
Displaying 33571 - 33580 of 33621
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… following undated documents are among the papers relating to the year 1699. [1625 ?] Draft order: reciting that it has … been the ancient custom that all letters from his Majesty to foreign princes have been written either by the principal … adjoining; it may be remitted to any place desired, with expedition. And to pay one penny in the pound from ten miles …
Physicians and Irregular Medical Practitioners in London 1550-1640
… medical physician (MD) (F of Oriel 1620-31. Physician to Viceroy in Ireland 1637) Period of medical practice 1621-1658 Place of …
Additional Material for the History of the Grey Friars, London
… Wills relating to Grey Friars, London 1374-1430 I. Extracts from Wills Relating to Grey Friars, London. The great majority of these Wills … of Ely from 1389 to 1404. Cf. Franciscan Province of Ireland (B.S.F.S. IX), p. 165. 1404. Thomas Fovent or Favent. …
Calendar of wills proved and enrolled in the Court of Husting, London
… S. Margaret, Virgin [20 July]. Leuesham (Thomas), skinner.To be buried in S. Mary's Chapel in the church of S. Michael upon Cornhull. His executors are directed to enfeoff Agnes his wife of all his tenements in the parish … a pirate who had long infested the English coast. His expedition proved completely successful, and he returned in …
Calendar of wills proved and enrolled in the Court of Husting, London
… S. Cuthbert, Bishop [20 March]. Blundell (John), "fruter."To Richard Bourton, the rector, and churchwardens of the … and others, the said tenement having been conveyed to the testator for the express purpose of this devise in … near Brackley. 4 Grandson of the former. Lieutenant of Ireland, where he was killed 1398. 5 The record of probate is …
Cardiff Records
… gentleman. dat. 28 June 1719. prob. 8 August 1719. 50 to the Vicar of St. John's, cousin Alexander Pursell, … the sum of ffifty Pounds upon Trust nevertheless and to the intent that y e Viccar of S t John's afores d for the … and under Francis Mathew of Thomas Town in the Kingdom of Ireland Esq re and commonly called and known by the name of …
Calendar of wills proved and enrolled in the Court of Husting, London
… dwelling in the parish of S. Sepulchre without Newgate.To be buried in Corpus Christi Chapel in the said parish church. To John, son of Greorge Depuppe, "inholder," the reversion, … to the mayor for the time being of the city of Cork in Ireland, the testator's native place, or to the deputy of the …
Calendar of wills proved and enrolled in the Court of Husting
… Feast of S. Barnabas [11 June]. Moton (Simon), woolmonger.To be buried in the church of S. Olave near the Tower. His … wherein he lived, situate in the said parish of S. Olave, to be sold within two years after his decease, and the … of S. Martin [11 Nov.]. Pedelowe (Richard de), Knt., of Ireland.To be buried in the Carmelite Monastery, London. To
Calendar of wills proved and enrolled in the Court of Husting
… of Conversion of S. Paul [25 Jan.]. Huphelder 1 (Henry le).To Erneburga his wife all his houses and goods in trust for sale for payment of his debts; remainder to pious uses. No date. Roll 2 (17). Bon (John le).To Johanna … tenements, together with his wards, ferms, and rents in Ireland and in England, as also his messuages and rents in …
Calendar of wills proved and enrolled in the Court of Husting, London
… will of the said James, dated 18 April, 1618, he leaves to the Masters, Wardens, and Commonalty of the Mistery of the Skynners of London and their successors, to the intent and purpose that they dispose of the issues and … Hill, and elsewhere in the realms of England and Ireland, except those already devised to his daughter, he …
Displaying 33571 - 33580 of 33621