
Displaying 681 - 690 of 7498
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry IV
… Writ of supersedeas, and order by mainprise of John Bolton, Nicholas Garnoun 'messanger,' William Prestwolde …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry IV
… Norhamptonshire to John Staverton, Henry Merston, Robert Bolton and Thomas Frampton clerks. Recognisance for 73 l. 6 …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry IV
… and Henry Lamanby of Cumberland, in favour of Hugh de Bolton vicar of Penrethe at suit of William bishop of Karliol …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry IV
… of London. William Lowe of la Pole. Tracy of Dertemouth. Bolton of la Pole. John Prynce of Chicestre. July 14. …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry IV
… to Elizabeth daughter of Sir Roger Lescrope late lord of Bolton. July 7. Westminster. To the abbot and convent of …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry IV
… imprisoned in Neugate prison upon the averment of William Bolton servant of the prior of St. John of Jerusalem in …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry IV
… Raukediche 'chaundeler,' all of London, to set free Roger Bolton of Raylegh, if taken at suit of Hugh Spaldynge of …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry IV
… of Huntingdon. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of John Bolton, John Haukyn and Nicholas Hemyngforde clerk of …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry IV
… of acknowledgment at Wyngefelde 16 March before Robert Bolton clerk, by virtue of a dedimus potestatem which is on …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry IV
… of York, John de Wyton and John de Bedale sheriffs, John Bolton, John Hewyke, Robert Hayne, John Yarum, John Raskille, …
Displaying 681 - 690 of 7498