and if it be then upon the next day in every, such weeke that is not an Holiday) the weekely su[m]me of Five thousand six hundred pounds shall be paid as aforesaid as one weeke shall successively and imediately follow or succeede after another dureing the wholl terme of Five yeares by the last [menc[i]oned (fn. 126) ] Act granted; and in case in any weeke or weekes the wholl Receipte of the moneyes upon the same Act shall not be sufficient to answere the weekely payment or payments hereby directed for such particular weeke or weekes, that then and soe often the deficiency and deficiencyes thereof shall be supplyed and made good out of the wholl Receipts of Customes Subsidies and other Dutyes upon the Act last menc[i]oned ariseing in the next weeke or weekes when the Receipte or Receipts will be sufficient to beare the same; And that on every Feast day of the Annunciac[i]on of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Nativity of Saint John Baptist Saint Michaell the Archangell and the Birth of our Lord Christ dureing the said Terme of Five yeares or within Fourteene dayes after every such Feast day, soe much money shall be paid into the said Receipte by the said Receiver or Receivers Generall, out of the moneyes ariseing by the Act last menc[i]oned as together with the said weekely payments which shall have beene made shall compleately make upp satisfie and discharge the entire su[m]me of seaventye five thousand pounds for each and every the respective quarter on such Feast day ending; And that the said yearely su[m]me of Three hundred thousand pounds and every parte thereof shall be applyed and disposed and the same is hereby appropriated for and towards the payment and satisfacc[i]on of the sume not exceedeing Twelve hundred and fifty thousand pounds hereby authorized to be borrowed thereupon and the interest thereof as is herein after menc[i]oned One moiety of which Twelve hundred and fifty thousand pounds shall be and is hereby appropriated to the use of the Navy and Ordnance for Sea Service, and the other moiety for the Land Service:-

LXXVI. Clause of Loan for £1,250,000.

Tallies of Loan for Money lent, and Orders for Repayment with Interest, at the Rates herein mentioned; Orders to express Payment out of the said Yearly Sum of £300,000; Orders transferable; Transfers entered in the Exchequer; Monies lent, Tax free.

And for the better and more speedy supplying His Majesty with moneys, for the more effectuall carrying on of the Warr against the French King Itt is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That it shall and may be lawfull to and for His Majestie or the Officers of the Exchequer by his comand and appointement to borrowe receive and take att the Receipte of the Exchequer by way of loan from any Person or Persons Natives or Forreigners Bodyes Politique or Corporate that are or shall be willing to lend the same any su[m]me or su[m]mes of money not exceedeing the said su[m]me of Twelve hundred and fifty thousand pounds upon creditt of the said yearely su[m]me of Three hundred thousand pounds hereby appropriated and to be supplyed out of such Customes Subsidyes or other Dutyes as are before menc[i]oned, And that Tallyes of loane shall be levyed for all and every su[m]me and su[m]mes of money soe to be lent, And that orders according to the course of the Exchequer shall be drawne signed and issued for the repayment of the same and for payment of interest for the forbeareance of every such su[m]me of money; which interest shall not exceede the rate of Five pounds per Centum per Annu[m] for the first Three hundred thousand pounds; Six pounds per Centum per Annu[m] for the second Three hundred thousand pounds; Seaven pounds per Centum per Annum for the [the (fn. 126) ] third Three hundred thousand pounds and Eight pounds per Centum per Annu[m] for the remaineing Three hundred and fifty thousand pounds and shall be payable every Three moneths from the respective dates of the Tallyes of loan untill the satisfacc[i]on of the [respective (fn. 127) ] principall su[m]mes and in every such order it shall be expressed and menc[i]oned that the principall su[m]me conteined therein and the interest thereof shall be paid or payable out of the said yearely su[m]me of Three hundred thousand pounds hereby appropriated and appointed to be paid and supplyed out of the Customes Subsidies or other Dutyes as aforesaid; and all and every such order and orders and the moneys therein to be conteined or any parte thereof shall be assigneable and transferrable without power of revocac[i]on soe as the assignements thereof be endorsed upon the respective orders and entered or notified in the Office of the Auditor of the Receipt of the Exchequer; in a Booke to be there kept for that purpose; And [that (fn. 127) ] all and every the su[m]me and su[m]mes of money soe to be lent to His Majestye, upon the Creditt of the said yearely su[m]me of Three hundred thousand pounds shall be free from all manner of Taxes and Imposic[i]ons, imposed or to be imposed by Parliament or otherwise howsoever:-


