Survey of London: Volume 19, the Parish of St Pancras Part 2: Old St Pancras and Kentish Town. Originally published by London County Council, London, 1938.
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'Index to names', in Survey of London: Volume 19, the Parish of St Pancras Part 2: Old St Pancras and Kentish Town, ed. Percy Lovell, William McB. Marcham (London, 1938), British History Online [accessed 6 February 2025].
'Index to names', in Survey of London: Volume 19, the Parish of St Pancras Part 2: Old St Pancras and Kentish Town. Edited by Percy Lovell, William McB. Marcham (London, 1938), British History Online, accessed February 6, 2025,
"Index to names". Survey of London: Volume 19, the Parish of St Pancras Part 2: Old St Pancras and Kentish Town. Ed. Percy Lovell, William McB. Marcham (London, 1938), British History Online. Web. 6 February 2025.
Abbott, Thomas 124
Adam and Eve Tea Gardens, The 61
Adams, Timothy 121
Adcock, William 138
Adelmare, Caesar 23–24
Agar, Louisa 61
Agar, Councillor William 60, 61
Agar, William (Junior) 61
Agar, William Tablot 61
Agar Town 60, 61, plates 9, 10, 11
Agincourt Road 58
Ainger Road 1, 11
Albany Street 4, 99, 119
Albus, Stephen 31
Aldenham Church, Herts 64
Aldenham School 24
Aldrich, Sir George 83
de Aldermaniebury, Alan 20
de Aldermaniebury, Gervase 20
de Aldermaniebury, Reiner 20
Alexander, Clerk 124
Alexander, Henry 117
Alexander, James 69
Alexander, Mr. 10
Alfric 31
Algodus 2
Alkichesbury, see Allensbury
All Saints, Gordon Square 125 n.
Allan, — (gardener) 48
Allen, E. 121
Allen, Edward 136, 138
Allen, Rev. Fifield 30, 61
Allen, John 138
Allen, Mrs. 135
Allensbury 31, 74, 126
Alley, Robert 29
Alworth, John 138
Ambler, Dorothy 41
Anderson, George 121
Anderson, Thomas 40
Anderton, Sir Charles and Margaret 93
Andrews, (Andras) Abraham 134
Andrews, Lancelot 29
Andrews, Nicholas 135
Andrews, Richard 134
Angel, The (Highgate) 134
Anglers Lane 54, 55
Angerus, father of Turstin 26
Aqueducts, The 11
Archer, Henry 138
Arlington, Lady, see Benet
Armstrong, — 117
Armstrong, George 35
Armstrong, Richard 35
Arnold, John 137
Arnold, Mary Ann 83
Arrowsmith, Mary 82
Arrowsmith, Rev. W. R. 125
Ash, — 138
Ashbridge, Arthur 2
Ashurst, Elizabeth 134
Ashurst, Sir William 134, 139
Ashworth, Ann 121
Ashworth, Frederic 117
Ashworth, Richard 137
Askewyth, John 16, 17, 22
Assembly House, The Old 45, plate 4
Asswy, Richard 132, 133 n.
Aston, William 16
Atterbury, Doctor (Lewis) 135
Auborne, John 137
de Auco, Osbernus 29
Audoenus, brother of Turstin 26
Austin, Edward 58
Austin, Elizabeth 142
Aylesford, Earl of, see Heneage (Finch)
Aylworth, John 17
Ayremin, William 26
Back Alley 44
Back Road, The 33, 52, 60
Badcock, John 9
Badcock, J. N. 9, 11
Badcock, William 137
Badd, James 138
Badger, Charles 9
Badley, Henry 124
Bagnigge Wells 52
Bainbridge, Robert 44
Bainbridge, Thomas 121
Baker, Edward 138
Baker, Samuel 140
Baker, Samuel 13, 14
Baker, Thomas 138
Bakers Field 141
Ball, — 137
Ballard, Robert 26
Balthropp, Richard 40
Banyster, John 25
Bardon, William 135
Barker, John 68
Barker, Thomas 9
Barlow, Thomas 25
Barnett, Richard 121
Barnewall, Lady Barbara (née Belasyse) 86, plate 43
Barnewall, Hon. George 87
Barnewall, Henry Benedict, 4th Viscount Barnewall 86, 87
Baron, Benjamin 28
Barrington, George, Viscount 38
Barsham (Beccles) 55
Bartholomew Place 48
Bartholomew Road 51
Barton, Daniel 136
Barville, John 29
de Basing, Margery 132
de Basing, Robert 20, 132
de Basing, Soloman 20, 132
de Basing, Thomas, Sen. and Jun. 20, 132
de Basinge, Adam 20, 74, 126, 132
de Basinge, Desirée 20, 132
de Basinges, pedigree of 132
Basnett, Thomas 39
Bastin, Thomas 51
Bateman, Katherine (née Clarke) 14, 15, 76
Bateman, Daniel 14, 15
Bateman, Gregory 34, 35, plate 2
Batch, Andrew 137
Batch, John 49
Battle Bridge 10, 23, 24, 25, 48, 52, 60
Baxter, Rev. George 108 and plate 59
Baxter, Jane 109
Baxter, Rev. R. W. 108
Bayham, Viscount, see Pratt
Bayham Terrace 51
Bayles, William 69
Bayley, — 51
de Beaunies, William, see Belmeis
Beauvale, Prior of Holy Trinity 16
Bec, Anthony 12, 29
Becker, Adriana (née Vernatty) 108
Becker, Frederic 107, 108, plate 60
Beckford, — 11
de Bedefield, Alice 22
de Bedefield, Matilda 22
de Bedefield, Roger (2) 22
Bedford, Gertrude Duchess of 19
Bedford, John 43
Bedford, John, Duke of 16, 17, 19
Bedow, John 75
de Bedyk, Adam 20, 132, 133 n.
de Bedyk, Alexander 132
de Bedyk, Anthony 132, 133 n.
de Bedyk, Christine 132
de Bedyk, Henry 20, 21, 132
de Bedyk, Joan (née de Hadstock) 20, 132
de Bedyk, Joan 21, 132
de Bedyk, Joanna 132, 133 n.
de Bedyk, Margery (née Neketon) 132
de Bedyk, Thomas 21, 132
de Bedyk, Sir Thomas 21, 132
Beebb, Thomas 138
Beecher, Col. 121
Beevor, Frederic 99
Belasyse, Ann 90
Belasyse, Arms of 85
Belasyse, Penelope 90
Belasyse, Rowland 86, 87, plate 43
Belasyse, Thomas, 4th Viscount and 1st Earl Fauconberg 86, 87
Belfield (Thomas) 138
Belgarde, Cookstown, co. Dublin 83
Belgrade, see Belgarde
Bell, The (Friday St.) 17
Bell, The (Warwick Lane) 23
Bell Field 11, 14
de Belmeis, Richard and Robert 74
de Belmeis, William 29, 31, 74
Beloe, Rev. William 30, 61
Belsize (Hampstead) 6
Benet, Henry, Earl of Arlington 14 n.
Benet, Isabella, Countess of Arlington, 14 n., 17, 136, 138, 139
Benett, (Benet) Thomas 2, 3, 4
Benifield, Thomas 134
Bennett, Charles, 2nd Baron Ossulston 138
Benson, Peter 15, 47, 130, 141
Benson's Pingle 27
Bentley, Edgar 145
Berblock, William 106
Beresford, John 86, 136
Beresford, Mary (née Glover) 86
Berkhead, John 124
Berry, Titus 121
Bessemer, Sir Henry 35
Bethlehem Hospital 49
Bevan, David 17, 19
de Beverlee, William 2
Beynon, David 56
Bidden, Capt. 68
Biddulph, Francis 34
Bidyk, see Bedyk
Bigod, Humphry 12
Bigod, Roger 12
Bill, Mr. (Kenwood) 141
Bilson, William 138
Birch, Penelope 68
Birchet, John 137
Bird, George 51
Bird, Mrs. Margaret (née Vincent) 17
Bird, Peter 51
Birkhed, William 75, 124 130
Biscoe, Ralph 136
Bisham House (Highgate) 135
Bishops Lane 27
Blackfriars 5, 52
Black Mary's 138
de Bladentone, Nicholas 2
Blake, (Sir) Francis 134, 135
Blake, Thomas 117
Blamondesbery 22
Blanchard, — 46
Blatchett, — 138
Bleay (Bley), Thomas 17, 138
de Blebury, John 12
Blemund, William 20
Blemundsbury field (Blomysbury) 16, 25
Blizard, Thomas 117
Block, Samuel 35
Block, William 69
Bloomsbury 17, 23
Bloomsbury, Manor of 19, 20, 21
Bludder, Henry 17
Blundell, William 38
Blunt, James St. John 103
Blunt, Mr. 141
Blyth, — 138
Bocointe, John 20
Bokyngham, John de 21
Bonar, Andrew 121
Bond, Sir George 8
Bond, Joseph 69
Bone, Frances (née Palmer) 5
Bone, William 5
Bone, — 11
Booking, J. S. 121
Boone, John 49
Booth, George 44
Booth, Healey 121
Booth, J. S. 121
Booth, Mary (née Capper) 17
Boswell, John 124
Both, Lawrence 12
Boughey, Thomas 124
Boultropps 141
Bourchier, Ann Lady 6
Bourchier, Dr. William 60
Bourne, Frederic 121
Bourne, Richard 136
Bownus, William (farrier) 43
Box, Henry 141
Boyleston (Derby) 21
Brace, Francis 7, 9
Brace, Elizabeth 9
de Bradegare, Robert 2
Bradford, John 26
Bradley, Henry, Sen. and Jun. 124
Bradshaw, Blanche (née Loftis) 14
Bradshaw, Godfrey 14
Brailsford, Squire 57, 69
Brandram, Samuel 117
de Branktree, John 12
Branson, William 134
de Bray, William 29
Brecknock Priory 28
Breton, Daniel 38
Breton, Elizabeth (née Nicoll) 38
de Brettville, John 2
Brewers Company and Hall 24, 40
Brick Close, see Cantlers Close
Brickfield 17, 19
Bridge House, The 43, 44
Bridges, William 135
Bristol, Bishop of, see Thurlow
Britannia, The (Camden Town) 33, 52
Broad Walk (Regent's Park) 1
Broadfield 147
Brockden, Widow 135
Brockhill 11
Bromlo, Lady 137
Bromwich Walk 32
Brookfield Park 44
Brookes, Thomas 135
Brookes, Widow 134
Browell, Henry 34, 35
Browell, Herbert 35
Browell, Miss 35
Brown, Ann, Isabel and Valentine 94
Brown, Francis 23
Brown, James 69
Brown, John 120, 121
Brown, Mary 69
Brown, Sarah 43
Brown, Walter E., cited 52, 58, 60, 73 n., 82 n.
