
Displaying 71 - 80 of 95
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII
… wife of Sir John, 82 (pp. 38, 41):g. 833 (43). - (Petche, Peche, Pecche, Pecchy, Peyche, Peechee, Pechi), Sir … Th., 2305 i. - (Pestar), Wm., purser, 3148:pp. 15001. Petche. See Peachy. Peter the almoner, of Katharine of …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry VI
… Pebmarsh, Pebermers, co. Essex, 249. Pecche, Peche, Petche, Gilbert, 250. -, John, 486. -, -, knight, 333, 400, … co. Sussex. See Peasmarsh. Pesshalle. See Peshale. Petche. See Pecche. Peter, Henry son of, 309. Peterborough, …
Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 19, Henry IV
… Wylyngton, 40s. Whitacre, 1/4 fee held by the heir of John Petche, £3. Elmdon, 1/2 fee held by the same, 100s. …
Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 3, Henry VII
… and messuages &c., by the name of the manor of Cowley Petche and 10 messuages, 100 a. land, 20 a. meadow and 6 a. … son of the said Elizabeth. MIDDLESEX. Manor of Cowley Petche and 2 messuages, 11 a. land, 4 a. meadow and 2 a. wood …
Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII
… not appraised. C. Series II. Vol. 5. (23.) 482 WILLIAM PETCHE, knt. Writ. 14 April, 3 Hen. VII; inq. 24 July, 4 Hen. …
Abstracts of Inquisitiones Post Mortem for the City of London
… clear, 20. Inq. p. m., 3 Henry VII, No. 4. Sir William Petche, Knight. Inquisition taken at London, 1 October, 5 …
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII
… number of soldiers under him and the same fees as John Petche or Sir Nich. Carewe or any other held in that office, …
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII
… Ric. Bower of the same, Hen. Stephenson of the same, Eliz. Petche, widow, Ric. Browne, Wm. Symson, Thos. Pope and Thos. …
Lincoln Wills
… Tetney xij d. To the highe ways of Tetney xij d. To Thomas Petche. To Isabell Taler, and to ether of her chylder. To … supervisor as they thynke best. I make Thomas [ folio 361] Petche my sole executor; and m r Guy Came my supervisor, and …
Displaying 71 - 80 of 95