
Displaying 161 - 170 of 2730
Calendar of Border Papers
… poor men here were undone, and rich were hindered, his tickets and credit amounting to near 1000 l., "Master" …
Calendar of Border Papers
… and household stuff, 200 marks; in bonds, bills and tickets, payable by good debtors, chiefly at Midsummer, a …
Calendar of Border Papers
… trouble, that they would lose 5 s. in the pound on the tickets, but this was refused. Many would have come up to …
A History of the County of Cambridge and the Isle of Ely
… doles of 6 d.-1 s. among church-goers, by 1870 in coal by tickets. 23 Soame Jenyns's widow Elizabeth, by will proved …
A History of the County of Berkshire
… are applied in the distribution of clothing, usually in tickets of the value of 5 s. each, divided among the … The dividends, amounting to 13 10 s. 8 d., are applied in tickets for goods of the value of 2 s. 6 d. each. In 1884 …
Survey of London
… music for the benefit of the two children, the cost of tickets being half a guinea each. By 9 April the tickets had been reduced to five shillings, and the …
A History of the County of Somerset
… toll, and receipts from hawkers of nuts, wigs, and lottery tickets were noted in 1736. 95 The town clerk was steward of …
A History of the County of Shropshire
… charity, which provided 36 widows with clothing tickets. 67 In 1975 the charities of John Pritchard and …
Dictionary of English Furniture Makers 1660-1840
… dated 19 December 1769 for 7 worth of Channon's lottery tickets. HENRIETTA ST, Covent Gdn, London (Richard Crosse, …
The Environs of London
… were proper objects; and if he found them so, to give them tickets. A curious paragraph and advertisement, taken from … Covent-Garden, over against the Rose-tavern, for their tickets. That none might lose their labour, he thought fit to …
Displaying 161 - 170 of 2730