
Displaying 19311 - 19320 of 19386
An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Essex
The Environs of London
… of stone stepps, twentie-three stepps in assent, eight foote nine inches broad; meeting an even landing-place in the … from the height whereof a pavement of square stone nine foote broad and eightie-seaven foote long leades up to the fowerth assent, which consists of …
An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Dorset
An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Dorset
A History of the County of Somerset
A Topographical Dictionary of England
Survey of London
… and an halfe and in breadth att the East ende fortie fower foote and att the West ende Sixtie six foote bounding North vpon the Thames and South and West vpon …
A History of the County of Hampshire
A History of the County of Hampshire
A History of the County of Hampshire
Displaying 19311 - 19320 of 19386