
Displaying 34851 - 34860 of 35802
Calendar of Treasury Books
… Jekyll for 1702 Michaelmas term on his allowance as Chief Justice of Chester. Order Book V, p. 434. William Lowndes to …
Calendar of Treasury Books
Calendar of Treasury Books
… for 1703 Michaelmas term on his termly allowance as Chief Justice of Chester. Order Book VI, p. 81. Letter of direction … Duke of Devonshire for 1703 Xmas quarter's salary as Chief Justice in Eyre Trent North. Money Book XVII, p. 411. Same … William Banastre of the Middle Temple Esq. to be Chief Justice of Glamorgan, Brecon and Radnor. Ibid., p. 154. Money …
Calendar of Treasury Books
Calendar of Treasury Books
Calendar of Treasury Books
… 4 d. and they are ordered to Catalonia : therefore praying justice. Reference Book VIII, p. 207. Entry of a Treasury …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… viz. s. d. to Thomas Montgomery, one of the macers of Justice Court, to 23 Dec. 1709, being the day of his death 2 …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… assessments on the town to the said Pacey: therefore pray justice. Reference Book VIII, p. 389. Same to the [Principal] …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… to 25 Dec. 1710 99 13 1 James Erskine, of Grange, Lord Justice Clerk 100 0 0 Sir David Dalrymple, Lord Advocate 250 … Grant 2 10 0 James Montgomerie, of Langshaw, clerk to the Justice Court 25 0 0 Macers of Justiciary: James Guthrie 2 10 … 12 10 0 John Johnstown and William Smith, Keepers of the Justice Court 2 1 8 John Park, Dempster of the Justice Court …
Calendar of Treasury Books
Displaying 34851 - 34860 of 35802