
Displaying 8061 - 8070 of 8241
A History of the County of Essex
… bought by the second Earl Tylney during his residence in Italy. 113 He built the grotto ( c. 1762) and probably also …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… the Duke of Savoy doth not intend to command the Troops in Italy this year in person. I think it will be necessary that …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… of 20 Crowns a man for 1,700 Imperial recruits sent from Italy to Catalonia pursuant to treaty: 17,000 Crowns at 50 …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… by said Craggs for the service of the Troops in Spain and Italy as follows: viz. 205,128 1/5 Pieces of Eight payable at …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… by reason of the large drafts they have lately made for Italy and Spain. My Lords desire you will take up a sum of …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… at Geneva, for particular service relating to the war in Italy : at the rate of 58 pence English per Crown as by the … of Prince Eugene of Savoy for the service of the war in Italy. Ibid., p. 92. Same for 10,000 l. to same : out of the …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… for recruiting the Prussian Troops in Flanders and Italy. Ibid., p. 448. Same to Mr. Howe, Paymaster of Guards …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… for the English and Foreign Troops in Flanders, Savoy, Italy, Piedmont, Spain and Portugal since the year 1705, …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… and the great difficulty of procuring bills for Italy, whereby they have suffered great losses : therefore …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… of letters and packetts from and to England, Germany, Italy and other parts 197 17 0 pens, ink, wax, paper and … of letters and packetts from and to England, Germany, Italy and other parts 196 5 0 stationery ware as above 73 10 …
Displaying 8061 - 8070 of 8241