Books provided, and Payments into Exchequer on said yearly £300,000 kept separate; No Preference; Orders for Repayment registered according to Date of Tally, and paid in course; Monies to come in by this Act liable to satisfy such Loans; No Fee for providing or making Books, &c. or for Payment of Money lent; Penalty; Undue Preference by Officer; Penalty; Punishment. By Deputy, Penalty. Punishment. Auditor, Clerk of the Pells, or Teller not making Payment in due Order; Penalty; How all such Penalties to be recovered.

And to the end that all the moneyes hereby appropriated or appointed as aforesaid towards the satisfacc[i]on of the said su[m]me not exceedeing Twelve hundred and fifty thousand pounds hereby authorized to be borrowed and the interest thereof may be duely applyed thereunto and not diverted to any other use: Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That there shall be provided and kept in the Office of [the (fn. 127) ] Auditor of the receipte of Exchequer one Booke and Register in which all the weekely and other payments which shall be made into the Exchequer for or upon the said yearely su[m]me of Three hundred thousand pounds payable out of the said Customes Subsidyes, or other Dutyes as aforesaid shall be entered and registered a parte and seperate from all other moneys payable into the said receipt and that a distinct register shall be there kepte for all the orders of repayment for the said su[m]me not exceedeing Twelve hundred and fifty thousand pounds in which the said orders shall be registered in course according to the date of the Tallyes respectively without any other p[re]ferrence of one before another And that all and every person and persons shall be paid in course; according as theire orders shall stand entered in the said register booke; soe as a person native or forreigner his Executors Administrators and Assignes who shall have his order or orders first entered in the said booke of register shall be taken & accompted the first person to be paid upon the moneyes to come inn by virtue of this Act and he or they who shall have his or theire order or orders next entered shall be taken and accompted to be the second person to be paid, and soe successively and in course; And that the moneyes to come in by the purport [and (fn. 128) ] direc[i]ons of this Act of or for the said yearely su[m]me of Three hundred thousand pounds shall be in the same order lyable to the satisfacc[i]on of the respective Lenders theire Executors Administrators and Assignes successively according to the dates of theire Tallyes without any other p[re]ferrence of one before another; and shall not be diverted or divertible to any other use, intent or purpose whatsoever And that noe Fee, Reward or Gratuitye directly or indirectly be demanded or taken for provideing or makeing of any Bookes Entryes Registers Viewes or Search, in or for payment of money lent upon the said yearely su[m]me of Three hundred thousand pounds or interest as aforesaid by any of His Majesties Officer or Officers theire Clerks or Deputyes on paine of payment of Treble Damages to the party [greived (fn. 129) ] by the party offending with Costs of Suite, or if the Officer himselfe take or demand any such Fee or Reward then to lose his place alsoe; And if any undue p[re]ferrence of one before another shall be made either in pointe of registry or payment contrary to the true meaneing of this Act, in referrence to the said yearely su[m]me of Three hundred thousand pounds or the principall or interest to be paid out of the same by any such Officer or Officers, then the party offending shall be lyable by acc[i]on of debt or on the case to pay the value of the debt damages oro costs to the party agrieved and shall be fore-judged from his place or office: And if such p[re]ferrence be unduely made by any his Deputy or Clerke without direcc[i]on or privity of his Master then such Deputy or Clerke only shall be lyable to such acc[i]on debt damages and costs and shall be for ever after uncapable of his place or office; And in case the Auditor shall not direct the order or the Clerke of the Pells record or the Teller make payment according to each persons due place and order as afore directed in referrence to the said yearely su[m]me of Three hundred thousand pounds or the said principall and interest to be paid out of the same, then he or they shall be adjudged to forfeit and theire respective Deputyes and Clerks herein offending to be lyable to such acc[i]on debt damages and costs in such manner as aforesaid All which said penalties forfeitures and damages to be incurred by any of the Officers of the Exchequer or any theire Deputyes or Clerks shall and may be recovered by acc[i]on of debt bill plainte or informac[i]on in any of his Majesties Courts of Record att Westminster wherein noe essoigne protecc[i]on priviledge wager of lawe injuncc[i]on or order of restrainte shall be in any wise granted or allowed:-

LXXVIII. Proviso where several Tallies bear Date or brought the same Day.

Paying subsequent Orders, if first demanded, no undue Preference, if sufficient reserved to satisfy preceding Orders.

