
Displaying 41 - 50 of 136
Calendar of Close Rolls, Richard II
… chaplain. To the said Angelus for 100 s. payable to John Ideshale. To the said Angelus for 100 s. payable to John …
Calendar of letter-books of the city of London
… last mentioned being committed to the custody of John de Ideshale, saddler. Sureties for the said Robert, viz., Thomas …
Calendar of letter-books of the city of London
… John de Neubury, William de Wandesworth, Nicholas de Ideshale, beadle. Portsokyn : Thomas Copyn, "bocher," Simon …
An Essay towards a Topographical History of the County of Norfolk
… by the Bishop of Ely. Bernard de la Bret. 1310, Richard de Ideshale, presented by the King; the temporalities of the see …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… of. See Salopia, Thomas de. , , marshal of. See Ideshale, William de. , , new regulations as to, 103. , , … See Itchington. Iddesleigh, Edulvesly, co. Devon, 255. Ideshale, William de, marshal of the Exchequer, Dublin, 136. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
General Index - I
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward III
… Worthy. Iden, Idenne, co. Sussex, 105, 163, 290, 377. Ideshale. See Shiffnall. Idesworth, Master Henry de, …
General Index - I
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward III
… Iden, co. Sussex, 332, 517, 556. , the bailiff of, 517. Ideshale [co. Salop], 215, 274, 468. See Shiffnal. Idesworth, …
General Index - S
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward III
… co. Leicester. See Seal. Sheyne, Hugh de, 370. Shiffnal, Ideshale, co. Salop, 98, 188, 238, 554. Shillingford, co. …
Displaying 41 - 50 of 136