Brown's Dairy 52
Browne, Henry 24
Browne, Richard 13, 136
Browne, William 23, 24, 134
Brownell, Capt. John 113
Brownell, Mrs. Morris Setton 113
Browning, William 117
Broxbourne, Manor of 6
de Bruera, Gilbert 2
Brumfield 16
Brunsden, Charles 68
Bruton, Richard 2
Brynkdee, see Branktre
de Brynteworth, Richard 26
Buck, Lewis William 53
Buckmaster, Richard 9
Bukerel, Andrew 20
Bukerel, Thomas 20
Bull, The, see Assembly House
Bull, Frances (née Mensal) 58
Bull, Henry William 58
Bull, Simeon 58
Bull, Sir William 58
Bull and Gate, The 56
Bull and Last, The 33, 34, 35, 36, plate 3
Bunion, Andrew 49
Burchett, Catherine 34
Burchett, John 34
Burdett, Sir Francis 59
Burgess, Hugh 121
Burghley, Lord, see Cecil
Burghley Road 44
Burkett, William 144
de Burnham, Alared 12
Burrill, Sarah 58
Burton, Decimus 120, 123
Burton, James 120
Burton, John 135
Bush, James 57
Bushye, Paul 124
Bust, Margaret 130, 143
Butcher, John 41
Butcher, Mary (née Ambler) 41
Butcher, Samuel 41
Butler, Mr. 137
Butterfeild, Ralph 137
Butterfield, Samuel 9
de Bydyk, see Bedyk
de Bykel, Robert and Margaret 20
Byrd, Ralph 29
Caesar, Sir Charles 110
Caesar, Sir Julius 101, 109, 110
Caesar, Robert 109
Cage, The 52
Calfhede, James, Rev. 29, 60
Calfhill, see Cafhlede
Calthorpe Estate 28, 137
Calvert, William 145
Cambridge Gate 99
Cambridge Terrace 122, plate 102
Camden Chapel, The 125 n.
Camden, Earl, see Pratt
Camden Place 51
Camden Road 28, 51, 60
Camden Road Trustees 51
Camden Row 48, 49
Camden Town 33
Camden Town Estate 137
Camden Town Goods Depot 1
Camden Town Station 52, 53
Camerwell 22
de Camilla, Antoninus 26
Campbell, Dr. 10
Cane Wood House 10, 11
Canning, Lady Joan 121
Canning, — 121
Cansick, Epitaphs of Middlesex (St. Pancras) 81, 92 n., 94
de Cantilupe, Roger 26
de Canterbury, John 29
Cantlowe Close 19, 142
Cantlowe, Henry 19
Cantlowe, Richard 19
Cantlowes, Bailiff of 136
Cantlowes Manor House 27, 28
Cantlowes Manor . List of Prebendaries 26,
Cantlowes, Manor of 1, 5, 20, 26, 27, 28, 30, 32–59, 60, 63–69, 130, 136
de Cauntelow, Roger 20
Capper, Mr. 55
Capper, Christopher 17, 138
Capper, Esther 17
Capper, Mary 17
Cardington Street 7, 23
Carey, Alice (née Palmer) 5
Carey, Roger 5
de Carleton, John 12
Carp, John 12
Carr, George 117
Carr, Robert 12, 81
Carre, Robert 17
Carrington (Beds) 88
Cardale, Mary 99, 121
Carters Close 47
Cartleage, Agnes 16
Cartleage, Robert 16
Castle Road 53
Castle Tavern, The 53, 54, plate 9
Castle Tea Gardens, The 52, 56, 57
Cates, William 69
Caversham 47
Caversham Road 47
Cecil, James, 4th Earl of Salisbury 137
Cecil, James, 6th Earl of Salisbury 23, 25
Cecil, Sir William 6, 7
Chad's Row 137
de Chadleshunt, William 2
Chair, Edward de 124, n.
Chalcottes, Manor of 14
Chalk Farm 1–9, 11, plate 47
Chalk Farm Lane, see Ainger Road
Chalk Farm Road 1, 9, 49, 52
Chalk Farm Station 1, 2
Chalk Farm Tavern 2
Chalk Field 9
Chalk House, and Lane, The 11
Challen, Mr. 124
Chambers, — 117
Chambers, David 99
Chambers, Lady Frances 117
Chambers, Robert 117
Champion, Robert 136
Champion, Thomas 121
Champneys, Weldon 124, 125 n.
Champneys, William Weldon 125
Chapman, David Barclay 99
Chappell, — 141
Charles 2nd, King 46
Charles, William 137
Charlton House (Highgate Road) 35
Charterhouse, The 11, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25
Chauvel, Arthur Robinson 30
Chawner, Ann 64, 66, 69
Chawner, — 96
Chebley, Henry 138
Cheeke, Hannah Fox 36
Cheeke (Checke), John 36, 64, 69
Cheeke, John, Jun. 36
Cheeke's Row 64
Cheetham, Thomas 29
Cheseman, Alice 6
Cheseman, Edward 5, 6, 45
Cheseman, Eleanor 5
Cheseman, Elizabeth 5
Cheseman, Grace 5
Cheseman, Joan (née Lawrence) 5, 6
Cheseman, Robert 5, 6
Cheshunt, Manor of 6
Chester, Mary (née Raven) 49
Chester, Nicholas 49
Chester Gate 96
Chester Place 119, plate 98
Chester Road 33, 68
Chester Terrace 98, 99, 120, 121, plates 98, 99, 100, 101, 103
Chestnut Row 48
Chetwynd, Charles 2nd Earl Talbot, 38
Chetwynd Road 37
Child, William 136
de Chilton (Chilthone), Ralph 2
Chipping Barnet 6, 45
Cholmeley, Sir — 131
Cholmeley, Joshua 142
Cholmeley, Mr. 141
Cholmeley, Mary (née Holford) 37
Cholmeley, Robert (2) 37
Cholmeley, Sir Roger 75
Cholmeley School, Highgate 7, 38, 40, 41, 46, 75, 77, 80, 131
Cholmondeley, Elizabeth Viscountess (née Craddock) 37
Cholmondeley, Catherine (née Stanhope) 37
Cholmondeley, Sir Hugh 37, 131
Cholmondeley, Robert, afterwards Viscount 37, 39
Christ Church, Albany Street 127, n.
Christ Church, Oxford 46, 136
Christie, James 42
Christie, William 121
Christmas, Richard 35
Church House (Highgate) 134
Church Way 42
Churchill Road 37
Church Land, The 141
Churchfield 14, 15, 16, 140
Cinchius, The Roman 2
Clare, Earls of, see Holles
Clarence Road 53
Clark, Mr. 53
Clark, Matthew 34
Clarke, Daniell 14, 76, 77, plate 40
Clarke, John 88
Clarke, Joseph (builder) 42
Clarke, Katharine 14, 76
Clarke, Peter 36
Clavering (Essex) 86
Clayton, Catherine 99
Cleave, Thomas 48, 142
Cleave, William 48
Cleeve, Isaac 136
Clenell, Alexander 135
Clerk, Robert 26
Clerkenwell 48
Cleveland Street 16
Cliffe, Elizabeth 24
Cliffe, Jeffery 24
Clifford, Richard 29
Clifton, John 124
Clifton, William 135
Clinton, Catherine, Lady Lincoln (née Pelham) 18
Clinton, George, 8th Earl of Lincoln 18
Clinton, Henry Fiennes, 1st Duke of Newcastle 18, 19
Clinton, Henry, 7th Earl of Lincoln 18
Clinton, Henry Pelham 19
Clinton, Lucy, Lady Lincoln (née Pelham) 18
Clyatt, Samuel 89
Clyffe, Richard 24
Cobham, Sir John 22
Cockerell, Widow 134
Cocks, Charles 137, 138
Cocks, James 34
Cocks, Richard 136, 137
Cocks, Thomas Somers 34
Coish, Mrs. Sarah 134
Cole, John 25
College Lane 42, 43
Colles, Mary (née Palmer) 5
Colles, William 5
Collet, Elizabeth 135
Collier, William 124
Comarque, Henrietta 45
Comarque de Bavois, Mary 45
Colosseum, The 99, 123
Comburne, Susanne 52
Conduitshote, The 21, 22, 25
Coundethed Close, The 25
Convent of the Sacred Heart 34, 35, 56
Cook, Capt. 61
Cook, John 69
Cook, Mr. 10, 11
Cook, Richard 64
Cook, Richard, Jun. 69
Cook's Row 60, 61, 62
Cooke, Hannah Fox (née Cheake) 36, 68
Cooke, Helen Elizabeth 81, 138
Cooke, Moses 135
Cooke, Nicholas 24, 25
Cooke, Richard 36, 68
Cooper, Mr. 57
Cooper, John 136
Cooper, Richard 136
Cooper, Thomas (Sen. and Jun.) 55
Cope, Morris 138
Corkers Lane 57
Cornish, Elizabeth 134
Cornish, Jane 36
Cornish, Thomas 36
Cotton, George 24
Court Field 16
Coutts, Angela Georgina Burdett 34
Coutts, Thomas 59
Coverdale, Mary 121
Cow and Hare, The 32, plate 2
Cowfield (Essex) 86
Cowper, Christina 79
Cowper, Samuel 79, plate 35
Cowcross Street (St. Sepulchre's) 41
Coweacre 16
Cox, see Cocks
Cox, John, the elder 45
Coxshot 142
Crabtree Field 16, 138
Collection, The 54
Cowd, J. C. 145
Craddock, George 37
Cradon, — 43
Crakhale, John de 2
Craven, John 56
Craven, Robert 138
Craven Row 56
Crawley, Sussanah and Thomas 81
Crocker, Robert 55
Crocker's Place 55
Croft, James 69
Croft Lodge 35
Croftdown Road 35
Croker, see Crocker
Crompton, James 135
Cromwell, Oliver 79, 87
Cromwell House, Highgate 40
Crooke, — 39
Cross, John 10
Cross, Lawrence 138
Crotty, Horace 125
Crouch End 37
Crow Place 55
Crowe, William 30
Crowndale Road 10, 22, 23, 27, 29, 51
Cruse, John 29
Cryder, John 99
Cugnoni, Ignatius 42, 95
Cugnoni, James, M.D. 43, 95
Cugnoni, Mary (née Horton) 42, 43, 95
Culverclose 141
Culverton, Walter 124
Cumberland Place 118
Cumberland Terrace 98, 99, 116, 117, plates 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97,
Cumberlege, John 119
Curzon, Nathaniel 25
Cuttinge, William 105, 106, plate 63
Cutts, Valentine 40
Dale, Rev. T. P. 125 and n.
