
Displaying 91 - 100 of 418
A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds
… and if they should lose the same by judgment of the King's Court, he undertakes to give them an exchange of the same … Given by the hand of Master Richard de Mariscis, the King's chancellor, at Warham, 21 August, 17 John. Copy. Endorsed: … to William de Hull, chaplain of Isabella, the King's daughter, for her use, by virtue of the king's privy seal …
A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds
… co. Essex, and of a messuage with land, wood, 18 s. of rent and pasture for a hundred sheep, in Istelworthe, … Grauncortes, co. Essex, and of a messuage, land, wood, 18 s. of rent with pasture for a hundred sheep in Istelworth, … meadow called 'Robbecroft.' Hayen, St. Leonard the abbot's day, A.D. 1318. Seal. [Linc.] B. 3878. Appointment by …
A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds
… with remainder, in default of issue, to the said Peter's right heirs. 26 October, 2 Henry IV. Wilts. D. 1303. … lately had of the grant of John Holte, late of the king's Exchequer. Last day of February, 10 Henry VIII. Signed. … 'Copston Felde,' doing suit twice a year, at the abbot's court of Wolvey. 14 May, 10 Henry VIII. N'hamp. D. 1311. …
The Environs of London
… who held it by grand serjeanty as caterer of the King's kitchen 3. It was soon afterwards vested in the … known since by the name of Eastham Burnels 9. The Bishop's great-nephew Edward Lord Burnel died seised of it in 1316 … to John de Handlo. Sir Nicholas Handlo, brother to Maud's husband, enjoyed this estate (by virtue of an entail) after …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan
… May 3. The Hague. 660. Carleton to Sec. Naunton. Barnevelt's execution, with the vacation of the fair, have delayed the … them." Account of a riot among the carpenters of the King's yard at Deptford and the Company's yards, 200 or 300 of them violently taking and carrying …
Calendar of State Papers, Scotland
… to Somerset. [ Aug. 2. 1548.] I have received your grace's letter touching the Earl Bothwell. Your grace wills me to … him to Alnwick, and ordered the posts to delay his servant's coming from your grace. And meantime till I hear from your … our army coming. I enclose a copy of the Master of Reven's letter to me. The herald I sent to Monsieur Dess to finish …
Calendar of State Papers, Scotland
… sicknes,"but rather that ye may speak and remind my lord's grace of things. I have written to his grace a long letter, … the Captain of Haddington, and if he agree to the Captain's letters, then I tell you he shall be much troubled daily … I intend to make you a book of devices for the King's service herethere must be an alteration of officers, and to …
Calendar of State Papers, Ireland
… service is much hindered. Therefore finding Her Majesty's charge exceeding great I have drawn a brief estimate … than one road or incursion to be made into the enemy's country, the Blackwater and Armagh fortified, and at winter … to supply the want of others, and ease Her Majesty's charge until spring. And so craving pardon for my …
Calendar of State Papers, Ireland
… [Stayed by the East wind till May 24, see Sir R. Lane's letter, p. 521, No. 42.], Autog. pp. 2. April. 2. Dublin … Some breach between Tirone and O'Donnell about Tirone's daughter. Newcomen cannot leave the victualling causes to … Dunsany. Mr. John Barnewall has not yet perfected Blakney's father's lease of Dunsany. Urges his Lordship to interfere …
Calendar of State Papers, Scotland
… their entry, as they are all named expressly in the Queen's passport, we see no other way but that the lords of Scotland prohibit all known captains (unless De Randan's household servants) to enter Scotland during this siege: or … they will put that and their own lives too in the Queen's hands, having sent to me by him a passport for them to …
Displaying 91 - 100 of 418