
Displaying 141 - 150 of 26962
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth, Addenda
… cannot advertise; being careful to prepare for Her Majesty's service, by conference and otherwise with divers honest … and in the bishopric, took up their horses, and prepared plate coats; and the justices were called together and … horse, all serving men, and most furnished with a coat of plate, spear, and one or two daggers; they say they look for …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth, Addenda
… the abandoning of Hartlepool, and there are only the Queen's ships now upon this coast, which we think it convenient to … We have great trouble to understand the truth of every man's offence, to punish by death, imprisonment, or fine, … of Leicester, and one of them that helped to steal his plate. He came to me at York, before the army marched thence …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth, Addenda
… Martin Sydley and five others, of the household furniture, plate, and jewels, linen, clothes, horses and harness, … of Sir Thos. Knyvett, deceased; total value, 1,034 l. 11 s. 1 d. [19 pages and two blank leaves.] May 7. York. 51. Sir … to Sir Wm. Cecil. Yesterday I received the Council's letter of 16 April, touching such as had privy seals sent …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth, Addenda
… Allan of York, should be spoiled, as they were the Bishop's own hands; and that if the Lord Keeper and Mr. Secretary … remembers that in June 1568, he had in his hands certain plate which he wished to sell; Hawes, a broker, offered to … took the latter's bond for the amount, and delivered the plate to Hawes and a young man. The money was not paid by …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth, Addenda
… assent of my Prince, wherein I fell justly in Her Majesty's displeasure, for which I was committed to this place. I was … daggers, spurs, stirrups, skins for covering coats of plate, and steel bonnets, and bonnet coverings, which I … 10 l., that he left with his wife in Liddesdale; laid some plate with Oswald Metcalf before the rebellion, but his chief …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth
… of the Yelds of Knoll," viz., the copy of the King's grant made to Walter Cook and others, and to the masters, … to Chaplain, 6 Sept., 23 Eliz., to be shown to the writer's attorney in Lichfield, viz., counterpart of the lease of … what the Queen shall give, and a survey made of goods, plate money, jewels, rents of land and wheat, friaries, free …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth
… pages.] Aug. ? 32. List of seven captains for Col. Morgan's regiment, with the number of men assigned to each, and … required for coat and conduct money, for half a month's pay of 4,000 men, for imprest for the captains and general, … her that 6,000 l. is the most he can bring over, in money, plate, and jewels. Since then she has sent over one Hanmer, a …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth
… Brook to Dud. Carleton, at the Queen of England's agent's, Rue St. Jaques, Paris. I have missed your letters. I have … city of Paris will pay for their repairs. They have some plate, and hope maintenance from the Pope, if they have no …
A New History of London
… fine. 1 Mercers. 17 Rich. II. 1393 Cheapside. 4 l. 14 s. 6 d. 2 Grocers. 18 Edw. III. 1345 Grocers-alley. 20 l. 3 … l. 4 Fishmongers. 7 Rich. II. 1384 Thames-street. 13 l. 6 s. 8 d. 5 Goldsmiths. 1 Edw. III. 1327 Foster-lane. 20 l. 6 … chandlers. 2 Edw. IV. 1463 Dowgate-hill. 15 l. 72 Tin plate workers. 22 Charles II. 1670 No hall. No livery. 78 …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… which his Majesty was pleased that your Excellency's person should hold, and showing that I was of the Chamber, … start for London, with another gentleman of Mr. Masterman's, who was responsible for our not speaking with any on the … appointed to serve me. Of meat, wine, bread, candles, plate and all such things as if I were a young prince, and …
Displaying 141 - 150 of 26962