Dale, Thomas 125
Damet (Danett), Thomas 2
Danester, John (née Lawrence) 5
Danester, John 5
Daniel, Thomas 124, 135
Daniell, Mrs. and Miss Mary 94
Darbyshire, Thomas 12, 13
Dark, Samuel 69
Dartmouth, Earl of, see Legge
Dartmouth Park Estate 37
Dartmouth Park Road 37, 39
Dartmouth, Pedigree of Earl of 38
Davenant, Charles 42
Davies, A. M. 2
Davies, Daniel 44
Davies, Mary 23
Davies, Richard 17
Davies, Rev. Samuel Price 109
Davis, John 29
Davis, Ralph 31, 142, 144
Davison, Elizabeth 121
Davison, John 49
Davison, Thomas 42
Dawson, Richard 137
Day, William 136
Deacon, James 117
De Beauvoir (Hackney), family of 25
Delke, William 134
Denison, — 124
Denston, Clement 26
Dent, Charlotte 99
Denzil, John 18
Derbyshire, Thomas 13
Devis, Samuel 68
Dewsbury Terrace, see Union Terrace
de Diceto, Ralph 12, 74
Dickens, Charles 61
Dickson, Peter 121
de Dighton, William 2, 12
Dillon, C. H. 121
Dillon, John 83
Dixon's Fields 30
Dobey, John 45
Dobey, William 45
Dobree, William 99
Dodd, James 55
Domesday Book cited 2, 74
Dormanswell 5, 6
de Dorset, Roger 20
Dorset, — (widow) 42
Doughty, George 84
Doughty, Samuel 84
Doughty, Thomas 83, plate 42
Douglas, Henry 117
Douglas, Stodard 121
Dove Brothers, Messrs. 112 n.
Dover, Frederick 137
Down Ampney 40, 78
Downer, Thomas 15
Drake, Edward 49, 142
Drake, Hanna 49
Draper, Henry 33
Draper, John 33
Draper, Margery 33
Draper, Martha and Richard 87, plate 46
Draper, Richard 87
Draper, Robert (of Remenham) 33
Draper, Roger 33
Draper, Sara 33
Draper, Sir Thomas 33
Draper, Thomas 33
Drayton, Henry 124
Dronfield, Derby 16
Drummond Crescent 23
Dublesole Green 27
Ducarel, Andrew Coltee 103, 104, 114, 115, plate 59
Ducarel, Sarah 104
Duckett, Dr. Gregory 17
Duckett, Peter 17
Dudley, Sir Robert 141
Dudson, Emanuel and Susanna 115
Duff, Adam 121
Dulting, Thomas 29
Dummer, Capt. 115
Dummer, Mary (née Ley) 114, 115
Duncombe, George 28
Dunghill Field 30
Dunmow (Essex) 86
ad Duo Ostia, Peter 20
Duval, E. S. 145
Dycon, Thomas 13
Dyne, William 69
Earl, Peter 121
East Field 60
East Derham 107
East Greenwich 142
Eaton, Charles 137
Eaton, Henry William 99
Ecclesiastical Commission, The 30
Eddison, John and Thomas 68
Eden, Emma 81
Eden, Robert Allen 81, 125
Edmunds, Francis 56
Edric 31
Edward III, King 3, 21, 22, 75
Edward IV 112
Edward VI, King 75
Eeles, John 17, 138
Eglston, Mr. 135
Eighteen Acre piece 15, 140
Elborowe, John 15, 75, 124, 130, 144
Eleanor, Queen 101
Elephant and Castle 137
Eles, John (see Eeles)
Eleven Acre Close 9
Elizabeth, Queen 6, 14, 23, 25, 76, 141
Ellis, Mary 138
Ellis, Thomas 25
Elmes, James 98, 123
Elm Friars 31
Elm Lodge 61
Elsyng, Alice 23
Elsyng, Frances 23
Elsynge, Henry, Sen. and Jun. 23
Elwes, Jeremiah 8
de Ely, Richard 26
Emmotte, Mary 56
Empy, Joseph 58
Englisshe, Michael 24
Environs of London cited 2
Erick, Robert 49
Ermyne, see Ayremin
Erskine, Thomas 117
Essex, Earl of 46
Eswy, Ralph and Richard 132
Euston Road 10, 16, 36, 76
Euston Station 1, 23
Evans, John 134
Evans, Thomas 46
Ewrin, William 137
Exeter, Duke of, see Holand
Exeter Street 49
de Exton, Nicholas 22
Exton, Sir Thomas 124 n.
Eyers, Charles 138
Fairseat (Highgate) 135
Fallowfield 45
Fanshawe, Edward 117
Farrer, Anne and Cecilia 99
Farringdon Street 53
Farthing Pie House 10, 11
de Fauconberg, William 26
de Fauconberg, Earl of, see Barnwall
Faulkner (Falker), Richard 137
Feckenham, John 26
Feltham 6
Fenton, Ann 121
Fenton, Roger 29
Fearn, John Peter 121
de Feria, William 31
de Feriby, Richard 29
de Ferrers, Dame Joan 21
de Ferrers, Robert 21
de Ferrers, Sir Robert 21
Feversham, Lewis, Earl of 102
Fig Hall 141
Figg Lane, see Crowndale Road
Figg Lane Field 27
Finch, Captain 45
Finch, G. W. 121
Fisher, Joan 6
Fits-gerald, Richard 77
fitz—Isabel, William 132, 133 n.
fitz—Isabel, Roger 132
Fitzroy, Charles, Lord Southampton 9, 10, 11, 12, 17, 96
Fitzroy, General 52
Fitzroy Place 57
Fitzroy Terrace 41, 42
fitz-Simon, Sir John and Lady Margery 132
Flambard, Ralph 12
de Flamsted, John 12
Flask, The 135
Fleet Market 53
Fleet Prison, The 124 n.
Fleet River 19, 24, 43, 44, 49, 52, 53, 56 n., 57, 59, 75
Fleet Street 23
Flete, John 132, 133
Flete, Margaret (née Bedyk) 132, 133
Flinders, Richard 135, 138
de Flisco, William 2
Flood, Alexander 134
Foothead, John 41
Forcett, Edward 7
atte Ford, John 3, 13
Fordyce, John 96
Forel, Sarah 69
Forster, W. M. 117
Fortess Road 45
Fortie Acre 27
Fortis Terrace 6
Fortys, The 6
Foster, Christopher 134
Foundling Estate, The 22, 23, 25
Four Acre Close 9
Fox, William 120, 121
Fox and Crown, The (Highgate) 135
Francis, Mr. 10, 11
Francis, John and Mary 69
Francis Place and Terrace 57
Francis Street 19
Francis, William 55
Franks, Jane and Jane Harriet 145, 147
Franks, Mary 146, 147
Franks, William (two) 145, 146, 147
Frazer, Hon. A. 69
Freake 45
Freaks and Fallowfield, Messrs. 44
Friars Minor, The 21
Frith, Robert 68
Fryers Rugmore 11
Fulcherius the Priest 74, 124
Fulker, Thomas 42
Fyerye Ball, The (Houndsditch) 23
Fyshar, John 29
Gable, George and John 69
Gaisford Street 47
Gambee, Mr. 55
Gapper, Mrs. Christian (née Brownell) 113
Gardener, — 142
Gardiner, James and Joseph 69
Gardiner, Thomas 36, 69
Garnett, F. 7
Garroway, John 142
Garway, Elizabeth 8
Garway, Lady Elizabeth 8
Garway, Sir Henry and Lady Margaret 7, 8
Garway, John 7, 8
Garway, Sir William 7, 8
Gatesden, John de 20
Gatehouse, The (Highgate) 135
Gauge, Thomas 29
Geadinges, Manor of 6
Geoffrey, son of the Dean 12
George, The 15
George, see Elephant and Castle
George, Richard 137
George, Thomas 137
Gerard, Catherine, Elizabeth and Mary 93
Gerard, Mary Clare, Lady (née Tasburgh) 92, 93
Gerard, Sir Thomas 93
Gestling (Sussex) 86
Gibson, William 27
Gilbert, Matthew 135
Gilden Field Pingle 27
Gilden Fields 27
Gillons, Messrs. 121
Gipp, T. G. 103
Girdlestone, Samuel 121
de Gloucester, Richard (2) 21, 22
Gloucester Crescent 1
Gloucester. Gate (Regent's Park) 97, 98, 99, 116, 122, plates 53, 54
Gloucester House 97, 99, plate 50
de Gloucester, Juliana (née Waldeshef) 21, 22
Gloucester Lodge 97, 99
Gloucester Place (Kentish Town), see Leighton Road 45, 57
Gloucester Road (Chalk Farm) 1
Gloucester Terrace (Regent's Park), see Gloucester Gate
Glover, Alexander 14, 86
Glover, Blanche (née Loftis) 14
Glover, F. H. 110
Goddard, Thomas 135
Goldbeteresacre 16
Goldsmid, Isaac Lyon 19
Gomsarah, Mr. 135
Goodeve, Anthony 69
Goodman, William 138
Gordon House, Academy 57, 58
Gordon House Road 57, 58
Gore, Sir Thomas 78
Gospel Oak 11, 58
Gothic, The 58
Gotto, Henry Jenkin 35
Gough, Alexander D. 73, 76
Gould, — 11
Gould, Edward 134, 135, 136
Graeme, Henry Sullivan 99
Grafton, Duke of 16
Grafton Place 54
Graham, Robert 117
Grant, John 137
Grant, Johnson 145
Granville, George 69
Graunt, Thomas 12
Graves, John 135, 137
Graves, Widow 134, 135
de Gravesend, Richard 12
Gray, Richard 137
Gray, William 26
Gray, — 124
Gray's Inn Road (or Lane) 10, 11, 22–25, 28, 60, 137
Great Field, The 9, 22, 47
Great Field (Blomysbury) 25
Great North Road, The 44
Great Queen Street 36
Green Dragon, The 55
Green, Marianne Elizabeth 69
Green Street 10, 34, 35, 36, 39, 42, 64, 142
Greene, Thomas 137
Greenway, John 135
Greenwood, Charles 34
Greenwood, Elizabeth 56
Greenwood, Thomas (Sen. and Jun.) 56, 117 160
Gregg, Thomas 9
Gregory, George 42
Gregory, John 42
Gregory, Mary 42
Gregory-by-St. Paul's (Church) 6
Gresley, Notts 16
Greveson, William 124
Griffenhoofe, Benjamin Cooke 37, 39
Griffith, Thomas 137
Grigg, Elizabeth 104, plate 61
Grigg, Mary 104
Grignon, Charles 69
Grob, Mrs. 34
Grob, John Ernest 34, 35
de Groot, Henri and Mary 121
Grosvenor, Sir Richard 18
Grove Cottage 58
Grove House (Highgate) 135
Grove House Boarding School 58
Grove End House 39, 40
Grove End Lodge 39
Grove End Villa 39
Grove Street 9
Grove Terrace 36, 37, 63–69, 71, plates 1, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
de Grymesby, Edmund 26
Gualter, Richard 25, 27, 28, 130
Guildhall Library, The 75 n., 124 n.