Provided alwaies and be it hereby declared That if it happen that severall Tallyes of Loan or orders for repayment of money lent upon the yearely su[m]me before menc[i]oned, beare date or be brought the same day to the Auditor of the Receipte to be registered, then it shall be interpretted noe undue p[re]ferrence, which of those be entered first soe he enters them all the same day:- Provided alsoe That it shall not be interpretted any undue p[re]ference to incurr any penaltie in pointe of the payments last menc[i]oned if the auditor direct or the Clerke of the Pells record and the Tellers doe pay subsequent orders of persons that come and demand theire moneyes and bring theire order before other persons that did not come and demand theire money and bring theire order in theire course soe as there be soe much money reserved as will satisfie p[re]cedent orders, which shall not be otherwise disposed butt kepte for them; Interest upon Loan being to cease from the time the money is soe reserved and kepte in Banke for them:-

LXXIX. Proviso for Payment of Debentures for Goods reshipped, and Allowance for damaged Goods, Salaries, and other Incidents.

Provided alwaies That any thing in this Act conteined concerneing the said weekely payments to be made into the receipte of the Exchequer or otherwise, shall not be construed to obstruct or hinder the payment of debentures for Goods to be reshipt or the Allowances for damaged Goods or the payment of Sallaryes or other incident charges necessary for the management of the revenue of Customes in any manner of wise this Act or any thing herein conteined to the contrary notwithstanding:-

LXXX. Persons may lend Money to their Majesties on this Act, at £5 per Cent. per Ann.

Provided alwaies and it is hereby enacted That it shall and may be lawfull to and for any person or persons Natives or Forreigners Bodyes Politique or Corporate to advance and lend unto his Majestie upon the Securitye of the aide of Four shillings in the pound granted to his Majestie by this Act any su[m]me or su[m]mes of money and to have and receive for the forbeareance thereof any su[m]me not exceedeing Five pounds by the hundred for one wholl yeare and noe more directly or indirectly and that noe money soe lent upon the security of this Act shall be rated or assessed by virtue of this Act or any other Act of Parliament whatsoever:-

LXXXI. Repayment of such Monies how secured.

Books provided; Tally of Loan to Lender and Warrant for Interes; Orders for Repayment registered according to Date of Tally, and paid in course; Monies to come in by this Act liable to satisfy such Loans; No Fee for providing or making Books, &c. or for Payment of Money lent; Penalty; Punishment; Undue Preference by Officer; Penalty. Punishment. By Deputy; Penalty; Punishment. Auditor, Clerk of the Pells, or Teller not making Payment in due Order; Penalty. How all such Penalties to be recovered.

