
Displaying 4091 - 4100 of 4267
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Interregnum
… 2,000 men. 27. That there has been paid to Sir Hardress Waller, for one month's half-pay of a major, four captains, …
Calendar of Treasury Papers
… of the King's palace at York, first by Mr. Robt. Waller, and since by his heirs, she was deprived of her …
Calendar of Treasury Papers
… 3 pages. [? About April 3.] 24. Petition of Capt. James Waller, Lieut.-Governor of Charles' Fort and Kinsale in … Minute Book, Vol. X., p. 19, 3 April 1700, is:Cap t James Waller for 200 li a year till 2,000 li is paid him. Granted. …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Interregnum
… was assigned to his father for a large sum by dame Marg. Waller, 28 Aug. 1640, for the remainder of a 99 years' lease granted by King James in 1607 to dame Anne Waller, and with a crown rent of 500 l. a year. Four years …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Interregnum
… for soldiers under the Earl of Essex and Sir Wm. Waller, amounting to 28,000 l., or that they may deliver out …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Interregnum
… the five companies gone over to Ireland with Sir Hardress Waller, to make up the five companies an entire regiment for … of the order given concerning the recruit of Sir Hardress Waller's regiment. 9. Mr. Weare to be discharged, upon … like order be given for the five companies of Sir Hardress Waller's regiment in Ireland, to commence from the time that …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Interregnum
… Castle, and report on Monday morning. 5. Sir Wm. Waller to be remanded to Windsor Castle, and there to remain …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Interregnum
… safe custody. 7. To report to Parliament that Sir Hardress Waller should be considered, he having been sent over to …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Interregnum
… to be raised for completing the regiment of Sir Hardress Waller. 28. Col. Tomlinson's regiment of horse to move … The command of Pendennis Castle being now in Sir Hardress Waller, by commission from his Excellency, and Sir Hardress … the five new companies to be raised for Sir Hardress Waller's regiment, instead of those gone into Ireland, 300 …
Calendar of Treasury Papers
… The report states that the site is in lease to Robert Waller, Esq., or his executors, for 18 years then to come. … signatures; also a memorandum of the consent of Robert Waller to the stones being taken. 4 pages. [After June 23.] …
Displaying 4091 - 4100 of 4267