
Displaying 111 - 120 of 7960
The History and Topographical Survey of the County of Kent
… 20th Feb. 1772, and which is to be seen in vol. iii. p. 125, of the Archalogia, doubted, as is apparent from a … servants. 5d. for a gallon of red wine and claret at John Goldsmith's, with Mr. Mayor and his brethren, at the … lords of the council, the clerk of the " council and I; I informed my lord's grace of the demea" nour of John Cok, …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth, 1601-3
… first of these commissions is printed by Rymer, Vol. IX. p. 611, and bears date 5 May 1561.] May 8. 11. Remembrance … CXCVI., ff. 8993. Copy. Printed in Hakluyt's Voyages, Vol. I. pp. 382384.] May 10. London. 12. Fr. Goldsmith to Sir Nicholas Throckmorton, ambassador in France. …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth, 1601-3
… Finding you are in Spain, where my brother is ambassador, I take the opportunity to renew my old suit for a power of … still living, for the accounts detained from me, whereby I have been forced to spend 300 l. more than I needed. You … Henry Searle, alderman of Cambridge, and Thos. Bowes, goldsmith of London, and Cecily his wife, sole executrix of …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth, 1601-3
… uncompounded, we wish to provide for defence of the realm. I therefore appoint you to be Commissioners for Musters in … peace with them. [ Dom. Eliz., Vol. XCIII., No. 18, p. 19.] Jan. ? Articles to be delivered to the Lord … be sent out with speed. [ Dom. Eliz., Vol. XCIII., No. 18, p. 47.] …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth
… 1622 Aug. 6. 87. Report of Sol.-Gen. Heath to Council. I have perused the decree made in Guernsey, on behalf of the … had not proved their usage of common in that place. As I find that they are not clear on either side, I think a commission should be awarded to ascertain whether …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth
… London. 25. John Ernyte to Sir Rich. Carnsew. Law affairs. I cannot compound for your knights' fees at less than 43 l. … is lest he may have to pay former sheriffs' charges. I have made out new schedules, leaving out these charges, … gold foliat; Sir James Spence, Archibald Primrose, Henry Goldsmith, of Gray's Inn, and Robt. More, for not serving as …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth
… that they be duly observed. [2 pages.] Annexing, 15. i. Canons for the isle of Jersey, regulating the sovereignty … Bishops of London and Winchester, and confirmed by James I., 30 June 1623. Canon 14. None, either dean or minister, … It is requested that His Majesty's disgrosser may not be a goldsmith, nor a buyer and seller of gold. [1 page.] …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth
… satisfied. [ page.] 108. Note from the King (?) to Lord . I refer to you a certain petition, wishing you to do all … Sir Roger Ashton in 1610. [ Scrap.] 109. Jo. Amadas to . I am out of purse 50 s. about Foote's execution, and hope you … 40 marks; two chief secretaries, 100 l.; goldsmith, 40 l.; keeper of the jewels, 50 l.; clerk of the …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth, Addenda
… 25. John Aster, Dean of Guernsey, to Sec. Sir Wm. Cecil. I would give my experience of Guernsey and the adjacent … the present justiciars may better regard their trust. I have long been in service, and tasted bitter smart in … Roger Shaster, at Newcastle, apprentice to Thos. Bowes, goldsmith of London, aged 20; Rob. Highgate, of Oxfordshire, …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth, Addenda
… Feb. 1. York. 64. Sir Thomas Gargrave to [Sir Wm. Cecil]. I herewith send you a note of the lands and goods of the … Gate and the Marshal of Berwick, because Gate is at York. P.S.Pray send the enclosed to my wife. [2 pages.] Feb. 4. … 21 Feb. 1570. Feb. 24. London. 109. Thomas Gardener, goldsmith, to the Earl of Leicester and See. [Cecil]. Certain …
Displaying 111 - 120 of 7960