And to the end that all such moneyes which shall be soe lent to his Majestie on the creditt of this Act may be well and sufficiently secured out of the said [moneyes (fn. 130) ] ariseing and payable by this Act Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That there shall be provided and kept in his Majesties Exchequer (that is to say) in the Office of the Auditor of the Receipts one booke and register in which all moneyes of the said aide of four shillings in the pound that shall be paid into the Exchequer by virtue of this Act shall be entered and registered apart and distinct from all other moneyes paid or payable to his Majestie upon any other branch of the Revenue or upon any other account whatsoever; and that all and every person and persons who shall lend any money to his Majestie upon the creditt of the said aid of four shillings in the pound granted by this Act and pay the same into the receipt of exchequer shall imediately have a tally of loan struck for the same and an order for his or theire repayment beareing the same date with his or theire tally in which order shall be conteined a warrant for payment of interest for the forbeareance thereof not exceedeing five pounds per Centum per Annu[m] for his or theire considerac[i]on to be paid every three months untill repayment of his or theire principall, and that all orders for repayment of moneyes shall be registered in course according to the date of the tally respectively without other p[re]ferrence of one before another and that all and every person and persons shall be paid in course according as theire orders shall stand entered in the said register booke soe as the persons natives or forreigners his or theire executors adm[ini]strators or assignes who shall have his or theire order or orders first entered in the said booke of register shall be taken and accounted the first person or persons to be paid upon the moneyes to come in by virtue of this Act; and he or they who shall have his or theire order or orders next entered shall be taken and accounted ( (fn. 131) ) the second person to be paid and soe successively and in course; and that the moneyes of the said aide of four shillings in the pound to come in by this Act shall be in the same order lyable to the satisfacc[i]on of the said respective partyes theire executors administrators and assignes respectively and successively without preferrence of one before another and not otherwise and not to be divertible to any other use intent or purpose whatsoever; and that noe fee reward or gratuitye directly or indirectly be demanded or taken of any his Majesties subjects for provideing or makeing of any such bookes registers entryes veiwes or search in or for payment of such money lent or the interest thereof as aforesaid by any of his Majesties Officer or Officers theire [Clerks (fn. 132) ] or Deputyes upon paine of paying treble damages to the party agreived by the party offending with costs of suite, or if the Officer himselfe take or demand any such fee or reward then to lose his place alsoe; and if any undue preferrence of one before another shall be made either in point of registry or payment contrary to the true meaneing of this Act by any such Officer or Officers then the party offending shall be lyable (by acc[i]on of debt or on the case) to pay the value of the debt damages and costs to the party agreived and shall be forejudged from his place or office; and if such p[re]ferrence be unduely made by any his Deputy or Clerke without direcc[i]on or privity of his Master then such Deputy or Clerke only shall be lyable to such acc[i]on [debt damage (fn. 133) ] and costs and shall be for ever after uncapable of his place or office and in case the Auditor shall not direct the order, or the Clerke of the Pells record or the Teller make payment according to each persons due place and order as aforedirected then he or they shall be adjudged to forfeit and theire respective Deputyes and Clerks herein offending to be lyable to such acc[i]on debt damages and costs in such manner as aforesaid All which said penalties damages forfeitures and costs to be incurred by any of the Officers of the Exchequer or any theire Deputyes or Clerks shall and may be recovered by acc[i]on of debt bill plaint or informac[i]on in any of his Majesties Courts of record att Westminster wherein noe essoigne protecc[i]on priviledge wager of law injuncc[i]on or order of restraint shall be in any wise granted or allowed:-

LXXXII. Proviso where several Tallies bear Date or brought the same Day. Paying subsequent Orders, if first demanded, no undue Preference, if sufficient reserved to satisfy preceding Orders.

Provided alwaies and be it hereby declared That if it happen that severall tallyes of loan or orders for payment on the said aide of four shillings in the pound as aforesaid beare date or be brought the same day to the Auditor of the receipte to be registered then it shall be interpretted noe undue p[re]ferrence which of those he entered first soe he enters them all the same day:- Provided alsoe that it shall not be interpretted any undue p[re]ferrence to incurre any penalty in point of payment if the Auditor directe and the Clerke of the Pells record and the Tellers doe pay subsequent orders of persons that come and demand theire moneyes and bring theire orders before other persons that did not come to demand theire [money, and bring theire (fn. 134) ] order in theire course soe as there be soe [much (fn. 134) ] money reserved as will satisfie p[re]cedent orders which shall not be otherwise disposed but kepte for them interest upon loan being to cease from the time the money is soe reserved and kepte in banke for them:-

LXXXIII. Orders for Payment of Money lent may be assigned by Indorsement.

Memorial thereof without Fee; Assignee may in like manner assign.

