
Displaying 1 - 10 of 28513
An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Essex
… List of Illustrations LIST OF PLANS AND ILLUSTRATIONS. WITH TITLES AND PRINCIPAL DATES. page 1. ABBESS RODING. (1) The Church, re-built in the 14th-century: Plan 1 "" Glass, … "" Font, early 14th-century xxxii "" Monument to Earls of Sussex, 15[4]2, 1556/7 and 1583 23 "" Recess, E. wall of
An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in London
… LIST OF PLANS AND ILLUSTRATIONS. HISTORICAL GROUND-PLAN of the Church and Monastic Buildings At end of Volume. EXTERNAL … Crouchback, Earl of Lancaster, 1296 33, 35 Do. 'Weepers' on side of tomb 36 Do. Effigy 185 Monument (2) of Aymer de … Thomas Bromley, 1587, Effigy 192 Monument (6) of Frances, Countess of Sussex, 1589, Effigy 193 Monument (7) of Francis, …
An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Essex
The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640
of Minster Lovell, co. Oxford July 1637 - February 1639 The parsonage house at Minster Lovell which Henry Chaloner … Richard Cust) The notary's mark of Humphrey Jones on the depositions taken from Chaloner's witnesses in January … with contempt of court. Initial Proceedings 9/3/3c, Libel Chaloner described himself as of the City of Oxford, …
The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640
… Bath in 1610. William King's witnesses were examined at the Three Tuns Inn there in March 1638 (From, John Speed, … the rear of the Three Tuns Inn where the commissioners met on the left hand side (Reproduced by permission of the … at Whitsun in 1637. King admitted to the words in the libel, but claimed that he had spoken them after asking …
The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640
of White Hill, co. Durham, esq v Thomas Tunstall of the city of Durham, mercer February 1638 - February 1639 … and delivered by John Watson. R.19, fo. 2r, Summary of libel 'That Claxton is eldest sonne and heire of Sir John … acted as counsel for Claxton and Dr Merrick for Tunstall. On 20 October and 6 November 1638 Dr Eden, acting for …
The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640
… 1637 - December 1639 Seventeenth-century Exeter, with the castle, where Nathaniel Stephens made his submission … to be a souldier' since he had served as a lieutenant on the Cadiz and Isle de Rhé expeditions and commanded a … how to depose? If so, by whom? 6. Had the witness seen libel or articles? Who showed them to him and for what …
The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640
… 115 COGAN V REYNOLD Henry Cogan, esq v John Reynold of the Precinct of the Tower, London February - May 1636 Thethe sub-controller of the Tower Mint, alleged in his libel that between September and November 1635, within the … which words were provocative of a duel. In proceedings on 7 May 1636 Sir Thomas Aylesbury, Sir Ralph Freeman and Sir …
The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640
… Collier of Stone, co. Stafford, esq v Thomas Challoner of the same February 1639 Abstract The libel was presented on behalf of Collier in February 1638/9; but the cause and …
The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640
… vintners February - December 1640 Cheapside, showing the entry of the queen mother, Marie de Medici, into London … or knave or Rascall', in the Mitre Tavern in Cheapside on 27 December 1639. Their quarrel was rooted in conflict … the time of the pretended speaking of the words in the libel, and where and when and upon what occasion'? 4. 'Where …
Displaying 1 - 10 of 28513