Gundisalvus, Ferdinandus 12
Gunter, George 38
Gunter, Judith (née Nicoll) 38
Gunter-Nicholl, Sir Charles 37, 38
Gunter-Nicoll, Elizabeth 38
Gunter-Nicoll, Lady Elizabeth (née Blundell) 38
Gwalter, John 38
Gwent, Richard 12
Gwilliams, John 81, 142
Gwyllym, John 17
Gybeson, Robert 25
Hacage, le see Hakehegge
Hackett, C. A. 43
Hacklscot, Thomas 134
Haddon, John 39
de Hadstock, Augustine 20
de Hadstock, Avice (née de Basing) 20, 132
de Hadstock, Joan 132
de Hadstock, William 20, 132, 133 n.
Haines, William 68
Hakehegge 22, 25
Hale, Ann (née Michell) 8
Hale, Bernard, Archdeacon of Ely 8
Hale, Sir Bernard 8
Hale, Dyonisia (née Gifford) 8
Hale, Elizabeth (née Meynell) 8
Hale, Mary (née Elwes) 8
Hale, Mary (née Lambert) 8
Hale, Richard 7, 8
Hale, Richard (Jun.) 8
Hale, Robert 8
Hale, Rose (née Bond) 8
Hale, Rowland 7, 8
Hale, Sir John 8
Hale, Thomas 8
Hale, William 7, 8
Hale, William, Jun., M.P. 8
Hale, pedigree of 8
Half Way House, see Mother Redcap
Haling, Anne 39
Haling, John 39
Haling, Katherine 39
Hall, — 7
Hall, George 69
Hall, Richard 135
Hall, Robert 15
Hamby, Elizabeth 121
Hamilton, Anthony 27
Hamilton, Sir Edward 117
Hammond, Mrs. Margaret 47
Hampstead Ponds 58
Hampstead Road 7, 9, 10, 16, 23, 27, 52, 60, 96
Hankey, Thomas 117
Hanning, R. F. 145
Hanover, Ducal Viceroy of 122
Hanover Yard 10
Hanway Street 10, 138
Hanwell, Miss 58
Hanwell, Manor of 6
Hap, Mr. 138
Harbott, see Herbert
Harebottle, Robert 135
Harding, Sarah 69
Hardinge, John 136
Hardrett, John 135
Hardy, John 117
Hardy, John, Jun. 117
Harland, Captain Robert 89, 90
Harland, Frances (née Clyatt) 89
Harland, William 89
Harpedene, John 75
Harris, James 39
Harris, John 30
Harris, Robert 39
Harrison, Mrs. 134
Harrison, John 69
Harrison Estate 23
Hart, Cornelius 125
Hart, Thomas 130
Harthwaite, Mrs. Ann 134
Hartwell, John 136
Hartwell, Richard 34
Haslipp, John 136
Haslock, Rev. John 47
Hatton, — (barber) 39
Hatton, John 6
Hatton, Widow 135
Haughton, Baron, see Holles, John
Haverstock Hill 11
Hawarden, Lady Isabelle, Dowager Viscountess 101
Hawkins, Sir John 23
Hawkins, Dame Margaret (née Vaughan) 23
Hawley, Sir Henry 53
Hawling, John 136
Hawte, Lady Margaret (née Woode) 19
Hawte, Sir William 19
Hayes, Richard 137
Haygarth, James 56
Haymee, Dr. Baldwin 142
Haynes, John 14, 17
Hayward, Frances 117
Hayward, Mary 117
Hayward, Peter 117
Hayter, W. G. 121
Heald, George 69
Heal Collection, The 73 n.
Heal's, Messrs. 10
Heath, — 47
Hedges, Isaac 42
Heneage (Finch), 3rd and 5th Earls of Aylesford 38
Henchman, Richard 30
Henchman, Thomas 27
Henham (Essex) 88
Hennessey, Rev. George 149
Henry, Elemosinarius 26
Henry II, King 20
Henry III, King 20, 101
Henry VIII, King 3, 101
Herbert, (Harbott), Richard 137
Herbert, Sir William 14
de Herbury, Nicholas 26
Hergest (Co. Hereford) 23
Hermitage, The (Hornsey) 75
Hertford Grammar School 8
Hertford House (Highgate) 135
Hewett, Alexander 43
Hewett, Lady Alice (née Levison) 47
Hewett, Sir George (Viscount Hewett) 47
Hewett, Robert 141, 142
Hewett, Sir Thomas 47
Hewett, Sir William 46, 47
Hewetts, The 136, 139
Hews, widow 136
Hickey, see Hickox
Hickox, Ann, Bridget and Elizabeth 114
Hickox, Elizabeth (née Holford) 114
Hickox, John 114
Hicks John 135
Hicks, Richard 42, 43
High Brook 142
High Easter (Essex) 86
High Holborn 19, 24
High Street, Camden Town 28, 49, 51
High Street, St. Giles 19
Highgate Chapel 41
Highgate School, see Cholmeley
Highgate Green 41
Highgate Hill 10, 40, 59
Highgate Literary and Scientific Institution 32
Highgate Rd . 10, 33, 37, 39, 42–44, 54, 56, 71
Highgate Road, East Side 33–51, plates 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 1099
Highgate Road, West Side 52–59 plates 110, 111, 112, 113, 114
Hill, John 134
Hill, Richard 28
Hillery, W. A. 117
Hillfield 11, 24, 31
Hilperby, William 124
Hind, John, Jane, and Emma 121
de Hispania, James 12
Hite, Penelope 45
Hobson, Anthony 25
Hobson, John 24
Hobson, Mr. 31
Hobson, William 24
Hoddesdon, Manor of 6
Hodges, John 25
Hodges, Mary 25
Hodges, William 117
Hogge, John 24
Hoggins, Samuel 53
Hogsflesh, Eleanor (née Nicoll) 38
Holand, Anne (née Plantagenet) 112
Holand, Henry, Duke of Exeter 112
Holand, John, Duke of Exeter 110, 111 Frontispiece, plates 65, 66, 67, 68
Holborn Empire, The 57
Holborn, Prebendal Manor of 19, 20
Holden's Triennial Directory 34, 35, 51, 58
Holder, George 36
Holford, Christopher 37
Holford, Sir William 114
Holland, — 121
Hollensworth, Mr. 31
Holles, Lady Ann (née Denzil) 18
Holles, Denzil 18
Holles, Lady Ann (née Stanhope) 18
Holles, Denzil, 1st Lord Holles 18, 134
Holles, Eleanor (née Sheffield) 18
Holles, Elizabeth, Lady Clare (née Vere) 18
Holles, Lady Elizabeth (née Scopham) 18
Holles, Francis 140, 141
Holles, Gilbert, 3rd Earl of Clare 18
Holles, Grace, Lady Clare (née Pierrepont) 18
Holles, Lady Jane (née Grosvenor) 18
Holles, John, 1st and 2nd Earls of Clare 18
Holles, John, 4th Earl of Clare 18
Holles, pedigree of 18
Holles, Thomas Pelham 18
Holles, Sir William 18
Holles, Sir William (d. 1542) 18, 19
Holloley, James 69
Holloway Road 51
Holly Lodge 59, 134
Holly Lodge Villas 34
Holly Terrace 11
Holly Village 34
Holm, Roger 75
Holmes, Phillip 137
Holmes, Richard 55
Holmes Estate, The 55
Holmes, Roger 26
Holmes Road 55, 57, 58
Holmes Terrace 55
Holts Green 49
Home Counties Magazine cited 2
Home Field 10, 11, 30
Hooper, Mary 137
Hooper, Widow 137
Hornby Castle (Lincs) 47
Horner, Thomas 121
Horner, Mr. 123
Hornsey, parish of 33, 41
Horseleys 147
Horseman, Walter 48
Horsey, William 12
Horston, Thomas 26
Horton, James 42, 43, 94, 95
Horton, John 94, 95, 136
Horton, Sarah 94, 95
Horton, Thomas 43
Horton, W. 42
Hoskins, — 79
Houndsditch 23
Household Words 61
Howard, Thomas 135
Howitt, William 12
Hudson, Richard 25
Huet, Doctor and Mrs. Lucy (née Brownell) 113
Hughes, Paul 137
Hull, Robert 136
Hulle, Henry de la 126
Humble, Stephen 134
Hundred Acres, The 7, 23, 24
Hungerford, Sir John 40, 77, 78
Hunter, John 69, 134
Huntingdon, Earl of, see Holand
Huntley Street 19
Hurd, Ann 34
Hurd, Philip 34, 35
Hutton, Joseph 138
Hyde, the Bailiff of 13
Ibbetson, Henry 121
Icklesham (Sussex) 86
de Ides, Henry 26
Idesworth, see Ides
Image House 55
Imperial Gas Works, The 61
de Ingolisma, Hugh 26
Inman, John 138
Inwood, William 69
Irby, Anthony 103
Iremonger, Sara (late Draper) 33
Iremonger, William 33
Isarmy, Roger 26
Isham, Zaccheus 13
Isleworth 6
Islington, parish of 21, 33
Islip Road 47
Ive, John 134, 138
Ive, Thomas 54, 130
Ives, Paul 131
Ivingho, Master Ralph de 75, 128
Ivy House (Kentish Town Road) 51
Ixworth, John, sen. and jun. 29
Izard, Mrs. Mary 135
Izard, Ralph 135
Izod, John 76
Jackson, George 69
Jackson, John 51
Jackson, William 69
Jacomb, William 11, 14, 77
James, Mr. 138
James, Edmund 51
James I, King 14, 78
James, John 41, 43, 48
James Street 1
Jan, Thomas 2
Jardine, David 117
Jater, John 43
Jeffereys 137
Jeffreys, John 28
Jeffreys, Nicholas 28, 51
Jeffreys Street 49, plate 26
Jennings, Thomas 44
Jewsharp Field 11
Johnson, John 135
Johnson, Edward 31, 142, 144
Johnson, W. M. 145
Johnson, W. N. 88
Jollie, — 37
Jones, Ann 51
Jones, Charles 117
Jones, David 51
Jones, John 136
Jones, Martha 44
Jones, Richard 44
Jones, Sarah 44
Jones, Walter 26
Jones, William 44, 135
Jordanus, Vice-chancellor of the Pope 2
Joyce, John 47, 51
Joyner, Jacob 137
Junction Road 6, 45
Kelsall, Richard 36
Kemble Family, The 35
Kemp, William 26
Kendall, Mr. 96, n.
