
Displaying 71 - 80 of 916
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… of the way, and the navigation to the Indies is restored, Belgium 4 recovered, and France (which might make some … the hope of shortly restoring England, Scotland and Belgium to the obedience of the Apostolic See, and of then … the overthrow of the Queen of England and the recovery of Belgium, fearing lest he may be forestalled by death, and …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… which the whole Christian Church, and especially ours in Belgium is and ever will be sensible.Utrecht, 29 May, 1585, …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… and the Spaniards will do their utmost to thwart it. Belgium will be in some danger if a Prince of the House of …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… the States have agreed with the King of France, and that Belgium has become his country and his people. If this report … flood a fortnight ago, as he was thinking of returning to Belgium. He it was who gave me the information about plots …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… him against the Archbishop Elector. At Aix-la-Chapelle in Belgium the populace requested the magistrates to cause the …
Old and New London
… of course, previously known to the bird), generally in Belgium. The first St. Dunstan's Church"in the West," as it …
The Letters of William Freeman, London Merchant, 1678-1685
… gingham with colored warp and filling stripes, produced in Belgium; a lightweight figured cotton fabric from India; or a …
Survey of London Monograph
… to Saxony 1842, Turkey 1853, Portugal 1858, Denmark 1865, Belgium 1866 and Austria 1867. Highly competent man of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… 56. Dilwyn, Dylum [co. Hereford], 314. Dinant, Dynaunt [Belgium], 563. Dinham, Dynaunt, Dyneham, Fulk de, 563. , … Lidenham. See Leadenham. Lidham. See Lydham. Lige, Leges [Belgium], 560, 564. , Theobald, archdeacon of, canon of St. … de, 224. Malevill, William de, 714. Malines, Malynes [Belgium], 560, 561, 564, 565, 595, 691, 704. Malines, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… Arnold, 17. Dilham [co. Norfolk], 396. Dinant, Dynaunt [Belgium?], 24. Dinaunt, Dynaunt, Dinham,Dyneham,Herman de, …
Displaying 71 - 80 of 916