
Displaying 4711 - 4720 of 77400
Calendar of Treasury Books
… to 25 December, 1703. Declared 12 April, 1705. Charge. l. s. d. l. s. d. Remains. Bonds. [being in Surplus 548 l. 7 s. … l., Rye ; 1,450 l., Yorks. ; 1,550 l., Bucks. ; 200 l., St. Neots ; 350 l., Thetford ; 400 l., Havering ; 332 l. 10 … in the service of her Majesty and the States General, as well those on the Establishment of the 40,000 men as of the …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… Wm. and Mary c. 1] for 5 years ended 25 December 1699. l. s. d. l. s. d. l. s. d. Cash remaining in the Exchequer 28 … abated on bonds cancelled upon Compositions or otherwise : St. Sebastian Wine bonds 2,821 10 4 Arthur Shalat's Wine … Composition money for French Wines imported from St. Sebastian : being paid as Customs before the seizure 918 …
Records relating to the Barony of Kendale
… DOCUMENTS. I, page 1. Grant by Ivo Taillebois to St. Mary's York, of half his demesne of Kirkby Stephen and half of the … of land in Levens, Farleton, Beetham, Preston Patrick, Holme, Burton in Kendal, Hincaster, Preston Richard …
An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in London
… mentioned in the Introduction are: Altars: In Henry VII's chapel are remains of the marble work of the former altar … canopy by Torrigiani. There is a mediaeval altar-slab in St. Michael's chapel and in the chapel of the pyx the altar … it probably contained a representation of the martyrdom of St. Erasmus. Other niches that deserve mention are those on …
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII
… it should not a little grieve me, considering that as well such as be my kinsmen in France, as my friends here in … times ready, and in all parties (parts), to serve the King's highness to the best of my little power, and many times to … Sept., with 60 horses. At first he was lodged in the Court St. Martin, and in the custody of 3 the duke of Lorraine, and …
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII
… fine treacle of Gean, and half a nutshellfull of unicorn's horn scraped small, and a quarter of a spoonful of fine … same hot, and so let the patient drink it, and keep him well, neither over hot nor over cold, but whole in his arms … of Gean, vinegar, spring water, and powder of unicorn's horns, timely fasting, and neither to drink nor eat to …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… Issues of the Exchequer. Money in hand. Receipts. Issues. s. d. s. d. s. d. 1553, July 6 to Easter 1554. 4,995 10 1 … Shrewsbury, assistant, touching the corpse. The banner of St. George, borne by York Herald. The Earl of Derby, … after the sermon, the Mass proceeded to the end. Item; at St. John's Gospel the banner of Arms, and the banner of St. …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… fee of Wardrobe Keeper of Windsor : blank. Lord Berkley's extraordinary 1,889 l. 12 s. 0 d. Sir Leolyn Jenkins 1,300 … securities. Lord Lindsay, 2 docquets. Sir Walter St. John, etc., for Lady Lichfield, 2 docquets. Entry Book of … of Signed Warrants, p. 31. Aug. 1. afternoon. The Earl of St. Alban's : to confirm and amend his grant. Sir Ralph Cole, …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… the Entry. Reference. ? 1667. In pursuance of your Majesty's order in Council of July 29 last declaring your resolution … what way any reduction of expense can be made, viz.: l. s. d. Queen Consort 40,000 0 0 Queen Mother 60,000 0 0 … and Stables besides extraordinaries for ambassadors at St. George's [Garter] Feast 100,000 0 0 Buildings [Works] …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… 1679. Addit. MS. ( British Museum) 17019, fo. 17. l. s. d. Navy 400,000 0 0 Army and Garrisons 182,000 0 0 Tangier … the Stud 500 0 0 Creation money 1,500 0 0 Lord Privy Seal's diet 1,400 0 0 Liberates out of the Exchequer 1,500 0 0 … registered orders of dates preceding that day, viz.: l. s. d. out of the Customs: ( anno 1679) 128,000 l.; ( anno …
Displaying 4711 - 4720 of 77400