
Displaying 1821 - 1830 of 24269
A Topographical Dictionary of Scotland
… of the parish is 4510. The plantations consist of oak, ash, elm, beech, plane, lime, and larch, for all of which the … have been made of Scotch fir, spruce, larch, oak, ash, and beech, which are, for the most part, in a … parish is 2370. Timber attains a luxuriant growth; oak, ash, fir, alder, and birch are indigenous to the soil, and …
The Environs of London
Staffordshire Historical Collections
Staffordshire Historical Collections
Staffordshire Historical Collections
Staffordshire Historical Collections
Staffordshire Historical Collections
Staffordshire Historical Collections
Staffordshire Historical Collections
Staffordshire Historical Collections
Displaying 1821 - 1830 of 24269