Kendrick, Mr. 56
Kenricke, John 140
de Kent, William 20
Kentewode, Ralph de 74
Kentish Town 5, 6, 21, 30, 31, 32, 35, 39, 41, 43, 45
Kentish Town Chapel 54, 56, 75, 125 n., 145, plate 8
Kentish Town House 33, 44, 59, 136
Kentish Town Road 10, 33, 45–59, 60, 137, plates 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114
Kentish Town Station 46
Kentish Town Vicarage 136, 143
Kentwode, Reginald 12
Kenwood 11, 59, 135
Kestell, John 9
Ketlwell, Robert 137
Kettle, Mr. 48
Keymer, Sarah 135
Kidd, George 7
de Kilmyngton, Richard 2
King, Daniel 136
King, Henry 29, 30, 31
King, J. P. 46
King, James Frederick 1, 33, 34–62, 64
King, John 26, 31
King, Oliver 2
King, Philip 28, 30
King, Robert 136
King, Thomas, sen. 33, 53, 58
Kinge, Henry 60
Kinge, John, prebendary 28
Kinge, John, son 28, 31, 60
Kinge, Mary 28
Kinge, Thomas 142
King's Arms, The, see Green Dragon
King's Arms' Buildings 55
Kings Bench Walk 34
King's Cross 23, 60, 137
King's Cross Road 28, 48, 52
King's Road (Camden Town), The 29, 33, 48, 52, 60–62, 137, plates 115, 116, 117
Kingston, Earl of, see Pierrepont
Kingsway 22
Kirby, Robert 121
Kirkman, Joseph 55
Kitchen, Elizabeth (née Nicoll) 38
Kitchen, Richard 38
Klinckenberg, Albert Henry 82
de Knesworth, Thomas Strete 29
Knight, Major Peter 138
Knight, Robert 137
Knightly, Walter 12
Knolles, Dame Constance 21
Knolles, Sir Robert 21
Knowles, Fanny 68
Knowles, William 68
Kyrkbye, Thomas 6
Laidner, John 68
Lambert, George 137
Lamb, The (P. H.) 10
Lamb's Conduit 10
Lane, Ralph 25
Lang, Charles 121
de Langford, Ralph 12
Lansdown, James 121
Lauderdale House 135
Lawrence (of Lancashire) 5
Lawson, John 84
Lawson, Sir John 84
Lawson, Mary (née Shelley) 84
Laxe, Joseph 99
Layton, Mr. 44
Layton, Richard 26
Layton, William 26
Leach, John 135
Le Blanc, Ann 99
Lee, George 36, 38
Lee, John 43, 44
Lee, Judith (née Nicoll) 38
Lee, Joseph 137
Lee, Lucy 138
Leek, Thomas 121
Legge, Lady Augusta (née Heneage Finch) 38
Legge, Lady Frances (née Barrington) 38
Legge, Lady Frances (née Talbot) 38
Legge, Lady Frances (née Gunter-Nicoll) 38
Legge, Lady Frances (née Heneage Finch) 38
Legge, Frances Catherine, Countess of Dartmouth (née Nicoll) 36
Legge, George, 3rd Earl of Dartmouth 38
Legge, William, 2nd Earl of Dartmouth 36, 38
Legge, William, 4th Earl of Dartmouth 38
Legge, W. W., 5th Earl of Dartmouth 38
Leighton, Sir David 46
Leighton, Dame Isabella (formerly Williams) 46
Leighton Grove 46
Leighton Road (Gloucester Place, Kentish Town) 45, 46, 57
Leinster, Earl of (Viscount Cholmondeley) 37
Le Man, James 121
Letton, Sarah 38
Leverton and Chawner, Messrs. 98
Levison, Nicholas 47
Lewis, Anne 146
Lewis, Thomas 135, 146
Lewisham 6
Lewisham, Viscount, see Dartmouth
Ley, Thomas and William B. 114, 115
de Lichfield, Master W. 20, 29, 74, 126
Lighthozle, Thomas 136
Lilley, see Alley, Robert
Lilly, George 26
Lincoln, Bishop of 21
Lincoln, Earl of, see Clinton
Lindsay, Robert 82
Lindsay, Lady Elizabeth (née Blunden) 38
Lindsey, Peregrine, Marquis of 38
Lisieux, Thomas 2, 12
Lismore Circus 57
Little Green Street 41, 42, 70, 71, plates 24, 25
Little, Henry 38
Little, Mary (née Nicoll) 38
Little Murrels 15
Loftis, Richard 14
Locke, Joseph 121
Logg, Henry 141
London, City of 6
London, Mr. 136
London and Birmingham Railway, The 9
London and Middlesex Arch. Soc. Transactions cited 2, 4 n.
London, William, Bishop of 21
de London, Walter, see de Salerne
London Museum, The 123 n.
London Road, The 51
London Society, The 123
Long Fields 10, 19
Long, Henry 136
Long, John 136
Long Rugmore 11
Lonsdale, John 117
Lord's Mead piece 141
Lovelace, Mrs. 54
Lowe, Ann, Elizabeth, Frances and Mary 141
Lower Craven Place 56
Lower Terrace, Green Street 68
Lucas Estate, The 23
Lucas, Treasurer of the King 29
Luce, Rev. Francis 9
Lunardi, Vincenzo 46
Lysons, Rev. Daniel 2
Lyteconditeshote 22
McDonogh, Michael 42
Mackworth, Sir Thomas 43
Madingly (Wilts) 41, 78
Magginnis, Aron 19
Maiden Lane 27, 29, 31, 45, 47, 60, 61
Maitland, William Whittaker 99
Majendie, Emma (née Gipp) 103
Majendie, Rev. H. L. 104
Majendie, Severne Andrew 104
Manckiewicz Collection, The 123
Manistone, Angelica 68
Manistone, James 68
Manistone, Joseph 68, 69
Manistone, Mary 68
Manistone, Sophia 68
Manfeld, Robert 2
Mann, Thomas 7
Manners, John, 3rd Duke of Rutland 18
Mansell, John 12
Mansfield, Earl of 58
Mansfield Place 43, 55, 57
Mansfield Road, see Holmes Road
Mapesbury, prebend of 21
Mapurs Field 27
Marbury, Francis 124
March, Thomas 136
de Marinis, Hugh 12
Marriott, Richard 68
Marsh, Robert 13
Marshall, Rev. John 136
Marshall, John 124
Marshall, Nathaniel 124
Marson, T. F. 117
Martin, Edward 137
Martinez, Sebastian Gomez 99, 117, 121
Martyn, Roger 29
Marvell, Andrew 135
Mary, Queen 25, 112
Marylebone Park 3, 4, 7, 11, 14, 98, 140, plate 48
Matilda, Queen 103
Mauny, Walter, Lord 21
May, John 15, 140
Maybone Field 27
Mayden Lane, see Maiden Lane
Mead Close 9
Mede,— 137
Mellish, Elizabeth 121
Melton Mowbray 33
Mence, Benjamin 124
Mensal, A. 57
de Merton, Walter 26
Metcalfe, Edmund Lionel 125
Metropolitan Improvements 96 n.
Meynell, Isaac 8
Michell, Edmund 8
Middlefield 5, 6, 9
Middleton, T. F. 124 n.
