
Displaying 1341 - 1350 of 1452
The Manuscripts of Rye and Hereford Corporations, etc.
… for troyth that the sayd John Browne, tynkere, was yn hys howse in the company of one John Gode the Wenysday or … annualle and sacke rent of ix s. vi d. by yere owte of an howse of mese place callid the Bothhalle in the saide cyte … the pore allmes men at tymes convenient, and that the said howse and gardene may be devided into too parts, and that …
The Manuscripts of Rye and Hereford Corporations, etc.
… kypyng of card pleyng and manteyning men servants in hys howse to pley at cards." Similar presentments respecting … the bolder and rather exhibite the same to the parliament howse, and overthrowe suche as shall blyndely obiect any … lorde presydent and the counsaill. In primis, Mr. Lusons 3 howse ys appoyntted ffor [my lorde presydent and, struck out] …
The Manuscripts of Rye and Hereford Corporations, etc.
… saieth that hee' being in companie att the dwelling howse of Richard Merrickes in the parishe of Staunton with …
The Manuscripts of Lincoln, Bury St. Edmunds etc.
… at the last viage, and white fustiane dublettes with yelow howse, and horses to ryde uppone." 1514, 12 Apr.It is agreed …
The Manuscripts of Lincoln, Bury St. Edmunds etc.
… [1544], 6 June.A previous letter from the same, "from oure howse besyde Charyng Crosse." At the request of Geo. …
The Manuscripts of Rye and Hereford Corporations, etc.
… month of November and not before, hath received into his howse for his provicion towardes the victulinge of this … seasons. "Item, we founde the 3rd day of Marche in Lenaes howse motten being kerude (cured) withe salte. Item, more we fownde that same daye in Rychard Ketes howse motten and lame. Item, we fowne at Neechell Rorsells a …
The Manuscripts of Rye and Hereford Corporations, etc.
… of our lyfes by meanes of the wether and opennes of your howse and allso would have us to put into your hands all that …
The Manuscripts of Rye and Hereford Corporations, etc.
… have with good advice taken view as well of the vicaredge howse as of the chauncell and finde them to be greatly at reparations. The vicaredge howse wanteth three newe selles one in the hall, another in … will cost at the leike 30 s. For the roofe of the said howse we cannot estemet the reparations for that the chambers …
The Manuscripts of Rye and Hereford Corporations, etc.
… his present aparance before us at her Majesty's comptinge howse, and there we doubte not but by his example other such …
The Manuscripts of Rye and Hereford Corporations, etc.
… His Majestie intendeth (as it is said) to be at St. James Howse two or three dayes before the daye appointed for his …
Displaying 1341 - 1350 of 1452