
Displaying 7951 - 7960 of 63488
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II
… he thinks that Edmonds' natural distemper was the chief and probably the only cause of his death and that the petitioner is a virtuous and industrious woman … the Earldom of Ross, the Lordship of Ardmanach &c., of the lands of Drumcudden and other lands. (The purport appears …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II
… of yesterday to his Majesty with Lord Preston's letter and your gazettes a la main, all which I return. I asked his … nor did he believe any words or heat between M. Colbert and Louvois, but he thought Lord Preston had picked it up … and Chancellor of the University thereof with all the lands &c. pertaining to the said bishopric and chancellary. [ …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II, 1683
… 1683 June 1683 June 1. Newcastle. Nicholas Fenwick, Mayor, and four others to Secretary Jenkins. Giving an account of … two persons there who go by the names of Alexander Pringle and Edward Levitson. (Printed in State Trials, Vol. IX, col. … he stood cautioner for the deceased Earl of Kincardine the lands of Tulliallan and Kincardine and other lands, for …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II
… the Weighmaster's place in London from the present officer and to admit him to the same. [ S.P. Dom., Entry Book 55, p. … Duke of Ormonde on the petition of the Provost, Fellows and Scholars of Trinity College near Dublin, which report is … his services in discovering several forfeited concealed lands in Ireland and prosecutions against him on that account …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II
… II. 349, No. 6.] March 12. Whitehall. The King to the Dean and Chapter of Windsor. Requiring them to elect and admit to the place of Chapter clerk, void by the death of … 4, p. 330.] March 12. Whitehall. The King to the Wardens and Electors of Winchester College and New College. Desiring …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II
… of the monthly assessments in the Hundreds of Broxton and Eddisbury. Desiring him to pay any arrears for the first … at war, he conceives that reasonable charges for portage and transporting money by sea and land ought to be allowed him by the express words of the …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II
… is unwilling to build them by contract for want of money, and it is not to be performed in Woolwich Yard for want of good stuff. We have the anchors, cables and sails from Chatham and doubt not, if men do but appear to-day, to get her ready …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II
… Thos. Allin to Williamson. Has taken the Mary of Ostend and 4 other Ostenders from Monsieur De la Roche, who had … no damage is done; only 3 small vessels cut their masts, and another was forced towards the Foreland. [ Ibid. No. … the petition of Mary Blagge for the King's fourth of the lands discovered bySharp, recommending it on account of her …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II
… to the young lady herself, who sends her humble service, and sends a letter for Mr. Widdrington, which she desires you … attends the King to Newmarket, to witness the foot race, and I will then wait upon you, it being only 22 miles … Blague, for his Majesty's fourth part of a discovery of lands made by Sharpe, the King retaining a gracious sense of …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II
… to Thomas Ellis for 30 l. in part payment for his coach and harness. [ S.P. Supplementary 135, No. 32.] March 18. Treasury Chamber, Whitehall. Sir Thomas Clifford and Sir John Duncombe to Auditor Phillips. Warrant to forbear … to shipping or, if sown here, it would much improve lands and either way set some thousands of poor at work. If …
Displaying 7951 - 7960 of 63488