Midland Railway, The 46, 49, 56, 61
Milburn, Elizabeth and Susanna 69
Mildmay, Sir Thomas 24
Milking Place 140
Miller, Widow 135
Millington, Lady Ann 60
Millington, Sir Thomas 137
Millner, William 145
Minshull, William 41
Mitchell, Henry 136
Mocatto, Elias 121
Money-Kyrle, R. T. A. 145
Monke, Thomas 135
Monson, Anthony 92
Monson, Frances (née Tyrwhitt) 92
Montacute, Ann 112
Montacute, John, Earl of Salisbury 112
Montagu, Ann 112
Montagu, Elizabeth (née Irby) 103
Montagu, George 112
Montagu, Hon. George 102–103, plates 57, 58
Montagu, Robert 117
Montague Place 46
de Monte Martino, Edward 12
Montevideo Place plate 6
Montgolfier 46
Moore, Mr. 138
Moore, James 76, 125
Moore, Phillip 138
Moray and Ross, Bishop of, see Eden
Morgan, Elizabeth (née James) 48
Morgan, James 47
Morgan, John 2
Morgan, Richard 42, 47, 54, 56
Morgan, Robert 48
Morgan, Mrs. Mary 135
Morgan, William (the elder) 55
Morgan, William 46, 47, 54
Morgan's Farm 11, 46
Morley, Edward, Elizabeth and John 25
Morning Advertiser, The 39
Morrels 14, 15, 16
Morrison, Rev. Thomas Hoope 53
de Mortimer, Hugh 29
Mortimer, H. W. 17
Mortimer, Mr. 96 n.
Mortimer, J. (Engraver) 98
Mortimer, Richard 53, 57
Mortimer Market 17, 19
Mortimer Terrace 57
Morwellfield 22
Moseley, Oswald 117
Mother Black Caps, see Mother Red Caps
Mother Red Caps 10, 28, 33, 51, 52, plate 7
Mott, Richard 99 n., 122
Moulting, W. A. 43
de Mounteneye, Arnold 21, 132, 133 n.
de Mounteneye, Joan (née de Taleworth) 21, 132, 133 n.
Mowing Fields, The 30
Muffett, Thomas 7
Mullens, John 26
Munden, Joseph Shepherd 35, 56
de Munteni, Arnold 132, 133
Murrells (Moralls) 14, 15, 16, 140
Murrell, Dinah 131
Murch, William 117
Myers, John 69
Nags Head, The (Kentish Town Road) 48
Nash, John 96, 97, 98, 116
Nasing, Manor of 6
Near Field 60
Nedham, William 136
Needham, Mary 142
Neketon, John 132
Nelson, Admiral Lord 53, 58
Nether Peover (Cheshire) 37
Netherfield 5, 6, 9
Nevell, Frances 87, 88
Nevil, Roland, 3rd Earl of Westmorland 112
New Chapel Place 56
New Field, The 15
New Oxford Street 61
New Road, The, see Euston Road
Newcastle, Dukes of, see Clinton
Newcombe, Henry 60, 61
Newell, Thomas 90
Newman, Richard 136, 137
Newsome, Grace (née Sare) 91
Newsome, Richard Sare 91
Newsome, Thomas 91, 92
Newton, Mr. 137
Newton, William 117
Nicoll, Anne (née Huxley) 38
Nicholl, Basil 37, 38
Nicoll, Basil (2) 38
Nicoll, Charles 38
Nicoll, Daniel 31, 142, 144
Nicoll, Elizabeth 28, 38
Nicoll, Elizabeth (wife of Richard) 38
Nicoll, Frances 38
Nicoll, Henry 38
Nicoll, John 38
Nicoll, Judith (3) 38
Nicoll, Richard 37, 38, 136
Nicoll, Sarah (née Letton) 38
Nicoll, Thomas 137, 138
Nicoll, William, Sen. and Jun. 38
Nicolls, Frances 142
Nicholls, Henry 121
Nicolls, Isabel (née Clarke) 88, 89
Nicolls, Richard 88, 89, 142
Niger, Walter 2
Nightingale, Richard 6, 7
Noble, Francis and John 146
Noell, Ann (née Nicoll) 38
Noell, James 38
Nollekens (sculptor) 104
Norden, John 75
Norfolk, John, Duke of 16
North London Railway, The 53
de Northampton, Henry 26, 74
Northbury Manor House 74, 126
Northey, Lucy 105
Nortonfitzwarren 106
Norwood 6
Nowell, Alexander 12
Nurse, William Mountford 116, 117
Oakfield (Okefeilde) 5, 6, 7, 9
Oakley, Caroline Mary 102
Oakley, Sir Henry 108
Odam, Anthony 134
Odams, William 42
Offley, Mr. 142
Offley, Ann 84, 85
Offley, Elizabeth (née Moore) 84, 85 plates 44, 45
Offley, Edward, John, Robert, Stephen and Thomas 84, 85, 86
Offley, Joseph 86, 136
de Offord, John 12
O'Kelly, De Pentheney 99
Old Chapel, The 54, 56, 74
Old Chapel House 54
Old Chapel Row 52, n.
Old Farm House plate 4
Old Jolly Anglers 54
Old Redcap Gardens 49, 51
Old St. Pancras Workhouse 52, 60
Old Toll Gate 45
Oliver, Edward 27
Oliver, John 36, 69
Olney, William 22
Olneye 21, 22
Orchart, John 43
Oridge, 37
Orton, John 135
Orwell, Judith (née Nicoll) 38
Osbert, The Roman 2
Oseney Crescent 47
Ossulston, Lord, see Bennet
Ottman, Sir Richard 130
Overall, John 12
Owen, Dame Alice 33
Oxford Street 12, 19
Padbury, Alice (née Bedefield) 22
Padbury, John 22
Page, Sir Gregory 9
Page, James 136
Paget, Henry Luke 125
Paget, William, Lord 5
Paley, William 30
Palmer, Sir Christopher 5
Palmer, Christopher, Jerome, Frances and Grace 6
Palmer, Eleanor (née Paget) 5
Palmer, Eleanor (née Cheseman) 5, 6, 44
Palmer, Jerome 5
Palmer, John 3, 4, 5, 45
Palmer, Ralph 136
Palmer, pedigree of 5
Palmer, Rev. 117
Palmer, Widow 136, 142
Pancras Churchyard 31
Pancras Field 22, 23
Pancras Road 10, 11, 24, 29, 48, 73
Pares, Mary 99
Parish Land 136
Park Gate Field 5, 6, 7, 9
Park Street (Camden Town) 1, 9, 140
Parke, Gilbert 34, 35
Parker, John 43
Parker, Thomas 121
Parkfield (Highgate) 135
Parliament Hill Fields 11, 32
Parris, E. T. 123
Parry, John 69
Parsonage Pickle 31
Partridge, Henry 25
Pasetun, Sir William 17
Pass, William 68
Passeflabere, see Flambard
Path Field 31
Patterson, Charlotta and Edward 113, 114
Paul, R. B. 145
Paulet, Lady Katherine 135
Paulinus, the Botiller 75, 128
Paul's Road 29
Paxton, Sir William 17
Payne, Sir Robert 130, 140, 141, 142
Payne, Thomas 51
Payne's Place 137
Peachey, John 117
Peacock, Lewis 68
Pearce, Lt.-Gen. 105, plate 62
Pearce, Mrs. 105
Pearson, Thomas 141
Peat, Elizabeth 42
Peat, Isaac 42
Peers, Sir Charles 112 n.
Peile, Arthur Babington 103
Pelham, Catherine (née Manners) 18
Pelham, Grace (née Holles) 18
Pelham, Henry 18
Pelham, Thomas, 1st Lord Pelham 18
Pelling, John 13
Pemberton, Sir Francis 135
le Pener, Peter 2
Penn, John 47
Penn, William 136
Penneck, see le Pener
Pennell, William 121
Penner, Richard 47
Pennerywickfield 10, 11
Pentecost, Margaret (née fitz-Isabel) 132, 133 n.
Pentecost, Roger 132, 133 n.
Peperfeld 24
Perine, Henry 137
Perkins, Frederic 121
Perry, Mary 121
Perryman, John 41
Perryn, David 48
Perryn, Helena 48
Perryn, Henry 48
Perryn, John 48
Perryn, Nicholas 48
Peter Turke's Croft 22, 23
Pettie's Court 10
Petitt, Charles 121
Peyton, Captain 43
Phillips, Samuel 121
Phillips, Samuel March 117
Picked Field 31
Pigon, John 106
Pindle, The 76
Pierrepont, Robert, 1st Earl of Kingston 18
Pierrepont, William 18
Pitts, The 9
Platt, Anne and Judeth and Mary 78
Platt, Dame Judith (née Hungerford) 40, 41
Platt, Hugh (afterwards Sir Hugh) 40, 78
Platt, Mary (née Hungerford) 40, 77, 78
Platt, Richard 24, 40
Platt, Robert 40, 41, 78
Platt, William 24, 40, 41, 77, 78, plates 36, 37
Pleasant Row 57
Plomer, Lady Margaret 40, n.
Plomer, Sir William 40
Pocock, George 117
atte Pond, John 13
Ponsford, — 55
Poole, John D. 69
Poole, William Watson 41
Pope, Alexander 79
Poplar 101
Portepool, Manor of 20
Portepool, Prebend of 17, 31
Porter, George 137
Portland, Duke of 96
Portman, William 135, 136
Potts, Lady Elizabeth 135
Poulson, Robert 134, 136
Poulson, William 135
Pound, The 52
Pound Close 141
Powell, Mrs. Jane 89
Powis Wells 10
Powney, Eleanor 69
Poynter, Ambrose 101
Poynter, Thomas 69
Poyntz, Ann (née Caesar) 109, 110, plate 64
Poyntz, Sir John 110
Prater, John 48
Pratt, Mrs. 10
Pratt, Charles, Earl Camden 28
Pratt, Elizabeth (née Jeffreys) 28
Pratt, John Jeffreys, 1st Marquis Camden 28
Prebend Farm 30
Prebend Street 28
Preece, Mr. 33
Price, John 136
Prideaux, Col. W. F. 96 n.
