
Displaying 71 - 80 of 123
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry III
… Willelmo Pucin et Martino Gulafre assignatis ad debita Reymundi de Burgo acquietanda [et] ad blada predictorum …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry III
… Gaillardus Columb'; Gaillardus de Solar'; Willelmus Reymundi Columb'; Petrus Cayllou; Elyas Barbe; Reymundus …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry III
… rege apud Gannok in castris vi. die Septembris. Pro uxore Reymundi de Luk'.Mandatum est W. de Haverhull', thesaurario …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry III
… vobis mandamus quod Brunum Caussac, attornatum predicti Reymundi, non impediatis quominus dicta vina prout sibi …
Parliament Rolls of Medieval England
… On behalf of Raymond le Bone of Sprowston. Ad peticionem Reymundi le Bone de Sprouston' conquerentis quod cum ipse …
Calendar of letter-books of the city of London
… to the freedom of the City. Folio 39 b. Custod' pueror' Reymundi Vawe al' dict' Munnyng orph' Civitatis. 9 Sept., 5 … when they shall come of age or marry. Custod' Alicie fil' Reymundi Vawe al' dict' Munnyng orph' Civitatis. 11 Sept., 5 …
Calendar of letter-books of the city of London
… Reymund de Burdeux; William Arnald de Villeneve, William Reymundi de Sancta Cruce, Amanenus de Villeneve, Dominicus de …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… le, 99, 154. Puchade. See Pochade. Puchestremere, William Reymundi de. See Reymundi. Pudding, Richard, 164. Puderel. See Puterel. … patent dated at, 738. , charter dated at, 740. Reimundi, Reymundi, Arnold, 55. , William, de Puchestremere, 648. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… 327, 328, 334, 337, 349, 350, 373, 383, 399. Reimundi, Reymundi, Master William, de Miro Monte, canon of Bazas, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… 22, 91, 346. , , William Reyner his son, 91. , William Reymundi. See Reimundi. Columbariis, Michael de, Avice wife … de, 346. See Role, la. Reigate. See Reygate. Reimundi, Reymundi, Remundi, Bernard, Berononi, 366. , Peter, 402. , … de. , goshawks in, 252. Reyler, Hugh 81. , William, 81. Reymundi. See Reimundi. Reyner, Reynger, Renger, Reinger, …
Displaying 71 - 80 of 123