
Displaying 51 - 60 of 58097
11th March 1624
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… 35] For Ireland, an establishment begun there, both for church and commonwealth, which, pursued, will subsist of … navy is in good case, that Ireland is well-established in church and commonwealth and that it is hoped it will well … 1. For Ireland, such a course has been begun both for the church and commonwealth as in time it will be able to secure …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… de Aton, Thomas de Lucton, Marmeduc de Tuenge et Nicholaus Ward constituti sunt justiciarii ad assisam nove dissaisine …
The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640
… of the Chapter of the College of Arms) The parish church of St Lawrence, Sigglesthorne in the East Riding of … until 10pm. John's defence was based on deeds and church monuments dating back to Henry VI's reign which showed … describe the tombstones in the north aisle of the parish church at Sigglesthorne, which John Constable and his family …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Richard de Burun. Presentation of Peter de Wakering to the church of Audebury, in the diocese of Lincoln, in the king's … 21. Northampton. Presentation of Peter de Wakering to the church of Bocking, in the king's gift by reason of the … close to permit the said Nicholas, who is keeping in the church of Ichenton by reason of the said death, to come forth …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… the pope touching the correction of trespasses against the church of Rome and Italian clerks and others in England, … to London, but the king respecting the liberty of the church, caused him to be taken back. After many days being …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… of Nicholas de Berkele, brother of Ern' de Berkele, to the church of St. Peter, Dover, in the diocese of Canterbury, … Clerk of the king's almonry, to the vicarage of the church of Feckeham in the diocese of Worcester. Dec. 5. … words.' Presentation of William de Wymar, chaplain, to the church of Herbaudon, in the king's gift by reason of the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… return for the prior of Covintre, gone for business of his church to the court of Rome. The dean and chapter of St. … by the archdeacon and Philip, the chancellor of that church, who came with letters patent. [Feb. 4. Westminster.] … of Easter, until the king provide him with some escheat or ward. June 30. Oxford. The convent of Peterborough has …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… king's command. Presentation of Ern[ald] de Berkele to the church of Aldermannescherch in the king's gift by reason of … called God's House. Presentation of Luke Besilles to the church of Alestorp, in the diocese of Lincoln, in the king's … will restore the same as he received them to the said church of the Holy Trinity. Feb. 20. Thetford. Safe-conduct …
Displaying 51 - 60 of 58097