Priest, George Brett 110
Primrose Hill 1, 11, 53, 96
Prince of Wales Road 54, 55, 145
Pringle, John 121
Pritchard, Sir William 135
Providence Place 52, 53
Prudde, John 54
Pullen, Emanuel 137
Pycot, William 22
Queen's Square, Bloomsbury 10, 21, 25
Race Field 43
Radulphus, son of Algodus 2
Ragmore 5
Rainescroft, Arthur 17
de Ralegh, William 26
Rampayne, Joanna (née Caesar) 109, 110 plate 64
Rampayne, John 109
Randall, William 69
Randolph, Thomas 2, 27
Randolph Street 28
Rashleigh, William 117
Rathbone Place 10
Raven, Edward 49
Raven, Thomas 49
Rawles, Edward 43
Rawles, Sarah (née Brown) 43
Rawlins, William 138
Rawlinson, Mr. 11
Rawlinson, Lady 138
Red Lion Street 10
Redman, John 141
Regent's Canal, The 31, 49, 53, 61
Regent's Park 1, 4, 98, 101, plates 49, 50, 51
Regent's Park Road 1
Regent Square Chapel 125 n.
Remenham (Berks) 33
de Renato, William Bernardi 26
Rendell, J. C. 125
Render, William 22
Reston, John 124
Retreat, The 57
Reve, Thomas 24
Reyles, Hester 135
Reynolds, Edward 137
Rhodes Farm 7
Rhodes, Samuel 9
Rhodes, Thomas 9
Ricardes, Riccardes, see Rychardes
Richard II, King 3, 21, 22
Richards, Henry 117
Richardson, Joseph and William Westbrooke 80
Rickards, Joseph 48
Ridout, Mr. 137
Ripper, John 135
de Rising, William 2
Robert, son of Osburnus 29
Roberts, Charles 51
Roberts, Michael 135
Robins, Joseph 121
Robinson, Matthew 117
Robinson, — 69
Robinson, George 121
Robinson, John 137
Rocque's Survey 32
Rogers, Amelia 82
Rogers, John 29, 37
Rogers, Simon 12
Rokes, James 136
Roopers Field Pingle 27
Roper, William 24
Ropers Field and Pingle 27
de Ros, Robert 29
Rose, Elizabeth 15, 140
Rose, G. 58
Rose, J. 54
Ross, Elizabeth 99
Ross, Isabella and Mary 121
Rostandus 2
Rougement, George 121
Roughfield 30
Rous, Matilda 13
Routh, John 117
Rowley, Doctor 43
Le Roy, family of 33
Royal Commission on Historical Monuments 73 n., 82
Royal Music Hall, see Holborn Empire
Royston, John 29, 124
Ruffus, Arnold 132, 133 n.
Ruffus, Dionysia (née Pentecoste) 132, 133 n.
Rufus, Alfric 31
Rugmere, Manor of 1–9, 11, 23
Rugmere Manor House 2, 74, 126
Rugmere, list of Prebendaries 2
Rumsey, Thomas 54
le Rus, Arnold 132
Russel, John 26
Russell, Charles 44
Russell, Elizabeth (née Jones) 44
Russell, John 145
Russell, Thomas 25
Russell, Lady 17, 138
Rutland, Duke of, see Manners
Rutland, Mr. (William) 135
Rychardes, John 6, 7, 23, 24
Rydley, Robert 29
Ryngedstone 21
Ryver, William 121
St. Alban's Road 34
St. Alban's Villas 34
St. Andrew's, Holborn, parish of 17, 20, 25
St. Anne's, Brookfield 32
St. Barbara, Guild of 101
St. Bartholomew's Hospital 23, 31, 48, plate 27
St. Bartholomew's, Gray's Inn Road 125 n.
St. Dunstan's-in-the-East 23
St. Giles Circus 19
St. Giles Hospital 16, 30, 31
St. Giles Pound 19
St. Giles Workhouse 61
St. George's Fields 49
St. Gregory (by St. Paul's) 6, 7
St. James's, Hampstead Road 58, 125
St. John's, Charlotte Street 125 n.
St. John's College, Cambridge 24, 39–43, 78, 136, 140
St. John's Farm 40
St. John's, Kentish Town 145–147
St. Katharine's Dock 103
St. Katharine, Royal Chapel of 101–115, 125 n, plates 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86
de St. Lawrence, John 29
St. Martin, Ludgate, parish of 16
St. Mary, Aldermanbury, Church of 20
St. Mary Magdalen, Milk Street, Church of 20
St. Marylebone, parish of 16, 19
de St. Mary, Peter 26
de St. Mary, William 31
St. Michael, Bassishagh, Church of 20
St. Pancras, Canterbury 83
St. Pancras, Lay Manor of 1, 11, 19, 25, 74
St. Pancras Notes and Queries 57, 124
St. Pancras, Prebendal Manor of 1, 20, 28–31, 137
St. Pancras Old Church 5, 6, 7, 14, 17, 27, 29, 30, 31, 33, 41, 60, 62, 72–95, 143, plates 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 117
St. Pancras Old Church, Certificate of Goods 129
St. Pancras Old Church, Surveys 130, 131
St. Pancras Old Church, Visitation of 126, 127
St. Pancras New Church 16, 125 n.
St. Pancras Prebendal Manor Survey 30
St. Pancras, Vicars of 126
St. Pancras Public Library 33, 64, 68
St. Pancras Railway Station 24
St. Pancras Wash, see Pancras Road 10
St. Paul's, Canons of 1, 2, 3, 12, 17, 21, 23, 30, 62, 74
St. Paul's Road 60
St. Sepulchre's, parish of 20
Sadler, Sir Ralph 24
de Salerne, Walter 2
Salisbury, see Cecil
Salisbury, Earl of, see Montacute
Salter, George 7
Sambrooke, John 33
Sambrooke, Peter 33, 136
Sambrooke, Sara 33
Sambrooke, Thomas 33
Sampson, Thomas 29
Sanders, Allis 138
Sanders, John 135
Sanders, Mary (née Wiblin) 43
Sanders, Thomas 43
Sandfield 24, 25
Sandhill Fields 137
Sare, Catherine and Richard 91
Sare, Katherine and Richard 91,
Saunders, — 25
Savage, Sir Roger 132
Savage, Lady Joan (née de Hadstock) 132
Scaley, Joseph 68
Schoffens, (Scopin), Mr. [Thomas] 135
Scopham, John 18
Scott, Thomas 137
Scott, widow 136
Scrope, William 121
Secretan, Frederic 117
Seelie, Richard 142
Segarus 26
Senex, see le Vyell
Seridy, Francis 136
Sewel, (Cornchandler) 46
Sewell, Thomas 29
Shackerley, Erasma (née Palmer) 5
Shackerley, Francis 5
Shakerley, Robert 6
Shape, James 117
Sharp, James 142
Van Shapewicke, see Horton
Shaw, Benjamin 19
Shawe, William 13
Sharer, Richard 134
Sheffield, Edmund, Lord 18
Shelley, Sir John 84
Shepherd, T. Hosmer 96, 116, 119
Sherlock, Dean 135
Sherlock, William 30
Sherrick Lands 10, 141
Shirington, Walter 75
Shore, Samuel 56
Short, Daniel 134
Shorter, John 42
Sibley, G. V. W. 125
Sidon, Bishop of, see Charlton
Sileby, John 29
Sill, William 30
Simmons, Thomas 135
Simmons, William 136
Sirdefield, Finny 45
Six Acre Piece 9, 140
Sixteen Acres Field, see Bell Field
Skinners Company, The 23
Slack, J. 58
Slack, Thomas 58
Slawter, Thomas 138
Sleepe Land 141
Slipshoe Lane, see Park Street
Sloper, Michael 99
Smart, T. A. 125
Smith, — (carpenter) 41
Smith, Mr. 134
Smith, Lady 137
Smith, Mr. and Mrs. 137
Smith, Anne (née Harris) 39
Smith, Charles 30
Smith, Henry (of Caversham) 47
Smith, J. T. 104
Smith, J. W. 121
Smith, James 141
Smith, John 68, 69
Smith, Margaret, see Hammond 47
Smith, Mary 117
Smith, Nicholas 39
Smith, Rebecca (Widow) 7, 9, 136, 139
Smith, Richard 137
Smith, Thomas 23
Smithers, John 136
de Snayth, William Bryan 29
Somers Town 7, 23, 24, 137
Somers Town Chapel, The 125 n.
Somerset, Charles and Francis 93
Somerset House 33
Somnor, Thomas 124 n.
South, Dr. Robert 46, 47, 136
South, Robert (of Hackney) 47
South Terrace 36
South Grove (Highgate) 134
Southall, Manor of 6
Southam, Thomas 26
Southampton, Earl of 140
Southampton, Lord, see Fitzroy
Southampton, the family of 16
Southampton House (Highgate Road) 57
Southampton Row 10, 20
Southampton Terrace 54, 58
Spalding, Thomas 37
Spaniard, The 11
Spearing, Holley 51
Speke, Francis 136, 138
Spence, Henry 24, 60
Spence, H. D. M. 125 and n.
Spencer Road 37
Spinola, Benedyk 23
Spike, James 136
Spraysmead 16
Squire, Adam 12
Squire, John 136
Stable, Ann 68, 69
Stable, William 69
Stafford, Ann 112
Stafford, Edmund, Earl of 112
Staly, Mr. 137
Standford, Robert 6
Stanes 6
Stanhope, Edward 26
Stanhope of Harrington, John Lord 37
Stanhope, Thomas 18
Stanton, Francis 137
Stanton, Robert 137
Staunford, Lady Alice (née Palmer) 5
Staunford, Sir William 5
Steele, Thomas 35
Stephen, King 101
Sterling, Eliza 82
Sterling, Fanny Maria 82
Steward, Richard 30
Stiff, Mabel Terdrey 82
Stisted, William 31, 142, 144
Stocks, The 52
Stokoe, Alexander 69
Stone, George 121
Stone, William 68, 69
Stones, Mary 68
Stonestreet, Edward 138
Stonick, Widow 134
Stopford, Horatia Charlotte 110
Storer, Johanna 134
Storer, John 134
Story, Dr. John 13
Streete, Leonard 27
Stringer, Richard 35
Strype 40
Studamore, John 138
Stynt, Mr. 141
Sturgeon, Nicholas 26
Suckling, J. 58
Suckling, Mary (née Rumsey) 54
Suckling, William 53
Summerson, John 96, n.