And be it further enacted by the authority [aforesaid (fn. 134) ] That every person or persons to whome any money shall be due or payable out of the said aide of four shillings in the pound by vertue of this Act after order entered in the booke of registery aforesaid for payment thereof his or theire executors administrators or assignes by endorsement of his or theire order may assigne and transferr his or theire right title interest and benefitt of such order or any parte thereof to any other which being notified in the office of the Auditor of the receipte aforesaid and an entry or memoriall thereof alsoe made in the booke of register aforesaid for orders which the [said (fn. 135) ] Officers shall upon request without fee or charge accordingly make shall intitle such assignee his and theire executors administrators and assignes to the benefitt thereof and the payment thereon, And such assignee may in like manner assigne againe and soe toties quoties and afterwards it shall not be in the power of such person or persons who have or hath made such assignements and make voide release or discharge the same or any the moneyes thereby due or any parte thereof:-

LXXXIV. Receiver General of Customs and other Officers herein mentioned to account on Oath in the Exchequer for Bank Bills, &c.

Tellers of the Exchequer, and their Deputies, also to account on Oath; Paymasters, &c. to account in like manner; and all such Officers to pay what on such Account shall be found due from them; Penalty £500

And to the end that all persons that shall have the receipte or payment of his Majesties revenue may render an account of the interest that shall arise by the bills or notes co[m]monly called Banke Bills while they shall remaine in theire hands and of all other profitt made by them of any of his Majesties money Be it enacted by the authority aforesaid That from and after the Twentieth day of February One thousand six hundred ninety and four the Receiver Generall of the Customes and his Deputyes the Casheire of the Excise and his Deputy Receivers Generall of all aids granted or to be granted to his Majestie shall account upon oath before the Barons of his Majesties Courte of Exchequer for all interest that shall arise by virtue of Banke Bills they shall take in payment for any customes ands or other dutyes belonging to his Majestie or of Banke-Bills by them taken for any moneyes ( (fn. 136) ) paid into the Banke of England which moneyes they received for any such customes aids or dutyes as aforesaid from the time they received the same Bank-Bills untill payment made of such moneys into the receipte of his Majesties Exchequer; and that the Tellers of his Majesties Exchequer and theire Deputyes shall in like manner account upon oath for all interest that shall arise by virtue of the Banke Bills they shall take in payment upon his Majesties account dureing the time they shall remaine in theire hands And the Pay-master of the Army and his Cashiers the Agents to Regiments Treasurer of the Navy and his Cashiers the Cashiers to the Victuallers and Cashiers to the Ordnance in like manner shall account upon oath for all interest that shall arise by virtue of the Banke Bills they shall take in payment upon his Majesties account or which they shall take upon payment into the Banke of any moneyes by them received for his Majesties service from the time they received the same untill payment be made by them of the moneys for which such Banke Bills are given to the severall persons to whose use the said money was issued by the Lords of his Majesties Treasury or theire acceptance of such Banke Bille in satisfacc[i]on of the money due to them And that the said severall persons before menc[i]oned shall pay into the Exchequer for his Majesties use all such interest or other profitt as shall be found upon such theire accounts to have beene received, every such account to be made att the time they make and give in theire accounts touching the receipts of his Majesties money; and if any of the said persons before menc[i]oned shall neglect to account as aforesaid or to pay into the Exchequer the moneys found due upon such theire account they shall forfeite Five hundred pounds:-

LXXXV. Admiralty to exhibit to the House of Commons a Certificate of the Cruisers appointed under this Act, what such Certificate to contain.

And that it may the better appeare how the service in this p[re]sent Act appointed for shipps to cruise in proper stac[i]ons to secure the Merchants shipps in theire goeing out and returneing home is performed Be it enacted by the authority aforesaid That the Lord High Admirall of England or Co[m]missioners for executeing the office of Lord High Admirall of England for the time being shall and are hereby respectively required to exhibitt to the Co[m]mons assembled in Parliament at the next session of Parliament which shall happen after the First day of August One thosand six hundred ninety and five a certificate in writeing under his or theire hands respectively of the shipps by him or them respectively sett out in pursuance of the direcc[i]ons of this p[re]sent Act expressing therein the names and rates of the shipps sett out and the times when by him or them respectively ordered as alsoe the stations to which they were directed and the times how long they were continued att sea in that service:-


