
Displaying 121 - 130 of 394
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… wish to expel the English and their trade, not only from Embden but from all Germany and the Empire. These missions … Court or some other place in Germany, even Hamburg or Embden, and that the men of the Hanses should do the same. … that after leaving the Imperial Court I repaired to Embden, to William Herle, then staying there to conciliate …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… 4th peril." The revolting of Edzard, the eldest count of Embden to the King of Spain, whereby the staple for English … making a like staple for English cloth "as was of late at Embden, and heretofore at Hamburg." "A 5th inconvenience." …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… were dated June 28, "on which day Mr. Hearle came from Embden, from his embassage, and had a great chain of gold and … governor of Utrecht." The 6th, came ambassadors from Embden, to assure Mr. Hearle's negotiation. The 8th news came …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… employed in their service. And as it seems by the Earl of Embden's answer, "the complaints against him are not … minds. "Insomuch that the commissioners of the Earl of Embden arriving here alienissimo tempore, and … upon great occasion offered against our whole trade at Embden. I did never deal with such heady people as these …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… wonteth nature and so will continue until the end." "At Embden are three commissaries come from the Prince of Parma, …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… The Duke of Parma is said to have three ambassadors at Embden, probably to effect some friendship in that earldom and to gain the use of the haven, which those of Embden "are now in hand to draw nearer the town, and by a …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… realm, of the which matter there is a similar report from Embden. Draft, corrected by Cecil. Several passages …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… traffic with our nation ; who in like case find both at Embden and here more sellers of our commodities than there … they importunately endeavoured to weigh down the Earl of Embden with the Emperor's authority : at whose hands they …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… Do the same, as you think best, to Count Edzard of Embden for his good assistance in victuals and munitions, and …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… of time. The enclosed letter comes from one of the Earl of Embden's doctors, who at both times I was with the Emperor …
Displaying 121 - 130 of 394