
Displaying 421 - 430 of 478
Cardiff Records
… County, at 100 s. a year. * * And in the fee of John Turbervile, Coroner of our lord the King in the County of …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… Write the Attorney General to certify the surrender by Turbervile Morgan of the office of searcher of Sandwich port, …
November 1650: An Act for raising of One hundred and twenty thousand pounds per Mensem for Four Moneths, To commence the Five and twentieth of December 1650. for Maintenance of the Forces in England, Ireland and Scotland, Raised by Authority of Parliament for the Service of this Commonwealth.
Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum
Parliament Rolls of Medieval England
A History of the County of Berkshire
A History of the County of Warwick
A History of the County of Berkshire
Displaying 421 - 430 of 478