
Displaying 401 - 410 of 448
Calendar of Treasury Books
… Commissioners of the Victualling to deliver to Sir Stephen Evance the tallies and orders for 12,329 l. 7 s. 8 d. on the … said tallies at a par one with another ; and Sir Stephen Evance having this day proposed to his Lordship to take them …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… of the men drawn out of Col. Ellyot's Regiment and Col. Evance's Regiment with the names of the Regiments to which …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… Forces paid 10,000 l. to Sir Jos. Herne and Sir Stephen Evance on or about 11 Jan. 1694-5 for credit given by them on …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… to the Stamp Commissioners of the petition of Sir Stephen Evance shewing that the office of Receiver of Stamp Duties …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… l. was paid by him to Sir Joseph Herne and Sir Stephen Evance for letters of credit given by them 1694-5 Jan. 17 for …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… l. as paid by him to Sir Joseph Herne and Sir Stephen Evance for the use of the Forces in Jamaica : the said Herne …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… by tallies on the Land Tax. 24 August 1703. Sir Stephen Evance and partners agree to remit 100,000 l. to Holland, … payable at 10 days' sight. 5 April 1704. Sir Stephen Evance, Sir Theodore Janssen and Mr. Santigni as to three … days at 10 guilders 10 stivers. 16 June 1704. Sir Stephen Evance and partners and Mr. Tourton and partners agree to …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… deserted them and trust their cash wholly with Sir Stephen Evance, which they take as a discountenance to the Bank. I … p. 70. Sept. 10. Money warrant for 3,550 l. to Sir Stephen Evance, her Majesty's jeweller, for jewels supplied as …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… upon payment into the Exchequer of 2200 l. by Sir Stephen Evance and 200 l. by John England gent under their fidelity … 5 d. which leaves his debt 4960 l. 15 s. 7 d. Sir Stephen Evance has no money of Nutin's in his hands but admits a debt …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… War. My Lord Treasurer is informed that the Regiments of Evance, Newton and Pocock are soon expected at Dover and that …
Displaying 401 - 410 of 448