
Displaying 51 - 60 of 469
Calendar of Treasury books
… Regiment of Horse (General Henry Lumley and Lord Viscount Irwin); Officers etc. and 360 private men; same time …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… Town-Major from 23 Dec. 1710 to 23 June 1711 45 10 0 Henry Irwin and Hugh Montgomery as Town Adjutant successively 24 …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… 182 10 0 Capt. Edward Bucknall, Town Major 91 5 0 Henry Irwin, Town Adjutant 54 15 0 William Morice, Paymaster of the …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… Britain, as of the Royal Bounty, 60 l.; Col. Alexander Irwin, for expenses in going express to Gravesend, 50 l.; … Kitson, a Lieut. Colonel's widow, at 40 l. per an. 53 6 8 Irwin's Regiment, late Hamilton's: Frances Ayliffe, a …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… for 121 days ending 23 April 1709 18 3 0 Major Henry Irwin, Adjutant, for eight months to 23 Dec. 1709 36 12 0 …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… of the Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards; the Lord Irwin for the like, 96 private men to form two additional …
An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in the City of Cambridge
… (16) of Elizabeth (Smythe), widow of William Arthur Irwin, 1834, black and white marble wall-tablet with casket, …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… for ever if he will loose the reins and let slip against Irwin of the Boneshaw, than whom there is not a falser Scot, …
Calendar of State Papers, Scotland
… Striveling, Perth, Dundie, St. Andrews, Abirdene, Irwin, Linlytqw, Hadingtoun, Elgin, Invernes, and Banff. …
Calendar of State Papers, Scotland
… sermon, and departing the town the same night, he went to Irwin. Edinburgh. Postscript.There are certain lasts of …
Displaying 51 - 60 of 469