  • 1. interlined on the Roll.
  • 2. William Jennens O.
  • 3. Bates O.
  • 4. interlined on the Roll.
  • 5. interlined on the Roll.
  • 6. Wilfred O.
  • 7. Wilmot O.
  • 8. interlined on the Roll.
  • 9. Joseph O.
  • 10. Gideon Heydon O.
  • 11. Robert O.
  • 12. Wutton O.
  • 13. Southell O.
  • 14. Soaly O.
  • 15. Robert O.
  • 16. Bridgport O.
  • 17. Esquire O.
  • 18. interlined on the Roll.
  • 19. Southeron O.
  • 20. interlined on the Roll.
  • 21. Council O.
  • 22. O. omits.
  • 23. interlined on the Roll.
  • 24. time O.
  • 25. Cheny O.
  • 26. O omits.
  • 27. Esquire O.
  • 28. interlined on the Roll.
  • 29. Walton O.
  • 30. Thomas Scott O.
  • 31. Manarings O.
  • 32. Carter O.
  • 33. James O.
  • 34. of O.
  • 35. Mr William Edmunds Mr Nicholas Dyne O.
  • 36. interlined on the Roll.
  • 37. Smehurst O.
  • 38. Parliament O.
  • 39. This name is written under the name "Dimmock" on the Roll.
  • 40. interlined on the Roll.
  • 41. Stuenson O.
  • 42. interlined on the Roll.
  • 43. Right O.
  • 44. Sansom O.
  • 45. Papillion O.
  • 46. Olger O.
  • 47. Court of O.
  • 48. Andrew O.
  • 49. Parliament O.
  • 50. Streynsham O.
  • 51. Hopton O.
  • 52. James O.
  • 53. Esquire O.
  • 54. interlined on the Roll.
  • 55. Langattock O.
  • 56. Jeremy O.
  • 57. Walter O.
  • 58. Adam O.
  • 59. Cooke O.
  • 60. in O.
  • 61. Thomas O.
  • 62. O. omits.
  • 63. Rawlison O.
  • 64. Recorder Aldermen O.
  • 65. Roger O.
  • 66. interlined on the Roll.
  • 67. Thomas O.
  • 68. William Etterick O.
  • 69. Sia O.
  • 70. Dodrington O.
  • 71. Hull O.
  • 72. Romsey O.
  • 73. Barrington Charles O.
  • 74. Pullen O.
  • 75. Rivers O.
  • 76. Edward O.
  • 77. Anthony Crofts O.
  • 78. Gent O.
  • 79. James O.
  • 80. Artis O.
  • 81. Thomas Burrough Thomas Macro junior O.
  • 82. Esquires O.
  • 83. Henry O.
  • 84. Martin O.
  • 85. at O.
  • 86. interlined on the Roll.
  • 87. Thomas Wyndham O.
  • 88. John Ash of Haywood John Young 0.
  • 89. 0. omits.
  • 90. senior O.
  • 91. John O.
  • 92. Wadman O.
  • 93. Poole O.
  • 94. interlined on the Roll.
  • 95. Brith O.
  • 96. Lloyd O.
  • 97. Carnarvan O.
  • 98. O. omits.
  • 99. Edward O.
  • 100. Berth O.
  • 101. O. omits.
  • 102. Bayliffs O.
  • 103. interlined on the Roll.
  • 104. therein alsoe O.
  • 105. they O.
  • 106. seale O.
  • 107. interlined on the Roll.
  • 108. refusing neglecting O.
  • 109. by O.
  • 110. O. omits.
  • 111. interlined on the Roll.
  • 112. Collidge O.
  • 113. or O.
  • 114. interlined on the Roll.
  • 115. interlined on the Roll.
  • 116. direction O.
  • 117. persons O.
  • 118. present O.
  • 119. tenements O.
  • 120. interlined on the Roll.
  • 121. contained O.
  • 122. interlined on the Roll.
  • 123. interlined on the Roll.
  • 124. a Grant O.
  • 125. interlined on the Roll.
  • 126. O. omits.
  • 127. interlined on the Roll.
  • 128. or O.
  • 129. aggreived O.
  • 130. money O.
  • 131. to be O.
  • 132. Clerke O.
  • 133. debts damages O.
  • 134. interlined on the Roll.
  • 135. O. omits.
  • 136. by them O.