
Displaying 11 - 20 of 776
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… [Sir John] Ryves's bill, with amendments. Engrossetur. L. 3a. An act against receiving of any pensions from any foreign … [NICHOLAS] DUCK reports Mr. [Toby] Palavicino's bill. L. 3a. An act to enable Toby Palavicino, esq., to sell certain …
21st April 1624
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… [ MS torn] tomorrow morning at 8 of the clock. [ MS torn] 3a. An act for removing of actions out of inferior courts. …
21st February 1624
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… shall be amiss, to be [ illegible] by his free pardon. [f. 3A] Then the Lord Keeper replied, after a long conference …
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… question, Sir William Master duly elected and returned. L. 3a. An act for grant of 3 entire subsidies and of 3 fifteens …
23rd April 1624
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… Sir H[enry] Poole Presently, in the Committee Chamber. L. 3a. Hallamshire knives. The words "who, by virtue of this … per centum upon hops against the Lord Treasurer read. L. 3a. An act for establishment of 3 lectures by Mr. [Thomas] …
24th April 1624
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… read upon Monday next at 7 of the clock. [CJ 690] L. 3a. Sir Richard Lumley's bill. Upon question, passed. Monday … with amendments, which twice read. Engrossetur. L. 3a. Contentious suits against officers. Upon question, passed. 7 0 Jac. L. 3a. Naturalization. [Sir George] Abercromby, [Sir Robert] …
The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640
… Total: £33-6s-8d Taxed at 13s-4d Signed by Maltravers. 12/3a, Defendant's bill of costs [damaged] Hillary term, 1638/9: … sentence: 12/3n (no date) Defendant's bill of costs: 12/3a (Mic 1639) Plaintiff's bill of costs: 12/3e (Mic 1639) …
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… 2 [o']clock this afternoon, in the Court of Wards. L. 3a. An act that sheriffs, having a quietus est, shall be … voice, tomorrow morning, 7 [o']clock, Court of Wards. L. 3a. An act for fees in boroughs, etc. Upon much debate, …
26th April 1624
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… bill, which thirdly read and passed, upon question. L. 3a. An act against usury. MR. [ROBERT] BATEMAN doubts this … to be sent up tomorrow morning by Mr. Comptroller. L. 3a. An act against exportation of wool, woolfells, etc. Upon …
27th April 1624
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… Thursday afternoon, 2 of the clock, Court of Wards. L. 3a. [ Blank] Upon question, passed. MR. [JOHN] SELDEN reports …
Displaying 11 - 20 of 776