
Displaying 26961 - 26970 of 57208
Journal of the House of Lords
… Transcript. Record. et Process. præd. inter Partes præd. de Placito præd. cum omaibus ea tangen. Prætextu cujusdam Brevis dictæ Dominæ Reginæ nunc de Error. corrigend. per præfat. Ed'r'um Bourne et Margaret. … est, quod Judicium præd. in præd. Cur. Dominæ Reginæ de Banco coram Justic. ejusdem Cur. reddit. nec non …
Journal of the House of Lords
… Ds. Custos Magni Sigilli. Comes Pembroke, Præses. Dux de Comit. Buckingham & de Normanby. Comes Denbigh. Comes Bolingbroke. Comes … Defensor, &c. Præcharissimo Marito Nostro Principi Georgio de Denmarke, Prædilectis et Fidelibus Consiliariis Nostris …
Journal of the House of Lords
… Bangor. Epus. St. Asaph. Ds. Custos Magni Sigilli. Dux de Com. Buckingham & Normanby, Custos Privati Sigilli. Dux …
Journal of the House of Lords
… & al. Nat. Upon reading the several Petitions of Daniel de Virasel, Daniel Brisac, and others; praying to be …
Journal of the House of Lords
… Bill, intituled, "An Act for naturalizing Henry Boisrond de St. Leger, Peter de la Grainge, Lewis Wadden, and others;" and to acquaint …
Journal of the House of Lords
… it. It was Resolved in the Affirmative. " Dissentient." "De Longueville. * Thanet. H. London. Tho. Roffen. Feversham. …
Journal of the House of Lords
… entire Liberty. The Book that goes under the Name of Mr. De Wit shews, the Dutch reckon that the Woollen Manufactures … Protest against it. " Dissentient. C. Ossulstone. De Longueville." Because the Printing of Bills, and the …
Journal of the House of Lords
… and others." "34. An Act for naturalizing Henry Boisroud de St. Leger, Peter de la Grainge, Lewis Wadden, and others." To these Bills the …
Journal of the House of Lords
… Hitherto examined by us, this 19th Day of May, 1702, De Longueville. Ric. Petere. E. Asaph. Jo. Chichest'. Jo. …
Journal of the House of Lords
… Ds. Godolphin, Thesaurarius. Comes Pembroke, Præses. Dux de Comit. Buckingham et Normanby, Custos Privati Sigilli. Dux …
Displaying 26961 - 26970 of 57208