Surgeon's Hall 46
de Sutton, Elena 22
de Sutton, John 22
Sutton, John 2
Sutton, Richard 137
Swain's Lane 32, 33, 34, 59, 134
Swinton Estate, The 28
de Swynefead, Richard 29
Syreston, Thomas 16
Taillour, Edward 5
Taillour, Eleanor (née Cheseman) 5
Talbot, Earl, see Chetwynd
Talbot, William 90
Tanhouse Field 47
Tapprell, — 121
Tasburgh, Henry 92, 93
Tasburgh, Mary Frances (née Monson) 92
Tatham, Meaburn 35
Tawe, John 5
Tawe, Mary (née Cheseman) 5
Taylor, Charlotte Louisa 102
Taylor, Lt.-Gen. Sir Herbert 102
Taylor, James Wells 35
Taylor, John 135
Taylor, Joseph 37
Taylour, Robert 6
Templeman, Joseph 117
Ters, William 20
Tevezant, Peter 121
Tew, Mr. 60
Tew, Mrs. 48
Thacker, Samuel 135
Thalani of Florence, Balsamus 2
Theband, John 12
Theband, Robert, of Sudbury 12
Thiedric 31
Thirty-four Acre Piece 140
Thistlie Field 27
Thody, Mr. 137
Thomas, — (Vicar) 124
Thomas, Thomas 68
Thompson, George 121
Thompson, John 69
Thompson, J., Map of 1804 cited 36, 53
Thomson, Robert 138
Thorn, Mary 121
Thorye, Robert 134
Thorold, Anthony Wilson 125, n.
Three Corner Field 9
Threwleigh, see Throwley
Throwley, Kent 3, 4
Thurlow, Christopher 56
Thwyng, John 124
Thyngdon (Northants) 16
Tile Kiln, The 137
Timmins, William 56
Timmis, Jane 138
Tinley, Robert 26
Tirwhitt, Sir Philip 92
Tod, John 117
Tolsen, John 26
Tompkins, — 55
Tonbridge School Estate 23, 25
Toomes, Mr. 89
Torriano Avenue 46
Torriano, Elizabeth (Renou) 45
Torriano, Hillary 45
Torriano, Joshua Prole 45, 46
Torriano Estate 45, 46
Totnal Field 16
Tottenhall, Manor of 1, 3, 4, 5, 10–19, 31, 52–59, 76, 136, 140–142
Tottenhall Manor House 14, 74, 86, 126, 140
Tottenhall, Prebendaries of 12
Tottenhall, Survey of 140–142
Tottenham and Hampstead Junction Railway 39, 42, 57
Tottenham Court Road 10, 11, 16, 17, 19, 48, 55
Tow, Edward 137, 138
Townsend, John 135
Trafalgar Chapel 47
Trafalgar Place 46, 48
Tranter, Thomas 140
Tratt, William 42
Trent, Captain 99
Trowbridge, Sir Thomas 121
Trubshaw, George 137
Truman, William 56
Tucker, Edward 41, 78
Tucker, Mary (late Platt) 41
Tudor, Edward 135
Tuff, — 43
Turk, Juliana and Peter 22
Turlington, Robert 136
Turner, Thomas 137, 138
Turnmylbrook, see Fleet River
Turpin, John 42
Turstin, Archbishop of York 26
Tustin, Richard 137
Twenty-eight Acre Piece 140
Twenty-two Acre Field 14
Twisden Road 37
Twyford, Henry 137
Tyburn, Manor of 3, 7, 16, 19
Tyler, George 134
Tyrwhit, Robert 27
Tyson, Samuel 117
Ulfstanus, see Wulmanus
Umblethorpe, Thomas 131
Union Terrace 52
University College 17, 19
Upper Craven Place 56
Upper Field 30
Upper Thornhaugh Street, see Huntley Street
Utber, Richard 28
Vacca, Hubertus 26
Vaughan, 121
Vaughan, Charles 23
Vaughan, Edward 25
Vaughan, Elizabeth 117
Vaughan, James 121
Vazie, Robert 45
Vernatty, Sir Filibert 108
Vere, Horatio, Baron 18
Vicarage House 55
Vigors, Frederic and Nicholas 121
"Village House" 45
Vincent, Elizabeth 17
Vincent, John 17, 81
Vincent, Rose (née Carr) 17, 81
Vine, The 42, 43, 44
Vogel, Anne 69
le Vyel, William 132
Wade, Armigall 6, 7
Wakefield, John 25
de Wakefield, Henry 29
de Waldeshef, Walter 21
de Waleburn, William 20
le Waleys, Catharine 132
le Waleys, Henry 132
le Waleys, Joan (née de Basing) 132
Walker, Adelaide 68
Walker, James 42
Walker, Mary (née Stones) 68
Walker, Thomas 68
Walnut Tree Field 16
Waltham, William 26
Walton, Thomas 44
Walworth, Sir William 21
Wane, John 138
Wanstead House 34
Ward, Isaac 43
Ward, James 121
Ward, William 69
Ware, Henry 2
Ware, widow 134
de Waren, William 12
de Warley, Ingelardus 26
Warley, Jonas 27
Warminger, John 135
de Warmyngton, Richard 21
Warner, Richard 124
Warner, Robert 54, 75
Warre, Thomas 117
Warwick Lane (Fleet Street) 23
Washbourne, Mary 142
Watch House, The 52
Water Lane 52
Waters, — 48
Waterson, Edmund 106, 107
Waterson, William 106, 107, plate 63b
Watkins, Robert 135
Watson, George 25
Watson, John 24
Watson, Zouch 136
Watts, Thomas 12, 141
Wayne, William 6
Waynflete, John 26
Weavor, Thomas 142
Webb, Arthur William 39
Webb, Harriet 121
Webb, Montague William 39
Webb, William 142, 144
Webb, William Francis 39
Weber, Lewis 58
Welbeck Street 85
Welby, John 134
de Weleburn, William 20
Wellington Street 1, 9
Wells, Hester 134
de Welwick, John 2
de Wendover, Richard 2
Wertheimer, J. 123
Wesleyan Terrace 57
West, Joan 6
West, John 41
West, William 41, 42
West Hill, Highgate 10, 32, 39, 134
Westmorland, 3rd Earl of, see Nevil
Weston, Edward 57
Weston, John 60
Weston, Ralph 136
Weston, William 51
West Smithfield 31
Westwood, Humphrey 142
Wetherall, Mr. 37
Wheatfield 27, 30
Wheeler, Henry 121
Whetley, William 29
White, General Frederick 121
White, John 96, 134
White, William 51
White Hart, The 134
White Lion and Bell, The 55
Whitehall Field 11
Wiblin, Henry 42
Wiblin, John 42, 43
Wicks, John 134
Wiggan, Dr. William 27, 30, 136
Wildes, George 121
Wildman, Eliza 117
Wilford, Thomas 25
de Wicklewode, William 21
Willcon, Mr. 96 n.
Willanton, Robert 29
William, son of Radulphus 2
William, son of Robert 12
Williams, Coopers and Co. 58
Williams, Henry Thomas 46
Williams, Honoria (née Torriano) 46
Williams, James 30
Williams, Sir James 58
Williams, John 7
Williams, Mary Ann 121
Williams, Samuel 121
Willis, Ann, James and Martha 90
Willow Walk 44, 45, 136
Wilmott, Thomas 138
Wills, Thomas 69
Wilson, Mary 121
Wilson, — 11, 51
Wiltshead (Beds) 86
Windmill, The 10
Winne, Anne 104
Winstanley, John Strange 22, 121
Winterborne, Thomas 12
Wintour, Sir Charles and Lady Frances 87
Wirgman, Gabriel 35
Wither, Elizabeth (née Nicoll) 38
Wither, William 38
Withy, — 47
Wodeford, Thomas 12
Wollaston, Sir John 141
Wollaston, Thomas 17, 81
Wollaston, Philadelphia (née Vincente) 17, 80, 81, plates 38, 39
Wollaston, Philadelphia (daughter) 17
Wood, Charles 36
Wood, Jane (née Cornish) 36
Wood, Thomas 120, 121
Wood, William 48
Woode, Joan (née Cantlowe) 19
Woode, Oliver 19
Woodfall, Francis Edward Tidd 39
Woodfall, Henry 39
Woodfall, Mary 39
Woodfall, William 39
Woodfall, William Henry Junius 39
Woodgate, William 117
Woodhouse, Mrs. 10
Woodland House 43
Woodroffe, Thomas 117
Woodrule, William 117
Woodsome Road 33
Woolaston, Henry and Thomas 81
Woolaston, Sabina (née Aldrich) 81
Workhouse, the parish 52, 60
Wormley, Manor of 6
Wright, — 117
Wright, Ann 82
Wright, family of 35
Wright, John Waldron 82
Wright, John 117
Wright, Richard 142
Wright, Thomas Edward 82
Wright, William 69
Wulmanus 12
Wyatt, Elizabeth 99
Wyatt, James 56, 145
de Wykham, William 12
Wyldes, Manor of 14
Wylkes, Richard 60
Wynnif, Doctor 75, 130
Wynniffe, Thomas 143
Wynne, Hugh 13
Wynyard, Emily Elizabeth 107
Wyting, John 2
Yearwood, Randolph 124
Young, George 134
Young, John (alias Morgan) 2
York Place 55
York Road, see Maiden Lane
York Rise 40, 44
Zeleuta, Pedro 117
Zoological Gardens The 1