
Displaying 141 - 150 of 797
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry III
… milicie sue, quod erit in hac instanti [festo Sancti E]dwardi, unum palefredum, unum sumarium, vj. thorcheises, et … libras ad quas amerciatus fuit propter defaltam quam fecit cor [. . . . . . . .] in comitatu Dors'; et mandatum est …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry III
… regis, qui langwidus est, ut dicitur, eligi faciat unum cor[o]natorem, qui prestito etc. Teste ut supra. Pro … quod parcum regis de Windes' agistari faciat prout magis e[x]pedire viderit. Teste ut supra. Per regem. Mandatum est … est W. de Haverhulle, thesaurario, et E. de Westmonasterio quod septem hominibus qui nuper lesi …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Richard II
A History of the County of Warwick
… the bishop preached to the conquered canons from the text 'Cor tuum fantasias pacietur nisi ab altissimo emissa fuerit … hamor of yron al yn on. . . . Also a crosse for eche (i.e. every) day. iiii peyre cruettis of peuter. Twey super … b-204 b; Misc. Bks. (P.R.O.), Exch. L. R. vol. xxii. The E in Emanuel in this and the subsequent entry is quite …
Thoroton's History of Nottinghamshire
… and to be then above forty years old. Philip died about 3 E. 1. and left it William his son and heir. 4 5 The jury, 6 E. 1. found that Reginald de Colewyke, the grandfather of … Esc. 35 E. 3. par. 1. n. 53 Ex. General. predict. Pl. cor. Reg. Trin. 15 R. 2. ro. 20. Esc. 11 E. 1. n. 3. pat. …
A Topographical Dictionary of England
… lathe of Aylesford, W. division of Kent, 6 miles (N. by E.) from Rochester; containing 144 inhabitants. This parish, … Knighton, hundred of Wigmore, county of Hereford, 2 miles (E. S. E.) from Presteign; containing 121 inhabitants. It … The lands are intersected by the streams Dilston and Cor, which flow through the parish into the Tyne; and the …
Grey's Debates of the House of Commons
… toro. Dr Burwell.] The bond is, that he shall not marry 1 Cor. ii. Let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled again. …
A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds
… 15 s. beforehand. Seal, with legend, s. rob'ti. le. cor. . . . . . [Essex.] A. 11615. Feoffment by Lucy daughter … (named). Seal, a boar, with legend, sigill. roberti. d[e. b]orham. [Essex.] A. 11617. Release by Elysabhet, late the … Apostle, 6 Edward II. Seal cracked, with legend, s. ioh'e. fil'. h[e]nrici. l'covnt. [Cumb.] A. 11632. Feoffment by …
A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds
… Release by Emma daughter of Agnes le Be of Blacolvel', to E., prior of Esseby, of her right in that messuage in … 1 May, 7 Henry VII. [Heref.] B. 484. Covenant between E. the Dean, and the Chapter of Hereford, of the one part, …
A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds
… de la More, Miles de Morton, William de Latton, Stephen le Cor, and Walter de Fauelore of the receipt of the bodies of …
Displaying 141 - 150 of 797